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C r e a t i o n  I n d e x

C r e a t i o n
p a g e  2 2

Typical of such.idiotic.jargon.regarding the flying squirrel:."It was a simple evolutionary step to change a leap into a glide by developing a web of skin between the body and legs." ...Encyclopedia of Mammals, 1998, Academic Press, San Diego, California, page 29. Yeah, right! And it's just as 'simple' to change Evil Kneivel's canyon leaping motorcycle into a glider plane. Get real! There are more fairy stories out there with reference to the flimsy theory of evolution than one can shake a stick at! Are those who write this stuff really that stupid or are they influenced, intimidated and paid by those wanting to dumb down people?

Complexity theory.proposes that many features of living systems are the result of self-organization and not natural selection, that is, a large number of interacting components spontaneously organized themselves into ordered patterns. The complexity of a system is shown in the tasks it does.."Complexity theory and symbiosis are alternatives to Darwinian gradualism, but do not explain the fundamental biochemical machines of life."....Michael Behe. Behind the 'self-organization' is the master mind of mathematical design.

Evolution theory fails to convincingly.take into account an organism's programmed changes over time, such as...

Molecular.(existing between molecules).biochemistry.(the branch of chemistry that deals with plants and animals and their life processes).and biophysics.(the branch of physics that deals with living matter).are what has been used in attempting to determine a plausible answer to the age old question, how did life come to be as it is today?

The creation was finished but its maintenance is ongoing:.Hebrews 4:3 "...the works were finished from the foundation of the world."

Even your body renews all its cells every two years and begins immediately to again create any damaged and/or missing cells when you have cut yourself. On the Creator's side, all tends toward life. Well then, how come the same wrinkles and scars? Matter is not prevented from emerging.from nothing.

Darwin, controverting the law of entropy, saw creation as an ongoing process distributed over eons of time in the past and into the future, producing new species.

Through metabolism the body breaks up and breaks down substances through chemical processes. Using X-ray crystallography and nuclear magnetic resonance, biochemists are able to determine the underlying processes that form and maintain life.

Biochemistry reveals the staggeringly complicated processes required to produce vision..Here Darwin was correct. To understand a function, it is necessary to understand every step in the process. Automotive engineers would agree with that. They don't design functions such as brakes and not understand every step in the process. Computer engineers and astrophysicists too! So do mathematical, nuclear, rocket and other professional scientists who believe in using numbers and quantities to support their explanations, as opposed to verbalists having a preference for story telling. One becomes mathematically provable; the other conceptualism.

Steve Kauffman of the Santa Fe Institute sums it up:."In order to function at all, a metabolism must minimally be a connected series of catalyzed.transformations leading from food to needed products. Conversely, however, without the connected web to maintain the flow of energy and products, how could there have been a living entity to evolve connected metabolic pathways?" Kauffman's mathematical analysis in his.The Origins of Order, 1993 Oxford University Press, New York, argues that the origins of life, metabolism, genetic programs and body plans, are all beyond Darwinian explanations.

Symbiosis theory can't explain the ultimate origins of complex systems. Symbiosis is the joining of two separate cells, or two separate systems, both of which are already functioning. 

Big Bang theory:.No theory can explain why the multiverse is such that a big bang even occurred; could it  have? The known laws of physics obviate the idea of it. Why would creation start from some kind of a destruction? It makes no sense that a good God would use destruction to produce good and beauty. Go and blow up an old car in a junk yard in hopes of producing, say, a razor that shaves off hair. Keep blowing the junk up and see if you get anything of utility and design.

Evolution used as commonly taught, being an explanation for the origin of the organisms of life, has many flaws. But, it should be taught because something can be learned from its idiocy.

Any scientist espousing the Big Bang Theory obviously fails to comprehend both the importance of water and the astounding complexity of mechanical design exhibited by quarks; not to mention the complexities involved in trying to reconcile the Inflation theory, the enigma of dark matter and these imponderables, such as consciousness, memory, feelings, emotions, laughter, waves becoming particles, etc.

What are called quarks, gravitons, etc. are all just different vibrations of the unified field.

The multiverse is infinite in what we can see and seemingly infinite on the small scale too.(quantum), with another new subatomic particle having been discovered in Illinois's Fermilab atom smasher. Fermilab's Tevatron will soon produce 16 billion times a billion anti electrons a year. They have now created new, what we call, particles.(news.nationalgeographic.com). But, humanity has also been doing that for ages with the mind God gave us. What about that?

According to the current expansion rate and the mass density, the Universe is believed to be about twelve billion years old, but it's only old according to how we measure time in things. These measurements could be off if what we assume to be constants were varying, for example, the red shifts.

Evolutionists have said that the discovery of radiation left over from the fireball of creation has confirmed the Big Bang origin.

If the Earth was formed by the BB and again, it may have been, why is there no place on the Earth, or within the Earth, where a collection of a sample would elict the composition of the entire planet?

If an explosion occurred, wherewith gravity, making.the Sun a sucker.(the Poynting-Robertson Effect)? So many questions and there will always be:.Ecclesiastes 3:11 "...he has set the world in their heart, so that no man can find out the work that God makes from the beginning to the end."

Furthermore, dark matter.differs from.anything.here, us and the Earth and all on it and all in the physical universe. Dark matter is the commonest stuff in the Universe.(word 'universe' means 'whole', one verse, one symphony). If the BB was true and if dark matter came from it, how then come us? We humans are made of other unusual stuff. 

Another conundrum: There is at least 10 times more helium in the Universe than could have been made in the stars.

Theoretical physicist John Polkington, one of the key players in proving the quark structure of matter, now serves Creator-God as a minister. He states in his book.In An Age Of Science."...science and theology are intellectual cousins pursuing parallel inquiries."....World and I, July, 2000.
