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permeate, permeated, permeating, permeates.verbs
transitive verb use.to pass into and affect every part of; penetrate and spread through; to spread or flow throughout; pervade (our thinking is permeated by our historical myths); to pass through the openings or interstices of (liquid permeating a membrane)
intransitive verb use.to spread through or penetrate something
permeative, permeable.adjectives
that can be permeated or penetrated, especially by liquids or gases (permeable membranes; rock that is permeable by water)
permeant-or permeative.adjective

pervade, pervades, pervading, pervaded.transitive verbs
to spread or to be diffused throughout; to be abundant or prevalent throughout

having the quality or tendency to pervade or permeate (the pervasive odor of garlic); to pervade

the biological study of the functions of living organisms and their parts; all the functions of a living organism or any of its parts

characteristic of or promoting normal or healthy functioning
of or relating to physiology; being in accord with or characteristic of the normal functioning of a living organism

forerunner; that which precedes and indicates, suggests or announces something; an individual or thing that goes before (complex precursors in cells; precursor engineering) predecessor
preceding or preliminary; introductory (a precursory statement); suggesting or indicating something which is to follow

a statement or assertion that serves as a basis for an argument;
a proposition upon which an argument is based or from which a conclusion is drawn; one of the propositions in a deductive argument; either the major or the minor proposition of a syllogism, from which a twisted conclusion is drawn
premises.proper noun
land and the buildings on it; a building or part of a building
premise, premised, premising, premises.verbs
transitive verb use.to state.in advance as an introduction or explanation; to state or assume as a proposition in an argument intransitive verb use.to make a premise
Word history: Why do we call a single building the premises? To answer this question, we must go back to the Middle Ages. But first, let it be noted that premises comes from the past participle 'praemissa', which is both a feminine singular and a neuter plural form of the Latin verb 'praemittere' meaning 'to send in advance', to 'utter by way of preface', meaning to 'place in front, prefix'. In Medieval Latin the feminine form 'praemissa' was used as a term in logic, for which we still use the term 'premise' descended from the Medieval Latin word, first recorded in a work composed before 1380. Medieval Latin 'praemissa' in the plural meant 'things mentioned before' and was used in legal documents, almost always in the plural, a use that was followed in Old French and Middle English, both of which borrowed the word from Latin. A more specific legal sense in Middle English 'that property, collectively, which is specified in the beginning of a legal document and which is conveyed, as by grant', was also always in the plural in Middle English and later Modern English. And so it remained when this sense was extended to mean 'a house or building with its grounds or appurtenances' a usage first recorded before 1730.

large; enormous; huge; monstrous
prodigiousness.noun.(normally used without being pluralized)

generally considered or deemed; reputed; supposed

something that exists only in the mind
phantasm.noun,.plural.phantasms.also called phantasma
something.apparently seen but having no physical.reality; a phantom or an apparition; an illusory.mental.image
means very strange, like something in a dream; surrealistic
an exhibition or display of optical effects and illusions; a constantly.shifting.complex.succession of things seen or imagined; a scene that constantly changes; a bizarre or fantastic.combination, collection or assemblage; a sequence of associative.imagery

a sequence of a few words conveying a single thought
Grammar:.two or more words in sequence that form a syntactic unit that is less than a complete sentence, such as 'in the morning', 'ate the apple', 'change the oil'
phrase, phrased, phrasing, phrases.verbs
transitive verb use.to express orally or in writing (the speaker phrased several opinions, the phrases of which were easy to remember); in music, to divide a passage into phrases; to combine notes in a phrase
rephrase, rephrased, rephrasing, rephrases.transitive verbs
to phrase again, especially to state in a new, clearer or different way
intransitive verb use.to make or render phrases, as in reading aloud; in music, to perform a passage with the correct phrasing
phrasal verb.noun,.plural.phrasal verbs
speaking about what the description 'phrasal verb' itself means, a noun, that is, the words 'phrasal verb' is a noun; it's not talking about what any particular phrasal verb denotes, such as say the phrasal verb 'look up' 
Grammar:.in grammar, two or more words in sequence that form a syntactic unit that is less than a complete sentence

way of speaking or writing; the way in which words and phrases are used in speech or writing; style; a set of expressions used by a particular individual or group (nautical phraseology); diction

one who dedicates his or her life to getting well those who have become ill and has taken the Hippocratic oath which says that in helping someone back to wellness, the first rule is to do no harm

a scientist who specializes in physics
physics.proper noun
physics describes the micro and macro world scale; physics is the scientific study of forces such as heat, light, sound, pressure, gravity and electricity and the way that they affect objects (the laws of physics); physics is about discovering the fundamental unity at the basis of the surface of diversity of the multiverse, in other words underneath all we see and know of.

"If it disagrees with experiment. It's WRONG!"....Richard Feynman

From https://www.alienscientist.com/educational.html
Physics is the study of Energy and Motion. How things move, why things move, where they will move under what conditions and when and so on and so forth.

Physicists use a variety of tools, the most important however are the tools of mathematics.

There is a list of essential mathematics which every physicist should have some general working knowledge of to dig beneath the molecular, atomic and nuclear levels using particle accelerators to discover the unity deep at the core of physical reality. The laws of physics evidence complexity, yet work as some great intelligence designed them to function, there is no other answer than they were designed to be as they are. Physics is the science dealing with the properties, changes, interaction, etc. of matter and energy, subdivided into mechanics, thermodynamics, optics, acoustics, etc. and by which science provides consistent explanations of experience resulting from research regarding the physical universe, such as its laws, forms, structure, various systems and their processes. On the material level the mathematically corroborative laws of physics and chemistry manage a growing organism's reactions to its genetic instructions. These are far more important than meagre.(by comparison, yet still a gargantuan task) attempts to comprehend the human genome, a minute part in the overall pattern of life.

The laws of physics have to do with the study of the natural world and its physical properties, interactions, processes (or, laws {how these laws or processes work, so man can become aligned with them and so be able to do things, such as airplane flight, etc.}). The laws of physics include the science of matter and energy and their interactions, which are integrated in traditional fields such as acoustics, optics, mechanics, thermodynamics and electromagnetism, as well as in modern extensions including atomic and nuclear physics, cryogenics, solid state physics, particle physics and plasma physics. In short, the laws of physics transverse all we know in our material world, however, not much is said of its origin.

Metaphysics ('meta' means after) has to do with the principles examining the nature of reality, including the relationship between mind and matter, substance and attribute, fact and value.

Modern physics is built on two foundations, that of relativity and quantum theory. These two theories have not been reconciled. Einstein attempted to reconcile his theory by using geometrics. He spent the last 30 years of his life searching for a 'unified field theory' or 'theory of everything' (the multiiverse reducing to a single set of rules, a unifying principle) which would unite his general relativity of space/time and gravitation theory with quantum mechanics. The calculations were not possible before computers. Now it has been found by Dr. John Hagelin.and verified by the physicist Nassim Haramein.

Because of the previous inability to reconcile them, physicists continued searching for the "Theory of Everything" (pbs.org/wnet/hawking/mysteries/html/myst.html), but Stephen Wolfram (brilliant developer of.Mathematica-software) in his new book.A New Kind of Science-may have also come close.

The way the Great Infinite One 'keeps throwin' us curves', it makes man have to think deep into even beginning to comprehend the invisible world.

Physicists are working on a programming tool that allows games designers to add the laws of physics to their virtual worlds.

of or relating to the body as distinguished.from the mind or spirit; that which can be known through the senses of seeing, hearing, touch, balance, smelling(which is actually tasting on the tongue what you smell); bodily; involving or characterized by bodily activity (the physical exercise of walking); of or relating to material things (our physical environment); of or relating to matter and energy or the sciences dealing with them, such as.physics
a physical examination
physical orientation; predominance of the physical; a physical aspect or quality
the quality of being physical; consisting of matter

the body considered.with reference to its proportions, muscular development and appearance
how one physically appears (she looked well physiqued for a girl who works in an office)

malleable; easily bent or molded; flexible; compliant
pliability, pliancy.nouns
easily bent or flexed; pliable; easily altered or modified to fit conditions; adaptable; yielding.readily

pander, pandered, pandering, panders.intransitive verbs
to cater to the low consciousness tastes and desires of others, such as pimping.whores
a sexual.procurer; one who caters to or exploits the lower tastes and desires of others; a pimp

involving dispute; controversial; argumentative
a controversial argument, especially one refuting; a person engaged in or inclined to controversy, argument or refutation
of or relating to a controversy, an argument or a refutation; from French 'polémique' and Greek 'polemikos' meaning 'hostile' and from 'polemos' meaning 'war'

located behind a part or toward the rear of a structure; relating to the caudal end of the body in quadrupeds or the dorsal side in human beings and other primates; coming after in order; following; following in time; subsequent
the buttocks

all of an individual's descendants, as opposed to ancestry; all succeeding generations; the future

after death; occurring or continuing after one's death; published after the writer's death (a posthumous book); born after the death of the father (a posthumous child)
posthumousness.noun.(words ending in 'ess' are usually without pluralization - adding an 'es' making '...esses' is clumsy)

produce, produced, producing, produces.verbs
transitive verb use.to bring forth; yield (produce offspring; bring forth; each year there is enough vegetable produce from our garden to last through the winter); offer for inspection (produce your passport); to create by physical or mental effort (produce a tapestry; produce a poem); to manufacture (factories that produce cars and trucks); to supervise and finance the making and public presentation of (produce a stage play; produce a movie)
intransitive verb use.to make or yield products or a product (an apple tree that produces well); to manufacture or create economic goods and services
something produced; a product; farm products, especially fresh fruits and vegetables (the produce section in a grocery store)

something produced by human or mechanical.effort or by a natural.process (the broccoli was a product of putting seeds in the ground); a direct.result; a consequence; in chemistry, a substance resulting from a chemical reaction; in mathematics, the number or quantity.obtained by multiplying two or more numbers together; a scalar product; a vector product

the act or process of producing (timber used for the production of lumber and paper; the fact or process of being produced (a movie going into production); the creation of value by producing goods and services; something produced; a product; an amount or quantity produced; output (their factory's production was up over last year); a work produced for the stage, screen, television or radio; a staging or presentation of a theatrical work (a new Broadway production of a musical); an exaggerated spectacle or display (proposed on his knees, making a real production of it)

producing or capable of producing; producing abundantly; fertile; yielding.favorable or useful results; constructive; involved in the creation of goods and services to produce wealth or value; effective in achieving specified results; originative (policies productive of much good or much harm)
the quality of being productive; in economics, the rate at which goods or services are produced especially output per unit of labor; in ecology, the rate at which the Sun's radiant energy is used by producers to form organic substances as food for consumers

pecking order.noun,.plural.pecking orders
the way in which people or things in a group or organization are placed in a series of levels with different importance or status (examples: assistant manager, he was pretty low in the company's pecking order, the pecking order of politics)

profound, profounder, profoundest.adjectives
very deep; deeply or intensely felt (originating in the depths of one's being); profound situated at, extending to or coming from a great depth; penetrating far beyond what is superficial or obvious; marked by intellectual depth; from Middle English 'profounde' and from Old French 'profond' and from Latin 'profundus', where 'pro' means 'before' and 'fundus' means 'bottom'
great depth; depth of intellect, feeling or meaning; something profound or abstruse; from Middle English 'profundite' and earlier  from Old French and from Late Latin 'profunditas' and from Latin 'profundus' meaning 'deep'

the word 'pity' describes a feeling you have when sorrow comes to mind about another; pity is having regard to the state of or situation of another; being sorry with another's misfortunate.circumstances; a matter of regret (it's a pity she can't attend the reception, we'll miss her); sympathy and sorrow aroused by the misfortune or suffering of another; compare mercy; compare compassion
pity, pitied, pitying, pities.verbs
transitive verb use.to feel pity for
intransitive verb use.to feel pity
have pity on or take pity on.idiom
to show compassion for

deserving pity; arousing.contemptuous pity, as through ineptitude or inadequacy; pathetic
demanding or arousing pity (a piteous appeal for help); pathetic
arousing or deserving of pity or compassion; lamentable; arousing disdainful pity; pathetic

prattle, prattled, prattling, prattles.verbs
intransitive verb use.to talk or chatter idly or meaninglessly; babble or prate
transitive verb use.to utter or express by chattering foolishly or babbling
idle or meaningless chatter; babble; a sound suggestive of such chattering; a babbling noise

if something piques your interest or curiosity, it makes you interested or curious (a teacher who piqued the interest of students); also, a state of vexation caused by a perceived.slight or indignity; a feeling of wounded pride; pique is the feeling of annoyance you have when you think someone has not treated you properly
pique, piqued, piquing, piques.transitive verbs
to provoke;alert; arouse (the portrait piqued her curiosity); to pride oneself (he piqued himself on his stylish attire); also means to cause to feel resentment or indignation

a psychopath
one who is crazy; insane
see also sociopath and narcissism; a psychopath is someone who has adopted serious mental problems by listening to the prompts of his dark side and because of that, may act in various ways of violence without feeling sorry for what they are doing or have done; they lack the emotion of empathy; they are evil in their ways of selfishness; they are liars; their nature is set by their father:.John 8:44; they have no remorse for what they do; there are the tactical psychopaths and sociopaths and narcissists who understand that you have emotions they don't and can play the part so you think they are same as you, so how do you find out?.Matthew 7:16-20; these klnd appearing as humans, are hypocritical as the Pharisees in Christ's time on Earth also were, where on the surface they appeared to be 'not quite all there', lacking truth, commonsense and concern for others. They would seem to be kind, calm and helpful (Matthew 7:15), but you had a 'gut feeling' that you couldn't give your trust and knew it was all just talk from them for appearances and their selfish purposes to use you (again, Matthew 7:16,20), just like most politicians and others today who really don't care for good people at all and would just waste your time for money and advantage they are out to gain for the self; a psychopath has an antisocial personality disorder and narcissistic attitude along with a dislike of others as manifested in unstable aggressive, perverted, criminal, cruel and amoral behavior as evidencing itself by distorted brain functioning and thus having shut down any conscience:.1Timothy 4:2;  such are they who want the worst for others, who want you to be hurt and/or harmed in some way; these are the ones who sabotaged and caused damage as young adults; misanthropes are psychopaths having these serious mental problems in that they act in a violent way without feeling sorry for what evil they are doing, such as the children and others they steal away to harm them; no remorse; no feelings about hurting another; a personality type that denotes a lack of moral.sense and concern for others; a madman or madwoman; a maniac; a lunatic; a psychotic; a sociopath; a witch; a fruitcake; a nutcase; one having a perverted mentality; many stratums of a psychopathic society include most politicians, judges, bankers and others of the generally looked up to members of society, that is, until one discovers what they are really like and really up to (Matthew 7:16 "You'll know them by their fruits..."); and they can be recognized by sanpaku eyes
mental disorder, especially when manifested by antisocial behavior (those who use violence without conscience, be it in war or peacetime, have a psychopathic mental disorder; psychopaths are about as far away from the ways of love as anyone could get); the beginning of psychopathy is bullying
of, relating to or characterized by psychopathy; relating to or affected with an antisocial personality disorder that is usually characterized by aggressive, perverted, criminal or amoral behavior
the study of the origin, development and manifestations of mental or behavioral disorders

affecting the mind or mental processes

Pit Bull Terrier.noun,.plural.Pit Bull Terriers
during the early 1800s, dog breeders sought to create an extremely nimble, strong dog for sport, principally for dogfighting; a cross between the bulldog (the stupidest of all dogs) and an early terrier created the ideal fighting dog, the bull terrier; first ones about 1835, had colored markings on their fur like the variety shown here; today, the more popular variety of bull terrier appears all white

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