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deprave, depraved, depraving, depraves.transitive verbs
to corrupt; to debase; debauch; to make bad; to speak ill of; malign
depravation, depravement, depraver.nouns

the act or an instance of depriving; loss; the condition of being deprived; privation; a depraved condition

marked by corruption or evil; especially, perverted

the quality or state of being depraved; a corrupt act or practice

deprive, deprived, depriving, deprives.transitive verb
in the state of having something taken away that was necessary; to take something away from; to keep from possessing or enjoying; deny
the act or an instance of depriving; loss; the condition of being deprived; privation

deprecate, deprecated, deprecating, deprecates.transitive verbs
if you deprecate something, you criticize it (he deprecated the low quality of entrants to the profession); belittle, disparage; to express disapproval of; play down; to depreciate; make little of; to denigrate and harm
expressing disapproval or criticism (deprecative policies are those which harm)

depreciate, depreciated, depreciating, depreciates.verbs
transitive verb use.to lessen the value or price of; if something such depreciates or if something depreciates it, it loses some or all of its original value; to think or speak of as being of little or of no worth; belittle; decry; deprecate
intransitive verb senses.to diminish in price or value
an instance of disparaging or belittlement; (those who are cruel often use intimidation to lower the esteem of others); a decrease or loss in value, as because of age, wear or market conditions; in accounting, an allowance made for a loss in value of property (the vehicle depreciated 30% the first); reduction in the purchasing value of money

depredate, depredated, depredating, depredates.verbs
transitive verb senses.to lay waste; plunder; ravage 
intransitive verb senses.to engage in plunder 

deride, derided, deriding, derides.transitive verbs
if you deride someone or something, you say that they are stupid or have no value; to subject to.usually.bitter or contemptuous.ridicule; to laugh at contemptuously

contemptuous or jeering.laughter; a state of being derided (the proposal of teaching evolution as the origination of living organisms was held in derision by the more intelligent members of the scientific community who do not accept things willy-nilly); a laughingstock; the use of ridicule or scorn to show contempt; a state of being derided; an object of ridicule or scorn
derisive, derisively.adjectives
showing derision
expressing derision; derisive; laughable; ridiculous.(a contribution so small as to be derisory)

derive, derived, deriving, derives.transitive verbs
to get or receive from a source; to trace from or to a source; to originate (a derivative word; a derivative process)
derived, hence, not original
something derived; in inguistics, a word formed from another by derivation, such as electricity from electric; in mathematics, the limiting value of the ratio of the change in a function to the corresponding change in its independent variable; the instantaneous rate of change of a function with respect to its variable; the slope of a graph of an equation at a given point; also called differential coefficient, fluxion; in chemistry, a compound derived or obtained from another and containing essential elements of the parent substance

the act or process of deriving; the state or fact of being derived; originating; a derivative; the form or source from which something is derived; an origin; discovering the historical origin and development of a word; an etymology
Linguistics:.the process by which words are formed from existing words or bases by adding affixes, as singer from sing or undo from do, by changing the shape of the word or base, as song from sing or by adding an affix and changing the pronunciation of the word or base, as electricity from electric

resulting from or employing derivation.(a derivative word; a derivative process); copied or adapted from others (a highly derivative style of clothing)
something derived

buttocks; the bum

lineage; ancestry; hereditary.derivation (for example, an individual of Scottish descent); a descending; a going down; a going back in time (in her thoughts she was descending back to her childhood and the happy memories along the way); a downward motion

descend, descended, descending, descends.verbs
intransitive verb use.to come from an ancestor or ancestry (she was descended from a pioneer family); to come down from a source; to derive (a tradition descending from colonial days); to pass by inheritance (the house has descended through four generations); derive-(a tradition descending from colonial days); also, to move from a higher to a lower place; come or go down (they were descending down the hill); to lower oneself; stoop; to proceed or progress downward, as in rank, pitch or scale (awards listed in descending order of importance; notes that descended to the lower register); to arrive in a sudden or an overwhelming manner (summer tourists descending on the seashore village)
transitive verb use.to move from a higher to a lower part of; go down; to extend or proceed downward along (a road that descended the mountain in sharp curves)
descendible or descendable.adjective

a person who is an offspring (born of, child) of a family or ancestors; someone's descendants are the people in later generations who are related to them (they are descendants of the original English and Scottish settlers; you are a descendant of your mother and father, who descended from their mother and father); something modern which developed from an older thing can be called a descendant of it
descending refers to someone or something that came from a predecessor; to descend, to move from a higher to a lower place; moving downward in time or position (their family was traced from Adam to the present day)

despair, despaired, despairing, despairs.intransitive verbs
to lose all hope (despaired of reaching shore safely); to be overcome by a sense of futility or defeat; hopelessness
complete loss of hope; one despaired of or causing despair (unmotivated.uncaring.elected people that are the scourge and despair of the public; an incorrigible child is the despair of his parents)

having lost all hope; despairing; in dire straits; despondent; marked by, arising from or showing despair (the desperate look of hunger; a desperate cry for help); reckless or violent because of despair (being desperate he resorted to criminality); undertaken out of extreme urgencyor as a last resort (a desperate attempt to save the family business); nearly hopeless; critical (a desperate situation occurred when the tax department illegally stole money deposited in safekeeping); a desperate situation; suffering or driven by great need or distress
desperateness.noun.(words ending in 'ess' are usually without pluralization - adding an 'es' making '...esses' is clumsy)
the condition of being desperate; despair; recklessness arising from despair

deserving of contempt or scorn; vile; hideous
unworthiness.by virtue of.lacking.higher values; contemptibility; despicableness
despicableness.noun.(words ending in 'ess' are usually without pluralization - adding an 'es' making '...esses' is clumsy)

despise, despised, despising, despises.transitive verbs
if you despise something you have an aversion toward it and are rejecting it (the sick murderous events perpetrated mostly upon children by the cabal, many of whom are pedophiles, has been brought to light by the research revealed in the Janet Ossebaard reports); despise is to hold in contempt; to disdain; to regard with contempt or scorn (despised flatterers); to regard as being the least, as those of the cabal regard those who aren't of the cabal; spurn; to dislike intensely; loathed.(despised the frigid weather in January; despised advice of others:.Proverbs 15:5); to regard as unworthy of one's interest or concern (despised any thought of their own safety, so careless were they)

in spite of; notwithstanding; a looking down upon; hurt; harm; causing.shame to; insolence; arrogance; impudence; disdain; despise
full of malice; spiteful; a heart of harm, instead of a heart to help

one that owes something to another

something.owed, such as money, goods or services; an obligation or liability to pay or render something to someone else; the condition of owing (a family should not be in debt)
being without debt; owing no one anything (Romans 13:8 "Owe no man any thing, but to love one another, for he that loveth another hath fulfilled the law.")

an item of debt as recorded in an account; an entry of a sum in the debit or left-hand side of an account as on one's bank statement; the sum of such entries; the left-hand side of an account or accounting ledger where bookkeeping entries are made
debit, debited, debiting, debits.transitive verbs
to enter a sum on the left-hand side of an account or accounting ledger; to charge with a debit (in error the bank debited my account for another)

a harmful action; an injury

darn, darned, darning, darns.verbs
transitive verb use.to mend a garment, for example by weaving thread or yarn across a gap or hole
intransitive verb use.to repair a hole, as in a garment, by weaving thread or yarn across it
a hole repaired by weaving thread or yarn across it (a sock full of darns)

darn, darned, darning, darns.transitive and intransitive verb use.
to damn; alteration of damn
people sometimes use darn or darned to emphasize what they are saying, often when they are annoyed (we think there's not a darn thing we can do about the weather; darn! I forgot my keys!; )
the Creator darn well does as He pleases; you can say I'll be darned to show that you are very surprised about something (it was a darned good movie; a talking pig!' he exclaimed, well, I'll be darned; darn it! I'll have to do it all myself!; this is a darn sight better weather than we've had)
used to express dissatisfaction or annoyance
damn, damned
darn well.idiom
damn well

damn, damned, damning, damns.verbs
transitive verb use.to pronounce an adverse judgment upon; if you describe something such as evidence or a report as damning, you mean that it strongly suggests that someone is guilty of a crime or has made a serious mistake; proving or showing that someone has done something bad or wrong; condemn; to bring about the failure of; ruin; to condemn as harmful, illegal or immoral; in a damned state because of beliefs causing separation
intransitive verb use.to swear; curse (damn it! I hit my finger with the hammer)
used to express anger, irritation, contempt or disappointment (I can't get this damn thing together properly)
the least valuable bit; a jot.(not worth a damn)
damn it.verb
often used when you are extremely angry or annoyed with someone or something
give a damn.verb
show no concern or interest; always used in the negative (right now she's so busy with what she is doing, she doesn't have time to give a damn about anything else); to be completely indifferent to
damn well.idiom
without any doubt; positively (I am damn well going to climb this mountain)

deserving.condemnation; odious
the way into utter worthlessness (a wild, care not for anything good lifestyle is a pathway of damnation); the act of damning or the condition of being damned
threatening with or expressing condemnation; damning

a dam is a wall that is built across a river in order to stop the water flowing and to make a lake; a barrier constructed across a waterway to control the flow or raise the level of water; a body of water controlled by such a barrier; a barrier against the passage of liquid or loose material, as a rubber sheet used in dentistry to isolate one or more teeth from the rest of the mouth; an obstruction; a hindrance; the mother of a four-legged animal, such as a horse; decameter
dam, dammed, damming, dams.transitive verbs
to hold back or confine by means of a dam; to close up; obstruct

a female parent, used of a four-legged animal; mother of an animal

devitalize, devitalized, devitalizing, devitalizes.transitive verbs
to diminish or destroy the strength or vitality of

dismiss, dismissed, dismissing, dismisses.transitive verbs
to end the employment or service of; discharge; to direct or allow to leave (dismissed troops after the inspection; dismissed the student after reprimanding him); to stop considering; rid one's mind of; dispel (dismissed all thoughts of running for office); to refuse to accept or recognize; reject (dismissed the claim as highly improbable)
serving to dismiss; showing indifference or disregard: a dismissive shrug
the act of dismissing; the condition of being dismissed; an order or notice of discharge (teacher said class dismissed, so we went home)

doublespeak, double talk.noun
deliberately.ambiguous or evasive language

devise, devised, devising, devises.transitive verbs
to form, plan or arrange in the mind; design or contrive.(devised a new system for handling mail orders)

disembody, disembodied, disembodying, disembodies.transitive verbs
to free the soul or spirit from the body; to divest of material existence or substance

the one humped domesticated camel (Camelus dromedarius), widely used as a beast of burden in northern Africa and western Asia and of African or Arabian species, known for its speed; also called Arabian camel; the Bactrian camel has two humps;
it is remarkable for its speed; the hair of the camel falls off of itself in spring and is woven into coarse cloths and garments:.Matthew 3:4