Based on Merriam-Webster's Collegiate® Dictionary
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poorly adjusted; failing to cope with the demands of a normal social environment

managed economy
a state managed socialist economy, seen as the first step toward attaining communism, where production and distribution are planned by and/or managed by the state with a plethora (many) of rules in order to maintain state control through subjugation; many ruling communists/socialists believe: 'doesn't matter who owns it, if we control it'. Owning without controlling means one has been dispossessed of his property. Communist measures have included seizing production of say grain, for one example, or nationalization (stealing in the name of government), and manipulation of distribution prices, and imposition of penalties for the benefit of selected concerns; compare 'free market economy'

mandate, mandated, mandating, mandates, mandator
an authoritative command or instruction; a command or an authorization given by a political electorate to its representative
Law..an order issued by a superior court or an official to a lower court; a contract by which one party agrees to perform services for another without payment; to assign (a colony or territory) to a specified nation under a mandate; to make mandatory, as by law; decree or require (mandated desegregation of public schools)

mandatory, mandatary, mandataries
required or commanded by authority; obligatory (attendance at the meeting is mandatory); of, having the nature of, or containing a mandate; a person or nation receiving a mandate

megalomania, megalomaniac, megalomaniacal
where power, control, wealth ideas predominate; a condition (psychopathological) of delusional obsession with grandiose actions or extravagance

extremely careful about details; precise; extremely concerned with details
meticulosity.or.meticulousness, meticulously
careful, painstaking, scrupulous, fastidious, punctilious

misnomer, misnomered
a name wrongly or unsuitably applied to a person or an object; an error in naming a person or place; application of a wrong name

modus operandi, modi operandi
a method of operating or functioning; a person's manner of working

monopoly, monopolies, monopolism, monopolist, monopolistic, monopolistically
exclusive control by one group of the means of producing or selling a commodity or service; exclusive possession or control (arrogantly claims to have a monopoly on the truth); something that is exclusively possessed or controlled (showed that scientific achievement is not a male monopoly)

monopolize, monopolized, monopolizing, monopolizes, monopolization, monopolizer
to acquire or maintain a monopoly of; to dominate by excluding others (monopolized the conversation)
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