"Lillian Lawson,
Dallas TX, had her lower intestine and bowel ripped out when the abortionist
went through the back of her uterus.
"Kathleen Maki, Minneapolis,
Minnesota, suffered permanent numbness in her hands and feet from the abortionist
having four staff members hold her down on the table with excessive force
during her abortion after Kathleen had changed her mind and requested that
the abortion not be performed.
"Robin Simmons, Hendersonville
TN, had to have surgery due to an infection that had occurred from an abortion
that had been performed previously at a clinic, due to the fact that body
parts of her 15 week old baby were left inside of her, began to decay and
cause her extreme pain. Had the body parts not been surgically removed,
the infection would have killed her.
"Julie Surland, 19, had hemorrhaged
so severely during her abortion that she bled half the total blood volume
of her body. She is now sterile and is heartbroken that she can never have
another child.
"In the book, Aborted
Women, Silent No More, David Reardon interviewed women who had obtained
legal abortions. His survey revealed that: 47% of all abortions result
in some type of physical complication; 6% have resulted in total hysterectomies;.6%
reported cervical cancer; 8% had blocked fallopian tubes; 9% had infections,
8% had cervical incompetence; 15% had post operative hemorrhage; 22% miscarried
a later wanted child.(some
reported more than one complication).
"Juries are now awarding
millions of dollars in abortion settlements to these women and to the many
others with similar circumstances, as well as the families of women who've
died from 'SAFE' and legal abortions, as the abortionists' greed and total
disregard for women's health and welfare are finally being exposed.
"There are currently.(at
that time).21
cases pending in the state of Florida. Charlie Wysong, President of the
American Rights Coalition, says, "We believe that those who have injured
these women should be sued for malpractice. Abortion may be legal, but
malpractice is not."
"If you would like to receive
Injury Report.newsletter,
which is periodically published as time permits, call: 1.800.634-2224
"The abortionist is legally
responsible for your injuries and the American Rights Coalition can help
you obtain the compensation you deserve. It is time to expose the myth,
24:11,12 "If you forbear to deliver them that are drawn unto death
and those that are ready to be slain if you say, Behold, we knew it not,
does not he that ponder the heart
consider it? And he that keeps your soul, does not he know it? And
shall not he render to every man according to his works.(original
is 'return man work' or, 'take effort to be different' and what effort
might this be, if not the automatic universal law of 'you reap
what you sow')?"
Another rendering from the
original has it:."Rescue
those that are unjustly led away to slaughter, don't stand back and let
them die, don't try to disclaim responsibility by saying you didn't know
about it, for God who knows all hearts, knows yours and he wants you to
be different."