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...in the Old Testament
...in the New Testament
Tabernacle.(built to show God's closeness to humanity)
Tabernacle.(David built a building to honor God)
Tabernacles.(Feast of Tabernacles, one of the ancient festival holy days of 
  the Mosaic Law in the Old Testament)
Table of elements.(periodic table of elements)
Tables/tablets of stone.(upon which the ancient old covernant was written, were orbs of light? Two times Moses had to go get the tablets, why?)
Tacit approval.(choosing negatives without even knowing we have done so)
Tagore, Sir Rabindranath
Taj Mahal.(a good East Indian restaurant in Calgary)
Take no thought for ...
Takers and givers
Takes nothing good away
Taking, The by David Rogers Webb.(book is The Taking. About him moving through corruption all around him, right up to today)
Taking thought for things?
Taking vengeance?
Talent, abilities and skills
Talent.(weight of)
Talking.(conversation & watching what you say)
Talmud.(satanic book used by the cabal)
Tamar.(a good and beautiful woman)
Tammuz.(an ancient god of the pagans)
Tanis.(also called Zoan; ancient city in Egypt)
Taoism and other eastern religions
Tarsus.(where Paul was born)
Tarshish.(a Phoenician colony in the south of Spain)
Tartars/Tartaria.(or Tatars and Tataria)
Tattersall, Ian.(an encouraging scientific view re subject of evolution)
Taught by Christ in you?.(taught by Holy Spirit?)
Teaching.(teachers; see also 'schools'; see also pastors)
Teaching.(who taught the early ancients?)
...ancient technologies
...spiritual technologies
...technologies of the invisible
...Technology Highlights
Team.(did you know you have a winning team that never loses?)
Tears no more
Ted Gunderson.(retired FBI agent talks about who's taking the children)
Teenagers and boredom
Tehaphnehes.(a city in ancient Egypt)
Teilhard de Chardin, Pierrre
Telegram app, get only from this URL.https://telegram.org
...what's a URL?
...Telegram selected listings that are helpful
Tellinger, Michael.(what was found out about life on Earth before man)
Telomeres.(reverse aging by lengthening your telomeres or wait for the med beds to do it)
Teman.(ancient city)
Temple.(in the Old Testament the Creator communicated with the ancient people by means of a physical temple; same today, but where today is that temple?)
Tempts.(God tempts?)
Ten commandments?
...God had to write them again on stone tablets because Moses with his anger issue, broke the first set of them
Ten toes
Tenets of evolution:
...descent with modification
...human evolution
...natural selection
...pace and direction
...random mutations
...species change over time
...survival of the fittest
Tenses of Greek
Tentmaker.(how the apostle Paul supported himself)
Teraphim.(ancient images)
Termites.(eat wood)
Terror of God?.(being in terror of God)
Terrorists/terrorism.(coercion re a vaccine is domestic terrorism; also see Nuremberg Code)
Tesla, Nikola.(20th century genius; his work suppressed; movies about him)
...Tesla on the 3,6,9
Testimony.(that was placed into the ancient ark of the covenant)
Testing/proving.(God, others)
Tetanus.(a disease)
Tetelestai.(original for "It is finished" in John 19:30)
Tetragrammaton.(describes the name of God with 4 alphabetical letters)
Texas.(is it really the republic of Texas or the state of Texas?)
Text messaging.(dangerous while driving)
Textus Receptus
Thalidomide.(like vaccines and fluoride, they told the public it was safe)
Thankful.(Thanksgiving Day, giving thanks, saying grace, blessing the meal, blessing the food; being thankful for everything and then God works it all out) 
Thanks!.(for help with the site)
That day.(what is 'that day' appearing so many times in the scriptures?)
The Chosen.(movie on the life of Christ)
The DaVinci Code.movie.(question on)
The Grand Self movie
The Green Mile.(movie)
The Secret Covenant.(book)
Theater, also spelt theatre.(quality Home Theatre)
Thebes.(important city of ancient Egypt)
Theft.(thievery) (why people steal)
Theomatics.(God & mathematics)
Theories:.(a theory must have...)
...big bang
...heterotic string
...naturalism.(philosophical naturalism)
...quantum chromodynamics theory
...quantum mechanics
...steady state
...unified field.(theory of everything)
Thermography/thermograms.(safe as compared to dangerous mammograms) 
Thich Nhat Hanh.(quote of this Vietnamese Buddhist monk)
Thief.(Christ comes as)
Thiesen, Brian.(solid information on Smart Meter dangers and the con)
Thimerosal.(mercury in vaccines is very harmful)
Think about these
Thinker.(we think, but what's between the thoughts? not nothing; no such thing as nothing, so from where comes energy frequencies, emotions; many things can spur thought, but where are thoughts manufactured, how does the interpretation of thought work, how does decision work in choices we make, the idea maker, the intention decider)
Think.(what you think is how life becomes for you)
Thinking.(what is it?)
Thinking.(creative witticisms of smart people)
Thinking logically
Thinking that one is unrighteous
Third eye.(the pineal gland)
Thirty fold, etc.
Thirty pieces of silver
This is good.(the This Is Good story; how you should always look at things)
Thomas.(one of the original 12 disciples)
Thomas, Browne, Sir
Thomas Edison
Thomas Jefferson.(what he did; a quote)
Thomas Paine
Thor, Commander Valiant.(why he & his family of light beings are here)
...on vaccines
Thoreau, Henry David.(American writer criticizing social policies)
"Thought it not robbery ..."
...careful what you think
...emotions follow
...established how?
...God's, toward us
...how come?.(the thinker)
...motivators.(avoiding wrong ones)
...no distance in
...what is?
...where they come from
Thousand.(five of you shall chase a hundred. etc:.Leviticus 26:8)
Thousands.(word 'thousands' often figurative)
Three heavens
Three high ranking angels
Three nations.(tops in serving and helping others in the new world)
Three strokes against us
Three times.(necessary to get an answer to prayer, 1, 2)
Threescore and ten
Thumb.(life for many is like going through it with a sore thumb)
Thumb.(story of the African king who lost a thumb)
Thummin & Urim.(ancient guidance system)
Thurber, James.(writer of humor)
Thyine wood
Thyroid and soy products.(see also on soy)
Thyroid information