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-a, an
-a la
-a la carte
-a priori, a priority, a priorities
-aback, taken aback by, took me aback
-abandon (emotion), abandons, abandoned, abandoning, abandonment, abandonments
-abandon (leave), abandons, abandoned, abandoning, abandonment, abandonments
-abase, abases, abased, abasing, abasement, abasements
-abash, abashes, abashed, abashing
-abate, abates, abated, abating, abatement, abatements
-abbot, abbots
-abbreviate, abbreviates, abbreviated, abbreviating, abbreviator, abbreviators
-abbreviation, abbreviations.(more on Grammar usage.and.Grammar terms)
-abdicate, abdicates, abdicated, abdicating, abdicable, abdication, abdications, abdicator, abdicators
-abduct, abducts, abducted, abducting, abduction, abductions
-abdomen, abdomens, abdominal, abdominally
-aberrant, aberrance, aberrancy, aberrantly, aberration, aberrations
-abet, abets, abetted, abetting, abetment, abetments, abettor or abetter, abettors or abetters
-abeyance, abeyant, abeyants
-abhor, abhors, abhorred, abhorring, abhorrer, abhorrers, abhorrence, abhorrent, abhorrently
-abide, abides, abode or abided, abodes, abiding, abide by, abider, abiders
-ability, abilities
-abject, abjectly, abjectness
-abjure, abjures, abjured, abjuring, abjuration, abjurations, abjurer, abjurers
-ablation, ablations, ablator, ablators, ablate, ablatively, ablative, ablatives
-able, abler, ablest
-ablution, ablutions
-abnegate, abnegates, abnegated, abnegating, abnegator, abnegators, abnegation, abnegations, self-abnegation, self-abnegating
-abnormal, abnormally, abnormality, abnormalities
-abode, abodes
-abolish, abolishes, abolished, abolishing, abolishable, abolisher, abolishers, abolishment, abolishments, abolition, abolitions, abolitionary, abolitionism, abolitionist, abolitionists
-abominable, abominates, abominably, abomination, abominations, abominate, abominates, abominated, abominating, abominator, abominators
-abound, abounds, abounded, abounding
-aboriginal, aboriginals, aboriginally, aborigine, aborigines
-abort, aborts, aborted, aborting, abortion, abortions, abortive, abortively, abortiveness
-about, about-turn, about-turns
-abrasion, abrasive, abrasives, abrade, abrades, abraded, abrading
-abreact, abreacts, abreacted, abreacting, abreaction, abreactions
-abridge, abridges, abridged, abridging, abridger, abridgers, abridgment, abridgements
-abrogate, abrogates, abrogated, abrogating, abrogation, abrogations
-abrupt, abruptly, abruptness
-abscess, abscesses, abscessed, abscessing
-abscise, abscises, abscised, abscising, abscission, abscissions
-abscond, absconds, absconded, absconding, absconder, absconders
-absent, absents, absented, absenting, absently, absence, absences, absentee, absentees
-absolute, absolutes, absoluteness, absolutely, absolute grammar, absolute adjective, absolute pronoun, absolute verb
-absolve, absolves, absolved, absolving, absolvable, absolver, absolvers
-absorb (see also adsorb), absorbs, absorbed, absorbedly, absorbedness, absorbing, absorbingly, absorbable, absorbability, absorber, absorbers, absorption, absorptive, absorptivity, absorptivities, absorbable, absorbingly, absorbent, absorbents, absorbency, absorbencies
-abstain, abstains, abstained, abstaining, abstainer, abstainers, abstention, abstentions, abstinence, abstinent, abstentious, abstinently
-abstemious, abstemiously, abstemiousness
-abstract, abstracts, abstracted, abstracting, abstracter, abstracters, abstractness, abstractly, abstraction, abstractions
-abstruse, abstrusely, abstruseness
-absurd, absurdity, absurdities, absurdness, absurdly
-abundant, abundantly, abundance
-abuse, abuses, abused, abusing, abuser, abusers, abusive, abusively
-abut, abuts, abutted, abutting, abutter, abutters
-abysmal, abysmally
-academic, academics, academia, academical, academically
-Accad, Accadian also spelt.Akkadian, Agade, Accadians
-accede, accedes, acceded, acceding, accedence, acceder, acceders
-accelerate, accelerates, accelerated, accelerating, accelerative, accelerant, accelerants, accelerator, accelerators, acceleration, accelerations
-accent, accents, accented, accenting, accentuate, accentuates, accentuated, accentuating, accentuation, accentual, accentually
-accept, accepts, accepted, accepting, acceptable, acceptably, acceptability, acceptableness, acceptance
-access, accesses, accessed, accessing, accessible, accessibility, accessibleness, accessibly
-accession, accessions, accessioned, accessioning, accessional
-accessory, accessories, accessorial, accessorily, accessoriness
-accident, accidents, accidental, accidentally
-acclaim, acclaims, acclaimed, acclaiming, acclamation, acclamations, acclaimer, acclaimers, acclamatory
-acclimate, acclimates, acclimated, acclimating
-accolade, accolades, accoladed, accolading
-acolyte, acolytes
-accommodate, accommodates, accommodated, accommodating, accommodative, accommodativeness, accommodator, accommodators, accommodation, accommodations
-accompany, accompanies, accompanied, accompanying, accompaniment, accompaniments
-accomplice, accomplices
-accomplish, accomplishes, accomplished, accomplishing, accomplishable, accomplisher, accomplishers, accomplishment, accomplishments
-accord, accords, in accord, accorded, according, according to, accordance, in accordance with, accordingly, accordant, accordantly
-accost, accosts, accosted, accosting
-account, accounts, accounted, accounting, accountable, accountability, accountableness, accountably, account for, call to account, on account,
on account of, on no account, on one's own account, take into account
-accounting (profession)
-accoutrement, accoutrements
-accrete, accretes, accreted, accreting, accretion, accretions, accretionary, accretive
-accrue, accrues, accrued, accruing, accrual, accrument, accruments
-accumulate, accumulates, accumulated, accumulating, accumulable, accumulative, accumulatively, accumulativeness, accumulation, accumulations
-accurate, accurately, accurateness, accuracy
-accuse, accuses, accused, accusing, accuser, accusers, accusingly, accusation, accusations, accusingly, accuser, accusers, accusive, accusative, accusatively, accusatory, accusatorial, accusatorially, accusation, accusations
-accursed, accursedly, accursedness
-accustom, accustoms, accustomed, accustoming
-acerbate, acerbates, acerbated, acerbating
-acerbic, ??,
-acetamide, acetamides
-acetate, acetates
-acetic acid, acetic acids
-ache, aches, ached, aching
-achieve, achieves, achieved, achieving, achievable, achiever, achievement, achievements
-Achilles' heel
-achromatic, achromatism, achromaticity, achromatisms, achromaticities
-acid, acids, acidly, acidness, acidity, acidities, acidic, acid test
-acknowledge, acknowledges, acknowledged, acknowledging, acknowledgeable, acknowledgment, acknowledgments
-acorn, ??, Mating2,
-acoustic, acoustics, acoustical, acoustically
-acquaint, acquaints, acquainted, acquainting, acquaintance, acquaintances, acquaintanceship
-acquiesce, acquiesces, acquiescence, acquiesced, acquiescing, acquiescently
-acquire, acquires, acquired, acquiring, acquirable, acquirer, acquirers
-acquisition, acquisitions
-acquisitive, acquisitively, acquisitiveness, acquisitor, acquisitors
-acquit, acquits, acquitted, acquitting, acquitter, acquitters
-acre, acres, acreage, acreages
-acrid, acrimonious, acridity, acridness, acridly
-acrimonious, acrimoniously, acrimoniousness
-acrobatic, acrobatics, acrobat, acrobatically
-acronym, acronyms, acronymic, acronymous
-acropolis, ??,
-across, across-the-board, come across
-act (abbreviation for 'as compared to')
-act (doing), acts, acted, acting
-act (legislative), acts
-act of union
-action, actions, actionable, actionably, actioner, actioners, actionless
-actor, actors, actress, actresses, get one's act together
-active, actively, activeness, activate, activates, activated, activated charcoal, activating, activation, activations, activator, activators, activist, activists, activity, activities
-activism, activistic, activist, activists
-actual, actually, actuality, in actuality, actualities, actualize, actualizes, actualized, actualizing, actualization, actualizations
-actuate, actuates, actuated, actuating, actuation, actuations
-acupuncture, acupunctures, acupuncturist, acupuncturists
-acute, acuter, acutest, acuteness, acuity, acutely
-ad hoc
-ad hominem
-ad infinitum
-ad lib
-ad nauseam
-adapt, adapts, adapted, adapting, adaptable, adaptability, adaptableness, adaptive, adaptively, adaptiveness, adapter or adaptor, adapters or adaptors, adaption, adaptions, adaptation, adaptations, well adapted or well-adapted
-adscititious, adscititiously
-add, adds, added, adding, add up, addable, additive, additives
-adder, adders
-addict, addicts, addicted, addicting, addictive, addiction, addictions
-addition, additional, additionally, in addition, in addition to
-addleheaded, addlebrained, addle, addles, addled, addling
-address, addresses, addressed, addressing
-adduce, adduces, adduced, adducing, adduceable or adducible
-adenosine (also known as ATP)
-adept, adeptly, adeptness, adeptnesses
-aerobic, aerobe, aerobes ??,
-adequate, adequateness, adequately
-adhere, adheres, adhered, adhering, adherence, adherent, adherents
-adhesive, adhesives, adhesively, adhesiveness, adhesion, adhesions
-adipose, adiposity, adiposeness
-adjoining, adjoin, adjoins, adjoined
-adjourn, adjourns, adjourned, adjourning, adjournment, adjournments
-adjudicate, adjudicates, adjudicated, adjudicating, adjudication, adjudications, adjudicator, adjudicators, adjudicative
-adjudge, adjudges, adjudged, adjudging
-adjunct, adjunction, adjunctions, adjunctive
-adjure, adjures, adjured, adjuring, adjurer or adjuror, adjurers or adjurors, adjuration, adjurations, adjuratory
-adjust, adjusts, adjusted, adjusting, adjustable, adjustably, adjuster, adjusters, adjustor, adjustors, adjustment, adjustments, well adjusted or well-adjusted
-adjutant, adjutants, adjutancy, adjutancies
-adjuvant, adjuvants
-administer, administers, administered, administering, administrable, administrant, administrants, administrate, administrates, administrated, administrating, administration, administrations, administrative, administratively, administrator, administrators
-admire, admires, admired, admiring, admirer, admirers, admiringly, admirable, admirably, admirableness, admiration, admirations
-admissive, admissible, admissibility, admissibleness, admissibly
-admit, admits, admitted, admittedly, admitting, admittance, admission, admissions
-admonish, admonishes, admonished, admonishing, admonishment, admonishments, admonisher, admonishers, admonishingly, admonition, admonitions, admonitory
-adolescent, adolescents, adolescence
-adopt, adopts, adopted, adopting, adoptable, adopter, adopters, adoption, adoptions
-adorn, adorns, adorned, adorning, adorner, adorners, adornment, adornments, adore, adores, adored, adoring, adoringly, adorer, adorers, adoration, adorations
-adrenal, adrenals, adrenaline, adrenalines, adrenalize, adrenalizes, adrenalized, adrenalizing, adrenally, adrenal gland, adrenal glands, adrenal medulla, adrenal medullas, adrenochrome, adrenochromes
-adrift, ??,
-adroit, adroitly, adroitness
-adsorb (see also absorb), adsorbs, adsorbed, adsorbing, adsorbable, adsorption, adsorptions, adsorptive, adsorbent, adsorbents, adsorbate, adsorbates
-adulate, adulates, adulated, adulating, adulator, adulators, adulatory, adulation, adulations
-adult, adults, adulthood, adultness
-adulterate, adulterates, adulterated, adulterating, adulteration, adulterations, adulterator, adulterators, adulterant, adulterants
-adultery, adulterous, adulterer, adulteress
-advance, advances, advanced, advancing, in advance, in advance of, advancer, advancement, advancements
-advantage, advantages, advantageous, advantageously, advantageousness, take advantage of, to advantage
-advent, advents, Adventist, Adventists, Adventism, Adventisms
-adventitious, adventitiously, adventitiousness
-adventive, adventively
-adventure, adventures, adventured, adventuring, adventurous, adventurously, adventurousness, adventurousnesses
-adverse, adversely, adverseness, adversary, adversaries, adversarial
-adversity, adversities
-advertise, advertises, advertised, advertising, advertiser, advertisers, advertisement, advertisements
-advice, advise, advises, advised, advising, advisable, advisability, advisableness, advisory, advisories, advisee, advisement, adviser, advisers, advisor, advisors, well advised
-advocate, advocates, advocated, advocating, advocator, advocators, advocatory, advocacy
-Aeolian, Aeolians, aeolian, aeolians, eolian, eolians, Aeolis or Aeolia
-aerate, aerates, aerated, aerating, aeration, aerations
-aerial, aerials
-aerobic, aerobically, aerobe, aerobes
-aeronautic, aeronautics, aeronautical, aeronautically, aeronautical engineer, aeronautical engineers
-aerosol, aerosols
-aesthetic or esthetic, aesthetics, esthetics, aesthetical, esthetical, aesthetically, esthetically
-affable, affability, affably
-affair, affairs
-affect (influence), affects, affected, affecting, affective, affectives, affectively, affectivity, affectivities
-affect (simulate), affects, affected, affecting, affectedness, affectedly, affectation, affectations
-affection, affections, affectionally, affectional, affectionate, affectionately, affectionateness
-afferent, afferently
-affidavit, affidavits
-affix, affixes, affixed, affixing, affixable, affixer, affixers
-affiliate, affiliates, affiliated, affiliating, affiliation, affiliations
-afflict, afflicts, afflicted, afflicting, afflicter, afflicters, afflictive, afflictively, affliction, afflictions
-affinity, affinities
-affirm, affirms, affirmed, affirming, affirmable, affirmably, affirmant, affirmer, affirmers, affirmative, affirmatively, affirmation, affirmations
-affluent, affluents, affluently, affluence
-afford, affords, afforded, affording, affordable, affordability, affordabilities, affordably
-affray, ??
-affright, affrights, affrighted, affrighting, affright, affrightment, affrightments
-after, afterward, afterwards, after_all
-afterglow, afterglows
-affront, affronts, affronted, affronting
-afterward, afterwards
-afterword, afterwords
-agate, agates
-age, ages, aging, ageing, aged, ??, Mt.15:5,6,
-agent, agents, agency, agencies, agent provocateur, agents provocateurs, double agent, double agents
-agenda, agendas, agendum, agendums
-agglomerate, agglomerates, agglomerated, agglomerating, agglomerative, agglomeration, agglomerations, agglomerator, agglomerators
-agglutination, agglutinations, agglutinate, agglutinates, agglutinated, agglutinating, agglutinate, agglutinates, agglutinant, agglutinative, agglutinin, agglutinins, agglutinogen, agglutinogens, agglutinogenic
-aggrandize, aggrandizes, aggrandized, aggrandizing, aggrandizement, aggrandizements, aggrandizer, aggrandizers, self-aggrandizment, self-aggrandizments, self-aggrandizing
-aggravate, aggravates, aggravated, aggravating, aggravatingly, aggravative, aggravator, aggravators, aggravated assault
-aggregate, aggregates, aggregated, aggregating, aggregately, aggregation, aggregations, aggregator, aggregators, aggregative
-aggression, aggressive, aggressively, aggressiveness, aggress, aggresses, aggressor, aggressors, aggressed, aggressing, unaggressive
-aggrieve, aggrieves, aggrieved, aggrieving, aggrievedly, aggrievedness
-aghast, ??,
-agile, agilely, agileness, agility
-agitate, agitates, agitated, agitating, agitatedly, agitation, agitations, agitational, agitative
-agony, agonies, agonize, agonizes, agonized, agonizing, agonizingly
-agora, agoras or agorae
-agora (currency), agorot or agoroth
-agnostic, agnostics, agnostically, agnosticism, agnosticisms
-agree, agrees, agreed, agreeing, agreeable, agreement, agreements, agreeability, agreeabilities, agreeableness, agreeablenesses, agreeably
-agricide, agricides
-agriculture, agricultures, agricultural, agriculturally, agriculturist or agriculturalist, agriculturists or agriculturalists
-agrobiology, agrobiologic, agrobiological, agrobiologically, agrobiologist, agrobiologists
-agrology, agrologic or agrological, agrologically, agrologist, agrologists
-agronomy, agronomies, agronomic or agronomical, agronomically, agronomist, agronomists
-ahead, get ahead
-ahold, get ahold
-AI (artificial intelligence)
-aid, aids, aided, aiding, aider, aiders
-ail, ails, ailed, ailing, ailment, ailments
-aileron, ailerons
-aim, aims, aimed, aiming
-aimless, aimlessly, aimlessness
-air (atmosphere), airs, aired, airing, in the air, up in the air
-air (aura), airs
-airfoil, ??,
-airhead, airheads
-airship, airships
-airy, airier, airiest, airily, airiness
-aisle, aisles
-ajar, ??,
-aka or a.k.a.
-akashic record
-akin, akin to
-Akkadian, Akkadians
-a la
-alabaster, alabasters
-alacrity, alacritous
-alarm, alarms, alarmed, alarming
-Albert Schweitzer
-Albert Szent-Gyorgyi
-Alberta map
-albino, albinos
-album, albums
-alchemy, alchemical or alchemic, alchemist, alchemistic, alchemistical
-alcohol, alcohols, alcoholic, alcoholics, alcoholism, types of alcohol, ethyl alcohol
-alderman, aldermen, aldermancy, aldermancies, aldermanic
-alert, alerts, alerted, alerting, alertly
-Alexander Graham Bell
-Alexander the Great
-Alexis Carel
-alga, algae, algal
-algebra, algebraic, algebraist
-algicide, algicides
-Algonquin (the peoples), Algonquins,
-Algonquian (the language), Algonquians
-algorithm, algorithms, algorithmic
-alibi, alibis, alibied, alibiing
-alien, aliens, alienate, alienates, alienated, alienating, aliened, aliening, alienator, alienators, alienation, alienations
-alight (excited, burning)
-alight (settle), alights, alighted or alit, alighting
-align, aligns, aligned, aligning, aligner, aligners, alignment, alignments
-alike, alikeness
-alimentary, alimentary canal
-alive, aliveness
-alkaline, alkaline (in design of proteins), alkalinity, alkali, alkalis, alkalies, alkalize, alkalizes, alkalinize, alkalized, alkalinized, alkalizing, alkalinizing, alkalinizes, alkalization
-alkaloid, alkaloids, alkaloidal
-all, all along, all but, all done in, all in all, all of, all that, all told, at all, after all
-allay, allays, allayed, allaying, allayer
-allege, alleges, alleged, alleging, allegedly, allegeable, allegation, allegations
-allegiance, allegiances, allegiant
-allegory, allegories, allegorical, allegoric, allegorically, allegorize, allegorized, allegorizing, allegorizes, allegorization, allegorizations, allegorizer, allegorizers
-allele, allelic, allelism
-alleopathy, allelopathic
-allergy, allergies, allergic, allergen, allergens, allergenic, allergist, allergists
-alleviate, alleviates, alleviated, alleviating, alleviation, alleviations, alleviator, alleviators
-alley (marble), alleys
-alley (passageway), alleys, right up your alley
-alliance, alliances
-alliteration, ??,
-allocate, allocates, allocated, allocating, allocable, allocation, allocations
-allodial, allodium, allodiums
-allomorph, allomorphs, allomorphic, allomorphism, allomorphisms
-allot, allots, allotted, allotting, allotter, allotters, allotment, allotments
-allotrope, allotropes, allotropy, allotropic or allotropical, allotropically
-allow, allows, allowed, allowing, allowable, allowably, allowance, allowances, allowanced, allowancing
-alloy, alloys, alloyed, alloying, unalloyed, unalloyedly
-allure, allures, allured, alluring, allurement, allurements, alluringly
-allusion, allusions, allude, alludes, alluded, alluding
-alluvial, alluvia, alluvium, alluviums, alluvion
-allotrope, allotropes, allotropic, allotropy
-alloy, alloys, alloyed, alloying
-ally, allies, allied, allying, allied
-alone, aloneness
-along, alongside
-aloof, aloofly, aloofness
-alpaca, alpacas
-alpha particles
-alpha wave, alpha waves
-alphabet, alphabets, alphabetic, alphabetical, alphabetically
-alright, all right, ??, (also means 'for sure' & without question)
-altar, altars
-alter, alters, altered, altering, alterable, alterably, alterability, alterableness, alteration, alterations
-altercation, altercations, altercate, altercates, altercated, altercating
-alternative, alternatives, alternate, alternates, alternated, alternating, alternatively, alternately, alternateness, alternation, alternations, alternating current (AC)
-altitude, altitudes, altitudinal
-altruism, altruistic, altruistically
-alumnae, ??, m8,
-aluminum, aluminums, alum, alums, alumina aka aluminum oxide
-Alzheimer's disease
-amalgam, amalgamate, amalgamates, amalgamated, amalgamating, amalgamative, amalgamator, amalgamators, amalgamation
-amanuensis, amanuenses
-amass, amasses, amassed, amassing, amassable, amasser, amassers, amassment
-amateur, amateurs, amateurism, amateurish, amateurishly, amateurishness
-amaze, amazes, amazed, amazing, amazingly, amazement, amazements, amazedly, amazedness, amazingnesses
-ambassador, ambassadors, ambassadorial, ambassadorship, ambassadorships
-ambiance also ambience
-ambidextrous, ??
-ambiguous, ambiguity, ambiguities
-ambit, ??,
-ambition, ambitions, ambitious, ambitiously, ambitiousness
-ambivalence, ambivalent
-amble, ambles, ambled, ambling, ambler, amblers
-ambush, ambushes, ambushed, ambushing, ambusher, ambushers
-ameliorate, ameliorates, ameliorated, ameliorating, amelioration, ameliorations
-Amen or Amon (ancient mythological god of Egypt)
-amen (at the end of a prayer)
-amenable, amenability or amenableness, amenably
-amend, amends, amended, amending, amendment, amendments
-amenity, amenities
-American, Americans, Americanness
-American Revolution
-amicable, amicably, amicability, amicableness
-amicus, amicus curiae, amici curiae
-amid, amidst
-amide, amides, amidic
-amine, amines, amino acid, amino acids
-amity, ??,
-amnesia, amnesias, amnesiac or amnesic, amnestic
-amnesty, amnesties, amnestied, amnestying
-amoeba, amoebic
-amok or amuck
-among, amongst
-ammonite, ??,
-ammonium nitrate, ??, d34,
-amoral, amoralism, amorality, amorally
-amorous, amorously, amorousness, amour, amours
-amount, amounts, amounted, amounting
-AMP (also called adenosine monophosphate and adenylic acid)
-ampere, amperes
-amphibian, amphibians
-amorphous, amorphously, amorphousness
-ample, ampleness, amply
-amplify, amplifies, amplified, amplifying, amplification, amplifier, amplifiers
-amplitude, amplitudes
-amulet, amulets
-amuse, amuses, amused, amusing, amusable, amuser, amusers, amusement, amusements, amusingly, amusingness
-an, a
-anabolism, anabolic
-anacoluthon, acoluthons, anacolutha, anacoluthic
-anachronism, anachronisms, anachronistic, anachronous, anachronistically, anachronously
-anaerobe, anaerobic, anaerobically
-anagram, anagrams, anagrammatic, anagrammatically, anagrammatist, anagrammatists, anagrammitize
-anal, anally
-analgesic, analgesics, analgesia, analgesias, analgetic
-analogy, analogies, analogous
-analysis, analyses, analyze, analyzes, analyse, analyzed, analyzing, analytic, analytics, analytical, analytically, analyst, analysts
-anaphylaxis, anaphylaxes, anaphylactic, aphylactoid, anaphylactically, anaphylactic shock
-anarchy, anarchies
-anatomy, anatomies, anatomic, anatomical, anatomically, anatomist, anatomists
-ancestor, ancestors, ancestral, ancestrally, ancestry, ancestries
-anchor, anchors, anchored, anchoring, anchorman, anchormen, anchorage, anchorages, weigh anchor
-ancient, ancients, anciently, ancientness
-ancillary, ancillaries
-and, and so on, and so on or and so forth, and the like
-Andre, John
-androgynous, androgynously, androgyny
-anecdote, anecdotes or anecdota, anecdotal or anecdotic, anecdotalist, anecdotally
-anemia,anemic, anemically
-aneroid, ??,
-anesthetize, anesthetizes, anesthetized, anesthetizing, anesthetization, anesthesia or anaesthesia, anesthetic, anesthetics, anesthetically, anesthesiology or aesthesiology, anesthesiologist or anaesthesiologist, anesthetist or anaesthetist, anesthetists
-anfractuous, anfractuosity, anfractuosities
-angel, angels, angelic, angelical, angelically
-anger, angers, angered, angering, angrily, angerly, angry, angrier, angriest
-angle, angles, angled, angling
-anglicize, anglicizes, anglicized, anglicizing, anglicization, anglicizations
-Anglo-Norman, Anglo-Normans
-Anglo Saxon, Anglo-Saxons, Angle, Angles
-angstrom, angstroms
-anguish, anguishes, anguished, anguishing
-angular, angularly, angularity, angularness, angular momentum, angular position, angular positions
-animal, animals
-animate, animates, animated, animating, animation, animations
-animosity, animosities, animus
-anisotropic, anisotropically, anisotropism or anisotropy
-ankle, ankles, anklebone
-annals, annalistic, annalistically
-Anne Boleyn
-annex, annexes, annexed, annexing, annexation, annexationism, annexationist, annexational
-annihilate, annihilates, annihilated, annihilating, annihilation, annihilations, annihilator, annihilators, annihilatory
-anniversary, anniversaries
-annotation, annotations, annotate, annotates, annotated, annotating, annotative, annotator, annotators
-announce, announces, announced, announcing, annunciation, annunciations, announcement, announcements, announcer, announcers
-annoy, annoys, annoyed, annoying, annoyance, annoyances, annoyingly
-annual, annuals, annually, annal, annals
-annul, annuls, annulled, annulling, annulment, annulments
-annulate, annulated
-anoint, anoints, anointed, anointing, anointment, anointments
-anode, anodes
-anomaly, anomalies, anomalous, anomalistic, anomalistical, anomalistically, anomalism
-anon, ever and anon, now and anon
-anorexia nervosa
-answer, answers, answered, answering, answerable, answerability, answerableness, answerably
-antacid, ??, d34,
-antagonize, antagonizes, antagonized, antagonizing, antagonism, antagonisms, antagonist, antagonists, antagonistic, antagonistically
-Antarctic, Antarica, ??,
-ante, antes, anted or anteed, anteing
-antecedent, antecedents
-antedate, antedates, antedated, antedating
-antelope, antelopes
-antenna, antennas, antennal
-anterior, anteriorly
-anthem, anthems
-anther, anthers
-anthocyanin, anthocyanins also spelt anthocyan, anthocyans
-anthology, anthologies, anthological, anthologize, anthologizes, anthologized, anthologizing, anthologist, anthologists
-anthropic or anthropical, anthroposophy, anthroposophical, anthroposophist, anthroposophists
-anthropocentric, anthropocentrically, anthropocentrism
-anthropoid, anthropoids
-anthropology, anthropologist, anthropologists, anthropological, anthropologically
-anti, antis, anti-science
-antibiotic, antibiotics, antibiotically, antibiosis
-antibody, antibodies
-antic, antics, antically
-anticipate, anticipates, anticipated, anticipating, anticipatable, anticipatory, anticipation, anticipations, anticipator, anticipative, anticipatively
-antidote, antidotes, antidotal, antidotally
-antielectron, antielectrons
-antifreeze, antifreezes
-antigen, antigens, antigenic, antigenically, antigenicity
-antihistamine, antihistamines, antihistaminic
-anti-infective, anti-infectives
-antipode, antipodes, antipodean
-antiquarian, antiquarians, antiquarianism, antiquary, antiquaries
-antiquate, antiquates, antiquated, antiquating, antiquation, antiquations
-antique, antiques, antiqued, antiquing, antiquely, antiqueness, antiquenesses
-antiquity, antiquities
-antiseptic, antiseptics, antiseptically, antisepsis
-antisocial, antisocially
-antipathy, antipathies, antithesis, anthitheses, antithetical, antithetic, antithetically
-anteroom, ??,
-antitoxin, antitoxins
-antitype, antitypes, antitypical
-antler, antlers, ??, r18, p37, h12,
-antonym, antonyms
-antsy, antsier, antsiest
-anus, anuses
-anvil, ??, Isa. 41:7,
-anvil (ear part), ??,
-anxiety, anxieties
-anxious, anxiously, anxiousness
-any, anyhow, anyway
-Aorist.(more Greek tenses of words)
-aorta, aortas, aortal, aortic
-a priori
-apart, apart from, apartness, apartment, apartments
-apartheid, ??,
-apathy, apathetic, apathetically
-aperture, apertures, apertural
-apetalous, apetaly, apetalies
-apex, apexes or apices
-aphid, aphidian
-aphorism, aphorisms, aphorist, aphorists, aphoristic, aphoristically
-aphrodisiac, aphrodisiacs, aphrodisiacal
-apnea, apneas, apneic, apneics
-apocalypse, apocalypses, apocalyptic, apocalyptical, apocalyptically
-apocrypha, apocryphal, apocryphally
-apoenzyme, apoenzymes
-apogee, apogean
-apology, apologies, apologize, apologizes, apologized, apologist, apologists, apologizing, apologizer, apologizers, apologetic, apologetics, apologetical, apologetically, apologia
-apoplexy, ??
-apoptosis, ??,
-apostate, apostates, apostasies, apostasy, apostatize, apostatizes, apostatized, apostatizing
-apostle, apostles
-apothecary, apothecaries
-appall, appalls, appalling, appalled, appallingly
-apparatus, apparatuses
-apparel, apparels, appareled, appareling
-apparent, apparently, apparentness
-apparition, apparitions
-appeal, appeals, appealed, appealing, appealability, appealer, appealers, appealable
-appear, appears, appeared, appearing, appearance, appearances
-appellant, appellants, appellate
-appellation, appellations
-append, appends, appended, appending
-appendage, appendages
-appendix, appendixes, appendices
-appease, appeases, appeased, appeasing, appeasement, appeasements, appeaser, appeasers
-appendage, appendages
-appertain, appertains, appertained, appertaining
-appetite, appetites, appetitive, appetizing, appetizingly, appetizer, appetizers, apéritif, apéritifs
-applaud, applauds, applauded, applauding, applaudably, applaudable, applauder, applauders, applause
-applicant, applicants
-apple-polish, apple-polishes, apple-polished, apple-polishing, apple polisher or apple-polisher, apple polishers
-appliance, appliances
-apply, applies, applied, applying, applicable, applicability, applicably, applicant, applicants, application, applications, applicative, applicatively, applicatory, applicator, applicators
-appoint, appoints, appointed, appointing, appointment, appointments, appointed time, appointee, appointees
-apoplectic, ??,
-apportion, apportions, apportioned, apportioning, apportionment, apportionments
-apposite, appositeness, appositely
-appraise, appraises, appraisal, appraised, appraising, appraisement, appraiser, appraisable
-appreciation, appreciate, appreciates, appreciated, appreciating, appreciator, appreciators, appreciative, appreciatively, appreciable, appreciably
-apprehend, apprehends, apprehended, apprehending, apprehensible, apprehension, apprehensions, apprehensive, apprehensively, apprehensively, apprehensiveness
-apprentice, apprentices, apprenticed, apprenticing, apprenticeship, apprenticeships t15, a22, KGnotes4
-apprise (inform), apprises, apprised, apprising
-apprize (appreciate, value), apprizes, apprized, apprizing
-approach, approaches, approached, approaching, approachable, approachability
-approbation, approbate, approbates, approbated, approbative, approbatory
-appropriate (set apart), appropriates, appropriated, appropriating
-appropriate (steal), appropriates, appropriated, appropriating, appropriative, appropriation, appropriations, appropriator, appropriators
-appropriate (suitable), appropriately, appropriative, appropriateness, appropriator, appropriators
-approve, approves, approved, approving, approvingly, approvable, approval, on approval
-approximate, approximates, approximated, approximating, approximately, approximation, approximations, approximative, approximatively
-appurtenance, appurtenances, appurtenant
-apron, aprons, aproned, aproning
-apt, aptness, aptly
-aqua, aquas or aquae, aquatic, aquatically, aqueous, aquifer, aquifers, aquiferous
-Aqueous humor
-Arab, Arabs, Arabic, Arabic system of numerals
-arable, ??,
-arbitrage, ??,
-arbitrate, arbitrates, arbitrated, arbitrating, arbitration, arbitrator, arbitrators, arbiter, arbiters
-arbitrary, arbitrarily, arbitrariness, arbitrarinesses
-arbor, arbores, arboreal, arboreally, arboreous
-arbor (part of a baluster), arbores
-arc, arcs, arced, arcing
-arc welding, arc weldings
-arch, arches, arched, arching, archly, archness
-archaic, archaical, archaically
-archeology also spelt archaeology, archaeological or archaeologic, archaeologist, archaeologists
-archetype, archetypes, archetypal, archetypic, archetypical, archetypically
-archery, archeries, archer, archers
-Archimedes, Archimedean, Archimedes spiral
-archipelago, archipelagoes or archipelagos, archipelagic
-architect, architecture, architectural, architecturally
-archive, archives, archived, archiving, archival, archivist, archivists
-archon, ??,
-Arctic, arctics, Arctic Circle
-ardent, ardency, ardently
-arduous, arduously, arduousness
-area, areas
-arena, ??, p41,
-argue, argues, argued, arguing, arguer, argument, arguments, argumentative, argumentation, argumentatively, argumentativeness
-aria, arias
-arid, ??,
-arise, arises, arose, arisen, arising
-Aristotle, Aristotelian, Aristotelianism
-arithmetic or arithmetical, arithmetically, arithmetician, arithmeticians
-arm (armaments), arms, armed, arming, armer, armers, armament, armaments, armor, armors, armored, armoring, armory, armories, armada, armadas, armistice, armistices
-arm (limb), arms, an arm and a leg, at arm's length, with open arms, up in arms
-armature, armatures
-Armenia, Armenian, Armenians
-army, armies
-arouse, arouses, aroused, arousing, arousal
-arid, aridity, aridness
-aromatic, aromatically, aromaticness, aromaticity, aroma, aromas, aromatize, aromatizes, aromatized, aromatizing, aromatization, aromatherapy, aromatherapies
-around, been around
-arraign, arraigns, arraigned, arraigning, arraignment, arraignments, arraigner, arraigners
-arrange, arranges, arranged, arranging, arranger, arrangers, arrangement, arrangements
-array, arrays, arrayed, arraying
-arrest, arrests, arrested, arresting, arrester, arresters, arrestment, arrestments
-arresting (attracting and holding the attention), arrestingly
-arrive, arrives, arrived, arriving, arriver, arrivers, arrival, arrivals
-arrogance, arrogant, arrogantly
-arrogate, arrogates, arrogated, arrogating, arrogation, arrogations
-arsenal, arsenals
-arsenic, arsenical
-art, arts, artful, artfully, artfulness, artistic, artistically, fine art, fine arts, artless, artlessly, artlessness
-artery, arteries, arterial, arterials, arterially
-arthropod, arthropods, arthropodous, arthropodal
-article, articles, articled, articling
-Articles of Confederation (Canada), Articles of Confederation (United States) also US here Articles of Confederation
-articulate, articulates, articulated, articulating, articulately, articulateness, articulacy, articulation, articulations, articulatory, articulative
-artifice, artificer, artificers
-artifact, artifacts
-artificial, artificiality, artificialness, artificially, artificial intelligence, artificial intelligences
-artillery, ?? d21, b23, s61,
-artisan, artisans, ??, Jer.10-17,
-aristocrat, aristocrats, aristocratic or aristocratical, aristocratically
-arthritis (poisons getting into a joint), ??,
-Aryan, Aryans
-as, as by, as_good_as, as far as, as if, as of, as they say also they say, as in, as though, as it were, as opposed to, as such, such as, as much as, as to, as well, as well as
-asafetida, asafoetida
-ascend, ascends, ascended, ascending, ascendable or ascendible, ascendancy or ascendency, ascendence or ascendance, ascendences or ascendances, ascender, ascenders
-ascension, ascensions, ascensional, ascendible, ascendence or ascendance, ascendency or ascendancy, ascendent or ascendant, ascender, ascenders, ascendible, ascending, ascent, ascents
-assent, assents, assented, assenting, assentor, assentors or assenters, assenters, assentingly, assentive, assentiveness, assentivenesses
-acerbity, ??
-ascertain, ascertains, ascertained, ascertaining, ascertainment, ascertainments, ascertainable, ascertainableness, ascertainably
-asceticism, ascetic, ascetics, ascetical, ascetically
-ascribe, ascribes, ascribed, ascribing, ascription, ascriptions, ascriptive
-aseptic, aseptically, asepticism, asepticisms
-asexual, asexuality, asexually
-ash (dust), ashes
-ash (tree), ashes
-Ash Wednesday
-Ashkenazi, Ashkenazic, Ashkenazim
-Asia Minor
-aside, set aside
-ask, asks, asked, asking, ask for it, ask for trouble
-askance also askant, set aside
-aspect, aspects
-aspersion, aspersions
-asphalt, asphalts, asphalted, asphalting, asphaltic
-asphyxiate, asphyxiates, asphyxiated, asphyxiating, asphyxiation, asphyxiations, asphyxiator, asphyxiators
-aspic, aspics
-aspire, aspires, aspirates, aspired, aspiring, aspiringly, aspirer, aspirers, aspirate, aspirates, aspirated, aspirating, aspiration, aspirations, aspirational
-ass, asses
-assail, assails, assailed, assailing, assailable, assailableness, assailer, assailers, assailment, assailments
-assassinate, assassinates, assassinated, assassinating, assassination, assassinations, assassinative, assassinator, assassinators
-assault, assaults, assaulted, assaulting, assaulter, assaulters
-assay, assays, assayed, assaying, assayable, assayer, assayers
-assemble, assembles, assembled, assembling, assembly, assemblies, assemblage, assemblages, assemblagist, assemblagists
-assent, assents, assented, assenting, assenter, assenters, assentor, assentors, assentingly, assentive, assentiveness
-assert, asserts, asserted, asserting, assertion, assertions, assertable, assertible, asserter, asserters, assertor, assertors, assertive, assertively, assertiveness, assertivenesses, asseverate, asseverates, asseverated, asseverating, asseveration, asseverations
-assess, assesses, assessed, assessing, assessable, assessment, assessments
-asset, assets
-assiduous, assiduously, assiduousness, assiduousness, assiduity, assiduities
-assign, assigns, assigned, assigning, assignability, assigner, assigners, assignable, assignably, assignment, assignments
-assimilate, assimilates, assimilated, assimilating, assimilator, assimlators, assimilation, assimilations
-assist, assists, assisted, assisting, assistive, assister, assisters, assistant, assistants, assistance
-assize, assizes
-associate, associates, associated, associating, association, associations, associational, associationally, associative, associatively
-assortment, ?? m10
-assuage also asswage, assuages, assuaged, assuaging, assuagement, assuagements, asswaged (ancient spelling)
-assume, assumes, assumed, assuming, assumably, assumer, assumers, assumptive, assumption, assumptions
-assure, assures, assured, assuredly, assuredness, assurednesses, assuring, assurable, assurer, assurers, assurance, assurances
-Assyria, Assyrian, Assyrians, Assyrian Empire
-aster, asters
-asteroid, asteroids, asteroidal
-asthma, asthmatic, asthmatically
-astonied,astonishment, astonish, astonishes, astonished, astonishing, astonishingly
-astound, astounds, astounded, astounding, astoundingly
-astral, astrally
-astringent, astringents, astringency, astringencies, astringently
-astrology, astrologies, astrologer, astrologers, astrologic, astrological, astrologically
-astronomy, astronomical, astronomical unit, astronomical units, astronomic, astronomically, astronomer, astronomers
-astrophysics, astrophysical, astrophysicist, astrophysicists
-astute, astutely, astuteness
-asymmetry, asymmetrical, asymmetric, asymmetrically
-asymptomatic, asymptomatically
-asynchronism, asynchrony, asynchronous, asynchronously
-at, at any rate, at arm's length, at all, at hand, at issue, at least, at that
-atavism, atavist, atavistic, atavistically
-atheism, atheist, atheists, atheistic, atheistical, atheistically
-athlete, athletic, ??, s38, d21,
-Atlantic Charter
-atoll, atolls
-atom, atoms, atomic
-atomic number, atomic numbers
-atomic theory, atomic theories
-atomic units
-atomic weight, atomic weights
-atmosphere, atmospheres, atmospheric, atmospheric pressure, atmospheric pressures, atmospherical, atmospherically
-atone, atones, atoned, atoning, atonement, atonements
-ATP (also called adenosine triphosphate)
-atremble, ??,
-atrium, atriums, atria, atrial
-atrocity, atrocities, atrocious, atrociously, atrociousness
-attach, attaches, attached, attaching, attachment, attachments, attachable, attacher, attachers
-attack, attacks, attacked, attacking, attacker, attackers
-attain, attains, attained, attaining, attainable, attainability, attainment, attainments, attainableness, attainablenesses
-attaint, attaints, attainted, attainting, attainder, attainders
-attempt, attempts, attempted, attempting, attemptable, attempter, attempters
-attend, attends, attended, attending, attend to, attender, attenders, attendant, attendants, attendantly, attendee, attendees, attendance, attendances
-attention, attentions, attentional, attentive, attentively, attentiveness, draw attention
-attenuate, attenuates, attenuated, attenuating, attenuation, attenuations
-attest, attests, attested, attesting, attestant, attestation, attestations, attester or attestor, attesters or attestors
-attic, ?? s36, l5,
-attire, attires, attired, attiring
-attitude, attitudes, attitudinal, attitudinally
-attorney, attorneys, attorneyship, attorneyships, attorney general, attorneys general
-attract, attracts, attracted, attracting, attractable, attracter, attracters, attractor, attractors, attractive, attractively, attractiveness, attraction, attractions
-attribute, attributes, attributed, attributing, attributable, attributer or attributor, attributers or attributors, attribution, attributions, attributional
-attributive, attributiveness, attributive, attributively
-attune, attunes, attuned, attuning
-atypical, atypic, atypicality, atypically
-auction, auctions, auctioned, auctioning
-audacity, audacious
-audible, audibility, audibleness, audibly, auditory
-audience, audiences
-audit, audits, audited, auditing, auditor, auditors
-auditorium, auditoriums or auditoria
-auger, augers
-augment, augments, augmented, augmenting, augmentation, augmentations, augmentative, augmenting, augmentable, augmenter, augmenters
-Augsberg Confession
-Augustine, Saint
-Augustus Caesar
-aul or awl, auls or awls
-aunt, aunts, aunthood
-aura, auras or aurae, aureole, aureola, aurora, auroral, aurorean, aurorally
-auricle, auricles, auricled
-Aurora Borealis
-auspice, auspices
-auspicious, auspiciously, auspiciousness
-austere, austereness, austerely, austerity, austerities
-Australia map
-australopithecine, australopithecines, australopithecus
-Australopithecus afarernsis
-Australopithecus africanus
-author, authors, authored, authoring, authorial
-authority, authorities, authorize, authorizes, authorized, authorizing, authorizer, authorizers, authorization, authoritarian, authoritarianism, authoritative, authoritatively, authoritativeness
-authentic, authentically, authenticity, authenticate, authenticates, authenticated, authenticating, authentication, authenticator, authenticators, authenticity
-autism, autisms, autist, autists, autistic, autistically
-autobiography, autobiographies, autobiographer, autobiographers, autobiographic, autobiographical, autobiographically
-autocrat, autocrats, autocratic or autocratical, autocratically, autocracy, autocracies
-autodidact, ??
-autogenesis, ??
-automatic, automatically, automaticity, semiautomatic
-automaton, automatons
-automobile, automotive, ??, f22, b4,
-autonomous, autonomy, autonomic, autonomic nervous system, autonomously
-autopsy, autopsies, autopsic, autopsical, autopsist, autopsists
-autumn, autumnal, autumnally
-auxiliary, auxiliaries, auxiliary verb
-avail, avails, availed, availing, availingly
-available, availability
-avalanche, avalanches, avalanched, avalanching
-avarice, avaricious, avariciousness, avariciously
-avatar, ??,
-avenge, avenges, avenged, avenging, avenger, avengingly
-avenue, avenues
-average, averages, averaged, averaging, averagely, averageness
-aver, avers, averred, averring, averment, averrable
-averse, aversely, averseness, aversive, aversively, aversiveness
-avert, averts, averted, averting, avertible or avertable, aversion, aversions
-avid, avidly
-avocation, avocational, avocationally
-avoid, avoids, avoided, avoiding, avoidable, avoidably, avoider, avoiders, avoidance
-avouch, avouches, avouched, avouching
-avow, avowed, avowal
-avulsion, ??
-await, awaits, awaited, awaiting
-awake, awakes, awoke or awaked or awoken, awaking, awaken, awakens, awakened, awakening, awakener, awakeners
-award, awards, awarded, awarding, awardable, awarder, awarders
-aware, awareness
-awe, awes, awed, awing, awesome, awesomely, awesomeness, awe-inspiring, awe-inspiringly
-awe (amazed), awes, awed, awful, awing, awesome, awesomely, awesomeness, awe-inspiring, awe-inspiringly, awestruck
-awful (formidable), awfully, awfulness
-awkward, awkwardly, awkwardness
-awning, awnings
-ax (implement) or axe, axes, axed, axing, ax to grind
-axel (skating), axels
-axial, axially, axiality
-axiom, axioms, axiomatic, axiomatical, axiomaically
-axis, axes (math)
-axle, axles, axletree
-axon, axons
-Ayurvedic medicine
-B.C.E. or BCE
-B cells
-Baal (aka, Baalpeor, Peor, Bel, Hamon, Baphomet, etc.)
-babble, babbles, babbled, babbling, babblings, babbler, babblers
-baby, babies, babe, babes, babied, babying, babyish, babyhood
-Babylon, Babylonian, Babylonians, Babylonia
-bachelor's degree, bachelor's degrees
-backbench, backbenches, backbencher, backbenchers
-backbite, backbites, backbit, backbitten, backbiting, backbiter, backbiters
-backfire, backfires, backfired, backfiring
-background, ?? p6, s55,
-backhoe, backhoes
-backlog, backlogs, backlogged, backlogging
-backslide, backslides, backslid, backsliding, backslider, backsliders
-backwash, backwashes, backwater, backwaters
-bacteria, bacterium, bacterial, bacterially, bacillus, bacilli, bactericide, bactericides, bactericidal, bacteriology, bacteriologies
-bacteriophage, bacteriophages, bacteriophagic
-Bactria, Bactrian
-backward, backwards, backwardly, backwardness, bend over backward
-bad, badly, badness, bad-tempered, badass, badasses, too bad
-bade, bades
-badge, badges
-badger, badgers, badgered, badgering
-badger (animal), badgers
-baffle, baffles, baffled, baffling, bafflement, baffler, bafflers
-bagpipe. bagpipes. bagpiper, bagpipers
-bail (security), bails, bailed, bailing, bailer, bailers, bailable, bailment, bailor, bailors, bailsman, bailee, bailiff, baliffs
-bail (water), bails, bailed, bailing
-bail (handle of a pail)
-bail out
-bailiwick, ??,
-bait, baits, baited, baiting, baiter, bate, bates, bated, bating
-baklava, baklavas
-balaclava, balaclavas
-balance, balances, balanced, balancing, well balanced or well-balanced
-balusters, ??,
-balustrade, ??,
-balcony, ?? u8, s48,
-Balfour Declaration
-Balfour Report
-ballistic, ballistics, ballistically, ballistician, ballisticians, ballistic missle, ballistic missles
-balk, balks, balked, balking, balker
-ball (dance), ?? p29,
-ball (spherical rounded object),
-ballad, ballads, balladic, balladeer, balladeers
-balm, balms
-balmy, ?? s34
-baloney, baloneys, phony-baloney
-Baltic, Baltics
-baluster, balusters, balustrade, balustrades
-bamboo, bamboos
-bamboozle, bamboozles, bamboozled, bamboozling, bamboozlement, bamboozlements
-ban, bans, banned, banning
-banal, banalize, banally, banality
-band, bands, banded, banding, get on the bandwagon; bandwagon, bandwagons, bandwagoning, bandwagonings
-band (bind), bands, banded, banding
-bandy, bandies, bandied, bandying
-bane, baneful, banefully
-bang (noise), bangs, banged, banging
-bang (hair), bangs, banged, banging
-banish, banishes, banished, banishing, banisher, banishers, banishment, banishments
-bank (heap, banks of a river), banks, banked, banking
-bank (money), banks, banked, banking
-bank (row), banks, banked, banking
-bank (tilt), banks, banked, banking
-bank on, banks on, banked on, banking on
-bankrupt, bankrupts, bankrupted, bankrupting, bankruptcy, bankruptcies, bankruptive
-banner, banners, bannered, bannering
-bannister, bannister, ??
-banquet, banquets, banqueted, banqueting
-banshee, ??
-banter, banters, bantered, bantering, banteringly, banterer, banterers
-baptize, baptizes, baptized, baptizing, baptizer, baptizers, baptism, baptisms, baptismal, baptismally
-bar, BAR, bars, barred, barring
-bar magnet, bar magnets
-barbeque, bar-b-que, Bar-B-Q, ??,
-barb, barbs, barbed, barbing, barbed wire, barbed wires
-barbaric, barbarically, barbarous, barbarously, barbarousness, barbarian, barbarians, barbarianism, barbarism, barbarisms, barbarity, barbarities
-barbecue also bar-b-que and bar-BQ, m7,
-bare, bares, bared, baring, bareness, barely
-barfly, barflies
-bargain, bargains, bargained, bargaining, bargainer, bargainers
-barge, ??, m20,
-bark (boat), barks
-bark (dog), barks, barked, barking, barking up the wrong tree
-bark (tree), barks, barked, barking
-barley, ?? p29
-barnacles, ??
-barometer, barometers, barometric, barometrical, barometrically, barometry
-baron, barons, baroness, baronesses
-barrage (obstruction), barrages
-barrage (outpouring), barrages, barraged, barraging
-barren, barrenly, barrenness
-barnstorm, barnstorms, barnstormed, barnstorming, barnstormer, barnstormers
-barracks, ??, c51,
-barrel, barrels, barreled, barreling
-barricade, ??, c41,
-barrier, barriers
-barrister, ??,
-barter, barters, bartered, bartering, barterer, barterers
-baryon, baryons, baryonic
-basal, ??,
-basalt, ??, r28,
-basilica, basilicas, basilican
-bas-relief, bas-reliefs
-base (foundation), bases, based, basing, off base, basis, baseless, basal, basally
-base (low consciousness), baser, basest, baseness
-basic, basics, basically, basicity
-basin, basins, basinal
-bask, basks, basked, basking
-basket, ??, t24, h16,
-bastard, bastards, bastardly, bastardize, bastardizes, bastardized, bastardizing, bastardization, bastardizations
-bastion, ??,
-bat (animal), bats, fruit bat, fruit bats ??
-bat (baseball), bats, batted, batting, right off the bat (immediately)
-bath, baths
-bathe, bathes, bathed, bathing, bather
-baton, batons
-battalion, battalions
-batter (also cooking), batters, battered, battering, battery, batteries
-battleax or battleaxe, ??,
-bay (color), bays
-bay (divides), bays, at bay
-bay (sound), bays, bayed, baying
-bay (water), bays
-bayou, ??, s17,
-bazaar, bazaars
-bazooka, ??,
-be, be all, be that as it may, be all and end all, been, being, beings, beingness, for the time being, to be sure, well-being
-beach, beaches, beached, beaching
-bead, beads, beaded, beading
-beam, beams, beamed, beaming
-bear (animal), bears
-bear, bears, bore (on 'bore' see also listings on it below), borne or born, borne out, bearing, bearings, bear down on, bear out, bear up, bear fruit, bear in mind, bear the brunt of
-beast, beasts, beastly, beastlier, beastliest, beastliness, beast of burden, beasts of burden
-beat, beats, beaten, beating, beater, beaters, beat off, beat around the bush, beat about the bush, to beat the band
-beatitude, beatitudes
-beacon, beacons, beaconed, beaconing
-beauty, beauties, beautiful, beautifully, beautifulness
-because, because of
-beckon, beckons, beckoned, beckoning, beckoner, beckoningly
-become, becomes, became, becoming, becomingly, becomingness
-bedground, bedgrounds
-Bedouin, Bedouins
-beep, ?? p43,
-Beethoven, Ludwig van
-befall, befalls, befell, befallen, befalling
-befitting, befittingly, befit, befits, befitted, befitting
-before, beforehand
-befriend, befriends, befriended, befriending
-befuddle, befuddles, befuddled, befuddling
-beg, begs, begged, begging, beggar, beggars, beggared, beggaring
-beget, begets, begot, begotten or begot, begetting, begetter, begetters
-begin, begins, began, begun, beginning
-begrudge, begrudges, begrudged, begrudging, begrudger, begrudgers, begrudgingly
-beguile, beguiles, beguiled, beguiling, beguilement, beguilements, beguiler, beguilers, beguilingly
-behalf, in behalf of, on behalf of
-behave, behaves, behaved, behaving, behavior or behaviour, behaviors or behaviours, behavioral, behaviorally
-behavioral science
-behemoth, ??
-behind, ??, behind the scenes
-behold, beholds, beheld, beholding, beholder, beholders, beholden
-behove, behoves, behoved or behooved, behoving
-belabor, belabors, belabored, belaboring
-beleaguer, beleaguers, beleaguered, beleaguering, beleaguerment, beleaguerments
-belch, belches, belched, belching
-belie, belies, belied, belying, belier, beliers
-belief, beliefs, believe, believes, believed, believing, believer, believers, believable, believability, believably
-belittle, belittles, belittled, belittling, belittlement, belittler, belittlers
-bell, ??
-bellicose, bellicosely, bellicosity, bellicosities, bellicoseness, bellicosenesses
-belligerent, belligerently, belligerency, belligerencies, belligerence, belligerences
-bellow, bellows, bellowed, bellowing, bellower, bellowers
-belong, belongs, belonged, belonging
-beloved, beloveds
-belt, belts, belted, belting, below the belt, tighten one's belt
-bemoan, bemoans, bemoaned, bemoaning
-bemuse, bemuses, bemused, bemusing, bemusedly, bemusement, bemusements
-bench, benches, benched, benching
-benchmark, benchmarks, benchmarked, benchmarking
-bend, bends (not straight), bends (decompression), bent (not straight), bent (disposition), bending, around the bend, bend someone's ear
-Benedict Arnold
-benediction, benedictions
-benefactor, benefactors, benefaction, benefactions
-Benelux, ??,
-beneficial, beneficially, beneficently, beneficialness, beneficence, beneficent, benefit, benefits, benefited, benefiting also benefitting
-benevolent, benevolentness, benevolently, benevolence, benovolences
-benighted, benightedly, benightedness
-benign, benignly, benignity, benignities
-Benjamin Franklin
-Bennett, Richard (Richard Bennett)
-benumb, benumbs, benumbed, benumbing, benumbment, benumbments
-benzene, benzoyl peroxide
-bequeath, bequeaths, bequeathed, bequeathing, bequeathal, bequeathment, bequeather, bequeathers, bequest, bequests
-berate, berates, berated, berating
-Berber, Berbers
-Berea, Berean, Bereans
-bereave, bereaves, bereaved or bereft, bereaving, bereavement, bereavements, bereaver, bereavers
-beseech, beseeches, beseeched or besought, beseeching, beseechingly
-berserk, beserkly, beserker, beserkers
-berth, berths, berthed, berthing, a wide berth
-beset, besets, besetting, besetment
-beside, besides, beside oneself
-besiege, besieges, besieged, besieging, besiegement, besieger, besiegers
-besmirch, besmirches, besmirched, besmirching, besmircher, besmirchers, besmirchment, besmirchments
-besot, besots, besotted, besotting
-bespeak, bespeaks, bespoke, bespoken, bespoke, bespeaking
-best, bests, bested, besting, at best, get the best of, in the interest of, in the interests of
-bestial, bestially
-bestow, bestows, bestowed, bestowing, bestowable, bestowal(s) or bestowments
-bestride, bestrides, bestrode, bestridden, bestriding
-bet, bets, betting, bettor, you bet
-beta decay
-beta particle
-betake, betakes, betook, betaken, betaking
-betray, betrays, betrayed, betraying, betrayal, betrayer, betrayers
-betroth, betroths, betrothed, betrothing, betrothal, betrothals
-better, betters, bettered, bettering, for the better, had better, think better of, betterment
-bevel, bevels, beveled, beveling
-bevy, ??,
-beverage, beverages
-bewail,bewails, bewailed, bewailing, bewailer, bewailers, bewailment, bewailments
-beware, bewares, bewared, bewaring
-between, go-between, go-betweens, between you and me, in between, in between times, betweenness, betwixt, betwixt and between
-bewilder, bewilders, bewildered, bewildering, bewilderment, bewilderedness, bewilderedly, bewilderingly
-bewitch, bewitches, bewitched, bewitching, bewitchery, bewitcheries, bewitcher, bewitchers, bewitchment, bewitchments
-bewray, bewrays, bewrayed, bewraying
-beyond, beyond the pale
-biannual, biannually
-bias, biases, biased, biasing
-bib, bibs
-Bible, Bibles, biblical, Biblical, biblically, Biblically
-Bible belt
-bicameral, bicameralism, bicameralisms
-bicker, bickers, bickered, bickering, bickerer, bickerers
-biconcave, biconcavity
-biconvex, biconvexity
-bid, bids, bade, bades, bidden, bidding, bidder, bidders, do another's bidding
-bide, bides, bided or bode, bided, biding, bide one's time
-biennial, biennially
-bifurcate, bifurcates, bifurcated, bifurcating, bifurcately, bifurcation, bifurcations
-big, bigger, biggest, big on, biggish, bigly, bigness
-Big Dipper
-bigot, bigots, bigoted, bigotry, bigotedly, bigotedness
-bill (itemization; draft of a proposed law), bill of goods
-bill (beak), bills, billed, billing, billable
-bill of lading, bills of lading,
-Bill of Rights (American), Canadian
-billet, ??,
-billiard, billiards
-billow, billows, billowed, billowing, billowiness, billowy
-bin, bins, binned, binning
-binary, binaries, binary star
-bind, binds, bound, binding, binder, binders, Earthbound
-binding energy
-binocular, binoculars, binocularity, binocularities, binocularly
-bioavailable, bioavailability
-biochemistry, biochemical, biochemically, biochemist, biochemists
-bioethics, ??,
-bioflavonoid, bioflavonoids
-biogenesis also biogeny, biogenetic or biogenetical, biogenetically
-biogeography, biogeographies, biogeographic or biogeographical, biogeographer, biogeographers
-biography, biographies, biographical, biographic, biographically
-biology, biological, biologically, biologist, biologists
-bioluminescence, bioluminescent
-biometric or biometrical, biometrics, biometrically
-biomolecule, biomolecules
-biophysics, biophysical, biophysically, biophysicist, biophysicists
-biosphere, biospheric
-biotechnology, biotechnologies, biotechnical, biotechnological
-bioweapon, bioweapons
-bipinnate, bipinnately
-Birth Certificate, Birth Certificates
-birthright, birthrights
-biscuit, ??, w10,
-bismuth, bismuth, bismuthal
-bit (attaches to a drill), bits
-bit (computers; see also byte), bits
-bit (gnaw), bite, bites, bitten, biting, bite off more than one can chew, bite the bullet, bite the dust, bite the hand that feeds one, bitable, biteable, biter, biters
-bit (for horse), bits
-bit (size), bits, a bit
-bitch, bitches, bitched, bitching, bitchy, bitchier, bitchiest, bitchily, bitchiness
-bitter, bitterness, bitterish, bitterly
-bittersweet, ?? n5,
-bitumen, bitumens, bituminous, bituminoid
-bivalent, bivalence, bivalency
-bivalve, bivalves, bivalved
-bizarre, bizarrely, bizarreness
-black holes
-blackmail, blackmails, blackmailed, blackmailing, blackmailer, blackmailers
-black magic
-black sheep
-blacksmith, ??, f5,
-blade, blades, bladed
-bladder, ??, c47
-blagger, ??
-blah, blahs
-blain, blains
-blame, blames, blamed, blaming, blameless, blamelessly, blamelessness, blamer, blamers, blameworthy, blameworthier, blameworthiest, blameworthiness
-blanch, blanches, blanched, blanching, blancher, blanchers
-bland, blandify, blandifies, blandified, blandifying, blandification, blandifications
-blain, ??
-blank, ?? v7, s45,
-blanket, ??, w10, w11, r27,
-blare, blares, blared, blaring
-blaspheme, blasphemes, blasphemed, blaspheming, blasphemous, blasphemously, blasphemousness, blasphemy, blasphemies, blasphemer, blasphemers
-blast, blasts, blasted, blasting, blasting (disease), blast off, full blast, blaster, blasters
-blatant, blatantly, blatancy
-blather, blathers, blathered, blathering, blatherer, blatherers
-blaze, ??, i9,
-blazon, blazons, blazoned, blazoning, blazoner, blazoners, blazonment, blazonments
-bleach, bleaches, bleached, bleaching
-bleacher, bleachers
-bleak, bleaker, bleakest, bleakly, bleakness
-bleep, ??, P43,
-blemish, blemishes, blemished, blemishing, blemisher, blemishers
-blend, blends, blended or blent, blending
-bless, blesses, blessed, blessing, blessings, blest, blesser, blessers
-blight, blights, blighted, blighting
-blind date, blind dates
-blindside, blindsides, blindsided, blindsiding
-blink, blinks, blinked, blinking
-bliss, blisses, blissedor blist, blissing, blissful, blissfully, blissfulness, blissless, blisser, blissers, blissed out
-blister, blisters, blistered, blistering, blistery
-blither, blithers, blithered, blithering
-blizzard, blizzards
-block, blocks, blocked, blocking, out of the blocks, blocker, blockers
-blockade, blockades, blockaded, blockading
-blockchain, blockchains
-blockhead, blockheads, blockheaded
-blood,blood vessel, blood vessels, bloodstream, blood poisoning, red blood cells
-bloodline, bloodlines
-bloodsucker, bloodsucking
-bloom, blooms, bloomed, blooming, bloomy
-blossom, blossoms, blossomed, blossoming, blossomy
-blot, blots, blotted, blotting, blot out, blots out, blotted out, blotting out
-blotch, blotches, blotched, blotching, blotchily, blotchy, blotchiness, blotchinesses
-blouse, blouses, bloused, blousing, blousy
-bloviate, ??
-blow (hit), blows
-blow (wind), blows, blew, blown, blowing, blown away, blew in, blow off, blow out, blow over, blow up, blow a gasket, blow hot and cold,
blow off steam, blow one's cool, blow one's mind, blow one's top, blow one's stack
-blueprint, blueprints, blueprinted, blueprinting
-blunder, blunders, blundered, blundering, blunderer, blunderingly
-blunt, blunts, blunter, bluntest, blunted, blunting, bluntly, bluntness
-blur, blurs, blurred, blurring, blurry, blurriness, blurrinesses
-blurb, ??,
-blurt, blurts, blurted, blurting, blurter, blurters
-blush, blushes, blushed, blushing, blushful, blushingly
-bluster, blusters, blustered, blustering, blusterer, blusterers, blustery or blusterous
-boar, boars
-board, boards, boarded, boarding, on board, aboard
-boast, boasts, boasted, boasting, boastful, boastfully, boastfulness, boaster, boasters
-boat, boats, boated, boating
-boatswain, ??,
-bobbed, ??, d23
-bodice, bodices
-body, bodies, bodied, bodying, bodily, bodiless, body language, body mass index
-bog, bogs, bogged, bogging, boggy, bogginess, bog down, bogs down, bogged down, bogging down
-boggle, boggles, boggled, boggling, boggler, bogglers
-Bohr, Niels
-boil, boils
-boisterous, boisterously, boisterousness
-bold, bolder, boldest, boldly, boldness
-Bolshevik, Bolsheviks, Bolshevism
-bolster, bolsters, bolstered, bolstering, bolsterer, bolsterers
-bolt, bolts, bolted, bolting
-Boltzmann constant
-bomb, ?? b14
-bombard, bombards, bombarded, bombarding, bombarder, bombarders, bombardment, bombardments
-bombast, bombaster, bombastic, bombastically
-bond (bind), bonds, bonded, bonding, bondable, bonder, bonders, bond paper
-bond (certificate), bonds, bonded, bonding, bondable, bonder, bonders
-bondage, bondman, bondmen, bondwoman, bondwomen, bondmaid, bondmaids
-bone, bones, boned, boning, bone of contention, bone to pick
-bonfire, bonfires
-bonus, bonuses
-boo, boos, booed, booing
-book, booklet, ??, m25,
-boom, ??, b22, e26,
-boondoggle, ??,
-boonies, ??,
-boor, boors, boorish, boorishly, boorishness
-boot, boots, booted, booting, boot up, to boot
-booth, booths
-bootleg, bootlegs, bootlegged, bootlegging, bootlegger, bootleggers
-bootlick, bootlicks, bootlicked, bootlicking, bootlicker, bootlickers
-bootstrap, bootstraps, bootstrapped, bootstrapping, by one's own bootstraps
-booty, booties
-borax, boraxes, borate, borates, boric, boracic, boric acid, boric acids, boron, borons
-Boreal forest, Boreal forests
-border, borders, bordered, bordering, borderer, borderers
-bore (dull), bores, bored, boring, boredom, boringly, boringness, bear, bears, bearing, borne or born, bear down, bear out, bear up, bear down on, bear fruit, bear in mind; see also listings under 'bear'
-bore (hole), bores, bored, boring
-boron, boric
-borough, buroughs
-borrow, borrows, borrowed, borrowing, borrow trouble, borrower, borrowers
-bosom, bosoms
-boson, bosons
-botany, botanies, botanist, botanists, botanical also botanic, botanicals, botanically
-botch, botches, botched, botching, botcher, botchy
-bother, bothers, bothered, bothering, bothersome
-bottom, bottoms, bottomed, bottoming, bottom out, rock bottom, rock bottoms, at bottom
-bough, boughs
-boulder, boulders
-bounce, bounces, bounced, bouncing
-bound (boundary), bounds, bounded, bounding, boundary, boundaries
-bound (direction)
-bound (leap), bounds, bounded, bounding
-bound (restricted)
-bound (tie)
-boundless, boundlessly, boundlessness
-bounty, bountiful, bountifully, bountifulness
-bouquet, bouquets
-bout, bouts
-bow (as on a present), bows, bowed, bowing
-bow (bend forward), bows, bowed, bowing
-bow (nautical), bows, bowspirit, ??,
-bowel, bowels
-bower, bowers, bowered, bowering, bowery
-boycott, ??,
-brace, braces, braced, bracing
-brachiopod, brachiopods
-bracelets, ??, t24,
-bract, bracts
-brag, brags, bragged, bragging, bragger, braggers, braggest, braggart, braggarts
-braggadocio, braggadocios
-braid, braids, braided, braiding, braidings, braider, braiders
-braille, ??, k2,
-brain, brains
-brainwash, brainwashes, brainwashed, brainwashing
-branch, branches, branched, branching, branchless, branchy
-brand, ?? QWMH5, b24,
-brandish, brandished, ?? s37,
-brandy, brandies, brandied, brandying
-brash, brasher, brashest, brashly, brashness
-brass, brasses, brass tacks
-brat, brats,brattish, brattishness
-bravado, bravados or bravadoes
-brave, braves, braver, bravest, braved, braving, bravely, braveness, bravery, braveries, brave new world
-brawl, brawls, brawled, brawling, brawlingly, brawling, brawler, brawlers
-bray, brays, brayed, braying
-brazen, brazens, brazened, brazening, brazenly, brazenness, brazenfaced
-breach, breaches, breached, breaching (see also 'breech birth')
-break, breaks, broke, broken, breaking, break even, break down, broken in
-breaker, breakers
breakwater, breakwaters
-breast, ??, b22,
-breath, breaths, in the same breath, out of breath, breathable, breathability, breathabilities
-breathe, breathes, breathed, breathing, breathe down someone's neck, breathable
-bred, breed, breeds, breeding, breeding ground, breeding grounds, bedground, bedgrounds
-breech birth, breech births (see also 'breach')
-breed (as of dog), breeds
-breeze, breezes, breezed, breezing, shoot the breeze
-brevity, brevities, breviary, breviaries
-brew, ??, s11,
-bribe, bribes, bribed, bribing, bribable, briber, bribers, bribery, briberies
-bride, brides, bridal, bridals
-bridge, ??
-bridle, bridles, bridled, bridling, bridler, bridlers
-brief, briefs, briefer, briefest, briefed, briefing, in brief, briefer, briefness, briefly, brevity
-brier, also spelt briar, briers, briery
-brig, brigs
-brigade, ??,
-brigand, ??,
-bright, brighter, brightest, brightly, not too bright, brightness, brighten, brightens, brightened, brightening, brightener, brighteners
-brilliance, brilliancy, brilliant, brilliantly, brilliantness
-brim, brims, brimmed, brimming
-brine, ??,
-bring, brings, bring about, bring on, bring up, bringing, bring around, bring round, bring down, bring forth, bring forward, bring in, bring on, bring out, bring to, bring down the house,
bring home, bring to bear, bring to light, bring to mind, bringer, bringers, brought, brought about, brought on
-brink, brinks
-brisk, brisker, briskest, briskly, briskness
-brisket, briskets
-bristly, bristlier, bristliest, bristle, bristles, bristled, bristling
-British, Britisher, Britishers, Britishism, Britishisms, Britishness, English and British (why?), Britain/Great Britain (see also 'United Kingdom'), British Empire and its 13 original colonies
-brittle, brittler, brittlest, brittlely, brittleness
-broach, broaches, broached, broaching
-broach (jewelry), broaches, also brooch, brooches
-broad, broader, broadest, broadness, broad-minded, broad-mindedly, broad-mindedness
-broadcast, broadcasts, broadcasting, broadcaster, broadcasters
-broadside, broadsides, broadsided, broadsiding
-broil (argument), broils, broiled, broiling
-broil (cook) broils, broiled, broiling
-broker, brokers, brokered, brokering, brokerage, brokerages
-bromine, bromate, bromates, bromated, bromating, bromic acid
-bronchial, bronchially, bronchitis, bronchitic, bronchial asthma
-bronchus, bronchi
-bronze, bronzes, bronzed, bronzing, bronzer, bronzers, bronzy
-brooch, brooches
-brood, broods, brooded, brooding, broodingly
-brook, brooks
-broth, broths
-brother, brothers, brethren, brotherhood, brotherhoods, brotherliness, brotherly
-brow, brows, browbeat, browbeats, browbeaten, browbeating, browbeater, browbeaters
-Browne, Sir Thomas
-brownnose, brownnosed, brownnosing, brownnose, brownnoser, brownnosers
-browse, browses, browsed, browsing, browser, browsers
-bruise, bruises, bruised, bruising
-brunt, brunts, bear the brunt of
-brush (bristles), brushes, brushed, brushing
-brush (bushes), brushes, brushy
-brush (encounter), brushes, brushed, brushing
-brush (remove), brushes, brushed, brushing, brushy
-brush up
-brusk, brusque, bruskly, bruskness
-brutal, brutalize, brutalizes, brutality, brutilization
-brute, brutes, brutish, brutishly, brutishness, brutism
-buccaneer, ??
-buck (animal), ??, r18,
-buckboard, buckboards
-bucket, ?? p29, s51, b22, t25,
-buckle, buckles, buckled, buckling, buckle up, buckle down
-buckler, bucklers, bucklered, bucklering
-buckshot, ??, s49
-bucolic, bucolically
-bud (friend), buds, buddy, buddies, buddied, buddying ??,
-bud (plant), buds, budded, budding
-budge, ??
-budget, budgets, budgeted, budgeting, budgetary, budgeter, budgeters
-buff (enthusiast), buffs
-buff (polish), buffs, buffed, buffing
-buffalo, ??, f2,
-buffet, buffets, buffeted, buffeting, buffeter, buffeters
-buffet (restaurant), buffets
-buffoon, buffoons, buffoonery
-bugle, ?? b14
-build, builds, built, building, buildings, build in or build into, build on or build upon
-bulbous, bulbously
-bulge, bulges, bulged, bulging, bulgy, bulginess
-bulimia, bulimic
-bull (animal), bills, bullock, bullocks
-bull (force its strength), bulls, bulled, bulling, bullish, bullishly, bullishness, bullheaded, bullheadedly bullheadedness
-bull (papal), bulls, bulled, bulling, bulla, bullae
-bullet, ??, s49,
-bullshit, bullshits, bullshitted, bullshitting, bullshitter, bullshitters
-bully, bullies, bullied, bullying
-bulk, bulks, bulked, bulking, in bulk, bulky, bulkier, bulkiest, bulkily, bulkiness
-bulrush, bulrushes
-bulwark, bulwarks, bulwarked, bulwarking
-bum (rear end), bums
-bumble (clumsy), bumbles, bumbled, bumbling
-bumble (sound), bumbles, bumbled, bumbling
-bump, bumps, bumped, bumping, bumpy, bumpier, bumpiest, bumpily, bumpiness, bump into
-bumpkin, ??
-bunch, bunches, bunched, bunching, bunchy, bunchiness
-bundle, bundles, bundled, bundling, bundler, bundlers
-bungee (cord or rope)
-bunghole, bungholes
-bungle, bungles, bungled, bungling, bunglingly, bungler, bunglers
-bunk (bed), bunks, bunked, bunking
-bunk (empty talk)
-bunko also bunco,??
-bunkhouse, bunkhouses
-bunker, ??, t24,
-buoy, buoys, buoyed, buoying, buoyant, buoyancy, buoyantly, buoy up, buoys up, buoyed up, buoying up
-bur also spelt burr, burs also spelt burrs, burred, burring
-bur (washer), burs
-burden, burdens, burdened, burdening, burdensome, burdensomely, burdensomeness
-bureau, bureaus, bureaucracy, bureaucracies, bureaucrat, bureaucrats, bureaucratic, bureaucratically
-burgeon, ??,
-Burgess, Anthony
-burglary, burglaries, burglar, burglars, burglary, burglaries, burgle, burgles, burgled, burgling, burglarize, burglarizes, burglarized, burglarizing
-burlap, ??, L12,
-burn, burning brightly, ??, a26,
-burnish, ??
-burp, ??, b19
-burro, burros
-burrow, burrows, burrowed, burrowing, burrower, burrowers
-bursa, bursae, ??,
-bursary, bursarial, bursarship, bursarships, ??,
-burst, bursts, bursting
-bury, buries, buried, burying, burier, buriers, burial, burials, bury the hatchet
-bush (shrubs), bushes, bushed, bushing, bushing, bush-league
-bush (lining), bushes, bushed, bushing, bushings
-bushel, bushels
-bust (break), busts, busted, busting
-bust (chest), busts
-bustle, bustles, bustled, bustling
-bustle (women's wear), bustles
-busy, busies, busier, busiest, busied, busying, busily, busyness, business
-busybody, busybodies
-butcher, butchers, butchered, butchering, butcherer, butcherers
-butler, ??,
-butt (hit), butts, butted, butting, butt in, butter, butters
-butt (join), butts, butted, butting, buttress, buttresses, buttressed, buttressing
-butt (stub as of a rifle end), butts, bum (rear end)
-butt (target of a joke), butts
-buttock, buttocks
-buy, buys, bought, bought off, buying, buyable, bought off, buy into, buy off, buyout or buy out, buy up, buy time
-buzz, buzzing ?? h11, b19,
-by, by and large, by the way, by means of
-bylaw, bylaws
-bypass, bypasses, bypassed, bypassing
-byproduct, byproducts
-Byrd, Richard
-bystander, ??,
-byte, bytes
-byway, byways
-byword, bywords
-Byzantine Empire, Byzantine, Byzantines
-c2 (c squared)
-C.S. Lewis
-ça va sans dire (French, it goes without saying)
-c'est-à-dire (French, that is to say; namely)
-cabal, cabals, caballed, caballing, cabalism, cabalisms, cabalist, cabalists
-cabin, cabins, cabined, cabining
-cabinet (storage), cabinets, cabinetful, cabinetfuls, filing cabinet, filing cabinets
-Cabinet (government), Cabinets
-cable, cables, cabled, cabling
-cacao, cacaos
-cacophony, ??
-cache, caches, cached, caching
-cad, ??
-cadaver, cadavers, cadaveric
-cadence, cadences, cadenced
-caddy, ??,
-cadge, cadges, cadged, cadging, cadger, cadgers
-cadre, ??,
-Caesar, Caesars, Julius Caesar
-Caesarea Palestine, Caesarea Philippi
-caesura also cesura, caesuras or caesurae, caesural or caesuric
-cafe, cafes, cafeteria, cafeterias
-caffeine, caffeines, caffeinated
-caftan, kaftan, ??,
-cage, cages, caged, caging
-cagey, cagier, cagiest, cagily, caginess
-cajole, cajoles, cajoled, cajoling, cajoler, cajolers, cajolery, cajolingly
-cakewalk, ??,
-calamity, calamities, calamitous, calamitously, calamitousness
-calcareous, ??, s12,
-calcify, calcifies, calcified, calcifying, calcification, calcifications
-calcine, calcines, calcined, calcining, calcination, calcinations
-calcite, calcites, calcspar, calcitic
-calcium, ??, c36,
-calcium carbonate, ??, c36, d34,
-calcium oxide, calcium oxides
-calculate, calculates, calculated, calculating, calculation, calculations, calculative
-calculus, calculuses or calculi, predicate calculus also called first-order logic, propositional calculus, sentential calculus
-caldron also cauldron, caldrons
-calendar (days), ??,
-calender (machine), ??,
-calf (mammal), calves, ??,
-calf (leg), calves, ??,
-calibrate, calibrates, calibrated, calibrating, calibrator, calibrators, calibration, calibrations
-caliber or calibre, calibers
-caliper, calipers
-caliphate, caliph, ??,
-call, calls, called, calling, caller, callers, call down, call for, call out, call up, call upon, so-called, call the shots
-calligraphy, ??,
-callous, callousness, callously
-calm, calms, calmer, calmest, calmed, calming, calmly, calmness, calmative
-calumny, calumnies, calumniate, calumniated, calumniating, calumnious, calumniously, calumniation, calumniations, calumniator, calumniators
-calve (split), ??,
-Calvin, John, Calvinism, Calvinist, Calvinists, Calvinistic, Calvinistically
-calyx, calyxes or calyces
-cam (engine), ??, t23,
-cambium, cambiums, cambial
-Cambrian Era
-camel, camels
-camouflage, camouflages, camouflaged, camouflaging
-camp, ??, e25,
-campaign, campaigns, campaigned, campaigning, campaigner, campaigners
-can, cans, canned, canning, canner, canners, can of worms
-Canaan, Canaanite, Canaanites
-canal, canals
-Canada Gazette
-Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
-canape, canapers
-canard, canards
-cancelation (old 'cancellation'), cancel, cancels, canceled (old 'cancelled'), canceling, cancelable, canceler, cancelers
-cancer, cancers, cancerous
-candid, candidly, candidness
-candidate, candidates, candidacy, candidacies
-candy-ass or candy ass, candy-asses or candy asses, candy-assed
-cane, canes, caner, caners, sugar cane (cane sugar), sugar canes
-canine, ??, b10,
-canker, cankers, cankered, cankering
-cannibal, cannibals, cannibalism, cannibalisms, cannibalistic, cannibalize, cannibalizes, cannibalized, cannibalizing, cannibalization, cannibalizations
-cannabis, cannabic
-canoe, ??, p42, f21,
-cannon, cannons, cannoned, cannoning, cannon fodder
-canon, canons, canonize, canonizes, canonized, canonizing, canonization, canonizer, canonizers, canonical also canonic, canonically, canonicity
-canopy, canopies, canopied, canopying
-cant (slant), cants, canted, canting
-cant (whiny speech), cants, canted, canting, cantingly, cantingness
-cantankerous, cantankerously, cantankerousness
-cantata, cantatas
-canticle, canticles, Canticles
-canvas, canvases
-canyon, ??
-cap, caps, ??, Isaiah 1:10, f16,
-capable, capableness, capably, capability, capabilities
-capacious, capaciously, capaciousness
-capacitance, capacitive, capacitively, capacitor, capacitors
-capacity, capacities
-caper, ??
-capillary, capillaries
-capital, capitals, capitalism, capitalistic, capitalistically, capitalist, capitalists, capitalize, capitalizes, capitalized, capitalizing, capitalizable,
capital letter, capital letters, capital stock, capital punishment, capital punishments, capital offense, capital offenses, capital architecture
-capital (top of a column), capitals
-capitulate, capitulates, capitulated, capitulating, capitulant, capitulants, capitulator, capitulators, capitulation, capitulations, capitulatory
-caprice, caprices, capricious, capriciousness, capriciously
-capsize, capsizes, capsized, capsizing
-capstan, capstans
-capsule, ??, e8,
-captain, ??, c21,
-caption, captions, captioned, captioning
-captious, captiously, captiousness
-captive, captives, captivate, captivates, captivate, captivated, captivating, captivation, captivations, captivity, captivities, captivator, captivators, captor, captors
-capture, captures, captured, capturing
-carbohydrate, carbohydrates
-carbolic acid
-carbon, carbonous, carbonaceous
-carbonate, carbonates, carbonated, carbonating, carbonation, carbonations, carbonator, carbonators, carbonization, carbonizations
-carbonic acid
-carbonize, carbonizes, carbonized, carbonizing, carbonizer, carbonizers
-carbon dioxide or CO2
-carcass,carcasses, carcase
-carcinogenic, ??,
-cardinal, cardinals, cardinalship
-cardinal number, cardinal numbers
-cardio or cardi, cardiovascular, carditis
-care, cares, cared, caring,careful, carefully, carefulness, carefree, carefreeness, careless, carelessly, carelessness
-caress, caresses, caressed, caressing, caressingly, caressive, caresser, caressers
-careen, careens, careened, careening, careener, careeners
-career, careers, careering, careered
-cargo, cargos
-caricature, caricatures, caricatured, caricaturing, caricaturist, caricaturists
-carking, ??
-Carl Sagan
-carnage, carnages
-carnal, carnality, carnally
-carnation, carnations
-carnival, carnivals
-carnivorous, carnivorously, carnivorousness, carnivore, carnivores
-carom, caroms, caromed, caroming
-carotid, carotids
-carouse, carouses, carouser, carousers, caroused, carousing, carousal, carousals
-carotenoid, carotenoids
-carp, carps, carped, carping, carper, carpers, carping, carpingly
-carpe diem
-carpenter, carpenters, carpentered, carpentering, carpentry, carpentries
-carry, carries, carried, carrying, carry away, carry forward, carry on, carry out, carried out, carryover, carryovers, carry over, carrier, carriers
-cart, carts, carted, carting, cartable, cartload, cartloads, cartful, cartfuls, carter, carters
-carte blanche, cartes blanches
-cartel, cartels
-Cartesian, Cartesianism, Cartesian coordinate system
-Carthage, Carthaginian, Carthaginians
-cartilage, cartilages, cartilaginous
-cartouche or cartouch, cartouches
-cartridge, ?? b16
-carve, carves, carved, carving, carver, carvers
-cascade, cascades, cascaded, cascading
-case, cases, cased, casing, in any case, in case, in case of, in this case
-case (container), cases, cased
-cask, casks
-cassava, ??,
-cast, casts, casting, cast iron
-caste, castes
-caster, casters
-castile soap, castile soaps
-castle, ?? i16, k3, m22,
-castor bean, castor oil
-castigate, castigates, castigated, castigating, castigation, castigations, castigator, castigators
-castrate, castrates, castrated, castrating, castrater or castrator, castraters or castrators, castration, castrations
-casual, casually, casualness
-casuistry, casuistries, casuist, casuistic, casuistical, casuistically
-CAT scan
-catabolism, catabolically
-cataclysm, cataclysms, cataclysmic or cataclysmal
-catacomb, catacombs
-catalog or catalogue, catalogs or catalogues, cataloged or catalogued, cataloging or cataloguing, cataloger or cataloguer, catalogers or cataloguers cre34, a15, f21,
-catalyst, catalysts, catalysis, catalytic, catalytically, catalyze, catalyzes, catalyzed, catalyzing, catalyzer, catalyzers
-catamite, catamites
-catapult, catapults, catapulted, catapulting
-cataract, cataracts
-catarrh, catarrhs, catarrhal, catarrhous, catarrhally
-catastrophe, catastrophes, catastrophic, catastrophically
-catatonic, catatonic, catatonia, catatonias
-catch, catches, caught, catching, catchy, catchier, catchiest, catchiness, catchinesses, catchable, catch on, catchword, catchwords
-catechol, ??,
-catechu, ??,
-category, categories, categorize, categorizes, categorized, categorizing, categorizable, categorization, categoric, categorical, categorically, categoricalness
-categorical imperative
-cater, caterer, ??, p3, p7,
-caterpillar, ??, Joel 3:23-25
-caterwaul, ??,
-catharsis, catharses, cathartic, cathartics
-cathedral, ??,
-Catherine of Aragon
-cathode, cathodes, cathodic, cathodically, cathode ray, cathode rays
-Catholic, Catholics
-cattail, cattails
-Caucasus, Caucasia
-Caucasian, Caucasians
-caucus, ??,
-caudal, caudally
-caulk, caulks, caulked, caulking, caulkings, caulker, caulkers
-cause, causes, caused, causing, causable, causative, causatively, causeless, causer, causation, causal, causally, causality, causalities
-causeway, causeways
-caustic, caustically, causticity, caustic soda
-caution, cautions, cautious, cautioned,cautionary, cautioning, cautiously, cautiousness
-cavalry, cavalries, cavalyman, cavalrymen
-cave, caves, caved, caving, caver, cavers
-caveat, caveats, caveated, caveating, caveat emptor, caveat emptors
-cavil, cavils, caviled, cavilled, caviling, cavilling, caviler, cavilers
-cavity, cavities, cavitation, cavitations, cavitate
-cavort, cavorts, cavorted, cavorting
-cease, ceases, ceased, ceasing, cessation, cessations, ceaseless, ceaselessly, ceaselessness
-cecum, cecal, cecally
-cede, cedes, ceded, ceding
-celebrate, celebrates, celebrated, celebrating, celebratory, celebration, celebrations, celebrator, celebrators
-celebrity, celebrities, celebrityhood
-celibate, celibates, celibacy, celibacies
-ceiling, ??, v9,
-cell (electricity), cells
-cell (living), cells, B cells, T cells, red blood cells, cell-mediated, cell-mediated immune response  or cellular immune response
-cell (small rooms), cells, celled, celling
-cellar, ??,
-cellphone, cellphones
-cellulose, celluloses, cellulosic
-Celsius or centigrade
-Celt, Celts, Celtic, Celtics
-cement, cements, cemented, cementing, cementer, cementers, Portland cement
-cemetery, ??, n2,
-censer, censers
-censor, censors, censored, censoring, censorable, censorial, censorship
-censure, censures, censured, censuring, censurer, censurers, censorious, censoriously, censoriousness
-census, censuses
-center or centre, centered, centering, centers, central, centric or centrical, centrically, centricity, centricities
-central nervous system
-centrifugal, centrifugally, centrifugal force
-centriole, centrioles
-centripetal, centripetally, centripetal force
-centromere, centromeric
-centrosome, centrosomic
-century, centuries, centurylong, centurion, centurions, centurial
-ceramic, ceramics
-cereal, cereals
-cerebral cortex, cerebral hemisphere, cerebral hemispheres
-cerebral palsy
-ceremony, ceremonies, ceremonious, ceremoniously, ceremoniousness, ceremonial, ceremonialism, ceremonialist, ceremonially
-certain, make certain, for certain, certainly, certainty, certainties
-certificate, certificates, certificated, certificating, certificatory
-certify, certifies, certified, certifying, certifier, certifiers
-cerulean, ??,
-cervix, cervixes, cervices, cervical
-cesarian or caesarian or cesarean also caesarean, cesarian, cesarians, cesarean section, cesarean sections
-cesspool, cesspools
-chakra, chakras
-chase, chases, chased, chasing
-Chadic, Chadics
-chafe, chafes, chafed, chafing
-chaff, chaffs, chaffed, chaffing
-chagrin, chagrins, chagrined, chagrining,
-chain, chains, chained, chaining, chain mail, chain mails
-chalcedony also calcedony, chalcedonies, chalcedonic
-Chaldea, Chaldean, Chaldeans, Chaldaic
-challenge, challenges, challenged, challenging, challengeable
-chalk, chalks, chalked, chalking, chalk up, chalkiness, chalky
-chamber, chambers, chambered, chambering, chamberlain, chamberlains, chambermaid, chambermaids
-chamois, chammy, chammies
-champion, champions, championed, championing
-chance, chances
-chandelier, chandeliers
-change, changes, changed, changing, change off, change hands, changeable, changeability, changeabilities, changeableness, changeablenesses, changeably
-channel, channels, channeled, channeling, channeler, channelers
-chant, chants, chanted, chanting, chantingly
-Chantilly lace
-chaos, chaotic, chaotically
-chap (fellow), ??,
-chap (skin), ??,
-chapiter, chapiters
-chaplain, chaplains, chaplaincy or chaplainship
-chapter, chapters
-char (burn), char, chars, charred, charring, charcoal, charcoals, charcoaled, charcoaling, activated charcoal, charbroil, charbroils, charbroiled, charbroiling s15
-char (fish), chars
-character, characters, charactered, charactering, in character, out of character, characterless, characteristic, characteristics, characteristically, characterize, characterizes, characterized, characterizing, characterizer, characterizers, characterization, characterizations
-charade, charades
-charge (control, fill, attack, file), charges, charged, charging
-charge (electrical), charges, charged, charging, positive charge, negative charge, in charge (control), in charge of
-charitable, charitableness, charitably, charity, charities
-charlatan, charlatans, charlatanic or charlatanical, charlatanism or charlatanry, charlatanisms or charlatanries
-Charles Steinmetz
-Charlottetown Accord
-charm, charms, charmed, charming, charmingly, charmless
-chart, charts, charted, charting
-charter, charters, chartered, chartering, charterer, charterers
-chase, chases, chased, chasing, cut to the chase
-chasm, chasmal
-chaste, chaster, chastest, chastely, chasteness, chastity
-chasten, chastens, chastened, chastening, chastener, chasteners
-chastise, chastises, chastised, chastising, chastisement, chastisements, chastiser, chastisers
-chat, chats, chatted, chatting, chatter, chatters, chattered, chattering, chatterer, chatterers
-chattel, chattels, chattel mortgage, chattel mortages
-cheap, cheaper, cheapest, cheaply, cheapness
-cheat, cheats, cheated, cheating, cheater, cheaters, cheatingly
-check (action), checks, checked, checking, in check, check in, check out, check over, checkable
-cheeky, cheekier, cheekiest, cheekily, cheekiness, cheekinesses
-cheep, cheeps, cheeped, cheeping, cheeper, cheepers
-cheer, cheers, cheered, cheering, cheerful, cheerfully, cheerfulness, cheeringly, cheerer, cheerers
-cheese, cheeses, cheesed, cheesing, cheesy, cheesier, cheesiest, cheesiness, the big cheese
-cheesecloth, cheesecloths
-cheetah, cheetahs, ??,
-chelate, chelates, chelated, chelating, chelatable, chelation, chelations, chelator, chelators
-chemical, chemicals, chemically, chemistry, chemistries
-cherish, cherishes, cherished, cherishing, cherishable, cherisher, cherishers, cherishingly
-chest, ??, b22,
-chesterfield, chesterfields
-chevron, chevrons
-chiasma or chiasm, chiasmas, chiasmata, chiasmal, chiasmic, chiasmatic, suprachiasmatic nucleus
-chic, chicer, chicest, chicly, chicness
-chicanery, chicaneries
-chicken shit, chicken shits
-chide, chides, chided or chid, chidden, chiding, chider, chiders, chidingly
-chief, chiefs, chiefly, chiefdom, chiefship, chieftain, chieftains, chieftaincy, chieftainship, chief warrant officer, chief warrant officers, chief executive, chief executives
-Chief Pontiac
-chilblain, chilblains, chilblained
-child, children, with child, childless, childlessness, childish, childishly, childishness
-chill, chilling, ??, n8, s60,
-chimera, chimeras, chimeric, chimerical, chimerically
-chimney, ??, s47, w11, c48,
-china, chinas
-Chinook (the people), Chinooks, chinook, (the salmon & the winds), chinooks
-chip, chips, chipped, chipping, chip in, chip off the old block, chip on the shoulder f15, I4,
-chip (bird speaking), chips, chipped, chipping
-Chippewa or Chippewas
-chirp, chirps, chirped, chirping
-chisel, chisels, chiseled or chiselled, chiseling or chiselling, chiseler, chiselers
-chitin, chitinous
-chivalry, chivalries, chivalrous, chivalrously, chivalrousness, chivalric
-chlorine, chlorine dioxide
-chlorofluorocarbon (CFC), chlorofluorocarbons
-chloroform, ?? a28
-chloroplast, chloroplasts
-chock, chocks, chocked, chocking
-choice, choices, choicer, choicest, of choice, choicely, choiceness
-choir, choirs, choired, choiring
-cholera, choleraic, choleroid
-choleric, cholerically, cholericly
-cholesterol, cholesterols
-choke, ??
-choose, chooses, chose, chosen, choosing, choose up, chooser, choosers
-chopping block, chopping blocks
-chord, ?? s35 (with 'segment'; with 'harmony' for music) t8,
-chore, chores
-chortle, ??
-chorus, choruses, chorused, chorusing, choral, chorally
-Christ, Christian, Christians, Christianity, Christendom
christen, christens, christened, christening
-Christian Science, Christian Scientist, Christian Scientists
-Christmas, Christmases, Christmasy, Christmas Eve, Christmas Eves
-chromatic scale
-chromatid, chromatids
-chromatin, chromatinic
-chromatic, chromatically, chromaticism
-chromosome, chromosomes, chromosomal, chromosomic, chromosomally
-chromosphere, chromospheres, chromospheric
-chronic, chronicity, chronically
-chronicle, chronicles, chronicled, chronicling, chronicler, chroniclers, chronology, chronologies, chronologist, chronologists, chronological, chronologic, chronologically
-chrysalis, chrysalises or chrysalides
-chubby, chubbier, chubbiest, chubbily, chubbiness, chubbinesses
-chuckle, ??,
-chuff, chuffs, chuffed, chuffing
-chum (bait for fish), chums, chummed, chumming
-chum (friend), chums, chummed, chumming
-chum(type of salmon), chums
-chunk, chunks, chunked, chunking
-church, churches, churched, churching, churchy, churchier, churchiest
-churlish, churlishly, churlishness, churl, churls
-churn, churns, churned, churning, churn out, churner, churners
-chute, chutes, chuted, chuting
-Cicero, Marcus Tullius
-cinch, cinches, cinched, cinching
-cincture, cinctures, cinctured, cincturing
-cinder, cinders, cindered, cindering, cindery
-cinematographic, cinematic ?? f14
-cipher, ciphers, ciphered, ciphering
-circadian, circadianly, circadian rhythm, circadian rhythms
-cirrhosis, ??
-circle, circles, circled, circling, circler, circlers, circlet, circlets
-circuit, circuits, circuited, circuiting, circuitous, circuitously, circuity, circuitousness, electrical circuit, electrical circuits
-circular, circularly, circularity, circular reasoning, circular reasonings
-circulate, circulates, circulated, circulating, circulative, circulator, circulation, circulatory, circulatory system
-circumcise, circumcises, circumcised, circumcision, circumcisions, circumcising, circumciser, circumcisers
-circumference, circumferential
-circumlocution, circumlocutions, circumlocutional, circumlocutionary, circumlocutory, circumlocutorily, circumlocutionist, circumlocutionists
-circumnavigation, ??, r18,
-circumscribe, circumscribes, circumscribed, circumscribing, circumscriber, circumscribers
-circumspect, circumspection, circumspectly
-circumstance, circumstances, circumstanced, circumstancing, circumstantial, circumstantially
-circumvent, circumvents, circumvented, circumventing, circumvention, circumventions, circumventive
-circus, circuses
-cistern, cisterns, cisternal
-citadel, citadels
-citations, ??, c6, d19,
-cite,cites, cited, citing, citable
-citizen, citizens, citizenly, citizenry, citizenries, citizenship, citizenships
-citrus, ?? s19
-city, cities, i10, b14,
-civil, civilly, civilize, civilizes, civilized, civilizing, civilizable, civilizer, civilizers, civilization, civilizations
-clack, clacks, clacked, clacking, clacker, clackers
-clad, clads, cladding
-clade, clades, cladistics, cladistic, cladistically
-claim, claims, claimed, claiming, lay claim to, claimable, claimer, claimers
-clairvoyant, clairvoyants, clairvoyance
-clam, clams
-clamber, clambers, clambered, clambering, clamberer, clamberers
-clamor, clamors, clamored, clamoring, clamorous, clamorousness, clamorously, clamorer, clamorers
-clamp, clamps, clamped, clamping, clamp down on
-clan, clans
-clandestine, clandestinely, clandestineness, clandestinity
-clank, clanks, clanked, clanking, clanky
-clarify, clarifies, clarified, clarifying, clarification, clarifications, clarifier, clarifiers, clarity, clarion, clarions
-clarinet, ??,
-clash, clashes, clashed, clashing
-clasp, clasps, clasped, clasping
-class, classes, classed, classing, classify, classifies, classified, classifying, classifiable, classification, classifications, classificatorily, classificatory, classic, classics, classical, classicality, classicalness, classically, classicismalso classicalism, postclassical
-class (social), classes
-class action (lawsuit), class action suits
-clatter, clatters, clattered, clattering, clatterer, clatterers
-clause, clauses, relative clause
-claustrophobia, ??,
-clay, clays, clay pottery
-cleaver, ??,
-clement, clemency, clemencies, clemently
-clean, cleans, cleaned, cleaning, cleanly, cleanlier, cleanest, cleanliest, cleaner, cleaners, cleanse, cleanses, cleansed, cleansing, cleanser, cleansers, cleanliness, clean out, clean up, clean house, cleanable, cleanness
-clear, clears, clearer, clearest, cleared, clearing, clear out, clear up, clear the air, in the clear, clearable, clearer, clearers, clearly, clearness
-cleat, cleats, cleated, cleating
-cleave, cleaves, cleft, cleaved, cloven, cleaving, cleavable, clave, cleavage, cleavage, cleaver, cleavers
-clench, clenches, clenched, clenching
-clergy, clergies, clergyman, clergymen
-cleric, clerics, clerical, clericals, clerically, clericalism, clericalist, clericalists, clerk, clerks, clerked, clerking, clerkdom, clerkship, clerkly, clerklier, clerkliest, clerkliness
-clever, cleverer, cleverest, cleverly, cleverness
-clevis, clevises
-click, clicks, clicked, clicking, clicker, clickers
-client, clients, clientage, clientages, cliental, clientele, clienteles
-climate, climates, climatic, climatical, climatically
-climax, ??, b19,
-clinch, clinches, clinched, clinching, clincher, clinchers
-cline, clines, clinal
-cling, clings, clung, clinging, clingy, clinger, clingers
-clink, clinks, clinked, clinking
-clink (prison), clinks
-clip, ??, s36,
-clitoris, clitorises, clitoral
-clitter (male insect noise), ??
-clique, cliques, cliqued, cliquing, cliquey, cliquy, cliquish, cliquishly, cliquishness
-cloak, cloaks, cloke, cloaked, cloaking
-clod, clods, cloddish, cloddishly, cloddishness
-clodhopper, clodhoppers
-clog, clogs, clogged, clogging
-cloister, cloisters, cloistered, cloistering
-clone, clones, cloned, cloning, clonal, clonally, cloner, cloners
-clop, ??
-close, closes, closer, closest, closed, closing, closely, closeness, close in, close out, close to home, close quarters, closure, closures, closured, closuring
-closed-mind, closed-minded, close-mindedness
-closet, closets, closeted, closeting, closetful, closetfuls
-clot, clots, clotted, clotting
-cloth, cloths
-clothe, clothes, clothed, clad, clothing
-cloud, clouds, clouded, clouding, cloudless, in the clouds
-clout, clouts, clouted, clouting
-clown, clowns, clowned, clowning, clownish, clownishly, clownishness
-cloy, ??,  s14,
-club, clubs, clubbed, clubbing
-clump, clumps, clumped, clumping, clumpy
-clumsy, clumsier, clumsiest, clumsily, clumsiness
-clunk, clunks, clunked, clunking
-cluster, clusters, clustered, clustering
-clutch, clutches, clutched, clutching
-clutter, clutters, cluttered, cluttering
-coach, ??, e11,
-coagulate, coagulates, coagulated, coagulating, coagulable, coagulant, coagulation, coagulative, coagulator, coagulators, coagulum
-coal, coals,
-coal tar
-coalesce, coalesces, coalesced, coalescing, coalescence, coalescent
-coalition, coalitions, coalitionist, coalitionists
-coarse, coarser, coarsest, coarsely, coarseness
-coast, coasts, coasted, coasting, coastal, coastally
-coat (garment), coats, coated, coating
-coat (substance), coats, coated, coating, coatings
-coat of arms, coats of arms
-coax, coaxes, coaxed, coaxing, coaxial, coaxer, coaxers, coaxingly
-cobbler, cobblers
-cobblestone, cobblestones
-cocoon, cocoons, cocooned, cocooning
-cockpit, cockpits
-cocktail, cocktails
-cocky, cockier, cockiest, cockily, cockiness
-coddle, coddles, coddled, coddling, coddler, coddlers
-code, codes, coded, coding, codify, codifies, codified, codifying, codification, codifications, codifier, codifiers, coded for
-codex, codices
-codon, codons
-coefficient, coefficients
-coelenterate, coelenterates
-coenzyme, coenzymes, coenzymatic, coenzymatically
-coerce, coerces, coerced, coercing, coercer, coercers, coercion, coercions, coercible, coercionary, coercive, coercively, coerciveness
-coeval, coevally
-coexist, coexists, coexisted, coexisting, coexistence, coexistent
-coextensive, coextensively
-cofactor, cofactors
-coffer, coffers, coffered, coffering
-coffin, ??, d32,
-cogent, cogency, cogencies, cogently
-cogitate, cogitates, cogitated, cogitating, cogitable, cogitative, cogitatively, cogitativeness, cogitation, cogitations, cogitator, cogitators
-cognate, cognates, cognation, cognations
-cognition, cognitions, cognitional, cognitive, cognitively, cognitive dissonance, cognizant, cognizance
-cohabit or cohabitate, cohabits, cohabited, cohabiting, cohabitant, cohabitants, cohabiter, cohabiters, cohabitation, cohabitations, cohabitational
-cohere, coheres, cohered, cohering, coherence, coherent, coherently, cohesion, cohesive, cohesively, cohesiveness
-cohort, cohorts
-coin, coins, coined, coining, coinable, coiner, coiners, the other side of the coin
-coincide, coincides, coincided, coinciding, coincidence, coincidences, coincidental, coincident
-coitus, coital, coitally, coitus interruptus
-coil, coils, coiled, coiling, coiler, coilers
-coke, cokes, coked, coking
-cold-blooded, cold-bloodedly, cold-bloodedness
-coldhearted, ??, u12,
-colic, ??
-collaborate, collaborates, collaborated, collaborating, collaboration, collaborations, collaborative, collaborator, collaborators
-collapse, collapses, collapsed, collapsing, collapsible, collapsibility, collapsibilities
-collate, collates, collated, collating, collator, collators, collation, collations
-collateral, collaterally
-colleague, colleagues
-collect, collects, collected, collecting, collection, collections, collective, collectively, collectiveness, collector, collectors, collectorship, collectorships, collectivism, collectivisms, collectivist, collectivists, collectivistic, collectivistically
-collegian, collegians
-college, colleges
-collide, collides, collided, colliding, collision, collisions, collisional
-collinear, collinearity, collinearities
-collocate, collocates, collocated, collocating
-colloid, colloids, colloidal, colloidals, colloidally
-collodion, collodions
-collops, ??
-colloquial, colloquialness, colloquially, colloquialism
-collude, colludes, colluded, colluding, colluder, colluders, collusion, collusive, collusively, collusiveness
-colon, colonic, sigmoid colon
-colonize, colonizes, colonized, colonizing, colonizer, colonizers, colonist, colonists, colony, colonies, (Britains 13), colonization, colonial, colonially
-color, coloration, primary colors ??, t21
-colt, colts
-column, columns, columned, columnar
-columnist, columnists
-coma, comas, comatose, comatosely
-combat, combats, combated, combating, combative, combatively, combativeness, combatant, combatants
-combination, combinations, combinational
-combine, combines, combined, combining, combiner, combiners
-combustion, combustive, combustible, combustibles, combustibility, combustibilities, combustibly, internal combustion engine (s)
-come, come across, comes, came, coming, come to terms, come what may, come to grips, coming to grips, come on now, come up short,
come about, come along, come around or come round
-comedy, comedies, comedian, comedians, comedy of errors
-comely, comelier, comeliest, comeliness
-comestible, ??,
-comfort, comforts, comforted, comforting, comfortingly, comfortable, comfortableness, comfortably
-comic, comics
-command, commands, commanded, commanding, commandment, commandments
-commemorate, commemorates, commemorated, commemorating, commemorator, commemorators, commemorative, commemoratory, commemoration, commemorations
-commend, commends, commended, commending, commendable, commendableness, commendably, commendation, commendations, commendatory
-commence, commences, commenced, commencing, commencer, commencers, commencement, commencements
-commensurate, commensurately, commensuration, commensurations, commensurable, commensurability
-comment, comments, commented, commenting, commentary, commentaries, commentator, commentators, commentarial
-commerce, commercial, commercially
-comet, ??, f22,
-commiserate, commiserates, commiserated, commiserating, commiserative, commiseratively, commiserator, commiserators, commiseration
-commission, commissions, commissioned, commissioning, in commission, on commission, out of commission, commissional, noncommissioned
-commit, commits, committed, committing, commitment, commitments, committee, committees
-commodious, commodiously, commodiousness
-commodity, commodities
-common, commons, commoner, commoners, commonest, in common, commonly, commonness, commonality, commonalities, commonplace, common law
-commonsense or common sense, commonsensible, commonsensibly
-commotion, commotions
-commonwealth, Commonwealth of Nations
-communicable, communicability, communicabilities, communicableness, communicablenesses, communicably
-commune, communes, communed, communing, communal, communally, communality, community, communities
-communication, communications, communicational, communicate, communicates, communicated, communicating, communicator, communicators, communicative, communicatively, communicativeness
-communion, communions
-communist, communists, communistic, communistically, communism, communisms
-commute, commutes, commuted, commuting, commutative, commutativity, commutativities, commutation, commutations, commuter, commuters
-comorbid, comorbidity, comorbidities
-compact (agreement and to make denser), compacts, compacted, compacting, compactly, compactness
-compact (case), compacts
-companion, companions, companioned, companioning, companionship, companionships
-company, companies, companied, companying
-compare, compares, compared, as compared with, comparing, compare notes, comparison, comparable, comparability, comparableness, comparably, comparative, comparatively, comparer, comparers
-compartment, compartments, compartmental, compartmented, compartmenting, compartmentalize, compartmentalized, compartmentalizing, compartmentalizes, compartmentalization, compartmentalizations
-compass, compasses, compassed, compassing, compassable
-compassion, compassions, compassionless, compassionate, compassionates, compassionated, compassionating, compassionately, compassionateness
-compatible, compatibility, compatibleness, compatibly
-compatriot, compatriots, compatriotic, compatriotism, compatriotisms
-compel, compels, compelled, compelling, compellable, compellably, compeller, compellers
-compensate, compensates, compensated, compensating, compensative, compensatory, compensator, compensators, compensation, compensations, compensational
-compete, competes, competed, competing, competitive, competively, competiveness, competition, competitions, competitor, competitors
-competent, competence, competency
-compile, compiles, compiled, compiling, compilation, compilations, compiler, compilers, competitor, competitors
-complacent, complacently, complacency, complacencies
-complain, complains, complained, complaining, complainer, complainers, complaint, complaints
-complement (completes; includes grammar definition), complements, complemented, complementing, complementary, complementarily, complementariness
-compliment (praise), compliments, complimented, complimenting, complimentary, complimentarily
-complete, completes, completed, completing, completer, completers, completest, completely, completive, completeness, completion
-complex, complexes, complexity, complexities, complexly, complexness, complex number, superiority complex, superiority complexes
-complexion, complexions, complexional
-complice, complices
-complicit, complicity, complicities, complicitous
-complicate, complicates, complicated, complicating, complicatedly, complicatedness, complication, complications
-comply, complies, complied, complying, compliant, compliantly, compliance, compliances
-component, components, componential
-comport, comports, comported, comporting, comportment, comporments
-compose, composes, composed, composing, composedly, composedness
-composite, composition, compositions, compositional, compositionally
-compost, composts, composted, composting
-compote, compotes
-compound, compounds, compounded, compounding, compoundable, compounder, compounders, compound interest
-comprehend, comprehends, comprehended, comprehending, comprehendible, comprehendingly, comprehensible, comprehensibility, comprehensibleness, comprehensibly, comprehension, comprehensions, comprehensive, comprehensively, comprehensiveness
-compress, compresses, compressed, compressing, compression, compressions, compressional, compressive, compressively, compressor, compressors
-compress (poultice), compresses
-comprise, comprises, comprised, comprising, comprisable
-compromise, compromises, compromised, compromising, compromiser, compromisers
-comptroller, comptrollers
-compulsion, compulsions, compulsive, compulsively, compulsiveness, compulsivity
-compulsory, compulsories, compulsion, compulsions, compulsory, compulsorily, compulsoriness
-compunction, ??,
-computerized assisted tomography or computer axial tomography (CAT scan)
-comtessa, comtessas
-compute, computing, computer, computers, computational, ?? p10, w11, c24, b3, i27, L16,
-comrade, comrades, comradeship, comradeships
-con (a convict), cons
-con (convict), cons
-con (direct, steer such as a boat), cons, conned, conning
-con (examine), cons, conned, conning, conning tower, conning towers, connor, connors
-con (opposing), cons
-con (swindle), cons, con job, con jobs, conned, conning, con man, con men, con artist, con artists
-conation, conations, conational, conative
-concatenate, concatenates, concatenated, concatenating, concatenation, concatenations
-concave, concaves, concaved, concavely, concaving, concavely, concaveness
-concede, concedes, conceded, conceding, concededly, conceder, conceders
-conceal, conceals, concealed, concealing, concealable, concealer, concealers, concealment, concealments
-conceit, conceited, conceitedly, conceitedness, self-conceit, self-conceited
-conceive, conceives, conceived, conceiving, conceivable, conceivably, conceivability, conceivableness, conceiver, conceivers
-concentrate, concentrates, concentrated, concentrating, concentrative, concentratively, concentrator, concentrators, concentration, concentrations
-concept, concepts, conceptual, conceptually, conceptualize, conceptualizes, conceptualized, conceptualizing, conceptualization, conceptualizations, conceptualizer, conceptualizers, conceptualism, conceptualisms, conceptualist, conceptualists, conceptualistic, conceptualistically
-conception, conceptions, conceptus
-concern, concerns, concerned, concerning
-concert, concerts, concerted, concertedly, concerted, concerting
-concerto, concertos
-concession, concessions, concessive, concessively, concessionary
-conciliate, conciliates, conciliated, conciliating, conciliable, conciliatory, conciliation, conciliations, conciliator, conciliators
-concise, concisely, conciseness
-conclude, concludes, concluded, concluding, concluder, concluders, conclusion, conclusions, conclusive, conclusively, conclusiveness
-concoct, concocts, concocted, concocting, concoction, concoctions, concocter or concoctor, concocters or concoctors
-concomitant, concomitantly
-concord, concordant, concordantly
-concordance, concordances
-concrete (evidence)
-concrete (material), concretes, concreted, concreting, concretely, concreteness
-concretion, concretions, concretionary, concresance, ?? (growing together)
-concubine, concubines
-concupiscence, concupiscent
-concur, concurs, concurred, concurring, concurrence, concurrency, concurrencies, concurrent, concurrently
-condenser, ??, c4,
-condemn, condemns, condemned, condemning, condemnation, condemnations, condemnable, condemnatory, condemer, condemers
-condense, condenses, condensed, condensing, condensability, condensable, condensible, condensation, condensational
-condescend, condescends, condescended, condescending, condescendingly, condescender, condescenders, condescension, condescensions
-condiment, condiments, condimental
-condition, conditions, conditioned, conditioning, conditional, conditionality, conditionally
-condolence, condolences, condolent
-condom, ??, p39,
-condone, condones, condoned, condoning, condoner, condoners
-conduce, conduces, conduced, conducing, conducer, conducingly, conducive
-conduct, conducts, conducted, conducting, conductible, conductibility, conductive, conductivity, conductivities, conductance
-conductor, conductors, conductorial, conductorship, conductorships
-conduit, conduits
-cone, ?? c29
-confabulate, confabulation, ??,
-confederate, confederates, confederated, confederating, confederative, confederacy, confederacies, confederation, confederationism, confederationist
-confer, confers, conferred, conferring, conferrable, conferment, conferral, conferrer, conferrers
-confess, confesses, confessed, confessing, confession, confessions, confessable, confessedly
-conference, conferential
-confide, confides, confided, confiding, confider, confiders
-confident, confidently, confidence, confidential, confidentially, confidentiality, confidentialness, confidence trick or confidence game, confidence man, confidant, confidants, self-confidence, self-confident, self-confidently
-configure, configures, configured, configuring, configuration, configurations, configurationally, configurative, configurational
-confine, confines, confined, confining, confinable or confineable, confiner, confiners, confinement, confinements
-confirm, confirms, confirmed, confirming, confirmability, confirmer, confirmers, confirmable, confirmatory confirmation, conformations
-confiscate, confiscates, confiscated, confiscating, confiscation, confiscations, confiscator, confiscators, confiscatory
-conflagration, conflagrations, conflagrate, conflagrant
-conflate, conflates, conflated, conflating, conflation, conflations
-conflict, conflicts, conflicted, conflicting, conflict of interest, conflicts of interest
-conform, conforms, conformed, conforming, conformably, conformable, conformability, conformabilities, conformance, conformances, conformer, conformers, conformist, conformists, conformity, conformities, conformation, conformations, conformational, conformationally
-confound, confounds, confounded, confounding, confounded, confoundedly, confoundedness, confounder, confounders
-confront, confronts, confronted, confronting, confronter, confronters, confrontment, confrontation, confrontations, confrontational, confrontative, confrontationist, confrontationists
-confuse, confuses, confused, confusing, confusingly, confusion, confusions, confusional, confusedly, confusedness
-confute, confutes, confuted, confuting, confutable, confuter, confuters
-congeal, congeals, congealed, congealing, congealable, congealer, congealers, congealment, congealments
-congenial, congeniality, congenialness, congenially
-congenital, congenitally
-congest, congests, congested, congesting, congestive, congestion, congestions
-conglomerate, conglomerates, conglomerated, conglomerating, conglomeratic, conglomeritic, conglomerator, conglomerators, conglomeration, conglomerations
-congratulate, congratulates, congratulated, congratulating, congratulator, congratularors, congratulatory, congratulation, congratulations
-congregate, congregates, congregated, congregating, congregation, congregations
-congress, congressional, congressionally
-congruent, congruity, congruous, congruency, congruencies,congruence, congruences
-conic, conical
-conifer, conifers, coniferous
-conjecture, conjectures, conjecturer, conjecturers, conjectured, conjecturing, conjectural, conjecturally, conjecturable
-congener, ??,
-conjoin, conjoins, conjoined, conjoining, conjoiner, conjoiners, conjoint, conjointly
-conjugal, conjugality, conjugalities, conjugally
-conjugate, conjugates, conjugated, conjugating, conjugation, conjugations, conjugationally, conjugational
-conjunction (a joining together) conjunctions, conjunctive, conjunctively
-conjunction (Grammar), conjunctive, conjunctives, conjunctively
-conjure, conjures, conjured, conjuring, conjuration, conjurations
-conk, conks, conked, conking, conking out, ?? H9
-connate, ??,
-connect, connects, connected, connecting, connective, connectives, connectedly, connectedness, connective tissue,connective tissues, connectivity, connectivities, connectively, connectible, connectable, connector, connectors, connecter, connecters, connection, connectional, in connection with
-conning tower, conning towers
-conniption, conniptions
-connive, connives, connived, conniving, conniver, connivers, connivance or connivence
-connoisseur, connoisseurship
-connote, connotes, connoted, connoting, connotation, connotations, connotational
-conquer, conquers, conquered, conquering, conquerable, conqueror or conquerer, conquerors or conquerers
-conquest, conquests
-consanguineous, consanguine, consanguines, consanguineously, consanguinity
-conscience, conscienceness, conscienceless, conscientious, conscientiously, conscientiousness, conscientious objector, conscientious objectors
-conscious, conscious mind, consciousness, self-conscious, self-consciously, self-consciousness
-conscript, conscripts, conscripted, conscription, conscriptions
-consecrate, consecrated, consecrating, consecrator, consecrative, consecratory, consecration, consecrations
-consecutive, consecutively, consecutiveness
-consensus, consensuses
-consent, consents, consented, consenting, consenter, consenters
-consensual, consensually
-consequence, consequences, consequential, consequentialness, consequentially, consequent, consequently
-conservative, conservatively, conservativeness
-conserve, conserves, conserved, conserving, conservable, conserver, conservers
-consider (concern), considers, considered, considering, considerer, considerers, considerable, considerably, considerate, considerately, considerateness, consideration, considerations, take into consideration, taking into consideration
-consideration (value), considerations
-consign, consigns, consigned, consigning, consignable, consignation, consignations, consignor or consigner, consignors or consigners
-consilience, consiliences
-consist, consists, consisted, consisting
-consistent, consistently, consistency, consistencies
-consistory, consistories, consistorial
-consolation, console, consoles, consoled, consoling, consolable, consolatory, consoler, consolers, consolingly
-console (cabinet), consoles
-consolidate, consolidates, consolidated, consolidating, consolidator, consolidators, consolidation, consolidations
-consonant (in agreement with), consonants, consonantly, consonantal, consonantally
-consonant (grammar), consonants
-consort, consorts, consorted, consorting, consortium, consortiums, consortia
-conspicuous, conspicuously, conspicuousness
-conspire, conspires, conspired, conspiring, conspiringly, conspirer, conspirers, conspiratorial, conspiratorially, conspiracy, conspiracies, conspirator, conspirators, conspiracy theory, conspiracy theories, conspiracy theorist, conspiracy theorists
-constable, constables, constableship, constableships, constabular, constabulary, constabularies
-constant, constants, constantly, constancy
-constant value
-Constantine the Great
-constellation, constellations
-consternation, consternations, consternate, consternates, consternated, consternating
-constipate, constipates, constipated, constipating, constipation, constipations
-constituent, constituents, constituently, constituency, constituencies
-constitution, constitutions, constitute, constitutes, constituted, constituting, constituter or constitutor, constituters or constituters, constitutional, constitutionally
-constitution of United States
-constrain, constrains, constrained, constraining, constrainedly, constrainable, constrainer, constrainers, constraint, constraints, constrainment, constrainments
-constrict, constricts, constricted, constricting, constrictive, constrictively, constriction, constrictions
-construct, constructs, constructed, constructing, constructive, constructively, constructiveness, constructible, constructor or constructer, constructors or constructers, construction, constructions, constructional, constructionally
-construe, construes, construed, construing
-consubstantial, ??,
-consuetude, ??
-consul, consular, consulship, consul general, consuls general, consulate, consulate general, consulates general
-consult, consults, consulted, consulting, consulter, consultation, consultations, consultant, consultantship, consultancy, consultancies (see also counselor)
-consume, consumes, consumed, consuming, consumer, consumers, consumership, consumption, consumptions
-consummate, consummates, consummated, consummating, consummately, consummative, consummatory, consummator, consummators, consummation
-contact, contacts, contacted, contacting, contactual, contactually
-contagious, contagion, contagions
-contain, contains, contained, containing, container, containers, containerize, containerizes, containerized, containerizing, containerization, containable, containment, containments
-contaminate, contaminates, contaminant, contaminants, contaminated, contaminating, contaminative, contaminator, contaminators, contamination, contaminations
-contemplate, contemplates, contemplated, contemplating, contemplator, contemplators, contemplative, contemplatively, contemplativeness, contemplation, contemplations
-contemporary, contemporaries, contemporarily, contemporaneous, contemporaneity, contemporaneousness, contemporaneously, contemporaneous, contemporaneously, contemporaneity, contemporaneousness
-contemn, contemns, contemned, contemning, contemner
-contempt, to hold in contempt, contemptible, contemptibly, contemptuous, contemptuously, contemptibility or contemptibleness, contemptuousness
-contend, contends, contended, contending, contender, contenders, contention, contentions, bone of contention, bones of contention, contentious
-content (amount), contents
-content (at peace), contents, contented, contenting, contented, contentedly, contentedness, contentment, self-content, self-contented, self-contentedness, self-contentedly, self-contentment
-conterminous also coterminous, conterminously, conterminousness
-contest, contests, contested, contesting, contestable, contestation, contestations, contester, contesters, contestant, contestants
-context, contexts
-contiguous, contiguously, contiguousness
-continence (restrain), continent
-continent, continents, continental, continentals, continentalism, continentalist, continentalists, continentality, continentalities, continentally
-contingency, contingent, contingently, Continental Congress
-continue, continues, continued, continuing, continual, continually, continuable, continuer, continuers, continuation, continuations, continuance, continuity, continuities, continuous, continuously, continuousness, continuum, continua, continuums
-contort, contorts, contorted, contorting, contortion, contortedness, contorted, contortive, contortedly
-contour, contours, contoured, contouring
-contraceptive, contraceptives, contraception, contraceptions
-contract, contracts, contracted, contracting, contractibility, contractibleness, contractible, contraction, contractions, contractor, contractors
-contradict, contradicts, contradicted, contradicting, contradictable, contradicter, contradicters, contradictor, contradictors, contradictory, cotradictory, contradictories, contradictorily, contradictoriness, contradiction, contradictions
-contradistinction, contradistinctive, contradistinctively
-contraindication, contraindications, contraindicate, contraindicates, contraindicated, contraindicating, contraindicative
-contraption, contraptions
-contrapuntal, ??
-contrariwise, contrary, contraries, to the contrary, on the contrary, contrarily, contrariness, contrariwise, contrariety, contrarieties
-contrast, contrasts, contrasted, contrasting, contrastable, contrastingly, contrastive
-contravene, contravenes, contravened, contravening, contravention, contraventions
-contribute, contributes, contributed, contributing, contributive, contributively, contributiveness, contributor, contributors, contribution, contributions, contributory, contributories
-contrite, contriteness, contrition
-contrive, contrives, contrived, contrived, contrivedly, contriving, contriver, contrivers, contrivance, contrivances, contrivable
-control, controls, controlled, controlling, controllability, controllabilities, controllable, controller, controllers, controllership, controllerships
-controversy, controversies, controversial, controversialist, controversiality, controversially
-controvert, controverts, controverted, controverting, controverter, controvertible
-contumacy, contumacies, contumacious, contumaciously, contumaciousness
-contumely, contumelies
-contusion, contusions
-conundrum, conundrums
-convalesce, convalesces, convalesced, convalescing, convalescence, convalescent, convalescents
-convection, convectional, convective, convectively
-convene, convenes, convened, convening, convenable, convener also spelt convenor, conveners, convenors
-convenient, conveniently, convenience
-convent, convents
-convention, conventions, conventional, conventionality, conventionalities, conventionalism, conventionalisms, conventionalist, conventionalists, conventionalize, conventionalized, conventionally, conventionalize, conventionalizes, conventionalized, conventionalizing, conventionalization, conventionalizations
-converge, converges, converged, converging, convergence, convergent
 converse (talking), converses, conversed, conversing, conversely, conversant, conversantly, conversation, conversationally, conversational
-converse (reversed), conversely
-convert, converts, converted, converting, conversion, conversions, convertible, convertibles, convertibility, convertibilities, convertibleness, convertibly
-convex, convexly
-convey, conveys, conveyed, conveying, conveyable, conveyance, conveyances, conveyancing, conveyancing, conveyancer, conveyancers
-convivial, conviviality, convivially
-convict (certain), conviction, convictions, convictional
-convict (criminal and sure in mind), convict, convicts, convicted, convicting
-convince, convinces, convinced, convincing, convincement, convincer, convincers, convincible, convincing, convincingly, conviningness
-convocation, convocations, convocational
-convoke, convokes, convoked, convoking, convoker, convokers
-convoluted, convolute, convolutes, convoluted, convoluting, convolutely, convolution, convolutions, convolutional, convolve, convolves, convolved, convolving
-convoy, convoys, convoyed, convoying
-convulse, convulses, convulsed, convulsing, convulsion, convulsions, convulsive, convulsively, convulsiveness
-coo, ??,
-cool, coolly, ??, p17,
-cooperate, cooperates, cooperated, cooperating, cooperator, cooperators, cooperation, cooperationist, cooperative, cooperatives, cooperatively, cooperativeness
-coordinate, coordinates, coordinated, coordinating, coordinately, coordinateness, coordinative, coordination, coordinations, coordinator, coordinators
-cop out
-cope, copes, coped, coping, coper, copers
-Copernicus, Nicolaus
-copious, copiously, copiousness
-coplaner, coplanarity, ??
-copper, ??, c42,
-coptic, ??,
-copy, copies, copied, copying, copyable, copier, copiers, copyright, copyrights, copyrighted, copyrighting, copyrightable, copyrighter, copyrighters
-copycat, copycats, copycatted, copycatting
-copulate, copulates, copulated, copulating, copulation, copulations, copulatory
-coquette, coquettish, coquettishly, coquettishness
-cord, cords, corded, cording, cordage, cordages
-cordial, cordiality or cordialness, cordially
-cordon, cordons, cordoned, cordoning
-core, cores, cored, coring
-coregent, coregents
-cork, corks, corked, corking, corkscrew, corkscrews
-corm, corms
-cornet, ??,
-cornice, cornices, corniced, cornicing
-corny, cornier, corniest, cornily, corniness
-corolla, corollate (a flower's part)
-corollary, corollaries
-corona, coronas or coronae, coronal
-corotate, corotates, corotated, corotating, corotation, corotations, corotational
-corp, corps
-corporation, corporations, corporate, corporator, corporators, corporatize, corporatizes, corporatized, corporatizing, corporate sole/corporation sole, subcorporation, subcorporations
-corpse, corpses
-corpulent, corpulently
-corpus, corpora
-corpus calossum, corpus calossa
-corpuscle, corpuscles, corpuscular
-corral, corrals, corralled, corralling
-correct, corrects, corrected, correcting, correctable, correctible, corrective, correctives, correctively, correctly, correctness, corrector, correctors
-correlate, correlates, correlated, correlating, correlation, correlations, correlative, correlational, correlativity, correlational, correlative, correlatively
-correspond, corresponded, corresponding, corresponds, correspondence
-corresponding, correspondingly, correspondent, correspondents, corresponding, correspondently
-corridor, corridors, corridors of power
-corroborate, corroborates, corroborated, corroborating, corroboration, corroborator, corroborators, corroborative, corroboratory
-corrode, corrodes, corroded, corroding, corrodible, corrosible, corrosive, corrosives, corrosively, corrosiveness, corrosion, corrisions
-corrugate, corrugates, corrugated, corrugating, corrugation, corrugations
-corrupt, corrupts, corrupted, corrupting, corrupter, corrupters, corruptor, corruptors, corruptive, corruptly, corruptness, corruption, corruptions, corruptible, corruptibility or corruptibleness, corruptibly
-cortex, cortices or cortexes
-corvee, corvees
-cosmetic, cosmetics, cosmetically
-cosmic, cosmical, cosmically, cosmic rays, cosmos, cosmology, cosmologic or cosmological, cosmologically, cosmologist, cosmologists
-cosmogony, ??,
-cosmopolitan, cosmopolitans, cosmopolitanism
-cosseted, ??
-cost, costly, cost-plus, ??, p41,
-Costa del Sol (and Spain)
-costume, costumes, costumed, costuming
-cot, ??,
-coterie, coteries
-cottage, cottages
-cotton, ??, t24,
-couch, couches, couched, couching, coucher, couch potato, couch potatoes
-cough, coughs, coughed, coughing
-coulee, ??,
-coulomb, coulombs
-council, councils, conciliar
-counsel, counsels, counseled, counseling, counselor also counsellor, counselors, counselorship
-count, counts, counted, counting, countless, countlessly, count on
-Count (nobleman), Counts
-countenance,countenances, countenanced, countenancing, countenancer
-counter, counters, countered, countering, counteract, counteracts, counteracted, counteracting, counteraction, counteractions, counteractive, counteractively,
-counterbalance, counterbalances, counterbalanced, counterbalancing
-countercharge, countercharges, countercharged, countercharging
-countercheck, counterchecks, counterchecked, counterchecking
-counterfeit, counterfeits, counterfeited, counterfeiting, counterfeiter, counterfeiters
-counterirritant, counterirritants, counterirritation, counterirritations
-counterpart, counterparts
-counterpoint, counterpoints, counterpointed, counterpointing
-counterpoise, counterpoises, counterpoised, counterpoising
-counterproductive, counterproductively, countermand, countermands,countermanded, countermanding
-countervail, countervails, countervailed, countervailing
-countess, countesses
-country, countries
-county, counties
-coup, coups, coup d'état, coup d'états
-couple, couples, coupled, coupling
-couplet, couplets
-courage, courageous, courageously, courageousness
-course, courses, coursed, coursing, in due course, of course, course of action, courses of action
-court, courts, courted, courting, courtship, courtships, courtesan, courtesans, courtly, courtlier, courtliest, courtliness, court of law, courts of law, appeal court or court of appeals, appellate court, common law court, inferior court, superior court and many, many more, all listed under courts of law
-courtesy, courtesies, courteous, courteously, courteousness, courteousnesses
-courtier, courtiers
-couth, couth, uncouth
-cousin, cousins, cousinhood, cousinly, cousinship, second cousin
-covalent, covalence, covalency, covalently, covalent bond
-coven, covens
-covenant, covenants, covenanted, covenanting, covenantal, covenantally
-cover, covers, covered, covering, cover charge, coverable, coverer, coverers, coverless
-coverage, coverages
-covert, covertness, covertly
-covet, covets, coveted, coveting, covetable, coveter, coveters, covetingly, covetous, covetously, covetousness
-cow (animal), cows, cowy
-cow (frighten), cows, cowed, cower, cowers, cowered, cowering
-cowl, cowls, cowled, cowling
-coward, cowards, cowardly, cowardliness, cowardice
-coy, coyer, coyest, coyly, coyness
-cozen, cozens, cozened, cozening, cozener
-cozy, cozier, coziest, cozied, cozying, cozies, cozily, coziness
-crack, cracks, cracked, cracking, crack down, crack up, get cracking
-crackpot, crackpots
-cradle, ??, Relationships,
-craft, crafts, crafter, crafty, craftier, craftiest, craftily, craftiness, craftsperson, craftspersons, craftsman, craftsmen, craftsmanlike, craftsmanly, craftsmanship
-craft (deceit), crafts
-crag, crags, cragged, craggy, craggier, craggiest, craggily, cragginess
-cram, crams, crammed, cramming, crammer, crammers
-cramp (pain), cramps, cramped, cramping
-cramp (tight together), cramps, cramped, cramping
-crampon, ??
-cranium, ?? p20, s43,
-crank, cranks, cranked, cranking, crank out, crank up, cranky, crankier, crankiest, crankily, crankiness
-crankshaft, crankshafts
-crap, craps, crapped, crapping, crappy
-crash, crashes, crashed, crashing, crasher, crashers, crash and burn
-crass, crasser, crassest, crassitude or crassness, crassly
-crate, ??,
-crater, craters, cratered, cratering
-crave, craves, craved, craving, cravingly, craver, cravers, craven, cravenly, cravenness
-crayon, crayons, crayoned, crayoning, crayonist, crayonists
-craze, crazes, crazed, crazing
-crazy, crazies, crazier, craziest, like crazy, crazily, craziness
-creak, ??, prosperity2,
-crease, creases, ??, i25, w10, f13,
-Creator, Creators
-create, creates, created, creating, creator, creators
-creationism, creationist, creationists, creation, creations, creational
-creature, creatures, creatural, creatureliness, creaturely
-credence, credential, credentials, credentialed, credentialing
-credible, credibly, credibility
-credit, credits, credited, crediting, creditor, creditors, creditorship, creditorships
-credulity, credulous, credulousness, credulously
-creed, creeds, credo, credos
-creek, creeks, up the creek, up the creek without a paddle
-creep, creeps, crept, creeping, creepy, creepier, creepiest, creepiness, creepinesses
-cremate, cremates, cremated, cremating, cremation, cremations, cremator, cremators, crematorium, crematoriums or crematoria
-crème de la crème, crème de la crèmes
-crescendo, crescendos, crescendoed, crescendoing, crescendoes
-crescent, crescents
-crest, crests, crested, cresting
-crestfallen, crestfallenly, crestfallenness
-cretaceous, ?? (chk A-D targets)
-Cretians, Cretes, Crete
-cretin, ??,
-crevice, crevices, creviced
-cricket (game), ??, b26,
-cricket (insect),
-crib, ??, m17
-crime, crimes, crimes against humanity, criminal, criminals, criminally, criminality, criminalities, criminalize, criminalizes, criminalized, criminalizing, criminalization, criminalizations, criminogenic, crimogenic
-crimp, ??,
-crimson, ??
-cringe, cringes, cringed, cringing
-cripple, cripples, crippled, crippling, crippler, cripplers
-crisis, crises
-crisp, crisps, crisper, crispers, crispest, crispy, crispier, crispiest, crisply, crispness
-criterion, criterions, criteria
-criticize, criticizes, criticized, criticizing, criticizer, criticizers, criticism, criticisms, critic, critics, critical, critically, criticality, criticalness
-critical analysis, critical analyses, critical appraisal, critical appraisals, critical path analysis, critical path analyses
-critical mass
-critical thinking, critical thinkings
-critique, critiques, critiqued, critiquing
-crochet, crochets, crocheted, crocheting
-crock (Earthenware), crocks, crockery, crockeries, crockpot, crockpots
-crock (nonsense)
-crocodile tears
-crone, crones
-crony, cronies, cronyism
-crook, crooks, crooked, crooking, crookedly, crookedness
-crop, crops, cropped, cropping, cropping up, crop up
-cross, crosses, crossed, crossing, crosser, crossers, crossly, crossness, cossnesses, cross the floor
-crossbreed, crossbreeds, crossbred, crossbreeding
-crosshair, crosshairs
-crosswise, crossways
-cross-wire, cross-wires, cross-wired, cross-wiring
-crotchety, crotchetiness, crotchet
-crouch, ??, h15,
-crowbar, crowbars, crowbarred, crowbarring
-crowd, crowds, crowded, crowding, crowder, crowders
-crucial, crucially
-crucifix, crucifixes
-crucify, crucifies, crucified, crucifying, crucifier, crucifiers, crucifixion, crucifixions
-crud, cruds
-crude, cruder, crudest, crudely, crudity, crudeness
-crude oil, crude oils
-cruel, crueler, cruelest, cruelly, cruelty, cruelties
-cruise, ??,
-crumble, crumbles, crumbled, crumbling, crumb, crumbs, crumbed, crumbing
-crummy also spelt crumby, crummier also spelt crumbier, crummiest also spelt crumbiest
-crumple, crumples, crumpled, crumpling, crumply
-crunch, crunching, ?? g8
-crusades, Crusades, crusades, crusaded, crusading, crusader, crusaders
-cruse, (see also 'cruise')
-crush, crushes, crushed crushing, crushable, crusher, crushers, crushproof
-crust, crusts, crusted, crusting, crustlike, crustless
-crustacean, crustaceans
-crux, cruxes or cruces
-cry, cries, cried, crying, a crying need for, for crying out loud, it's a crying shame, cry one's eyes out, cry one's heart out, cry on someone's shoulder, cry over spilled milk, cry wolf
-crypt, crypts, cryptic, cryptically, crypticness, crypticnesses
-cryptococcus, cryptococcal, cryptococcosis, cryptococcal meningitis
-cryptogram, cryptograms also called cryptograph, cryptogrammic
-cryptography, cryptographic, cryptographically
-crystal, crystals, crystalline, crystallinity, crystalize also crystallize, crystalizes, crystalized, crystalizing, crystalizable, crystalization, crystalizations, crystalizer, crystalizers, crystallography, crystallographer, crystallographers, crystallographic or crystallographical, crystallographically
-cube, cubes, cubed, cubing, cubic inches, cuber, cubers
-cubicle, cubicles
-cubism, cubist, cubists, cubistic, cubistically
-cubit, cubits
-cuddle, cuddles, cuddled, cuddling, cuddly, cuddlesome
-cudgel, cudgels, cudgeled, cudgeling
-cue (signal), cues, cued, cuing
-cue (games), cues
-cuff, cuffs ??, t24,
-cui bono, cui bonos
-cuisine, cuisines
-cull, culls, culled, culling, culler, cullers
-culminate, culminates, culminated, culminating, culminant, culminated, culmination, culminations
-culpable, culpably, culpability, culpableness
-culprit, culprits
-cult, cults, cultic, cultish, cultism, cultist, cultists
-cultivate, cultivates, cultivated, cultivating, cultivatable, cultivation, cultivations
-culture, cultures, cultured, culturing, cultural, culturally
-culture (to grow living matter), cultures,cultured, culturing
-cumbersome, cumbersomely, cumbrous, cumbrously, cumbrousness, cumber, cumbers, cumbered, cumbering, cumberer, cumberers
-cumin, black cumin
-cumulative, cumulatively, cumulativeness
-cunning, cunningness, cunningly
-cupboard, cupboards
-cupel, cupels, cupeled or cupelled, cupeling or cupelling, cupeler or cupeller, cupelers or cupellers
-curable, curability or curableness, curably, curative, curatives, curatively, curativeness, cure, cures, cured, curing, curer, curers, cureless
-curb, curbs, curbed, curbing
-curd, curds, curded, curding, curdy, curdle, curdles, curdled
-curious, curiously, curiousness, curiosity, curiosities
-curl, ??, s55,
-curmudgeon, curmudgeons, curmudgeonly, curmudgeonry
-currant, currants
-current(flow), currents
-current (electricity), currents,alternating current (AC), direct current (DC)
-current (present time), currents, currently, currentness
-currency, currencies
-curriculum, curricula, curriculums, curricular, curriculum vitae, CV, curricula vitae
-curry, currie, curries, curried, currying, curry favor
-curse, curses, cursed or curst, cursing, curser, cursers
-cursive, cursively, cursiveness
-cursor, cursors
-cursory, cursoriness, cursorily
-curve, curves, curved, curving, curvedness, curvy
-curt, curter, curtest, curtly, curtness
-curtail, curtails, curtailed, curtailing, curtailer, curtailere, curtailment, curtailments
-curtain, curtains, curtained, curtaining
-curtilage, curtilages, ??,
-curtsy or curtsey, curtsies or curtseys, curtsy, curtsied or curtseyed, curtsying or curtseying, curtsies or curtseys
-Cush, Cushitic, Cushitics
-cushion, ??, b18,
-custody, custodies, custodian, custodians, custodianship, custodianships
-custom, customs, customary, customarily, customariness
-cut, cuts, cutting, cutting remark, cut to the chase
to get to the point
-cutaneous, cutaneously
-cutlery, ??, h18,
-cuticle, cuticles
-cyanide, cyanides, cyanided, cyaniding
-cyanobacterium, cyanobacteria
-cyber, cyberspace, cyberspaces, cybernetic, cybernetics, cybernetically, cyberneticist or cybernetician, cyberneticists or cyberneticians
-cycle, cycles, cycled, cycling
-cyclic or cyclical, cyclicality, cyclically
-cylindrical, cylindric, cylindrically, cylindricality, cylinder, cylinders
-cymbal, cymbals, cymbaleer, cymbaleers, cymbaler or cymbaler or cymbalist, cymbalists
-cynic, cynics, cynical, cynically, cynicalness, cynicism
-cyst, cysts
-cytidine, cytidines
-cytokine, cytokines
-cytology, cytologic, cytological, cytologist, cytologists
-cytoplasm, cytoplasms, cytoplasmic, cytoplasmically
-cytosine, cytosines
-cytoskeleton, cytoskeletons
-cytotoxic, cytotoxicity, cytotoxicities
-dab, dabs, dabbed, dabbing
-dabble, dabbles, dabbled, dabbling, dabbler, dabblers
-dagger, ??, Potpourri P3,
-dainty, dainties, daintier, daintiest, daintily, daintiness
-Dalai Lama
-dalliance, ??,
-dam (barrier), dams, dammed, damming
-dam (female parent), dams
-damage, damages, damaged, damaging, damagingly, damageable, damageability
-damn, damns, damned, damning, damningly, damnation, damnatory, damnable, damnably, damnableness. damn it, give a damn, damn well
-damp, damps, damped, damping, dampen, dampens, dampened, dampening, dampener, dampeners, dampest, dampish, damply, dampness, damper, dampers
-damsel, damsels
-dandle, dandles, dandled, dandling, dandler, dandlers
-dandruff, dandruffy
-dandy, dandies, dandyish, dandyishly, dandyism, dandyisms
-danger, dangers, dangerous, dangerously, dangerousness
-dangle, dangles, dangled, dangling, dangly, dangler, danglers
-dank, danker, dankest, dankly, dankness
-dap, daps, dapped, dapping
-dapper, dapperly, dapperness
-dapple, dapples, dappled, dappling
-dare, dares, dared, daring, darer, darers, durst
-dark energy
-dark matter
-darling, ?? p23, Mt 23:3,
-darn (mend), darns darned, darning
-darn (emphasize), darns, darned, darning, darn well
-dart, ??, s46,
-Darwin, Darwinian, Darwinians
-dash, dashes, dashed, dashing, dashboard, dashboards
-dastardly, dastardliness, dastard
-data, datum, database, databases, databased, databasing
-date (appointment, courting), dates, dated, dating, dateable, dater, daters
-date (fruit), dates
-date (time), dates, dated, dating, to date, datedly, datedness, dateable, dater, daters
-daub, daubs, daubed, daubing, dauber, daubery
-daunt, daunts, daunted, daunting, daunter, dauntingly, dauntless, dauntlessly, dauntlessness
-dawdle, dawdles, dawdled, dawdling, dawdler, dawdlers, dawdlingly
-dawn, dawns, dawned, dawning
-daydream, daydreams, daydreamed or daydreamt, daydreaming, daydreamer, daydreamers
-daze, dazes, dazed, dazing
-dazzle, dazzles, dazzled, dazzling, dazzler, dazzlers, dazzlingly
-deacon, deacons
-dead, deads, deader, deadest, deadness, dead and buried, dead to rights
-deadhead, deadheads, deadheaded, deadheading
-deadline, deadlines, deadlined, deadlining
-deaf, ??, d14,
-deal, deals, dealt, dealing, dealings, dealt out, deal with, deals with, dealing with, dealt with
-deal (transaction), deals, , dealing, dealings
-dear, dears, dearer, dearest, dearly, dearness, dearnesses
-dearth, dearths
-death house
-debacle, debacles
-debase, debases, debased, debasing, debasement, debasements, debaser, debasers
-debate, debates, debated, debating, debatable, debatement, debater, debaters
-debauchery, debaucheries, debauch, debauches, debaucher, debauchers, debauchedly, debauchment, debauchments, debauchee, debauchee, debauched, debauching
-debility, debilities, debilitate, debilitates, debilitated, debilitating, debilitation, debilitations, debilitative
-debt, debts, debtless, debtor, debtors, debit, debits, debited, debiting
-debunk, debunks, debunked, debunking
-debut, debuts, debuted, debuting
-decade, decades
-decadent, decadently, decadence, decadency
-decant, ??
-decay, decays, decayer, decayers, decayed, decaying
-decedent, decedents
-decease, deceases, deceased, deceasing
-deceit, deceits,deceitful, deceitfully, deceitfulness
-deceive, deceives, deceived, deceiving, deceivable, deceiver, deceivers, deceivingly
-decent, decently, decency, decencies, decentness
-decentralize, decentralizes, decentralized, decentralizing, decentralization, decentralizations, decentralizationist, decentralizationists
-deception, deceptions, deceptive, deceptively, deceptiveness
-decibel, decibels
-decide, decides, decided, deciding, decidability, decider, deciders, decidable, decision, decisions, decisioned, decisioning, decisional, decisive, decisively, decisiveness
-deciduous, deciduously, deciduousness, deciduousnesses
-decimal, decimals, decimally
-decimate, decimates, decimated, decimating, decimation, decimations
-decipher, deciphers, deciphered, deciphering, decipherable, decipherer, decipherers, decipherment, decipherments
-deck (ornament), decks, decked, decked out, decking
-deck (platform), decks, decked, decking, on deck
-declaim (recite), declaims, declaimed, declaiming, declaimer, declaimers
-declaim (vehement), declaims, declaimed, declaiming, declaimer, declaimers, declamation, declamations, declamatory
-declare, declares, declared, declaring, declarable, declarer, declarers, declaration, declarations
-Declaration of Independence
-decline, declines, declined, declining, declivity, declinable, declination, declinations, declinational, declension, declensional
-decode, decodes, decoded, decoding, decoder, decoders
-decommission, decommissions, decommissioned, decommissioning
-decompose, decomposes, decomposed, decomposing, decomposability, decomposabilities, decomposable, decomposables, decomposition, decompositions, decompositional
-decompress, decompresses, decompressed, decompressing, decompression
-deconcentrate, deconcentrates, deconcentrated, deconcentrating, deconcentration
-decor, decors, decorate, decorates, decorated, decorating, decoration, decorations, decorative, decoratives, decoratively, decorativeness
-decorum, decorous, decorously, decorousness
-decoy, decoys, decoyed, decoying, decoyer, decoyers
-decrease, decreases, decreased, decreasing, decreasingly
-decree, decrees, decreed, decreeing, decreer, decreers, decreeable
-decrepit, decrepitly, decrepitude, decrepitudes, decrepitly, decrepitness, decrepitnesses
-decrepitate, ??,
-decry, decrier. decriers
-dedicate, dedicates, dedicated, dedicating, dedication, dedications, dedicator, dedicators, dedicated, dedicatedly, dedicative or dedicatory
-deduce, deduces, deduced, deducing, deducible, deducibility, deduct, deducts, deducted, deducting, deduction, deductions, deductive, deductively
deductive reasoning
-deed, deeds, deeded, deeding
-deem, deems, deemed, deeming
-deemphasize, deemphasizes, deemphasized, deemphasizing, deemphasis
-deep, deeps, deeper, deepest, deeply, deepness, depth, depths, in-depth or in depth, deep down, deep-seated
-deer, ??
-defecated, ??,
-deface, defaces, defaced, defacing, defaceable, defacement, defacements, defacer, defacers
-de facto
-defame, defames, defamed, defaming, defamatory, defamer, defamers, defamation, defamations
-default, defaults, defaulted, defaulting, defaulter, defaulters, by default, in default
-defeat, defeats, defeated, defeating, defeater, defeaters
-defecate, defecates, defecated, defecating, defecator, defecators
-defect, defects, defected, defecting, defection, defector, defectors, defective, defectiveness, defectively
-defend, defends, defended, defending, defendant, defendants, defendable, defender, defenders, defense, defenses, defensive, defensives, on the defensive, defensively, defensiveness, defenseless, defenselessly, defenselessness
-defer, defers, deferred, deferring, deferrable, deferrer, deferrers, deference, deferent, deferential, deferentially, deferment, deferments
-deficient, deficiently, deficient, deficiency, deficiencies
-deficit, deficits
-defile, defiles, defiled, defiling, defilement, defiler, defilers, defilingly
-define, defines, defined, defining, definability, definable, definably, definement, definer, definers, definition, definitions, definitional
-definite, definitely, definiteness, definite article
-definitive, definitiveness, definitively
-deflate, deflates, deflated, deflating, deflator, deflators, deflation, deflations, deflationary, deflationist, deflationists
-deflect, deflects, deflected, deflecting, deflectable, deflective, deflector, deflectors, deflection, deflections
-defocus, defocuses, defocused, defocusing
-deform, deforms, deformed, deforming, deformable, deformability, deformation, deformations, deformity, deformities
-defraud, defrauds, defrauded, defrauding, defraudation, defraudations, defrauder, defrauders
-deft, defter, deftest, deftly, deftness
-defy, defies, defiant, defiantly, defiance
-degenerate, degenerates, degenerated, degenerating, degenerately, degenerateness, degeneration, degeneracy, degeneracies
-degrade, degrades, degraded, degrading, degrader, degraders, degradation
-degree, degrees, by degrees, to a degree, to the degree
-dehiscence, dehiscent
-dehydrated, ??, d29,
-deictic, ??
-deign, deigns, deigned, deigning
-deity, deities, deific, deify, deifies, deified, deifying, deifier, deism, deistic, deistically, deist
-dejected, dejectedly, dejectedness, deject, dejects, dejected, dejecting, dejection, dejections
-de jure
-delay, delays, delayed, delaying, delayer, delayers
-delectable, delectable, delectability or delectableness, delectably
-delegate, delegates, delegated, delegating, delegator, delegators, delegation, delegations
-delete, deletes, deleted, deleting, deletion, deletions
-deleterious, deleteriously, deleteriousness
-deliberate (intentional), deliberately, deliberateness
-deliberate (think carefully), deliberates, deliberated, deliberating, deliberative, deliberatively, deliberativeness, deliberation, deliberations
-delicate, delicately, delicateness
-delicacy, delicacies
-delicious, deliciously, deliciousness
-delight, delights, delighted, delighting, delightful, delightfully, delightfulness
-delimit, delimitate, delimits, delimited, delimiting, delimitation, delimitative
-delineate, delineates, delineated, delineating, delineation, delineations, delineator, delineators, delineative
-delinquent, delinquents, delinquently
-delirious, deliriously, deliriousness, delirium, deliriums or deliria, deliriant
-deliver, delivers, delivered, delivering, deliverance, deliverances, delivery, deliveries, deliverability, deliverabilities, deliverable, deliverer, deliverers
-delta, deltas, deltic, deltaic
-delta (Greek number), deltas
-deltoid, ??,
-delude, deludes, deluded, deluding, delusive, delusively, delusiveness, deludingly, delusion, delusions, deluder, deluders, delusion, delusions, delusory, delusional
-deluge, deluges, deluged, deluging
-delve, delves, delved, delving, delver
-demagogue or demagog, demagogues or demagogs, demagogy or demagoguery, demagogies or demagogueries, demagogic
-demand (firm request), demand (need), demands, demanded, demanding, on demand, demandable, demander, demanders
-demarcate, demarcates, demarcated, demarcating, demarcation, demarcations demarcator, demarcators
-dematerialize, ??
-demean (conduct), demeans, demeaned, demeaning, demeanor, demeanors
-demean (degrade), demeans, demeaned, demeaning, demeaningly
-demented, dementedness, dement, dements, dementing, dementia, demential
-dementia praecox
-demise, demises, demised, demising, demisable
-demiurge, demiurgeous or demiurgic or demiurgical, demiurgically
-democracy, democracies, democratic, democratically, democrat, democrats
-demotivate, demotivates, demotivated, demotivating, demotivator, demotivators
-deodorize, deodorant, deodorization, ??, c44,
-demographic, demographics, demographical, demographically, demography, demographer, demographers
-demolish, demolishes, demolished, demolishing, demolition, demolitions, demolitionist, demolitionists
-demon, demons, demonic, demonical, demonically, demoniac, demoniacs, demoniacal, demoniacally
-demonstrate, demonstrates, demonstrated, demonstrating, demonstration, demonstrations, demonstrable, demonstrability or demonstrableness, demonstrably, demonstrative, demonstratively, demonstrativeness
-demote, demotes, demoted, demoting, demotion, demotions
-demotic, demotics
-demure, demurer, demurest, demurely, demureness, demurenesses
-den, dens, denned, denning
-denary, ??, Cr7,
-denature, denatures, denatured, denaturing, denaturant, denaturants, denaturation, denaturations
-dendrite or dendron
-denigrate, denigrates, denigrated, denigrating, denigration, denigrations, denigrator, denigrators
-denizen, ??,
-denomination, denominations, denominational, denominationally, denominator, denominators
-denounce, denounces, denounced, denouncing, denouncement, denouncements, denouncer, denouncers, denunciation, denunciations, denunciative, denunciatory
-denote, denotes, denoted, denoting, denotable, denotive, denotation
-dense, density, densities, denser, densest, densely, denseness
-dent, dents, dented, denting
-denture, dentures, dental
-deny, denies, denied, denying, denyingly, deniable, deniability, deniably, denial, plausible deniability
-depart, departs, departed, departing, departure, departures
-department, departments, departmental, departmentally, departmentalize, departmentalizes, departmentalized, departmentalizing, departmentalization, departmentalizations, department store, department stores
-depend, depends, depended, depending, dependent, dependents, dependant, dependants, dependently, dependence, dependency, dependencies, dependable, dependability, dependableness, dependably
-depict, depicts, depicture, depicted, depicting, depiction, depictions
-deplete, depletes, depleted, depleting, depletable, depletion, depletions
-deplore, deplores, deplored, deploring, deplorable, deplorableness or deplorability, deplorably
-deploy, deploys, deployed, deploying, deployable, deployability, deployabilities, deployer, deployers, deployment, deployments
-depone, depones, deponed, deponing, deponent, deponents
-depopulate, ??, m27,
-deport (behavior), deports, deported, deporting, deportment, deportments
-deport (expel), deports, deported, deporting, deportable, deportation, deportations, deportee, deportees
-deportment, deportments
-depose, deposes, deposed, deposing, deposable
-deposit, deposits, deposited, depositing, depositor, depositors
-deposition, depositions, depositional
-depot, ??
-deprave (to debase), depraves, depraved, depraving, depravity, depravities, depravation, depravations, depravement, depraver, depravers, depraved, depravedness, depravedly
-deprecate, deprecates, deprecated, deprecating, deprecatory, deprecative, deprecatorily, deprecatingly, deprecation, deprecations, deprecatory, deprecator, deprecators
-depreciate, depreciated, depreciating, depreciates, depreciator, depreciators, depreciation, depreciations
-depress, depresses, depressed, depressing, depressible, depression, depressions, depressingly, depressive, depressives, depressively, depressiveness
-deprive, deprives, deprived, depriving, deprivable, deprivation, deprivations
-deputy, deputies, deputize, deputizes, deputized, deputizing, deputization, deputizations
-derange, deranges, deranged, deranging, derangement, derangements
-derby, ??
-dereliction, derelictions, derelict, derelicts
-deride, derides, derided, deriding, derider, deriders, deridingly
-derision, derisive, derisively, derisory
-derive, derives, derived, deriving, derivative, derivatives, derivable, derivative, derivatives, derivativeness, derivatively, derivation, derivations, derivational, deriver, derivers
-dermis, dermal, dermic
-derogate, derogates, derogated, derogating, derogation, derogations, derogatory, derogative, derogatively, derogatorily, derogatoriness, derogatorinesses
-dervish, dervishes
-desalinization, salinizations, ??,
-Descartes, Rene
-descendant, descendants also descendent, descendents
-descent, descend, descends, descended, descending, descendible, descendable
-describe, describes, described, describing, describable, describer, describers, description, descriptions, descriptive, descriptively, descriptiveness
-desecrate, desecrates, desecrated, desecrating, desecrater(s) or desecrator(s), desecration, desecrations
-desensitize, ??,
-desert (abandon), deserts, deserted, deserting, desertion, desertions, deserter, deserters
-desert (deserved reward or punishment), just deserts
-desert (dry ground), deserts (see also 'dessert')
-deserve, deserves, deserved, deserving, deservedly, deservedness
-design, designs, designed, designing, designable
-designate, designates, designated, designating, designative, designatory, designator, designators, designation, designations
-desire, desires, desired, desiring, desirer, desirers, desirous, desirously, desirousness, desirable, desirability or desirableness, desirably
-desist, desists, desisted, desisting
-desktop, desktops
-desolate, desolates, desolated, desolating, desolately, desolateness, desolater or desolator, desolaters or desolators, desolation
-despair, despairs, despaired, despairing, despairer, despairers
-desperate, desperately, desperateness, desperation
-despicable, despicableness, despicably, despicability, despicabilities
-despise, despises, despised, despising, despisal, despisals, despiser, despisers
-despite, despiteful, despitefully, despitefulness
-despoil, despoils, despoiled, despoiling, despoiler, despoilers, despoilment, despoilments
-despondent, despondently, despondency, despondencies
-despot, despots, despotic, despotically, despotism, despotisms
-dessert, desserts
-desiccation, ??, s9,
-destiny, destinies, destine, destines, destined, destining, destination, destinations
-destitute, destituteness, destitution
-destroy, destroys, destroyed, destroying, destroyer, destroyers, destructive, destructively, destructiveness, destructivity, destruction, destructions
-desultory, desultorily, desultoriness
-detach, detaches, detached, detaching, detachability, detachable, detachably, detachedly, detachedness, detachment, detachments
-detail, details, detailed, detailing, in detail
-detain, detains, detained, detaining, detainment, detention, detentions
-detect, detects, detected, detecting, detectible or detectable, detecter, detecters, detection, detections
-detente, ??,
-deter, deters, deterred, deterring, deterrable, determent, determents, deterrer, deterrers, deterrent, deterrents
-detergent, ??, a29,
-deteriorate, deteriorates, deterioration, deteriorated, deteriorating, deteriorative
-determine, determines, determined, determinedly, determinedness, determining, determination, determinations, determinative, determinate, determinately, determinateness, determinacy, determinant, determinable, determined, determining, determiner, determiners, determinism, determinist, deterministic, determinableness, determinably
-detest, detests, detested, detesting, detester, destesters, detestable, detestability, detestableness, detestably, detestation
-dethrone, ??
-detonate, ?? b14, f6,
-detour, ??, r18,
-detox, detoxes, detoxing, detoxed, detoxification, detoxifications, detoxicate, detoxicates, detoxicated, detoxicating, detoxify, detoxifies, detoxified, detoxifying
-detract, detracts, detracted, detracting, detractive, detractively, detractor, detractors
-detriment, detrimental, detrimentally
-detritus, detrital
-deutron, deutrons
-devastate, devastates, devastated, devastating, devastatingly, devastation, devastations, devastator, devastors
-develop, develops, developed, developing, developable, development, developments, developmental, developmentally, developer, developers
-deviant, deviants, deviance, deviancy
-deviate, deviates, deviated, deviating, deviate, deviatory, deviation, deviations, deviator, deviators, deviant, deviants, deviance, deviancy
-device, devices
-devil, devils, deviled, deviling
-devil's advocate
-devious, deviously, deviousness
-devise, devises, devised, devising, deviser, devisers, devisable
-devitalize, devitalizes, devitalized, devitalizing, devitalization, devitalizations
-devolve, devolves, devolved, devolving, devolvement, devolvements
-devote, devotes, devoted, devoting, devotement, devotedly, devotedness, devotion, devotions, devotement, devotements, devotee, devotees
-devour, devours, devoured, devouring, devourer, devourers, devouringly
-devout, devouter, devoutest, devoutly, devoutness
-dew, dews, dewed, dewing
-dewlap, dewlaps
-dexterity, dexterous also dextrous, dexterously, dexterousness
-dharma, dharmic
-diabetic, diabetics, diabetes
-diabolical, diabolically, diabolic, diabolicalness
-diacritical, diacritic, diacritics, diacritically
-diadem, diadems, diademed, diademing
-diagnose, diagnosis, diagnoses, diagnosed, diagnosing, diagnosable, diagnostic, diagnostics, diagnostician, diagnosticians, diagnostically
-diagonal, diagonals, diagonally
-diagram, diagrams, diagramed, diagraming, diagrammable, diagrammatic, diagrammatical, diagrammatically
-dial, dials, dialed, dialing, ??
-dialect, dialects, dialectal, dialectally, dialectic, dialectical, dialectic, dialectically
-dialog, dialogs, dialogue, dialogues, dialoged, dialoging, dialoger, dialogers
-diamagnetic, diamagnetism
-diametrical also diametric, diametrically, diameter, diameters, diametral
-diapause, diapauses
-diaphanous, ??,
-diaphragm, diaphragmatic, diaphragmatically
-diarrhea, diarrheal, diarrheic, diarrhetic
-diary, diaries
-diaspora, diasporas, diaspore, diaspores
-diathesis, ??,
-diatomic, ?? o9
-diatonic, diatonically, diatonicism
-diatribe, diatribes
-dice (food preparation), dices, diced, dicing, dicer, dicers
-dice (games), die
-dichotomy, dichotomies, dichotomize, dichotomizes, dichotomized, dichotomizing, dichotomist, dichotomists, dichotomization, dichotomizations,  dichotomous, dichotomously, dichotomousness
-dicker, dickers, dickered, dickering
-dictate, dictates, dictated, dictating
-dictator, dictators, dictatorship, dictatorships
-dictatorial, dictatorially, dictatorialness
-diction, dictionally, dictional
-dictionary, dictionaries
-dictum, dictums, dicta
-didactic, didacticism, didactical, didactically
-diddly, ??,
-die (death), dies, died, dying, die hard
-die (device), dies, died, dying
-die (games), dice
-dielectric, dielectrically
-dieresis or diaeresis
-diet, dietitian, dietetic, dietary, ??, m20, v8, s56,
-diet of worms
-differ, differs, differed, differing, different, differently, differentness, difference, differences, differenced, differencing, differential, differentially, differentiate, differentiated, differentiating, differentiates, differentiation, differentiations
-difficult, difficultly, difficulty, difficulties
-diffident, diffidently, diffidence
-diffract, diffracts, diffracted, diffracting, diffractively, diffractive, diffractiveness, diffraction, diffractions
-diffuse, diffuses, diffused, diffusing, diffusely, diffuseness, diffusion, diffusions, diffusional, diffusible, diffusibly, diffusionism, diffusionisms
-dig, digs, dug, digging, dig in
-digest, digests, digested, digesting, digestive, digestives, digestively, digestiveness, digestion, digestions, digestible, digestibility or digestibleness, digestibly, digester, digesters, digestive system, digestive systems, digestive tract, digestive tracts, digestive gland, digestive glands
-digit, digits, digital, digitally
-dignity, dignities, dignified, dignitary, dignitaries
-digress, digresses, digressed, digressing, digression, digressional, digressive, digressively, digressiveness, digressivenesses
-dike, ??, b5,
-diktat, ??,
-dilapidate, dilapidates, dilapidated, dilapidating, dilapidation, dilapidations
-dilate, dilates, dilated, dilating, dilatedness, dilatability, dilatable, dilative, dilatably, dilation, dilations, dilatation, dilatations, dilatational
-dilatory, dilatorily, dilatoriness, dilatorinessews
-dilettante, dilettantes also dilettanti, dilettantish, dilettantism, dilettantisms
-dilemma, dilemmas, dilemmatic
-diligent, diligently, diligence
-dilatory, ??,
-dilly, dillies
-dilly-dally, dilly-dallies, dilly-dallied, dilly-dallying, dilly-dallier, dilly-dalliers
-dilute, dilutes, diluted, diluting, diluter, diluters, dilutive, dilution, dilutions
-diluvial, diluvian, diluvial ??
-dim, dims, dimmer, dimmest, dimmed, dimming, dimly, dimness
-dim sum, ??,
-dimension, dimensions, dimensioned, dimensioning, dimensional, dimensionality, dimensionalities, dimensionally, dimensionless
-diminish, diminishes, diminished, diminishing, diminishable, diminishment, diminishments, diminution, diminutions, diminutional
-diminuendo, ??, s27,
-diminutive, diminutively, diminutiveness
-dimple, ?? c22
-dimwit, dimwits, dimwitted, dimwittedly, dimwittedness
-din, dins, dinned, dinning
-ding, dings, dinged, dinging
-ding (dent), dings
-dingy, dingier, dingiest, dingily, dinginess, dinginesses
-dinky, ??
-dine, dines, dined, dining
-dinner, dinners, dinning, done like dinner
-dinoflagellate, dinoflagellates
-dinosaur, dinosaurs
-dioecious, dioeciously, dioecism
-diode, diodes, ??, d33,
-dioxide, dioxides
-dip, ?? p23, s51,
-diphtheria, diphtheritic, diphtheric
-diphthong, diphthongs, diphthongal
-diploma, diplomas
-diplomat, diplomats, diplomacy, diplomatic, diplomatically
-dipole, dipolar
-Dirac, Paul
-dire, direly, direness, dire straits, dire wolf
-direct, directs, directed, directing, directly, direction, directions, directionless, directive, directives, direct object, direct current (DC)
-directrix, directrixes, directrices
-dirge, dirgeful
-dirigible, dirigibles
-dirndl, dirndls
-dirt, ??, f22,
-disable, disability, disabilities?? , g11,
-disadvantage, disadvantages, disadvantaged, disadvantaging, disadvantageous, disadvantageously, disadvantageous, disadvantageously, disadvantageousness
-disagree, disagrees, disagreed, disagreeing, disagreeable, disagreeably, disagreeableness, disagreement, disagreements
-disallow, disallows, disallowed, disallowing, disallowable, disallowance
-disannul, disannulled, disannulling
-disappear, disappears, disappeared, disappearing, disappearance, disappearances
-disappoint, disappoints, disappointed, disappointing, disappointment, disappointments
-disapprobation, disapprobations
-disapprove, disapproves, disapproved, disapproving, disapprovingly, disapprover, disapprovers, disapproval
-disarming, disarmingly, disarm, disarms, disarmed, disarming, disarmer, disarmers
-disarrange, disarranged, disarranging, disarranges, disarrangement, disarrangements
-disarray, disarrays, disarrayed, disarraying
-disassemble, disassembles, disassembled, disassembling, disassembly, disassemblies
-disassociate, disassociates, disassociated, disassociating, disassociation, disassociations
-disaster, disastrous, disastrously, disastrousness
-disavow, disavows, disavowed, disavowing, disavowable, disavowal, disavowals
-disbelief, ??, a20, d26,
-disburse, disburses, disbursed, disbursing, disbursable, disburser, disbursers, disbursement, disbursements
-disc, discs, disk, disks, magnetic disk, disked, disced, disking, discing, disklike, discoid, discoidal, discus, discuses
-discard, discards, discarded, discarding, discardable, discarder, discarders
-discern, discerns, discernment, discerned, discerning, discerner, discerners, discernible, discernibly
-discharge, discharges, discharged, discharging, dischargeable, discharger, dischargers, dischargee, dischargees
-disciple, disciples
-discipline, disciplines, disciplined, disciplining, disciplinal, discipliner, discipliners
-disclaim, disclaims, disclaimed, disclaiming
-disclose, discloses, disclosed, disclosing, disclosable, discloser, disclosers, disclosure
-discolor, discolors, discolored, discoloring, discoloration, discolorations
-discombobulate, discombobulates, discombobulated, discombobulating, discombobulation, discombobulations
-discomfit, discomfits, discomfited, discomfiting, discomfiture
-discomfort, discomforts, discomforted, discomforting, discomfortable, discomfortingly
-discompose, discomposes, discomposed, discomposing, discomposedly, discomposingly
-disconnect, disconnects, disconnected, disconnecting disconnectedly, disconnectedness, disconnection, disconnections
-disconcert, disconcerts, disconcerted, disconcerting, disconcerter, disconcerters, disconcertingly, disconcertment, disconcertments
-discontent, discontents, discontented, discontenting, discontentment, discontentments, discontentedly
-discontinue, discontinues, discontinued, discontinuing, discontinuous, discontinuously, discontinuousness, discontinuance, discontinuation, discontinuity, discontinuities
-discord, discords, discorded, discording, discordant, discordantly, discordance, discordancy, discordancies, discordantly
-discount, discounts, discounted, discounting, discountable
-discourage, discourages, discouraged, discouraging, discourager, discouragers, discourageable, discouragingly, discouragement, discouragements
-discourse, discourses, discoursed, discoursing, discourser, discoursers
-discourteous, discourteously, discourteousness, discourtesy
-discover, discovers, discovered, discovering, discoverable, discoverer, discoverers, discovery, discoveries
-discredit, discredits, discredited, discrediting, discreditable, discreditably
-discreet, discreetly, discreetness, discretion, discretions, discretional, discretionally
-discrepancy, discrepancies, discrepant, discrepantly
-discrete, discretely, discreteness
-discriminate, discriminates, discriminated, discriminating, discriminately, discrimination, discriminational, discriminatory, discriminatingly, discriminatorily
-discursive, discursively, discursiveness
-discuss, discusses, discussed, discussing, discussable, disussible, discusser, discussers, discussion, discussions
-disdain, disdains, disdained, disdaining, disdainful, disdainfully, disdainfulness
-disease, dis-ease, diseases, diseased
-disembody, disembodies, disembodied, disembodying, disembodiment, disembodiments
-disembowel, ??
-disenchant, disenchants, disenchanted, disenchanting, disenchanter, disenchanters, disenchantment, disenchantments, disenchantingly
-disengage, disengages, disengaged, disengaging, disengagement, disengagements
-disentangle, disentangles, disentangled, disentangling, disentanglement, disentanglements
-disestablish, disestablishes, disestablished, disestablishing, disestablishment, disestablishments
-disfavor, disfavors, disfavored, disfavoring
-disfigure, disfigures, disfigured, disfiguring, disfiguration, disfigurations, disfigurement, disfigurements, disfigurer, disfigurers
-disfranchise (also disenfranchise), disfranchises, disfranchised, disfranchising, disfranchisement, disfranchisements, disfranchiser, disfranchisers
-disfunction or dysfunction, disfunctional, dysfunctional
-disgrace, disgraces, disgraced, disgracing, disgracer, disgraceful, disgraceully, disgracefulness
-disgruntle, disgruntles, disgruntled, disgruntling, disgruntlement, disgruntlements
-disguise, disguises, disguised, disguising, disguisedly, disguisement, disguiser, disguisers
-disgust, disgusts, disgusted, disgusting, disgustingly
-dish, dishes, dished, dishing, dish out
-disharmony, disharmonies, disharmonious, disharmoniously, disharmonize, disharmonizes, disharmonized, disharmonizing
-dishearten, disheartens, disheartened, disheartening, dishearteningly, disheartenment
-dishevel, dishevels, disheveled, disheveled, disheveling, disheveling, dishevelment
-dishonest, dishonesties, dishonestly, dishonesty
-dishonor, dishonors, dishonored, dishonoring, dishonorable, dishonorably, dishonorableness, dishonorer, dishonorers
-disillusion, disillusions, disillusioned, disillusioning, disillusionment, disillusive
-disincline, disinclines, disinclined, disinclining, disinclination
-disinfect, disinfects, disinfected, disinfecting, disinfectant, disinfectants
-disinformation, disinform, disinforms, disinformed, disinforming, disinformer, disinformers, disinformant, disinformants
-disingenuous, disingenuously, disingenuousness, disingenuousnesses
-disintegrate, disintegrates, disintegrated, disintegrating, disintegrative, disintegrator, disintegrators, disintegration, disintegrations
-disinterest, disinterests, disinterested, disinterestedly, disinterestedness
-disjoin, disjoins, disjoined, disjoining
-disjoint, disjoints, disjointed, disjointing, disjointedly, disjointedness, disjointednesses
-disk, ?? r20, p36, w10, s49,
-dislike, dislikes, disliked, disliking, dislikable
-dislocate, dislocates, dislocated, dislocating, dislocation, dislocations
-dislodge, dislodges, dislodged, dislodging, dislodgement, dislodgements
-disloyal, disloyally, disloyalty, disloyalties
-dismal, dismally, dismalness
-dismantle, dismantles, dismantled, dismantling, dismantlement, dismantlements
-dismay, dismays, dismayed, dismaying, dismayingly
-dismiss, dismisses, dismissed, dismissing, dismissible, dismission, dismissions, dismissive, dismissal, dismissals
-dismount, dismounts, dismounted, dismounting, dismountable
-disobey, disobedient, ??, Eph 2:2.
-disorder, disorders, disordered, disordering, disorderly, disorderliness
-disorganize, disorganizes, disorganized, disorganizing, disorganization
-disorient, disorients, disoriented, disorienting, disorientation
-disown, disowns, disowned, disowning
-disparage, disparages, disparaged, disparaging, disparagingly, disparagement, disparagements, disparager, disparagers
-disparate, disparately, disparateness
-disparity, diparities
-dispassion, dispassionate, dispassionately, dispassionateness
-dispatch, dispatches, dispatched, dispatching
-dispel, dispels, dispelled, dispelling
-dispensation, dispensations, dispensational, dispensationalism, dispensationalist, dispensationalists
-dispense, dispenses, dispensed, dispensing, dispenser, dispensers, dispense with, dispenses with, dispensed with,dispensing with, dispensable, dispensability, dispensableness, dispensary, dispensaries
-disperse, disperses, dispersed, dispersing, dispersant, dispersants, dispersedly, disperser, dispersers, dispersible, dispersal, dispersion
-dispirited, dispiritedly, dispirit, dispirits, dispirited, dispiriting
-displace, displaces, displaced, displacing, displaceable, displacer, displacers, displacement, displacements
-display, displays, displayed, displaying
-displease, displeases, displeased, displeasing, displeasingly, displeasure
-dispose, disposes, disposed, disposing, disposer, disposers, disposable, disposability, disposal, dispose of
-disposition, dispositions, dispositive
-dispossess, dispossesses, dispossessed, dispossessing, dispossession, dispossessions, dispossessor, dispossessors, dispossessory
-disproportionate, disproportionately, disproportionateness
-dispute, disputes, disputed, disputing, disputer, disputers, disputably, disputable, disputant, disputants, disputation, disputations, disputatious, disputative
-disprove, disproves, disproved, disproving, disprovable, disproval, disprovals
-disqualify, disqualifies, disqualified, disqualifying, disqualification
-disquiet, disquiets, disquieted, disquieting, disquietingly, disquietly, disquietness
-disquisitive, ??
-disrate, disrates, disrated, disrating
-disregard, disregards, disregarded, disregarding, disregarder, disregarders, disregardful
-disrespect, disrespects, disrespected, disrespecting, disrespectful, disrespectfully, disrespectfulness
-disreputable, disreputably, disreputability, disreputableness, disrepute
-disrupt, disrupts, disrupted, disrupting, disrupter, disrupters, disruptor, disruptors, disruption, disruptions, disruptive, disruptively
-diss, disses, dissed, dissing
-dissatisfaction,dissatisfied, dissatisfiedly, dissatisfy, dissatisfied, dissatisfying, dissatisfies
-dissected, dissect, dissects, dissected, dissecting, dissectible, dissector, dissectors, dissection, dissections
-disseize also spelt disseise, disseizes, disseized, disseizing
-dissemble, dissembles, dissembled, dissembling, dissemblance, dissembler, dissemblers, dissemblingly
-disseminate, disseminates, disseminated, disseminating, dissemination, disseminations, disseminator, disseminators
-dissent, dissents, dissented, dissenting, dissentingly, dissentious, dissenter, dissenters, dissension, dissensions
-dissertate, dissertates, dissertation, dissertations, dissert, disserts, dissertational
-dissident, dissidents, dissidence
-dissimilar, dissimilarly, dissimilarity, dissimilarities
-dissimulate, dissimulates, dissimulated, dissimulating, dissimulative, dissimulation, dissimulations, dissimulator, dissimulators
-dissipate, dissipates, dissipated, dissipating, dissipater, dissipaters, dissipator, dissipators, dissipation, dissipations, dissipative
-dissociate, dissociates, dissociated, dissociating, dissociative, dissociation, dissociations, dissociable, dissociability, dissociableness, dissociably
-dissolute, dissolutely, dissoluteness, dissolution, dissolutions
-dissolve, dissolves, dissolved, dissolving, dissolvable, dissolver, dissolvers
-dissonance, dissonant, dissonantly
-dissuade, dissuades, dissuaded, dissuading, dissuader, dissuaders, dissuasion, dissuasions
-distal, distally
-distance, distances, distanced,distancing, distant, distantly
-distaste, distastes, distasted, distasting, distasteful, distastefully, distastefulness
-distend, distends, distended, distending
-distil or distill, distils or distill, distilled, distilling, distilling, distillable, distillation, distillations, distillate, distillates, distiller, distillers, distillery, distilleries
-distinct, distinction, distinctions, distinctness, distinctly, distinctive, distinctively, distinctiveness
-distinguish, distinguishes, distinguished, distinguishing, distinguishable, distinguishably
-distort, distorts, distorted, distorting, distortion, distortions, distorter, distorters
-distrain, distrains, distraint, distraints, distrained, distraining, distrainable, distrainor or distrainer, distrainors or distrainers, distrainment, distrainments
-distract, distracts, distracted, distracting, distractingly, distractive, distraction, distractions
-distress, distresses, distressed, distressing, distressingly, distressful, distressfully, distressfulness
-distribute, distributes, distributed, distributing, distribution, distributions, distributional
-district, districts, districted, districting, districtwide
-distrust, distrusts, distrusted, distrusting, distrustful, distrustfully, distrustfulness
-disturb, disturbs, disturbed, disturbing, disturber, disturbers, disturbingly, disturbance, disturbances
-disunion, disunite ??
-ditch, ditches, ditched, ditching
-dither, dithers, dithered, dithering
-ditzy or ditsy, ditzier, ditziest
-diurnal, ??,
-diverge, diverges, diverged, diverging, divergent, divergently, divergence, divergences
-dive, dives, dived or dove, dived, diving
-diverse, diversity, diversities, diversification, diversifications, diversely, diversify, diversifies, diversified, diversifying, diverseness
-divert, diverts, diverted, diverting, diverter, diverters, divertingly, diversion, diversions, diversionary
-divest, divests, divested, divesting
-divide, divides, divided, dividing, divider, dividers, divisible, dividable, divisibility, divisibleness, divisibly, division, divisions, divisional, divisor, dividend, dividends
-divine, divines, diviner, divinest, divined, divining, divinely, divineness, divinity, divinities, divination, divinations, divinator, divinators
-divisive, divisively, divisiveness
-divulge, divulges, divulged, divulging, divulgence, divulger, divulgers
-dizzy, dizzies, dizzier, dizziest, dizzied, dizzying, dizzily, dizzyingly, dizziness
-DNA and mtDNA
-DNA sequencing
-do, do's, does, doeth,doing, did, done, doer, doers, doth, done like dinner
-docile, docilely, docility
-dock, docks, docked, docking
-docket, ??
-doctor, doctors, doctored, doctoring, doctoral, doctorly
-doctor (alter), doctors, doctored, doctoring
-doctorate, doctorates
-doctrine, doctrines, doctrinal, doctrinally
-document, documents, documented, documenting, documental, documenter, documenters
-documentary, documentaries
-dodder, doddering, ??,
-dodge, dodges, dodged, dodging
-doff, ?? deepak1
-dog, dogs, dogged, dogging, doggedly, doggedness, put on the dog
-dogma, dogmas, dogmata, dogmatism, dogmatist, dogmatic, dogmatically
-dole, doles, doled, doling, doled out
-doleful, dolefully, dolefulness
-doll, dolls, doll up, dolly, dollies, dollied, dollying
-dolmen, dolmens
-dolomite, dolomites, dolomitic, dolomitization, dolomitizations, dolomitize
-dolt, dolts, doltish, doltishness, doltishly
-domain, domains
-domestic, domestically, domesticate, domesticates, domesticated, domesticating, domestication, domestications
-dominant, dominantly, dominance, dominate, dominates, dominated, dominating, dominative, dominator, dominators, domination, dominations
-domineer, domineers, domineered, domineering, domineeringly, domineering, domineeringness
-dominical, ??,
-dominion, dominions
-domino, dominos, domino theory
-don (to put on), don(a title), dons, donned, donning
-dong, ??,
-donkey, donkeys
-doodle, doodles, doodled, doodling
-doofus, ??,
-doom, dooms, doomed, dooming
-doozy or doozie, doozies,
-dope, dopes, doped, doping, dopant, dopants, doper, dopers
-doppelganger, doppelgangers
-dork, dorks, dorky
-dormant, dormancy
-dormitory, dormitories
-dorsal, dorsally
-dose, doses, ?? p26, i19, d15, h16,
-dossier, dossiers
-Dostoevski or Dostoyevski
-dot, dots, dotted, dotting, on the dot, dotter, dotters
-dote, dotes, doted, doting, doter, doters
-doubt, doubts, doubted, doubting, doubtless, doubtlessly, beyond doubt, in doubt, no doubt, without doubt, doubtful, doubtfully, doubtfulness, doubtfulnesses,  doubter, doubters
-double, doubles, doubled, doubling, double down, double up, on the double, doubleness, doubly
-double agent, double agents
-double cross, double crosses, double crossed, double crossing, double crossings, double crosser, double crossers
-double entendre, ??,
-doublespeak, double talk
-douche, douches, douched, douching
-dough, doughs, doughy, doughier, doughiest, doughiness
-dour, dourer, dourest, dourly, dourness
-douse also dowse, doused also dowsed, dousing also dowsing, douses also dowses, douser, dousers
-dove (bird), doves
-dove (dive), ??, d31,
-dowdy, dowdily, ??
-down, downs, downed, downing, downward, downwards, downwardly, downwardness, down in the mouth, down on, down on one's luck, down the drain, down the river, down-to-Earth
-down (feathers), downs
-down (grazing land), downs
-downfall, o10,
-downgrade, downgrades, downgraded, downgrading
-downhearted, downheartedly, downheartedness
-downpour, downpours
-downspout, downspouts
-dowry, dowries, dower, dowers, dowered, dowering
-doxology, doxologies, doxologically
-doze, dozes, dozed, dozing, doze off, dozer, dozers
-dozen, ?? u7
-drab, drabs, drabber, drabbest, drably, drabness, dribs and drabs
-draft (animals)
-draft, drafts, drafted, drafting, drafty, draftier, draftiest, draftily, draftiness, draftee, draftees
-drag, drags, dragged, dragging, drag one's feet, drag one's heels
-dragnet, ?? d23
-dragon, dragons
-dragoon, ??,
-drain, drains, drained, draining, down the drain, drainable, drainer, drainers, drainpipe, drainpipes
-dram, drams
-drama, dramatic, dramatically
-drape, drapes, draped, draping, drapery, draperies
-drastic, drastically
-draw, draws, drew, drawn, drawn-out, drawing, drawer, drawers, draw a blank, draw near, draw out, draw straws, draw attention
-drawback, ?? d23, f20,
-dray, ??,
-dread, dreadful, dreadfully, dreadfulness
-dream, dreamt, dreamy, ??, Gen 37:36; 41:1,
-dreary, drearier, dreariest, drearily, dreariness
-dredge, ?? d23, s51,
-dreg, dregs
-drench, drenches, drenched, drenching, drencher, drenchers
-dress,dresses, dressed, dressing, dress up, dress down
-drib, dribs
-dribble, ??,
-drift, drifts, drifted, drifting, drifty, drifter, drifters
-drill (an implement), drills, driller, drillers
-drill (harsh sound), drills
-drill (hole), drills, drilled, drilling, drill down, drills down, drilled down, drilling down
-drill (practice), drills, drilled, drilling
-drink, drinks, drank, drunk, drinking, drunk (alcohol), drunks, drunkard, drunkards
-drive, drives, drove, driving, driven
-driveshaft also driveshafts, drive shaft also drive shafts
-drivel, drivels, driveled, driveling, driveler, drivelers
-droll, droller, drollest
-dromedary, dromedaries
-drone (male bee; pilotless aircraft), drones (male bee; pilotless aircraft), drone (humming sound), drones, droned, droning
-drool, ??, s18, d11,
-droop, droops, drooped, drooping, droopily, droopingly, droopy
-drop, droplet, ??, s52,
-drought also spelled drouth, droughty
-drove, droves
-drowsy, ??, T29,
-drub, drubs, drubbed, drubbing, drubber, drubbers,
-drudge, drudges, drudged, drudging, drudger, drudgingly, drudgery, drudgeries
-drug, drugs, drugged, drugging
-druid, druids, ??
-druthers, ??,
-dry, drys, dries, dried, drying, drier or dryer, driest or dryest, dry out, dry up, dry as a bone, dryly or drily, dryness, dryish, dryable
-dual, ??, d15,
-dub (transfer), dubs, dubbed, dubbing
-dub (various meanings), dubs, dubbed, dubbing
-dubious, dubiously, dubiousness
-duchy, duchies
-duct, ducts, ducted, ducting, ductal, ductless
-ductile, ductility or ductilibility
-dude, dudes, dudish, dudishly
-due (owed), due (expected), dues, due to
-due diligence, due diligences
-due process, ??,
-duel, ??,
-duffer, duffers
-duffle, duffles, duffle bag, duffle bags
-dufus, ??,
-duke, dukes, dukedom, dukedoms, duchess, duchesses
-dull, dulls, dullard, dullards, duller, dullest, dulled, dulling, dullish, dullness or dulness, dully
-duly, duly noted
-dumb, dumbs, dumbed, dumbing, dumber, dumbest, dumb down, dumb up, dumbly, dumbness, dumb ass, dumbfound, dumbfounds, dumbfounded, dumbfounding
-dummy, dummies, dummied, dummying
-dune, ??,
-dunce, dunces
-dung, dungs, dunged, dunging, dungy, dunghill, dunghills
-dungeon, dungeons
-dunner, ??,
-duodenum, duodena, duodenums, duodenal
-dupe, dupes, duped, duping, dupability, duper, dupers, dupable
-duplicate, duplicates, duplicated, duplicating, duplicable or duplicatable, duplicately, duplicative, duplicatory, duplication, duplications, duplicator, duplicators
-duplicity, duplicities, duplicitous, duplicitously, duplicitousness, duplicitousnesses
-durable, durability, durableness, durably
-dust, dusts, dusted, dusting, dust off
-Dutch, go Dutch
-duty, duties, duty bound, dutiful, dutifully, dutifulness
-dwarf, dwarfs or dwarves, dwarfed, dwarfng, dwarfish, dwarfishness
-dweeb, dweebs
-dwell, dwells, dwelt, dwelled, dwelling, dwellings, dweller, dwellers
-Dwight D. Eisenhower
-dwindle, dwindles, dwindled, dwindling
-dye (coloring substance), dyes, dyed, dyeing, dyed-in-the-wool
-dynamic, dynamics, dynamical, dynamically, dynamism, dynamisms, dynamistic, dynamist, dynamists
-dynamite, dynamites, dynamited, dynamiting, dynamiter, dynamiters
-dynamo, dynamos
-dynasty, dynasties, dynastic, dynastically
-dysentery, dysenteric
-dyslexia, dyslexic, dyslectic
-dysphoria, dysphoric, ??,
-dystopia, dystopian
-each, each other
-eager, eagerer, eagerest, eagerly, eagerness
-ear, ??,
-earing, earings
-earl, earls
-early, earlier, eariest. earliness, earlinesses
-earn, earns. earned, earning, earner, earners
-earnest,in earnest, earnestly,earnestness
-earring, earrings (see also 'earings')
-Earthenware, Earthenwares
-Earthquake, Earthquakes
-ease, eases, eased, easing, easy, easier, easiest, easiness, easily, at ease
-eatable, eatables
-eaves, eaves trough
-ebb, ebbs, ebbed, ebbing, ebb tide, ebb tides
-ebullient, ebullition, ??,
-eccentric, eccentrically, eccentricity, eccentricities
-ecclesiastic, ecclesiastics, ecclesiastical, ecclesiastically, ecclesiasticism, ecclesiasticisms, ecclesia, ecclesiae
-echelon, echelons, echeloned, echeloning
-echinoderm, echinoderms, echinodermal or echinodermatous
-echo, echoes, echoed, echoing, echoic, echoey, echolike, echoer, echoers
-echolocation, ecolocations, echolocate
-eclectic, eclectically
-eclipse, eclipses, eclipsed, eclipsing, ecliptic, ecliptics
-ecology, ecologies, ecologically, ecological, ecologic, ecologist, ecologists, ecosystem
-economy, economies, economic, economical, economically, economist, economists, economics
-economize, economizes, economized, economizing, economizer, economizers
-ecstasy, ecstasies, ecstatic, ecstatically
-ectoderm, ectodermal, ectodermic
-ectothermic also ectothermal or ectothermous
-ecumenical, ecumenic, ecumenicalism, ecumenically
-eczema, ??, Index V Notes 4,
-Eddy, Mary Morse Baker
-eddy, eddies, eddied, eddying
-edema, edematous
-edge, edges, edged, edging, edge out, on edge, on the edge, edgeless
-edible, edibles, edibility, edibleness
-edict, edicts
-edifice, edifices
-edify, edifies, edified, edifying, edification, edifications
-edit, edits, edited, editing, editor, editors, editorial, editorials, editorially
-edition, editions
-educate, educates, educated, educating, educable, educability, education, educationally, educative, educational, educator, educators, educationist, educationists, educationalist, educationalists
-educe, educes, educed, educing, educible, eduction, educable, educability, ineducable, ineducability
-eerie, eerier, eeriest, eerily, eeriness
-efface, effaces, effaced, effacing, effaceable, effacement, effacements, effacer, effacers, self-effacing, self-effacement, self-effacements
-effect, effects, effected, effecting, effective, effectively, effectible, effectivity, effectiveness, effecter, effecters, in effect (compare 'affect'), effectual, effectuality, effectualness, effectually,
-effector, effectors
-effeminate, effeminately, effeminateness, effeminacy
-efferent, efferently
-effervesce, effervesces, effervesced, effervescing, effervescently, effervescent, effervescence, effervescency
-efficacious, efficacy
-efficient, efficiently, efficiency, efficiencies
-effigy, effigies, in effigy
-effluent, effluents
-effort, effortless, effortfully, effortful, effortlessly, effortlessness
-effuse, effuses, effused, effusing, effusive, effusively, effusiveness
-egalitarian, egalitarians, egalitarianism, egalitarianisms
-egress, egresses, egressed, egressing
-egret, ??,
-ego, egos, egoism, egoist (see also egotist), egoists, egoistic, egoistical, egoistically, egocentric, egocentrically, egocentricity, egocentrism
-egomania, egomaniac, egomaniacal, egomaniacally
-egotist (see also egoist), egotists, egotistic, egotistical, egotistically, egotism
-egocentric, egocentricity, egocentrism, egocentrically
-egregious, egregiously, egregiousness
-Eides, Eides of March
-einkorn, ??,
-einstellen (a German word)
-Eisenhower, Dwight D.
-ejaculate, ejaculates, ejaculated, ejaculating, ejaculator, ejaculators, ejaculatory, ejaculation, ejaculations
-eject, ejects, ejected, ejecting, ejectable, ejective
-eke, ekes, eked, eking
-elaborate, elaborates, elaborative, elaborated, elaborating, elaborately, elaborateness, elaboration, elaboration, elaborator(s)
-elan, ??,
-elapse, elapses, elapsed, elapsing
-elastic, elastics, elasticity, elasticities, elastically, elasticized
-elate, elates, elated, elating, elation, elations
-elder, elders
-Eleanor Roosvelt
-elect, elects, elected, electing, elective, electives, nonelected, nonelective, electively, electiveness, election, elections, electorate, electorates, elector, electors, electoral, electorally, electoral college
-electric, electricity, electric, electrical, electrically, AC, DC, electric charge, electric charges, electrical circuit, electrical current, electrical currents, electric field, electric fields
-electrocute, electrocutes, electrocuted, electrocuting, electrocution, electrocutions
-electrode, electrodes
-electroencephalogram (EEG), encephalogram, encephalograms
-electrolyte, electrolytes
-electrolytic, electrolytically
-electromagnetic, electromagnetically
-electromagnetic induction
-electromagnetic radiation
-electromagnetic spectrum
-electromagnetic wave, electromagnetic waves
-electromotive force
-electron, electrons
-electron microscope
-electron transport
-electronic, electronics, electronically
-electrostatic, electrostatics, electrostatically
-elegant, elegantly, elegance
-element, elements, table of elements
-element (electrical), elements
-elemental, elementals, elementary, elementarily, elementariness, elementary particle, elementary particles
-elevate, elevates, elevated, elevating,elevation, elevations
-elicit, elicits, elicited, eliciting, elicitation, elicitations, elicitor, elicitors
-eligible, eligibility, eligibly
-eliminate, eliminates, eliminated, eliminating, elimination, eliminations, eliminative, eliminatory, eliminator, eliminators
-Thomas Stearns Eliot
-elite, elites, elitism, elitist, elitists
-ellipse, ellipses, elliptic or elliptical, elliptically, ellipsoid, ellipsoids, ellipsoidal
-ellipsis, ellipses
-elocution, elocutions, elocutionary, elocutionist, elocutionists
-elongate, elongates, elongated, elongating
-eloquent, eloquently, eloquentness, eloquence
-else, or else
-elucidate, elucidates, elucidated, elucidating, elucidation, elucidations, elucidator, elucidators, elucidative
-elude, eludes, eluded, eluding, elusive, elusively, elusiveness
-elytron, elytra, elytroid
-emaciate, emaciates, emaciated, emaciating, emaciation, emaciations
-emanate, emanates, emanated, emanating, emanative
-emanation, emanational
-emancipate, emancipates, emancipated, emancipating, emancipative, emancipatory, emancipator, emancipators, emancipation
-emasculate, emasculates, emasculated, emasculating, emasculation, emasculations, emasculator, emasculators
-embanked, embankment, ??, b2, b18, t21,
-embargo, embargoes, embargoed, embargoing
-embark, embarks, embarked, embarking, embarkation, embarkations, embarkment, embarkments
-embarrass, embarrasses, embarrassed, embarrassing, embarrassedly, embarrassingly, embarrassment, embarrassments
-embassy, embassies
-embed (also imbed), embeds, embedded, embedding, embedment
-embellish, embellishes, embellished, embellishing, embellishment, embellishments, embellisher, embellishers
-embezzle, embezzles, embezzled, embezzling, embezzlement, embezzler, embezzlers
-embitter (also spelt 'imbitter'), embitters, embittered, embittering, embitterment
-emblazon, emblazons, emblazoned, emblazoning, emblazoner, emblazonment
-emblem, emblems, emblematic, emblematical, emblematically
-embody, embodies, embodied, embodying, embodiment, embodiments
-embolden, emboldens, emboldened, emboldening
-embower, embowers, embowered, embowering
-embrace, embraces, embraced, embracing, embraceable, embracement
-embroider, embroiders, embroidered, embroidering, embroidery, embroideries, embroiderer, embroideres
-embroil, embroils, embroiled, embroiling, embroilment, embroilments
-embryo, embryos, embryonic also embryotic also embryonal, embryonically
-emcee, emcees, emceed, emceeing
-emend, ??,
-emerge, emerges, emerged, emerging, emergence, emergent
-emergency, emergencies
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
-emigrate, emigrates, emigrated, emigrating, emigration, emigrant, emigrants
-eminent, eminently, eminence, eminencies
-Eminent Domain
-emissary, ??,
-emit, emits, emitted, emitting, emitter, emission, emissions
-Emmanuel, Immanuel Velikovsky
-emollient, emollients
-emolument, emoluments
-emotion, emotions, emotional, emotionality, emotionally, emotionalize, emotionalized, emotionalizing, emotionalizes, emotive, emotively, emotiveness or emotivity
-empathy, empathetic, empathic, empathically, empathize, empathizes, empathized, empathizing, empathizer, empathizers
-emphasis, emphases, emphasize, emphasizes, emphasized, emphasizing
-emphatic, emphatically
-empire, empires, emperor, emperors, emperorship, emperorships
-empirical, empirically, empiricism, empiricist, empiric
-employ, employs, employed, employing, employable, employability, employer, employers, employe also employee, employes also employees, employment
-emporium, emporiums or emporia
-empower, empowers, empowered, empowering, empowerment, empowerments
-empty, empties, emptier, emptiest, emptied, emptying, emptily, emptiness
-emulate, emulates, emulated, emulating, emulative, emulatively, emulation, emulations, emulator, emulators, emulous, emulously, emulousness, emulousnesses
-emulsion,emulsions, emulsive, emulsify, emulsifies, emulsified, emulsifying, emulsification, emulsifications, emulsifier, emulsifiers, emulsible
-en route
-enable, enables, enabled, enabling, enabler, enablers
-enact, enacts, enacted, enacting, enactable, enactor, enactors, enactment, enactments
-enamel, ??, Ezk 1-4;
-enamor,enamors, enamored, enamoring
-encapsulate,encapsulates also incapsulate, encapsulated, encapsulating, encapsulation, encapsulations, encapsulator, encapsulators
-encase, encases, encased, encasing, encasement, encasements
-enchant, enchants, enchanted, enchanting, enchanter, enchanters, enchantingly, enchantment, enchantments, enchantress, enchantresses
-encircle, encircles, encircled, encircling, encirclement, encirclements
-enclose (also spelt inclosure), encloses, enclosed, enclosing, enclosure, enclosures
-encode, encodes, encoded, encoding, encoder, encoders
-encompass, encompasses, encompassed, encompassing, encompassment, encompassments
-encore, encores, encored, encoring
-encounter, encounters, encountered, encountering
-encourage, encourages, encouraged, encouraging, encourager, encouragers, encouragement, encouragements
-encroach,encroaches, encroached, encroaching, encroacher, encroachers, encroachment, encroachments
-encrust, encrusts, encrusted, encrusting
-encrypt, encrypts, encrypted, encrypting, encryption, encryptions
-encumber, encumbers, encumbered, encumbering, encumbrance, encumbrances, encumbrancer, encumbrancers
-encyclopedia, encyclopedias
-end, ends, ended, ending, in the end, no end, to the end
-end run
-endanger, endangers, endangered, endangering, endangerment, endangerments
-endear, endears, endeared, endearing, endearment, endearments
-endeavor also endeavour, endeavored, endeavoured, endeavoring, endeavouring, endeavors, endeavours
-endoderm, entoderm, endodermal
-endogamy, endogamous
-endogenous, endogenously, endogeny, endogenies
-endoplasm, endoplasmic reticulum
-endorse, endorses, endorsed, endorsing, endorsable, endorsement, endorsements, endorser, endorsers, endorsor, endorsors
-endow, endows, endowed, endowing, endowment, endowments
-endue also indue, endues, endued, enduing, endued
-endure, endures, endured, enduring, endurance, enduringly, enduringness
-enema, ememas
-enemy, enemies, ??, a4, s6, Psalms 139:22,
-energy, energies, energetic, energetically, energize, energizes, energized, energizing, energizer, energizers
-enervate, enervates, enervated, enervating, enervation, enervations, enervative, enervator, enervators
-enfeeble, enfeebles, enfeebled, enfeebling, enfeeblement, enfeeblements, enfeebler, enfeeblers
-enfilade, ??,
-enfold, enfolds, enfolded, enfolding, enfolder, enfolders
-enforce, enforces, enforced, enforcing, enforceable, enforcedly, enforceability, enforcement, enforcements, enforcer, enforcers
-engage, engages, engaged, engaging, engager, engagers, engagement, engagements
-engender, engenders, engendered, engendering, engenderer, engenderers
-engine, engines, engined, engining, engineless, engineer, engineers, engineered, engineering, engineering, engineerings
-England/United Kingdom
-English language and examples of its craziness; Middle English, Old English, Old French, Old North French, Old Norse,Middle Dutch
-English and British (people)
-engraft, engrafts, engrafted, engrafting, engraftment, engraftments
-engrave, engraves, engraved, engraving, engraver, engravers
-engorge, engorges, engorged, engorging, engorgement, engorgements
-engross, engrosses, engrossed, engrossing, engrossingly, engrosser, engrossers
-engulf, engulfs, engulfed, engulfing, engulfment
-enhance, enhances, enhanced, enhancing, enhancement, enhancements, enhancer, enhancers, enhancive
-enigma, enigmatic, enigmatically
-enjoin, enjoins, enjoined, enjoining, enjoinder, enjoinders, enjoiner, enjoiners, enjoinment, enjoinments
-enjoy, enjoys, enjoyed, enjoying, enjoyably, enjoyable, enjoyer, enjoyers, enjoyment, enjoyments
-enlarge, enlarges, enlarged, enlarging, enlarger, enlargers, enlargement, enlargements
-enlighten, enlightens, enlightened, enlightening, enlightener, enlighteners, enlightenment, enlightenments
-enlist, ?? m17
-enliven, enlivens, enlivened, enlivening, enlivener, enliveners, enlivenment, enlivenments
-en masse
-enmesh, enmeshes, immesh, enmeshed, enmeshing, enmeshment, enmeshments
-enologist, enology, ??
-enormity, ??
-enormous, enormously, enormousness
-enquire, enquires, enquired, enquiring, enquiry, enquiries, enquire after, enquiring, enquiringly, enquirer, enquirers
-enrage, enrages, enraged, enraging, enragement, enragements
-enrapture, enraptures, enraptured, enrapturing, enrapturement
-enrich, enriches, enriched, enriching, enricher, enrichers, enrichment, enrichments
-enroll also enrol, enrolls also enrols, enrolled, enrolling, enrollee, enrollees
-ensconce, ensconces, ensconced, ensconcing
-enshroud, enshrouds, enshrouded, enshrouding
-enshrine, enshrines, enshrined, enshrining, enshrinement, enshrinements
-ensign, ensigns
-enslave, enslaves, enslaved, enslaving, enslavement, enslavements, enslaver, enslavers
-ensnare, ensnares, ensnared, ensnaring, ensnarement, ensnarements, ensnarer, ensnarers
-ensue, ensues, ensued, ensuing
-ensure, ensures, ensured, ensuring
-entasis, ??, U2
-entail, entails, entailed, entailing, entailment, entailments
-entangle, entangles, entangled, entangling, entanglement, entanglements, entangler, entanglers
-entente, ??,
-enter, ??, c48,
-enterprising, enterprisingly, enterprise, enterprises, enterpriser, enterprisers
-entertain, entertains, entertained, entertaining, entertainment, entertainer, entertainers, entertainment, entertainments, entertainingly
-enthalpy, enthalpies
-enthrall, enthralls, enthralled, enthralling, enthrallingly, enthrallment, enthrallments
-enthrone, enthrones, enthroned, enthroning, enthronement, enthronements
-enthusiasm,enthusiastic, enthusiastically, enthuse, enthuses, enthused, enthusing, enthusiast, enthusiasts
-entice, entices, enticed, enticing, enticement, enticements, enticer, enticers, enticingly
-entire, entireness, entirety, entireties, entirely
-entitle, entitles, entitled, entitling, entitlement
-entity, entities
-entomology, entomologic or entomological, entomologically, entomologist, entomologists
-entomb, entombs, entombed, entombing, entombment, entombments
-entourage, ??,
-entrance (enter), entrances
-entrance (trance), entrances, entranced, entrancing, entrancement, entrancements
-entrap, entraps, entrapped, entrapping, entrapment, entrapments
-entrain, entrains, entrained, entraining, entrainer, entrainers, entrainment, entrainments
-entreat, entreats, intreat, intreats, intreated, entreated, intreating, entreating, intreatingly, entreatingly, intreatingly, entreatment
-entreaty, entreaties
-entrench, entrenches, entrenched, entrenching, entrenchment, entrenchments
-entropy, entropies, entropically
-entrust, entrusts, intrust, entrusted, entrusting
-entwine also intwine, entwines, entwined, entwining, entwinement, entwinements
-enumerate, enumerates, enumerated, enumerating, enumeration, enumerations, enumerator, enumerators, enumerative
-enunciate, enunciates, enunciated, enunciating, enunciable, enunciative, enunciation, enunciations, enunciator, enuciators, enunciatively
-envelop, envelops, enveloped, enveloping, enveloper, envelopers, envelopment, envelopments, envelopingly
-environment, environments, environmental, environmentally, environ, environs, environed, environmentalism, environmentalisms, environmentalist, environmentalists
-envisage, envisages, envisaged, envisaging
-envision, envisions, envisioned, envisioning
-envoy, envoys
-envy, envies, envied, envying, envier, envyingly, envious, enviously, enviousness, enviousnesses
-enzyme, enzymes, enzymatic, coenzyme
-eon also aeon, eons
-ephemeral, ephemerality, ephemeralness, ephemerally
-ephemera, ??
-epicene, ??, e3
-epicenter, epicenters, epicentral
-epidemiology, epidemiologic or epidemiological, epidemiologically, epidemiologist, epidemiologists
-epidermis, epidermal, epidermic, epidermis
-epigenetic, epigenetics, epigenetically, epigenesis
-epigone, ??, e3,
-epigraphy, epigraphies, epigrapher, epigraphers or epigraphist, epigraphists
-epilepsy, epilepsies
-epilogue also spelt epilog
-epinephrine, epinephrines, also spelt epinephrin
-epiphany, epiphanies
-epiphenomenon, epiphenomena, epiphenomenal, epiphenomenally
-Episcopalian, Episcopalians, episcopal, episcopally
-episode, episodes, episodic, episodical, episodically
-epistemology, epistemologies, epistemological, epistemologically, epistemologist, epistemologists
-epistle, epistles
-epitaph, epitaphs, epitaphic
-epithelium, epitheliums or epithelia, epithelial
-epithet, epithets
-epitome, epitomic, epitomical, epitomize, epitomizes, epitomized, epitomizing
-epitope, epitopes
-epoch, epochs, epochal
-eponym, eponymic, eponymous, eponymy, eponymies
-epoxy, epoxies, epoxied, epoxying
-Epsom salts
-equal, equals, equaled or equalled, equaling or equalling, equally, equable, equability, equableness, equably, equality, equalities, equalize, equalizes, equalized, equalizing, equalization, equalizations, equalizer, equalizers
-equate, equates, equated, equating
-equation, equations, equational, equationally
-equator, equators, equatorial, equatorials, equatorially
-equestrian, equestrians, equestrianism, equestrianship, equestrienne, equestriennes
-equiangular spiral
-equidistant, equidistance, equidistances, equidistantly
-equilateral, equilaterally
-equilibrate, equilibrates, equilibrated, equilibrating, equilibration
-equilibrium, equilibriums, equilibria, equilibration, equilibrations, equilibrant, equilibrants
-equinox, equinoxes
-equip, equips, equipped, equipping, equipment
-equipoise, ??,
-equipollent, ??,
-equity, equities, equitable, equitableness, equitably
-equivalent, equivalents, equivalently, equivalence, equivalences, equivalency, equivalencies
-equivocal, equivocality or equivocalness, equivocally, equivocate, equivocates, equivocated, equivocating, equivocator, equivocators, equivocation, equivocations, equivocality, equivocalities
-era, eras
-eradicate, eradicates, eradicated, eradicating, eradication, eradications, eradicator, eradicators, eradicable
-erase, erases, erased, erasing, erasability, erasabilities, erasable
-erect, erects, erected, erecting, erectly, erectable, erectness, erectile, erectility
-ericaceous, ?? (is plants of the heather family)
-erode, erodes, eroded, eroding, erodibility, erodible, erosion, erosions, erosional, erosionally
-ergonomic, ergonomics, ergonomist, ergonomists, ergonomically
-ergot, ??
-erotic, erotically
-err, errs, erred, erring
-errand, errands
-errant, errantly
-erratic, erratically, erraticism
-erroneous, erroneously, erroneousness
-error, errors, errorless
-erstwhile, ??
-erudite, eruditely, erudition, eruditeness
-erupt, erupts, erupted, erupting, eruptive, eruptively, eruption, eruptions
-Erwin Schrodinger
-erysipelas, erysipelatous
-escalate, escalates, escalated, escalating, escalation, escalations, escalatory
-escapade, escapades
-escape, escapes, escaped, escaping, escapable, escaper, escapers
-escapement, escapements
-escarpment, escarpments
-eschatology, eschatological, eschatologically, eschatologist, eschatologists
-eschew, eschews, eschewed, eschewing, eschewal, eschewals
-escort, escorts, escorted, escorting
-escrow, escrows, escrowed, escrowing, in escrow
-escutcheon, escutcheoned, escutcheons
-esophagus, esophagi, esophageal
-espy, espies, espied, espying
-espouse, espouses, espoused, espousing, espouser, espousers, espousal
-esquire, ??,
-essay, essays, essayed, essaying, essayer, essayers, essayist, essayists
-essence, essences, in essence
-essential,essentials, essentiality or essentialness, essentially, essential oil, essential oils
-establish, establishes, established, establishing, establisher, establishers, establishment, establishments
-estate, estates
-esteem, esteems, esteemed, esteeming
-ester, esters
-esthetic, aesthetic, aesthetics, esthetics, aesthetical, esthetical, aesthetically, esthetically
-estimate, estimates, estimated, estimating, estimator, estimators, estimation, estimations
-estivate, estivates, estivated, estivating
-estop, estops, estopped, estopping, estoppage, estoppel
-estrange, estranges, estranged, estranging, estrangement, estranger, estrangers
-estrogen, ??, o4,
-estuary, estuaries, estuarial
-et al
-et seq
-etc., etcetera or et cetera
-etch, etches, etched, etching, etchings, etcher, etchers
-eternal, eternality or eternalness, eternally
-ether, etheric, ethereal, ethereally, ethereality, etherealness, etherealize, etherealizes, etherealized, etherealizing, etherealization
-ethic, ethics, ethical, ethically, ethicize
-Ethiopia, Ethiopian, Ethiopians, Ethiopic
-ethnarch, ethnarchs, ethnarchy, ethnarchies
-ethnic, ethnicity
-ethyl, ethyls, ethylic, ethyl alcohol, ethyl alcohols, ethylene glycol, ethylene glycols, ethylene oxide
-ethylamine, ethylamines, ethamine
-etiology, etiologies, etiologic, etiological, etiologically, etiologist, etiologists
-Etruscan, Etruscans, Etruria
-etymology, etymologist, etymologists, etymological, etymologically, etymologize, etymon
-Eucharist, Eucharists also listed in E-JTargets where Christian assurance is a well rounded knowledge that I am a child of God. ??
-Euclidean geometry, non-euclidean
-eugenic, eugenics, eugenist, eugenists or eugenicist, eugenicists
-eukaryote, eukaryotes, eukaryotic
-eunuch, eunuchs, eunuchism
-euphemism, euphemist, euphemistic, euphemistically
-euphoria, euphoric, euphoriant, euphoriants
-Euphrates river
-Eurasia, Eurasian, Eurasians
-Europe, European, Europeans
-euthanasia, ??, p1,
-evacuation, evacuations, evacuate, evacuates, evacuated, evacuating, evacuative, evacuator, evacuators
-evade, evades, evaded, evading, evadable, evadible, evader, evaders
-evaluate, evaluates, evaluated, evaluating, evaluation, evaluations, evaluator, evaluators, evaluative
-evanescent, ?? f6, t10,
-evangelize,evangelizes, evangelized, evangelizing, evangelization, evangelizations, evangelizer, evangelizers, evangelist, evangelists
-evaporate, evaporates, evaporated, evaporating, evaporatively, evaporative, evaporation, evaporations, evaporativity, evaporator, evaporators
-evasive, evasively, evasiveness, evasivenesses
-even, evens, evened, evening, evenly, evenness, evener, even so, even though
-evening, evenings
-even number (with prime number; see prime number)
-event, events, eventual, eventually, eventless, in any event
-ever, for ever and a day
-evergreen, evergreens
-evert, everts, everted, everting
-every, every bit, everywhere, everyplace, every other, every so often, every which way, every now and then, every now and again, every once in a while, every and any, usage info
-evict, evicts, evicted, evicting, evictee, eviction, evictions, evictor, evictors
-evidence, evidences, evidenced, evidencing, in evidence, evident, evidently, evidentiary, evidential, evidentially, self-evident
-evil, evils, eviler, evilest, evilly, evilness, evilnesses
-evince, evinces, evinced, evincing
-eviscerate, eviscerates, eviscerated, eviscerating, evisceration, eviscerations
-evocative, evocatively, evocativeness
-evoke, evokes, evoked, evoking, evocable
-evolve, evolves, evolved, evolving, evolvable, evolvement, evolvements
-evolution, evolutional or evolutionary, evolutionary theory, evolutionarily, evolutionist, evolutionists
-ex parte, ??,
-exact (demand), exacts, exacted, exactable, exactor or exacter, exactors or exacters, exactingly, exactness, exaction, exactions
-exact (precise), exactly, exacting, exactness, exactingness, exactingly, exactitude
-exacerbate, exacerbates, exacerbated, exacerbating, exacerbation, exacerbations
-exaggerate, exaggerates, exaggerated, exaggerating, exaggeratedly, exaggeration, exaggerations, exaggerator, exaggerators, exaggerative or exaggeratory
-exalt, exalts, exalted, exalting, exalter, exalters, exaltedness, exaltedly
-examine, examines, examined, examining, examinable, examiner, examiners, examination, examinations,examinational
-example, examples, for example
-exasperate, exasperates, exasperated, exasperating, exasperatedly, exasperater, exasperaters, exasperatingly, exasperation
-excavate, excavates, excavated, excavating, excavator, excavators, excavation, excavations
-exceed, exceeds, exceeded, exceeding, exceedingly
-excel, excels, excelled, excelling
-excellent, excellently, excellence
-Excellency, Excellencies
-except, excepts, excepted, excepting, exception, exceptions
-exceptional, exceptionality or exceptionalness, exceptionally
-excerpt, excerpts, excerpted, excerpting, excerptor or excerpter, excerptors or excerpters
-excess, excesses, excessed, excessing, excessive, in excess of, excessively, excessiveness
-exert, exerts, exerted, exerting, exertion
-exchange, exchanges, exchanged, exchanging, exchangeable, in exchange
-excise, excises, excised, excising, excision, excisions
-excite, excites, excited, exciting, excitingly, excitable, excitedly, excitably, excitability, excitableness, excitement, excitements, excitative, excitatory, excitant, excitants, excitation, excitations
-exclaim, exclaims, exclaimed, exclaiming, exclaimer, exclaimers, exclamation, exclamations, exclamatory
-exclude, excludes, excluded, excluding, excludability, excludable or excludible, excluder, exclusion, exclusions, exclusionary
-exclusive, exclusiveness, exclusivity, exclusively, exclusive of, mutually exclusive
-excogitate, excogitates, excogitated, excogitating, excogitation, excogitative
-excommunicate, excommunicates, excommunicated, excommunicating, excommunication, excommunications, excommunicative, excommunicatory, excommunicator, excommunicators
-excoriate, excoriates, excoriated, excoriating, excoriation, excoriations, excoriator, excoriators (effect upon, legal)
-excrement, excrements, excremental, excrementitious
-excrescence, excrescences
-excrete,excretes, excreted, excreting, excretion, excretions, excretory
-excruciate, excruciates, excruciated, excruciating, excruciatingly, excruciation, excruciations
-exculpate, exculpates, exculpated, exculpating, exculpable, exculpatory, exculpation, exculpations
-excuse, excuses, excused, excusing, excusably, excusable, excusableness, excuser, excusers
-execrate, execrates, execrated, execrating, execrative, execratory, execrator, execrators, execration, execrations, execrable, execrably, execrableness
-execute, executes, executed, executing, executable, executer, executers, execution, executions
-executive ???, g10, d24, c11, j1,
-executor, executors, executorial, executorship, executorships
-exegesis, exegeses, exegete, exegetes, exegetist, exegetists, exegetical, exegetical, exegetically
-exhume, ???
-exemplary, exemplariness, exemplarity, exemplarily, exemplify, exemplifies, exemplified, exemplifying, exemplification, exemplifications
-exempt, exempts, exempted, exempting, exemptible, exemption, exemptions
-exercise, exercises, exercised, exercising, exercisable, exercitation, exercitations
-exert, exerts, exerted, exerting, exertion, exertions
-exhale, exhales, exhaled, exhaling, exhalation, exhalations, exhalant or exhalent, exhalants or exhalents
-exhaust, exhausts, exhausted, exhausting, exhaustedly, exhaustingly, exhauster, exhausters, exhaustibility, exhaustible, exhaustive, exhaustively, exhaustiveness, exhaustivity, exhaustion
-exhibit, exhibits, exhibited, exhibiting, exhibitor, exhibitors, exhibiter, exhibiters, exhibitory, exhibition, exhibitions
-exhilarate, exhilarates, exhilarated, exhilarating, exhilaratingly, exhilarative, exhilaration, exhilarations
-exhort, exhorts, exhorted, exhorting, exhorter, exhorters, exhortation, exhortations, exhortative, exhortatory
-exigent, exigently, exigency, exigencies
-exile, exiles, exiled, exiling, exilic or exilian
-exist, exists, existed, existing, existent, existence, existential, existentially, existentialism, existentialist, existentialists
-exit, exits, exited, exiting
-ex officio, ??,
-exogenous (can live outside the body), ??,
-exonerate, exonerates, exonerated, exonerating, exonerative, exoneration, exonerations
-exorbitant, exorbitantly, exorbitance
-exorcise, exorcises, exorcised, exorcising, exorciser, exorcisers, exorcism, exorcisms, exorcist, exorcists
-exosome, exosomes
-exoteric, ??,
-exotic, exotics, exotically, exoticness, exotica
-expand, expands, expanded, expanding, expandable, expander, expanders
-expanse, expanses,expansion, expansive, expansively, expansiveness, expansivity
-ex parte
-expatiate, expatiates, expatiated, expatiating, expatiation, expatiations
-expect, expects, expected, expecting, expectably, expectedly, expectable, expectedness, expectancy, expectancies, expectation, expectations, expectational
-expectorate, expectorates, expectorated, expectorating, expectoration, expectorations, expectorant, expectorants
-expedient, expediently, expediency
-expedite, expedites, expedited, expediting, expediter, expediters, expeditor, expeditors
-expedition, ??? p29, p28, Potpoirri A3,
-expel, expels, expelled, expelling, expellable, expeller, expellers
-expend, expends, expended, expending, expenditure, expenditures
-experience, experiences, experienced, experiencing, experiencer, experiencers, experiential, experientially
-experimentation, experimentations, experiment, experiments, experimented, experimenting, experimenter, experimenters, experimental, experimentally
-expert, experts, expertly, expertness, expertise
-expiate, expiates, expiated, expiating, expiator, expiators, expiable, expiation, expiations, expiatory
-expire, expires, expired, expiring
-explain, explains, explained, explaining, explainable, explanatory, explanatorily, explanation, explanations, explanative, explanatively, explain away
-explicable, explicably, explicate, explicates, explicated, explicating, explication, explications, explicator, explicators
-expletive, expletives
-explicit, explicitly, explicitness
-exploit, exploits, exploited, exploiting, exploitation, exploitations, exploiter, exploiters, exploitable, exploitability, exploitive, exploitively
-explode, explodes, exploded, exploding, exploder, exploders
-explosive, explosives, explosively, explosiveness
-exponent, exponents, exponential, exponentially
-export, exports, exported, exporting, exportation, exportations, exportability, exportabilities, exportable, exporter, exporters
-exposé, exposés, expose, exposes, exposed, exposing, exposer, exposers, exposure, exposures
-exposit, exposition, expositions, expositor, expositors, expositive, expository
-ex post facto
-expostulate, expostulation, expostulations, expostulating
-expound, expounds, expounded, expounding, expounder, expounders
-express (definite)
-express (delivery), expressible, expresser, expressers
-express (make known), expresses, expressed, expressing, expressly, expressible, expresser, expressers, expression, expressions, expressive, expressively, expressiveness
-express (squeeze), expresses, expressed, expressing
-expulsion, expulsions
-expunge, expunges, expunged, expunging, expunger, expungers
-expurgate, expurgates, expurgated, expurgating, expurgation, expurgations, expurgator, expurgators
-exquisite, exquisitely, exquisiteness
-extemporary, extemporarily, extemporaneous, extemporaneity, extemporaneously, extemporaneousness
-extend, extends, extended, extending, extendable, extendible, extendibility, extension, extensions
-extent, extents, extensive, extensively, extensiveness, to some extent, to that extent, to the extent, to what extent
-extenuate, extenuates, extenuating, extenuated, extenuative, extenuation, extenuations, extenuator, extenuators, extenuatory
-exterior, exteriors, exteriorly
-exterminate, exterminates, exterminated, exterminating, extermination, exterminations, exterminative or exterminatory
-external, externals, externally
-extinct, extinction, extinctions
-extinguish, extinguishes, extinguished, extinguishing, extinguishable, extinguishment, extinguishments
-extirpate, extirpates, extirpated, extirpating, extirpation, extirpations, extirpator, extirpators, extirpative
-extol, extols, extolled, extolling, extoller, extollers, extolment, extolments
-extort, extorts, extorted, extorting, extorter, extorters, extortive, extortion, extortions, extortionist, extortionists, extortioner, extortioners, extortionary
-extra, extras
-extracellular, extracellularly
-extract, extracts, extracted, extracting, extraction, extractions, extractable, extractible, extractor, extractors, extractability
-extradite, extradites, extradited, extraditing, extradition, extraditions
-extraneous, extraneously, extraneousness
-extraordinary, extraordinarily
-extrapolate, extrapolates, extrapolated, extrapolating, extrapolation, extrapolator, extrapolators, extrapolative
-extraterrestrial (also here non terrestrial, the more correct term), extraterrestrially
-extravagant, extravagantly, extravagantness, extravagance, extravagances
-extreme, extremes, extremely, extremeness, extremity, extremities
-extremist, extremists, extremism, extremisms
-extricate, extricates, extricated, extricating, extricable, extrication, extrications
-extrinsic, extrinsically
-extrovert, extroverts, extravert, extraverts, extroverted, extraverted
-extrude, extruded, ??? d6, d7,
-exuberance, exuberancy, exuberant, exuberantly
-exude, exudes, exuded, exuding, exudate, exudates, exudation, exudations
-exult, exults, exulted, exulting, exultance or exultancy, exultingly, exultant, exultantly
-eyewitness, eyewitnesses
-fable, fables, fabled, fabling, fabler, fablers
-fabric, fabrics
-fabricate, fabricates, fabricated, fabricating, fabrication, fabrications, fabricant, fabricants, fabricator, fabricators
-fabulous, fabulously, fabulousness
-facade, facades
-face, faces, faced, facing, facial, facials, facially, face value, face values
-facet, facets, faceted
-facetious, facetiously, facetiousness
-facility, facilities, facilitate, facilitates, facilitated, facilitating, facilitative, facilitator, facilitators
-facsimile, facsimiles
-fact, facts, factual, factually, factuality, factualness, in fact, a matter of fact
-faction, factions, factionalism, factionally, factionalize, factionalizes, factionalized, factionalizing
-factious, factiously, factiousness
-factor, factors, factored, factoring, factorable, factorship, factorships
-factory, factories
-faculty, faculties, faculative
-fad, fads, faddy, faddism, faddist, faddists
-fade, fades, faded, fading, fadeaway, fadeaways, fade in, fade out, fadeless, fadelessly, fadeaway, fadeaways
-fagot, fagots, faggot, faggots, fagoted, faggoted, fagoting, faggoting
-fail, failing, failure, ???, d27, c2, u11, m23, s11, L16, f15,
-faint, faints, fainter, fainting, faintest, faintly, fainter, fainters, faintnesss, faint-hearted, faint-heartedly, faint-heartedness
-fair (county fair), fairs
-fair (impartial), fairer, fairest, fairly
-fair (join), fairs, faired, fairing
-fair (mildly satisfying), fairer, fairest
-fair (pleasing & in looks), fairer, fairest, fairly, fairness
-fairly (rather)
-fairy tale, fairy tales
-fait accompli, faits accomplis
-faith, faiths, in faith, faithful, faithfuls, faithfully, faithfulness, good faith, faithless, faithlessly, faithlessness
-fake, fakes, faked, faking
-fall, (see under fell)
-fallible, fallibly, fallibility or fallibleness
-fallow, fallows, fallowed, fallowing, fallowness
-false, falser, falsest, falsely, falseness, false front, false fronts, falsity, falsities, falsie, falsies, falsify, falsifies, falsified, falsifying, falsification, falsifications, falsifier, falsifers, fallacy, fallacies, fallacious, falsehood, falsehoods
-falter, falters, faltered, faltering, falterer, falterers, falteringly
-fame, fames, famed, faming, famous, famously, famousness
-familiar, familiarly, familiarity, familiarities, familiarize, familiarizes, familiarized, familiarizing, familiarization, familiarizer
-family, families
-famine, famines
-famish, famishes, famished, famishing, famishment, famishments
-fan, fans, ??, d22,
-fanatic, fanatics, fanatical, fanatically, fanaticalness, fanaticism, fanaticisms
-fancy, fancies, fancier, fanciest, fancied, fancying, fancily, fanciness, fanciful, fancifully, fancifulness
-fangs, ?? b3
-fantastic, fantastical, fantasticality, fantasticalness, fantastically
-fantasy, fantasies, fantasied, fantasying
-far, farther or further, furthers, furtherance, farthest or furthest, furthered, furthering, furtherer, futherance, as far as, by far, far and away, far out, far cry, how far, so far, thus far, further (advance), furthers (advances), furthered (advanced), furthering (advancing)
-Faraday, Michael
-farce, farces, farced, farcing, farcical, farcicality, farcicalness, farcically
-fare, fares, fared, faring, farer, farers
-farewell, ?? t13, e3,
-farm, farms, farmed, farming, farmer, farmers
-farrow, farrows, farrowed, farrowing
-farsighted, farsightedly, farsightedness
-fascia, fasciae, fascial
-fascinate, fascinates, fascinated, fascinating, fascinatingly, fascination, fascinations, fascinator, fascinators
-fascist, fascists, fascism, fascistic
-fashion, fashions, fashioned, fashioning, after a fashion, in a fashion, fashioner, fashionable, fashionables, fashionability, fashionableness, fashionably
-fast (abstinence from food and/or water), fasts, fasted, fasting
-fast (speed & tight), faster, fastest, hold fast, holds fast
-fasten, fastens, fastened, fastening, fastener, fasteners
-fastidious, fastidiously, fastidiousness
-fatal, fateful, fatefully, fatefulness, fatally, fatality, fatalities, fatalism, fatalist, fatalists, fatalistic, fatalistically
-fate, fated
-father, ??, p36,
-Fathers of Confederation
-fathom, fathoms, fathomed, fathoming, fathomable
-fatigue, fatigues, fatigued, fatiguing
-fatuous, fatuously, fatuousness
-faucet, faucets
-fault, faults, faulted, faulting, faultfinder, faultfinders, faultfinding, faultfindings, at fault, find fault, faulty, faultier, faultiest, faultily, faultiness
-faux,faux pas
-favor, favors also favour, favours, favored, favoring, favorer, favorers, favoringly, in favor of, favorable, favorableness, favorably, favorite, favorites, favoritism, favoritisms
-fawn (deer), fawns
-fawn (obsequious), fawns, fawned, fawning, fawner, fawners, fawningly
-fealty, fealties
-fear, fears, feared, fearing, afraid, fearer, fearers, fearful, fearfully, fearfulness, fearfulnesses, fearsome, fearsomely, fearsomeness, fearless, fearlessly, fearlessness, fearlessnesses
-feasible, feasibility, feasibleness, feasibly
-feast, ??, r19,
-feat, feats
-feather, feathers, feathered, feathering, feather in one's cap, feather one's nest
-feature, features, featured, featuring
-feces, fecal
-feckless, fecklessly, fecklessness, fecklessnesses
-the Fed
-fed up
-federalism, federal, federally
-federate, federates, federated, federating
-fee, fees, feed, feeing, in fee
-fee simple, fees simple
-feeble, feebly, feeble minded
-feel, feels, felt, felts, felty, feeling, feelings, feelingness, feelingly, feel out, feel inside, feel like, feel like oneself
-feign, feigns, feigned, feigning, feignedly, feint, feints, feinted, feinting
-feisty, feistier, feistiest, feistiness
-feldspar, feldspars
-felicitous, felicitousness, felicitously
-felicity, felicities
-fell, fells, felled, felling, fellable, fall, falls, fallen, falling, fall for, fall in line or into line (fall, fallen, falling, falls, fall flat, fall short, fall through, fell short, etc.)
-fellow, fellows,fellowship, fellowships
-felon, felons, felony, felonies, felonious, feloniously, feloniousness
-felt, ??
-female, ??, s55,
-feminine, femininely, feminineness, femininity, femininities
-fence, fences, fenced, fencing, on the fence, fencer, fencers
-fend, fends, fended, fending, fend off
-fender, ??, f22,
-Fenians (Fenian raids)
-fentanyl, fentanyls, chemical name phentanyl
-fer de lance
-ferment, ferments, fermented, fermenting, fermentation, fermentations, fermentable, fermentability
-fermion, fermions
-ferocious, ferocity, ferociously, ferociousness
-ferret, ??,
-ferric, ferritin, ferritins, ferrite, ferrites, ferrous
-ferry, ferries, ferried, ferrying
-fertile, fertilely, fertileness, fertility, fertilities, fertilization, fertilizations, fertilizational, fertilize, fertilizes, fertilized, fertilizing, fertilizable, fertilizer, fertilizers
-fervor, fervency, fervent, fervently, ferventness, fervid, fervidly, fervidness
-fess, fess up, ??,
-fester, festers, festered, festering
-festive, festively, festiveness, festival, festivity, festivities
-festoon, festoons, festooned, festooning
-fetch, fetches, fetched, fetching, fetcher, fetchers, far-fetched
-fete, ??,
-fetid, fetidly, fetidness
-fetish, fetishes, fetishism, fetishist, fetishists, fetishistic, fetishistically, fetishize, fetishizes, fetishized, fetishizing
-fetter, fetters, fettered, fettering
-fettle, ??,
-fetus, fetuses, fetal
-feud, feuds, feuded, feuding
-feud (fee), feuds
-feudal, feudalism, feudalistic, feudalist, feudalists
-fever, fevers, fevered, fevering, feverish or febrile, feverishly, feverishness
-few, fewer, fewest, fewness, few and far between
-fiancé, fiancée
-fiasco, fiascos
-fiat, fiat money
-fib, fibs, fibbed, fibbing, fibber, fibbers
-fiber or fibre, fibers or fibres, fibered, fibrous, fibrously, fibrousness, fiber optics, fibre optics
-fibrin, fibrinous, fibrinogen
-fickle, fickleness, fickly
-fiction, fictions, fictional, fictionality, fictionally, fictionalize, fictionalized, fictionalizing, fictionalizes, fictionalization, fictitious, fictitiously, fictitiousness
-fiddle, fiddles, fiddled, fiddling, fiddly, fiddlier, fiddliest, fiddle away, fiddler, fiddlers
-fiddlehead, fiddleheads
-fideism, fideist, fideistic
-fidelity, fidelities
-fidget, fidgets, fidgeted, fidgeting, fidgety, fidgetiness
-fiduciary, fiduciary, fiduciaries
-fief, fiefs, fiefdom, fiefdoms
-field, fields, fielded, fielding, field day, field days
-fiend, fiends, fiendish, fiendishly, fiendishness
-fierce, fiercer, fiercest, fiercely,fierceness
-fiery, fierier, fieriest, fierily, fieriness
-fifth column, fifth columnism, fifth columnist
-fight, fights, fought, fighting, fightability, fightable, fightingly
-figure, figures, figured, figuring, go figure, figure in, figure of speech, figures of speech, figure on, figure out, figurer, figurers, figurehead, figureheads
-figurative, figuratively, figurativeness, figurative language
-filament, filaments
-filch, filches, filched, filching, filcher
-file (folders), files, filed, filing, on file
-file (tool), files, filed, filing
-filet mignon, filets mignon
-filibuster, ??,
-filigree, ??,
-fill, fills, filled, filling, fill in, fill out, fill the bill
-fillet, fillets, filleted, filleting
-filly, fillies
-film, films,filmed, filming, filmy, filmier, filmiest, filmily, filminess
-filter, filters, filtered, filtering, filterer, filterless, filtrate, filtrates, filtrated, filtrating, filtration, filtrations
-filth, filthy, filthier, filthiest, filthily, filthiness
-fin, fins, finned, finning, tailfin, tailfins
-finagle, finagles, finagled, finagling, finagler, finaglers
-final, finals, finally, finality, finalities, finalize, finalizes, finalized, finalizing, finalization, finalizations, finalizer, finalizers
-finance, finances, financed, financing, financeable, financial, financially
-finch, finches
-find, finds, found, finding, findings, find out, finds out, found out, finding out, findable, faultfinder, faultfinders, faultfinding, faultfindings
-fine, finer, finest, finely, fineness, fine art, fine arts
-fine (penalty), fines, finded, fining, fineable
-finery, fineries
-finesse, finesses
-finger, fingers, fingered, fingering, have the fingers crossed or keep one's fingers crossed, twist around one's little finger or wrap around one's little finger, fingerer, fingerers, fingerless
-finial, ??
-finicky, finickier, finickiest, finickiness
-finish, ???, m24, k3, p9,
-finite, finiteness, finitely
-fire (ignite), fires, fired, firing, fire away, fire off, fireable, firer, firers, afire
-fire (as fired from work), fires, fired, firing, firing, firings
-firebrand, firebrands
-firm (company), firms
-firm, firms, firmed, firming, firmer, firmest, firmly, firmness
-firmament, firmamental
-first, firsts, firstly, firsthand, first-order, first order logic (see also there second-order logic and higher-order logic), first person (grammar)
-First Nation, First Nations
-firth, firths
-fiscal, fiscally
-fissile, fissility, fissilities
-fission, fissionable, fissionability, nonfissionable
-fissure, fissures, fissured, fissuring
-fist, fists, fisted, fisting
-fit (suitable), fitted, fitting, fitter, fitters, fittest, fitly, fitter, fitful, fitfully, fitfulness, see fit, fit out
-fit (emotional), fits,
-fitful, fitfully, fitfulness
-fix, fixes, fixed, fixing, fix up, fixable, fixer, fixers, fixedly, fixedness, fixation, fixations, fixate, fixates, fixated, fixating, fixity, fixities
-fizz, fizzes, fizzed, fizzing, fizzy, fizzle, fizzles, fizzled, fizzling, fizzle out
-flaccid, flaccidly, flaccidity, flaccidness
-flag, flags, flagged, flagger, flagging, flaggingly
-flagella, flagellum
-flagellate, flagellates, flagellated, flagellating, flagellation, flagellations
-flagon, flagons
-flagrant, flagrancy or flagrance, flagrantly
-flagship, flagships
-flagstone, flagstones
-flail, flails, flailed, flailing
-flake, flakes, flaked, flaking, flake out, flaky or flakey, flakier, flakiest, flakily, flakiness, flaker, flakers
-flammable, flammables, flammability, flammabilities, inflammable
-flamboyant, flamboyance, flamboyancy, flamboyantly
-flame, ??, s41,
-flange, ??,
-flank, ??, w8,
-flap, flaps, flapped, flapping, flapper, flappers
-flared, ??, b23,
-flash, flashes, flashed, flashing, flash in the pan
-flashing (roof)
-flashy, flashier, flashiest, flashily, flashiness
-flask, flasks
-flat, flattening, flat out, ??, c42,
-flatter, flatters, flattered, flattery, flatteries, flattering, flatterer, flatterers, flatteringly
-flatulence, ??, c9,
-flaunt, flaunts, flaunted, flaunting, flauntingly, flaunter, flaunters
-flavor, flavors, flavored, flavoring, flavorings, flavorer, flavorers, flavorless, flavorful, flavorfully, flavorous or flavorsome, flavory
-flaw, flaws, flawed, flawing
-flax, flaxes, flaxseed, flaxseeds
-flay, flays, flayed, flaying, flayer, flayers
-flea, ?? put with flee in f14
-fleck, flecks, flecked, flecking
-fledgling, fledges, fledge, fledged, fledging
-flee, flees, fled, fleeing, fleer, fleers
-fleece, fleeces, fleeced, fleecing, fleecer, fleecers
-fleet (quick), fleets, fleeted, fleeting, fleeter, fleeters, fleetest, fleetly, fleetness, fleetingly, fleetingness
-fleet (a number of), fleets
-flex, flexes, flexed, flexing, flexible, flexibility, flexibleness, flexibly, flexure, flexural
-flick, ??,
-flight, flights, flighted, flighting
-flighty, flightier, flightiest, flightily, flightiness
-flimsy, flimsies, flimsier, flimsiest, flimsy, flimsily, flimsiness
-flinch, flinches, flinched, flinching, flinchingly, flincher, flinchers
-fling, flings, flung, flinging
-flint, flints
-flip, flips, flipped, flipping, flipper, flippest, flipflops, flip one's lid
-flippant, flippancy, flippantly
-flirt, flirts, flirted, flirting, flirtation, flirtations, flirtatious, flirtatiously
-flit, flits, flitted, flitting, flitter, fitters
-float, floats, floated, floating, floatable, flotilla, flotillas
-flock, flocks, flocked, flocking
-floe, ??
-flog, flogs, flogged, flogging, flogger, floggers
-flood, floods, flooded, flooding
-flop, ??, flipflops b22
-florid, floridity, floridness, floridly
-flounder, flounders, floundered, floundering
-flounder (the fish), flounders, floundered, floundering
-flour, ?? g9
-flourish, flourishes, flourished, flourishing, flourisher, flourishers
-flout, flouts, flouted, flouting, flouter, flouters, floutingly
-flow, flows, flowed, flowing, flowingly
-fluctuate, fluctuates, fluctuated, fluctuating, fluctuant, fluctuation, fluctuations
-flue, ??, d20, s47,
-fluent, fluency, fluently
-fluffy, fluffier, fluffiest, fluffily, fluffiness
-fluid, fluids, fluidity, fluidness, fluidly
-flukes, ??, a33,
-flummox, flummoxes, flummoxed, flummoxing
-flunky, flunkies, flunkeyism
-fluoresce, fluoresces, fluoresced, fluorescing, fluorescer, fluorescers, fluorescent, fluorescents, fluorescence
-fluorine, fluoride
-fluorocarbon, fluorocarbons
-fluoroscope, fluoroscopes, fluoroscoped, fluoroscoping, fluoroscopic, fluoroscopically, fluoroscopy, fluoroscopies, fluoroscopist, fluoroscopists
-fluorosis, fluorotic
-flurry, flurries, flurried, flurrying
-flush, flushed, ??, b2, b7, f11,
-fluster, flusters, flustered, flustering
-flute, flutes, fluted, fluting, fluter, fluters, fluty also spelt flutey
-flutter, flutters, fluttered, fluttering, flutterer, fluttery
-fly, flies, flew, flown, flying, flyable, fly at, fly high, fly off the handle
-fly(insect), flies, fly in the ointment
-foal, foals, foaled, foaling
-foam, foams, foamed, foaming, foamy, foamier, foamiest, foamily, foaminess
-focal, focally
-focus, focuses, focused,focusing, focuser, focusers
-fodder, fodders, foddered, foddering, cannon fodder
-foe, ?? Judges8-16, Potpourri E2,
-fog, ??, w10, o1,
-foible, foibles
-foil (aluminum), foils, foiled, foiling
-foil (fencing, swordfighting), foils
-foil (thwart), foils, foiled, foiling
-foist, foists, foisted, foisting
-fold, folds, folded, folding, foldable, twofold, threefold, sixfold
-fold (enclosure), folds
-foliage, foliages, foliaged
-folkway, folkways, folksy, folksier, folksiest, folk, folks, just folks, folksily, folksiness, folksong, folksongs, folktale, folktales, folksinger, folksingers, folksinging, folklore, folkloric, folklorishs, folklorist, folklorists, folkloristic, folkish, folkishly, folk music, folk dance, folk dances, folk dancer, folk dancers, folk dancing, folk art, folk artist, folk artists
-folk medicine, folk medicines
-follow, follows, followed, following, follow along, follow through, as follows, follows suit, follower, followers, followership, followerships, following, followings e19, p31, kg follows,
-folly, follies
-foment, foments, fomented, fomenting, fomentation, fomentations, fomenter, fomenters
-fond, fonder, fondest, fondly, fondness
-fondle, ?? c22
-font, fonts
-food, foods
-fool, fools, fooled, fooling, foolish, foolishly, foolishness
-foolhardy, ???,
-foothold, ??
-for, for the most part, for the time being, for example
-forage, forages, foraged, foraging, forager, foragers
-forasmuch as, forsomuch as
-forbear, forbears, forbore, forborne, forbearing, forbearer, forbearance
-forbid, forbids, forbad, forbade, forbidden, forbidding, forbiddingly, forbiddance, forbidder, forbidders
-forbode, ??,
-force, forces, forced, forcing, forceable, forcer, forcers, forcible, forcibly, forcibleness, forceful, forcefully, forcefulness, force majeure, force majeures
-ford, fords, forded, fording, fordable
-fore, to the fore
-forearm, ??
-forebear, forebears
-forebode, foreboding
-forebrain, ??
-forecast or forecasted, forecasts, forecasting, forecaster, forecasters, forecastable
-forefather, forefathers
-forget, forgetful, forgot, forgotten ??, u11, a24,
-forgo, forego, ??, Children,
-foreign, foreignly, foreignness, foreigner, foreigners
-forelimb, ??, w8,
-foreordain, foreordains, foreordained, foreordaining, foreordainment, foreordainments
-foreplay, foreplays
-forerunner, forerunners
-foreshadow, foreshadows, foreshadowed, foreshadowing, foreshadower, foreshadowers
-foresight, foresighted, foresightful, foresightedly, foresightedness
-forest, forests, forested, foresting, forestal, forestial, forestation, forestations
-forestall, forestalls, forestalled, forestalling, forestaller, forestallers, forestallment, forestallments
-foretell, foretells, foretold, foretelling, foreteller, foretellers
-forethought, forethoughtful, forethoughtfully, forethoughtfulness
-forever, ??,
-forewarn, forewarns, forewarned, forewarning
-forfeit, forfeits, forfeited, forfeiting, forfeitable, forfeiter, forfeiters, forfeiture, forfeitures
-forge (put together, make), forges, forged, forging, forgeability, forgeabilities, forgeable, forger, forgers, forgery, forgeries
-forge(advance), forges, forged, forging
-forgive, forgives, forgave, forgiven, forgiving, forgiveness, forgiver, forgivable, forgivably
-forgo, forgoes, forwent, forgone, forgoing, forgoer, forgoers
-fork, forks, forked, forking, forker, forkers, forkful, forkfuls, fork in the road, forked tongue
-forklift, forklifts, forklifted, forklifting
-forlorn, forlornness, forlornly
-form, forms, formed, forming, formability, formable, formation, formations, formational
-formal, formally, formalness, formality, formalities
-formalize, formalizes, formalized, formalizing, formalizable, formalization, formalizations, formalizer, formalizers
-format, formats, formatted, formatting, formation, formations, formative
-former, formerly
-formidable, formidably, formidability
-formula, formulas, formulaically, formulaic, formulate, formulates, formulated, formulating, formulation, formulations, formulator, formulators
-fornication, fornications
-forsake, forsakes, forsook, forsaken, forsaking
-forseen, foresee,foreseen, foresaw, foreseeing, foresees, foreseeable, foreseer, foreseers, foresight, foresights
-forswear also foreswear, forswore, forsworn, forswearing, forswears
-forte, fortes
-forth, fourth, fourfold, fourscore
-forthright, forthrightly, forthrightness
-fortify, fortifies, fortified, fortifying, fortifyingly, fortifiable, fortifier, fortifiers, fortification, fortifications
-fortress, fortresses
-fortitude, fortitudinous, fortuitous, fortuitously, fortuitousness, fortuity, fortuities
-fortunate, fortunately, fortunateness, fortune, fortunes, fortuned, fortuning
-forum, ??, m9,
-forward, forwards, forwarded, forwarding, forwardly, forwardness
-fossil, fossils, fossil fuel, fossil fuels, fossilize, fossilizes, fossilized, fossilizing, fossilization, fossilizations
-foster, fosters, fostered, fostering
-foul, fouls, fouler, foulest, fouled, fouling, foully, foulness, foul play
-found (melt metal), founds, founded, founding, founder, founders, foundered, foundering
-found (set up, establish), founds, founded, founding, founder, founders
-found (find something lost)
-foundry, foundries
-foundation, foundations, foundational
-fount, fountain, ??, d33,
-Fourier analysis, Fourier series
-fowl, fowls, fowled, fowling, fowler, fowlers
-foxy, ??
-foyer, foyers
-fracas, ??,
-fractal, fractals
-fraction (mathematics), fractions,
-fraction (pieces), fractions, fractional, fractionally, fractionate, fractionated, fractionating, fractionates, fractionation, fractionizations, fractionator, fractionators
-fracture, fractures, fractured, fracturing, fractious, fractiously, fractiousness, fracking
-fragile, fragilely, fragility, fragileness
-fragment, fragments, fragmented, fragmenting, fragmentation, fragmentations, fragmentary, fragmentarily, fragmentariness
-fragrant, fragrantly, fragrance, fragrances
-frail, frailer, frailest, frailly, frailness, frailty, frailties
-frame, frames, framed, framing, framer, framers, framework, frameworks, frame of mind, frames of mind
-Francisco Franco
-franchise, franchises, franchised, franchising, franchiser or franchisor, franchisers or franchisors
-Frank (a people), Franks, Frankish
-frank (candid), franker, frankest, frankness, frankly
-frank (send free), franks, franked, franking
-frank (wiener) franks, frankfurter, frankfurters
-Frankl, Victor
-frantic,franticly or frantically, franticness
-fraternal, fraternally, fraternalism, fraternity, fraternities
-fraternize, fraternizes, fraternized, fraternizing, fraternization, fraternizations, fraternizer, fraternizers
-fraticide, fraticides, fraticidal
-fraud, frauds, fraudulent, fraudulence, fraudulently
-fray (scuffle), frays, frayed, fraying
-fray (wear away), frays, frayed, fraying
-frazzle, frazzles, frazzled, frazzling
-freak, freaks, freaked, freaking, freaky, freakier, freakiest, freakily, freakish, freakishly, freakishness
-Frederick III, aka Frederick the Wise
-free, frees, freer, freest, freed, free of, for free, freedman, freedmen, freeing, freely, freeness, freenesses, freedom, freedoms,freeman, freemen, free man, free men, free will, free wills
-free radical, free radicals
-freehold, freeholder, freeholders
-freeze, freezing point, freezing points, ???, g15, f22,
-freight, freights, freighted, freighting
-french, frenches, frenchedr, fenching, French, Frenchify, Frenchifies, Frenchified, Frenchifying, Frenchification
-frenetic or phrenetic also frenetical or phrenetical, frenetically, freneticism
-frenzy, frenzies, frenzie, frenzying
-frequency, frequencies
-frequent, frequents,frequented, frequenting, frequentation, frequenter, frequenters, frequentness, frequently, frequentative, frequentatives
-fresh, freshen, ?? v5, v7,
-fret, frets, fretted, fretting, fretful, fretfully, fretfulness
-friar, friars, friarly
-fricative, fricatives
-friction, frictions, frictional, frictionally
-friend, friends, friendly, friendlier, friendliest, friendlies, friendlily, friendliness, friendship, friendships
-frieze, ??
-frigate, frigates
-frighten, frightens, frightened, frightening, frightener, frighteners, frighteningly, fright, frights, frighted, frighting, frightful, frightfully, frightfulness
-frigid, frigidity, frigidness, frigidly
-fringe, fringes, fringed, fringing, fringy
-Frisbee, Frisbees
-frisky, friskier, friskiest, friskily, friskiness
-fritter, fritters, frittered, frittering, fritter away
-fritz, on the fritz, ??,
-frivolous, frivolously, frivolousness, frivolity, frivolities
-frolic, frolics, frolicked, frolicking, frolicsome
-from (word meaning in the Bible)
-frond, fronds
-frontier, frontiers
-froth, froths, frothed, frothing, frothy, frothier, frothiest, frothily, frothiness
-froward, frowardly, frowardness
-frown, frowns, frowned, frowning, frowner, frowners, frowningly
-frugal, frugally, frugality or frugalness
-fruit, fruits, fruited, fruiting, fruity, fruitier, fruitiest, fruitiness, fruitful, fruitfully, fruitfulness, fruit fly, fruit flies, fruit cocktail, fruit cocktails, fruit cup, fruit bat, fruit bats, fruit cake, fruit cakes, nuttier than a fruitcake
-fruition, fruitions
-fruitless, fruitlessly, fruitlessness
-frump, frumps, frumpy, frumpily, frumpiness, frumpish,frumpishly, frumpishness
-frustrate, frustrates, frustrated, frustrating, frustrater, frustraters, frustratingly, frustration, frustrations
-FSF (fibrin stabilizing factor)
-fuck, fucks, fucked, fucking, fucked up
-fud, ??,
-fuddle, fuddles, fuddled, fuddling
-fuddy-duddy, fuddy duddies
-fudge, fudges, fudged, fudging
-fuel, fuels, fueled, fueling, fueler, fuel to the fire
-fuehrer, ??,
-fugitive, fugitives, fugitively, fugitiveness
-fugue, fugues, fugal, fugally
-fulfil also fulfill, fulfils also fulfills, fulfilled also fulfilling, fulfiller, fulfillers, fulfilment, fulfilments, fulfillment, fulfillments
-fulcrum, fulcrums, fulcra
-full, fulls, fuller, fullest, fulled, fulling, fulness, fullness, fully, full-fledged, fully fledged
-fuller(clothes whitener), fullers
-fumble, fumbling, ?? e8
-fume, fumes, fumed, fuming
-fumigate, fumigants, fumigation, fumigations ???, b4, e26,
-fun, funny, funniest, ?? L1, k2, f7, h16,
-function, functions, functioned, functioning, functionless, functional, functionality, functionalities, functionally, functionalism, functionalist, functionalists, functionary, functionaries
-fund, funds, funded, funding
-fundamental, fundamentals, fundamentally, fundament, fundaments, fundamentalism, fundamentalist, fundamentalists, fundamentalistic
-fungus, funguses, fungi, fungal or fungous, fungicide, fungicidally, fungicidal
-funk, funks, funked, funking
-fur, furs, furry, furrier, furriest, furriness
-furious, furiously, fury, furies
-furlong, furlongs
-furlough, ??,
-furnace, furnaces
-furnish, furnishes, furnished, furnishing, furnishings, furnisher, furnishers
-furor, ??,
-furrow, furrows, furrowed, furrowing
-further, furthers, furthered, furthering, furthermore
-furtive, furtively, furtiveness
-furuncle, ?? b7
-fuse, fuses, fused, fusing
-fuselage, fuselages
-fusible, fusibility, fusibilities, fusibleness
-fusil, fusils, fusilier, fusiliers, ??,
-fusillade, ??
-fuss, fusses, fussed, fussing, fusser, fussy, fussier, fussiest, fussily, fussiness
-fusty, ??, (a fusty old carpet)
-futile, futileness, futilely, futility
-future, futures, futurely, futurity, futurities, futuristic, futuristically, futurism, futurisms, futurist, futurists, futurology, futurologies, futurological, futurologist, futurologists
-fuzzy, fuzzier, fuzziest, fuzzily, fuzziness, fuzz, fuzzes, fuzzed, fuzzing, fuzzy logic
-gab, ??
-gad, gads, gadded, gadding, gadder, gadders, gadabout, gadabouts
-gadget, gadgety
-gadfly, gadflies
-Gadara, Gadarene, Gadarenes
-Gaelic, ??, s4,
-gag(choke), gags, gagged, gagging
-gag (joke), gags
-gag (mouth), gags, gagged, gagging
-gaiety, gaieties
-gain, gains, gained, gaining, gainer, gainers, gainful, gainfully, gainfulness
-gainsay, gainsays, gainsaid, gainsaying, gainsayer, gainsayers
-gaff, ??, e26,
-Galatia, Galatian
-galaxy, galaxies
-gale, ??,
-gall, galls, galled, galling
-gall (a plant swelling)
-gallant, gallantry, gallantries
-gallery, ?? Potpourri A2,
-galley, galleys
-gallivant, gallivants, gallivanted, gallivanting
-gallon, gallons
-gallop, ??, e16,
-galosh, galoshes
-galvanic, ??,
-gambit, gambits
-gamble, gambling, ??, s49,
-game (lame), gamer, gamest
-game (sport & hunt animals for food), games, gamed, gaming, gamer, gamest, fair game, the only game in town
-game theory
-gamete, gametes
-gamma ray, gamma rays
-gamy also spelt gamey, gamier, gamiest, gamily, gaminess
-gander, ??,
-gang, gangs, ganged, ganging, gang up, gangster, gangsters, gangsterism, gangsterisms, gangsterdom, gangsterdoms
-ganglion, ganglia or ganglions, ganglionic
-gangrene, gangrenes, gangrened, gangrening, gangrenous
-gangway, ??
-gap, gaps, gapped, gapping
-gape, gapes, gaped, gaping, gapingly
-garage, ??, o5,
-garb, garbs, garbed, garbing
-garbage, garbages
-garble, garbles, garbled, garbling, garbler, garblers
-gargle, ??,
-gargoyle, gargoyles, gargoyled
-garish, garishly, garishness
-Garland, Judy
-garland, garlands, garlanded, garlanding
-garment, garments, garmented, garmenting
-garner, garners, garnered, garnering
-garnish (decorate), garnishes, garnished, garnishing, garnishment, garnishments
-garnishee (legal grab), garnishees, garnisheed, garnisheeing, garnishment, garnishments
-garrison, garrisons, garrisoned, garrisoning
-garrot, ??,
-garter, garters, gartered, gartering
-gas, gases or gasses, gassed, gassing, gaseous, gaseousness, gassy, gassier, gassiest, gas up, gasoline, gasolines
-gash, ??, s50,
-gasket, ??, i2,
-gaslight, gaslights, gaslighting
-gasp, ??, b21,
-gastric, gastric juice, gastric juices
-gather,gathers, gathering, gathered, gathering, gatherings, gatherer, gatherers
-gauche, ??
-gaudy, gaudier, gaudiest, gaudily, gaudiness
-gaunt, gaunter, gauntest, gauntly, gauntness
-Gaussian, Gaussian curve, Gaussian distribution
-gauze, gauzes, gauzily, gauziness, gauzy, gauzier, gauziest, gauzily, gauziness
-gavel, ??,
-gawk, gawks, gawked, gawking, gawker, gawkers
-gay, gayer, gayest, gayness, gaiety, gaieties
-gaze, gazes, gazed, gazing, gazer
-Gazette (Canada Gazette)
-GDP or GNP (gross domestic product or gross national product)
-gear, gears, geared, gearing, gear up
-gelatin, gelatins, gelatinize, gelatinizes, gelatinized, gelatinizing, gelatinization, gelatinizations, gelatinous, gelatinously, gelatinousness, gelate, gelates, gelated, gelating, gel, gels, gelled, gelling, gelable
-gelato, gelati
-geld (horse) gelds, gelded, gelding
-geld (tax), gelds
-gender, genders, gendered, gendering, genderless
-gene, genes, genetic also genetical, genetics, genetically, geneticist, geneticists, Gregor Mendel (geneticist), genetic modification, genetic modifications
-genealogy, genealogies, genealogical, genealogically, genealogist, genealogists
-genera, genus
-generic, generics, generically
-general, generally, generality, generalities, generalize, generalized, generalizing, generalizes, generalization, generalizations, in general
-generate, generates, generated, generating, generative, generatively, generativeness, generation, generations, generational
-generator, generators
-generatrix, generatrices
-generous, generously, generousness, generosity, generosities
-genial, geniality or genialness, genially
-genital, ?? m17, v9,
-genitive, genitives
-genius loci
-genius, geniuses or genii
-Genneserat, Lake
-genocide, genocides, genocidal, genocidally, democide
-genre, genres
-Gentile, Gentiles
-genitalia, ??, p19,
-gentle, gentles, gentler, gentlest, gentled, gentling, gentleness, gentlenesses, gently
-gentleman, gentlemen, gentlemanly
-genuflect, ??,
-genuine, genuineness, genuinely
-genus, genera
-geochronology, geochronologic or geochronological, geochronologically, geochronologist, geochronologists
-geographic, geographical, geographically, geography, geographies, geographer, geographers
-geology, geologies, geologic or geological, geologically, geologist, geologists, Geologic Time Scale
-geometry, geometries, geometric, geometrical, geometrically, geometrician, geometricians, geometer, geometers, analytic geometry
-George Santayana
-gerent, gerents
-germ, germs
-German, Germans, Germanic, Low German, Middle Low German; Middle High German, High German; Old High German
-germane (R1, with relevant)
-germanium, ??, s35, c50,
-germinate, germinates, germinated, germinating, germination, germinations, germinator, germinators, germinative
-germicide, germicides, germicidal
-gerund, ??,
-gestalt, gestalts, Gestalt, gestalten
-gesticulate, ??,
-gesture, gestures, gestural, gesturally, gesturer, gesturers
-get, gets, got, gat, gotten, getting, get ahead, get after, get along, get at, get away, got away, get away with, get cracking, get go, get goes, get going, get it, get moving, get rid of
-geyser, geysers
-ghastly, ghastlier, ghastliest, ghastliness
-ghoul, ghouls, ghoulish, ghoulishly, ghoulishness
-ghost, ghosts, ??,
-giant, ??, m23,
-gibe, gibes or jibes, gibed or jibed, gibing or jibing, giber, gibingly
-Gibran, Kahlil
-giddy, giddies, giddier, giddiest, giddied, giddying, giddily, giddiness
-gigantic, gigantically
-gift (giving), gifts, gifted, gifting, giftable, giftables, gift certificate, gift certificates
-gifted (endowed), giftedly, giftedness
-gild, gilt, gilding, gild the lily, gilded lily ??,
-gimlet, gimlets, gimleted, gimleting
-ginseng, ginsengs
-gird, girds, girded or girt, girding, girdle, girdles, girdled, girdling
-girder, girders
-Girolamo Savonarola
-girth, girths, girthed, girthing
-give, gives, gave, giving, given, give up, giving up, given to, given over to, give place to
-glacier, glaciers, glaciered, glacial, glacially, glaciate, glaciates, glaciated, glaciating, glaciation, glaciations
-glad, gladder, gladdest, gladded, gladding, gladly, gladness, gladden, gladdens, gladdened, gladdening
-glade, ??
-glamor or glamour, glamorous, glamourous, glamorously, glamorousness
-glance, glances, glanced, glancing, at first glance
-gland, glands, glandular, glandularly
-glare, glares, glared, glaring, glaringly, glaringness
-glare (ice)
-glass, ??,
-glaze, glazes, glazed, glazing, glazer, glazers, glazing, glazings
-gleam, gleams, gleamed, gleaming, gleamer, gleamers
-glean, gleans, gleaned, gleaning, gleanings, gleaner, gleaners
-glen, glens
-glib, glibber, glibbest, glibly, glibness
-glide, glides, glided, gliding, glider, gliders
-glimmer, glimmers, glimmered, glimmering
-glimpse, glimpses, glimpsed, glimpsing, glimpser, glimpsers
-glint, glints, glinted, glinting
-glisten, glistens, glistened, glistening
-glitch, glitchy, ??, pros2,
-glitter, glitters, glittered, glittering, glitteringly, glittery
-gloat, gloats, gloated, gloating, gloater, gloaters
-glob, globs, globule, globules, globular, globularly, globularness
-global, globally, globe, globes, globed, globing
-gloom, glooms, gloomed, glooming, gloomy, gloomier, gloomiest, gloomily, gloominess
-glory, glories, gloried, glorying, glorify, glorifies, glorified, glorifying, glorifier, glorification, glorious, gloriously, gloriousness
-gloss (deceit), glosses, glossed, glossing, gloss over, glossed over, glossing over
-gloss (shiny), glosses, glossed, glossing, glosser, glossy, glossies, glossily, glossiness
-glow, glows, glowed, glowing, ??, M22, f21, a35, b26,
-glucose, glucoses
-glue, ?? c27, q2, a3, a25
-glum, glummer, glummest, glumly, glumness
-gluon, gluons
-glut, gluts, glutted, glutting, gluttonous, gluttonously, gluttony, gluttonies
-gluten, glutenous
-glycerin or glycerine, glycerins or glycerines, glycerol, glycerols
-glycoprotein, glycoproteins
-glyphosate (aka.Roundup)
-gnarl, ??,
-gnash, gnashes, gnashed, gnashing
-gnaw, gnaws, gnawed, gnawing, gnawer, gnawers
-gnome, gnomes, gnomish
-gnome (pithy saying), gnomes
-gnosis, gnosisisms, gnostic, Gnostic, Gnostics, Gnosticism, Gnosticisms
-GNP(Gross National Product)
-go, goes, went, gone, going, go about, go along, go around, on the go, going on, goings on
-go figure
-go to now
-goad, goads, goaded, goading
-goal, goals
-goat, goats, goatish, scapegoat
-gobble, ??, QWAH21,
-gobbledygook or gobbledegook
-goblet, ??, d33,
-God, god, gods, Godspeed
-goddess, goddesses
-Godel's theorem
-Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von
-golden mean
-Golgi apparatus
-gonads, ??, c18,
-gong, gongs, ??
-good, goods, as good as, for good, no good, goodness, goodwill or good will, good taste
-good (wares), goods
-goof, goofs, goofed, goofing
-goon, goons
-gore (blood), gores
-gore (pierce), gores, gored, goring
-gorge, gorges, gorged, gorging, gorger, gorgers
-gorge (ravine)
-gorgeous, ??, r23,
-gorilla, gorillas
-gossamer, gossamers
-gossip, gossips, gossiped, gossiping, gossipy, gossiper, gossipers
-got, gat, ?? 1Kg. 1-2, got your back
-Goth, Goths, Gothic, Gothics, gothically, gothicity, gothicities, gothicness
-gouge, gouges, gouged, gouging, gouge out, gouger, gougers
-gourd, gourds
-govern, governs, governed, governing, governance, governable, government, governments, governmental, governmentally, governor, governors
-gown, gowns, gowned, gowning
-goy, goys, goyim
-grab, ??? s36, c45, s13,
-grace, graces, graced, gracing, in the bad graces of, in the good graces of, with bad grace, with good grace
-graceful, gracefully, gracefulness
-graceless, gracelessly, gracelessness
-gracious, graciously, graciousness
-gracile, gracility
-grade, grades, graded, grading, gradient, gradients, gradate, gradates, gradated, gradating, gradation, gradations, gradationally, gradational
-gradual, gradually, gradualness
-graduate, graduates, graduated, graduating, graduator, graduators
-gradualism, gradualistic, gradualist, gradualists
-graft (insert as onto a plant), grafts, grafted, grafting
-graft(dishonest), grafts, grafted, grafting
-grain, grains, grainy, granary, ?? g3, g10, g8, g10, s37, b13, f15, c23,
-grains (measure)
-gram, grams
-Grammar usage and Grammar terms (conforming to the rules of grammar)
-grammar, grammatical, grammatically, grammaticality, grammarian, grammarians
-grand, grands, grander, grandest, grandly, grandness, grand jury, grand juries
-grandee, grandees
-grandeur, grandeurs
-grandfather clause, grandfathered
-grandiloquence, grandiloquent, grandiloquently
-grandiose, grandiosity, grandioseness
-granite, ??, s40,
-grant, grants, granted, granting, grantable, granter, granters, grantee, take for granted
-granular, granularity, granularly, granule, granules, granulate, granulates, granulated, granulating, granulative, granulator, granulators
-graph, graphs, graphed, graphing
-grapheme, ??
-graphic, graphics, graphical, graphically, graphicness
-grappling, ?? d23
-grasp (to hold), grasps, grasped, grasping, graspingly, graspingness
-grasping (greed)
-grass, ??, t7,
-gratify, gratifies, gratified, gratifying, gratification, gratifications, gratifier, gratifiers, gratifying, gratifyingly
-grate, grates, grated, grating
-grate (framework), grates, grated, grating
-grateful, gratefully, gratefulness, gratitude
-gratuitous, gratuitously, gratuitousness, gratuitous violence
-grave (engrave), graves, graved, graven, graven image, graving
-grave (ground), graves, gravestone, gravestones
-grave (serious), graver, gravest, gravely, graveness, graved, graven, graving
-gravel, ??, g52,
-gravitate, gravitates, gravitated, gravitating, gravitater, gravitaters
-gravity, gravitation, gravitational, gravitationally, gravitative, graviton, gravitons
-gravy, gravies
-gray, grayer, grayest also grey, greyer, greyest, grayed, graying, grays also greyed, greying, greys, grayly, grayness, grayish also greyish, gray matter (B3, with BRAIN)
-graze, grazes, grazed, grazing
-Great Britain/Britain
-great, greats, greater, greatest, greatly, greatness, greatnesses
-greed, greedy, greedier, greediest, greedily, greediness
-Greek, Greeks, Late Greek (language)
-greet, greets, greeted, greeting, greetings, greeter, greeters
-gregarious, gregariously, gregariousness
-Gregor Mendel
-Gregorian Calendar
-Gregorian Chant
-grey (also gray), greys
-grid, grids, gridded
-grief, grieve, grieves, grieved, grieving, griever, grievers, grievingly, grievous, grievously, grievousness, grievance, grievances
-grift, grifts, grifted, grifting, grifter, grifters
-grim, grimmer, grimmest, grimly, grimness, grimnesses
-grimace, grimaces, grimaced, grimacing, grimacer, grimacers
-grime, grimes, grimed, griming, grimy, grimier, grimiest, grimily, griminess, griminesses
-grin, grins, grinned, grinning, grinningly, grinner
-grind, grinds, ground (also see ground, just below), grinding, grindings, grindingly,
-grindstone, grindstones, keep your nose to the grindstone
-grip, grips, gripped, gripping, grippingly, gripper, grippers, come to grips, coming to grips
-gripe, gripes, griped, griping, griper, gripers
-grist, ??,
-gristle, ?? c29,
-grisly, grislier, grisliest, grisliness
-grit, ??
-grommet, grommets, ??, c52,
-groom, ?? d23, m17, b17,
-groove, grooves, grooved, grooving, groovy, groovier, grooviest, grooviness
-grope, gropes, groped, groping, groper, gropers, gropingly
-gross, grosses, grosser, grossers, grossest, grossed, grossing, grossness, grossly, gross out
-gross (items)
-gross weight, gross weights
-grotesque, grotesquely, grotesqueness, grotesquerie, grotesquery
-Grotius, Hugo
-grouch, grouchy, ??, c24,
-ground (basis), grounds, grounded, grounding, well-grounded, drive into the ground, run into the ground, from the ground up, off the ground, on my own ground, on the ground, groundless, groundlessly, groundlessness, gain ground
-ground (Earth), grounds
-ground (grind)
-grounds (used grindings)
-group, groups, grouped, grouping
-group theory
-groupthink, groupthinks
-grouse (bird)
-grouse (complain), grouses, groused, grousing, grouser, grousers
-grovel, grovels, groveled, groveling, grovelingly, groveler, grovelers
-grow, grows, grew, grown, growing, grownup, grown-up, grownups, grown-ups, grower, growers, growingly, grow into, grow out of
-growl, growls, growled, growling, growly
-grub, ??,
-grudge, grudges, grudged, grudging, grudger, grudgers, grudgingly
-grueling, gruelingly
-gruesome, gruesomely, gruesomeness
-gruff, gruffer, gruffest, gruffly, gruffness
-grumble, grumbles, grumbled, grumbling, grumblingly, grumbly, grumbler, grumblers
-grumpy, grumpier, grumpiest, grumpily, grumpiness
-grunt, grunts, grunted, grunting, gruntingly, grunter, grunters
-gauge also gage, gaugesalso gages, gauged also gaged, gauging, gaging, gauges, gages, gaugeable
-guage boson
-gauntlet, ??,
-guaranty, guaranties, guarantied, guarantying, guarantee, guarantees, guaranteed, guaranteeing, guarantor, guarantors
-guard, guards, guarded, guarding, guarder, guarders, guardedly, guardedness, off guard, on one's guard, stand guard
-guardian, guardians, guardianship, guardianships
-gubernatorial, ??,
-gudgeon, ??,
-guerilla or guerrilla, guerillas or guerrillas
-guess, guessed, guesstimate ??, s4, k4, c20,
-guests, ??, t23, b21,
-guide, guides, guided, guiding, guidable, guider, guiders, unguided
-guideline, guidelines
-guild, guilds
-guile, guiles, guiled, guiling, guileful, guilefully, guilefulness
-guilt, guilty, guiltier, guiltiest, guiltily, guiltiness, guiltless, guiltlessly, guiltlessness
-guinea pig, guninea pigs
-guise, guises
-gulag, gulags
-gulf, gulfs, gulfed, gulfing
-gullet, gullets
-gullible, gullibilities, gullibility, gullibly
-gully, ??,
-gulp, ?? b16,, d29,
-gum, gums, gummed, gumming, gummy, gummier, gummiest, gumminess, gingiva
-gun, guns, ??
-gung ho
-gunny, gunnysack, ??,
-gunwale, ??, 010,
-gurgle, ??
-gurney, ??, ,
-guru, gurus
-gush, gushes, gushed, gushing, gushy, gushier, gushiest, gushily, gushiness, gushinesses, gusher, gushers
-gust (wind), gusts, gusted, gusting, gusty, gustier, gustiest, gustily, gustiness
-gust (zest), gusts, gusto, gustoes
-gustatory also gustative, gustatorily
-gut feeling
-Gutenberg, Johann
-gutta-percha, gutta-perchas
-gutter, gutters, guttered, guttering
-guttural, gutturalism, gutturality, gutturalness, gutturally
-guy (individual), guys
-guy (wire), guys, guyed, guying
-gymnastic, gymnastics, gymnastically, gym, gymnasium, gymnasiums, gymnasia, gymnast, gymnasts
-Gyorgi, Albert Szent
-gyroscope, gyroscopes, gyroscopic, gyroscopically, gyrostabilizer, gyrostabilizers
-habeas corpus
-habergeon or haubergeon, habergeons
-habit, habits, habited, habiting, habitual, habitually, habitualness
-habitat, habitats, habitable, habitability, habitableness, habitably, habitation, habitations
-habituate, habituates, habituated, habituating, habitual, habitually, habitualness
-hack (chop), hack, hacked, hacking, hacker, hackers
-hack (old horse), hack, hacked, hacking
-hackneyed, hackney
-hadron, hadrons
-haft, hafts
-hag, hags, haggish, haggishly, haggishness
-haggard, haggardly, haggardness
-haggle, haggles, haggled, haggling, haggler, hagglers
-hail, hails, hailed, hailing
-hale (drag), hales, haled, haling
-hale(healthy), haler, halest
-half, halves
-halfhearted, halfheartedly, halfheartedness
-half-life, half-lives, u13
-half-sister, half-sisters
-half-truth, half-truths
-halitosis, ??,
-hall, ??, L16,
-hallelujah, Hallelujah Chorus
-hallmark, hallmarks, hallmarked, hallmarking
-hallow, hallows, hallowed, hallowing
-hallucination, hallucinations, hallucinational, hallucinative, hallucinatory, hallucinate, hallucinates, hallucinated, hallucinating, hallucinator, hallucinators, hallucinogen, hallucinogens, hallucinogenic
-halo, halos, haloed, haloing
-halogen, halogenous
-halt, halts, halted, halting, haltingly
-Hamite, Hamites, Hamitic, Hamitics
-hamlet, ?? r18
-hammer, hammered, ??, d30, n10,
-hammock, hammocks
-Hammurabi, Code of Hammurabi
-hamper, hampers, hampered, hampering
-hamstring, hamstrings, hamstrung, hamstringing
-hand, hands, hander, handless, hand down, hand on, hand out, hand over, at hand, by hand, hand it to, in hand, off one's hands, on hand, on the one hand, on the other hand, out of hand, to hand
-handbasket, handbaskets, to hell in a handbasket
-Handel, George Frederick
-handicap, handicaps, handicapped, handicapping
-handiwork, handiworks
-handle, handles, handled, handling, get a handle on, have a handle on, handleless
-handsome, handsomer, handsomest, handsomely, handsomeness
-hanger, hangers, ??, a36,
-handkerchief, handkerchiefs also handkerchieves
-haphazard, haphazardly,haphazardness
-hapless, haplessly, haplessness
-haploid (G3, with genome)
-happen, happens, happened, happening, happenings, happenchance, happenstance, no matter what happens
-happy, happier, happiest, happily, happiness
-harangue, harangues, harangued, haranguing, haranguer, haranguers
-harass, harasses, harassed, harassing, harasser, harassers, harassment, harassments
-harbor, harbors, harbored, harboring, harborer, harborers
-harbinger, harbingers, harbingered, harbingering
-hard, harder, hardest, harden, hardens, hardened, hardening, hard and fast, hard put, hard up, hardly, hardly any
-hard drives, ?? r20
-hardheaded, hardhead, hardheads, hardheadedly, hardheadedness
-hardhearted, ??, u12,
-hardscrabble, ??,
-hardship, hardships
-hardware, hardwares
-hardy, hardier, hardiesy, hardily, hardiness
-harem, harems
-harlot, harlots
-harm, harms, harmed, harming, harmful, harmfully, harmfulness
-harmless, harmlessly, harmlessness
-harmony, harmonies, harmonious, harmoniously, harmoniousness, harmonize, harmonizes, harmonized, harmonizing, harmonization, harmonizations, harmonizer, harmonious, harmoniously,
harmoniousness, harmonic, harmonics, harmonically, harmonist, harmonistic, harmonistically
-harness, harnesses, harnessed, harnessing, harnesser, harnessers
-harp, harps, harped, harping, harp on, harpy, harpers, harper, harpers, harpist, harpists
-harpoon, harpoons, harpooned, harpooning, harpooner, harpooners
-harrow (distress), harrows, harrowed, harrowing
-harrow (farm implement), harrows, harrowed, harrowing
-harry, harries, harried, harrying
-harsh, harsher, harshest, harshly, harshness
-harvest, harvests, harvested, harvesting, harvestable, harvestability
-hasp, hasps, hasped, hasping
-hassle, hassles, hassled, hassling
-hassock, ??,
-haste, hastes, hasted, hasting, hasty, hastier, hastiest, hastily, hastiness, hasten, hastens, hastened, hastening
-hatch (an opening), hatches, down the hatch
-hatch (engender), hatches, hatched, hatching
-hatch (etch), hatches, hatched, hatching
-hatchet, hatchets
-hatchel, hatchels or hatchels, hatcheled also hatchelled, hatcheling or hatchelling
-hatching, hatchings
-hatchway, hatchways
-hate, hates, hated, hating, hatred, hatreds, hateful, hatefully, hatefulness, hater, haters
-hauberk, hauberks
-haughty, haughtily, haughtiness
-haul, hauls, hauled, hauling, hauler, haulers
-haunt, haunts, haunted, haunting, hauntingly, haunter, haunters
-having, have, had, has
-haven, havens, havened, havening
-havoc, havocs, havocked, havocking
-hay, hays, hayed, haying, hayer, hayers, haymaker, haymakers, haymaking
-hazard, hazards, hazarded, hazarding, hazardous, hazardously, hazardousness
-haze(harass), hazes, hazed, hazing, hazer, hazers
-haze (misty), hazes, hazed, hazing, hazy, hazier, haziest, hazily, haziness
-he, she, him, her, his, hers, himself, herself
-head, heads, headed, heading, heads up, head off, head and shoulders above, head over heels, keep one's head, lose one's head, put heads together, levelheaded, get my head around it, get one's act together, head honcho
-headstall, headstalls
-heady, headier, headiest, headily, headiness
-heal, heals, healed, healing, healable
-health, healths, healthy, healthier, healthiest, healthily, healthiness, healthful, healthfully, healthfulness
-heap, heaps, heaped, heaping
-hearken or harken, hearkens, hearkened, hearkening or harkening
-heart (anatomy), hearts,
-heart (center of being), hearts, hearted, hearting, heartily,halfhearted, halfheartedly, halfheartedness, heartache, heartaches, light hearted, at heart, does one's heart good, from the bottom of one's heart, from the depths of one's heart, have one's heart in one's mouth, have one's heart in the right place, heart and soul, in one's heart of hearts, lose one's heart to, near one's heart, close to one's heart, steal someone's heart, take to heart, to one's heart's content, wear one's heart on one's sleeve, with all one's heart, with half a heart
-hearten, heartens, heartened, heartening
-hearth, hearths
-heartless, heartlessly, heartlessness
-hearty, hearties, heartier, heartiest, heartiness
-heated, heatedly
-heath (land where there is peaty hummus; the moors)
-heathen, heathens, heathendom or heathenism or heathenry, heathenish, heathenishly, heathenishness
-heather, ??
-heave, heaves, heaved, heaving, hove, heave to, heave ho, heaver, heavers
-heaven, heavens, heavenly
-heavy, heavier, heaviest, heaviness, heavily, heavy metal, heavy metals
-Hebrew, Hebrews
-heckle, heckles, heckled, heckling, heckler, hecklers
-hector, hectors, hectored, hectoring
-hedge, hedges, hedged, hedging, hedgy, hedger, hedgers
-hedonism, hedonist, hedonists, hedonistic, hedonistically
-heed, heeds, heeded, heeding, heedful, heedfully, heedfulness, heedless, heedlessly, heedlessness, heedlessnesses
-heft, ??,
-Hegel, Georg_Wilhelm_Friedrich, Hegelianism, Hegelian, Hegelian, Hegelians, Hegelian dialectic
-hegemony, hegemonies, hegemonic, hegemonist, hegemonists, hegemonism, hegemonisms
-heifer, heifers
-height, ?? a28
-Heilstrom (a German word)
-Heimlich maneuver
-heinous, heinously, heinousness
-heir, heirs, heiress, heiresses
-heist, ??,
-held, hold (see also hold)
-helicopter, ??,
-heliosphere, heliospheres
-helix, helixes, helices, helical, helically
-hell, hell or high water or hell and high water, for the hell of it, hell on, hell to pay, hellbent, to hell with
-Hellenic, Hellenics, Hellenistic, Hellenistic Age, Hellenistical, Hellenist, Hellenists, Hellenize, Hellenizes, Hellenized, Hellenizing, Hellenization, Hellenizations, Hellenizer, Hellenizers
-helm, helms, helmed, helming, helmet, helmets, helmeted, helmeting
-help, helps, helped, helping, helpful, helpfully, helpfulness, help yourself to, helpmate, helpmates, helper, helpers
-helve, helves, helved, helving
-hem, hems, hemmed, hemming, hemmer, hem in, hems in, hemmed in, hemming in, hem and haw
-hemagglutinin, hemagglutinins
-hematopoiesis. hemopoiesis, hematopoietic
-hemisphere, hemispheres, hemispheric or hemispherical, Western Hemisphere
-hemlock, hemlocks
-hemorrhage, hemorrhages, hemorrhaged, hemorrhaging, hemorrhagic
-hemorrhoid, hemorrhoids, hemorrhoidal
-hemostatic, hemostatics
-hen, ?? L10, h14,
-hence, henceforth
-henchman, henchmen
-Henry VIII
-Henry David Thoreau
-hepped up
-herald, heralds, heralded, heralding, heraldic, heraldically, heraldry, heraldries, heraldist
-herb, herbs, herby, herbage, herbages, herbaceous, herbal, herbals, herbalist, herbalists
-herbicide, herbicides, herbicidal
-herbivorous, herbivore,herbivores
-herd, herds, herded, herding, herder, herders, herdsman, herdsmen
-here, hereby, neither here nor there
-heritage, heritages, hereditary, heredity, heritable
-heresy, heresies, heretic, heretics, heretical, heretically, hereticalness
-hermaphrodite, hermaphrodites, hermaphroditic, hermaphroditically
-hermitage, ??,
-hermetic, hermetical, hermetically
-hernia, hernias, hernial
-hero, heroes, heroine, heroines
-her, herself, ??,
-Hertz or Hz
-hesitate, hesitates, hesitated, hesitating, hesitater, hesitaters, hesitatingly, hesitant, hesitantly, hesitation, hesitations, hesitancy
-heterocyclic, heterocycle
-heterodox, ??,
-heterodyne, heterodyned, heterodyning, heterodynes
-heterogeneous, heterogeneously, heterogeneousness
-heterosexual, heterosexuals, heterosexually, heterosexuality, heterosexualities, heterosexualism, heterosexualisms
-heterotroph, heterotrophic, heterotrophically, heterotrophy
-heuristic, heuristics, heuristically, heuristic analysis, heuristic testing
-hew, hews, hewn or hewed, hewing, hewer, hewers
-hexadecimal, ??,
-hexagon, hexagons, hexagonal, hexagonally
-hexapia, hexapias
-heyday, ??,
-hiatus, hiatuses, hiatal
-hibernate, hibernates, hibernated, hibernating, hibernation, hibernations, hibernator, hibernators
-hide (animal skin), hides
-hide (flog), hides, hided, hiding
-hide (from sight), hides, hid, hidden or hid, hiding, hide nor hair, hide out
-hideous, hideosity, hideousness, hideously
-hierarchy, hierarchical
-hieroglyph, hieroglyphs, hieroglyphic, hieroglyphics, hieroglyphical, hieroglyphically
-Higg's theory (explains Higg's field also)
-high, highs, higher, highest, highly, high horse, high horses, high and dry, high and low, high gear
-high density lipid
-high muckamuck, high muckamucks
-higher-order logic
-highfalutin, highfaluting
-Highland, Highlands, Highlander, Highlanders, highland, highlands
-high-minded, high-mindedly, high-mindedness
-high-spirited, high-spiritedly, high-spiritedness
-hightail, hightails, hightailed, hightailing
-highway, highways
-hijack, hijacks, hijacked, hijacking, hijacker, hijackers
-hike, hikes, hiked, hiking, hiker, hikers
-hilarious, hilariously, hilariousness, hilarity, hilarities
-hillock, hillocks
-hilt, hilts
-himalaya, himalayan, ??, Col 4:6,
-himself, herself
-hind, hindquarter, hindquarters
-hinder, hinders, hindered, hindering, hinderer, hinderers, hindrance, hindrances
-Hindi, Hindu, Hindus, Hinduism
-hinge, hinges, hinged, hinging, hinge on, hinges on
-hinge joint, hinge joints
-hint, hints, hinted, hinting, hinter, hinterland
-hippocampus, hippocampi, hippocampal
-Hippocrates, Hippocratic, Hippocratic oath (sometimes confused with hypocrite)
-hippopotamus, hippopotamuses, hippopotami
-hire, hires, hired, hiring, hirable, hirer, hirers
-Hispanic, Hispanics
-hiss, hisses, hissed, hissing, hissingly, hisser, hissers
-histamine, histamines, histaminic
-histology, histoid, histological
-history, histories, historic, historical, historically, historicalness, historian, historians, historiography, historiographies, historiographic or historiographical, historiographically
-histrionic, ?? m13
-hit, hits, hitting, hitless, hittable, hit on, hit it off, hit the books, hit the ground running, hit the hay or hit the sack, hit the high points or hit the high spots, hit the jackpot, hit the nail on the head, hit the road, hit the roof, hit the spot
-hitch, hitches,hitched, hitching, hitcher, hitchers, hitchhike, hitchhikes, hitchhiked, hitchhiking, hitchhiker, hitchhikers
-hither, hitherto
-hive, hives, hives (bees), hived, hiving
-hoard (store), hoards, hoarded, hoarding, hoarder, hoarders (see also horde)
-hoarse, hoarser, hoarsest, hoarsely, hoarseness
-hoary, hoarier, hoariest, hoar, hoary, hoarily, hoariness, hoarfrost
-hoax, hoaxes, hoaxed, hoaxing, hoaxer, hoaxers
-hobble, hobbles, hobbled, hobbling, hobbler
-hobby, ??, a10,
-hobo, ??
-hock, hocks, hocked, hocking
-hocus-pocus, hocus-pocuses, hocus-pocused, hocus-pocusing
-hoe, hoes, hoed, hoeing, hoer, hoers
-hog, hogs, hogged, hogging, whole hog
-hoist, hoists, hoisted, hoisting, hoister, hoisters
-hokey, hokier, hokiest, hokily, hokiness
-hold, holds, held, holding, hold fast, holds fast, holdfast, holdfasts, ahold, get ahold, hold water
-hold (storage compartment), holds
-hole (having holes), holes, holing, holed, holey, holier, holiest
-holiday, holidays, holidayed, holidaying
-holism, holist, holistic, holistically
-holler, hollers, hollered, hollering
-hollow, hollows, hollower, hollowest, hollowed, hollowing, hollowly, hollowness
-hologram, holograms, holography, holographic, holographical, holographically
-holy, holier, holiest, holily, holiness, Holy Land
-holy grail
-Holy Spirit
-Home Economics, home economist, home economists
-homely, homelier, homeliest, homeliness
-homeopathy, homeopathies, homeopath or homeopathist, homeopaths or homeopathists, homeopathic, homeopathically
-homeostasis, homeostatic
-homeschool, homeschools, homeschooled, homeschooling
-homesick, ??, n5,
-homily, homilies, homilist, homilists
-hominid, hominids, hominoid, hominoids
-homicide, homocides, homocidal, homocidally
-homogeneous, homogenous, homogeneity, homogeneities
-Homo habilis, Homo erectus
-homosexual, homosexuals, homosexually, homosexuality
-honcho, honchos, honchoed, honchoing, head honcho
-hone, hones, honed, honing, hone in, hones in, honed in, honing in
-honest, honestly, honesty, honesties
-honor or British spelling 'honour', honors, honored, honoring, honor bound, honorer, honorers, honoree, honorees, honorable, honorableness, honorably, honorary, honorary degree, honorary degrees
-honorific, honorifics, honorifically
-honorarium, honorariums, honoraria
-hood, hoods, hooded, hooding
-hoodlum, hoodlums, hoodlumism, hoodlumisms
-hoodwink, hoodwinks, hoodwinked, hoodwinking, hoodwinker, hoodwinkers
-hoof, hoofs, hooves, hoofed, hoofing
-hook, hooks, hooked, hooking, hook up, by hook or by crook, hook, line and sinker
-hoop, hoops, hooped, hooping, jump through the hoops, go through the hoops
-hoot, hoots, hooted, hooting, give a hoot or care a hoot, hooter, hooters
-hop (brewing beer), hops, hopped, hopping
-hop (skip), hops, hopped, hopping
-hope, hopes, hoped, hoping, hopeful, hopefulness, hopefully, hope against hope, hoper, hopers, hopeless, hopelessly, hopelessness, hopelessnesses, hopeful monster
-hopscotch, hopscotches, hopscotched, hopscotching
-hors d'oeuvre, ?? s7
-Horace Greeley
-horde (large group), hordes (see also hoard)
-horizon, horizontal, horizontally
-hormone, hormones, hormonal or hormonic, hormonally
-horn, horns, horned, horning, horny, hornier, horniest, hornist, hornists
-hornswoggle, hornswoggles, hornswoggled, hornswoggling
-horror, horrid, horridly, horridness, horrible, horribly, horribleness, horriblenesses, horrendous, horrendously, horrific, horrifically, horrify, horrifies, horrified, horrifying, horrifyingly, horrification
-horse, horses, horsed, horsing, horse around, horse's ass, a horse of another color or a horse of a different color, flogging a dead horse, be on one's high horse or get on one's high horse, hold your horses, right from the horse's mouth
-horticulture, horticultural, horticulturally, horticulturist, horticulturists
-hospitable, hospitably, hospitality, hospitalities
-host, hosts, hosted, hosting, hostly
-hostage, ?? Genesis 42 at the end, s61,
-hostile, hostiles, hostilely, hostility, hostilities
-hot, hots, hotter, hottest, hotly, hotted, hotting, hotness, hot potato, hot potatoes
-hotel, hotels, ??, L7, i21,
-hothead, hotheads, hotheaded, hotheadedly, hotheadedness
-hough, houghs, houghed, houghing
-hound, hounds, hounded, hounding, hounder, hounders
-house, houses, housed, housing, like a house on fire, like a house afire, on the house, put one's house in order, set one's house in order, household, households, householder, householders
-House of Commons (aka Lower House)
-House of Lords
-House of Representatives
-hovel, ???
-hover, hovers, hovered, hovering, hoveringly, hoverer
-how, hows, and how, how about, how about that, how come, how is it that, how so?, how is it so?, how much?
-howl, howls, howled, howling, howler, howlers
-howsoever, and how, how about that, how come, how so
-howitzer, ??,
-huddle, huddles, huddled, huddling, huddler, huddlers
-Hudson's Bay Company
-hue, hues, hued
-huff, huffs, huffed, huffing
-hug, hugs, hugged, hugging, huggable, hugger, huggers
-huge, huger, hugest, hugely, hugeness
-Hugo, Victor
-hulk, hulks, hulked, hulking
-hull, hulls, hulled, hulling
-hum, hums, hummed, humming, hummable, hummer, hummers
-hum and haw, ??,
-human, humans, human being, human beings, humanity, humanities, humanitarian, humanitarians, humanitarianism, humanlike, humane, humanely, humaneness, humanism, humanist, humanists, humanistic, humanistically
-humanoid, humanoids
-humbug, ??,
-humid, humidity, ??? v6, d25, s44, d28, Deut 28,
-humility, humble, humbles, humbler, humblest, humbled, humbling, humbleness, humbly
-humiliate, humiliates, humiliated, humiliating, humiliation, humiliations
-hump, humps, humped, humping, over the hump
-humus (soil), humuses, hummus (chickpeas), hummuses
-humor also humour, humors also humours, humorous, humorously, humorousness, humored, humoured, humoring, humouring, out of humor
-humor (body fluids), humors, humoral, Aqueous humor, Vitreous humor
-hunch, ??,
-hunger, hungry, ??, Isa31-39,
-hunker, hunkering, ??,
-hunt, ??, c41, s51, f20,
-hurdle, hurdles, hurdled, hurdling, hurdler, hurdlers
-hurl, hurls, hurled, hurling, hurler, hurlers
-hurricane terms
-hurry, hurries, hurried, hurrying, hurriedly, hurriedness, hurrier, hurriers
-hurt, hurts, hurting, hurtful, hurtfully, hurtfulness, hurter, hurters
-hurtle, hurtles, hurtled, hurtling
-husband, husbands, husbandman, husbandmen, husbandry, husbandries
-hush, hushes, hushed, hushing
-husk, husked, husking, husks, husker, husky, huskier, huskiest, husky, huskie, huskies
-hustle, hustles, hustled, hustling, hustler, hustlers
-hut, huts, hutted, hutting, hutlike
-Huxley, Aldous Leonard
-hyacinth, hyacinthine
-hybrid, hybrids, hybridize, hybridizes, hybridized, hybridizing, hybridization, hybridizations, hybridizer, hybridizers, hybridism, hybridisms, hybridist, hybridists, hybridity, hybridities
-hydra, ??,
-hydrate, hydrates, hydrated, hydrating, hydration, hydrations, hydrator, hydrators
-hydraulic, hydraulics, hydraulically
-hydro, hydros
-hydrocarbon, hydrocarbons, hydrocarbonic
-hydrochloric acid
-hydrogen, hydrogen peroxide
-hydrolyze, hydrolyzes, hydrolyzed, hydrolyzing, hydrolyzable, hydrolyzation, hydrolyzations, hydrolytic, hydrolysis (see also protease, proteinase, proteose)
-hydrosol, hydrosols, hydrosolic
-hydrostatic or hydrostatical, hydrostatically, hydrostatics
-hydrous, ??, d26,
-hydroxyl, hydroxylic, hydroxide
-hygiene, hygienes, hygienist, hygienists, hygienic, hygienically
-hymn, hymns, hymned, hymning
-hype, hypes, hyper, hyping, hyperbole, hyperboles, hyperbolic, hyperbolical, hyperbolically
-hyper (excitable), hyper (too much, above & beyond), hypersensitive, hypersensitiveness, hypersensitivity, hypercharge, hypercritical, hypercritically, hypercriticism, hyperlipidemia, hyperlipemia
-hyperbaric, hyperbarically, hypobaric, hypobarism, hypobarisms
-hyperlink, hyperlinks, hyperlinked, hyperlinking
-hyperon, hyperons
-hyperopia, hyperope, hyperopic, hypermetropia, hypermetropic or hypermetropical, hypermetropy, hypermetropies
-hyphen, hyphens, hyphened, hyphening, hyphenate, hyphenates, hyphenated, hyphenating, hyphenation, hyphenations
-hypnotize, hypnotizes, hypnotized, hypnotizing, hypnotizability, hypnotizabilities, hypnotizable, hypnotization, hypnotizations, hypnotizer, hypnotizers, hypnosis, hypnoses, hypnotism, hypnotisms, hypnotist, hypnotists, hypnotic, hypnotics, hypnotically
-hypochondria, ??, n1,
-hypocrite, hypocrites, hypocritical, hypocritically, hypocrisy, hypocrisies (sounds like Hippocrates)
-hypotenuse also hypothenuse
-hypothalamus, hypothalamic
-hypothesis, hypotheses, hypothetical, hypothetically, hypothecate, hypothecates, hypothecated, hypothecating, hypothecation, hypothecations, hypothecator, hypothecators
-hysterectomy, hysterectomies
-hysterical, hysterically, hysteria, hysterias, hysteric, hysterics
-hysteron proteron, hysteron proterons
-I, I AM
-iambs, iambic, iambic pentameter, ??,
-iatrogenic, iatrogenically
-ibid., ibidem
-ibex, ibexes
-Iceland, Icelandic, ??,
-icon or ikon, iconsor ikons
-iconoclast, iconoclastic, iconoclastically
-icosahedron, icosahedrons, icosahedra, icosahedral
-id, ids
-idea, ideas, idealess, ideal, ideals, idealism, idealist, idealistic, idealistically, idealize, idealizes, idealized, idealizing, idealization, ideality, idealities
-identical, identically, identicalness
-identity, identities
-identify, identifies, identified, identifying, identifiably, identifiable, identifier, identifiers, identification, identifications
-ideology, ideologies, ideologist, ideologists
-ides, ides of March
-idiom, idioms, idiomatic, idiomatically
-idiosyncratic, idiosyncrasy,idiosyncrasies, idiosyncratically
-idiot, idiots, idiotic, idiocy, idiocies
-idiot savant
-idol, idols, idolize, idolizes, idolized, idolizing, idolization, idolizations, idolizer, idolizers, idolatry, idolatries, idolatrous, idolatrously
idolatrousness, idolization, idolizations, idolizer, idolizers, idolater or idolator, idolaters or idolators, idolatress
-idle, idles, idled, idling, idleness, idler, idlers, idly, idlest
-idly, idyl, idyllic, idyllically
-if, if you will
-ignite, ignites, ignited, igniting, ignitable, ignitible, igniter, igniters, ignition, ignitions, ignitor, ignitors
-ignoble, ignobility, ignobleness, ignobly
-ignorance, ignorances, ignorant, ignorantly, ignorantness, ignorantnesses, ignoramus, ignoramuses
-ignore, ignores, ignored, ignoring, ignorable, ignorer, ignorers
-ignominy, ignominies, ignominious, ignominiously, ignominiousness, ignominiousnesses
-ileum, ilea, ileal
-ilium, ??
-ill, ills, illness, illnesses
-ill at ease
-ill mannered, ill-manneredly
-ill-tempered, ill-temperedly
-ill will
-illation, ??,
-illegal, illegals, illegally, illegality,illegalities
-illegible, illegibility or illegibleness, illegibly
-illegitimate, illegitimately
-illicit, illicitly, illicitness
-illimitable, illimitably, illimitability, illimitableness
-illiterate, illiterateness, illiterately, illiteracy, illiteracies, illiterately, illiterateness, illiteratenesses
-illogical, illogically, illogicality, illogicalness
-illuminate, illuminates, illuminated, illuminating, illuminatingly, illumination, illuminations
-illuminate (individual), illuminates
-illumine, illumines, illumined, illumining, illuminable
-illusion, illusions, illusional or illusionary, illusionless, illusory
-illustrate, illustrates, illustrated, illustrating, illustratable, illustrator, illustrators illustration, illustrations, illustrational
-illustrious, illustriously, illustriousness
-immaculate, immaculately, immaculateness
-imagine, imagines, imagined, imagining, imaginer, imaginers, imagination, imaginations, imaginational, imaginary, imaginarily, imaginariness, imaginarinesses, imaginaries, imaginative, imaginatively, imaginativeness
-image, images, imageless, imaging, imagings, imagery, imageries
-imbecile, imbeciles, imbecilic, imbecilely
-imbed, imbedded
-imbibe, imbibes, imbibed, imbibing, imbiber, imbibers
-imbrue, imbrues, imbrued, imbruing
-imbue, imbues, imbued, imbuing
-imitate, imitates, imitated, imitating, imitator, imitators, imitation, imitations, imitational, imitative, imitatively, imitativeness
-immanent, immanence, immanency, immanently
-Immanuel Velikovsky
-immaterial, immaterially, immaterialness
-immature, immaturity, immaturely
-immeasurable, immeasurably, immeasurability, immeasurableness
-immediate, immediately, immediateness, immediacy, immediacies
-immemorial, immemorially
-immense, immensely, immenseness
-immerse, immerses, immersed, immersing, immersible, immersion, immersions
-immesh, ??,
-immigrate, immigrates, immigrated, immigrating, immigration, immigrant, immigrants
-imminent, imminently, imminentness, imminence, imminences, imminencies, imminency, imminencies
-immobile, immobility, immobilize, immobilizes, immobilized, immobilizing, immobilization, immobilizer, immobilizers
-immoderate, immoderately, immoderateness, immoderation
-immodest, immodestly, immodesty
-immolate, immolates, immolated, immolating, immolation, immolations, immolator, immolators
-immoral, immorally, immorality, immoralities
-immortal, immortals, immortally, immortality, immortalize, immortalizes, immortalized, immortalizing
-immovable, immovables, immovability, immovableness, immovably
-immune,immune system, immune systems, immunity, immunities, immunology, immunologically, immunologic, immunological, immune response, immunologist, immunologists, immunize, immunizes, immunized, immunizing, immunization, immunizations
-immure, immures, immured, immuring, immurement, immurements
-immutable, immutability, immutably
-imp, ??,
-impact, impacts, impacted, impacting, impaction, impactions
-impair, impairs, impaired, impairing, impairment, impairments
-impale, impales, impaled, impaling, impalement, impaler, impalers
-impalpable, impalpability, impalpably
-impassive, impassively, impassiveness, impassivity, impassivities
-impart, imparts, imparted, imparting
-impassion, impassions, impassioned, impassioning
-impartial, impartiality or impartialness, impartially
-impatient, impatiently, impatience
-impeach, impeaches, impeached, impeaching, impeacher, impeachers, impeachment, impeachments
-impeccable, impeccability, impeccably
-impede, impedes, impeded, impeding, impeder, impeders, impediment, impediments
-impel, impels, impelled, impelling
-impend, impends, impended, impending
-impenetrable, impenetrably,impenetrability, impenetrableness
-impenitent, impenitence, impenitently
-imperative, imperatively, imperativeness
-imperative (Grammar), imperative mood
-imperceptible, imperceptibly
-imperfect tense (Grammar)
-imperfection, imperfections, imperfectly, imperfectness, imperfect, imperfects
-imperial, imperials, imperially, imperialism, imperialisms, imperialist, imperialists, imperialistic, imperialistically
-imperil, imperils, imperiled, imperiling, imperilment, imperilments
-imperious, imperiously, imperiousness
-impermanent, impermanence, impermanency
-impermeable, impermeability, impermeableness, impermeably
-impersonal, impersonally, impersonality
-impersonate, ?? i5
-impertinent, impertinently, impertinence, impertinences
-impervious, imperviously, imperviousness
-impetigo, impetigos
-impetuous, impetuosity, impetuosities, impetuously, impetuousness
-impinge, impinges, impinged, impinging, impingement, impingements, impinger, impingers
-impious, impiously, impiousness, impiety, impieties
-implacable, implacability, implacableness, implacably
-implant, implants, implanted, implanting, implantable
-implausible, implausibility, implausibleness, implausibly
-implement (put into effect), implements, implemented, implementing, implementation, implementations, implementer, implementers, implemental
-implement (tool), implements
-implicit, implicitly, implicitness, implicitly
-implicate, implicated, implicating, implication, implications, implicative, implicatively, imply, implies, implied, implying
-implode, implodes, imploded, imploding
-implore, implores, implored, imploring, imploration, implorations, implorer, implorers, imploringly
-impolite, impolitely, impoliteness
-imponderable, imponderables, imponderably, imponderable, imponderability, imponderableness
-import, imports, imported, importing, importation, importations, importability, importer, importers, importable, importables
-important, importantly, importance
-importune, importunes, importuned, importuning, importunely, importuner, importuners, importunate, importunately, importunateness, importunity, importunities
-impose (intrusive, compulsory), imposes, imposed, imposing, imposer, imposers, imposition, impositions
-imposing (impressive), imposingly
-impossible, impossibly, impossibility, impossibilities
-impostor, impostors
-impound, impounds, impounded, impounding, impoundage, impoundages, impoundment, impoundments, impounder, impounders
-impoverish, impoverishes, impoverished, impoverishing, impoverishment, impoverishments
-impractical, impracticality or impracticalness
-imprecate, imprecates, imprecated, imprecating, imprecator, imprecators, imprecatory, imprecation, imprecations
-imprecise, imprecisely, imprecision
-impregnable (strong), impregnable, impregnability
-impregnate, impregnates, impregnated, impregnating, impregnation, impregnations, impregnator, impregnators
-impress (affect), impresses, impressed, impressing, impressive, impressively, impressiveness, impression, impressions, impressionable, impressionability, impressionableness
-impress (force), impresses, impressed, impressing, impressment, impressments
-impresario, ??,
-imprint, imprints, imprinted, imprinting
-imprison, imprisons, imprisoned, imprisoning, imprisonable, imprisonment, imprisonments
-improbable, improbably, improbableness, improbability, improbabilities
-improper, improperly, improperness, impropriety, improprieties
-improve, improves, improved, improving, improvement, improvements
-improvise, improvises, improvised, improvising, improviser, improvisers
-impudent, impudences, impudently, impudence, impudency, impudencies, impudicity, impudicities
-impugn, impugns, impugned, impugning, impugnable, impugner, impugners, impunity, impunities
-impulse, impulses, impulsive, impulsively, impulsiveness, impulsivity
-impure, impurer, impurest, impurely, impureness,impurity, impurities
-impute, imputes, imputed, imputing, imputability, imputable, imputation, imputations, imputative, imputatively
-in, in actuality, in accordance with, in lieu of, in that, in this, in reality, in stages, in truth, in turn, in for, in store, in a sense, in order, in order for, in order that, in order to, in short order, into, take into account , in spirit, in the spirit, inspirit, inspirited, inspiriting, inspirits, inspiritingly
-in lieu of
-in other words
-in place of
-in rem, ??,
-insalubrious, ??,
-in some respects
-in spite of
-in the first place
-in the main
-inaccessible, inaccessibility, inaccessibly
-inaccurate, inaccurately, inaccuracy, inaccuracies, inaccurateness
-inane, inaner, inanest, inanely, inanity, inanities
-inability, inabilities
-inaction, inactions
-inactive, inactively, inactivity or inactiveness
-inadequate, inadequately, inadequacy, inadequacies
-inadvertent, inadvertently, inadvertence, inadvertences, inadvertency, inadvertencies
-inadvisable, inadvisability
-inalienable, inalienability, inalienably,
-inanimate, inanimately, inanimateness
-inappreciable, inappreciably
-inappropriate, inappropriately, inappropriateness
-inarticulate, inarticulately, inarticulateness or inarticulacy
-inasmuch as
-inattentive, inattentively, inattentiveness, inattention, inattentions
-inaudible,inaudibly, inaudibility
-inaugurate, inaugurates, inaugurated, inaugurating, inaugurator, inaugurators, inauguration, inaugurations, inaugural
-inauspicious, inauspiciously, inauspiciousness
-in-depth or in depth
-inbreed, inbreeds, inbred, inbreeding, inbreeder, inbreeders, interbreed, interbreeds, interbred, interbreeding
-incalculable, incalculably, incalculability, incalculableness
-incandescent, incandescence, incandescences, incandescently
-incantation, incantations, incantational, incantatory
-incapable, incapability, incapableness, incapably
-incapacitate, incapacitates, incapacitated, incapacitating, incapacitation, incapacitations
-incarcerate, incarcerates, incarcerated, incarcerating, incarceration, incarcerations, incarcerator, incarcerators
-incarnate, incarnates, incarnated, incarnating, incarnator, incarnators, incarnation, incarnations
-incendiary, ??,
-incense (angry), incenses, incensed, incensing
-incense (perfume), incenses, incensed, incensing
-incessant, incessantly
-incest, incestuous
-in charge, in charge of
-inchoative, inchoatives, inchoatively, inchoate, inchoately, inchoateness, inchoatenesses
-incident, incidents, incidental, incidentally, incidence, incidences
-incinerate, incinerates, incinerated, incinerating, incineration, incinerations
-incipient, incipience, incipency, incipiently
-incise, incises, incised, incising
-incision, incisions
-incisive, incisively, incisiveness
-incite, incites, incited, inciting, incitement, incitements, incitation, incitations, inciter, inciters
-inclement, inclemency, inclemently
-incline, inclines, inclined, inclining, incliner, incliners, inclination, inclinations
-include, includes, included, including, includable, includible, inclusive, inclusively, inclusiveness, inclusion, inclusions, inclusionary
-incognito, ??
-incoherent, incoherently, incoherentness
-incomparable, incomparability, incomparableness, incomparably
-incompatible, incompatible, incompatibleness, incompatibly, incompatibility, incompatibilities
-incompetent, incompetence, incompetency, incompetently
-incomplete, incompletely, incompletion, incompleteness
-incomprehensible, incomprehensibility, incomprehensibleness, incomprehensibly
-incompressible, incompressibility, incompressibilities,
-inconceivable, inconceivability, inconceivableness, inconceivably
-inconclusive, inconclusively, inconclusiveness
-incongruity, incongruous
-inconsequential, inconsequentiality, inconsequentialness, inconsequentially
-inconsiderate, inconsiderateness, inconsideration, inconsiderations, nconsiderately
-inconsistent, inconsistently, inconsistency, inconsistencies
-inconsolable, inconsolability or inconsolableness, inconsolably
-inconspicuous, ???, i26
-inconstant, inconstantly
-incontinence, incontinency
-incontrovertible, incontrovertibility or incontrovertibleness, incontrovertibly
-inconvenience, inconveniences, inconvenienced, inconveniencing, inconvenient, inconveniently
-incorporate, incorporates, incorporated (Inc.), incorporating, incorporate, incorporable, incorporation, incorporations, incorporator, incorporators, incorporative
-incorporeal, incorporeality, incorporeally
-incorrect, incorrectly, incorrectness
-incorrigible, incorrigibility, incorrigibleness, incorrigibly
-incorrupt, incorruptible, incorruptibly,incorruptibility, incorruptness, incorruption, incorruptions
-increase, increases, increased, increasing, on the increase, increasingly, increasable, increaser, increasers
-increate, increately
-incredible, incredibly, incredibility, incredibleness
-incredulous, incredulously, incredulousness, incredulity
-increment, increments, incremental, incrementally
-incriminate, incriminates, incriminated, incriminating, incriminatingly, incrimination, incriminations, incriminatory
-incrustation, ??, c9,
-incubated, ??, c36,
-inculcate, inculcates, inculcated, inculcating, inculcation, inculcations, inculcator, inculators
-inculpation, ??
-incumbent, incumbents, incumbently
-incur, incurs, incurred, incurring, incursion, incursions
-incurious, incuriously, incuriosity, incuriosities, incuriousness
-incurable, incurables, incurability or incurableness, incurably
-indebted, indebtedness
-indecent, indecently, indecency, indecencies
-indecisive, indecisively, indecisiveness
-indecorous, indecorously, indecorousness
-indefatigable, indefatigability or indefatigableness, indefatigably
-indefeasible, indefeasibly, indefeasibility
-indefinite, indefinitely, indefiniteness
-indelible, indelibility, indelibleness, indelibly
-indelicate, indelicately, indelicateness, indelicacy, indelicacies
-indemnify, indemnifies, indemnified, indemnifying, indemnifier, indemnifiers, indemnification, indemnifications, indemnity, indemnities
-indent, indents, indented, indenting, indentation, indentations
-indenture, indentures, indentured, indenturing
-independent, independents, independently, independence
-indescribable, ??, i6,
-indeterminate, indeterminately, indeterminateness, indetermination, indeterminacy
-index, indexes, indices, indexed, indexing, indexer, indexers
-index finger, index fingers
-indicate, indicates, indicated, indicating, indicator, indicators, indicatory, indication, indications
-indicative, indicatively
-indict (accuse), indicts, indicted, indicting, indictment, indictments (see also indite below)
-indifferent, indifferent, indifference
-indigent, ??,
-indigenous, indigenously, indigenousness
-indigestible, indigestibly, indigestibility
-indignant, indignation, indignations, indignantly, indignity, indignities
-indirect, indirectly, indirectness, indirection, indirections, indirect object
-indiscreet, indiscreetly, indiscreetness, indiscretion
-indiscriminate, indiscriminately, indiscriminateness
-indispensable, indispensable, indispensability or indispensableness, indispensably
-indispose, indisposes, indisposed, indisposing, indisposition
-indisputable, indisputably, indisputability, indisputableness
-indistinct, indistinctly, indistinctness
-indistinguishable, indistinguishably, indistinguishableness, indistinguishability
-indite, indites, indited, inditing, inditement, inditer, inditers (see also indict)
-individual, individuals, individually, individualize, individualizes, individualized, individualizing, individualization, individuality, individualities, individualism, individualisms, individualist, individualists, individualistically, individualistic, individuate, individuates, individuated, individuating
-indivisible, indivisibleness, indivisibility, indivisibly
-Indo-Iranian, Indo-Iranians
-indoctrinate, indoctrinates, indoctrinated, indoctrinating, indoctrination, indoctrinations, indoctrinator, indoctrinators
-indolent, indolently, indolence
-indomitable, indomitability, indomitableness, indomitably
-Indonesian, ??,
-indubitable, indubitably
-induce, induces, induced, inducing, inducible, inducement, inducements, self-induced
-induct, inducts, inducted, inducting, inductance, induction, inductive, inductively, inductiveness, inductive reasoning
-induction (logic)
-indulge, indulges, indulged, indulging, indulger, indulgers, indulgent, indulgently, indulgence, indulgences, indulgenced, indulgencing
-industrious, industriously, industriousness, industrial, industrially, industry, industries
-Industrial Revolution
-indwell, indwells, indwelt, indwelling, indweller, indwellers
-inebriate, inebriates, inebriated, inebriating, inebriation, inebriations
-ineducable, ineducability
-ineffable, ineffability, ineffableness, ineffably
-ineffective, ineffectively, ineffectiveness, ineffectual, ineffectuality, ineffectualness, ineffectually, in effect
-inefficient, inefficiently, inefficency, inefficiencies
-inelastic, inelasticity
-ineligible, ineligibly, ineligibility
-ineluctable, ineluctability, ineluctabilities, ineluctably
-inept, ineptitude, ineptly, ineptness
-inequitable, inequitably
-inequity, inequities
-ineradicable, ineradicably
-inert, inertly, inertness, inertia, inertias, inertial, inertially
-inescapable, ?? r15,
-inessential, inessential, inessentiality
-inestimable, inestimably
-inevitable, inevitability, inevitably
-inexact, inexactly, inexactness, inexactitude
-inexcusable, inexcusableness, inexcusably
-inexhaustible, inexhaustibility, inexhaustibleness, inexhaustibly
-inexorable, inexorability, inexorableness, inexorably
-inexpensive, inexpensively, inexpensiveness
-inexperience, inexperienced
-inexpert, inexperts, inexpertly, inexpertness
-inexplicable, inexplicably, inexplicability
-inexpressible, ??, u13,
-inextricable, inextricably, inextricability, inextricableness
-infallible, infallibility or infallibleness, infallibly
-infamous, infamously, infamousness, infamy, infamies
-infant, infants, infancy, infancies, infantile, infantcide
-infantry, ??,
-infatuate, infatuates, infatuated, infatuation, infatuations, infatuating, infatuatedly
-infect, infects, infected, infecting, infection, infections, infectious, infectiously, infectiousness
-infer, infers, inferred, inferring, inferable, inferably, inferrer, inferrers, inference, inferences, inferentially
-inferior, inferiors, inferiority, inferiority complex
-infernal, infernally
-inferno, ??,
-infertile, infertility
-infest, infests, infested, infesting, infestation, infestations, infester, infesters
-infidel, infidels
-infidelity, infidelities
-infiltrate, infiltrates, infiltrated, infiltrating, infiltrator, infiltrators, infiltration, infiltrations, infiltrative
-infinite, infinitely, infinity, infinities
-infinitesimal, infinitesimally
-infinitive (grammar)
-infirm, infirmity, infirmities, infirmly, infirmary, infirmaries
-inflame, inflames, inflamed, inflaming, inflamer, inflammation, inflammations
-inflammable and flammable mean the same thing, why?
-inflate, inflates, inflated, inflating, inflater, inflaters
-inflation, inflationary, inflationary spiral, inflationist, inflationists, inflationism, inflation theory
-inflect, inflects, inflected, inflecting, inflector, inflection, inflections, inflectionally, inflectional and in grammar
-inflexible, inflexibly, inflexibility
-inflict, inflicts, inflicted, inflicting, inflicter, inflicters inflictor, inflictors, inflictive, infliction, inflictions
-inflorescence, inflorescent
-influence, influences, influenced, influencing, influenceable, influencer, influencers, influential, influentially, influence peddler, influence peddlers
-inform, informs, informed, well-informed, informing, informative, informatively, informativeness, information, informations, informational
-informal, informally, informality, informalities
-information theory, information theories
-infraction, infractions
-infrequent, infrequently, infrequence, infrequency
-infringe, infringed, infringing, infringes, infringer, infringers, infringement, infringements
-infuriate, infuriates, infuriated, infuriating, infuriatingly, infuriation, infuriations
-infuse, infuses, infused, infusing, infuser, infusers, infusion, infusions
-ingenious, ingeniously, ingeniousness, ingenuity, ingenuities
-ingénue, ingénues
-ingenuous, ingenuously, ingenuousness
-ingest, ingests, ingested, ingesting, ingestion, ingestive
-ingrain (same as 'engrain'), ingrains, ingrained, ingraining, ingrainedly
-ingredient, ingredients
-ingrate, ??
-ingratiate, ingratiates, ingratiated, ingratiating, ingratiation, ingratiations, ingratiatory, ingratiatingly
-ingress, ingression, ingressive, ingressives, ingressiveness
-inhabit, inhabits, inhabited, inhabiting, inhabitable, inhabitability, inhabitation, inhabiter, inhabitant, inhabitants
-inhalation, inhale, inhales, inhaled, inhaling, inhaler, inhalers, inhalant, inhalants
-inharmony, inharmonious, inharmonies, inharmonious, inharmoniously, inharmoniousness, inharmonic
-inherent, inherently
-inherit, inherits, inherited, inheriting, inheritor, inheritors, inheritable, inheritability, inheritance, inheritances
-inhibit, inhibits, inhibition, inhibitions, inhibited, inhibiting, inhibitable, inhibitive or inhibitory
-in house
-inhuman, inhumanly, inhumanness, inhumanity, inhumanities
-inimitable, inimitability, inimitably
-iniquity, iniquities, iniquitous, iniquitously, iniquitousness
-initial, initials, initialed also initialled, initialing also initialling, initialness, initialize, initializes, initialized, initializing, initialization, initializations, initializer, initializers
-initiate, initiates, initiated, initiating, initially, initiator, initiators, initiative, initiatively, initiation, initiations, initiatory
-inject, injects, injected, injecting, injector, injectors, injection, injections
-injunction, injunctions, injunctive
-injury, injuries, injure, injures, injured, injuring, injurer, injurers, injurious, injuriously, injuriousness
-injustice, injustices
-in law, in laws
-inlet, ??, f15, s17,
-inn, inns
-innards, ?? i22
-innate, innately, innateness
-inner, inners, iinnerly, innerness, inward, inwards, inwardly, inwardness, inmost, innermost
-innerstand, innerstands, innerstood, innerstanding, innerstandability, innerstandabilities, innerstandable, innerstandably, innerstandingly
-innovate, innovates, innovated, innovating, innovator, innovators, innovatory, innovation, innovations, innovational, innovative, innovativeness
-innocent, innocents, innocently, innocence, innocences, innocency, innocencies
-innocuous, innocuousness, innocuity, innocuously
-inoffensive or unoffensive
-innuendo, ??
-innumerable, innumerably, innumerableness
-inoculate, inoculates, inoculated, inoculating, inoculative, inoculation, inoculations, inoculator, inoculators
-innocuous, ??,
-inopportune, inopportunely, inopportuneness
-inordinate, inordinately, inordinateness
-inorganic, inorganically
-input, ??, a33,
-inquest, inquests
-inquire, inquires, inquired, inquiring, inquire after, inquirer, inquirers, inquiringly, inquiry, enquiry, inquiries
-inquisitive, inquisitively, inquisitiveness
-inquisition, inquisitions, inquisitional, Inquisition, Inquisitions
-inroad, inroads
-insane, insanely, insaneness, insanity, insanities
-insatiable, insatiability, insatiableness, insatiably
-inscribe, inscribes, inscribed, inscribing, inscriber, inscribers, inscription, inscriptions, inscriptional, inscriptive, inscriptively
-inscrutable, inscrutability, inscrutableness, inscrutably
-insect, insects, insecticide, insecticides, insecticidally, insecticidal, insectivorous
-insecure, insecurely, insecurity, insecurities, insecureness, insecurenesses
-inseminate, insemination, ??
-insensate, insensateness
-insensible, insensibility or insensibleness, insensibly
-insensitive, insensitively, insensitivity, insensitiveness
-insentient, ??
-inseparably, ??
-insert, inserts, inserted, inserting, inserter, inserters, insertion, insertions, insertional
-insidious, insidiousness, insidiously
-insight, insights, insightfully, insightfulness
-insignia, insignias, insigne
-insignificant, insignificantly, insignificance, insignificancy, insignificancies
-insincere, insincerely, insincerity
-insinuate, insinuates, insinuated, insinuating, insinuative, insinuator, insinuators
-insipid, insipidity, insipidities, insipidness, insipidnesses, insipidly
-insist, insists, insisted, insisting, insistence, insistency, insister, insisters, insistingly, insistent, insistently
-insofar, insofar as
-insolent, insolence, insolently
-insoluble, insolubles, insolubility or insolubleness, insolubly
-insolvable, insolvably, insolvability
-insolvent,insolvents, insolvency, insolvencies
-insomnia, ??, Stdy,
-insomuch, insomuch that,insomuch as
-insouciant, ??,
-inspect, inspects, inspected, inspecting, inspective, inspection, inspections, inspectional, inspector, inspectors, inspectoral, inspectorship, inspectorships
-inspire, inspires, inspired, inspiring, inspirer, inspirers, inspiration, inspirations
-instability, instabilities
-instalalso install, instals also installs, installed, installing, installer, installers, installation, installations, instalmentalso installment, instalments
-instance, instances, instanced, instancing, for instance
-instant, instants, instantly, instantness
-instep, insteps
-instigate, instigates, instigated, instigating, instigation, instigator, instigators, instigative
-instil also instill, instils also instills, instilled, instilling, instillation, instiller, instillers, instillment, instillments
-instinct, instincts, instinctive, instinctively
-institute, institutes, instituted, instituting, instituter(s), institutor(s), institution, institutions, institutionalize, institutionalizes, institutionalized, institutionalizing, institutionalization, institutionalizations
-instruct,instructs, instructed, instructing, instructor,instructors, instructorship, instructorships, instructive, instructively, instructiveness, instruction, instructions, instructional
-insubordinate, insubordinately, insubordination, insubordinations
-insubstantial, insubstantiality
-insufferable, insufferableness, insufferably
-insufficient, insufficiently, insufficiency, insufficiencies
-insular, insularism, insularity, insularly
-insulate, insulates, insulated, insulating, insulator, insulators, insulation, insulations
-insult, insults, insulted, insulting, insulter, insulters, insultingly
-insuperable, insuperability, insuperableness, insuperably
-insurgency, insurgencies, insurgent, insurgents, insurgently
-insure, insures, insured, insuring, insurance, insurances
-insurrection, insurrections, insurrectional, insurrectionary, insurrectionary, insurrectionaries, insurrectionism, insurrectionisms, insurrectionist, insurrectionists
-instant, instantly, instantaneous ??? f13, d19, humility,
-instruct, instruction, instructive ?? o5, d19
-instrument, instruments, instrumented, instrumenting, instrumental, instrumentals, instrumentally, instrumentalism, instrumentation, instrumentations, instrumentality, instrumentalities, instrumentalist, instrumentalists
-intact, intactly, intactness
-intake, ??, g10
-intangible, intangible, intangibility or intangibleness, intangibly
-integer, integers
-integral, integrable, integral spin
-integrate, integrates, integrated, integrating,integration, integrations, integrator, integrators, integrative, integrant, integrants
-integrated circuit, integrated circuits, integrated circuitry, integrated circuitries
-intellect, intellectual, intellectually, intellectuality, intellectualness
-intelligent, intelligence, intelligently, intelligential, intelligentsia, intelligentsias
-intelligence (secret information)
-intelligible, intelligibility, intelligibleness, intelligibly
-intemperate, intemperate, intemperately, intemperateness, intemperance
-intense, intenser, intensest, intensity, intensely, intenseness, intensify, intensifier, intensifiers, intensified, intensifying, intensifies, intensification, intensifications, intensive, intensively, intensiveness
-intend, intends, intended, intending, intent, intents, intently, intention, intentions, well intentioned, intentional, intentionally, intentness, intentionality
-inter alia, ??,
-interact, interacts, interacted, interacting, interactive, interactively, interaction, interactions
-interbreed, interbreeds, interbred, interbreeding
-intercalate, intercalates, intercalated, intercalating, intercalation, intercalations, intercalative
-intercede, intercedes, interceded, interceding, interceder, interceders
-intercept, intercepts, intercepted, intercepting, interceptive, interception, interceptions, intercepteralso spelt interceptor, intercepters or interceptors
-intercession, intercessional, intercessor, intercessors, intercessory
-interchange, interchanges, interchanged, interchanging, interchangeable, interchangeability, interchangeabilities, interchangeableness, interchangeablenesses, interchanger, interchangers
-interconnect, interconnects, interconnected, interconnecting, interconnectedness, interconnectible or interconnectable, interconnection, interconnections
-interconvert, introconverts, interconverted, interconverting, interconvertibility, interconvertible, interconversion
-intercourse, intercourses
-interdependent, interdependence, interdependency
-interdict, interdicts, interdicted, interdicting, interdiction, interdictions, interdictive or interdictory, interdictively, interdictor, interdictors
-interest, interests, interested, interesting, in the interest of, in the interests of, interestedly, interestedness
-interest (money), interests
-interface, interfaces, interfaced, interfacing, interfacial
-interfere, interferes, interfered, interfering, interferingly, interference, interferer, interferers
-interferometer, interferometric, interferometrically, interferometry
-intergalactic, intergalactically, intergalactic space
-intergrade, intergrades, intergraded, intergrading, intergradation
-interior, ??, r14,
-interjection (as in grammar), interjections, interject (to insert into), interjects, interjected, interjecting, interjectory, interjector, interjectors
-interlace, interlaces, interlaced, interlacing, interlacement, interlacements
-interlink, interlinks, interlinked, interlinking
-interlock, interlocked, ?? t20, e15,
-interloper, interlopers, interlope
-interlude, interludes
-intermarry, intermarries, intermarried, intermarrying, intermarriage, intermarriages
-intermediate, intermediates, intermediated, intermediating, intermediacy, intermediateness, intermediation, intermediately, intermediary, intermediaries, intermediator, intermediators
-intermeddle, intermeddles, intermeddled, intermeddling, intermeddler, intermeddlers
-interment, interments, inter, inters, interred, interring
-interminable, interminability, interminably
-intermingle, intermingles, intermingled, intermingling
-intermission, ??, s32,
-intermittent, intermittence, intermittently
-intermix, ?? i15
-intern, interns, interned, interning, internship, internships
-internal, internally, internality, internalize, internalizes, internalized, internalizing, internalization
-international, ?? m16
-International System
-internal, internally, internality
-internecine, ??,
-interoperability, interoperabilities
-interpersonal, interpersonally
-interplay, interplays, interplayed, interplaying
-interpolate, interpolates, interpolated, interpolating, interpolation, interpolator, interpolators, interpolative
-interpose, interposes, interposed, interposing, interposal, interposer, interposers, interposition, interpositions
-interpret, interprets, interpreted, interpreting, interpretability, interpretableness, interpretable, interpreter, interpreters, interpretation, interpretations, interpretational
-interrelate, interrelates, interrelated, interrelating, interrelatedness, interelationship, interrelationships, interrelation, interrelations
-interrogate, interrogates, interrogated, interrogating, interrogatory, interrogative, interrogatively, interrogation, interrogations, interrogator, interrogaters
-interregnum, ??,
-interrupt, interrupts, interrupted, interrupting, interruption, interruptions, interruptible, interruptive
-intersperse, intersperses, interspersed, interspersing, interspersion, interspersions, interspersedly
-intersect, intersects, intersected, intersecting, intersection, intersections
-interstice, interstices, interstitial, interstitially
-intertwine, intertwines, intertwined, intertwining, intertwinement, intertwinements
-interval, intervals, intervallic
-intervene, intervenes, intervened, intervening, intervention, interventions, interventional, intervenor or intervener, intervenors or interveners
-interweave, interweaves, interwove, interwoven, interweaved, interweaving, interweavingly, interweavement, interweavements, interweaver, interweavers
-intestine, intestines, large intestine, small intestine
-intestate, intestates, intestacy, intestacies
-intimate(hint at), intimates, intimated, intimating, intimater, intimaters, intimation, intimations
-intimate (closeness), intimately,intimateness, intimacy, intimacies
-intimidation, intimidations, intimidate, intimidates, intimidated, intimidating, intimidatingly, intimidator, intimidators, intimidatory
-into, into the ground
-intolerable, intolerably, intolerability, intolerableness, intolerent, intolerant, intolerantly, intolerance
-intone, intones, intoned, intoning, intonement, intonements, intoner, intoners, intonate, intonates, intonated, intonating, intonation, intonational
-intoxicant, intoxicants, intoxicate, intoxicates, intoxicated, intoxicating, intoxicatingly, intoxication, intoxications, intoxicative, intoxicator, intoxicators
-intractable, intractability, intractableness, intractably
-intracellular, intracellularly
-intransigent, intransigence, intransigent, intransigently
-intransitive verb
-intravascular, intravascularly
-intreat or entreat, intreated or entreated, intreating or entreating, intreat or entreats, intreatingly or entreatingly, intreatingly, entreatment
-intrepid, ??
-intricate, intricately, intricateness, intricacy, intricacies
-intrigue, intrigues, intrigued, intriguing, intriguer, intriguers, intriguingly
-intrinsic, intrinsically, intrinsic, intrinsically
-introductory, introductorily, introduce, introduces, introduced, introducing, introducible, introducer, introducers, introduction, introductions
-introspect, introspects, introspected, introspecting, introspective, introspectively, introspectiveness, introspection, introspectional
-introvert, introverts, introverted, introverting, introversion, introversions, introversive
-intrude, intrudes, intruded, intruding, intruder, intruders, intrusive, intrusively, intrusiveness, intrusion, intrusions
-intubate, ??,
-intuition, intuitions, intuitional, intuitionally, intuit, intuits, intuited, intuiting, intuitive, intuitively, intuitiveness
-inundate, inundates, inundated, inundating, inundation, inundations, inundator, inundatory
-inure, inures, enure, inured, inuring, inurement, inurements
-inutile, inutilely, inutility
-invade, invades, invaded, invading, invader, invaders, invasion, invasions
-invalid, invalidate, invalidates, invalidly, invalidated, invalidating, invalidation, invalidator, invalidators
-invalid (individual), invalids
-invariable, invariability, invariableness, invariably
-invective, invectives, invectively, invectiveness
-inveigh, inveighs, inveighed, inveighing, inveigher, inveighers
-inveigle, inveigles, inveigled, inveigling, inveiglement, inveigler, inveiglers
-invent, invents, invented, inventing, inventible, inventor, invention, inventions, inventive, inventional, inventively, inventiveness
-inventory, inventories, inventoried, inventorying, inventorially, inventorial
-invert, inverts, inverted, inverting, invertible, inverse, inversion, inversions
-invertebrate, invertebrates
-invest, invests, invested, investing, investable, investor, investors, investment, investments
-investigate, investigates, investigated, investigating, investigable, investigatory, investigation, investigations, investigational, investigative, investigator, investigators, investigatorial
-inveterate, inveteracy, inveterateness, inveterately
-inviable, inviability
-invidious, invidiously, invidiousness
-interview, ??, a26, d19
-invigorate, invigorates, invigorated,invigorating, invigoratingly, invigoration, invigorations, invigorator, invigorators
-invincible, invincibility, invincibleness, invincibly
-inviolable, inviolability or inviolableness, inviolably, inviolate, inviolacy, inviolateness, inviolately
-invisible, invisibles, invisibility or invisibleness, invisibly crenotes6
-invite, invites, invited, inviting, invitation, invitations
-in vitro
-in vivo
-invoice, ??, m2,
-invoke, invokes, invoked, invoking, invoker, invokers, invocation, invocations, invocational
-involuntary, involuntarily, involuntariness, involuntary servitude, involuntary servitudes
-invulnerable, invulnerability, invulnerableness, invulnerably
-involve, involves, involved, involving, involvement, involvements, involver, involvers
-iodide, iodides
-iodine, iodines, iodize also spelt iodise, iodination, iodination, iodinations
-ion, ions, ionize, ionizes, ionized, ionizing, ionic, ionizer, ionizers, ionization, ionizations
-ionosphere, ionospheric, iodinate
-ipso facto
-irascible, irascibility, irascibleness, irascibly
-irate, irately, irateness
-iris, irises, irides
-irk, irks, irked, irking, irksome, irksomely, irksomeness
-iron (device), irons, ironed, ironing, iron out, iron in the fire
-iron (metal), irons, cast iron
-irony, ironies, ironic, ironical, ironically, ironicalness
-irradicable, ??
-irradiate, irradiates, irradiated, irradiating, irradiative, irradiator, irrdiators
-irrational, irrationally, irrationalness, irrationality, irrationalities, irrationalism, irrationalisms, irrational number, irrational numbers
-irrecusable, ??
-irredeemable, ??
-irreducible, irreducibility or irreducibleness, irreducibly
-irreducibly complex
-irregular, irregularly, irregularity, irregularities
-irreligious, irreligiously, irreligiousness
-irreparable, irreparably, irreparability, irreparableness
-irrepressible, irrepressibility or irrepressibleness, irrepressibly
-irresistible, irresistibility, irresistibleness, irresistibly
-irresolute, irresolutely, irresoluteness, irresolution, irresolutions
-irrespective, irrespectively
-irresponsible, irresponsibility, irresponsibleness, irresponsibly
-irresponsive, irresponsively, irresponsiveness
-irretrievable,irretrievably, irretrievableness or irretrievability, irretrievablenesses or irretrievabilities
-irreverent, irreverently, irreverence, irreverences
-irreversible, irreversibly, irreversibility, irreversibleness
-irrevocable, irrevocability or irrevocableness, irrevocably
-irrigate, irrigates, irrigated, irrigating, irrigation, irrigations, irrigational, irrigator, irrigators
-irritate, irritates, irritated, irritating, irritatingly, irritation, irritations, irritable, irritability, irritabilities, irritableness,irritant, irritants, irritator, irritators
-ischemia, ischemic
-ise, ??,
-ish, ??,
-Islam, Islamic
-island, islands, islanded, islanding, islet, islets, isle, isles, islander, islanders
-ism, isms
-isolate, isolates, isolated, isolating, isolation, isolations, isolationism, isolationisms
-isoprene, isoprenes
-isoprenoid, isoprenoids
-isomer, isomers
-isotope, isotopes, isotopic
-isthmus, ??,
-Israel, Israelites, Israeli, Israelis
-issue (concern), issues, at issue, take issue, issueless
-issue (flow), issues, issued, issuing, issueless, issuer, issuers
-issue (offspring), issues, issued, issuing, issueless
-isthmus, isthmuses or isthmi
-it, its, it's, itself
-itch, itches, itched, itching, itchy,itchiness
-item, items, itemed, iteming, itemize, itemized, itemizing, itemizes, itemization, itemizations, itemizer, itemizers
-iterate, iterates, iterated, iterating, iteration, iterations, iterative, iterance, iterances, iterant
-itinerant, itinerants
-itinerary, itineraries
-ize, ??,
-J particle
-jab, jabs, jabbed, jabbing
-jabber, jabbers, jabbered, jabbering, jabberer, jabberers
-jack, jacks, jacked, jacking, jacker, jackers, jack up
-jackal, ??,
-jacket, ?? s34
-jackboot, ??,
-jade, jadded, ??
-jag, jags, jagged, jagging, jaggedly, jaggedness, jagger, jaggers, jagless
-jail, jails, jailed, jailing
-James Joyce
-Jainism, ??,
-jam, jammed, ?? h1, w12,
-jangle, jangles, jangled, jangling
-janitor, ?? c19
-jar, jars, jarful, jarred, jarring, jarringly
-jar (glass), jars
-jasper, ??, Rev.21:18,
-jaunty, jauntier, jauntiest, jauntily, jauntiness
-javelin, javelins
-jaw, jaws, jawed, jawing
-jazz, ??, s26,
-jealous, jealousies, jealousy,jealously, jealousness
-jeopardy, jeopardies
-jeer, jeers, jeered, jeering, jeerer, jeerers, jeeringly
-Jefferson, Thomas
-jejune, jejunely, jejuneness, jejunenesses
-jelly, jellies, jellied, jellying, jell, jells, jelled, jellingjellylike
-Jenner, Edward
-jeremiad, ??,
-jerk (movement), jerks, jerked, jerking, jerker, jerkers, jerkingly
-jerk (individual), jerks
-jerky, jerkier, jerkiest, jerkily, jerkiness
-jest, jested, jesting, jests, jestingly, jester, jesters
-Jesuit, Jesuits, Jesuitical, Jesuitically, Jesuitism, Jesuitry
-jet (color and coal), jet (aircraft), jets, jet fluid, jet engine, jet engines, jets, jetted, jetting, jetful
-jet stream, jet streams
-jettison, jettisons, jettisoned, jettisoning
-jetsam, jetsams, t23,
-jeu d'esprit, jeu d'esprits
-Jew (s)
-jewels, jewels, jewelry, jeweled, jeweling, jeweler, jewelers, bejeweled
-jewish money
-jigsaw puzzle
-jingle, jingles, jingled, jingling, jingly
-jilt, ??,
-jinx, jinxes, jinxed, jinxing
-jitter, jitters, jittered, jittering
-Joan of Arc aka Jeanne d'Arc
-job, jobs, jobbed, jobbing, jobber, jobbers
-John Adams
-JFK (John Fitzgerald Kennedy)
-John Locke
-John Ruskin, Ruskinian
-John Wesley
-John Wycliffe (with Protestant Reformation)
-Johnny Von Neumann
-Johnson, Andrew
-join, joins, joined, joining, joinder, joinders
-joint, joints, jointed, jointing, out of joint
-joint venture
-joke, jokes, joked, joking, jokingly, jocose, jocosely, jocoseness or jocosity, jocular, jocularity, jocularly, jocund, jocundity, jocundly, practical joke, practical jokes, practical joker, practical jokers
-jolly, ??, J3,
-jolt,jolts, jolted, jolting, joltily, jolter, jolters, joltiness, jolty
-joshing, ??
-jostle, jostles, jostled, jostling, jostler, jostlers
-journal, journals, journalize, journalizes, journalized, journalizing, journalizer, journalizers, journalism, investigative journalism
-journey, journeys, journeyed, journeying, journeyer, journeyers
-joust, jousts, jousted, jousting, jouster, jousters
-Benjamin Jowett
-joy, joys, joyed, joying, joyful, joyfully, joyfulness, joyous, joyously, joyousness
-jubilee, jubilant, jubilantly, jubilance, jubilation, jubilations
-Judah, Judaism, Judean, Judeans, Judaic, Judaical, Judaically
-judge, judges, judged, judging, judgment, judgments, sound judgment, sound judgments, also spelt judgement, judgements, judgmental, judgmentally
-judicial, judicially, judiciary, judiciaries, judicature, judicatures, judicatory, judicatories, judicial system, judicial systems
-Judy Garland
-Julius Caesar (see also Caesar)
-jumble, jumbled, jumbling, jumbles
-jump, L12, jumpy, n2, jump the gun, jump start
-juncture, junction, junctional
-jungle, ?? i18
-junk, junks, junked, junking
-junket, junkets, junketed, junketing, junketer, junketers
-junta, ??,
-jurisdiction, jurisdictions, jurisdictional, jurisdictionally, juridical, juridically, juristic, juristical, juristically, jurist, jurists, sui juris
-jurisprudence, jurisprudential, jurisprudentially, jurisprudent, jurisprudents
-jury, juries, juried, jurying, juror, jurors, grand jury, grand juries
-just (same as, exactly as, enough), just about, just as
-just (honorable), justly, justness
-justice, do justice to
-justification, justifications, justify, justifies, justified, justifying, justifiable, justifiability, justifiabilities, justifiableness, justifiably
-Justin Martyr
-jut, juts, jutted, jutting
-Jutland, Jutes
-juvenile, juveniles, juvenilely, juvenileness
-juxtapose, juxtaposes, juxtaposed, juxtaposing, juxtaposition, juxtapositions, juxtaposed, juxtapositional
-Kafkaesque, ??,
-Kahil Gibran
-kakistocracy, kakistocracies
-kaleidoscope, kaleidoscopes, kaleidoscopic or kaleidoscopical, kaleidoscopically
-kamikaze, kamikazes
-kangaroo court
-Kant, Immuanual
-kapok, ??
-kaput, ??,
-Karl Marx (Marxian, Marxist, Marxism)
-kayak, ??, p42,
-Khazarian, Khazarians also spelt Kazarian, Kazarians, Khazar also spelt Kazar, Khazars also spelt Kazar, Kazars
-keel, keels, keeled, keeling, keel over
-keen, keener, keenest, keener, keenness, keenly
-keep, keeps, kept, keeping, keep at it, keep down, keep off, keep up, for keeps, keep an eye out, keep company, keep one's head above water, keep your chin up, keep your eyes open, keep your eyes peeled, keep your nose clean, keep pace, keep you company, keep time, keeps to himself
-keg, kegs, kegged, kegging
-keratin, keratinous
-kernel, ?? p28, n8,
-kernite, kernites
-kerosene also spelt kerosine, kerosenes, kerosines
-key, keynote, ??, Creation 7,
-Khmer Rouge
-kibble, kibbles, kibbled, kibbling
-kibbutz, kibbutzim
-kibitz, ??,
-kick, kicks, kicked, kicking, kick at the can, kick the bucket, kick against the pricks
-kid, kid around, kids, kids around, kidskin, kidskins, kid around, kidded, kidded around, kidding, kidding around, kidder, kidders, kiddingly, kid yourself
-kidney, kidneys
-Kierkegaard, Søren Aaby
-kiln, kilns, kilned, kilning
-kilometer, kilometers, kilometric
-killjoy, killjoys
-kin, kins, kindred, kindreds, kinship, kinships, kindred, kindredness, kinfolk, kinsfolk, kinsman, kinsmen, kinswoman, kinswomen
-kind (caring), kinder, kindest, kindness, kindly, kindlier, kindliest, kindless
-kind (various), kinds, kind of, kinda
-kindle, kindles, kindled, kindling, kindler, kindlers
-kinesthesia, kinesthetic, kinesthetically, kinesics, kinesic, kinetic, kinetically, kinematics, kinetic energy, kinetic theory, kinesiology, kinesiologist, kinesiologists
-King Henry VIII
-King, Mackenzie
-kingdom, kingdoms
-Kirlian photography
-kismet, ???,
-kitchen, ??, g17,
-kitchenware, kitchenwares
-kite, ??, f22,
-kleptocracy, kleptocracies, kleptocratic
-klutz, ??,
-knack, knickknack, knickknacks
-knapsack, knapsacks
-knave, knaves, knavish, knavishly, knavishness
-knead, kneads, kneaded, kneading, kneader, kneaders
-knell, knells, knelled, knelling
-knight, knights, knighted, knighting, knighthood, knighthoods, Knight Templar, Knights Templars, Knights of the Round Table
-knit, knits, knitted, knitting, knitter, knitters, knit stitch, knit stitches
-knob, ?? n3, k3,
-knock, knocked, knocking, knocks, knock your socks off, knock for a loop, knock off, knock offs, knock down, hard knocks
-knot, knots, knotted, knotting
-know, knows, knew, known, knowing, knowingly, knowingness, knowable, knower, knowers, knowledge, knowledgeable, knowledgeability, knowledgeabilities, knowledgeableness, knowledgeablenesses, knowledgeably
-knuckle, knuckles, knuckled, knuckling, knuckle down, knuckle under
-Koch's postulates
-Koestler, Arthur
-Koran, Koranic
-kowtow, kowtows, kowtowed, kowtowing
-krill, ??
-kudo, kudos
-Kuiper belt
-label, labels, labeled or labelled, labeling or labelling, labeler or labeller, labelers or labellers, relabel, relabels, relabeling, relabeled
-labia majora, labia minora, ??, v9
-labor, labors, labored, laboring, laborious, laboriously, laboriousness, laborer, laborers, labor union, labor unions
-laboratory, ??, i19, f19, c20
-lace, laces, laced, lacing, lace into, laceless, lacer, lacers
-lacerate, lacerates, lacerated, lacerating, laceration, lacerations
-lack, lacks, lacked, lacking, lackluster
-lackadaisical, lackadaisically, lackadaisicalness, lackadaisicalnesses
-lackey, lackeys, lackeyed, lackeying
-laconic, laconically
-lacquer, lacquers, lacquered, lacquering, lacquerer, lacquerers, lacquer tree, lacquer trees
-lactic acid
-lactobacillus, ??,
-lactose, ?? i5,
-ladder, ??, s29,
-lade, lades, laded, laden, lading
-ladle, ladles, lladled, ladling, ladler
-lady, ladies
-Lady Jane Grey
-lag, lags, lagged, lagging, lagger, laggers, laggard, laggards, laggardly, laggardness
-lagoon, ??,
-laissez faire
-lake, lakes
-Lake Genneserat
-lam, ??,
-lamb, lambs, lambswool
-lambaste, lambastes, lambasted, lambasting
-lame, lames, lamer, lamest, lamed, laming, lamely, lameness
-lament, laments, lamented, lamenting, lamenter, lamenters, lamentable, lamentably, lamentation, lamentations
-laminar flow
-laminate, laminates, laminated, laminating, laminate, laminates, laminator, laminators, lamina, laminae or laminas, laminar, laminar flow, laminal
-lampoon, ??,
-lance, lances, lanced, lancing
-lancelet, lancelets
-landlord, landlords, ??, s59, a10,
-landmark, landmarks
-land patent, land title
-landscape, landscapes, landscaped, landscaping, landscaper, landscapers
-lane, ??, a10,
-language, languages, pidgin language, pidgin languages, English language and examples of its craziness; Middle English, Old English, Old French, Old North French, Norse, Old Norse, Middle Dutch, Anglo-French, Anglo-Norman, Anglo Saxon, Celtic, Low German, Middle Low German, High German, Old High German, Medieval, Normans, Medieval Latin, New and Modern Latin, Latin, Late Latin, Scandinavian
-languid, languidly, languidness, languidnesses
-languish, languishes, languished, languishing, languisher, languishers, languishingly, languishment, languishments, languid, languidly, languidness
-lanolin, ??,
-lap (overlap), laps, lapped, lapping
-lap (physical), laps, lapful, lapfuls, the lap of luxury
-lap (tongue), laps, lapped, lapping
-Lapland, Laplander, Laplanders
-lapse, lapses, lapsed, lapsing, lapser, lapsers
-larceny, larcenies
-lard, ??, T8, T28,
-larder, ?? r7
-large, larger, largest, largely, largeness, at large
-large intestine
-lark, larks, larked, larking, larkish, larker, larkers
-larva, larvas, larvae, larval
-larynx, larynxes, larynges
-lascivious, lasciviousness, lasciviously
-las`h, lashes, lashed, lashing, lashings, lash out, lashes out, lashed out, lashing out
-lasso, lassos or lassoes, lassoed, lassoing, lassoer, lassoers
-last, lasting, ??, e3, f17, e23, l13, a26,
-Last Supper or Lord's Supper
-latch, latches, latched, latching, latch onto
-late, later, latest, of late
-latent, latencies, latency, latently
-lateral, laterals, lateraled, lateraling, laterally
-latex, ??, b13, g13,
-lathe, ?? a27, s23, t20,
-lather, lathers, lathered, lathering, latherer, latherers, lathery
-Latin, Late Latin, Latino, Latinos, Medieval Latin, New and Modern Latin
-latitudinarianism, ??,
-latitude (and longitude), longitudes, latitudes
-latrine, ??,
-latter, latterly
-lattice, lattices, latticed, latticing, latticework, latticeworks
-laud, lauds, lauded, lauding, laudability, lauder, laudable, laudably, laudative, laudatory
-laugh, laughs, laughed, laughing, laugh it off, laugh it away, laugher, laughers, laughingly, laughter, laughters, laughable, laughableness, laughably, laughingstock, laughing stocks, laughed to scorn
-launch, launches, launched, launching
-laundry, ??, d29,
-laureate, laureateship
-laurel, laurels, laureled also laurelled, laureling, laurelling
-Late Greek
-Laurier, Sir Wilfred
-lava, lavas
-lavish, lavishes, lavished, lavishing, lavishly, lavishness, lavisher, lavishers
-law, laws, lawful, lawfully, lawfulness, Constitutional Law, Natural Law, Common Law, Maritime law (also here, Admiralty, Civil, law), in law, in laws
-lawyer, lawyers
-lax, laxer, laxest, laxation, laxly, laxness, laxity
-laxative, laxatives, ??, c3, s52,
-lay (individual)
-lay, lays, laid, laying, lay aside, lay away, lay down, laid down, lay off, laid off, laying off, lay over, lay up, lay down the law, lay it on thick, lay of the land
-layer, layers, layered, layering
-layperson, laypersons, layman, laymen, laywoman, laywomen
-lazy, ?? n1, s7, s44, i9, c49, b21, Titus 1:12,
-LDL(Low density lipid)
-leach, leaches, leached, leaching, leachable, leachability, leacher, leachers
-lead (guide, show the way), leads, led, leading, lead off, lead on
-lead (metal), leads, leaded, leading
-leaflet, leaflets, leafleted, leafleting
-league, leagues, leaguing, leagued, in league, bush-league
-leak, ??
-lean (bend), leans, leaned, leaning, leanings
-lean (no fat), leaner, leanest, leanly, leanness
-leap, leaps, leaped or leapt, leaping, by leaps and bounds, leap in the dark, leap of faith, leaper, leapers
-learn, learns, learnt, learned, learning, learnings, learnable, learner, learners
-lease, leases, leased, leasing, a new lease on life, leasable, leaser, leasers, lessor, lessors
-leash, ??, t17,
-least, at least, in the least, least of all, to say the least
-leather, leathers, leathered, leathering
-leaven, leavens, leavened, leavening
-leave, leaves, left, leaving, leave alone, left alone
-leaves (tree), leaf, ??, f21
-lectern, lecterns
-lecture, lectures, lectured, lecturing
-ledge, ??,
-ledger, ledgers
-lechery, lecheries, lecherous, lecherously, lecherousness, lecher, lechers
-leech, leeches, leeched, leeching
-leery, leerier, leeriest, leerily, leeriness
-left (see 'leave' above)
-legacy, legacies
-legal, legal but unlawful, legality, legalities, legally, legalese
-legal tender
-legalism, legalist, legalists, legalistic, legalistically
-legend, legends, legendary, legendarily
-legible, legibility or legibleness, legibly
-legion, legions
-Legionnaires' disease, ??
-legislature, legislatures, legislates, legislate, legislated, legislating, legislation, legislations, legislature, legislatures, legislative, legislatively
-legist, legists
-legitimate, legitimates, legitimated, legitimating, legitimately, legitimacy, legitimateness, legitimation, legitimator
-legume, legumes, leguminous
-leisure, leisures, leisurely, leisureliness
-lemming, ??,
-lemniscus, lemnisci
-lend, lends, lent, lending,loan, loans, lender, lenders
-length, lengths, at length, lengthy, lengthier, lengthiest, lengthily, lengthiness, lengthen, lengthens, lengthened, lengthening, lengthener, lengtheners, lengthwise or lengthways
-lenient, leniently, lenience, leniences, leniency, leniencies
-Lenin, Vladimir Ilich
-Leonardo da Vinci
-leprous, leprously, leprousness, leprosy, leper, lepers
-lepton, leptons
-Lesbos, Lesbians, lesbian, lesbians, lesbianism
-lesion, lesions
-less, little, littler, lesser, littlest, a little, little by little, littleness, lessen, lessens, lessened, lessening
-lesson, ?? i22, t18,
-let, lets, letting, let down, let on, let out, let up, let alone, let go, let your hair down
-lethal, lethality, lethally
-lethargy, lethargies, lethargic, lethargically
-letter, letters, letters patent, to the letter, of the letter, letterer, letterers, lettered, lettering
-level, levels, leveled, leveling (some people still spell leveled and leveling as levelled and levelling), level off, level best, on the level, levelly, levelness, levelheaded
-lever, levers, levered, levering, leverage, leverages, leveraged, leveraging
-leviathan, leviathans
-levity, levities
-levy, levied, levying, levies, levier
-lewd, lewder, lewdest, lewdly, lewdness
-Lewis, C.S.
-lexicon, ??,
-liable, liability, liabilities
-liaison, liasons
-liana, ??,
-libation, libations, libationary
-libel, libelous, libelously
-liberal, liberals, liberally, liberalness, liberality, liberalities, liberalize, liberalized, liberalizing, liberalizes, liberalization, liberalizations, liberalizer, liberalizers, liberal arts
-liberalism, liberalist, liberalistic
-liberty, liberties, liberate, liberates, liberated, liberating, liberatingly, liberator, liberators, liberation, liberations, liberationist, liberationists
-libido, ??
-library, libraries
-libration, librations, librational, libratory
-libretto, librettos
-license, licenses, licensable, licenser, licensers, licensor, licensors, licensed, licensing
-licentious, licentiously, licentiousness
-lichen, lichens
-lid, ??, f19, h17,
-lie (untruth), lies, lied, lying, lyingly, liar, liars
-lie (position) lay, lain, lie, lies, laid, lie down, lie low, lay low
-lien, liens
-lieu, in lieu of
-lieutenant governor
-life, live, lives, lived, living, liver, livers, liveness, live down, true to life, lifestyle, lifestyles
-lift, lifting, ??, e21, u11, h15,
-ligament, ligaments, ligamental or ligamentary or ligamentous
-ligand, ligands
-light (gently), lighter, lightest, lightly, light into
-light (get down), lights, lighted, lit, lighting
-light (physics, color density, set fire to), lights, lighted, lit, lighting, lighter, lightest, in the light of
-light (weight), lighter, lightest, lightly
-lighthearted, lightheartedly, lightheartedness
-lightning, lightnings, lightened
-like (fond), likes, liked, liking, likeable or likable, likeableness or likableness
-like (similar), and the like, likes, likeness, likenesses, liken, likens, likened, likening, likeminded, likemindedly, likemindedness, of like mind
-likely, likelier, likeliest
-lilac, ??, b21,
-lilt, ??,
-limb, limbs, limbed, limbing, out on a limb
-limber, limbers, limbered, limbering, limberly, limberness
-limbic,limbus, limbi, limbic system
-lime (fruit), limes
-lime (mineral), limes
-limelight, limelights
-limen, limens, limina, liminal
-limestone, limestones
-limit, limits, limited, limiting, limitedly, limitedness, limitable, limitless, limitlessly, limitlessness, limitation, limitations, limited monarchy
-limp,limps, limped, limping, limper, limpest, limply, limpness
-limpid, ??,
-line (path traced or opinion), lines, lined, lining, in line, in line for, in line with
-line (cover as a coat's lining), lines, lined, lining
-lineage, lineages
-linear, linearly, lineal, lineally, linear accelerator
-linen, linens
-linger, lingers, lingered, lingering, lingeringly, lingerer, lingerers
-lingerie, ?? p29, f17,
-linguistic, linguistics, linguistically, linguistic, linguist, linguists
-liniment, liniments
-link, links, linked, linking, linker, linkers
-linoleum, linoleums
-linseed, linseeds, linseed oil
-lintel, ??, Isa 28,
-Linus Pauling
-lipid, lipids
-lipoid, lipoids
-lipoprotein, lipoproteins
-liquid, liquids, liquidly, liquidness, liquidity, liquidities, liquify, liquifies, liquified, liquifying, liquefier, liquefiers, liquefaction, liquefactions,
-liquidate, liquidates, liquidated, liquidating, liquidation, liquidations, liquidator, liquidators
-liquid crystal
-liquor, liquors, liquored, liquoring, liqueur, liqueurs
-lissome, lissomely, lissomeness
-list (chooses), lists
-list (itemize), lists, listed, listing
-list (tilt), lists, listed, listing
-listen, listens, listened, listening, listen in, listener, listeners, listenable, listenability
-listless, listlessly, listlessness
-litany, ??
-liter or litre, liters or litres
-literal, literally, literality, literalness, literatim, nonliteral
-literate, literates, literately, literateness, literary, literarily, literariness, literacy
-literature, literatures
-lithe, lither, lithest, lithely, litheness, lithesome or lissome, lissomely, lissomeness
-lithium (Creation, text)
-lithograph, ?? p29
-litigate, litigates, litigated, litigating, litigable, litigation, litigations, litigator, litigators, litigious, litigiously, litigiousness, litigant, litigants
-litmus, ??, a6, a23,
-litter, litters, littered, littering, litterer, litterers
-little, ??, p29,
-Little Dipper
-littoral, littorals
-liturgy, liturgies, liturgical, liturgic, liturgically
-lively, livelier, liveliest, liveliness, livelihood, livelihoods
-live (organ), livers, ??,
-livery, liveries, liveried
-livid, lividity or lividness, lividly
-lizard, lizards
-llama, llamas
-loan, loans, loaned, loaning, loaner, loaners, loansharking
-loaf, loafers, ??
-loathe, loathes, loth also loath, loathed, loathing, loathsome, loathsomely, loathsomeness, also old English loth, loths, lothe, lothed, lothing, lothes
-lobe, lobes, lobed
-lobby, lobbies, lobbied, lobbying, lobbyer, lobbyers, lobbyist, lobbyists, lobbyism, lobbyisms
-locate, locates, located, locating, locatable, locater, locaters, location, locations
-local, locals, locality, locally, localness, local area network, local area networks
-Locke, John
-loco (insane), locos, locoed, locoing
-locomotive, locomotives, locomotion, locomotions, locomotory
-locus, loci, locale, locales, localize, localizes, localized, localizing, localization, localizations, local, locals, locally, localness, locality, localities
-locust, locusts
-lode, lodes, mother lode
-lodge, lodges, lodged, lodging, lodgings, lodgment or lodgement
-lofty, loftier, loftiest, loftily, loftiness, loft, lofts, lofted, lofting
-log (mathematics), logs
-log (record), logs, logged, logging, log in, log on, log out, log off
-log (tree), logs, logged, logging
-logarithm, logarithms, logarithmic, logarithmical, logarithmically
-loggerhead, loggerheads, at loggerheads
-logic, logical, logicality, logicalness, logically, logical reasoning aka logical relation; first order logic, second-order logic, higher-order logic, propositional logic also called sentential connective or sentential function,
sentential functions, predicate logic also called predicate calculus
-logistic also logistical, logistically, logistician, logisticians
-logo, logos
-logorrhea, logomachies, logogriphs, ??,
-loin, loins
-loll, lolls, lolled, lolling, loller, lollingly
-lollygag, lollygags, lollygagged, lollygagging
-lonely, lonelier, loneliest, lonelily, loneliness, lone
-long (length), longer, longest, any longer, as long as or so long as, before long, long ago, long in the tooth, no longer, the long and the short of it, long run, long runs
-long (yearn), longs, longed, longing, longings
-longsuffering, longsufferings, longsufferingly, long-suffering, long-sufferings
-longevity, longevities, longevous
-longing, longingly
-longitude(and latitude), longitudinal, longitudinally
-look, looks, looked, looking, look after, look for, lookout, lookout for, look to, look up, look a gift horse in the mouth, look alive, look down on or look down upon, look down one's nose at or look down one's nose on, look forward to, look up to
-loom, looms, loomed, looming
-loom (weaving), looms
-loop, loops, looped, looping, loopy, loopier, loopiest, loophole, loopholes
-lop, lops, lopped, lopping, lopper, loppers
-lope, lopes, loped, loping, loper, lopers
-lopsided, lopsidedly, lopsidedness
-loquacious, ??,
-lore, ??, folklore,
-loss, loose, loosened ??? s16, s36, p16, d10, n9, u13, i15,
-lost, lose, ??,
-loot, loots, looted, looting, loots, looter, looters
-Lord (God)
-lord (a human lord), lords, lord it over, lording it over
-lose, loses,lost, losing, lose out, lose out on, lose time
-lot (amount), lots
-lot (land), lots
-lot (one's lot in life), lots
-lot (system of selection), lots
-lotion, lotions, ??, a25,
-loud, louder, loudest, loudly, loudness
-loudmouth, ??,
-loudspeaker, loudspeakers
-lounge, lounges, lounged, lounging, lounger, loungers
-louse, ??,
-lousy, ??,
-lout (boor), louts
-lout (to bend), louts, louted, louting
-louver, louvers, louvered
-love, loves, loved, loving, lovingly, lovable, lovely, lovelies, lovelier, loveliest, loveliness, lovability or lovableness, lovesick, lovesickness, lovably, for love, for love or money or for love nor money, for the love of, no love lost
-low-key, low, lows, lower, lowest, lowness, lowball, lowballs, lowballed, lowballing
-low (cattle), lows, lowed, lowing
-loyal, loyally, loyalty, loyalties
-low, lowliness, ?? M12
-lubricate, lubricates, lubricated, lubricating, lubrication, lubrications, lubricative, lubricant, lubricants
-Luciano Pavarotti
-lucid, lucidity, lucidness, lucidly
-Lucifer, luciferin, luciferase, luciferases, luciferious
-luck, lucks, lucked, lucking, lucky, luckier, luckiest, in luck, out of luck, push one's luck, try one's luck
-ludicrous, ludicrousness, ludicrously
-lug, lugs, lugged, lugging,lug nut, lug nuts
-luggage, ?? v4, c33, t28,
-lugubrious, lugubriously, lugubriousness
-lull, lulls, lulled, lulling
-lullaby, lullabies, lullabied, lullabying
-lumber (wood), lumbers, lumbered, lumbering, lumberer
-lumber (clumsy), lumbers, lumbered, lumbering, lumberingly
-luminous, luminosity, luminously, luminousness, luminance, luminosities, luminescence
-lump, ???, b40, b26,
-lunacy, lunacies, lunatic also spelt lunatick
-lunch, lunches, lunched, lunching, luncher, luncheon, out to lunch
-lunge, lunges, lunged, lunging
-lupine, ??,
-lurch, lurches, lurched, lurching, lurchingly, in the lurch
-lure, lures, lured, luring, lurer, luringly
-lurid, luridly, luridness
-lurk, lurks, lurked, lurking, lurkingly
-lush, lusher, lushest, lushly, lushness, luscious, lusciously, lusciousness
-lust, lusts, lusted, lusting, lustful, lustfully, lustfullness
-luster, lusters, lustered, lustering, lustrous, lustrously, lustrousness
-Luther, Martin (lived 1482-1546)
-Luther, Martin King Jr. (lived 1929-1968)
-Lutheran, Lutherans, Lutheranism or Lutherism
-luxury, luxuries, luxuriant, luxuriance, luxuriantly, luxurious, luxuriously, luxuriousness, luxuriate, luxuriates, luxuriated, luxuriating
-lye, lyes
-Lyme disease
-lymph, lymphatic, lymphatics, lymphatically, lymphocyte, lymphocytes, lymphocytic, lymphoid, lymphokine, lymphokines
-lyric, lyrics, lyrical, lyrically, lyricalness
-lyses, lysis, lysin, lytic
-ma'am, madam or Madam or madame or Madame, madams or Madams or madames or Madames
-mace, ??,
-Macedonia, Macedonian
-macerate, macerates, macerated, macerating, maceration, macerations, macerator or macerater
-Machiavellian, Machiavellist
-machination, machinations, machinate, machinates, machinated, machinating, machinator
-machine, machines, machinery, machineries, machined, machining, machinable, machine language, machineless
-macho, machos, machismo
-macro, macros, macrostructure, macrostructures, macrostructural
-macroevolution, macroevolutionary
-macromolecule, macromolecules, macromolecular
-macromutation, macromutations
-macrophage, macrophages, macrophagic
-macule, macules
-madness, mad, madder, maddest, mad, mads, madded, madding, like mad, mad as a hatter, maddish, madden, maddens, maddened, maddening
-mafia, mafias
-magazine, magazines
-magic, magician, magicians, mage, mages
-magistrate, magistrates, magistracy, magistracies, magistral, magisterial, magisterially
-magma, magmas, magmatic
-Magna Carta
-magnanimous, magnanimously, magnanimousness, magnanimity, magnanimities
-magnate, magnates
-magnesium, magnesium oxide, magnesia
-magnet, magnets, magnetic, magnetically, magnetize, magnetizes, magnetized, magnetizing, magnetizable, magnetizer, magnetizers
-magnetic disk
-magnetic field, magnetic fields
-magnetic moment
-magnetic pole, magnetic poles
-magnetic resonance imaging or MRI
-magneto, magnetos
-magnificent, magnificently, magnificence
-magnify, magnified, magnifying, magnifies, magnification, magnifications
-magnitude (and with elementary particle)
-magus, magi, magian
-Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
-maiden, maidens
-mail, mails, mailed, mailing
-maim, maims, maimed, maiming, maimer, maimers
-main, mainly, mainstay, mainstays, in the main
-main(utility), mains
-mainland, mainlands, mainlander, mainlanders,
-maintain, maintains, maintained, maintaining, maintainable, maintainability, maintainer, maintainers, maintenance
-majesty, majesties, majestic, majestical, majestically
-major, majors, majored, majoring, majority, majorities
-make, ??, John 13:15 w. word 'done' to be the authors of, the cause, make sure,
-make sense of
-makeshift, makeshifts
-makeup (cosmetics), makeups
-makeup (disposition), makeups
-maladaptive, maladaption, maladaptions
-maladjusted, maladjustment, maladjustive
-maladminister, maladministers, maladministered, maladministering, maladministration
-malady, maladies
-malcontent, malcontents
-male, ??, b19, m28,
-malediction, maledictions, maledictory
-malefactor, malefactors, malefaction
-malevolent, malevolence, malevolently
-malformation, malformations, malinformation, malinformations
-malfunction, malfunctions, malfunctioned, malfunctioning
-malinform, malinforms, malinformed, malinforming, malinformation, malinformations, malinformer, malinformers, malinformant, malinformants
-malt, malts, malted, malting
-maltreat, maltreats, maltreated, maltreating, maltreatment, maltreatments
-malfeasance, malfeasances, malfeasant
-malice, malicious, maliciously, maliciousness
-malign, maligns, maligned, maligning, maligner, malignly, malignity, malignities
-malignant, malignantly, malignancy, malignancies or malignance, malignances
-malleable, malleability or malleableness, mallably
-malodorous, malodorously, malodorousness, malodorousnesses
-mammal, mammals
-mammogram, mammograms
-man, men, mannish, ??, M28
-manacle, ?? s40,
-manage, manages, managed, managing, manageable, manageability or manageableness, manageabilities or manageablenesses, manageably, management, managements, manager, managers, managership, managerships, managerial, managerially
-mandate, mandates, mandated, mandating, mandatary, mandataries, mandator, mandators
-mandatory, mandatories
-mandible, mandibles, mandibular
-mandrake, ??
-mane, manes
-maneuver, maneuvers, maneuvered, maneuvering, maneuverability, maneuverer, maneuverers, maneuverable
-manger, mangers
-mangle, mangles, mangled, mangling, mangler, manglers
-mania, maniacal, maniac, maniacally
-manic depressive
-manifest, manifests, manifestation, manifestations, manifested, manifesting, manifestly
-manifesto, ???,
-manifold, manifolds, manifolded, manifolding, manifoldly, manifoldness
-manipulate, manipulates, manipulated, manipulating, manipulative, manipulatively, manipulable, manipulatable, manipulatory, manipulability, manipulation, manipulations, manipulator, manipulators, manipulativeness
-man-made also manmade
-mannequin, mannequins
-manner (way), manners, manner of speaking, in a manner, in a manner of speaking,mannerism, mannerisms, manneristic, mannerist, mannerists
-manners (etiquette), mannerly, mannerlyness, mannerlynesses,  mannered, well-mannered
-manor, manorial
-mansion, ?? i22
-manslaughter, manslaughters
-mantle, mantles, mantled, mantling
-manual (book), manuals
-manual (by hand), manually
-manubrium, ??
-manufacture, manufactures, manufactured, manufacturing, manufacturable, manufactural, manufacturer, manufacturers
-manumit, manumits, manumitted, manumitting, manumission, manumissions, manumitter, manumitters
-manure, manures, manured, ??, n3, PP2, d11,
-manuscript, manuscripts
-mantle, mantles
-many, as many; more, moreover, more so, more and more, more or less; most, mostly, at most, at the most, for the most part
...of provinces in Canada
...Canada in 1867
...Rupert's Land
-Mao Tsetung
-mar, mars, marred, marring
-marathon, marathons
-maraud, marauds, marauded, marauding, marauder, marauders
-marble (game), marbles
-marble(stone), marbles
-marbly, marbled, marbleize, marbleized, marbleizing, marbleizes, marbling, marblings
-march, marches, marched, marching
-marchioness, marchionesses, ?? n1,
-Marcus Aurelius Antoninus (a Roman Emperor)
-mare, ?? m17, h9,
-margin, margins, margined, margining, marginal, marginals, marginality, marginalities, marginally
-marinate, marinating, ?? t2, DrinkingSmoking2,
-marine, marines, Marine, Marines, mariner, mariners, maritime, Maritime Provinces, the Maritimes, Maritime, Maritimer, Maritimers, Maritime law
-marionette, ??, p43,
-Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings
-mark, marks, marker, markers, marked, marked by, markedly, marking, markings, markedness, mark down, mark up, mark time
-Mark Twain
-market, markets, marketed, marketing, marketable, marketability, marketabilities, in the market, on the market, marketplace, marketplaces
-marquis, marquises, marchioness, marchionesses
-marrow, marrows
-marry, marries, married, marrying, marriage, marriages, marital
-marsh, marshes, marshy, marshier, marshiest, marshiness, marshinesses, marshland, marshlands
-marshal (gather), marshals, marshaled, marshaling, marshalcy, marshalcies, marshalship, marshalships
-marshal (officer), marshals
-marsupial, marsupials
-martial, martial art, martial arts, martial-law, martial-laws, under martial law
-Martin Luther, 1483-1546 A.D.
-Martin Luther King Jr.
-martyr, martyrs, martyred, martyring, martyrdom, martyrdoms
-marvel, marvels, marveled, marveling, marvelous, marvelously, marvelousness, marvelousnesses
-Marx, Karl
-Mary Morse Baker Eddy
-mascot, ??,
-masculine, masculinely, masculineness, masculinenesses, masculinity, masculinities
-mask, ??, f1,
-Maslow, Abraham
-masochist, masochists, masochism, masochistic, masochistically
-mason (freemason) masons, masonry
-mason (stoneworker), masons, masoned, masoning, masonry, masonries
-masquerade, masquerades, masqueraded, masquerading, masquerader, masqueraders
-Mass, Masses (religious)
-mass, masses, massed, massing, mass spectroscopy
-Massachuset, Massachusets also Massachusett, Massachusetts
-massage, massages, massaged, massaging, massager, massagers
-massacre, massacres, massacred, massacring, massacrer, massacrers
-massive, massively, massiveness, massivenesses
-mast, ?? L6, h10, b25,
-master, masters, mastered, mastering, masterly, masterliness, masterful, masterfully, masterfulness, mastery, masteries,master of ceremonies, masters of ceremonies, master's degree, master's degrees
-masturbate, masturbates, masturbated, masturbating, masterbation, masterbations, masturbational, masturbatory, masturbator, masturbators
-mat, mats, matted, matting
-match, matches, matched, matching, matcher, matchers
-mate, mates, mated, mating, helpmate
-material, materials, materialness, materiality, materiel, materiels, materialities, materialism, materialist, materialists, materialistic, materialistics, materialistically, materialize, materializes, materialized, materializing, materialization, materializations, materializer, materializers, material fact
-maternal, maternalism, maternalisms, maternally
-mathematics, mathematical, mathematically, mathematician, mathematicians
-matriarch, matriarchs, matriarchal or matriarchic, matriarchy, matriarchies, matriarchate, matriarchates, matriarchalism, matriarchalisms
-matriculate, matriculates, matriculated, matriculating, matriculation, matriculations ??
-matrimony, matrimonies, matrimonial, matrimonially
-matron, matrons, matronal, matronly, matronliness
-matter (concern), matters, mattered, mattering, matter of course, a matter of fact, as a matter of fact, matter of factly, matter of factness, no matter, for that matter, no matter what, no matter what happens
-matter (substance), gray matter
-mattock, mattocks
-mattress, ??, p41,
-mature, matures, matured, maturing, maturity, maturities, maturation, maturations, maturational, maturer, maturest, maturely, matureness
-maudlin, maudlinly, maudlinness
-maul, mauls, mall, malls, mauled, malled, mauling, malling, mauler, maulers
-maunder, maunders, maundered, maundering, maunder minimum
-mausoleum, mausoleums or mausolea, mausolean
-mauve, mauves
-maven(also spelt mavin), mavens, mavins
-mawkish, mawkishly, mawkishness
-Max Planck
-maxim, maxims
-maximum, maximums, maxima, maximal, maximally, maximize, maximizes, maximized, maximizing, maximization, maximizations, maximizer, maximizers
-maxwell (electrical)
-mayhem, ??,
-mayor, ??, t18,
-maze, mazes, mazed, mazing
-McCoy, the real McCoy
-MDSS, ??
-meadow, meadows, meadowy, meadowland, meadowlands
-meager also meagre, meagerly, meagerness
-meal (food served), meals
-meal (ground grains), meals
-mealy-mouthed, ??,
-mean (cruel), meaner, meanest, meanness, meanie or meany, meanies or meanys, meanly, mean spirited or mean-spirited, meanspiritedly, meanspiritedness
-mean (intention; convey), means, by all means, by any means or by whatever means, by means of, by no means, by this means, meaner, meant, meaning, meanings, meaningful, meaningfully, meaningfulness, meaningless, meaninglessly, meaninglessness, well meaning
-mean (position, way), means, meantime, meanwhile, golden mean
-meander, meanders, meandered, meandering
-meanwhile, ??
-measly, measlier, measliest
-MEASURES: million, billion, stone
-measure (action taken), measures
-measure (determine information), measures, measured, measuring, measurable, measurability, measurabilities, measurably, measure up, beyond measure, for good measure, measurer, measurers, measurement, measurements
-meat (meaning sitting for a meal), meats
-meat (animal food), meats, ??
-mechanism, mechanisms, mechanical, mechanically, mechanicalness, mechanic, mechanics, mechanize, mechanizes, mechanized, mechanizing, mechanization, mechanizations, mechanizer, mechanizers
-medal, medallion ?? v1, s22,
-meddle, meddles, meddled, meddling, meddler, meddlers, meddlesome, meddlesomely, meddlesomeness
-Medes and Persians, Medes, Media, Median, Medians
-medical, ??, q3,
-media, medium, mediums
-median, ?? d21, p34,
-mediate, mediates, mediated, mediating, mediately, mediator, mediators
-medicine, ??, n7, t7, o11, r26, t26,
-medieval, medievally (refers to the Middle Ages)
-mediocrity, mediocrities, mediocritize, mediocritization, mediocre
-meditate, meditates, meditated, meditating, meditator, meditators, meditation, meditations, meditative, meditatively, meditativness
-Mediterranean area
-medium, mediums, media
-medulla, medullas or medullae, medullar, medullary, medulla oblongata, medulla oblongatas or medullae oblongatae
-Meech Lake Accord
-meek, meeker, meekest, meekly, meekness
-meet, meets,-met, meeting, meetings, meet someone halfway, meeting of minds
-megahertz or megacycle
-megalith, megaliths, megalithic
-megalomania, megalomaniac, megalomaniacs, megalomaniac, megalomaniacal
-megaphone, megaphones, megaphoned, megaphoning, megaphonic, megaphonically
-meiosis (see also mitosis), meioses
-melancholy, melancholies, melancholic, melancholic, melancholics, melancholically, melancholy, melancholily, melancholiness, melancholia, melancholias, melancholiac, melancholiacs
-meld, melds, melded, melding
-melee, ??,
-meliorate, meliorates, meliorated, meliorating, meliorable, meliorative, meliorator
-melodrama, melodramas, melodramatic, melodramatically
-melody, melodies, melodic, melodious
-melt, melts, melted, melting, meltingly, meltable, melty, melter, meltability, melting point
-member,members, membership, memberships
-membrane, membranes, membranal, membranous
-meme, ??
-memento, mementos
-memorandum, memorandums, memoranda
-memory, memories, memorize, memorizes, memorized, memorizing, memorizable, memorization, memorizations, memorizer, memorizers, in memory of
-memorial, memorials, memorialize, memorializes, memorialized, memorializing, memorialization, memorializations, memorializer, memorializers, memorially, in memoriam
-menace, menaces, menaced, menacing, menacingly, menacer, menacers
-menagerie, ??,
-mend, mends, mended, mending, mendable, mender, menders, mend fences, on the mend
-mendacious, mendaciously, mendacity, mendacities
-Mendel, Gregor Johann, Mendel's laws
-menial, menially
-meningitis, meningitic
-Mennonite, Mennonites
-menopause, menopausal
-menstruation, menstruations, menses, menstruate, menstruates, menstruated, menstruating
-mental, mentally, mentality, mentalities, mental illness
-mention, mentions, mentioned, mentioning, mentionable
-mentor, mentors, mentored, mentoring
-mercenary, mercenaries, mercenarily, mercenariness
-merchandise, merchandises, merchandised, merchandising, merchandisable, merchandiser, merchandisers
-merchant, merchants
-mercury, mercurial
-mercy, mercies, at the mercy of, merciful, mercifully, mercifulness, merciless, mercilessly, mercilessness
-mere, merest, merely
-meretricious, meretriciously, meretriciousness
-merge, merges, merged, merging, mergence, merger, mergers
-meridian, prime meridian
-meristem, meristematic, meristematically
-merit, merits, merited, meriting, meritless, meritorious, meritoriously, meritoriousness
-merry, merrier, merriest, merrily, merriness, merrymaking, merrymaker, merriment
-mesa, ??,
-mesh, meshes, meshed, meshing, meshy
-mesmerize, mesmerizes, mesmerized, mesmerizing, mesmerization, mesmerizations, mesmerizer, mesmerizers
-mesoderm, mesodermal, mesodermic
-meson, mesons
-Mesopotamia, Mesopotamian
-Mesozoic Era
-mess, ???, f10, d2, Genesis 43, QWAH39, s62,
-message, messenger, ??, m18, v9,
-meta-, meta-analysis
-metabolic, metabolic rate, metabolic rates, metabolically, metabolism, metabolize, metabolizes, metabolized, metabolizing, metabolizable
-metal, metals, metaled, metaling, metallic, metallics, metallically, metallurgy, metallurgic also metallurgical, metallurgically, metallurgist, metallurgists, metalliferous
-metamere, metamerically, metameric
-metamorphism, metamorphic, metamorphous, metamorphose, metamorphoses, metamorphosed, metamorphosing,
 metamorphosis, metamorphism
-metatarsus, metatarsal, ??,
-metaphor, metaphors, metaphoric, metaphorical, metaphorically
-metaphysical, metaphysically, metaphysics, metaphysic
-mete, metes, meted, meting, mete out, meted out
-meter (measure), meters, metered, metering, metric
-meter, also spelled metre (measuring device), meters, metered, metering
-meter (poetry), meters, metered, metering, metrics, metrical, metrically
-meteor, meteors, meteroid, meteroids
-meteorology, meteorologic, meteorological, meteorologically, meteorologist, meteorologists
-methane, methanes
-method, methods, methodical, methodic, methodically, methodicalness, methodology, methodologies, methodological, methodologically
-methylate, methylates, methylated, methylating, methylation, methylator, methylators
-meticulous, meticulosity, meticulousness, meticulously
-Metis, ??,
-metonymy, metonymies, metonymic, metonymical, metonymically (grammar)
-metric (length), metrical, metrically
-metric (system)
-metropolis, metropolises, metropolitan
-mewling, ??
-miasma, ??,
-mica, micas, micaceous
-micro, microstructure, microstructures, microstructural
-microbe, microbes
-microbiology, microbiologically, microbiological or microbiologic, microbiologist, microbiologists
-microcosm, microcosmic, microcosmical, microcosmically
-microevolution, microevolutionary
-microfilament, microfilaments
-microquasars, microquasers
-micron, microns
-microscope, microscopes, microscopy, microscopy, microscopies, microscopist, microscopists, microscopic, microscopical, microscopically
-microtubule, microtubules, microtubular
-microorganism, microorganisms
-microwave, microwaves
-mid, midst
-middle, middles, middled, middling
-Middle Ages (aka Medieval times)
-Middle East, Mideast, Middle Eastern, Middle Easterner, Middle Easterners
-Middle English
-middle, midst, ?? John 6:54
-midway, midways
-midwife, midwifes or midwives, midwifed or midwived, midwifing or midwiving, midwifes or midwives, midwifery, midwiferies
-miff, miffs, miffed, miffing
-might (possibility)
-might (strength), mighty, mightier, mighiest, mightiness
-migraine, migraines, migrainous
-migrate, migrates, migrated, migrating, migrator, migrators, migration, migrations, migrational, migratory, migrant, migrants
-mild, milder, mildest, mildly, mildness, to put it mildly, putting it mildly
-mildew, mildews, mildewed, mildewing, mildewy
-mile, aka statute mile and land mile
-milestone, ??,
-milieu, milieus or milieux
-military, militaries, militarily
-militant, militants, militance, militancy, militantly
-militate, militates, militating, militated
-militia, militias
-milk and honey
-Milky Way galaxy
-John Stuart Mill
-mill, mills, milled, milling
-millennium, millenniums or millennia, millennial, millennialism, millennialist, millennialists, millennially
-million, millions
-millipede, millipedes
-millstone, millstones
-millwright, millwrights
-mimic, mimics, mimicked, mimicking, mimicker, mimickers
-mince, minces, minced, mincing, mincingly
-mind, minds, minded, minding, mindedly, mindful, mindfully, mindedfulness, mindedfulnesses, mindedness, mindednesses, minder, minders, mindset, mindsets, mindless, mindlessly, mindlessness, mind-altering, mind-blowing, mindblower, mindblowers, mind you, sound mind, sound minds
-mine (explosive device), mines
-mine (ore), mines, mined, mining
-mine (possessive)
-miner, miners
-mineral, minerals, mineralize, mineralized, mineralizing, mineralizable, mineralization, mineralizations, mineralizer, mineralizers, mineralogy, mineralogies, mineralogical, mineralogically, mineralogist, mineralogists
-mingle, mingles, mingled, mingling, mingler, minglers
-miniature, miniatures
-minimal, minimally, minimality, minimum, minimums
-minimize, minimizes, minimized, minimizing, minimizer, minimizers
-miniscule, minuscular
-minister, ministers, ministered, ministering, ministry, ministries
-ministration, ministrations, ministrative
-minion, minions
-minor, minors, minored, minoring
-minstrel, minstrels
-mint (coins), mints, minted, minted
-mint (plant), mints, minty
-minute (time, record of happenings), minutes, minuted, minuting
-minute (tiny), minutely, minuteness, minutia, minutiae
-miracle, miracles, miraculous, miraculously, miraculousness
-mirador, ??,
-mire, mires, mired, miring
-mirror, ?? mirrored
-misanthrope, misanthropes, misanthropist, misanthropists, misanthropic, misanthropical, misanthropically, misanthropy, misanthropies
-misapply, misapplies, misapplied, misapplying, misapplication, misapplications
-misappropriate, misappropriates, misappropriated, misappropriating, misappropriation, misappropriations
-miscarry, ?? a1,
-miscellaneous, miscellaneously, miscellaneousnes, miscellany, miscellanies
-mischief, mischievous, mischievously, mischievousness
-misconception, misconceptions
-misconduct, ?? m1, m5,
-misconstrue, misconstrues, misconstrued, misconstruing
-miscreant, miscreants
-misdeed, misdeeds
-misdemeanor, misdemeanors
-misdirect, misdirects, misdirected, misdirecting, misdirection, misdirections
-miseducate, miseducates, miseducated, miseducating, miseducation
-miser, miserly, miserliness
-misery, miseries, miserable, miserableness, miserably
-misfire, misfires, misfired, misfiring, miss fire
-misfortune, misfortunes, misfortunate
-misgive, misgives, misgave, misgiven, misgiving, misgivings
-misgovern, misgoverns, misgoverned, misgoverning, misgovernment, misgovernor, misgovernors
-misguidedly, misguide, misguides, misguided, misguiding, misguidance, misguider, misguiders
-misinform, misinforms, misinformed, misinforming,misinformation, misinformant or misinformer, misinformants or misinformers
-Mishna, Mishnaic
-misinform, misinforms, misinformed, misinforming, misinformant, misinformants, misinformer, misinformers, misinformation
-misinterpret, misinterprets, misinterpreted, misinterpreting, misinterpretation, misinterpreter, misinterpreters
-misjudge, misjudges, misjudged, misjudging, misjudgment, misjudgments
-misknow, misknows, misknew, misknown, misknowing, misknowledge
-mislay, mislays, mislaid, mislaying, mislayer, mislayers
-mislead, misleads, misled, misleading, misleader, misleaders, misleading, misleadingly
-mismanage, mismanages, mismanaged, mismanaging, mismanagement, mismanagements
-mismatch, mismatches, mismatched, mismatching
-misname, misnames, misnamed, misnaming
-misnomer, misnomers, misnomered
-misplace, misplaces, misplaced, misplacing, misplacement, misplacements
-misprision, misprisions, misprision of felony, misprision of treason
-misrepresent, misrepresents, misrepresented, misrepresenting, misrepresentation, misrepresentative, misrepresenter, misrepresenters
-miss, misses, missed, missing, miss out on, miss the boat, misses (clothing size)
-Miss (young woman), Misses, Mrs., Mmes., Ms., Mses.
-missile, missiles
-mission, missions, missioned, missioning, missional
-missionary, missionaries
-misstep, missteps
-mist, misty ?? v6, e1, h3, c52,
-mistake, mistakes, mistook, mistaken, mistakenly, mistaking, mistaker, mistakers
-mistreat, mistreats, mistreated, mistreating, mistreatment, mistreatments
-mistress, mistresses
-mistrust, mistrusts, mistrusted, mistrusting, mistrustful, mistrustfully, mistrustfulness
-misunderstand, misunderstands, misunderstood, misunderstanding, misunderstandings
-misuse, misuses, misused, misusing
-mite(insect), mites
-mite (money), mites
-Mithraism, Mithraic, Mithraist
-mitigate, mitigated, mitigating, mitigation, mitigations, mitigator, mitigators, mitigative, mitigatory
-mitochondrion, mitochondria, mitochondrial, mtDNA
-mitogen, mitogens, mitogenic, mitogenicity, mitogenicities
-mitosis, mitotic (see also meiosis)
-mixture, mixtures, mix, mix up, mixes, mixed, mixing, mixable
-moan, moans, moaned, moaning
-moat, moats, moated, moating
-mobile, mobiles
-mock, mocks, mocked, mocking, mockery, mockeries, mocker, mockers, mockingly, mockup or mock-up
-modal verbs
-mode, modes
-model, models, modeled, modeling, modeler, modelers, modeling
-modem, modems, ??,
-moderate, moderates
-moderate, moderates, moderated, moderating, moderately, moderateness, moderation, moderations, moderator, moderators
-modern, modernly, modernness
-modest, modestly, modesty
-modify, modifies, modified,modifying, modifiable, modification, modifications, modificatory, modifier, modifiers
-modish, ??,
-modulate, modulates, modulated, modulating, modulability, modulation, modulations, modulative, modulatory, modulator, modulators
-module, modules, modular, modulars, modularity, modularly
-modus operandi, modi operandi
-Mohandas Gandi
-moiety, ??,
-moist, moisture ??, t18, a23, r27,
-molar (matter)
-molar (teeth)
-mold (form), molds, molded, molding, moldable, molder, molders
-mold (fungi) also spelt mould, molds, molded, molding, moldy, moldier, moldiest, moldiness
-mole (animal), moles
-mole (machine), moles
-mole (Mexican sauce)
-mole (molecular weight), moles
-mole (on the skin), moles
-mole (sea wall), moles
-mole (spy), moles
-molecule, molecules, molecular, molecularly, molecularity
-molest, molests, molested, molesting, molestation, molestations, molester, molesters
-mollify, mollifies, mollified, mollifying, mollification, mollifications
-mollycoddle, ??
-molt, molts
-moment, moments, momentarily, moment by moment, momently, momentary, momentous, momentariness, moment of truth, moments of truth
-momentum, momenta or momentums
-monarch, monarchs, monarchy, limited monarchy, monarchal, monarchic, monarchical, monarchally, monarchically, monarch butterfly, monarch butterflies
-monastery, monasterries, monasterial, monastic, monastical, monastically
-monger, mongers, mongered, mongering
-money, moneys or monies, money laundering, money launderings, moneygrubber, moneygrubbers, moneygrubbing, monetary, monetarily, monetize, monetizes, monetized, monetizing, monetization, monetizations
-Mongol Tartar
-mongrel, mongrelism, mongrelly
-moniker, ??,
-monism, monisms, monist, monists, monistic, monistically, monetized
-monitor, monitors, monitored, monitoring, monitorship
-monk, monks
-monkey wrench, monkey wrenches
-monoculture, monocultures, monocultural
-monoecious also monoecious, monoeciously, monoecism, monoclinous
-monogamy, monogamous, monogamously, monogamist, monogamists
-monogram, monograms, monogramed also spelt monogrammed, monograming also monogramming, monogramatic also monogrammatic
-monograph, monographs, monographed, monographing, monographic, monographically, monographer, monographers
-monolith, monoliths, monolithic, monolithically
-mononucleotide, mononucleotides
-mononucleosis, ??,
-monopoly, monopolies, monopolism, monopolist, monopolistic, monopolistically, monopolize, monopolizes, monopolized, monopolizing, monopolization, monopolizer, monopolizers
-monosaccharide, monosaccharides
-monotone, monotones, monotonic, monotonically, monotony, monotonies, monotonous, monotonously, monotonousness
-monovalent, monovalenceor monovalency
-monsoon, monsoons
-monster, monsters, monstrous, monstrously, monstrousness,  monstrosity, monstrosities
-montage, ??,
-monument, monuments
-monumental, monumentally, monumentality
-mooch, ??,
-mood (grammar)
-mood, moods, moody, moodier, moodiest, moodily, moodiness
-moon, moons
-moor (fasten, tie up), moors, moored, mooring
-moor (land), moors
-Moor (people), Moors
-moot, ??,
-mope, mopes, moped, moping, mopish or mopey, mopishly
-moraine, moraines, morainal, morainic
-moral, morals, morally, morality, moralities, moralize, moralizes, moralized, moralizing, moralization, moralizations, moralizer, moralizers, moralistic, moralistically
-morass, morasses
-moratorium, moratoriums or moratoria
-morbid, morbidly, morbidness, morbidity, morbidities
-more, more_or_less, more so, moreover
-moribund, moribundity, moribundly
-morning, mornings, morn, morns
-Morocco, Moroccan, Moroccans
-moron, morons, moronic, moronically, moronism or moronity
-morose, morosely, moroseness
-morph-, morphorsis, morphorses, morphogenesis, morphogenetic or morphogenic, morphogenetically, morpheme, morphemes, morphemically, morphemic, morphophonemics, morphophonemic
-morphology, morphologies, morphological or morphologic, morphologically, morphologist
-morphosis, morphoses
-Morse code
-morsel, morsels
-mortal, mortals, mortally, mortality, mortalities
-mortar, mortars, mortared, mortaring
-mortgage, mortgages, mortgager or mortgagor, mortgagersor mortgagors, mortgagee. mortgagees
-mortify, mortifies, mortified, mortifying, mortification, mortifications
-mortise, mortises, mortised, mortising
-mosaic, mosaics, mosaicked, mosaicking, mosaicist, Mosaic as in Mosaic Law
-mosey, ??
-Moslem or Muslim, Moslems or Muslims
-mosque, mosques
-moss, mosses, mossed, mossing, mossy
-most, mostly, at most, at the most
-mot juste, mots justes
-Mother Teresa
-motif, motifs
-motile, motility, motilities
-motion, motions, motioned, motioning, in motion, motionless, motionlessly, motionlessness, going through the motions
-motive, motives, motived, motiving, motivate, motivates, motivated, motivating, motivation, motivations, motivator, motivators
-motley, ??, s5, (add in m21 with mottle)
-motor, motors, motored, motoring
-mottle, mottled, mottling, mottles, mottler, mottlers
-motto, motto
-mound, mounds, mounded, mounding
-mount (ascend to, fix to, set on), mounts, mounted, mounting, mountable, mounter, mounters
-mount (mountain or hill), mounts, mountain, mountains
-mourn, mourns, mourned, mourning, mournful, mournfully, mournfulness, mourningly, mourner, mourners
-move, moves, moved, moving, movement, movements, movable also moveable, movables, movability or movableness, movably
-mow, mows, mowed or mown, mowing, mower, mowers
-mow (stored feeds), mows
-MRI (magnetic resonance imaging)
-much, muchly, more, most, much less, not much, so much, too much, much as, much so
-muck, mucks, mucked, mucking, muck up, muckily, mucky, muck about, high muckamuck, high muckamucks
-mucus, mucous, mucous membrane, mucous membranes, mucin, mucosa, mucosas, mucosal
-mud, muds, muddy, muddier, muddiest, muddy, muddied, muddying, muddies, muddily, muddiness
-muddle, muddles, muddled, muddling, muddler, muddle through
-muffle, muffles, muffled, muffling, muffler, mufflers
-muggy, ??, s62,
-mulct, mulcts, mulcted, mulcting
-mule, mulish, mulishness, mulishly
-mull, mulls, mulled, mulling
-multicellular, multicellularity
-multifarious, multifariously, multifariousness
-multiform, multiformity, multiformities
-multiparous, multiparity, multiparites
-multiple, multiples, multiply, multiplies, multiplied, multiplying, multiplication, multiplications, multiplet, multiplets
-multitude, multitudes, multitudinous, multitudinously, multitudinousness
-multivalent, multivalence
-multiverse, multiversal, multiversally, multiversalness
-mumble, mumbles, mumbled, mumbling, mumbly, mumbler, mumblers
-mumbo jumbo
-munch, ??,
-mundane, mundaneness, mundanity, mundanities, mundanely
-munition, munitions, munitioned, munitioning
-municipality, municipalities, municipal, municipals, municipally
-munificent, munificence, munificently
-muon, muons
-mural, ??, indexmilitaries,
-murder, murders, kinds of murder, kinds of murders, murdered, murdering, murderer, murderers, murderess, murderesses, murderous, murderously, murderousness
-murky, murkier, murkiest, murkily, murkiness
-murmur, murmurs, murmured, murmuring, murmurings, murmurer, murmurers, murmuringly, murmurously, murmurous
-muscle in, muscle, muscles, muscled, muscling, muscly, muscular, muscularity, muscularly
-muse, muses, mused, musing, musings, musingly
-museum, museums
-mush, ???, a38,
-mushroom, mushrooms, mushroomed, mushrooming
-music, musical, musically,musician, musicians, musicianly, musicianship, musicianships, face the music
-mussel (seafood), mussels
-must, musts
-mustard gas, mustard gases
-mustard plaster
-muster, musters, mustered, mustering
-musty, mustier, mustiest, mustily, mustiness
-mut, ??
-mutable, mutability, mutableness, mutably
-mutate, mutates, mutated, mutating, mutative, mutation, mutations, mutant, mutants, mutagen, mutagens, mutagenic, mutagenically, mutagenicity, mutagenicities
-mutatis mutandis
-mute, mutes, muter, mutest, muted, muting, mutely, muteness
-mutilate, mutilates, mutilated, mutilating, mutilation, mutilations, mutilator, mutilators, mutilative
-mutter, mutters, muttered, muttering, mutterer
-mutual, mutuality, mutually, mutually exclusive
-muzzle, muzzles, muzzled, muzzling, muzzler, muzzlers
-mycelium, mycelia, mycelial
-mycoplasma, mycoplasmas, mycoplasmal
-myelin, myelinic
-myopia, myopic, myopically, myope, myopes
-Mysia in Pergamos
-misogynist, misogynists, misogyny, misogynies, misogynic, misogynistic or misogynous
-mystery, mysteries, mysterious, mysteriously, mysteriousness
-mystic, mystics, mystical, mystically, mysticalness, mysticism, mystify, mystified, mystifying, mystifies, mystifyingly, mystifier, mystique
-myth, myths, mythical, mythic, mythically, mythology, mythologies, mythological also mythologic, mythologically
-nag, nags, nagged, nagging, nagger, naggingly
-nail, nails, nailed, nailing, nailer, nailers, nail down
-naive, naiver, naivest, naiveness, naively, naivety, naiveté
-namaskar, namaskars, namaste
-namby-pamby, namby-pambies
-name, names, named, naming, in name only, namesake, namesakes
-nanny, ??
-nano, nanosecond, nanometer, nanometers, nanotechnology, nanotechnologies, nanoparticle,nanoparticles
-nap (sleep), naps, napped, napping
-nap (fuzzy surface), naps, napped, napping
-nape, napes
-narcissism, narcism, narcissist, narcissists, narcissistic, narcissistically
-narcolepsy, narcolepsies, narcoleptic
-narcotic, narcotics, narcosis, narcoses
-Narraganset, Narragansets or Narragansett, Narragansetts
-narrate, narrates, narrated, narrating, narratability, narrator(s) or narrater(s), narratable, narration, narrations, narrational, narrationally, narrative, narratives, narratively
-narrow, narrows, narrower, narrowest, narrowed, narrowing, narrowish, narrowly, narrowness, narrowminded also narrow-minded, narrowmindedly, narrowmindedness
-nasal, nasality, nasalities, nasally
-nassilarian, nassilarians
-nasty, nastier, nastiest, nastily, nasty, nastiness
-nation, nations, national, nationally, nationals, nationality, nationalities
-nationalize, nationalizes, nationalized, nationalizing, nationalization, nationalizations, nationalizer, nationalizers
-native, natives, natively, nativeness
-natty, ??
-natural, naturalness, naturally, Natural Law, natural selection
-naturalize, naturalizes, naturalized, naturalizing, naturalizable, naturalization, naturalizations
-nature (kind), natures, natured, by nature
-nature (outdoors)
-naturopathy, naturopathies, naturopath, naturopaths, naturopathic
-naught or nought
-naughty, naughties, naughtier, naughtiest, naughtily, naughtiness
-nausea, nauseate, nauseates, nauseated, nauseating, nauseatingly, nauseation, nauseous, nauseously
-nautical, nautically
-navigate, navigates, navigated, navigating, navigable, navigability, navigableness, navigably, navigation, navigations, navigational, navigator, navigators
-navel, ??, CreationNotes9,
-navy, navies, naval
-Nazi, Nazis
-n.b., N.B.
-Neanderthal, Neanderthal man, Neanderthal, Neanderthaloid
-near, nears, nearer, nearest, neared, nearing, nearness, nearly, Near East, Near Eastern
-neat, neater, neatest, neatly, neatness, neatnesses
-Nebuchadnezzar II
-nebula, nebulas, nebulae
-necessary, necessaries, necessitate, necessitates, necessitated, necessitating, necessitation, necessitations, necessitative, necessity, necessities, necessarily
-necklace, ??, J5,
-necromancy, necromancies, necromancer, necromancers, necromantic
-necrosis, necroses, necrotic, necropolis, necropolises or necropoleis
-nectar, ??, Creation86,
-necktie, ??,
-need, needs, needed, needing, needless, needlessly, needlessness, needy, needier, neediest, neediness
-needlework, ?? i13
-nefarious, nefariously, nefariousness
-negate, negates, negated, negating, negation, negations, negational, negator, negater, negators, negaters
-negative, negatives, negatived, negativing, negatively, negativeness or negativity, negativities, negative charge
-neglect, neglects, neglected, neglecting, neglecter, neglecters, neglectful
-negligent, negligently, negligence
-negligible, negligibility, negligibly
-negotiate, negotiates, negotiated, negotiating, negotiator, negotiators, negotiatory, negotiation, negotiations
-neigh, neighs, neighed, neighing
-neighbor, neighbors, neighbored, neighboring, neighborhood, neighborhoods
-Neils Bohr
-nemesis, nemeses
-nematode, nematodes
-neon, ?? cre53
-neocortex, neocortices or neocortexes, neocortical, neopallium
-neophyte, ??,
-neoplasm, neoplasms, neoplastic
-Neopolitan, Neopolitans, neopolitan (ice cream), neopolitans
-nephew, ??? OrigWordNotes B
-nepotism, ??,
-Nero, Neronian
-nerve, nerves, nervous, nervously, nervousness, nervous system
-Nerva, Marcus Cocceius
-nescience, nescient
-nestle, nestles, nestled, nestling, nestler
-net (catch), nets, netted, netting
-net (business accounting), nets, netted, netting, net weight, net weights
-The Netherlands (Holland), Netherlandish
-nettle, nettles, nettled, nettling, nettlesome
-network, networks, networked, networking, networker, networkers
-Neumann, Johnny Von
-neuro peptides
-neuroendocrinology, neuroendocrinological, neuroendocrinologist
-neurology, neurologist, neurologists, neurologic or neurological, neurologically
-neurotoxins, ?? out with neurology
-neurotransmitter, neurotransmitters
-neuro, neuron, neurons, neuronal, neuronic, neuronically
-neurotic, neurotically, neurosis, neuroses
-neuter, neuters, neutered, neutering
-neutral, neutralize, neutralizes, neutralized, neutralizing, neutralizer, neutralizers, neutral, neutrally, neutralism, neutralist, neutralists, neutralistic, neutrality, neutralization, neutralizations
-neutrino, neutrinos, muon neutrinos
-neutron, neutrons
-neutron stars
-never, ??? nevertheless
-nevus, nevi, nevoid
-New Testament
-newbie, newbies
-next, next to
-nicety, niceties, nice, nicer, nicest, nicely, niceness
-niche, niches, niched, niching
-nicknack, nicknacks
-Niels Bohr
-Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm
-niggle, niggles, niggled, niggling, nigglingly, niggler, nigglers
-nigh, nighs, nigher, nighest, nighed, nighing
-nightgown, nightgowns
-nihilism, nihilistic, nihilistically, nihilist, nihilists
-Nikola Tesla
-nil, ??
-nimble, nimbler, nimblest, nimbly, nimbleness
-nimbus, nimbuses, nimbi
-Nin, Anais
-nincompoop, nincompoopery
-nip (bite), nips, nipped, nipping
-nip (sip), nips, nipped, nipping
-nip and tuck
-nitpick, ??, q2,
-nitrate, nitrates, nitrated, nitrating, nitration, nitrator, nitrators
-nitric acid
-nitrocellulose, nitrocellulosic
-nitrogen, nitrogenous
-nitroglycerin, ??, d34,
-nitrous oxide
-nitty-gritty, nitty-gritties
-nitwit, nitwits
-No, No Amon (ancient city of Thebes)
-no, noes, not, nor, nope, no doubt, no holds barred
-no how no matter, no matter what, no matter what happens
-Nobel prize
-noble, nobles, nobler, noblest, noblesse, nobleness, nobly, nobility, nobilities, nobleman, noblemen, noblewoman, noblewomen
-nocturnal, nocturnally
-nod, nods, nodded, nodding, nodder, nodders
-node, nodes
-noetic, ??
-noise, noises, noised, noising, noisy, noisier, noisiest, noisily, noisiness
-noisome, noisomely, noisomeness, noisomenesses
-nomad, nomads, nomadic, nomadically
-nominal (insignificant), nominally
-nominal (name),
-nominalism, nominalist, nominalists, nominalistic
-nominate, nominates, nominated, nominating, nominator, nominators
-nominative, predicate nominative
-non quantum, ?? c5
-non sequitur
-nonce, ??,
-nonconducting, nonconductive
-nonchalant, nonchalantly, nonchalance
-noncommittal, noncommittally
-noncompliance, noncompliant
-nonconductor, nonconductivity, nonconductivities
-nonconformist, nonconformists, nonconformism, nonconformity
-none, nonetheless
-nonelected, nonelective
-nonmalleable, ??,
-nonmetallic, nonmetal, nonmetals
-nonplus, nonpluses, nonplused, nonplusing
-nonrelativistic, ?? c5
-nonresident, ??,
-nonsense, nonsensical, nonsensically, nonsensicalness
-nonvascular organism, nonvascular organisms
-nook, nook and cranny, ??
-noose, nooses, noosed, noosing
-norepinephrine, norepinephrines also called noradrenalin
-Nordic, Nordics
-norm, norms, normal, normals, normy, normies, normally, normality, normalities, normalcy, normalize, normalizes, normalized, normalizing, normalization, normalizations, normalizer, normalizers, normal school, normal schools
-Norman, Normans, Normandy, Norman Conquest, Anglo-Norman
-Norse, Old Norse
-Northwestern Territory
-nose, noses, keep your nose to the grindstone
-nostalgia, nostalgic, nostalgically
-nostril, nostrils
-nosy, nosey, nosier, nosiest, nosily, nosiness
-not, not at all, not quite, 'not all there' or 'not quite all there'
-notary public, notaries public
-notch, notches, notched, notching
-note, notes, noted, duly noted, noting, noter, notice, notices, noticed, noticing, noticeable, noticeably, noticeability, noticeabilities, notable, notables, notableness, notably, notation, notations, notational, noteworthy, noteworthier, noteworthiest, noteworthily, noteworthiness, take notice of or take note
-notify, notifies, notified, notifying, notifier, notifiers, notification, notifications
-notion, notions
-notorious, notoriously, notoriousness, notoriety
-nought or naught
-noumenon, noumena, noumenal
-noun, nouns, proper noun, proper nouns
-nourish, nourishes, nourished, nourishing, nourisher, nourishers, nourishment, nourishments
-novel (book), novelist, novelists
-novel (new), novelly, novelty, novelties
-novice, novitiate
-now, nowness, nowadays, now and again, now and then
-nowadays, ??,
-noxious, noxiously, noxiousness
-nozzle, ??, s51,
-nuance, nuances, nuanced
-nucellus, nucelli, nucellar
-nuclear, nuclear reactor, nuclear reactors
-nuclear magnetic resonance
-nucleated, nucleate, nucleates, nucleated, nucleate, nucleated, nucleating, nucleation, nucleations, nucleator, nucleators
-nuclei, nucleus
-nucleic acid, nucleic acids
-nucleon, nucleons
-nucleotide, nucleotides
-nucleus, nuclei
-nuclide, nuclides
-nudge, nudges, nudged, nudging, nudger, nudgers
-null, null and void, nulls, nullify, nullifies, nullifier, nullifiers, nullified, nullifying, nullification, nullifications
-numb, numbs, number, numbest, numbed, numbing, numbly, numbness
-number, numbers, numbered, numbering, numberous, numberless, numerical, numeric, numerable, numerate, numerates, numerated, numerating, cardinal number, cardinal numbers, even number, even numbers, odd number, odd numbers, ordinal number, ordinal numbers, prime number, prime numbers, real number, real numbers, whole number, whole numbers,
-numeral, numerals, numerology, numerological, numerologist, numerologists
-numerate, numerates, numerated, numerating, numeracy, numeracies, numeration, numerations
-numerous, numerously, numerousness
-nun, nuns, nunnery, nunneries
-nuptial, nuptials, nuptially, ??, b16,
-Nuremberg Code
-nurse, nurses, nursed, nursing, nurser, nursers, nurse practioner(s), registered nurse(s), practical nurse(s), wet nurse(s)
-nursery, nurseries, nurseryman, nurserymen
-nursemaid, nursemaids
-nurture, nurtures, nurtured, nurturing, nurturer, nurturers
-nut, nuts, nutty, nuttier, nuttily, nuttiness, nuttinesses, nut case, nut cases, nuttier than a fruit cake
-nutrition, nutritional, nutritionally, nutrient, nutrients, nutritious, nutritiously, nutritiousness
-nutshell, nutshells, in a nutshell
-oaf, oafs, oafish, oafishly, oafishness
-oar, oars, oared, oaring, oared, oarless, oarlock, oarlocks
-oasis, oases
-oath, oaths
-obdurate, obdurately, obdurateness
-obeisance, obeisant, obeisantly
-obelisk, obelisks, obeliscal
-obese, ??, o9,
-obey, obedient, ?? s20, n5, c5, o1,
-obfuscate, obfuscates, obfuscated, obfuscating, obfuscation, obfuscations, obfuscatory
-object (item & grammar), objects, direct object (grammar), indirect object (grammar)
-object (oppose), objects, objected, objecting, objector, objectors, objection, objections, objectionable, objectionably, objectionability, objectionableness
-objective, objectives,objectively (based on fact), objectiveness, objectivity, objectify, objectified, objectifying, objectifies, objectification, objectifications, objectifier, objectifiers
-oblate, oblately, oblateness, oblatenesses
-oblation, oblations, oblational, oblatory
-obligate, obligates, obligated, obligating, obligable, obligately, obligator, obligators, obligation, obligations, obligational, obligatory, obligatorily
-oblige, obliges, obliged, obliging, obliger, obligers, obligingly, obligingness
-oblique, obliquely, obliqueness
-obliterate, obliterates, obliterated, obliterating, obliteration, obliterations, obliterator, obliterators, obliterative
-oblivion,oblivious, obliviously, obliviousness
-obloquy, obloquies
-obnoxious, obnoxiously, obnoxiousness
-obscene, obscenely, obscenity, obscenities
-obscure, obscures, obscurer, obscurers, obscurest, obscured, obscuring, obscurely, obscureness, obscurity, obscurities, obscurant, obscurants, obscuration, obscurations, obscurantism, obscurantisms, obscurantist, obscurantists
-obsequious, obsequiously, obsequiousness, obsequiousnesses
-observe, observes, observed, observing, observingly, observer, observers, observation, observations, observational, observationally, observable, observables, observably, observant, observantly, observance, observances
-obsessive, obsessive, obsessiveness, obsessively, obsess, obsesses, obsessed, obsessing, obsessor, obsessors
-obsession,obsessions, obsessional, obsessionally
-obsolete, obsoletely, obsoleteness, obsoletism
-obsolescence, obsolescent, obsolescently, obsolesce, obsolesces, obsolesced, obsolescing
-obsidian, ??,
-obstacle, obstacles
-obstinate, obstinateness, obstinately, obstinacy, obstinacies
-obstruct, obstructs, obstructed, obstructing, obstructor, obstructors, obstructer, obstructers, obstructive, obstructively, obstructiveness, obstruction, obstructions
-obstreperous, obstreperousness, obstreperously
-obtain, obtains, obtained, obtaining, obtainable, obtainer, obtainers
-obtrude, obtrudes, obtruded, obtruding, obtruder, obtruders, obtrusion, obtrusions, obtrusive, obtrusiveness, obtrusively
-obtuse, obtuseness, obtusely
-obverse, obversely, obversion, obvert, obverts, obverted, obverting
-obviate, obviates, obviated, obviating, obviation, obviations, obviator, obviators
-obvious, obviously, obviousness
-occasion, occasions, occasioned, occasioning, occasional, occasionally, on occasion
-occidental, occident
-occipital lobe
-occult, occults, occulted, occulting, occultly, occultness
-occupy, occupies, occupied, occupying, occupier, occupiers, occupant, occupants, occupancy, occupancies, occupation, occupations, occupational, occupationally
-occur, occurs, occurred, occurring, occurrence, occurrences, occurrent
-ocean, oceans
-Ockham's razor
-octahedral, octahedrally
-octopus, octopuses, octopi, octopod
-odd, odds, odder, oddest, oddly, at odds, by all odds, oddball, oddballs
-odd number (with prime number)
-odeum, odea
-oddities, ??
-ode, odes, odic
-odious, odiousness, odiously, odium, odiums
-odor, odors
-odyssey, odysseys, Odysseus
-off, offbeat, off the wall
-offal, offals
-offend, offends, offended, offending, offensive, offensiveness, offensively or offence, offences or offense, offenses, offender, offenders, capital offense, capital offenses
-offer, offers, offered, offering, offerer, offeror, offerers, offerors, offering, offerings
-offhand, offhandedly, offhanded, offhandedness
-official, officials, officialdom, officially, officiate, officiates, officiated, officiating, officiation, officiations, officiator, officiators, officiant, officiants
-office, offices
-officer, officers
-officious, officiously, officiousness
-offing, in the offing
-offish, offishly, offishness
-offscouring, offscourings
-offset, offsets, offsetting
-offscouring, offscourings
-offshoot, offshoots
-often, oftener, oftenest
-ogre, ogres, ogreish
-oftentimes, ofttimes
-oil, oils, ??, essential oil, essential oils, oil shale, oil shales
-ointment, ointments
-Ojibwa aka Ojibway, Ojibwa or Ojibwas also Ojibway or Ojibways
-OK, O.K., okay, OK'd, O.K.'d, okayed, OK'ing, O.K.ing, okaying, OK's, O.K.'s, okays
-Old Testament
-oleoresin, oleoresins, oleoresinous
-oligarch, oligarchs, oligarchy, oligarchies, oligarchic, oligarchical
-oligomer, oligomers, oligomeric, oligomerization, oligomerizations
-Oliver Wendell Holmes
-om, ?,
-omen, omens
-ominous, ominously, ominousness
-omit, omits, omitted, omitting, omission
-omnibus, ??,
-omnicide, ??,
-omnipotent, omnipotence, omnipotency, omnipotently
-omnipresent, omnipresence
-omniscient, omniscience, omnisciency, omnisciently
-on, on and on, on side, on track, on the go
-on the one hand, on the other hand
-on the spot
-onanism, onanisms,onanist, onanists, onanistic
-once, oncer, once in a while, at once, once and for all, once-over
-oncology, oncogene, oncogenes
-one another
-onerous, onerously, onerousness
-onrushing, ??
-ontogeny (and see in K-QTargets)
-ontology, ontological, ontologist, ontologists
-onward, ??, u9, a29, h13, m23, Abased,
-onyx, ?? Genesis 2:12,
-ooze, oozes, oozed, oozing
-opaque, opaquely, opaqueness, opacity, opacities
-open, opens, opened, opening, openly, openness, open one's eyes, openhearted, openheartedly, openheartedness
-openminded or open-minded, openmindedly or open-mindedly, openmindedness or open-mindedness
-opera, operas, opus or opuses, operatic, operatically
-operate, operates, operated, operating, operative, operatives, operatively, operant, operants, operantly, operation, operations, operational, operationally; interoperability
-opiate, opiates, opium, opioid, opioids
-opinion, opinions, opine, opines, opined, opining
-opponent, opponents, opponency
-opportunistic, opportunist, opportunists, opportunism, opportune, opportunely, opportuneness, opportunity, opportunities
-oppose, opposes, opposed, opposing, opposer, opposers, opposite, opposites, oppositely, oppositeness, opposable, opposability, opposabilities, opposition, oppositional, as opposed to
-oppress, oppresses, oppressed, oppressing, oppressor, oppressors, oppression, oppressions, oppressive, oppressively, oppressiveness, oppressivenesses
-opprobrious, opprobrium
-oppugn, oppugns, oppugnancy, oppugnancies, oppugnant, oppugner, oppugners
-opulence, opulences
-opt, opts,opted, opting, opt out, opted out
-optative, optatives, optatively
-optical, optically, optometry, ?? o2, s44, f12, f21, b25, g17,
-optimize, optimizes, optimized, optimizing, optimist, optimists, optimistic, optimistically, optimum, optimal, optimally, optimism
-option, options, optioned, optioning, optional, optionally
-opulence, opulency, opulent, opulently
-orb, ??,
-oral, orally
-orator, orators, oratorship, oratorships, oratory, oratories, oration, orations, oratorio, oratorios
-orb, orbs, orbed, orbing
-orchestra, orchestras, orchestral, orchestrally
-orchestrate, orchestrates, orchestrated, orchestrating, orchestrator, orchestrators
-orbit, orbits, orbited, orbiting, orbital, orbitals
-ordain, ordains, ordained, ordaning, ordainer, ordainers, ordainment, ordainments
-ordeal, ordeals
-order (arrangement) orders, in order, order of succession
-order (group of beings), orders
-order (instruction), orders, out of order, ordered, ordering, in order for, in order that, in order to, in short order, on order, on the order of, to order, orderer, orderers, orderly, orderlies, orderliness
-orders in council
-ordinance, ordinances
-ordinal, ordinals, ordinal number, ordinal numbers
-ordinary, ordinaries, ordinariness
-ore, ores
-organ, organs, organism, organisms, organismal, organismic, organismically
-organelle, organelles
-organic, organics, organically
-organize, organizes, organized, organizing, organizer, organizers, organization, organizations, organizationally, organizational, disorganized, unorganized
-orgasm, orgasms, orgasmic or orgastic, orgasmically or orgastically
-orient, orients,oriented, orienting, orientate, orientates, orientated, orientating, orientation, orientations
-orient (countries), oriental, orientals, orientally
-orifice, orifices
-origami, origamis
-origin, origins, originate, originates, originated, originating, origination, originations, originative, originatively, originator, originators, original, originals, originally, originality
-ornament, ornaments, ornamenter, ornamental, ornamentally, ornamentation, ornamentations
-ornate, ornately, ornateness
-ornery, ornerier, orneriest, orneriness
-ornithology, ornithological, ornithologist, ornithologists
-Orontes river
-orphan, orphans, orphaned, orphaning, orphanhood, orphanage, orphanages
-orthodox, orthodoxy
-orthography, orthographies, orthographer, orthographers, orthographist, orthographists
-orthopedic, orthopedics also spelt orthopaedics, orthopedically, orthopedist, orthopedists
-Oscar Wilde
-oscillate, oscillates, oscillated, oscillating, oscillator, oscillators, oscillatory, oscillation, oscillations, oscillational, oscilloscope, oscilloscopes, oscilloscopic
-ossification, ??
-ossuaries, ??
-ostensive, ostensively, ostensible, ostensibly
-ostentatious, ostentation, ostentations, ostentatiously
-ostracize, ostracizes, ostracized, ostracizing, ostracism, ostracisms, ostracizable, ostracization, ostracizations, ostracizer, ostracizers
-other, others, otherwise
-otology, otologies, otological, otologist, otologists
-otolaryngology, otolaryngologies, otolaryngological, otolaryngologist, otolaryngologists
-otometry, otometries, otometric or otometrical, otometrist, otometrists
-Ottoman Empire
-ounce, ounces
-oust, ousts, ousted, ousting
-out, outs, outed, outing, outer, out and away, out-and-out, out of the frying pan and into the fire, out of turn, on the outs, out of sync, out of tune, out to lunch
-outbreak, ??, c11,
-outburst, outbursts
-outcast, outcasts
-outcrop, outcrops, outcropped, outcropping
-outdate, outdates, outdated, outdating
-outdo, outdoes, outdid, outdone, outdoing
-outfit, outfits, outfitted, outfitting, outfitter, outfitters
-outflow, outflows, outflowed, outflowing
-outgo, outgoes, outwent, outgone, outgoing, outgo, outgoingness
-outlandish, outlandishly, outlandishness, outland, outlands, outlander, outlanders
-outlaw, outlaws,outlawry, outlawries
-outlet, outlets
-outline, outlines, outlined, outlining
-outlook, outlooks
-outlying, ?? s40,
-outmode, outmodes, outmoded, outmoding
-outpour, outpours, outpoured, outpouring, outpourings, outpourer, outpourers
-output, ??, f15,
-outrageous, outrageously, outrageousness, outrageousnesses
-outright, outrightly, outrightness
-outsider, ?? f6,
-outskirt, outskirts
-outspoken, outspokenness, ??, p11,
-outstand, outstands, outstood, outstanding, outstandingly
-outstrip, outstrips, outstripped, outstripping
-outtake, outtakes
-outward, ??, v7, s50,
-outweigh, outweighs,outweighed, outweighing
-outwit, ?? c5
-ovum, ova
-oval, ovals, ovally, ovalness
-ovary (botanical {flowers} meaning), ovaries, ovarian, ovarial
-ovary (female), ovaries, ovarian, ovarial
-ovate, ??,
-oven, ovens
-over, overly, overs, overed, overing, over against, over with
-overabundance, overabundances, overabundant, overabundantly
-overall, overalls
-overbearing, overbearingly, overbearingness, overbear, overbears, overbore, overborne
-overblow, overblows, overblew, overblown, overblowing
-overboard, ??, a33,
-overcast, ??, s52,
-overcome, overcomes, overcame, overcoming
-overconfident, overconfidence, overconfidently
-overdo, overdoes, overdid, overdone, overdoing, overdoer, overdoers
-overeager, overeagerly, overeagerness
-overemphasize, overemphasizes, overemphasized, overemphasizing, overemphasis
-overflow, overflows, overflowed, overflowing
-overhang, overhangs, overhung, overhanging
-overindulge, overindulges, overindulged, overindulging, overindulgence, overindulgent, overindulgently
-overlap, overlaps, overlapped, overlapping
-overlay, overlays, overlaid, overlaying, overlie, overlay, overlain, overlying, overlies
-overlooked, ?? u7, Genesis 20:12,
-overlord, overlords, overlordship, overlordships
-overmaster, overmasters, overmastered, overmastering
-overpower, overpowers, overpowered, overpowering, overpoweringly
-override, overrides, overriding, overridingly, overrode, overridden
-overrule, overrules, overruled, overruling
-overrun, overruns, overran, overrunning
-overseer, overseers, oversee, oversees, oversaw, overseen, overseeing
-overshadow, overshadows, overshadowed, overshadowing
-overshoot, overshoots, overshot, overshooting
-oversimplify, oversimplifies, oversimplified, oversimplifying, oversimplification, oversimplifications, oversimplifier, oversimplifiers
-overstand, overstands, overstood, overstanding
-overstate, overstates, overstated, overstating, overstatement, overstatements
-overstep, oversteps, overstepped, overstepping
-overstride, overstrides, overstrode, overstridden, overstriding
-overstuff, overstuffs, overstuffed, overstuffing
-overt, overtly, overtness
-overtake, overtakes, overtook, overtaken, overtaking
-overtax, overtaxes, overtaxed, overtaxing, overtaxation, overtaxations
-overthrow, overthrows, overthrew, overthrown, overthrowing
-overtone, overtones, overtone of superiority
-overture, overtures, overtured, overturing
-overturn, ??, o10,
-overview, overviews
-overwhelm, overwhelms, overwhelmed, overwhelming
-Ovid, Ovidian
-ovoid also ovoidal, ovate, ovately
-ovule, ovular or ovulary (explanation under K-QTargets)
-ow (often used owee)
-owe, owes, owed, owing, owing to
-own, owns, owned, owning, owner, owners, ownership
-ox, oxen
-oxide, oxides, oxidation, oxidizer, oxidizers, oxidative, oxidatively, oxidize, oxidizes, oxidized, oxidizing, oxidizable, oxidic, oxidant, oxidants
-oxygen, oxygenic, oxygenically, oxygenous, oxygenate, oxygenates, oxygenated, oxygenize, oxygenizes, oxygenized, oxygenizing, oxygenating, oxygenation, oxygenator, oxygenators
-oxymoron, oxymorons or oxymora, oxymoronic, oxymoronically
-oyster, oysters
-ozonize, ozonizes, ozonized, ozonizing, ozonizer, ozone, ozonic, ozonous, ozonation, ozonations
-pace, paces, paced, pacing
-pacify, pacifies, pacified, pacifying, pacifiable, pacifist, pacifists, pacifism, pacifisms, pacifistic, pacifistically, pacificatory, pacification, pacifications, pacificator, pacificators
-pachyderm, ??
-pack, packs, packed, packing, package, package it up, packaged, packaging, packager, packagers, pack it in, packability, packabilities, packable
-pact, pacts
-pad, pads, padded, padding, padless
-paddle, paddles, paddled, paddling, paddler, paddlers
-paddock, ??
-padlock, ??,
-pagan, pagans, pagandom, paganism, paganisms, paganish
-pageantry, ??
-page, pages, paged, paging, pager, pagers pagination, paginations
-pail, pails, pailful, pailfuls
-pain, ?? s38, c43, a12
-Paine, Thomas
-painstaking, painstakingly
-pair, pairs, paired, pairing
-pal, ??,
-palace, palaces, palatial, palatially, palatialness
-palatable, palatability, palatableness, palatably
-pale (enclose), pales, paled, paling
-pale (pallid), pales, paler, palest, paled, paling, palely, paleness
-paleoanthropology, paleoanthropologic or paleoanthropological, paleoanthropologist, paleoanthropologists
-paleobotany, paleobotanic orpaleobotanical, paleobotanically, paleobotanist, paleobotanists
-paleoecology, paleoecological or paleoecologic, paleoecologist, paleoecologists
-paleontology, paleontologic, paleontological, paleontologist, paleontologists
-Paleozoic era
-Palestine, Palestinian, Palestinians
-palette, ??
-Paley, William
-paisley, ??, f2,
-pall, palls, palled, palling
-palladium, ??,
-pallet, ??,
-palliate, palliates, palliated, palliating, palliation, palliatively, palliator, palliators, palliative, palliatively
-pallid, pallidly, pallidness
-palm, palmistry, ??, f18,
-palmate, palmated, palmately, palmation, palmations
-palpable, palpability, palpably
-palpitation, palpitations
-palsy, palsies, cerebral palsy
-paltry, paltrier, paltriest, paltrily, paltriness
-pamper, pampers, pampered, pampering, pamperer, pamperers
-pamphlet, pamphlets, pamphletary
-pan, pans, panned, panning, pan out
-panacea, panacean
-panache, ??
-pancreas, pancreases, pancreatic
-pandemic, pandemics
-pander, panders, pandered, pandering, panderer, panderers
-panel, ??, s12, d31,
-pang, pangs, ?? Jer.31-51,
-panic, panics, panicked, panicking, panicky
-panoply, panoplies
-panorama, panoramas
-pantheism, pantheist, pantheists, pantheistic, pantheistical, pantheistically
-pant, pants, panted, panting, pantingly, with one's pants down
-pantry, pantries
-pants (trousers)
-pantomime, pantomimes, pantomimed, pantomiming, pantomimic, pantomimist, pantomimists
-papal, papally, papacy, papacies, papist, papists, papal bull
-paper, papers
-papyrus, papyruses or papyri
-par, pars, parred, parring, on par, on a par with, not up to par, up to par (link when done with up), par value
-par excellence
-parable, parables, parabolic, parabolical, parabolically
-parabolic (curve), parabolical, parabolically, parabola, parabolas, paraboloid, paraboloids, paraboloidal
-parachute, parachutes, parachuted, parachuting, parachutic, parachutist or parachuter, parachutists or parachuters
-parade, parades, paraded, parading, parader, paraders
-paradigm, paradigms, paradigmatic
-paradise, fool's paradise, ??
-paradox, paradoxical, paradoxically, paradoxicalness
-paragon, paragons, paragoned, paragoning
-paragraph, ??, c11,
-parallel, parallels, paralleled, paralleling, parallelism
-parallelogram, parallelograms
-paralysis, paralyses
-parameter, parameters, parametric or parametrical, parametrically
-paramilitary, ?? f10, p6,
-paramorph, paramorphs, paramorphism, paramorphisms, paramorphic or paramorphous
-paramount, paramountly, paramountcy
-paramour, paramours
-paranoid, paranoia
-paranormal, ??, v2,
-paraphrase, paraphrases, paraphrased, paraphrasing, paraphraser, paraphrasers, paraphrasable
-parapsychology, parapsychologial, parapsychologist, parapsychologists
-parasite, parasites, parasitic
-parasympathetic, parasympathetically
-parasympathetic nervous system
-parcel, parcels, parceled also spelt parcelled, parceling
-parch, parches, parched, parching
-parchment, parchments
-pardon, pardons, pardoned, pardoning, pardonable, pardonably, pardonableness, pardoner, pardoners
-pare, pared, ??, d29,
-parent, parents, parented, parenting, parentage, parentages, parenthood, parental, parentally
-parenteral, ??,
-parenthetical, parenthetic, parenthetically, parenthesis, parentheses
-paresis, pareses, paretic, paretically
-parhelion, parhelia, parhelic, parhelic circle, parhelic ring
-pariah, pariahs
-parietal lobe
-parish, parishes, parishioner, parishioners
-parity, ?? B13
-parlance, parley, parleys, parleyed, parleying
-parlay, parlays, parlayed, parlaying
-parley, parleys, parleyed, parleying
-parliament, parliamentary
-parlor or parlour
-parlous, see perilous
-parochial, parochialism, parochialist, parochially
-parody, parodies, parodied, parodying, parodic or parodical, parodist, parodists, parodistic
-paronomasia, ??
-parrot, ??,
-parry, parries, parried, parrying
-parse, parses, parsed, parsing, parser
-parsimonious, parsimony, law of parsimony
-part, parts, partly, parted, parting, part with, for the most part, in part, on the part of, part and parcel, take part
-partake, partakes, partook, partaken, partaking, partaker, partakers
-parthenocarpy, parthenocarpic, parthenocarpically
-partial, partially, partiality, partialities, partial to
-participate, participates, participated, participating, participative participator, participators, participatory, participant, participants, participance, participation, participations
-participle, dangling participle, past participle
-particle (fragment), particles, particulate, particulates
-particle (waves, physics), particles, particle physics
-particular, particulars, particularly, in particular, particularize, particularized, particularizing, particularizes, particularization, particularizations, particularizer, particularizers
-partisan, partisans, partisanship, partisanships
-partition, partitions, partitioned, partitioning, partitioner, partitioners, partitionment, partitionments
-partner, partners, partnered, partnering
-parturition, parturitions
-party, parties, partied, partying
-pass, passes, passed, passing, come to pass, passed on, pass for, pass off, pass out, pass over, pass up, came to pass
-passable, ?? t6
-passage, passages, passageway, passageways
-passenger, passengers
-passerine, passerines
-passion, passions, passionate, passionately, passionateness, passionless
-passive, passiveness, passively, passivity
-past, ?? b16, m19, a31, d28, r12,
-past participle
-past tense
-pasta, ??,
-paste, pasty, ?? m22,
-pastor, pastors, pastored, pastoring, pastorship, pastorships
-pastoral, pastorally
-pastorale, pastorali, pastorales
-pastry, pastries
-Pasteur, Louis (pasteurization)
-pasture, pastures, pastureland, pasturelands, pasturable, pasturer, pasturers
-pat, pats, patted, patting, patly, patness,
-patagium, patagia, patagial
-patch, patches, patched, patching, patchable, patcher, patchers
-pate (food), pates
-pate (head), pates
-patent, patents, patented, patenting, patently, letters patent, patentability, patentabilities, patentable, patentables
-paternal, paternally, paternalism, paternalist, paternalists, paternalist, paternalistic, paternalistically, paternity, paternities
-path, ??, d29, c4,
-pathetic also pathetical, pathetically
-pathogen, pathogens, pathogenic, pathogenetic, pathogenically, pathogenicity, pathogenesis, pathogeny
-pathology, pathologies, pathologist, pathologists, pathological, pathologically
-patient, patience, patiently
-patient (medical), patients
-patio, patios
-patriarch, patriarchs, patriarchic, patriarchics, patriarchal, patriarchally, patriarchalism, patriarchy, patriarchies
-Patmos, isle of
-patrician, patricianly
-patrimony, patrimonies, patrimonial, patrimonially
-patriot,patriots, patriotic, patriotically, patriotism, patriotisms
-patronize, patronizes, patronized, patronizing, patronizingly, patronage, patron, patrons, patronal, patronization
-patsy, patsies
-pattern, patterns, patterned, patterning
-pause, pauses, paused, pausing
-pave, paves, paved, paving, pavings, pave the way, paver, pavers, pavement, pavements
-pavilion, pavilions, pavilioned, pavilioning
-pawn, pawns, pawned, pawning, pawnable, pawnage, pawner, pawners
-pay, pays, paid, paying, pay off, pay the piper
-peace, peaceable, peaceableness, peaceably, peaceful, peacefully, peacefulness
-peace officer, peace officers
-peak, ??, h16,
-pear, pears
-pearl, pearls, pearled, pearling, pearly, pearlier, pearliest, mother-of-pearl, mother-of-pearls
-peasant, peasants, peasantry, peasantries
-peat, peats, peaty
-pectin, pectins, pectic or pectinous
-peck (measure), ??, m1,
-peck (strike), ??,
-pecking order
-peckish, ??,
-peculate, peculates, peculation, peculations, peculated, peculating, peculator, peculators
-peculiar, peculiarly, peculiarity, peculiarities
-pedagogue, ??,
-pedantic, pedantically
-peddle, peddles, peddled, peddling, peddler, peddlers, influence peddler, influence peddlers
-pedestrian, pedestrians, ??, r15,
-pedophile,pedophiles, pedophilia, pedophiliac or pedophilic, pederast, pederasts, pederasty
-pedestal, pedestals, pedestaled, pedestaling
-pedigree, pedigrees, pedigreed
-peer (another, others), peers, peerage, peerages
-peer (look), peer, peers, peered, peering
-peerless, peerlessly, peerlessness
-peevish, peevishly, peevishness, peeve, peeves, peeved, peeving
-pegleg, ??,
-pejorative, pejoratively
-pellet, ?? g10, k4,
-pellucid, ???, t5,
-Peloponnesus, Peloponnesian
-pelt (animal skin), pelts
-pelt (strike), pelts, pelted, pelting, pelter, pelters
-pelvic, ??
-pen (enclosure), pens, penned, penning, pent, pent up, penning
-pen (female swan), pens
-pen (prison), pens, penned, penning
-pen (writing), pens, penned, penning, penmanship, penmanships
-penal, penally
-penalty, penalties, penalize, penalizes, penalized, penalizing, penalization
-penance, penances, penanced, penancing
-penchant, penchants
-pendant, pendent, pendants, pendents, pendently
-pendentive, pendentives
-pendulous, pendulously, pendulousness, pendular, pendulum, pendulums
-penetrate, penetrates, penetrated, penetrating, penetrator, penetrators, penetration, penetrations
-penicillin, penicillins, penicillium, penicilliums, penicillia
-penis, ??, p30, m20,
-penitent, penitently, penitence
-penitentiary, penitentiaries
-penname, pennames
-pennant, pennants
-penology, ??,
-pension, ??,
-pensive, pensively, pensiveness
-pentad, ??,
-pentose, ?? d3
-pentoxide, pentoxides
-peon, peons, peonage
-people, peoples
-pepsin, pepsins
-peptide, peptides
-per capita
-per diem, per diems
-per se
-perceive, perceives, perceived, perceiving, perceivable, perceivably, perceiver, perceivers
-percent, percentage, percentages
-percept, perception, perceptions, perceptible, perceptibility, perceptibly, perceptual, perceptually, perceptive, perceptively, perceptivity or perceptiveness, perceptibility, perceptibly
-perch, perches, perched, perching
-perch (fish), perches
-percolate, percolates, percolated, percolating, percolation, percolations
-percussion, percussive, percussively, percussiveness
-peremptory, peremptorily, peremptoriness
-perennial, perennials, perennially
-perfect, perfects, perfectly, perfected, perfecting, perfecter, perfecters, perfectness, perfection, perfectionism, perfectionisms, perfectionist, perfectionists, perfectionistic
-perfect tense (Grammar)
-perfidy, perfidies, perfidious, perfidiously
-perforate, perforates, perforated, perforating, perforable, perforative, perforator, perforators, perforation, perforations
-perform, performs, performed, performing, performable, performer, performers, performance, performances
-perfume, ?? i14, v9, s51, s60, r26, w11, m14,
-perfunctory, perfunctorily, perfunctoriness
-pericope, ??,
-peril, perils, periled, periling, perilous, perilously, perilousness
-perk, perky ??,
-perimeter, periphery, peripheries, peripheral, peripherals, peripherally
-period, periods, periodic, periodically, periodical, periodicals
-Periodic Table, of elements
-peripheral nervous system
-perjury, perjuries, perjurious, perjuriously
-periphrasis, periphrase, periphrase, periphrastic, peripherastically
-periscope, ??,
-perish, ??? perishes, perishable, perishables, h17, s14, r21,
-peristalsis, ??  f12
-permafrost, ??,
-permanent, permanently, permanentness, permanence, permanency
-permeable, permeably
-permeate, permeation, permeability, permeative, permeable, permeably, permeated, permeating, permeates, permeant or permeative
-permit, permits, permitted, permitting, permittee, permittees, permitter, permitters, permission, permissible, permissibility, permissibleness, permissibly, permissive, permissively, permissiveness
-permute, permutes, permuted, permuting, permutability, permutable, permutably, permutation, permutations, permutational
-pernicious, perniciousness, perniciously
-peritoneum, peritonea, peritoneal, peritoneally
-perorational, ??
-perpendicular, perpendicularity, perpendicularly
-perpetrate, perpetrates, perpetrated, perpetrating, perpetrator, perpetrators, perpetration, perpetrations
-perpetuate, perpetuates, perpetuated, perpetuating, perpetuation, perpetuations, perpetuator, perpetuators, perpetuity, perpetuities, in perpetuity,perpetual, perpetually
-perplex, perplexes, perplexed, perplexing, perplexity, perplexities, perplexingly
-persecute, persecutes, persecuted, persecution, persecutions, persecuting, persecutive, persecutory, persecutee, persecutees, persecutor, persecutors
-persevere, perseveres, persevered, persevering, perseveringly, perseverance
-Persia / Media, Persian / Median, Persians / Medians
-persist, persists, persisted, persisting, persister, persistent, persistently, persistence, persistencies, persistency
-person, persons, persons (in grammar, the first, second and third persons or places), personal, personally, in person, personage, personages
-personal, personals, personality, personalities, personable, personableness, personably, persona, personas, persona grata, persona non grata
-personal pronoun
-personify, personifies, personified, personifying, personifier, personifiers, personification, personifications
-perspective, perspectives, perspectival, perspectively
-perspicacious, perspicaciously, perspicaciousness
-perspicuous, perspicuously, perspicuousness
-perspire, ??, s51,
-persuade, persuades, persuaded, persuading, persuadable, persuasible, persuader, persuaders, persuasion, persuasions, persuasive, persuasively, persuasiveness
-pert, perter, pertest, pertly, pertness, pertnesses
-pertain, pertains, pertained, pertaining
-pertinacious, pertinaciousness, pertinacity, pertinaciously
-pertinent, pertinently, pertinence, pertinency
-perturb, perturbs, perturbed, perturbing, perturbable, perturbation, perturbations, perturbational
-peruse, persuses, perused, perusing, perusable, perusal, perusals, peruser, perusers
-pervade, pervades, pervading, pervaded, pervasion, pervasions, pervader, pervaders, pervasive, pervasively, pervasiveness
-pervert, perverts, perverted, perverting, perverter, perverters, pervertible, perverse, perversely, perverseness, perversity, perversion, perversions, perversive
-pesky, peskier, peskiest, peskily, peskiness, peskinesses
-pessimist, pessimists, pessimistic, ???, g7,
-pest, pests, pestilence, pestilences
-pester, pesters, pestered, pestering, pesterer, pesterers
-pesticide, pesticides
-pestle, pestles, pestled, pestling
-PET scan
-petal, petals, petaled or petalled
-petard, ??,
-peter, peters, peter out, peters out, peters off, petering out, petered, petering
-petition, petitions, petitioned, petitioning, petitionary, petitioner, petitioners
-petri dish, petri dishes
-petrify, petrifies, petrified, petrifying, petrification also petrifaction
-petrochemical, petrochemicals, petroleum
-petroglyph, ??,
-petty, pettier, pettiest, pettily, pettiness
-pettifogger, pettifoggers, pettyfoggery, pettyfoggeries
-petulant, petulance, petulancy, petulantly
-phagocyte, phagocytes, phagocytic, phagocytosis, phagocytotic
-phalanx, phalanxes or phalanges
-phallic, phallically, phallus, phalluses, phalli
-phantom, phantoms, phantasm, phantasms, phantasma, phantasmal, phantasmic, phantasmagorical, phantasmagorically, phantasmagoria, phantasmagory, phantasmagorias, phantasmagories, phantasmagoric
-pharaoh, pharaohs
-Pharisee, Pharisees, pharisaic, pharisaical, pharisaically, pharisaicalness, pharisaism or phariseeism, pharisaisms or phariseeisms
-pharmaceutical, pharmaceuticals, pharmaceutic, pharmaceutically, pharmacy, pharmacies, pharmacist, pharmacists, pharmacology, pharmacologic, pharmacological, pharmacologically, pharmacologist, pharmacologists
-pharynx, pharynxes, pharynges
-phase, phases, phased, phasing, phase in, phase out, phases out, phased out, phasing out, in phase, out of phase, phasic, phase transition
-phenol also called carbolic acid
-phenomenon, phenomenons, phenomena, phenomenas, phenomenalistic, phenomenalistically, phenomenalist, phenomenalists, phenomenal, phenomenally, phenomenalism
-phenotype, phenotypes or phenotypical, phenotypically
-phentanyl (chemical name for fentanyl)
-pheromone, pheromones, pheromonal
-philanthropic, ??, c3,
-Philippi, Philippian, Philippians
-Philistine, Philistines
-philology, philologer, philologers, philologist, philologists, philologic, philological, philologically
-philosophy, philosophies, philosopher, philosophers, philosophical also philosophic, philosophically
-phlegm, phlegms, phlegmy
-phobia, phobias, phobic
-phonetic, phonetics, phonetical, phonetically, phoneme, phonemes, phonemic, phonemically, phonemics, phonemicist, phonemicists
-Phoenician, Phoenicians, Phoenicia
-phonograph, phonographs, phonographic, phonographically
-phony also phoney, phonies, phonier, phoniest, phonily, phoniness, phony-baloney
-phosphoprotein, phosphoproteins
-phosphor, phosphors
-phosphoric acid
-phosphorescence, phosphorescent, phosphorescently
-photo, photic ??, s44,
-photogenic, photogenically
-photon, photons, photonic
-photosphere, photospheric
-photosynthesis, photosynthetic
-phrase,rephrase, phrases, rephrases, phrased, rephrased, phrasing, rephrasing, phrasally, phrasal,phrasal verb, phraseology, phraseologies, phraseological, phraseologist, phraseologists
-phreatic, ??,
-phrenologist, ??
-phylactery, phylacteries
-phyllotaxy or phyllotaxis, phyllotaxies (plural) also phyllotaxes, phyllotactic or phyllotactical
-phylum, phyla, phyletic
-physician, physicians
-physics, physicist, physicists, laws of physics, origin of laws of physics, metaphysics
-physical, physically, physicality, physicalness
-physiology, physiologist, physiologists, physiological, physiologic, physiologically
-physique, physiques, physiqued
-phytohemagglutinin, phytohemagglutinins
-pi, pis
-picket, pickets, picketed, picketing, picketer, picketers
-pickle, ??,
-pico, picos, picoamp, picogram ??,
-Pict, Picts
-pictorial, pictorials, pictoriality, pictorialness, pictorially
-picture, pictures, pictured, picturing, picturesque, picturesquely, picturesqueness
-piece, pieces, pieced, piecing, piecemeal
-piddle, piddles, piddled, piddling
-pidgeon, ??,
-pidgin language, pidgin languages, pidginize, pidginization, pidginizations
-pier, piers
-pierce, pierces, pierced, piercing, piercingly, piercing, piercer, piercers
-piezoelectricity, piezoelectric, piezoelectrical, piezoelectrically
-pig, pigs, pigged, pigging, in a pig's eye, pig in a poke, Pig iron
-pigeonhole, pigeonholes, pigeonholed, pigeonholing, pigeonhole
-pigheaded, pigheadedly, pigheadedness
-pigment, pigments, pigmented, pigmenting, pigmentary, pigmentation, pigmentations
-pilaster, pilasters
-pile (accumulation), piles, piled, piling, pile up, piles up, piled up, piling up
-pile (timber), piles, piled, piling
-pile driver, pile drivers
-piles (hemorrhoids)
-pilfer, pilfers, pilfered, pilfering, pilferage, pilferer, pilferers
-pilgrim, pilgrims, pilgrimage, pilgrimages, pilgrimaged, pilgrimaging
-pillage, pillages, pillaged, pillaging, pillager, pillagers
-pillar, ??, c16,
-pillory, ??
-Piltdown man
-pimp, pimps, pimped, pimping
-pimple, pimples, ??, s48,
-pin, pins, pinned, pinning, pin down, pinprick, pinpricks, pinpricked, pinpricking
-pincers, ??,
-pinch, pinches, pinched, pinching, pinch pennies
-pine, pines, pined, pining, pine away
-pine (tree), pines
-pineal gland
-ping, pings, pinged, pinging
-pinnacle, pinnacles, pinnacled, pinnacling
-pinworm, pinworms
-pinnate also pinnated, pinnately
-Pinochet, Augusto
-pioneer, pioneers, pioneered, pioneering
-pious, piety, pieties, piously, piousness, piosity, piosities
-pipe, pipes, piped, piping, pipette, pipettes, pipe down, pipe up
-pip, pips
-piquant, piquancy, piquantness, piquantly
-piss off, pissed off, piss someone off
-pique, piques, piqued, piquing
-pistil, pistils, pistillate
-piston, pistons
-pit (hole), pits, pitted, pitting, pitfall, pitfalls
-pit (in fruit), pits, pitted, pitting
-Pit Bull Terrier
-pitch (angle), pitches, pitched, pitching
-pitch (as of a boat), pitches, pitched, pitching
-pitch (caulking, put pitch on a wooden boat), pitches, pitched, pitching, pitch black, pitch dark
-pitch (set up), pitches, pitched, pitching, pitch in, pitcher, pitchers, sales pitch, sales pitches
-pitch (sound), pitches, pitched, pitching, high-pitched
-pitch (throw, fall), pitches, pitched, pitching, pitcher, pitchers, pitch in
-pitch in, pitch into, pitched into, pitching into, pitch on, pitched on, pitch upon, pitched upon
-pitcher(container), pitchers
-pitchfork, pitchforks, pitchforked, pitchforking
-pith, pithy, pithier, pithiest, pithily, pithiness
-pitcher (container), pitchers
-pitiless, pitilessly, pitilessness
-pity, pities, pitied, pitying, pityingly, pitiful, pitifully, pitifulness, piteous, piteously, piteousness, pitiable, pitiably, pitiableness
-pittance, pittances
-pivot,pivots, pivoted, pivoting, pivotable, pivotal, pivotally
-pixel, ??
-pizza, pizzas, ??,
-pizzaz also spelt pizzazz
-placate, placates, placated, placating, placater, placaters, placation, placations, placatory or placative
-place, places, placed, placing, in place, in place of, keep one's place, know one's place, in the first place, take place, takes place, placeable, placer, placement
-placebo, placebos or placeboes, placebo effect, placebo effects
-placid, placidity, placidness, placidly
-plagiarism, plagiarist, plagiaristic, plagiarize, plagiarizes, plagiarized, plagiarizing, plagiarizer, plagiarizers
-plague, plagues, plagued, plaguing, plaguer, plaguers
-plaid, ??,
-plain, plains, plainer, plainest, plainly, plainness
-plaintiff, plaintiffs
-plaintive, plaintively, plaintiveness
-plait, plaits, plaited, plaiting, plaiter, plaiters
-plan, planning, ??? h1, p3, b19, a26, p14, g14,
-planar, planarity
-Planck's constant
-plane (level of achievement & mathematical plane), planes, planeness
-plane (soar, airplane), planes, planed, planing
-plane (tool), planes, planed, planing
-plank, planks, planked, planking
-plankton, planktonic
-plant, plants, planted, planting
-plasma, plasma (blood), plasm, plasmatic, plasmic
-plasmid, plasmids
-plaster, plasters, plastered, plastering, plastery, plasterer, plasterers, plaster of Paris
-plastic, ??, h13,
-plastid, plastids, plastidial
-plat, platter, ??, John 19, Mt. 23,
-plate, plates, plating, platings, plated, plating, plater, platers
-platelet, platelets
-plateau, plateaus, plateaued, plateauing
-platform, platforms
-platitude, platitudes, platitudinous, platitudinal, platitudinously
-Plato, Platonism, Platonist, Platonists, Platonistic
-platonic, platonical, platonically
-platoon, platoons
-plausible, plausibly, plausibility, plausibleness, plausible deniability
-play, plays, played, playing
-playa, playas
-plea, plead, pleads, pleaded, pled, pleading, pleadings, pleadingly, pleadable, pleader, pleaders
-pleasant, pleasanter, pleasantest, pleasantly, pleasantness
-please, pleases, pleased, pleasing, pleaser, pleasingly, pleasingness
-pleasure, pleasures, pleasured, pleasuring, pleasurable, pleasurability, pleasurableness, pleasurably, pleasureless
-pleat, pleats, pleated, pleating, pleater, pleaters
-plebe, ??,
-plebeian, ??,
-pledge, pledges, pledged, pledging
-plenary, ??,
-plenipotentiary, plenipotentiaries
-plenitude, ??,
-pleomorphism, pleomorphic
-plenty, plentiful, plentifully, plentifulness
-plexus, plexuses, solar plexus, solar plexuses
-pliable, pliability, pliancy, pliably, pliant, pliantness, pliantly
-plight, plights
-plinth, ??
-plod, plods, plodded, plodding, ploddingly, plodder, plodders
-plot, plots, plotted, plotting, plotlessness, plotter, plotters
-plow also plough, plows also ploughs, plowed also ploughed, plowing also ploughing, plow under, plowable, plower, plowers, plowshare, plowshares
-pluck, plucked, plucking ???, Genesis 4:11, f20, h7, Zech3:2,
-plug, ??
-plumb, plumbs, plumbed, plumbing, out of plumb, off plumb, plumbable
-plume, plumes, plumed, pluming, plumage, plumages, plumaged
-plummet, plummets, plummeted, plummeting
-plump, plumps, plumper, plumpest, plumped, plumping, plumply, plumpish, plumpness
-plunder, plunders, plundered, plundering, plunderable, plunderous, plunderer, plunderers
-plunge, plunges, plunged, plunging, take the plunge
-plunk, ??
-plural, plural noun, pluralism, pluralist, pluralists, pluralistic, pluralistically
-plus, ??,
-plutocrat, plutocracy ??,
-pluvial, ??,
-ply, plies, plied, plying, plywood
-ply (engage), plies, plied, plying
-pneuma, pneumas, pneumatic,pneumatics, pneumatically, pneumaticity, pneumaticities
-poach, poaches, poached, poaching, poachable, poacher, poachers
-pocket, pockets, pocket book, ??, d21,
-pockmark, pockmarks, pockmarked, pockmarking
-podium, podiums or podia
-podunk, ??,
-poem, poems, poetry, poetries, poetic, poetic justice, poetical, poetically, poeticalness or poeticality, poetics, poet, poets
-pogrom, ??,
-poignant, poignance or poignancy, poignantly
-point, points, pointed, pointing, pointedly, pointedness, beside the point, in point of, make a point of, point out, stretch a point, to a point, to the point, point of view, points of view
-pointless, pointlessly, pointlessness
-poise, poises, poised, poising
-poison, poisons, poisoned, poisoning, poisonous, poisonously, poisonousness, poisoner, poisoners
-poke, pokes, poked, poking, poke fun at, poker, poker (the game), pokers, poker face, poker faces, poker faced
-poky, ??,
-Pol Pot
-polar, polarity, polarities, polarization
-pole, poles, poled, poling, Pole
-polecat, ??
-polemic, polemical, polemically
-police, policeable, policer, policers
-policy, policies
-polish, polishes, polished, polishing, polish off, polisher, polishers
-polite, politer, politest, politely, politeness
-political, politically, politicalize, politicalization, politics, politician, politicians, polity, polities
-pollen, pollenate also spelt pollinate, pollenated, pollenating, pollenates, pollenation, pollenations, pollenator, pollenators
-poll, polls, ?? b15
-pollute, pollutes, polluted, polluting, pollution, pollutions, pollutant, pollutants, polluter, polluters
-polygenic, polygenically, polygene, polygenes, polygenesis
-polygene, polygenes, polygenic, polygenically, polygenesis, polygenesist, polygenesists
-polyglot, ??,
-polygon, polygonal, polygonally
-polyhedron, polyhedrons or polyhedra, polyhedral
-polymer, polymers
-polymerize, polymerizes, polymerized, polymerizing, polymerization, polymerizations
-polymorphism, polymorphic, polymorphous, polymorphously
-polyp, polyps
-polypeptide, polypeptides
-polysaccharide, polysaccharides
-polytheism, polytheist, polytheistic, polytheistical, compare 'pantheism'
-pomace, pomaces
-pomp, pompous, pomposity or pompousness, pompously
-poncho, ??
-pond, ponds
-ponder, ponders, pondered, pondering, ponderer, ponderers
-pontificate, pontificates, pontificated, pontificating, pontification, pontifications, pontificator, pontificators, pontiff, pontiffs
-pony, ponies, ponied, ponying, pony up, ponied up, ponying up
-Ponzi scheme
-pooh bah, ??,
-pool (game or garther), pools, pooled, pooling, pooler, poolers
-pool (water), pools, pooled, pooling
-poor, poorer, poorest, poorness
-pop, pops, popped, popping, pop up, pops up
-pope, popes, popedom, popedoms
-populace, populaces, populous, populously, populousness
-popular, popularly, popularize, popularizes, popularized, popularizing, popularization, popularizations, popularizer, popularizers, popularity, popularities
-populate, populates, populated, populating, population, populations
-porcelain, porcelains, porcelaneous
-porch, porches, portico, porticos, porticoed
-pore, pores, pored, poring
-pork, porker, ??,
-pornography, pornographic, pornographically, pornographer, pornographers
-porridge, porridges, porridgy
-port, ??, c34, e26,
-portable, ??, T19, h16,
-portage, portages, portaged, portaging
-portcullis, ??,
-portend, portends, portended, portending, portent, portentous
-porter (beer), porters
-porter (carries), porters
-porter (gate), porters
-portion, portions,portioned, portioning, portionable, portionless, portioner, portioners
-Portland cement
-portray, portrays, portrayed, portraying, portrayal, portrayals, portrayable, portrayer, portrayers
-porous, porously, porousness, porosity, porosities
-pose, poses, posed, posing, posable
-posit, posits, posited, positing
-position, positions, positioned, positioning, positional, positionally, positioner, positioners
-positive, positives, positively, positivity, positiveness, positive charge
-positron, positrons, positron emission tomography (PET)
-posse, posses, posse comitatus
-possess, possesses, possessed, possessing, possessor, possessors, possessive, possessively, possessiveness, possession, possessions, possessional, possessory
-possessive pronoun
-possible, possibles, possibly, possibility, possibilities
-post (after an event), postclassical, post (wood) post (announce), post (position), post (mail), posts, posted, posting, postal, postally
-posterior, posteriorly
-posterity, posterities
-posthumous, posthumously, posthumousness
-postpone, postpones, postponed, postponing, postponable, postponement, postponements, postponer, postponers
-postposition (grammar), postpositions, postpositional, postpositionally
-postulant, postulants, postulancy, postulantship
-posture, postures, postured, posturing, postural, posturer, posturers, posturist, posturists
-postulate, postulates, postulated, postulating, postulational, postulation, postulations
-potable, potables, potability or potableness
-potassium argon dating method
-potassium hydroxide
-potassium iodide
-potency, potencies, potent, potently, potentness
-potentate, potentates, ?? ProofOfTheBible6,
-potential, potentially, potentiality, potentialities
-potentiometer, potentiometers, potentiometric
-pothole,potholes, potholed
-potion, potions
-potsherd or potshard
-pottage, pottages
-pottery, potteries, clay pottery
-pouch, pouches, pouched, pouching, pouchy
-poultice, poultices, poulticed, poulticing
-pounce, pounces, pounced, pouncing, pouncer, pouncers
-pound (enclosure), pounds,pounded, pounding
-pound (hit), pounds, pounded, pounding
-pound (weight, money), pounds
-pour, pours, poured, pouring, pourer, pourers
-powder, powders, powdered, powdering, powderer, powderers, powdery
-power (math)
-power (work), powers, powerful, powerfully, powerfulness
-power of attorney
-poxvirus, poxviruses
-practical, practicals, practicable, practically, practicability, practicably, practicality, practicalness, practicality, practicalness, practicable, practicability, practicably, practicality, practicalness, practical joke, practical jokes, practical joker, practical jokers
-practice, practices, practiced, practicing, practicer, practicers, practitioner, practitioners
-pragmatic, pragmatics, pragmatical, pragmatically, pragmatism, pragmatist, pragmatists, pragmatistic
-prairie, ?? p10
-praise, praises, praised, praising, praiser, praisers, praiseworthy, praiseworthier, praiseworthiest, praiseworthily, praiseworthiness, praiseworthinesses
-prance, prances, pranced, prancing, prancer, prancers, prancingly
-prank, pranks
-prattle, prattles, prattled, prattling, prattler, prattlers, prattlingly
-praxis, ??,
-pray, prays, prayed, praying
-preach, preaches, preached, preaching, preachingly, preacher, preachers
-preadaption, preadaptions
-preamble, preambles, preambulary
-prearrange, prearranges, prearranged, prearranging, prearrangement, prearrangements
-prepubescent, prepubescents, prepuberty, prepuberties, pretuberal
-Precambrian Era
-precarious, precariously, precariousness
-precaution, precautions, precautionary, precautional
-precede, precedes, preceded, preceding
-precedent, precedents, precedence, precedences, precedency, precedencies, take precedence over
-precept, precepts
-preceptor, preceptors, preceptorial, preceptorially,preceptory, preceptories
-precession, precessions, precession of the equinoxes, precessional
-precinct, ??,
-precious, preciously, preciousness, precious metal, precious metals
-precipice, precipices
-precipitate, precipitates, precipitated, precipitating, precipitately, precipitateness, precipitator, precipitators, precipitative, precipitation
-precipitous, precipitously, precipitousness
-precise, precisely, preciseness, precision
-preclude, precludes, precluded, precluding, preclusion, preclusions, preclusive, preclusively
-precocious, precociously, precocity, precociousness
-preconceive, preconceives, preconceived, preconceiving
-preconception, preconceptions
-preconditions, ??
-precursor, precursors,precursory
-predacious, predaceous, predaciousness, predaceousness, predacity
-predate, predates, predated, predating
-predator, predators, predatory, predatorily, predatoriness
-predecessor, predecessors
-predestine, predestines, predestined, predestining
-predetermine, predetermines, predetermined, predetermining, predeterminate, predetermination, predeterminations
-predicament, predicamental, predicamentally
-predicate, predicates, predicated, predicating, predicating, predication, predications, predicational, predicative, predicatively, predicate nominative
-predicate (grammar)
-predicate calculus also called predicate logic
-predict, predicts, predicted, predicting, predictability, predictive, predictiveness, predictor, predictors, predictable, predictably, predictively, prediction, predictions
-predilection, predilections
-predispose, predisposes, predisposed, predisposing, predisposition, predispositions
-predominate, predominates, predominated, predominating, predominant, predominance, predominancy, predominancies, predominantly,predomination
-preeminent, preeminence, preeminently
-prempt or preempt, preempts, preempting, preemptor, preemptors, preemptory, preemption, preemptions
-preen, preens, preened, preening, preener, preeners
-preestablish, ??
-preexist, preexists, preexisted, preexisting, preexistence, preexistent
-prefabricate, prefabricates, prefabricated, prefabricating, prefabrication, prefabrications, prefabricator, prefabricators
-preface, prefaces, prefaced, prefacing, prefacer, prefacers, prefatory, prefatorily
-prefect (old Roman military word now out of date)
-prefer, prefers, preferred, preferring, preferrer, preferable, preferably, preferability, preferableness, preference, preferences
-preferential, preferentialism, preferentialist, preferentialists, preferentially
-prefigure, prefigures, prefigured, prefiguring, prefigurative, prefiguratively, prefigurativeness, prefigurement, prefigurements
-prefix, prefixes, prefixed, prefixing
-pregnant, pregnantly, pregnancy, pregnancies
-prehensile, prehensility, prehensilities
-prehistoric, prehistorical, prehistorically, prehistory, prehistories, prehistorian, prehistorians
-prelude, preludes, preluded, preluding, prelusive, prelusively, prelusion, prelusions, preluder, preluders, preludial
-prejudge, prejudges, prejudged, prejudging, prejudger, prejudgers, prejudgment, prejudgments
-prejudice, prejudices, prejudiced, prejudicing, with prejudice, without prejudice
-prelate, prelates, prelatic, prelacy, prelacies or prelature, prelatures
-preliminary, preliminaries, preliminarily
-premature, prematurely, prematureness or prematurity
-premeditated, premeditates, premeditative, premeditatedly, premeditate, premeditated, premeditating, premeditator, premeditators
-premise, premises, premised, premising
-premium, premiums, at a premium
-premonition, premonitorily, premonitory
-preoccupy, preoccupies, preoccupied, preoccupying, preoccupation, preoccupations
-preordain, ?? d19,
-prepare, prepares, prepared, preparing, preparedly, preparer, preparers, preparation, preparations, preparatory, preparatorily, preparative, preparatives, preparatively
-prep, preps, prepped, prepping
-preponderance also preponderancy, preponderances also preponderancies, preponderant, preponderantly, preponderate, preponderant, preponderately, preponderation, preponderations, preponderate, preponderated, preponderating, preponderates
-preposition, prepositions, prepositional, prepositionally
-prepuce, ??, c18,
-prerogative, prerogatived
-presage, presages, presaged, presaging, presageful
-Presbyterian, Presbyterians, presbyterianism, presbyter, presbyters
-prescient, presciently, prescience
-prescribe, prescribes, prescribed, prescribing, prescriber, prescribers, prescription, prescriptions
-present (gift), presents
-present (now), presentness, presently
-present (show), presents (be it known by these presents), presented, presenting, presenter, presenters, presence, presentable, presentability, presentableness, presentably, presentation, presentations, presentational
-present perfect
-present participle
-present tense
-presentation, presentational, present, presents, presented, presenting
-presentative, presentativeness
-preserve, preserves, preserved, preserving, preservability, preservable, preservation, preserver, preservers, preservative, preservatives
-preside, presides, presided, presiding, presider, presiders
-press, presses, pressed, pressing
-pressure, pressures, pressurize, pressurizes, pressurized, pressurizing, pressure-cook, pressure-cooks, pressure-cooked, pressure-cooking, pressurization, pressurizations, pressurizer, pressurizers
-prestige, prestigious, prestigiously, prestigiousness
-presume, presumes, presumed, presuming, presumable, presumably, presumptuous, presumptive, presumption, presumptions, presumptuously, presumptuousness, presumedly, presumer, presumers
-presuppose, presupposes, presupposed, presupposing, presupposition, presuppositional
-pretend, pretends, pretended, pretending, pretender, pretenders, pretense (or, pretence), pretenses (or, pretences), pretentious, pretentiously, pretentiousness, pretension, pretensions
-preternatural, preternaturally, preternaturalism, preternaturalness
-pretext, pretexts, pretexted, pretexting
-pretty, pretties, prettier, prettiest, prettied, prettying, prettily, prettiness, pretty well or pretty much
-prevail, prevails, prevailed, prevailing, prevailer, prevailers
-prevalent, prevalently, prevalence
-prevaricate, prevaricates, prevaricative, prevaricated, prevaricating, prevarication, prevaricator(s)
-prevent, prevents, prevented, preventing, preventability, preventable, preventer, preventers, prevention, preventions
-preventive same as preventative, preventives, preventively, preventiveness
-prevent (old English meaning of precede)
-previous, previously, previousness
-prey (animal), preys, preyed, preying, preyer, preyers
-prey(hunt), preys, preyed, preying, preyer, preyers
-price, prices, priced, pricing, priceable, pricer, pricers, priceless
-prick, pricks, pricked, pricking, prickly, pricklier, prickliest, prickliness
-prickle, prickles, prickled, prickling
-pride, prides, prided, priding, prideful, pridefully, pridefulness, proud, prouder, proudest, proudly, proudness
-priest, priests, priested, priesting, priesthood, priesthoods
-prig, prigs, prigged, prigging, priggery, priggishness, priggish, priggishly
-prim, prims, primmer, primmest, primmed, primming, primly, primness, primnesses
-prima donna, prima donnas
-prima facie
-primacy, primacies
-primal, primality, primary, primarily, primeval, primevally, primary colors
-primate, primates
-prime, primes, primed,priming, primely, primeness, primal, primality, primeval, primevally
-prime meridian
-prime minister, prime ministers
-prime number
-primitive, primitively, primitiveness or primitivity
-primordial, primordium, primordia
-primogeniture, primogenital
-primp, primps, primped, primping
-prince, princes
-principal, principally, principalship
-principality, principalities
-principle, principled, principles, in principle
-prion, prions
-prior, priorly, priority, priorities, priorate, priorship, a priori
-prism, prisms, prismatic or prismatical, prismatically
-prison, prisons, prisoned, prisoning
-pristine, pristinely
-private, privates, privately, privateness, privacy, privacies, privity, privities, privateer, privateers
-privy, privies, privily
-Privy Council, privy councilor
-privilege, privileges, privileged, privileging
-Privy Council, ??,
-prize, prizes, prized, prizing
-pro (in favor), pros
-pro (professional), pros
-Pro Se (on your own behalf), ??,
-proactive, proactive, proaction, proactively
-probable, probabilities, probably, probability, in all probability
-probability theory
-probate, probates, probated, probating, probative, probatory
-probation, ??,
-probe, probes, probed, probing, probingly, prober, probers
-probiotic, ??,
-problem, problems, problematic, problematical, problematically
-pro bono (for public good), ??,
-proboscis, proboscises, proboscides
-procedure, procedures, procedural, procedurally
-proceed, proceeds, proceeded, proceeding, proceedings, proceeder, proceeders
-proscenium, prosceniums, proscenia
-process, due process, ??, processes, processed, processing
-procession, processions, processioned, processioning
-proclaim, proclaims, proclaimed, proclaiming, proclamation, proclamations
-proclivity, proclivities
-proconsul, proconsuls, proconsular, proconsulate, proconsulates, proconsulship, proconsulships
-procrastinate, procrastinates, procrastinated, procrastinating, procrastination, procrastinations, procrastinator, procrastinators
-procreate, procreates, procreated, procreating, procreant, procreation, procreations, procreator, procreators
-procure, procures, procured, procuring, procurable, procurance or procurement, procurer, procurers, procuror, procuror, procurator, procurators, procuratorial
-prod, prods, prodded, prodding, prodder, prodders
-prodigal, prodigality, prodigally
-prodigious, prodigiously, prodigiousness
-prodigy, prodigies
-produce, produces, produced, producing, producible or produceable
-product, products, productive, productively, productiveness, productivity, production, productions, productional
-profane, profanes, profaned, profaning, profanatory, profanely, profaneness, profaner, profaners, profanation, profanations
-profess, professes, professed, professing, professedly,profession, professional, professionals, professionally
-professor, professors, professorial, professorially, professorship, professorships, professoriat, professoriats or professoriate, professoriates
-proffer, proffers, proffered, proffering, profferer, profferers
-proficient, proficiently, proficiency, proficiencies
-profit, profits, profited, profiting, profitless, profitlessly, profitable, profitability or profitableness, profitably, net profit, net profits
-profligate, profligacy, profligately
-profile, profiles, profiled, profiling, profiler, profilers
-profound, profounder, profoundest, profoundly, profoundness, profundity, profundities
-profuse, profusely, profuseness, profusion
-progeny, progenitor, progenitors
-progesterone, ??, o4
-prognosis, prognoses
-progosticate, prognosticates, prognosticated, prognosticating, prognostication, prognostications, prognosticator, prognosticators, prognosticative
-program, programs, programed, programingor programming, programmable, programmability, programer or programmer, programers or programmers
-progress, progresses, progressed, progressing, in progress, progressive, progressively, progressiveness, progression, progressional, progressionist
-progressive income tax
-prohibit, prohibits, prohibited, prohibiting, prohibition, prohibitions
-project, projects, projected, projecting, projectable, projection, projections, projectional
-projectile, projectiles
-prokaryote, prokaryotes, prokaryotic
-prolapse, ??,
-prolate, ??,
-proletariat, proletariats
-proliferate, proliferates, proliferated, proliferating, proliferation, proliferations, proliferator, proliferators, proliferative
-prolific, prolifically, prolificacy, prolificacies, prolificity, prolificities, prolificness, prolificnesses
-prolix, prolixity, prolixly
-prologue, prologues also prolog, prologs
-prolong, prolongs, prolonged, prolonging, prolonger, prolongers, prolongate, prolongates, prolongated, prolongating, prolongation, prolongations
-prom, proms, promenade, promenades, promenaded, promenading, promenader, promenaders
-prominent, prominently
-prominence, prominences
-promiscuous, promiscuously, promiscuousness, promiscuity, promiscuities
-promise, promises, promised, promising, promiser, promisers, promissory note, promissory notes, promissory
-promote, promotes, promoted, promoting, promotability, promotable, promotion, promotions, promotional, promotionally
-promontory, promontories
-prompt, prompts, prompter, prompters, promptest, prompted, prompting, promptitude or promptness, promptly
-promulgate, promulgates, promulgated, promulgating, promulgation, promulgations, promulgator, promulgators
-prone, pronely, proneness
-prong, prongs, pronged, pronging
-pronominal, pronominally
-pronoun, demonstrative pronoun, personal pronoun, possessive pronoun, relative pronoun
-pronounce, pronounces, pronounced, pronouncing, pronounceable, pronouncer, pronouncers, pronunciation, pronunciations, pronunciational, pronouncement, pronouncements
-proof, proofs, proofed, proofing, proofer, proofers,prove, proves, proven, proved, proving, provability, provableness, provable, provably, prover, provers, proof positive, proof positives
-proof (alcohol measurement), proofs
-proofread, proofreads, proofreading, proofreader, proofreaders
-prop, props, propped, propping, prop up, props up, propped up, propping up
-propaganda, propagandas, propagandist, propagandists, propagandism, propagandistic, propagandistically, propagandize, propagandizes, propagandized, propagandizing, propagandizer, propagandizers
-propagate, propagates, propagated, propagating, propagable, propagative, propagator, propagators, propagation, propagations, propagational
-propel, propels, propelled, propelling, propelant or propellent, propelants or propellents
-propeller, propellers
-propensity, propensities
-proper, properly, properness, proper noun, proper nouns, proper name, proper names
-property, properties, propertyless
-prophase, prophasic
-prophecy, prophecies, prophesy, prophesies, prophesied, prophesying, prophesier, prophesiers, prophet, prophets, prophetess, prophetesses, prophetic, prophetical, prophetically, propheticalness
-prophylactic, prophylactics, prophylactically
-propitiate, propitiates, propitiated, propitiating, propitiatingly, propitiation, propitiations, propitiator, propitiators, propitiable, propitiative, propitiatory
-propitious, propitiously, propitiousness
-proponent, proponents
-proportion, proportions, proportioned, proportioning, proportionably, proportionable, proportioner, proportioners, proportionment, proportionments, proportional, proportionally, proportionality, proportionate, proportionated, proportionating, proportionates, proportionately, proportionateness
-propose, proposes, proposed, proposing, proposal, proposals, proposer, proposers
-proposition, propositions, propositional, propositioned, propositioning, propositional, propositionally, propositional calculus, propositional logic
-propound, propounds, propounded, propounding, propounder, propounders
-propriety, proprieties
-proprietary, proprietaries, proprietarily
-proprietor, proprietors, proprietorial, proprietorially, proprietorship, proprietorships
-prorate, ??, d8,
-prorogue, ??
-prosaic, ??
-proscribe, proscribes, proscribed, proscribing, proscriber, proscribers, proscription, proscriptions, proscriptive, proscriptively
-prose, proses, prosed, prosing
-prosecutor, prosecute, prosecuted, prosecuting, prosecutes, prosecutable, prosecution, prosecutions
-proselyte, proselytes, proselyted, proselyting, proselyte, proselyte, proselytize, proselytizes, proselytized, proselytizing, proselytization, proselytization, proselytizer, proselytizers
-prosody, prosodies, prosodic, prosodically, prosodist, prosodists
-prosopopoeia, prosopopoeias
-prospect, prospects, prospected, prospecting, prospective, prospective, prospectively, prospector, prospectors
-prospectus, prospectuses
-prosper, prospers, prospered, prospering, prosperous, prosperously, prosperousness, prosperousnesses, prosperity, prosperities
-prostate, prostatic
-prostitute, prostitutes, prostituted, prostituting, prostitutor, prostitutors, prostitution, prostitutions
-prostrate, prostrates, prostrated, prostrating, prostrator, prostrators
-protagonist, protagonists
-protege, proteges, protegee, protegees
-proteolysis, proteolytic, proteolytically
-proteose, proteoses
-proteasome, proteasomes
-protect,protects, protected, protecting, protectingly, protective, protectives, protectively, protection, protections, protectional, protectiveness, protectant, protectants, protectorate, protectorates, protectionism, protectionisms, protectionist, protectionists
-protection racket
-protein, proteins, proteinaceous, proteinic, protein synthesis, proteinase
-protest, protests, protested, protesting, protestingly, protester
-Protestant, Protestants, Protestantism, Protestant Reformation
-prothonotary, prothonotaries, prothonotarial
-proto, prototype, prototypal, prototypic, prototypical
-protocol, protocols or protocols, protocoled or protocolled, protocoling or protocolling, protocolar or protocolary
-proton, protons
-protoplasm, protoplasmic
-protozoa, protozoan, protozoans, protozoon, protozoa, protozoons, protozoans, protozoan, protozoal, protozoic
-protract, protracts, protracted, protracting, protractedly, protractedness, protractive, protractor, protractors
-protuberance, protuberances, protuberancy, protuberancies, protuberant, protuberantly, protuberate, protuberates, protuberated, protuberating,
protuberation, protuberations
-protrude, protrudes, protruded, protruding, protrusive, protrudent, protrusible, protrusile, protrusion, protusions, protrusively
-proud (see pride)
-prove (see under proof)
-provenance, provenances
-proverb, proverbs, proverbial, proverbially
-provide, provides, provided, providing
-providence, provident, providential, providentially
-province, provinces, provincial, provincials, provincialism, provinciality, provincially, (maps of provinces)
-proviso, provisos
-provision, provisions, provisioned, provisioning, provisioner, provisioners, provisional, provisionally
-provocative, provocatively, provocativeness
-provoke, provokes, provoked, provoking, provokingly, provocation, provocations, agent provocateur, agents provocateurs
-provost, ??,
-proximal, proximally, proximity, proximate, proximately, proximateness
-proxy, proxies
-prude, prudes, prudery, prudishness, prudish, prudishly
-prudent, prudently, prudence
-prune, prunes, pruned, pruning, pruner, pruners
-prurient, pruriently, prurience, pruriency
-Prussia, Prussian, Prussians
-pry (looking into, snoopy), pries, pried, prying, pryingly
-pry (open), pries, pried, prying
-psalm, psalms, psaltery, psalteries, psalterion
-pseudo, pseudoscience, pseudoscientific, pseudoscientist, pseudoscientists
-pseudonym, pseudonymous, pseudonymousness, pseudonymously
-pseudopod, pseudopods
-psionic, ??,
-psyche, psychedelic, psychedelics
-psychiatry, psychiatric or psychiatrical, psychiatrically, psychiatrist, psychiatrists
-psychic, psychical, psychically
-psychokinesis, psychokineses, psychokinetic,psychokinetically
-psychology, psychologies, psychologist, psychologists, psychological, psychologic, psychologically
-psycho, psychos, psychoactive, psychopath, psychopaths, psychopathic, psychopathy, psychopathically, psychopathology, psychopathological, psychopathologic, psychopathologist, psychopathologists
-psychophysiology, psychophysiologies, psychophysiological or psychophysiologic, psychophysiologist, psychophysiologists
-psychotherapy, psychotherapies, psychotherapeutic, psychotherapeutically, psychotherapist, psychotherapists
-psychotic, psychotically, psychosis, psychoses
-psychosomatic, psychosomatically
-Ptolemy, Ptolemaic system of astronomy
-puberty, puberal, pubertal, pubescent, pubescence, pubescences, pubic, pubes, pubes
-pueblo, ??,
-public, publicly, publicness, pub, pubs, public house, publicity, publicize, publicizes, publicized, publicizing, publish, publishes, published, publishing, publishable, publisher, publishers, in public
-publican, publicans
-publication, publications
-pucker, puckers, puckered, puckering
-puddle, puddles, puddled, puddling, puddly
-pudenda, ??,
-puerile, puerilely, puerility, puerilities
-puff, puffing ?? i3, w11, t22,
-pugaree, ??
-pugilism, pugilist, pugilists, pugilistic
-pugnacious, pugnaciously, pugnaciousness, pugnacity
-pugnosed, pug nose
-puke, pukes, puked, puking
-Pulitzer Prize, Pulitzer Prizes, Joseph Pulitzer
-pull, pull, pulls, pulled, pulling, puller, pull away, pull back, pull down, pull in, pull off, pull out, pull over, pull through, pull no punches, pull up, pull a fast one, pull yourself together, pull your weight, pull out all the stops, pull my leg, pull strings, pull the plug on, pull the wool over the eyes, pull together, pull up stakes, pull the strings, pull the wool over someone's eyes
-pullet, ??,
-pulley, pulleys
-pulmonary , pulmonary artery, pulmonary arteries
-pulp, pulps, pulped, pulping, pulpiness, pulpy or pulpous
-pulsar, pulsars
-pulsate, pulsates, pulsated, pulsating, pulsation, pulsations
-pulse (beat), pulses, pulsed, pulsing, pulsation, pulsations
-pulse (edible seeds), pulses
-pulverize, pulverizes, pulverized, pulverizing, pulverizable, pulverization, pulverizations, pulverizer, pulverizers
-pumice, pumices, pumiced, pumicing, pumiceous, pumicer, pumicers
-pummel, pummels, pummeled, pummeling, pummelling
-pump, pumps, ??, p36, c30
-pun, ??, k2, u7,
-punch, ??, b22, c42,
-punctilious, punctiliously, punctiliousness
-punctual,punctually, punctuality, punctualities, punctuality or punctualness
-punctuate, punctuates, punctuated, punctuating, punctuation, punctuation mark, punctuation marks
-punctuated equilibria
-puncture, punctures, punctured, puncturing, puncturable
-pundit, pundits, punditry
-pungent, pungency, pungently
-punish, punishes, punished, punishing, punishable, punishment, punishments, punishability, punisher, punishers, punitive, punitively, punitiveness, capital punishment, capital punishments
-punt, ??, k4,
-puny, punier, puniest, punily, puniness
-pupa, pupae, pupal
-pupil, pupils,pupliar
-puppet, puppets, ???, m28,
-purchase, purchases, purchased, purchasing, purchaser, purchasers
-purgative, purgatives (a cathartic)
-purge, purges, purged, purging, purger, purgers, purgation, purgatory, purgatories, purgatorial
-pure, purer, purest, purely, pureness, purity, purify, purifies, purified, purifying, purifier, purifiers, purification, purifications purificatory
-puerile, ??
-puritan, ??,
-purl also pearl (knitting), (also the gem pearl), purls, purled, purling, purl stitch, purl stitches
-purl (rippling water sound), purls, purled, purling
-purloin, purloins, purloined, purloining, purloiner, purloiners
-purpose, purposes, on purpose, to good purpose, to little purpose, to no purpose, purposely, purposeful, purposefully, purposefulness, purposeless, purposelessly, purposelessness
-purposive, purposively, purposiveness
-purport, purports, purported, purportedly, purporting
-purse, ??, r9,
-purser, pursers
-pursuant, pursuance, pursuances
-pursuit, pursuits, pursue, pursues, pursued, pursuing, pursuable, pursuer, pursuers
-purulent, purulently
-purvey, purveys, purveyed, purveying, purveyor, purveyors, purveyance, purveyances
-pus, pustular, pustule, pustules
-push, pushes, pushed, pushing, pushy, pushier, pushiest, pushily, pushiness, push around, push paper, when push comes to shove or if push comes to shove
-pusillanimous, pusillanimously, pusillamity, pusillamities
-put, puts, putting, put about, put across, put down, put forth, put forward, put in, put off, putting off, put on, putting on, putting them on, put one over, put out, put through, put to, put together, put up, put upon, put down roots
-putrid, putridity, putridness, putridly, putrefy, putrefies, putrefied, putrefying, putrefaction, putrefactions, putrefactive
-putsch, putsches, putschist, putschists
-putter, putters, puttered, puttering, putterer, putterers
-putty, ??, s46,
-puzzle, puzzles, puzzled, puzzling
-pylorus, pylori, pyloric
-pyramid, pyramids, pyramided, pyramiding, pyramidal, pyramidic, pyramidical, pyramidally
-pyrrhic (in Macrobiotics 17)
-pyrogenic, pyrogenicity
-pyromania, pyromaniac, pyromaniacs, pyromaniacal
-Pythagoras, Pythagoreanism, Pythagorean, Pythagoreans, Pythagorean theorem
-Q, ??,
-qubit, ??,
-quack (doctor), quacks, quacked, quacking, quackish, quackishly, quackery, quackeries
-quack (duck), quacks, quacked, quacking, quacky
-quadrilateral, quadrilaterals
-quadrillion, quadrillions
-quadruple, quadruples, quadruped, quadrupeds, quadrupedal, quadrupled, quadrupling, quadruply, quadruplet, quadruplets, quadruplicate, quadruplicates, quadruplicated, quadruplicating, quadruplicately, quadruplication, quadruplications, quadrivalent, quadrivalence, quadrivalency, quadrivalences, quadrivalencies, quadrangle, quadrangles, quadrangular, quadrangularly, quadrangularness
-quadriplegic, quadriplegics, quadriplegia
-quadrivium, quadrivia
-quaggy, quaggier, quaggiest, quagginess
-quagmire, quagmires
-quail (bird), quail or quails
-quail (cower), quails, quailed, quailing
-quaint, quainter, quaintest, quaintly, quaintness
-qualified, qualifiedly, qualify, qualifies, qualified, qualifying, qualification,qualifications
-qualitative, qualitatively
-quality, qualities
-qualm, qualms, qualmish, qualmishly
-quandary, quandaries
-quantify, quantifies, quantified, quantifying, quantifiable, quantification, quantifications, quantifier, quantifiers
-quantitative, quantitatively, quantitativeness
-quantity, quantities
-quantize, quantizes, quantized, quantizing, quantization, quantizations
-quantum chromodynamic theory
-quantum entanglement
-quantum field
-quantum mechanics
-quantum physics, quantum physicists
-quantum strings
-quantum theory
-quark, quarks
-quarrel, quarrels, quarreled also spelt quarelled, quarreling also spelt quarrelling, quarreler, quarrelers, quarrelsome
-quarry (animal), quarries
-quarry (excavation pit), quarries, quarried, quarrying, quarrier, quarriers
-quarry (shape), quarries
-quart, quarts
-quarter, quarters, quartered, quartering, close quarters
-quartz, quartzose
-quasar, quasers, see also microquasars
-quash, quashes, quashed, quashing
-quay, quayside
-queasy or queazy, queasier or queazier, queasiest or queaziest, queasily, queasiness
-Queen Elizabeth I
-Queen Mary I
-quell, quells, quelled, quelling
-quench, quenches, quenched, quenching, quenchable, quencher, quenchers, quenchless
-querulous, querulously, querulousness
-query, queries, queried, querying, querier
-queue, queues, queued, queuing
-quest, quests, quested, questing, quester, questers
-question, questions, questioned, questioning, questioningly, questioner, questionable, questionability, questionableness, questionably
-qui vive
-quibble, quibbles, quibbled, quibbling, quibbler, quibblers
-quick, quicker, quickest, quickly, quickness
-quicken, quickens, quickened, quickening, quickener, quickeners
-quid, ??
-quid pro quo (in exchange), ??,
-quiddler, ??,
-quiddity, ??
-quiescent, quiescence, quiescently
-quiet, quiets, quieter, quietest, quieted, quieting, quietly, quietness
-quill, ?? p30,
-quilt, quilts, quilted, quilting, quilter
-quintessential, quintessentially, quintessence
-quip, quips
-quire, quires
-quirk, quirks, quirkiness, quirkily, quirky
-quisling, quislings
-quite, not quite
-quiver, quivers, quivered, quivering, quivery, quaver, quavers, quavered, quavering, quaveringly, quavery
-quo warranto, quo warrantos
-quonset, quonsets
-quota, quotas
-quote, quotes, quoted, quoting, quoter, quoters, quotation, quotations, quotational, quotationally
-quotation mark, quotation marks
-quotidian, ??
-quixotic, quixotical, quixotically, quixotism
-rabbi, rabbis, rabbinical, rabbinic, rabbinically
-rabble-rouser, ??, s32,
-rabies, rabietic, rabid, rabidly, rabidity, rabidness
-race (people), races, raced, racing, racial, racially, racist, racism
-race (speed), races, raced, racing
-rack (drain), racks, racked, racking
-rack (holding device), racks, racked, racking
-rack(meat), racks
-rack and pinion (steering), rack and pinions
-rack your brain
-racket, rackets, racquet, racquets, racketed, racketing, rackety, racketeer, racketeers, RICO, racketeered, racketeering, protection racket
-raconteur, raconteurs
-racy, racier, raciest, racily, raciness
-radial, radially, radius, radiior radiuses
-radial tire, radial tires
-radiant, radiantly, radiance, radiancy
-radiant energy
-radical, radical (atom), radicals, radically, free radical,free radicals
-radiate, radiates, radiated, radiating, radiation, radiations, radioactivity, radioactive, radioactive decay, radioactively, reradiation
-radio, radios, radioed, radioing
-radio decay
-radio waves
-radiocarbon dating
-radiograph, radiographs, radiographed, radiographing, radiography, radiographies, radiographer, radiographers, radiographic, radiographically
-radiolarian, radiolarians
-radiology, radiologies, radiological or radiologic, radiologically, radiologist, radiologists, radioscopy, radioscopy or radioscopical
-radiometric, radiometrically, radiometric dating methods
-radionuclide, radionuclide
-radiotelephone, radiotelephones, radiotelephonic, radiotelephony
-radius, radii
-raffle, ??,
-raft (many), rafts
-raft (on water), rafts, rafted, rafting, rafter, rafters
-rafter, rafters
-rag, ragged ??? a38, run ragged
-rage, rages, raged, raging
-raid, ??, i6,
-rail, rails, railed, railing, railings, railer, railers
-railroad, railroads, railroaded, railroading, railroader, railroaders
-raise, raises, raised, raising, raised me ire, raise eyebrows, raise the stakes, raise hell, raise Cain, raise the devil, raiser, raisers
-raisin, raisins
-raison d'être
-rake, ??, Zech 3:2,
-rally, rallies, rallied, rallying
-ram (batter), rams, rammed, ramming
-ram (male sheep), rams
-ramble, rambling, ??, d7,
-rambunctious, rambunctiously, rambunctiousness
-Rameses II, Rameses III, also spelt, Ramses
-ramification, ramifications, ramify, ramifies, ramified, ramifying, ramiform
-ramp (inclined walkway), ramps, ramp up
-ramp (threaten), ramps, ramped, ramping
-rampant, running rampant
-rampart, ramparts
-ramrod, ramrods, ramrodded, ramrodding
-ramus, rami
-rancid, rancidity, rancidness
-rancor, rancorous, rancorously, rancorousness
-random, randomly, randomness
-range, ranges, ranged, ranging
-ransack, ransacks, ransacked, ransacking, ransacker, ransackers
-ransom, ransoms, ransomed, ransoming, ransomer, ransomers
-rank (position), ranks, ranked, ranking, ranker, rankers, rankest, rankly, rankness, rank and file, pull rank
-rank (profuse)
-rant, rants, ranted, ranting, rantingly, ranter, ranters
-rap, raps, rapped, rapping
-rapacious, rapaciously, rapacity, rapaciousness
-rape (crime), rapes, raped, raping, raper, rapers
-rape (grapes), rapes
-rape (plant), rapes
-rapid, rapids, rapider, rapidest, rapidity, rapidness, rapidly
-rapine, rapines
-rappel, rappelled, ??
-raptor, ??,
-rapture, raptures, raptured, rapturing, rapt, raptly
-rare, rarer, rarest, rareness, rarity, rarities, rarely
-rarefy, rarefies, rarefied, rarefying, rarefiable, rarefaction, rarefactive
-rascal, rascals, rascally
-rash (haste), rasher, rashest, rashly, rashness
-rash (outbreak), rashes
-rasp, rasps, rasped, rasping, raspingly, rasper, raspers
-rate (berate), rates, rated, rating
-rate (measure), rates, rated, rating, at any rate
-rather, rather than
-ratify, ratifies, ratified, ratifying, ratifier, ratification, ratifications
-ratio, ratios
-ration, rations, rationed, rationing
-rational, rational number, rational numbers, rationally, rationalness, rationalism, rationalist, rationalists, rationalistic, rationalistically, rationally, rationality, rationalities
-rationalize, rationalizes, rationalized, rationalizing, rationalization, rationalizations, rationalizer, rationalizers, rationalizable
-rattan, rattans
-rattle, rattles, rattled, rattling, rattletrap, rattletraps
-raucous, raucously, raucousness, raucity
-ravage, ravages, ravaged, ravaging, ravager, ravagers
-rave, raves,  raved, raving
-raven (also spelled ravin), ravens, ravened, ravening, raveningly, ravener, raveners, ravenous, ravenously, ravenousness
-ravel, ravels, raveled, raveling, raveler
-ravine, ?? g6, OrigWordsNotesE,
-ravish, ravishes, ravished, ravishing, ravisher, ravishers
-raw, ???, c9, m24, s56, c8,
-Rawlings, Marjorie Kinnan
-rayon, rayons
-raze, razes, razed, razing, rase, rases, rased, rasing
-reach, reaches, reached, reaching, reachable, reacher, reachers
-react, reacts, reacted, reacting, reaction, reactions, reactive, reactively, reactiveness, reactivity, reactance
-reactivate, reactivates, reactivated, reactivating, reactivation, reactivations
-reactor, reactors
-readily, ready, readies, readier, readiest, readied, readying, make ready, readiness
-real, realness, reality, realities, really, in reality, realize, realizes, realized, realizing, realizable, realizer, realism, realization, realistic, realistically, real number, real numbers, real estate, real time (now in your experience), real-time (as fast as), the real McCoy
-realm, realms
-ream, reams, reamed, reaming
-reap, reaps, reaped, reaping, reaper, reapers
-rear (care for), rears, reared, rearing, rearer, rearers
-rear (hind part), rears
-rearrange, rearranges, rearranged, rearranging, rearrangement
-reason, reasons, reasoned, reasoning, reasonings,deductive reasoning, inductive reasoning, reasoner, reasoners, reasoning, reasonings, reasonable, reasonably, reasonability, reasonableness, by reason of, in reason, within reason, with reason, raison d'être
-reassure, reassures, reassured, reassuring, reassurance, reassurances, reassuringly
-rebar, rebarsf
-rebate, ??
-rebel, rebels, rebelled, rebelling, rebellious, rebelliously, rebelliousness, rebellion, rebellions
-rebind, rebinds, rebinding, rebound, rebounds, rebounded, rebounding, rebounder, rebounders
-rebuff, rebuffs, rebuffed, rebuffing
-rebuke, rebukes, rebuked, rebuking
-rebut, rebuts, rebutted, rebutting, rebuttal, rebuttals
-recalcitrant, recalcitrance, recalcitrancy
-recall, recalls, recalled, recalling, recallable
-recant, recants, recanted, recanting, recantation, recantations, recanter, recanters
-recap, recaps, recapped, recapping, recapitulate, recapitulates, recapitulated, recapitulating, recapitulative, recapitulatory, recapitulation
-recede, recedes, receded, receding
-receipt, ??, s5, s33,
-receive, receives, received, receiving, receiver, receivers
-recent, recency, recentness, recently
-receptacle, receptacles
-reception, receptions, receptive, receptively, receptivity, receptiveness, receptor, receptors
-recess, recesses, recessed, recessing, recessive, recessively, recessiveness, recessivenesses, recession, recessions
-recidivism, recidivist, recidivists, recidivistic or recidivous
-recipe, ?? m2
-recipient, recipients
-reciprocity, reciprocal, reciprocally, reciprocality, reciprocation, reciprocate, reciprocates, reciprocated, reciprocating, reciprocative
-recite, recites, recited, reciting, reciter, reciters, recital, recitals, recitalist, recitalists, recitation, recitations, recitational, recitative
-reckless, recklessly, recklessness
-reclaim, reclaims, reclaimed, reclaiming, reclaimable, reclaimant or reclaimer, reclaimants or reclaimers
-reclamation, reclamations
-recline, reclines, reclined, reclining, reclination, reclinations
-reckon, reckons, reckoned, reckoning, reckon with
-reclusive, reclusively, reclusiveness
-recognize, recognizes, recognized, recognizing, recognizable, recognizably, recognizer, recognizers, recognition, recognitions, recognitory or recognitive
-recoil, recoils, recoiled, recoiling, recoiler
-recollect, recollects, recollected, recollecting, recollectively, recollective, recollection
-recombinant and recombinant DNA
-recombination, recombinations, recombinational
-recommence, recommences, recommencing, recommenced, recommencement, recommencements
-recommend, recommends, recommended, recommending, recommendable, recommender, recommenders, recommendation, recommendations
-recompense or recompence, recompenses, recompensed, recompensing
-reconcile, reconciles, reconciled, reconciling, reconcilability, reconcilably, reconcilable, reconcilement, reconcilements, reconciler, reconcilers, reconciliation, reconciliations, reconciliatory
-recondite, reconditely, reconditeness
-reconnoiter, ??, s62,
-reconsider, reconsiders, reconsidered, reconsidering, reconsideration, reconsiderations
-reconstitute, reconstitutes, reconstituted, reconstituting
-reconstruct, ??, r27,
-record, records, recorded, recording, go on record, off the record, off the record, on record
-recount, recounts, recounted, recounting, recountal, recountals
-recoup, recoups, recouped, recouping, recoupable, recoupment, recoupments
-recourse, recourses
-recover, recovers, recovered, recovering, recoverable, recoverer, recoverers, recovery, recoveries
-recreation, ??, r12, a26,
-recriminate, recriminates, recriminated, recriminating, recriminative, recriminatory, recriminator, recriminators, recrimination, recriminations
-recruit, recruits, recruited, recruiting, recruiter, recruiters, recruitment, recruitments
-rectangular, rectangularity, rectangularly, rectangle, rectangles
-rectify, rectifies, rectified, rectifying, rectifiable, rectification, rectifications
-rectitude, ??
-recto, rectos
-rector, rectory, ??,
-rectum, rectums or recta
-recumbent, recumbently
-recuperate, recuperates, recuperated, recuperating, recuperation, recuperations, recuperative, recuperatory
-recur, recurs, recurred, recurring, recurrence, recurrent, recurrently
-recursive, recursively, recursiveness, recursion, recursions
-recuse, recusil, recusing, ??,
-recycle, ??, r28,
-red blood cell, red blood cells
-red herring
-Red River Rebellion
-red tape
-red tide
-redact, redacts, redacted, redacting, redactor, redactors
-rededicate, rededication
-redeem, redeems, redeemed, redeeming, redeemable, redemption, redemptions, redemptional, redemptive, redemptory
-redhanded or red-handed, redhandedly
-redirect, redirects, redirected, redirecting, redirection, redirections
-rediscover, rediscovers, rediscovery, rediscoveries
-redesign, redesigns, redesigned, redesigning
-redolent, ??,
-redoubt, redoubts
-redound, redounds, redounded, redounding
-redress, redresses, redressed, redressing, redresser, redressers
-reduce, reduces, reduced, reducing, reducer, reducers, reducibility, reducible, reducibly, reductive, reduction, reductional, reductionism, reductionisms, reductionist, reductionists, reductionistic, reductive, reductively, reductivism, reductivisms, reductivist, reductivists
-reductio ad absurdum
-redundancy, redundant
-reduplicate, reduplicates, reduplicated, reduplicating
-redux, ??,
-reed, reeds
-reef, reefs
-reef (nautical), reefs, reefed, reefing, ??, e26,
-reek, reeks, reeked, reeking, reeker, reekers, reeky
-reel, reels, reeled, reeling, reeler, rellers, reel off, reel in, reeled of, reelable
-reestablish, reestablishes, reestablished, reestablishing, reestablishment, reestablishments
-reexamine, reexamines, reexamined, reexamining, reexamination, reexaminations
-refer, refers, referred, referring, referable, referral, referrals, referrer, referrers, reference, references, referenced, referencing, referent, referents, with reference to, referencer, referencers, referential, referentially
-referee, referees, refereed, refereeing
-refile, ??,
-refine, refines, refined, refining, refiner, refiners, refinement, refinements
-refinery, refineries
-reflect, reflects, reflected, reflecting, reflection, reflections, reflectional, reflective, reflectively, reflectiveness, reflect on
-reflex, reflexes, reflexed, reflexing, reflexive, reflexives,reflexively, reflexiveness, reflexivity, referee
-reform, reforms, reformed, reforming, reformability, reformable, reformer, reformers, reformative, reformation, reformism, reformist, reformists
-refound, refounds, refounded, refounding, refounder, refounders, refoundation, refoundations
-Reformation (Protestant Reformation)
-refraction, refractions, refractory, refractories, refractorily, refractoriness, refractional, refractive, refractively, refractiveness, refractivity, refract, refracts, refracted, refracting
-refrain, refrains, refrained, refraining
-refresh, refreshing, ??, b17, L7, Ps 51:12,
-refrigerate, refrigerates, refrigerated, refrigerating, refrigerative or refrigeratory, refrigeration, refrigerations, refrigerator, refrigerators
-refuel, ??, r2
-refuge, refuges, refuged, refuging, refugee, refugees
-refund, refunds, refunded, refunding, refundable, refunder, refunders, refundment, refundments
-refurbish, refurbishes, refurbished, refurbishing, refurbishment, refurbishments
-refuse (garbage)
-refuse (reject), refuses, refused, refusing, refuser, refusers, refusal, refusals
-refute, refutes, refuted, refuting, refutation, refutations, refutable, refutably, refutal, refutals
-regain, regains, regained, regaining, regainer, regainers
-regal, regals, regality, regalities, regally, regale, regales, regaled, regaling, regalement, regalements
-regard, regards, regarded, regarding, in regard to, with regard to, regardless, regardlessly, regardlessness, irregardless
-regelungen (a German word)
-regenerate, regenerates, regenerated, regenerating, regenerable, regenerately, regenerator, regenerators, regeneration, regenerations, regenerative, regeneratively, regeneracy
-regent, regents, regency, regencies, regental, coregent, coregents
-regicide, regicide, regicidal
-regime, regimes
-regimen, regimens
-regiment, regiments, regimented, regimenting, regimental, regimentally, regimentation, regimentations
-region, regions, regional, regionally
-register, registers, registered, registering, registrable, registerer, registerers, registration, registrations, register (in mind; makes sense),
-regress, regresses, regressed, regressing, regressor, regressors, regression, regressions
-regret, regrets, regretted, regretting, regretful, regretfully, regretfulness, regrettable, regrettably
-regular, regulars, regularity, regularly
-regulate, regulates, regulated, regulating, regulative, regulatory, regulation, regulations
-regurgitate, regurgitates, regurgitated, regurgitating, regurgitant, regurgitative, regurgitation, regurgitations
-rehabilitate, rehabilitates, rehabilitated, rehabilitating, rehabilitatable, rehabilitation, rehabilitations, rehabilitative
-rehash, rehashes, rehashed, rehashing
-reimburse, reimburses, reimbursed, reimbursing, reimbursable, reimbursement, reimbursements
-rein, reins, reined, reining, rein in
-reign, reigns, reigned, reigning
-reincarnation, reincarnations, reincarnate, reincarnates, reincarnated, recarnating
-reinforce, reinforces, reinforced, reinforcing, reinforceable, reinforcement, reinforcements
-reinstate, reinstates, reinstated, reinstating, reinstatement, reinstatements
-reinsure, reinsures, reinsured, reinsuring, reinsurance, reinsurances, reinsurer, reinsurers
-reinstitute, reinstitutes, reinstituted, reinstituting
-reintroduce, reintroduces, reintroduced, reintroducing, reintroduction, reintroductions
-reiterate, reiterates, reiterated, reiterating, reiteration, reiterations, reiterative, reiteratively
-reject, rejects, rejected, rejecting, rejecter, rejecters, rejector, rejectors, rejective, rejectives, rejection, rejections, rejectionist, rejectionists
-rejoice, rejoices, rejoiced, rejoicing, rejoice in, rejoicer, rejoicers
-rejoinder, rejoinders, ??
-rejuvenate, rejuvenates, rejuvenated, rejuvenating, rejuvenation, rejuvenations, rejuvenator, rejuvenators, rejuvenescence, rejuvenescences, rejuvenescent
-rekindle, rekindles, rekindled, rekindling
-relabel, relabels, relabeling, relabeled
-relapse, relapses,relapsed, relapsing, relapser, relapsers
-relate, relates, related, relating, relatable, relater, relaters, relation, relations, in relation to, in relationship to, relational, relationally, relationship, relationships
-relative, relatives, relativeness, relatively, relativistic, relativity, relativities, relativism, relativisms, relative pronoun, relative clause
-relative (family), relatives
-relax, relaxes, relaxed, relaxing, relaxable, relaxation, relaxations, relaxant, relaxants
-relay, relays, relayed, relaying
-release, releases, released, releasing
-relegate, relegates, relegated, relegating, relegation, relegations
-relent, relents, relented, relenting, relentless, relentlessly, relentlessness
-relevant, relevantly, relevance, relavancy
-relic, relics, reliquary, reliquaries
-relieve, relieves, relieved, relieving, relieve oneself, relievable, reliever, relief, bas-relief, low relief
-religion, religions, religionism, religionist, religionists, religiosity, religious, religiously, religiousness, religiot, religiots
-relinquish, relinquishes, relinquished, relinquishing, relinquisher, relinquishers, relinquishment
-relish, relishes, relished, relishing
-relocate, relocates, relocated, relocating, relocation, relocations
-reluctance, reluctant, reluctantly, reluctance, reluctancy, reluct, relucts, reluctant, reluctantly, relucted, relucting
-rely, relies, relied, relying, relier, reliant, reliantly, reliance, reliable, reliability, reliableness, reliably
-remain, remains, remained, remaining, remainder, remainders, remaindered, remaindering
-remark, remarks, remarked, remarking, remarker, remarkers, remarkable, remarkableness, remarkablenesses, remarkably
-remedy, remedies, remedied, remedying, remedial, remediation, remediations
-remember, remembers, remembered, remembering, rememberability, rememberabilities, rememberable, rememberer, rememberers, remembrance
-remind, reminds, reminded, reminding, reminder, reminders
-reminiscence, reminiscences, reminiscent, reminiscently
-remiss, remissly, remissness, remissible, remissibility, remissibly, remission, remissions
-remit, remits, remitted, remitting, remitment, remitter, remitters, remittable
-remnant, remnants
-remodel, remodeled, remodelled, remodeling, remodelling, remodels, remodeler, remodelers
-remonstrate, remonstrates, remonstrated, remonstrating, remonstration, remonstrator, remonstrators, remonstrative, remonstratively, remonstrance
-remorse, remorseful, remorsefully, remorsefulness, remorseless, remorselessly, remorselessness
-remote, remotes, remoter, remoters, remotest, remotely, remoteness, remote control, remote controls
-rémoulade, rémoulades
-remove, removes, removed, removing, removal, removals, remover, removers
-remunerate, remunerates, remunerated, remunerating, remunerability, remunerator, remunerators, remunerable, remuneration, remunerations
-renal, ??,
-rennet, ?? c16
-rend, rends, rent, rended, rending, render, renders, rendered, rendering, renderable, renderer, renderers, rendition
-rendezvous, rendezvoused, rendezvousing
-renegade, renegades, renegaded, renegading
-renege, reneges, reneged, reneging, reneger, renegers
-renew, renews, renewed, renewing, renewer, renewers
-renitent, renitence, renitency
-rennet, rennets
-rennin, rennins
-renounce, renounces, renounced, renouncing, renouncement, renouncements, renouncer, renouncers
-renown, renowned
-renovate, renovates, renovated, renovating, renovation, renovations, renovator, renovators
-rent (tear)
-rent (payment), rents, rented, renting, renter, renters
-renunciation, renunciative, renunciatory
-repair, repairs, repaired, repairing, repairability, repairable, repairably, repairer, repairers, reparable, reparably, reparability
-reparation, reparations
-repatriate, repatriates, repatriated, repatriating, repatriation, repatriations
-repattern, ??,
-repay,repays, repaid, repaying, repayable, repayment, repayments
-repeal, repeals, repealed, repealing, repealable, repealer, repealers
-repeat, repeats, repeated, repeating, repeatable, repeatability, repeatedly
-repel, repels, repelled, repelling, repeller, repellent, repellence or repellency, repellently
-repent, repents, repented, repenting, repentent, repentance, repenter, repenters
-repercussion, repercussions, repercussive
-repertoire,repertoires, repertory, repertories, repertorial, repertory company, repertory companies
-repetition, repetitions, repetitional, repetitious, repetitiousness, repetitiously, repetitive, repetitively, repetitiveness
-rephrase, rephrases, rephrased, rephrasing
-replace, replaces, replaced, replacing, replaceable, replacer, replacers
-replenish, replenishes, replenished, replenishing, replenisher, replenishers, replenishment, replenishments
-replete, repleteness, repletion, repletions
-replicate, replicates, replicated, replicating, replication, replications, replica, replicas
-reply, replies, replied, replying, replier
-report, reports, reported, reporting, reportable
-repose, reposes, reposed, reposing, reposal, reposals, reposer, reposers, reposit, reposits, reposited, repositing, repository, repositories, reposition, repositions
-reprehension, reprehensible, reprehend, reprehends, reprehended, reprehending
-reprieve, reprieves, reprieved, reprieving, reprievable
-represent, represents, represented, representing, representability, representer, representers, representable, representative, representatives, representatively, representativeness, representation, representations
-repress, represses, repressed, repressing, represser repressive, repressively, repressiveness, repressible, repression, repressions
-reprimand, reprimands, reprimanded, reprimanding
-reprisal, reprisals
-reproach, reproaches, reproached, reproaching, reproachable, reproachableness, reproacher, reproachers, reproachably, reproachful, reproachfully, reproachfulness, self-reproach, self-reproachfully, self-reproachful
-reprobate, reprobates, reprobater, reprobaters, reprobated, reprobating, reprobation, reprobations, reprobative
-reproduce, reproduces, reproduced, reproducing, reproducible, reproducer, reproducers, reproducibility, reproductive, reproductively, reproductiveness, reproduction
-reprove, reproves, reproved, reproving, reprovable, reprovingly, reprover, reprovers
-reptile, reptiles, reptilian, reptilians
-republic, republics, republican, republicans, republicanism
-repudiate, repudiates, repudiated, repudiating, repudiative, repudiator, repudiators, repudiation, repudiations, repudiationist, repudiationists
-repugnance, repugnance, repugnant, repugnantly
-repulse, repulses, repulsed, repulsing, repulsion, repulsions, repulsive, repulsively, repulsiveness
-repute, reputes, reputed, reputedly, reputing, reputable, reputably, reputability, reputabilities, reputation, reputations
-request, requests, requested, requesting, by request, in request, on request, upon request, requester, requesters
-require, requires, required, requiring, requirable, requirer, requirers, requirement, requirements
-requisite, requisiteness, requisitely (compare prerequisite)
-requite, requites, requited, requiting, requitable, requiter, requiters, requital, requitals
-rescind, rescinds, rescinded, rescinding, rescindable, rescinder, rescindment, rescindments, rescission, rescissions,  rescissory
-rescue, rescues, rescued, rescuing, rescuable, rescuer, rescuers
-research, researches, researched, researching, researchable, researcher, researchers, researchist, researchists
-resell, resells, reselling, resold, resale, resales, resalable
-resemble, resembles, resembled, resembling, resembler, resemblers, resemblance, resemblances
-resent, resents, resented, resenting, resentful, resentfulness, resentfully, resentment, resentments
-reserve, reserves, reserved, reserving, in reserve, reservable, reserver, reservers, reservation, reservations, reservationist, reservationists
-reservation (land), reservations, reservationist, reservationists
-reservoir, reservoirs
-resettle, ??, t26,
-reside, resides, resided, residing, resider, residers
-resident,residents, residence, residences, residential, residentially, residentiary, residentiary, residentiaries
-residual, residuals, residually
-residue, residues
-resign, resigns, resigned, resigning, resignation (acceptance), resignation, resignations, resigner, resigners, re-sign, re-signs, re-signed, re-signing
-resilience or resiliency, resilient, resiliently
-resin, resins, resined, resining, resinous
-resist, resists, resisted, resisting, resister, resisters, resistance, resistant, resistive, resistively, resistiveness
-resolute, resolutely, resoluteness, resolution, resolutions
-resolve, resolves, resolved, resolving, resolvability or resolvableness, resolver, resolvers, resolvable, resolvedly
-resonate, resonates, resonated, resonating, resonation, resonations, resonance, resonant, resonantly
-resorb, resorbs, resorbed, resorbing, resorption, resorptions
-resort, resorts, resorted, resorting, resort to, resorted to, resorting to
-resound, resounds, resounded, resounding, resounding, resoundingly
-resource, resources, resourceful, resourcefully, resourcefulness
-respect, respects, respected, respecting, respecter, respectful, respectfully, respectfulness, respectively, respective, respectiveness, respectable, respectably, respectableness, respectability, in all respects, in some respects, in that respect, with respect to
-respiration, respirational, respirable, respirability, respirator, respirators, respire, respires, respired, respiring, respiratory, respiratory system, respiratory tract, respiratory tracts
-respite, respites, respited, respiting
-resplendent, resplendence, resplendency, resplendently
-respond, responds, responded, responding, responder, responders, response, responsive, responsively, responsiveness
-responsible, responsibleness, responsibly, responsibility, responsibilities
-rest (cease from work), rests, rested, resting, rester, resters, restless, restlessly, restlessness, restful, restfully, restfulness
-rest (remainder), rests, rested, resting
-restaurant, ???, a6, r10, c32, i21, b26
-restatement, ??, p1,
-restive, restively, restiveness
-restore, restores, restored, restoring, restorer, restorers, restoration, restorations
-restrain, restrains, restrained, restraining, restrainable, restrainedly, restrainer, restrainers, restraint, restraints
-restrict, restricts, restricted, restricting, restrictor, restrictors, restricter, restricters, restriction, restrictions, restrictive, restrictively, restrictiveness
-restructure, ??, r27,
-restudy, restudies, restudied, restudying
-result, results, resulted, resultful, resultless, resultfulness, resultant, resultants, resultantly
-resume, resumes, resumed, resuming, resumable, resumer, resumption, resumptions, résumé, resume, resumé, resumés
-resurgence, resurgent, resurge, resurges, resurged, resurging
-resuscitate, resuscitates, resuscitated, resuscitating, resuscitable, resuscitative, resuscitation
-retail, retails, retailed, retailing, retailer, retailers
-retain, retains, retained, retaining, retainability, retainment, retainable, retainer, retainers
-retaliate, retaliates, retaliated, retaliating, retaliation, retaliations, retaliator, retaliators, retaliative, retaliatory
-retard, retards, retarded, retarding, retarder, retarders, retardation, retardations
-retentive, retentively, retentiveness, retention, retentions
-retch, retches, retched, retching
-reticence, reticent
-reticular formation
-reticulum, reticula
-retina, retinas, retinal
-retire, retires, retired, retiring, retiringly, retiringness
-retort, retorts, retorted, retorting, retorter, retorters
-retract, retracts, retracted, retracting, retractability or retractibility, retractation, retractions, retractable or retractible, retractile, retractility, retractilities
-retreat, retreats, retreated, retreating, retreater, retreaters
-retribution, retributions, retributive, retributory, retributively
-retrieve, retrieves, retrieved, retrieving, retrievability, retrievable, retrievably, retrieval
-retroactive, retroactively, retroactivity
-retrograde, retrogrades, retrograded, retrograding, retrogradation, retrogradations, retrogradely
-retrogress, retrogresses, retrogressed, retrogressing, retrogressive, retrogressively, retrogressing,retrogression, retrogressions
-retrospect, retrospects, in retrospect, retrospection, retrospections, retrospective, retrospectives, retrospectively
-retrovirus, retroviruses, retroviral
-reunion, reunions
-reunite, reunites, reunited, reuniting
-return, returns, returned, returning, returner, returners
-revalue, revalues, revaluated, revaluating, ??,
-revamp, ??,
-reveal, reveals, revealed, revealing, revealable, revealer, revealers, revealment, revealments, revelation, Book of Revelation, revelator, revelators, revelatory
-revel, revels, reveled or revelled, revelingor revelling, revelings, revelry, revelries, revelrous, revelry, revelries, revelrous
-revenge, revenges, revenged, revenging, revenger, revengers, revengeful, revengefully, revengefulness
-revenue, revenues, ??, f23,
-reverberate, reverberates, reverberated, reverberating, reverberant, reverberantly, reverberator, reverberators, reverberatory, reverberatories, reverberation, reverberations
-revere, reveres, revered, revering, reverence, reverences, reverencer, reverencers, reverence, reverences, reverenced, reverencing, reverential, reverentially, reverent, reverently, reverend, reverends
-reverse, reverses, reversal, reversed, reversing, reversely, reverser, reversers
-reverse transcriptase
-revert, reverts, reversion, reverted, reverting, reverter, reverters, revertible, revertive
-review, reviews, reviewed, reviewing, reviewable
-revile, reviles, reviled, reviling, revilement, revilements, reviler, revilers
-revise, revises, revised, revising, revisable, reviser, revisers or revisors, revision, revisions, revisionary
-revitalize, revitalizes, revitalized, revitalizing, revitalization, revitalizations
-revive, revives, revived, reviving, revivable, reviver, revivers, revival, revivals
-revoke, revokes, revoked, revoking, revoker, revokers
-revolt, revolts, revolted, revolting, revoltingly, revolter, revolters
-revolution, revolutions, revolutionary, revolutionaries, revolutionarily, revolutionariness, revolutionarinesses, revolutionist, revolutionists, revolutionize, revolutionized, revolutionizing, revolutionizes, revolutionizer, revolutionizers
-revolve, revolves, revolved, revolving, revolvable
-revue, revues
-revulsion, revulsions, revulsive, revulsed
-rewaken, rewakens, rewakened, rewakening, rewake, rewakes, rewoke or rewaked, rewaked or rewoken, rewaking
-reward, rewards, rewarded, rewarding, rewardable, rewarder, rewarders
-rheum, rheumy, ??,
-rhetoric, rhetorical, rhetorically, rhetorician, rhetoricians
-rhinovirus, rhinoviruses
-rheumatic fever
-rhombus, rhombbuses or rhombbi, rhombic
-rhythm, rhythms, rhythmic, rhythmical, rhythmically
-rhyme, rhymes, rhymed,rhyming
-rib (bone), ribs, ribbed, ribbing
-rib (ridge) ribs, ribbed, ribbing
-ribbon, ribbons, ribboned, ribboning, ribbony
-ribose, ribosome, ribosomes
-Richter scale
-rickety, ricketier, ricketiest, ricketiness
-rid, rids, ridded, ridding, ridder, ridders, riddance, get rid of, good riddance
-ride, rides, ridden, rode, riding, ride out, ride for a fall, ride herd on, ride high, ride roughshod over, ride shotgun, take for a ride
-riddle, riddles, riddled, riddling
-ridge, ridges, ridged, ridging
-ridicule, ridicules, ridiculed, ridiculing, ridiculer, ridiculers, ridiculous, ridiculously, ridiculousness
-Rif, Rifs, Riffian, Riffians
-riffraff, ??,
-rifle (gun), rifles, rifled, rifling
-rifle (search), rifles, rifled, rifling
-rift, rifts, rifted, rifting
-rig, rigs, rigged, rigging, riggings, rigger, riggers
-Rig Veda
-right,rights, righted, righting, rightly, by rights, right away, right now, right well, right and left, to rights, righter
-right (set upright), rights, righted, righting,
-right angle, right angles, right triangle, right triangles
-righteous, righteously, righteousness, self-righteous, self-righteously, self-righteousness
-rigid, rigidly, rigidness, rigidity, rigidities
-rigmarole or rigamarole
-rigor, rigors, rigorism, rigorisms, rigorist, rigorists, rigoristic, rigorous, rigorously, rigorousness
-rigor mortis, ??,
-rile, ??
-rill, ??
-rim, ??, s21, B21,
-rind, rinds
-ring (circular), rings, ringed, ringing
-ring (sound), rings, rang, rung (rung, as of a ladder, see below), ringing, ring up, ring true, rings true
-rink, ??, l6,
-rinky-dink, ??,
-riotous, riotously, riotousness, riot, riots, rioted, rioting, rioter, rioters
-rip, rips, ripped, ripping, rip off, rips off, ripped off, ripping off, ripper, rippers
-ripe, ??,
-ripple, ripples, rippled, rippling, rippler, ripplers, ripplingly, ripply, ripplier, rippliest
-rise, rises, rose, risen, rising, rose (flower), roses (flowers)
-risk, risks, risked, risking, at risk, risker, riskers, risky, riskier, riskiest
-rite, rites
-ritual, rituals, ritualistic, ritualistically
-rival, rivals, rivaled, rivaling, rivalry, rivalries
-rive, rives, rived, riven, riving
-river, rivers
-rivet, rivets, riveted, riveting, riveter, riveters
-rivulet, rivulets
-rizz, ??,
-RNA, ribonucleic acid
-roam, roams, roamed, roaming, roamer, roamers
-roar, ??, b24,
-roast, roasts, roasted, roasting, roaster, roasters
-robbery, robberies, rob, robs, robbed, robbing, rob someone or something blind, robber, robbers
-robe, robes, robed, robing
-robot, ??, a36, h2,
-robust,robustly, robustness
-rock, rocky, rocky road Comp 2, b18, Mating 8, qwmh 30, 34,  ??,
-rocket, rockets, rocketed, rocketing, rocket engine, rocket engines
-rod, rods
-rodent, ?? e17,
-Roethke, Theodore
-Roger Bannister
-rogue, rogues, rogued, roguing, roguish, roguishly, roguishness
-roil, roils, roiled, roiling
-role, roles, role model, role models
-roll, rolls, rolled, rolling, roll out
-Roman Catholic Church, Romanism, Romanisms, Romanist, Romanists
-Roman Empire
-Roman Numeral, Roman Numerals
-Rome, Roman, Romans
-romance, romances, romanced, romancing, romancer, romancers, romantic, romantics, romantically, Romance languages, Romanticism, romanticist, romanticists
-roof, ??, r5,
-romp, ??
-room and board
-roost, roosts, roosted, roosting, come home to roost, rule the roost
-root (cheer), roots, rooted, rooting, rooter, rooters
-root (ground), roots, rooted, rooting, rooter, rooters
-root beer, root beers
-rope, ropes, roped, roping, roper, ropers
-rose, rose to, ??, c24,
-rosin, rosins, rosined, rosining, rosiny
-Rosetta stone
-rostrum, ??, s51,
-rot, rots, rotted, rotting, rotten, rottener, rottenest, rotttenly, rottenness
-rotate, rotates, rotated, rotating, rotatable, rotative, rotatively, rotation, rotations, rotational, rotary, rotaries
-rotavirus, rotaviruses
-rough, roughs, rougher, roughers, roughest, roughed, roughing, rough it, roughly, roughness, in the rough
-round, rounds, rounded, rounding, roundness, roundtrip, roundtrips, make the rounds, go the rounds, in the round
-roundabout, roundabouts
-rouse, rouses, roused, rousing, rouser, rousers
-roust, ??,
-rout, routs, routed, routing
-route (travel), routes, routed, routing
-routine, routines, routinely, routinism, routinist, routinists
-rove, roves, roved, roving, rover, rovers
-row (propel a boat), rows, rowed, rowing
-row(straight line), rows, rowed, rowing, a tough row to hoe
-row (quarrel) rows, rowed, rowing
-rowdy, rowdies, rowdy, rowdier, rowdiest, rowdily, rowdiness, rowdyism
-royal, royals, royally, royalty, royalties, the royal road
-rub, ?? a11, g8. i25,
-rubber, ?? e19, i24, v9, f21,
-rubber stamp (item), rubber stamps
-rubber-stamp (stamping), rubber-stamps. rubber-stamped, rubber-stamping
-rubble, rubbly
-rubbish, rubbishy
-rubefacient, rubefaction
-rubicon, rubicons
-rubric, rubrical
-rude, ruder, rudest, rudeness, rudely
-ruddy, ruddier, ruddiest, ruddily, ruddiness
-rudder, rudders
-rudiment, rudiments, rudimental, rudimentary, rudimentarily, rudimentariness
-rue, rue the day, ??,
-ruffian, ruffians, ruffianism, ruffianisms, ruffianly
-ruffle, ruffles, ruffled, ruffling
-rugged, ruggedly, ruggedness
-ruin, ruins, ruined, ruining, ruinable, ruiner, ruiners, ruinous, ruinously, ruinousness, ruination, ruinations
-rule, rules, ruled, ruling, rulable, rule out, as a rule
-rumble, ??, s48, p10,
-ruminant, ruminants
-ruminate, ruminates, ruminated, ruminating, ruminative, ruminatively, ruminator, ruminators, ruminant, rumination, ruminations
-rummage, rummages, rummaged, rummaging, rummage, rummager, rummagers
-rumor or rumour, rumors, rumored, rumoring
-rump, rumps
-rumple, rumples, rumpled, rumpling, rumply
-rumpus, rumpuses, rumpus room, rumpus rooms
-run, runs, ran, running, runner, runners, runny, runnier, runniest, running rampant, in the long run, run ragged
-run of the mill
-runaround, runarounds
-rundown, rundowns
-rune, runes, runic, ??
-rung, rungs
-Rupert's Land
-rupture, ruptures, ruptured, rupturing
-rural, rurally
-ruse, ruses
-rush, rushes, rushed, rushing, rusher, rushers
-Russia, Russian, Russians ??
-rust, rusts, rusted,rusting, rustable, rusty, rustier, rustiest, rustily, rustiness
-rustic, rustics, rustically, rusticity, rusticities
-rut (animals), rut (groove), ruts, rutted, rutting
-ruthless, ruthlessly, ruthlessness, ruthlessnesses
-sabbath, sabbaths, sabbatical, sabbaticals
-saboteur, saboteurs, sabotage, sabotages, sabotaged, sabotaging
-sac, sacs
-saccharide, saccharides
-sack (bag), sacks
-sack (dismiss), sacks, sacked, sacking
-sack (rob), sacks, sacked, sacking
-sacrament, sacraments, sacramental, sacramentals, sacramentally, sacramentalism, sacramentalisms, sacramentalist, sacramentalists
-sacred, sacredly, sacredness,sacerdotal, sacerdotally, sacerdotalism
-sacrifice, sacrifices, sacrificed, sacrificing, sacrificial, sacrificially, sacrificer, sacrificers
-sacrilege, sacrileges, sacrilegist, sacrilegists, sacrilegious, sacrilegiously, sacrilegiousness
-sacrosanct, sacrosanctity
-sad, sadder, saddest, sadden, saddens, saddened, saddening, sadly, sadness
-sadism, sadist, sadists, sadistic, sadistically, sadomasochism, sadomasochist, sadomasochists, sadomasochistic
-saddle, saddles, saddled, saddling
-safari, ??,
-safe, safer, safest, safely, safeness, safety, safeties
-safeguard, safeguards, safeguarded, safeguarding
-sag, sags, sagged, sagging
-saga, ??,
-sagacity, sagacious, sagaciously, sagaciousness
-sage (herb)
-sage (wise), sages, sager, sagest, sagely, sageness, sagacity, sagacious, sagaciously, sagaciousness
-sail, ??, c52, e26,
-saint, saints, sainted, sainting, saintly, saintlier, saintliest, saintliness
-Saint Vitus' dance
-sake (purpose), sakes
-sake (wine)
-salamander, salamanders, salamandrine
-salacious, salaciously, salaciousness or salacity
-salary, salaries, salaried
-sale, sales, sales pitch, sales pitches, sell, sells, sold, selling, saleable also salable, salability or salableness, salabilities or salablenesses, salably, sellable also saleable, sell off, sell out, sell a bill of goods, sold down the river, sell short
-salient, salients, saliently, salientness
-saline, salines, salinity, salinities, salinize, salinizes, salinized, salinizing, salinization, salinizations
-saloon, ??, t14
-salt, salts, salted, salting, salty, saltier, saltiest, saltily, saltiness, smelling salts
-salubrious, ??
-salute, salutes, saluted, saluting, saluter, saluters, salutation, salutations, salutational
-salvation, salvational
-Samaria, Samarian, Samarians, Samaritan, Samaritans
-salve, salves, salved, salving
-same, sameness
-samovar, samovars
-sample, samples, sampled, sampling
-sanatorium, ??
-sanctify, sanctifies, sanctified, sanctifying, sanctification, sanctifications, sanctifier, sanctifiers, sanctity,sanctities
-sanction (approve), sanctions, sanctioned, sanctioning
-sanction (penalty), sanctions, sanctioned, sanctioning
-sanctuary, sanctuaries
-sandal, ?? t17,
-sandbar, sandbars
-sandstorm, sandstorms
-sane, saner, sanest, sanely, saneness, sanity
-sanguine, sanguinely, sanguinity, sanguineness
-sanitize, sanitizes, sanitized, sanitizing, sanitization, sanitizations, sanitary, sanitarily
-sans souci
-Sanskrit, Sanskritist, Sanskritic
-Santayana, George
-sap (plants), saps
-sap (deplete), saps, sapped, sapping, sapper, sappers
-sapling, saplings
-saponification, saponifications
-saprophyte, saprophytes, saprophytic, saprophytically
-sarcasm, sarcasms, sarcastic, sarcastically
-sarcophagus, sarcophagi or sarcophaguses
-sardonic, sardonically, sardonicism
-sash, sashes, sashed, sashing
-sash (window), sashes, sashed, sashing
-sashay, ??
-sassy, sassier, sassiest, sassily, sassiness
-Satan, satanic or satanical, satanically, satanism, satanisms, satanist,satanists
-satchel, ??,
-sate, sates, sated, sating
-satiate, satiates, satiated, satiating, satiation, satiations, satiety
-satin, satins
-satire, satires, satirize, satirizes, satirized, satirizing, satirical, satiric, satirically
-satisfy, satisfies, satisfying, satisfier, satisfiers, satisfyingly, satisfaction, satisfied, satisfactory, satisfactorily, satisfactoriness, self-satisfaction, self-satisfied
-satrap, satraps, satrapy, satrapies
-saturate, saturates, saturated, saturating, saturable, saturator, saturators, saturation, saturations
-satyr, satyrs
-sauce, sauces, sauced, saucing, saucy, saucier, sauciest, saucily, sauciness
-sauté, sautés, sautéed, sautéing
-saunter, saunters, sauntered, sauntering, saunterer, saunterers
-sausage, sausages
-savage, savages, savaged, savaging, savagely, savageness, savagery, savageries
-savant, savants
-save (except), save for, save that
-save (put away), saves, saved, saving
-save (rescue), saves, saved, saving, save your breath, savable or saveable, saver, savers, savior, saviors, saviour, saviours
-savor or savour (tasty), savors or savours, savored, savoring, savorous, savorer, savorers, savoryor savoury
-savory(herb), savories, savorily, savoriness
-Savonarola, Girolamo
-saw (cutting tool), saws, sawed or sawn, sawing, sawer, sawers
-saw (see),
-Saxon, Saxons, Saxony
-saxony (fabric), saxonies
-say, as they say, they say
-scab, scabs, scabbed, scabbing
-scaffold, scaffolds, scaffolded, scaffolding, scaffoldings
-scald, ?? b15
-scale(animal), scales, scaled, scaling, scaly, scalier, scaliest, scaliness
-scale (instrument), scales, scaled, scaling
-scale (measurement), scales, scaled, scaling, scalable
-scallion, ??,
-scallywag, scallywags
-scalp, scalps, scalped, scalping, scalper, scalpers
-scam, scams, scammed, scamming, scammer, scammers
-scamp, scamper, ?? s25, u4,
-scan, ??, t24,
-scandal, scandals, scandalous, scandalously, scandalousness, scandalize, scandalizes, scandalized, scandalizing, scandalization, scandalizations, scandalizer, scandalizers, scandalmonger, scandalmongering
-Scandinavia, Scandinavian, Scandinavians
-scant, scants, scanter, scantest, scanty, scantily, scantiness, scanted, scanting, scantly, scantness, scantnesses
-scapegoat, scapegoats, scapegoated, scapegoating
-scar, scars, scarred, scarring, scar tissue, scar tissues
-scarce,scarcer, scarcest, scarcely, scarcity, scarcities, scarceness
-scare, scares, scared, scaring, scare up, scarer, scarers, scary, scarier, scariest, scarily, scariness
-scarf, scarfs or scarves, scarfed, scarfing
-scarf (eat fast), scarfs, scarfed, scarfing, scarfer, scarfers
-scarlet, scarlets
-scarlet tanager, scarlet tanagers
-scat, scats, scatology, scatologies, scatological, scatologic, scatologist, scatologists
-scat (leave hastily), scats, scatted, scatting
-scat (music jazz), scats, scatted, scatting
-scathe, scathes, scathed, scathing, scathingly
-scatter, scatters, scattered, scattering, scatterer, scatterers
-scatterbrain, scatterbrains, scatterbrained
-scavenge, scavenges, scavenged, scavenging
-scene, scenes, behind the scenes, scenery, sceneries, scenic, scenically, scenario, scenarios
-scent, scents, scented, scenting, scentless
-scepter, scepters or sceptre, sceptres, sceptered, sceptering
-sheet, ??,
-schedule, schedules, scheduled, scheduling, schedular, scheduler
-scheme, schemes, schemed, scheming, schemer, schemers
-Schweitzer, Albert
-shenanigan, shenanigans
-schism, schismatic, schismatically
-schizophrenia, schizophrenic, schizophrenically
-scholar, scholars, scholarly, scholarliness, scholastic, scholastically, scholasticism, scholarship, scholarships
-school, schools, schooled, schooling
-school(group of fish), schools, schooled, schooling
-schoolmarm, schoolmarms, schoolma'am, schoolmarmish
-Schwarzschild, Karl (Schwarzschild proton)
-science (behavioral science, creation science, exact science, true science), sciences, scientific, scientist, scientists, scientifically, scientific method, anti-science
-scion, scions
-sclera, sclerotic, sclerotic coat, scleral
-scoff (eat fast), scoffs, scoffed, scoffing, scoffingly, scoffer, scoffers
-scoff (mock), scoffs, scoffed, scoffing, scoffingly, scoffer, scoffers
-scold, scolds, scolded, scolding, scolder, scolders, scoldingly
-scone, scones
-scoop, scoops, scooped, scooping, scooper, scoopers, scoopful, scoopfuls
-scoot, scooted, scooting, scoots, scoot over
-scope, scopes, scoped, scoping
-scorch, scorches, scorched, scorching, scorchingly
-score, scores, scored, scoring, scorer, scorers
-scoria, scoriae, scoriaceous
-scorn, scorns, scornful, scorner, scorners, scorned, scorning, scornfulness, scornfully
-scorpion (insect), scorpions
-scorpion (whip), scorpions
-scotch, scorching, ???
-Scottish, Scot, Scots, Scotland
-scotch whiskey
-scoundrel, scoundrelly
-scour (clean), scours, scoured, scouring, scourer, scourers
-scour (search), scours, scoured, scouring, scourer, scourers
-scourge, scourges, scourged, scourging
-scout, scouts, scouted, scouting, scouter, scouters
-scowl, scowls, scowled, scowling, scowler, scowlingly
-scrabble, scrabbles, scrabbled, scrabbling, scrabbler, scrabblers, scrabbly
-scramble, scrambles, scrambled, scrambling, scrambler, scramblers
-scrap, scraps, scrapped, scrapping, scrapper, scrappers, scrappy, scrappier, scrappiest, scrappily, scrappiness
-scrape, scrapes,scraped, scraping
-scratch, scratches, scratched, scratching, from scratch, up to scratch, scratcher, scratchers
-scrawl, scrawls, scrawled, scrawling, scrawler, scrawly
-scream, ??, s61,
-screech, screeches, screeched, screeching, screecher, screechers, screechiness, screechy
-screed, ??,
-screen, screens, screened, screening, screenable, screener, screeners
-screw (deceive), screws, screwed, screwing
-screw, screws, screwed, screwing, screwable, screwer, screwers, screw up, have a screw loose
-scribe, scribes, scribed, scribing, scriber, scribers
-scribble, scribbles, scribbled, scribbling, scribbly, scribbler, scribblers
-scrim, ??,
-scrimmage, scrimmages, scrimmaged, scrimmaging, line of scrimmage
-scrimp, scrimps, scrimped, scrimping, scrimper, scrimpers, scrimpiness, scrimpy
-script, scripts, scripted, scripting, scripture, scriptures, scriptural, scripturally
-scroll,scrolls, scrolled, scrolling
-scrotum, ?? cre65
-scrounge, scrounges, scrounged, scrounging, scrounger, scroungers
-scrub, scrubby, ??, b17, s51, s52,
-scruff, scruffs,scruffy, scruffier, scruffiest, scruffily, scruffiness
-scrupulous, scrupulosity, scrupulosities, scrupulousnesses, scrupulously
-scruple, scruples, scruple, scrupled, scrupling
-scrutiny, scrutinies, scrutinize, scrutinizes, scrutinized, scrutinizing, scrutinizingly, scrutinizer, scrutinizers, scrutineer, scrutineers
-scuff, scuffs, scuffed, scuffing, scuffer
-scuffle, scuffles, scuffled, scuffling, scuffler, scufflers
-scull, sculls, sculled, sculling, sculler
-scullery, sculleries
-sculpt, sculpts, sculpted, sculpting, sculpture, sculptures, sculptured, sculpturing, sculptural, sculpturally, sculpturesque, sculpturesquely, sculptor, sculptors
-scum, scums, scummed, scumming, scummy, scummily, scummer, scummers, scumminess
-scurf, scurfs, scurfiness, scurfy
-scurry, scurries, scurried, scurrying
-scut, ??
-scuttle(a hurried run), scuttles, scuttled, scuttling
-scuttle (a small opening),
-scuttle (discard), scuttles, scuttled, scuttling
-scuttle (a pail)
-scythe, scythes, scythed, scything
-sea, seas
-sea anemone
-sea urchin, sea urchins
-seal, seals, sealed, sealing, sealable, seal off
-seal (animal), seals, sealed, sealing
-seam, seams, seamed, seaming, seamer, seamers, seamless, seamlessly, seamlessness
-seamy, seamier, seamiest, seaminess
-sear, sears, seared, searing
-search, ??, L11,
-season (enhance food), seasons, seasoned, seasoned (mature), seasoning, seasonings, seasoner, seasoners
-season (temper), seasons, seasoned, seasoning
-season (time), seasons, seasonal, seasonally, seasonable, seasonably, seasonality, in season
-season (treat), seasons, seasoned, seasoning, seasoner, seasoners
-season ticket, season tickets
-seasonal affective disorder (SAD)
-seat, seats, seated, seating, by the seat of one's pants, deep-seated
-secede, secedes, seceded, seceding
-secession, secessional
-secluded, secludes, secludedly, secludedness, seclude, secluding,seclusion
-second(s) (time), second (after the first), seconds, seconded, seconding, second cousin, second-order logic, second person (grammar)
-secondary, secondaries, secondarily, secondariness
-secret, secrets, secrecies, secretly, secrecy,secretive, secretively, secretiveness
-secretary, secretaries, secretarial
-secrete (generate), secretes, secreted, secreting, secretion, secretions, secretory, secretory vesicles
-secrete (hide), secretes, secreted, secreting
-sect, sects, sectarian, sectarianism
-section, sections
-sector, sectors, sectored, sectoring, sectorial
-secular, secularly, secularity
-secure, secures, secured, securing, securer, securest, securable, securely, securement, securements, secureness
-security, securities, securitize, securitizes, securitized, securitizing
-sedate, sedates, sedated, sedating, sedately, sedateness
-sedative, ??, s5 with sedate
-sedentary, sedentarily, sedentariness
-sediment, sediments, sedimentary, sedimental, sedimentation, sedimentations
-sedition, seditions, seditionist, seditious, seditiously, seditiousness
-seduce, seduces, seduced, seducing, seduceable or seducible, seducer, seducers, seductive, seductively, seduction, seductions, seductiveness
-sedulously, ??,
-see, sees, saw, seen, seeing, see about, see after, see off, see out, see through, see to, see red
-seed, seeds, seeded, seeding, seedling, seedling, seedy, seedier, seediest, seedily, seediness ???
-seek, seeks, seeking, sought
-seem, seems, seemed, seeming, seemingly, seemingness
-seemly, seemlier, seemliest, seemly, seemliness
-seep, seeps, seeped, seeping, seepage, seepages
-seer (a seerer), seers
-seesaw, seesaws, seesawed, seesawing
-seethe, seethes, seethed, seething
-segment, segments, segmented, segmenting, segmentize, segmentalize, segmentary, segmental, segmentally, segmentation, segmentations, segmentar, segmentars
-segregate, segregates, segregated, segregating, segregative, segregator, segregators, segregation
-segue, segues, segued, seguing
-seismology, seismologic or seismological, seismologically, seismologist, seismologists, seismic, seismically, seismicity
-seize, seizes, seized, seizing, seizable, seizer, seizers, seizure, seizures
-seldom, seldomness
-select, selects, selected, selecting, selectable, selective, selectively, selectiveness, selectness, selection, selections
-Seleucid, Seleucids
-self, selves
-selfish, selfishly, selfishness, selfishnesses
-selfless, selflessly, selflessness, selflessnesses
-self-actualize, self-actualizes, self-actualized, self-actualizing, self-actualization, self-actualizer, self-actualizers
-self-administer, self-administers, self-administered, self-administering, self-administration, self-administrations
-self-aggrandizment, self-aggrandizments, self-aggrandizing
-self-assured, self-assurance, self-assurances
-self-centered, self-centeredly, self-centeredness
-self-censure, self-censured, self-censuring
-self-composed, self-composedly, self-composedness
-self-confidence, self-confident, self-confidently
-self-conscious, self-consciously, self-consciousness
-self-contained, self-containment, self-containments
-self-denial, self-denying, self-denyingly
-self-destruction, ??, QWMH23,
-self-determination, self-determinations
-self-evident, self-evidence, self-evidently
-self-governing, ?? s14,
-self-importance, self-important, self-importantly
-self-indulgence, self-indulgences, self-indulgent, self-indulgently
-self-interest, self-interests, self-interested
-self-made, ??,
-self-possessed, self-possession
-self-propelled, self-propulsion, self-propulsions
-self-reliance, self-reliant, self-reliantly
-self-respect, self-respecting
-self-righteous, self-righteously, self-righteousness
-self-seeking, self-seekings, self-seeker, self-seekers
-self-sufficient, ??, DictGrammar2,
-self-will, self-willed
-selfsame, ??
-sell, sells, sale, sales, sold, selling, sell off, sell out, sold a bill of goods, sold down the river, sell short, sell themselves short, sellable, sold their soul to the devil
-seltzer, ??,
-selvage also selvedge
-semantic, semantics, semantical, semantically
-semester, ??
-semiarid, semiaridity, semiaridities
-semicircle, semicircles, semicircular
-semiconductor, semiconductors, semiconducting
-semiconscious, semiconsciously, semiconsciousness
-semiformal, ??, c47,
-seminal, seminally
-seminar, seminars
-semipermeable, semipermeability
-semirigid, ??, f16,
-semisolid, semisolids
-Semite, Semites, Semitic, anti-Semitic, anti-Semitism
-semitone, semitones, semitonic, semitonically
-semitropical, semitropically, semitropics,
-senate, senates, senatorial, senatorially, senator, senators, senatorship, senatorships
-senescent, senescence, ??,
-sensation, sensations, sensational, sensationally, sensationalism, sensationalist, sensationalists, sensationalistic
-sense, senses, sensed, sensing, sensory, commonsense, senseless, senselessly, senselessness, make sense of
-sensual, sensually, sensualness, sensuality, sensuous, sensualism, sensuosity, sensuousness, sensuously, sensualist, sensualists, sensualistic, sensualize, sensualized, sensualizing, sensualizes, sensualization, sensualizations
-sensible, sensibleness, sensibly, sensibility, sensibilities
-sensitive, sensitively, sensitiveness, sensitivity, sensitivities
-sensitize, sensitizes, sensitized, sensitizing, sensitization, sensitizations, sensitizer, sensitizers, sensitivity, sensitivities
-sentence (grammar), sentences
-sentence (time, as served by a criminal), sentences, sentenced, sentencing, sentencer, sentencers, sentential, sententially
-sententious, sententiously, sententiousness
-sentient, sentiently, sentience
-sentiment, sentimental, sentimentally
-sentinel, ??, g10, s62,
-sentry, sentries
-sepal, sepals, sepaled or sepalous
-separate, separates, separated, separating, separative,separately, separateness, separable, separability, separably, separation, separations
-Sephardi, Sephardim, Sephardic
-sepsis, sepses, septic, septicity, septicities, septicemia, septicemic
-septillion, septillions
-sepulcher or sepulchre, sepulchers  or sepulchres, sepulchered, sepulchering
-septum, septa
-sequence, sequences, sequencing, sequential, sequentiality, sequentially, sequential DNA
-sequester, sequesters, sequestered, sequestering
-serendipity, ??
-serene, serenely, sereneness, serenity
-serf, serfs, serfdom
-serial, serially
-serif, serifs,
-serious, seriously, seriousness
-sermon, sermons, sermonic or sermonical
-serology, serologies, serologic, serological, serologically, serologist, serologists
-serotype, serotypes, serotyped, serotyping
-serpent, serpents
-serrate, serrates, serrated, serrating
-serum, serums or sera, serous
-serve, serves, served, serving,servant, servants
-service, services, serviced, servicing
-servile, servileness, servility, servilely
-servitude, servitudes, involuntary servitude, involuntary servitudes
-session, sessions, sessional, sessionally
-set (group of things), sets
-set (in position), sets, setting, set about, set apart, set aside, set at, set away or set by, setback, setbacks, set back, set down, set forth, set forward, set in stone, set out, set up, set upon
-settle, settles, settled, settling, settle down, settle for, settleable, settlement, settlements, settler, settlers
-sever, severs, severed, severing, severable, severability, severabilities, severance
-several, severally
-severe, severer, severest, severity, severeness, severely
-sew (cloth), sews, sewn or sewed, sewing, sewable, sew up, sewer, sewers
-sewage, sewages
-sewer (conduit), sewers
-sex, sexes, sexed, sexing, sexual, sexuality, sexually, sexual intercourse
-sexism, sexist, sexists
-shabby, shabbier, shabbiest, shabbily, shabbiness
-shack, shacks, shacked, shacking
-shackle, shackles, shackled, shackling, shackler, shacklers
-shade, shades, shaded, shading, shader, shaders
-shaft, shafts, shafted, shafting
-shaggy, ?? b7
-shake, shakes, shook, shaken, shaking, shook off, shake off, shakeable, shaky, shakier, shakiest, shakily, shakiness
-shale, shales, shaley, shale oil, shale oils
-shallow, shallows, shallowed, shallowing, shallower, shallowest, shallowly, shallowness
-Shakespeare, Shakespeareanor Shakespearian
-sham, shams, shammed, shamming, shammer
-shaman, shamanic
-shame, shames, shamed, shaming, shameful, shamefully, shamefulness, shameless, shamelessly, shamelessness, shame on you
-shank, shanks, shanked, shanking
-shanty, shanties
-shape, shapes, shaped, shaping, shape up, shapable or shapeable, shaper, shapers, shapeshift, shape-shift, shapeshifter, shapeshifters, shape-shifter, shape-shifters, shape-shifting
-shard, shards
-share, shares, shareable, shareability, shareholder, shareholders, ??? p23, n3, e23, s59, u1,
-sharecropper, sharecroppers
-sharp (music), sharps, sharped, sharping, sharpen, sharpens
-sharp (pierce), sharper, sharpest, sharply, sharpness
-sharpened (make sharp), sharpening, sharpener, sharpeners
-shatter, shatters, shattered, shattering, shatteringly
-shawl, shawls, shawled, shawling
-shear, shears, sheared or shorn, shearing, shearer, shearers
-sheer, sheers, sheered, sheering, sheerer, sheerest, sheerly, sheerness, sheernesses
-sheath, sheaths, sheathed, sheathing
-sheaf, sheafs, sheafed, sheafing, sheave, sheaves, sheaved, sheaving
-sheave (pulley), sheaves
-shed (lose), sheds, shedding
-shed (storage), sheds
-sheep, black sheep
-shekel, shekels
-shell company, shell corporation, shell companies, shell corporations
-shelf, shelves, shelve, shelved, shelving, shelfful, shelffuls, off the shelf, on the shelf
-shellac, ??,
-shell-shocked, ??,
-shelter, shelters, sheltered, sheltering, shelterless, shelterer, shelterers
-shepherd, ?? p24, h17,
-sheriff, sheriffs ??, o6, 925,
-sherry, sherries
-shield, shields, shielded, shielding, shielder, shielders
-shift, shifts, shifted, shifting, shifter, shify, shifty, shiftier, shiftiest, shiftily, shiftiness, shiftless, shiftlessly, shiftlessness
-shill (govern; one who dupes others), shills, shilled, shilling
-shilling (money), shillings
-shindig, ??,
-shingles (disease)
-shingle (roof), shingles, shingled, shingling, shingler, shinglers
-Shintoism, Shintoist, Shinto, Shintoistic
-ship, shipping, ??, c41, b18, b24, w12, b25,
-shirk, shirks, shirked, shirking, shirker, shirkers
-shirt, ??, b22,
-shite, ??,
-shiver, shivers, shivered, shivering, shivery
-shoal, shoals, shoaled, shoaling
-shock (auto part), shocks
-shock (grain), shocks, shocked, shocking
-shock (impact/surprise), shocks, shocked, shocking, shockingly
-shod, ?? r15,
-shoddy, shoddies, shoddier, shoddiest, shoddily, shoddiness
-shoe, shoes, ??
-shofar, ??,
-shone, shine, shines, shined, shining, take a shine to
-shoo, shoos, shooed, shooing
-shoot, shoots, shot, shots, shooting, shoot down, shoot from the hip, shoot the works, shoot the bull, shooter, shooters
-shore, shores, shored, shoring, shore up, shoreless, shoreward, shorewards, shorebird
-short, shorts, shorted, shorted circuit, shorting, short selling, shorter, shortest, shortness, shortage, shortages, shortsighted, shortsightedly, shortsightedness, caught short, in short, short for, short of, the short end of the stick
-short-circuit, short circuits, short-circuited, short circuiting
-shortcoming, shortcomings
-shot, ??, s49, f19, d1,
-shot put, shotputter, shotputters, shotputting
-shoulder, shoulders, shouldered, shouldering
-shout, ?? h10, c43,
-shove, shoves, shoved, shoving, shove off, shover, shovers
-show, shows, showed, shown, showing, show off, show up, get the show on the road, show one's hand, showy, showier, showiest, showily, showiness
-shred, shreds, shreddedor shred, shredding, shredder, shredders
-shrew, shrewish, shrewishly, shrewishness
-shrewd, shrewdness, shrewdly
-shrill, shriller, shrilles, shrill, shrills, shrilled, shrilling, shrillness, shrillnesses, shrilly
-shrine, shrines, shrined, shrining
-shrink, shrinks, shrank, shrunk, shrunken, shrinking, shrinkage, shrinkages, shrinkable, shrinkables, shrinker, shrinkers, shrinking violet, shrinking violets
-shrivel, shrivels, shriveled, shriveling
-shroud, shrouds, shrouded, shrouding
-shrub, shrubs, shrubbery, shrubberies
-shrug, shrugs, shrugged, shrugging, shrug off,shrugging off
-shrug (sweater), shrugs
-shuck, shucks, shucked, shucking, shucker
-shudder, shuddery (w shiver, etc.), ???,
-shuffle, shuffles, shuffled, shuffling, shuffler, shufflers
-shun, shuns, shunned, shunning, shunner, shunners
-shunt, shunts, shunted, shunting, shunter
-shut, shuts, shutting,shut off, shut up, shut one's eyes to, shutter, shutters, shuttered, shuttering
-shute (see under chute)
-shy, shies, shyer, shyest, shied, shying, shyness, shyly, shy away from
-shylock, ??,
-shyster, shysters
-sibilant, sibilants, sibilance or sibilancy, sibilances or sibilancies, sibilantly
-sibling, siblings
-sick (not well), sicker, sickest, sickness, sicknesses, sick and tired
-sick (to set upon), sicks, sicked, sicking
-sickos, sickos
-sickle, sickles, sickled, sickling, sickle cell, sickle cells, sickle cell anemia
-sickle cell anemia
-side, sides, sided, siding, side effect, side effects
-sideshow, sideshows
-sidestep, sidesteps, sidestepped, sidestepping, sidestepper, sidesteppers
-sidetrack, sidetracks, sidetracked, sidetracking
-siege, sieges, sieged, sieging
-sieve, sieves, sieved, sieving
-sift, sifts, sifted, sifting, sifter, sifters
-sigil, sigils
-sigma, 10-sigma
-sigmoid flexure, sigmoid flexures, sigmoid colon
-sign, signs, signed, signing, sign language, sign in, sign off, sign out, sign up, signer, signers
-signature, signatures, signatory, signatories
-signal, signals, signaled, signaling, signaler, signalers, signally, signalize, signalized, signalizing, signalizes, signalization, signalizations
-signalment, signalments
-signatory, signatories
-sigh, sighs, sighed, sighing, sigher, sighers
-sightsee, sightsees, sightsaw, sightseen, sightseeing, sightseeings, sightseer, sightseers
-signet, signets, signet ring, signet rings
-signify, signifies, signified, signifying, signifiable, signifier, signifiers, significant, significantly, significance, significancy, signification, significations, significative, significativeness
-silage, silages
-silent, silents, silently, silentness, silence, silences, silenced, silencing, silent partner, silent partners, silent treatment, silent treatments, t1, q2,
-silhouette, silhouettes, silhouetted, silhouetting
-silica, silicas, silicate, silicates, silicon, silicons
-silly, sillier, silliest, sillily, silliness, sillinesses
-silk, silks, silked, silking, silky, silkier, silkiest, silken, silkily, silkiness
-silo, silos, siloed, siloing
-silver, ??,
-similar, similarly, similarity, similarities
-simile, similes
-simmer, simmers, simmered, simmering, simmer down
-simple, simpler, simplest, simpleness, simply, simplify, simplifies, simplified, simplifying, simplification, simplifications, simplifier, simplifiers, simplism, simplisms, simplistic, simplistically, simplicity, simplicities, simpleton, simpletons
-simulate, simulates, simulated, simulating, simulation, simulations, simulant, simulants
-simultaneous, simultaneously, simultaneity, simultaneousness, simultaneously
-sin, sins, sinned, sinning, sinful, sinfully, sinfulness, difference transgression & sin
-sin vacilar
-Sinai (Mount Sinai)
-sincere, sincerely, sincerest, sincereness, sincerity
-sine qua non
-sine sinusoid, sinusoidal
-sinew, sinews, sinewed, sinewing, sinewy
-sing, sings, sang, sung, singing, singable
-singe, singes, singed, singeing
-singly, single, single out, singles, singled, singling, singleness, single-handed, single-handedly, single-handedness, single-hand, single-handed, single-handing, single-hands, single-hander, single-handers, single-story, singular, singularly, singularness, singularity, singularities
-singular (grammar)
-sinister, sinisterly, sinisterness
-sink in
-Sino, Sinology, Sinological
-sinter, ??
-sinuous, sinuously, sinuousness
-sip, sips, sipped, sipping, sipper, sippers
-siphon, siphons, siphoned, siphoning, siphonal, siphonic
-sir, sirs
-Sir Francis Drake
-sire, ??
-siren, ??, s61,
-sissy, ??, c41,
-site, ?? m15
-situation, situations, situated, situating, situate, situates, situational, situationally
-size, sizes, sizable, ??? i18, m2, g12, f19, h15,
-skank, skanky ??
-skedaddle, skedaddles, skedaddled, skedaddling
-skeleton, skeletal, ??, o11, b26,
-skeptic, skeptics, skeptical, skeptically, skepticism
-sketch, sketches, sketched, sketching, sketchy, sketchier, sketchiest, sketchily, sketchiness, sketcher, sketchers
-skew, skews, skewed, skewing, skewnes
-skewer, skewers, skewered, skewering
-ski, skiing, ??, p40,
-skiff, ??
-skill, skills, skilled, sklllful, skillfully, skillfulness, also skilful
-skim, skims, skimmed, skimming
-skimp, skimps, skimped, skimping, skimpy, skimpier, skimpiest, skimpily, skimpiness
-skinflint, ??,
-skint, ??,
-skip, skips, skipped, skipping, skippable
-skirmish, skirmishes, skirmished, skirmishing, skirmisher, skirmishers
-skirt, skirts, skirted, skirting
-skit, skits, skittish, skittishly, skittishness
-skitter, ??
-skulk, skulks, skulked, skulking, skulker, skulkers
-skullduggery, skullduggeries
-skunk, ??
-slab, slabs, slabbed, slabbing
-slack (slow down, loosen, negligent), slacks, slacker, slackers, slackest, slacked, slacking, slacken, slackens, slackened, slackening, slack off, slackly, slackness
-slack (a bog)
-slack (coal)
-slacks (trousers)
-slag, slags, slagged, slagging, slaggy
-slake, ?? q1-truss
-slam, slamming, ?? b15
-slander, slanders, slanderer, slanderers, slanderous, slanderously, slanderousness
-slang, slangs, slanged, slanging, slangily, slanginess, slangy
-slant, slants, slanted, slanting, slanted, slanting, slantingly
-slap, slaps, slapped, slapping, slapper, slappers, slap on the wrist
-slapstick, slapsticks
-slat, slats, slatted, slatting
-slate, slates, slated, slating
-slather, ??,
-slattern, ??
-slaughter, slaughters, slaughtered, slaughtering, slaughterous, slaughterer, slaughterers
-slave, slaves, slaved, slaving, slavery, slaveries
-slaver, slavers, slavered, slavering
-Slavic, Slavics
-Slavonian Grebe
-slay, slays, slew, slain, slaying, slayer, slayers
-sleazy, ???, t14
-sled, sleds, sledded, sledding
-sledgehammer, ??, r24,
-sleek, sleeker, sleekest, sleek, sleeks, sleeked, sleeking, sleekly, sleekness
-sleet, ??
-sleigh, sleighs, sleighed, sleighing, sleigher, sleighers
-sleight, sleight of hand, sleights of hand
-slender, slenderer, slenderest, slenderly, slenderness
-slice, slices, sliced, slicing, sliceable, slicer, slicers
-slick, ??, Relationships 11, s52,
-slide, slides, slid, sliding
-slight (small in size), slights, slighter, slightest, slighted, slighting, slightness, slightly
-slight (discourteousness), slights, slighted, slighting, slightness
-slim, (put with slender) ??, s4,
-slime, slimes, slimed, sliming, slimy, slimier, slimiest, slimily, sliminess
-sling, slings, slung, slinging, slingshot, slingshots
-slink, slinks, slunk, slinked, slinking, slinkingly
-slip, slips, slipped, slipping, slippery, slipperier, slipperiest, slipperiness
-slip (plant), slips, slipped, slipping
-slipshod, slipshoddiness
-slipstream, ??
-slit, slits, slitting, slitter, slitters, slitty
-slither, slithers, slithered, slithering, slithery
-sliver, slivers, slivered, slivering
-slobber, ??, s18, d11,
-slog, ??, f3,
-slogan, slogans
-sloop, ??,
-slop, slops, slopped, slopping
-slope, slopes, sloped, sloping, slopingly, sloppy, sloppier, sloppiest, sloppily, sloppiness
-slosh, ??,
-slot, ??
-sloth, slothful, slothfully, slothfulness
-slouch, slouches, slouched, slouching, slouchily, slouchy, slouchiness
-slough, sloughs, sloughed, sloughing
-slough (stagnant swamp), also slew, also slue, sloughy
-sloven, slovenly, slovenliness
-slow, ??
-slug (animal), slugs
-slug (bullet), slugs, slugged, slugging
-slug(hit), slugs, slugged, slugging, slugger, sluggers
-sluggard, sluggards, sluggardly, sluggardness
-sluggish, sluggishly, sluggishness
-slum, ??, v1,
-slumber, ??
-slump, slumps, slumped, slumping
-slush, slushes, slushed, slushing
-sly, slier, slyer, sliest, slyest, on the sly, slyly, slyness
-smack (lips), smacks, smacked, smacking
-smack (small amount), smacks
-smack (strike), smacks, smacked, smacking
-smack (taste), smacks, smacked, smacking
-small, smalls, smaller, smallest, smallish, smallness
-small intestine
-smarmy, smarmier, smarmiest, smarminess
-smart (intelligence), smarts, smarter, smartest, smartly, SMART
-smart (pain), smarts, smarted, smarting, smartly
-smash, smashes, smashed, smashing, smasher, smashers
-smatter, smatters, smattered, smattering, smatterer
-smear, smears, smeared, smearing
-smell (scent), smells, smelled or smelt, smelling
-smelt (fish), smelts
-smelt (ore), smelts, smelted, smelting, smelter, smelters, smeltery, smelteries
-smile, ??, a19,
-smirk, smirks, smirked, smirking, smirker, smirkers, smirkingly or smirkily, smirky
-smite, smites, smote, smitten, smiting, smiter, smiters
-smith, ??, 1Sam 1-16
-Smithsonian Institution
-smithereens, ??,
-smock, ??, o8,
-smog, ??, i26,
-smoke, ??, i26, c52,
-smoldering, ??, r1,
-smooth, smooths, smoother, smoothest, smoothed, smoothing, smoother, smoothers, smoothly, smoothness, smoothnesses
-smother, smothers, smothered, smothering
-smudge, smudges, smudged, smudging, smudgily, smudgy, smudginess
-smug, smugger, smuggest, smugly, smugness
-smuggle, smuggles, smuggled, smuggling, smuggler, smugglers
-smut, smuts
-snaky, snakier, snakiest, snakily, snakiness
-snap, snaps, snapped, snapping, snap back, snap up, snap out of it, cold snap, cold snaps
-snappish, snappishly, snappishness
-snare, snares, snared, snaring
-t-SNARE and v-SNARE
-snarky, snarkier, snarkiest, snarkily
-snarl (growl), snarls, snarled, snarling, snarler, snarlingly, snarly
-snarl (traffic), snarls, snarled, snarling, snarler, snarlingly, snarly
-snatch, snatches, snatched, snatching, snatcher, snatchers
-sneak, sneaks, sneaked, snuck, sneaking, sneaky, sneakier, sneakiest, sneakily, sneakiness
-sneer, sneers, sneered, sneering, sneeringly, sneerful or sneery, sneerer, sneerers
-snide, snider, snidest, snidely, snideness
-sniff, sniffs, sniffed, sniffing, sniffable, sniffer, sniffers, snivel, snivels, sniveled, sniveling, sniveler, snivelers
-sniffle, sniffles, sniffled, sniffling, sniffler, snifflers, sniffly
-snip, snips, snipped, snipping
-snipe (birds), snipes
-snipe (shoot), snipes, sniped, sniping, sniper, snipers
-snipe (malicious remark), snipes, sniped, sniping
-snippet, snippets
-snit, snits, snitty
-snitch, snitches, snitched, snitching, snitcher, snitchers
-snob,snobs, snobby, snobbish, snobbishly, snobbishness, snobbery, snobberies, snobbism
-snog, snogging, ??,
-snoop, snoops, snooped, snooping, snooper, snoopy, snoopier, snoopiest, snoopily, snoopiness
-snooty, ??,
-snooze, ??,
-snort, snorts, snorted, snorting, snorter, snorters
-snot, snots, snotty, snottier, snottiest, snottily, snottiness
-snout, snouts
-snow, snows, snowed, snowing, snow under
-snow job, snow jobs
-snub, snubs, snubbed, snubbing, snubber, snubbers
-snuff (extinguish), snuffs, snuffed, snuffing
-snuff (sniff), snuffs, snuffed, snuffing
-snuffle, snuffles, snuffled, snuffling, snuffly, snuffler, snufflers
-snug, snugs, snugger, snuggers, snuggest, snugged, snugging, snug down, snugly, snugness, snuggle, snuggled, snuggling, snuggles
-so, and so on, and so on or and so forth, so-and-so, so-and-sos, so as, so as to, so be it, so-called, so far,so much, so much as, so much for, so much so, so that, so to speak, so true, so well then, so what, so (extent), so (result), so (surprise), so (true)
-soak, soaks, soaked, soaking, soaker, soakers
-soap, ??
-soapbox, soapboxes, soapboxed, soapboxing
-soar, soars, soared, soaring, soarer, soaringly
-sob, ??, c43,
-sober, sobers, soberer, soberest, sobering, sobering, soberly, soberness, sobriety
-socage, socages, socager, socagers
-social, socials, sociable, sociability, sociabilities, sociableness, sociably, socially, socialize, socializes, socialized, socializing, socialization, socializations, socializer, socializers, social order, social orders, socialism, socialisms
-socialist, socialists
-society, societies, societal, societally
-sociology, sociologies, sociologic or sociological, sociologically, sociologist, sociologists
-sociopath, sociopaths, sociopathic, socioeconomic
-socket, ?? b16,
-sod, sods, sodded, sodding
-sodden, soddens, soddened, soddening, soddenly, soddenness
-sodium, sodiums, sodium chloride
-sodium hydroxide
-sodomite, sodomites, sodomy, sodomies, sodomize, sodomizes, sodomized, sodomizing
-soft, softer, softest, softly, softness, soften, softens, softened, softening, softener, softeners
-soft drink, soft drinks
-sofa, sofas
-soffit, soffits
-soggy, soggier, soggiest, soggily, sogginess
-soil (Earth), soils
-soil (livestock), soils, soiled, soiling, soilage, soilages
-soil (make dirty), soils, soiled, soiling, soilure, soilures
-sojourn, sojourns, sojourned, sojourning, sojourner, sojourners
-solace, solaces, solaced, solacing, solacer, solacers
-solar, solar mass, solar wind, solar system, solarium, solariums
-solar plexus, solar plexuses
-sold, sold us down the river, ??, t24,
-solder, solders, soldered, soldering, solderer, solderers
-soldiers, ??, p22,
-sole, soles, soled, soling, solely
-solemn, solemnly, solemnness, solemnity, solemnities
-solicit, solicits, solicited, soliciting, solicitation, solicitations, solicitor, solicitors, solicitous, solicitously, solicitousness, solicitude
-solid, solids, solidly, solidness, solidify, solidifies, solidified, solidifying, solidity, solidities, solidification, solider, solidest
-solid-state, ??, a36,
-soliloquy, soliloquies
-solipsism, ??,
-solitary, solitaries, solitarily, solitariness, solitude
-solo, solos, soloed, soloing, soloist, soloists, soloistic
-solstice, ??, s33, s46,
-soluble, water-soluble
-solution, solutions, solute
-solve, solved, solving, solves, solver, solvers, solvable, solvability, solvableness
-solvent, solvents, solvency, solvencies
-somatic, somatoplasm, somatically, somatoplasm, somatoplastic, somatic nervous
-somber, somberly, somberness
-somebody or someone
-somersault, somersaults, somersaulted, somersaulting
-something, somethings
-sometime, sometimes, ?? c27
-somnolence, somnolent, somnolently
-son-in-law, sons-in-law
-son of a gun, sons of a gun, ??,
-sonata, sonatas
-song, songs, for a song
-songbird, songbirds
-sonnet, sonnets
-sonorous, ??, h11,
-soot, soots
-sooth, soothly
-soothe, soothes, soothed, soothing, soother, soothers
-soothsayer, soothsayers, soothsay, soothsays, soothsaid, soothsaying
-sop, sops, sopped, sopping
-sophism, sophisms, sophistry, sophistries, sophistical, sophistically
-sophisticate, sophisticates, sophisticated, sophisticating, sophistication, sophistications, sophisticator, sophisticators
-sopor, soporific
-sorcery, sorcerous, sorcerously, socerer, socerers
-sordid, sordidly, sordidness
-sore, sores, sored, soring, sorely, soreness, sorenesses
-sorority, ??,
-sorrow, sorrows, sorrowed, sorrowing, sorrower, sorrowers, sorrowful, sorrowfully, sorrowfulness
-sorry, sorrier, sorriest, sorrily, sorriness
-sort, sorts, sorted, sorting, sortable, sorter, sorters, of sorts, of a sort, after a sort, sort of, out of sorts
-sottish, sottishly, sottishness
-soon, sooner, soonest, no sooner than or as soon as, sooner or later
-soufflé, soufflés, souffléd
-soul, souls
-sound (no defect), sounder, soundest, soundly, soundness, sounded, sounding, soundable, sound mind, sound minds, sound judgment, sound judgments
-sound (hearing), sounds, speed of sound
-sound (water), sounds
-sound (water measure), sounds, sounded, sounding
-sour, sours, sourer, sourest, soured, souring, sourish, sourly, sourness, sournesses, sourpuss, sourpusses
-source, sources, sourced, sourcing
-souvenir, ?? t2
-sovereign, sovereignly, sovereignty, sovereignty details, sovereignties
-sow, sows, sowed, sown, sowed, sowing, sower, sowers
-sow (pigs, bears), sows
-space, spaces, spaced, spacing, spacetime, spacer, spacers, intergalactic space
-spacious, spaciously, spaciousness, spaciousnesses
-spade, ?? t17,
-spaghetti, ??,
-spall, spalling, ??,
-Spain (and Costa del Sol)
-span, spans, spanned, spanning
-Spanish Armada
-spank, spanking, ??, s4, Children 4 & 7, search for more
-spar, ??, c48,
-spare, spares, spared, sparing, sparely, spareness, sparer, sparers
-sparing, sparingly, sparingness, spare, spares, spared, sparing, sparer, sparers, sparest, to spare, sparely, spareness
-spark, sparks, sparked, sparking, sparker, sparkers, sparky, sparkier, sparkiest
-sparkle, sparkles, sparkled, sparkling, sparkler, sparklers
-sparse, sparser, sparsest, sparseness, sparsity, sparsely
-spasm, spasms
-spasmodic, spasmodically
-spastic, spastics, spastically, spasticity, spasticities, spastic paralysis
-spate, ??,
-spatial, spatially, spatiality
-spatiotemporal, spatiotemporally
-spatter, spatters, spattered, spattering
-spawn, spawns, spawned, spawning, spawner, spawners
-spay, spays, spayed, spaying
-speak (see also 'speech'), speaks, spoke, spoken, speaking, speakable, speak out, peak up, so to speak, speak down to, speak ill of, to speak of
-spear (sprout up), spears, speared, spearing
-spear (stab), spears, speared, spearing, spearlike, spearer, spearers
-spear (such as asparagus), spears, speared, spearing
-spearhead, spearheaded, spearheading, spearheads
-special, specials, specially, specialty, specialties, specialness, specialize, specializes, speciality, specialities, specialized, specialization, specializations, specializing, specialist, specialists
-speciation, speciational
-species, subspecies, subspecific
-specific, specifics, specifically, specify, specifies, specified, specifying, specifier, specifiers, specification, specifications,specificity, specifical
-specific gravity
-specimen, specimens
-specious, speciousness, speciosity, speciously
-speck, specks, specked, specking, speckled, speckle, speckles
-spectacular, spectacularity, spectacularly
-spectator, spectators, spectatorial, spectatorship
-spectral, spectrally, spectrality, spectralness
-spectrum, spectrums, spectra
-spectrometer, spectrometry, spectrometric
-spectroscope, spectroscopic or spectroscopical, spectroscopically, mass spectroscopy, mass spectroscopies
-speculate, speculates, speculated, speculating, speculation, speculations, speculative, speculatory
-speech (see also 'speak'), speeches, speechless, speechlessly, speechlessness
-speed, ?? q2, r5,
-speed of sound
-spell (as time), spells
-spell (as casting thoughts to affect), spells, spellbind, spellbinds, spellbound, spellbinding, spellbindingly
-spell (spelling), spells, spelled or spelt, spelling, spell out
-spellbound, ?? spellbind,
-spelt (wheat)
-spelunker, spelunkers, spelunking, ??,
-spend, spends, spent, spending, spendable, spendability, spendabilities, spender, spenders
-sperm, sperms, spermous, spermatozoon, spermatozoa, sperm cell, spermatozoan also called spermatozoal and spermatozoic
-sphagnum, sphagnums, sphagnous
-sphere, spheres, sphered, sphering, sphericity, spherical, spherically, sphericalness, spheroid, spheroids, spheroidal, spheroidic, spheroidally, spheroidicity, spheroidicities
-spice, spices, spicery, spiceries
-spiel, ??,
-spiff, spiffs, spiffy, spiffies, spiffied, spiffying, spiffily, spiffier, spiffiest, spiffiness
-spigot, spigots
-spike, spikes, spiked, spiking
-spillover, spillovers, spill, spills, spilled, spilt, spilling, spiller, spillers, spilt the beans, spillway, spillways
-spin, spins, spun, spinning, spin off, spins off, spin out, spins out, spin one's wheels, spins one's wheels
-spin quantization or integral spin
-spindle, spindles, spindled, spindling
-spine, spines, spinal column, spinal columns, spinal, spinals, spinally, spinous, spiny, spinier, spiniest, spininess
-spinneret, spinnerets, ??, r25,
-spiral, spirals, spiraled, spiraling, spirality, spirally
-spire, spires, spired, spiring
-spire (spiral), spires
-spirit (animating presence), spirits
-spirit (attitude), spirits, spirited, spiritedly, spiritedness, spiritual, spiritualness, spiritualnesses, spiritually, spirituality, spiritualities, in spirit, in the spirit
-spirit (carry away), spirits, spirited, spiriting
-spirochete, spirochetes, spirochetal
-spit (saliva), spit, spits, spat, spitting, spittle, spitting image, spitting images
-spit (skewer), spits, spitted, spitting
-spite, spites, spited, spiting, spiteful, spitefully, spitefulness, in spite of
-splash, splashes, splashed, splashing, splasher, splashers
-splat, splats, splatter, splatters, splattered, splattering
-splendid, splendidly, splendidness
-splendor, splendorous, splendrous
-splice, splices, spliced, splicing, splicer, splicers
-splint, splints, splinted, splinting
-splinter, splinters, splintered, splintering, splintery
-split, splits, splitting, split hairs, splitter, splitters
-spoil, spoils, spoliation, spoilations, spoliator, spoliators, spoiled, spoilt, spoiling, spoilage, spoilages, spoiler, spoilers
-spoke (bicycle), spokes, spoked, spoking
-sponge, sponges, sponged, sponging
-sponsor, sponsors, sponsored, sponsoring, sponsorial, sponsorship, sponsorships
-spontaneous, spontaneously, spontaneousness, spontaneity, spontaneities
-spool, ??, r15, w4,
-spoor, spoors, spoored, spooring
-sporadic, sporadical, sporadically, sporadicalness
-spore, spores, spored, sporing, sporaceous
-spot, spots, spotted, spotting, spottable
-spotless, spotlessly, spotlessness
-spout, spouts, spouted, spouting, spouter, spouters
-sprawl, ??
-spray, ??, a29,
-spread, spreading, spreads, spreadability, spreadable, spreadably
-spree, ?? t13
-sprightly, sprightlier, sprightliest, sprightliness
-spring, springs, sprang or sprung, springing, springy, springier, springiest, springily, springiness
-springboard, springboards
-sprinkle, sprinkles, sprinkled, sprinkling
-sprout, sprouts, sprouted, sprouting
-spry, ??
-spue, spues, spew, spews, spued, spewed, spuing, spewing, spuer, spewer, spewers, sputum, sputa
-spunk, spunky, spunkier, spunkiest, spunkily, spunkiness
-spur, spurs, spurred, spurring, spur-of-the moment
-spurious, spuriously, spuriousness
-spurn, spurns, spurned, spurning
-spurt, spurts, spurted, spurting
-sputter, sputters, sputtered, sputtering, sputtery, sputterer, sputterers
-spy, spies, ?? m9, o8, a35, e20 w espy
-squabble, squabbles, squabbled, squabbling, squabbler, squabblers
-squad, squads
-squalid, squalidness, squalidity, squalid, squalidly, squalidities, squalidness, squalor, squalors
-squall (windstorm), squall (loud harsh cry), squalls, squalled, squalling, squallsm, squaller, squallers
-squalor, squalors
-squander, squanders, squandered, squandering, squanderer, squanderers, squanderingly
-square, squares, squared, squaring, squareness, squarer, squarest, squarely, square away, square up, square(s) with, square peg in a round hole
-squash, ??, s22,
-squeamish, squeamishly, squeamishness
-squeeze, squeezes, squeezed, squeezing, squeeze through, squeeze by, squeezable, squeezer, squeezers
-squelch, squelches, squelched, squelching, squelcher, squelchers
-squeamish, ??,
-squiggle, squiggles, squiggled, squiggling, squiggly
-squirm, squirms, squirmed, squirming, squirmer, squirmy
-squint, squints, squinted, squinting, squinty, squinter, squinters
-squire, ??,
-squirt, ??,
-St. Lawrence River
-stab, ??, t10, s57, g17,
-stable, stables, stablest, stableness, stably, stabled, stabling, stability, stabilities, stabilization, stabilizations
-stable (animals), stables, stabled, stabling
-staccato, ??, H19,
-stack, stacks, stacked, stacking, stackable, stacker, stackers, stack up
-stadium, stadiums
-staff, staffs, stave, staves, stave off (for ladder staves see 'stave' below), staffed, staffing
-staff of life, staffs of life or staves of life
-stage, stages, staged, staging, stageful, in stages
-stagecoach, stagecoaches
-stagger, staggers, staggered, staggering, staggerer, staggery
-stagnant, stagnancy, stagnantly, stagnate, stagnates, stagnated, stagnating, stagnation
-staid, staidly, staidness
-stain, stains, stained, staining, stainable, stainer, stainers
-stake, stakes, staked, staking, at stake, stake out
-stalactite, ??,
-stalagmite, ??,
-stale, ?? m14, v5
-stalk (prey), stalks, stalked, stalking, stalker, stalkers
-stalk (stem), stalks, stalked, stalking, stalker, stalkers
-stall, stalls, ??, b26,
-stallion, ??, h9,
-stalwart, stalwartly, stalwartness
-stamen, stamens, staminate
-stamina (endurance)
-stammer, stammers, stammered, stammering, stammerer, stammerers, stammeringly
-stamp, stamps, stamped, stamping
-stance, stances
-stanch, stanches, stanched, stanching
-stand, stands, stood, standing, standings, standoffish, standoffishnesses, stander, standers, stand by, stand down, stand for, stand in, stand off, stand on, stand out, stand over, stood up, stand a chance, stand on one's own feet or stand on one's two feet, stand pat, stand to reason, stand up for, stand up to, stand up with
-standard, standards, standardly, standardize, standardizes, standardized, standardizing, standardization
-standoffish, standoffishness
-standoffish, standoffishness
-standpoint, standpoints
-standstill, standstills
-stanza, ?? s8, r13, b14, m12
-staphylococcus, staphylococcal, staphylococcal, staphycococcic
-staple (basic items), staples
-staple (grades), staples, stapled, stapling
-staple (pointed ends), staples, stapled, stapling
-star, stars, starred, starring, have stars in one's eyes
-starch, starches, starched, starching, starchy, starchier, starchiest, starchily, starchiness
-stare, stares, stared, staring, stare one in the face, starer, starers
-start, starts, started, starting, startle, startles, startled, startling, startlingly, startlingness, jump start
-stark, starker, starkest
-starve, starves, starved, starving, starvation, starvations
-stash, stashes, stashed, stashing
-State National, State Nationals
-state (circumstances), states, state of mind, states of mind, state of affairs
-state (public power), states
-state (speak), states, stated, stating, statement, statements
-State National, State Nationals
-stately, statelier, stateliest, stateliness
-stater, staters
-static, statically, statical
-station, stations, stationed, stationing
-stationary, stationaries
-statistic, statistics, statistical, statistically, statistician. statisticians, vital statistics
-statue, statues, statued
-statute, statutes, statutory, statutorily, statute law, statute laws
-status, statuses
-status quo
-staunch, stauncher, staunchest, staunchly, staunchness
-stave, staves, staved, stove, staving, stave off
-stave (ladder), staves
-stay, ???, w8, v8, k3, k4, a33, a14, m6,
-stedfast or steadfast, stedfastly or steadfastly, stedfastness or steadfastness
-steady, steadier, steadiest, steady, steadied, steadying, steadies, steadier, steadiness, steadily
-steal,steals, stole, stolen, stealing, stealer, stealers
-steel, steels, steeled, steeling
-stealth, stealthy, stealthier, stealthiest, stealthily, stealthiness
-steep, steeps, steeped, steeping, steeper, steepest, steeply, steepness
-steeple, steeples
-steeplejack, steeplejacks
-steer (animal), steers
-steer (guide), steers, steered, steering, steerable, steerer, steerers
-Steinmetz, Charles
-stele, steles, stelar
-stem (origin), stems, stemmed, stemming, stem to stearn
-stem (plants), stems
-stem cell, stem cells
-stencil, ??,
-step, steps, stepped, stepping, step up, step down, step out, in step with, out of step, step by step, step on it, step-down
-steppe, steppes
-steppingstone, steppingstones
-stereotype, stereotypes, stereotyped, stereotyping, stereotyper, stereotypers, stereotypic, stereotypical, stereotypically
-sterile, sterilely, sterility, sterileness, sterilize, sterilizes, sterilized, sterilizing, sterilizer, sterilizers, sterilization, sterilizations
-stern, sterns, sterner, sternest, sternly, sternness
-sternum, sternums or sterna
-steroid, steroids, steroidal, sterol, sterols
-stew, stews, stewed, stewing, stewy
-steward, stewards, stewarded, stewarding, stewardship, stewardships
-stick, sticks, stickler, sticklers, stuck, sticking, stick around, stick to it; stick your neck out, stick to your ribs, stick up for, sticky, stickier, stickiest, stickily, stickiness, stickinesses, stick-to-itiveness, stick-to-itivenesses
-stickler, sticklers
-stiff, stiffs, stiffer, stiffest, stiffed, stiffing, stiffly, stiffness, stiffen, stiffens, stiffened, stiffening, stiffnecked
-stifle, stifles, stifled, stifling, stifler, stiflers
-stigma, stigmas, stigmata, stigmal, stigmatize, stigmatizes, stigmatized, stigmatizing, stigmatization, stigmatizer, stigmal
-stile (turnstile), stiles
-stile (window sash), stiles
-still (distil)
-still (quiet), stiller, stillest, still, stilled, stilling, stills, stillness
-still (yet)
-stilted, stiltedly, stiltedness, stilt, stilts, stilted, stilting
-stimulate, stimulates, stimulated, stimulating, stimulation, stimulations, stimulatingly, stimulant,stimulants, stimulator, stimulators, stimulative, stimulatory, stimulus, stimuli
-sting, stings, stung, stinging, stingingly
-stingy, stingier, stingiest, stingily, stinginess
-stink, stinks, stank, stunk, stinking, stinky
-stint, stints, stinted, stinting, stinter, stintingly
-stipend, stipends
-stipple, stipples, stippled, stippling, stippler, stipplers
-stipulate, stipulates, stipulated, stipulating, stipulator, stipulators, stipulation, stipulations, stipulatory
-stipule, stipules, stipuled
-stir, stirs, stirred, stirring, stirrer, stirrers, stir up, stir-crazy
-stitch, stitches, stitched, stitcher, stitchers, stitching, in stitches
-stochastic, stochastically
-stock (broth), stocks
-stock (invest), stocks
-stock (lineage), stocks
-stock (supply), stocks (supply & used for punishment), stocked, stocking, in stock, out of stock, stockage, stocker, stockers
-Stockholm syndrome
-stodgy, stodgier, stodgiest, stodgily, stodginess
-stoic, stoics, stoical, stoically, stoicalness, stoicism
-stogy, ??
-stolid, ??
-stoke, stokes, stoked, stoking, stoker, stokers
-stomp, stomps, stomped, stomping, stompingly, stomper, stompers
-stone (measure)
-stool, stools, stooled, stooling
-stoop, stoops, stooped, stooping
-stopgap, stopgaps
-store, stores, stored, storing, storable, storer, storers, storage, in store, storehouse, storehouses
-storm, ?? b14
-story (level), stories, single-story, single-stories, single-storied
-story (talk), stories, storied, storying ?? e4, t17, s48, o11,
-stout, stouter, stoutest, stoutly, stoutish, stoutness
-stow, stows, stowed, stowing, stow away, stowaway, stowaways
-straddle, straddles, straddled, straddling, straddle the fence, straddler, straddlers
-straggle, straggles, straggled, straggling, straggler, stragglers
-straight (not crooked), straighter, straightest, straight up, straightly, straightness, straighten, straighten out, straightened, straightening, straightener, straighteners, straight up
-straightaway, straightway, straightways
-straightforward, straightforwards, straightforward, straightforwardly, straightforwardness
-strain (ancestors), strains
-strain (over exert), strains, strained, straining
-strait (difficult, tight, constricted), straits, straitly, dire straits, straitness, strait-laced also straight-laced, strait-lacedly, strait-lacedness
-strait (waterway), straits
-straiten, straitens, straitened, straitening, straighten out, straighten up
-strake, strakes
-strand (fibers), strands, stranded, stranding
-strand (helpless position), strands, stranded, stranding
-strange, stranger, strangers, strangest, strangely, strangeness, strangely enough
-strap, straps, strapped, strapping
-strategy, strategies, strategic, strategical, strategically, stratagem
-strata, stratum, stratums, stratify, stratifies, stratified, stratifying, stratigraphy, stratigraphic or stratigraphical, stratigraphically
-stratosphere, stratospheric (Creation1, text)
-straw, straws, strawy
-stray, strays, strayed, straying, strayer, strayers
-streak, streaks, streaked, streaking, streaker, streakers
-stream, streams, streamed, streaming, on stream, streamy, streamlet, streamlets
-strengthen, strengthens, strengthened, strengthening, strengthener, strength, strengths, on the strength of
-strenuous, strenuosity, strenuousness, strenuously
-stress (anxiety), stresses, stressful, stressfully, stressfullness, stressed-out, stress out
-stress (emphasis), stresses, stressed, stressing
-stress (physics), stresses, stressed-out
-stretch, stretches, stretched, stretching, stretch one's legs, stretchable, stretchables, stretchability, stretchabilities
-strew, strews, strewed, strewn, strewing
-stria, striae, striated, striation, striations, ??,
-strict, stricter, strictest, strictly, strictness, strictnesses
-stride, strides, strode, stridden, striding, hit one's stride, take in one's stride, strider, striders
-strident, stridence or stridency, stridently
-strife, strifes, strive, strives, strove, striven or strived, striving, strivingly
-strike, strikes, struck or stricken, striking, strikingly, strikingness, strike down, strike through, strikebreaker, strikebreakers, strikebreaking, stroke, strokes, stroked, stroking, stroker, strokers
-striking (arrest the attention), strikingly, strikingness
-string, strings, strung, stringing, string along
-stringent, stringency, stringently
-strip(narrow piece), strips, stripped, stripping
-strip (remove), strips, stripped, stripping, striptease, stripteases, stripteaser, stripteasers
-strip-mine, strip-mines, strip-mined, strip-mining, strip mine, strip mines, strip miner, strip miners
-stripe (strike), stripes
-stripe, stripes, stripes, striped, striping, stripy, stripier, stripiest
-stripling, striplings
-stroll, strolls, strolled, strolling
-strong, stronger, strongest, strongish, strongly, strong-minded, strong-mindedly, strong-mindedness
-strong and weaker force
-stronghold, strongholds
-strum, strums, strummed, strumming, strummer, strummers
-strut, struts, strutted, strutting, strutter, strutters, struttingly
-stub, stubs, stubbed, stubbing
-stubble, stubbles, stubbled, stubbly
-stubborn, stubborner, stubbornest, stubbornly, stubbornness
-stucco, stuccoing, ?? e4
-structure, structures, structured, structuring, structural, structurally, structuralize, structuralizes, structuralized, structuralizing, structuralization, structuralizations
-struggle, struggles, struggled, struggling, struggler, strugglers, strugglingly
-stuck, ??, g13,
-stud, ???, b9, s32, c48,
-study, studies, studied, studying, studious, studiously, studiousness, student, students
-stuff, stuffs, stuffed, stuffing, stuff it, stuffing the face, stuffer, stuffers
-stuffy, stuffier, stuffiest, stuffily, stuffiness
-stultify, stultifies, stultified, stultifying, stultification, stultifications, stultifier, stultifiers
-stumble, stumbles, stumbled, stumbling, stumbler, stumblingly, stumblestone, stumblestones, stumbleblock, stumbleblocks, stumblingstones, stumblingstones, stumblingblock, stumblingblocks, stumbling block, stumbling blocks,
-stun, stuns, stunned, stunning, stunningly
-stunt (acrobatic), stunts, stunted, stunting
-stunt (prevent), stunts, stunted, stunting, stuntedness
-stupefy, stupefies, stupefied, stupefying, stupefier, stupefiers, stupefyingly, stupor, stupors, stuporous, stupefaction, stupefactions
-stupendous, stupendously, stupendousness
-stupid, stupider, stupidest, stupidity, stupidities, stupidness, stupidly
-stupor, stupors, stuporus
-sturdy, sturdier, sturdiest, sturdily, sturdiness
-stutter, stutters, stuttered, stuttering, stutterer, stutterers, stutteringly
-style (particular expression), styles, styled, styling, styler, stylers, stylize, stylizes, stylized, stylizing, stylization, stylizations, stylizer, stylizers
-style (parts of a flower), styles
-stylish, stylishly, stylishness
-stylus, styluses or styli
-stymie, stymies, stymy, stymied, stymieing, stymying
-styptic, styptics, stypticity, stypticities
-suasion, ??
-suave, suaver, suavest, suavely, suaveness, suavity
-sub (prefix to words like submarine, subclass)
-sub (substitute), subs, subbed, subbing
-suborn, suborns, suborned, suborning, subornation, subornations, suborner, suborners
-suburb, suburbs
-subclass, subclasses
-subconscious, subconsciousness, subconsciously
-subcorporation, subcorporations
-subcutaneous, subcutaneously
-subdivide, subdivides, subdivided, subdividing, subdivider, subdividers, subdivision, subdivisions, subdivisional, subclass
-subduction, ??,
-subdue, subdues, subdued, subduing, subduable, subduer, subduers
-subfamily, subfamilies
-subject, subjects, subjected, subjecting, subjection, subject to
-subject (grammar)
-subjective, subjectively, subjectiveness, subjectivity, subjectivism, subjectivist, subjectivists, subjectivistic
-subjoin, subjoins, subjoined, subjoining
-subjugate, subjugates, subjugated, subjugating, subjugation, subjugations, subjugator, subjugators
-sublanguage, sublanguages
-sublime, sublimes, sublimed, subliming, sublimate, sublimation, sublimations, sublimely, sublimeness, sublimity, sublimate, sublimates, sublimated, sublimating, sublimates
-subliminal, subliminals, subliminally
-sublingual, ??,
-sublunar, sublunary
-submarine, ??,
-submerge, submerges, submerged, submerging, submergence
-submissive, submissively, submissiveness, submit, submits, submitted, submitting, submittal, submitter, submission
-subordinate, subordinates, subordinated, subordinating, subordinately, subordinateness, subordination, subordinative
-subpoena, subpoenas, subpoenaed, subpoenaing
-subregion, ?? s6
-subrogate, subrogates, subrogated, subrogating, subrogation, subrogations
-subscribe, subscribes, subscribed, subscribing, subscriber, subscribers
-subserve, subserves, subserved, subserving, subservient, subservience, subserviency, subserviently
-subsequent, subsequently, subsequentned
-subset, subsets
-subside,subsides, subsided, subsiding, subsidence
-subsist, subsists, subsisted, subsisting, subsister, subsisters
-subspecies, subspecific
-substack, ??,
-substance, substances, substantial, substantiality or substantialness, substantially, substantiate, substantiates, substantiated, substantiating, substantiation, substantive (word substantive in Grammar)
-substitute, substitutes, substituted, substituting, substitutability, substitutable, substitution, substitutions, substitutional, substitutionally
-substrate, substratum, substrata or substratums, subsoil, substrative
-subsume, subsumes, subsumed, subsuming, subsumable
-subtend, subtends, subtended, subtending
-subterranean, subterraneanly
-subtitle, subtitles, subtitled, subtitling
-subtle or subtile, subtler, subtlest, subtlenessor subtileness, subtly or subtilely, subtlety or subtilty, subtletiesor subtility
-subtraction,subtract, subtracts, subtracted, subtracting, subtracter, subtracters
-subunit, subunits
-suburban, ??, s56,
-subvert, subverts, subverted, subverting, subverter, subverters, subversion, subversions, subversionary, subversive, subversives, subversively, subversiveness
-such, as such, such as, such and such
-succeed, succeeds, succeeded, succeeding, succedent, succeeder, succeeders
-success, successes, successful, successfully, successfulness, successfulnesses
-succession, successions, successional, successionally, successive, successively, successiveness, order of succession
-succor, succour (Old English), succoured (Old English), succors, succored, succoring, succorable, succorer, succorers
-succinct, succincter, succinctest, succinctly, succinctness
-succulent, succulents, succulence or succulency, succulently
-succumb, succumbs, succumbed, succumbing
-such, such as
-suck, sucks, sucked, sucking, suck in, sucked in, sucking in, suck up, suck ups, sucking up, it sucks, sucker, suckers, suckered, suckering
-suckle, suckles, suckled, suckling, sucklings
-suction, suctions, suctioned, suctioning
-sudden, suddenly, suddenness, all of a sudden
-sue, sued, ?? s14, index,
-suet, ??,
-suffer, suffers, suffered, suffering, suffering, sufferings, sufferer, sufferers, sufferingly, long-suffering, long-sufferings, long-sufferingly
-suffice, suffices, sufficed, sufficing, sufficer, sufficers, sufficient, sufficiently, sufficiency, sufficiencies
-suffix, suffixes, suffixed, suffixing, suffixion, suffixal
-suffocate, suffocates, suffocated, suffocating, suffocatingly, suffocation, suffocations, suffocative
-suffonsified, suffonsifies, suffonsify, suffonsifying, suffonsifies, suffonsifyingly, suffonsifier, suffonsifiers
-suffrage, suffrages, suffragette, suffragettes, suffragettism, suffragettisms, suffragist, suffragists, suffragism, suffragisms
-suffuse, suffuses, suffused, suffusing, suffusion, suffusions, suffusive
-Sufi, Sufic, Sufistic, Sufism
-sugar, sugar, sugary, sugarier, sugariest, sugarcoat, sugarcoats, sugarcoated, sugarcoating, sugar cane, sugar canes
-suggest, suggests, suggested, suggesting, suggestible, suggester, suggesters, suggestion, suggestions, suggestive, suggestively, suggestiveness, suggestivenesses, suggestible
-sui juris
-suit, suits, suited, suiting, follow suit, suit up, lawsuit, lawsuits
-suitable, suitably, suitability, suitableness
-suite, suites
-sulfate, sulfates, sulfated, sulfating
-sulfur, sulfurs, sulfured, sulfuring, sulfuric, sulfuric acid
-sulk, sulks, sulked, sulking, sulky, sulkier, sulkiest, sulkily, sulkiness
-sullen, sullener, sullenest, sullenness, sullenly (surly), sulky)
-sully, sullies, sullied, sullying
-sultan, ??
-sultry, sultrier, sultriest, sultrily, sultriness
-sum, sums, sum up, summed, summing
-Sumerian, Sumerians, Sumeria, Sumer
-summa cum laude
-summary, summaries, summarily, summariness, summarize, summarizes, summarized, summarizing, summarization, summarizations, summarizer, summarizers, summation, summations, summational, summary court, summary judgement
-summer, ??
-summit, summits
-summon, summons, summoned, summoning, summoner, summoners
-sumptuous, sumptuously, sumptuousness, sumptuousnesses
-sun, suns, sunned, sunning, sunny, sunnier, sunniest, sunnily, sunniness, sun dog, sun dogs
-sunder, sunders, sundered, sundering, sunderance
-sunk, ??, sunken p28
-sunspot, sunspots,11 years cycle
-sup, sups, supped, supping, supper, suppers
-super, supers, supered, supering
-superabundant, ??, o10,
-superb, superbly, superbness
-supercilious, superciliously, superciliousness, superciliousnesses
-superficial, superficiality or superficialness, superficialities or superficialnesses, superficially
-superfluous, superfluously, superfluousness, superfluity, superfluities
-superior, superiors, superiority, superiorly, superiority complex
-superimpose, superimposes, superimposed, superimposing, superimposable, superimposition, superimpositions
-superintend, superintends, superintended, superintending, superintendence, superintendent, superintendents
-superlative, superlativeness, superlatively
-supernal, ??
-supernatural, supernaturally, supernaturalness, supernaturalnesses
-supernova, supernnovas
-supernumerary, supernumeraries
-superscription, ??
-supersede, supersedes, superseding, superseded, superseder, superseders, supersession, supersessions
-superstition, superstitions, superstitious, superstitiously, superstitiousness
-superstructure, superstructures
-supersymmetry, supersymmetric
-supervise, supervises, supervised, supervising, supervisor, supervisors, supervisory, supervision, superintend, superintendent, superintendents
-suppuration, suppurative, suppurate, suppurates, suppurated, suppurating
-supplant, supplants, supplanted, supplanting, supplanter, supplanters
-supple, suppleness, supplely
-supplement, supplements, supplemented, supplementing, supplementarity, supplementary, supplemental, supplementation, supplementations
-supplicate, supplicates, supplicated, supplicating, supplication, supplications, supplicatory, suppliant, suppliance, suppliantly, supplicant
-supply, supplies, supplied, supplying, supplier, suppliers
-support, supports, supported, supporting, supportive, supportively, supportiveness, supportable, supportability, supportably, supporter, supporters
-suppose, supposes, supposed, supposing,supposedly
-supposition, suppositions, suppositional, supposititious, supposititiously, supposititiousnes
-suppress, suppresses, suppressed, suppressing, suppressant, suppressants, suppression, suppressions, suppressionist, suppressionists, suppressor, suppressors, suppressible, suppressive
-suprachiasmatic nucleus
-surcharge, surcharges, surcharged, surcharging
-supreme, supremer, supremest, supremely, supremeness, supremacy, supremacies
-sure, surer, surest, sureness, surely, for sure, make sure, to be sure
-surf, surfing, ??, t19, Love 5,
-surge, surges, surged, surging
-surgery, surgeries, surgeon, surgeons, surgical, surgically
-surrealism, surrealist, surreal, surreally, surrealists, surrealistic, surrealistically
-surety, sureties, suretyship
-surface, surfaces, surfaced, surfacing, on the surface, surface tension, surface tensions
-surfeit, surfeits, surfeited, surfeiting, surfeit, surfeiter, surfeiters
-surly, surlier, surliest, surlily, surliness
-surmise, surmises, surmised, surmising, surmisings
-surmount, surmounts, surmounted, surmounting, surmountable, surmounter, surmounters
-surname, surnames, surnamed, surnaming
-surpass, surpasses, surpassed, surpassing
-surprise, surprises, surprised, surprising, surpriser, surprisers, surprisingly
-surreptitious, surreptitiousness, surreptitiously
-surrender, surrenders, surrendered, surrendering
-surrogate, ??,
-surround, surrounds, surrounded, surrounding, surroundings
-surveillance, surveillant, surveil, surveils, surveilled, surveilling
-survey, surveys, surveyed, surveying, surveyor, surveyors
-susceptible, susceptive, susceptivity, susceptibly, susceptibility, susceptibilities
-suspect, suspects, suspected, suspecting
-suspend, suspends, suspended, suspending, suspension, suspense, suspenses, suspenseful, in suspense, suspension, suspensions, suspender, suspenders
-suspicion, suspicions, suspicioned, suspicioning, suspicional, suspicious, suspiciously, suspiciousness
-sussed, ??
-sustain, sustains, sustained, sustaining, sustainable, sustainer, sustainers, sustainment, sustainments, sustainability
-sutra, sutras, sutta
-suture, sutures, sutured, suturing, sutural, suturally
-suzerain, suzerains, suzerainty, suzerainties
-swaddle, swaddles, swaddled, swaddling
-swallow, swallows, swallowed, swallowing, swallow up
-swallow (bird), swallows
-swagger, swaggers, swaggered, swaggering, swaggerer, swaggerers, swaggeringly
-swamp, swamps, swamped, swamping, swampy, swampiness
-swap, ??, s23,
-sware, ??,
-swarm, swarms, swarmed, swarming, swarmer, swarmers
-swashbuckler, ??,
-swat, ??
-swath (mowed strip), swaths, cut a swath
-swathe (wrap), swathes, swathed, swathing, swather, swathers
-sway, sways, swayed, swaying, swayingly, swayer, swayers
-swear, swears, swore, sworn, swearing, swear at, swear by, swearer, swearers, swearword
-sweat, sweats, sweated or sweat, sweating, no sweat
-sweep, sweeps, swept, sweeping, sweep one off their feet, sweeper, sweepers
-swell, swells, swelled, swollen, swelling, sweller, swellest
-swerve, swerves, swerved, swerving
-swift, swifter, swiftest, swiftly, swiftness
-swill, ?? h5, s21,
-swim, swims, swam, swum, swimming, swimmable, swimmer, swimmers, swim against the stream
-swindle, swindles, swindled, swindling, swindler, swindlers
-swing, ??, p36,
-swirl, swirls, swirled, swirling, swirly
-swish, swishes, swished, swishing, swisher, swishers, swishier, swishest, swishiest, swishy
-switch, switches, switched, switching, switchable, switcher, switchers, switcheroo, switcheroos
-swivel, ??? c31, o10, t9,
-swoon, ??,
-sword, swords
-sycamore or sycomore, sycamores, sycomores
-sycophant, sycophants, sycophantic, sycophantical, sycophantically
-syllable, syllables, syllabled, syllabling, syllabic
-syllabus, ??,
-syllogism, syllogisms
-symbol, symbols, symboled, symboling
-symbolic, symbolical, symbolically, symbolicalness
-symbolize, symbolizes, symbolized, symbolizing, symbolization, symbolizer, symbolist, symbolism, symbolisms
-symmetry, symmetric, symmetrical, symmetrical, symmetrically, symmetrize,symmetrization
-sympathy, sympathies, sympathetic, sympathetically, sympathize, sympathizes, sympathized, sympathizing, sympathizer, sympathizingly, simpatico
-sympathetic nervous system
-symphony, symphonies
-symposium, symposia, ??,
-symptom, symptoms, symptomless, symptomatically, symptomatic
-synagogue, synagogues
-synapse, synapses, synapsed, synapsing, synaptically, synapsis, synaptic, synaptical, synaptically
-syncretize, syncretizes, syncretized, syncretizing, syncretism, syncretisms, syncretic, syncretistic, syncretist, syncretists
-synchronous, synchronously, synchronousness, synchronic, synchronistical, synchronistically, synchrony, synchronization, synchronizations
-sync, syncs, synced, syncing, in sync, out of sync, synchronize, synchronizes, synchronized, synchronizing
-syncretism, syncretisms, syncretic, syncretistic, syncretist, syncretists
-synchronicity, synchronicities, synchronism, synchronistic, synchronistical, synchronistically
-syndrome, syndromes, syndromic
-synecdoche, synecdoches, synecdochic or synecdochical, synecdochically
-synergy, synergistic, synergistically, synergism
-synonym, synonyms, synonymous, synonymously
-synod, ??, m9,
-synopsis, synopses, synoptic, synoptics, synoptical, synoptically
-synovia, synovial, ??
-synthesize, synthesizes, synthesized, synthesizing, synthesis, syntheses, synthesist, synthesists, synthesizer, synthesizers
-synthetic, synthetics, synthetically
-Syria, Syrian, Syrians, Syriac
-syrup, syrups, syrupy
-system, systems, systematic, systematical, systematically, systematize, systematized, systematizing, systematizes, systematization, systematizer
-systemic, systemically
-syntactic, syntactical, syntactically, syntax
-T.S. Eliot
-tabernacle, tabernacles
-table, tables, tabled, tabling, on the table, under the table, table of elements
-table d'hôte, table d'hôtes
-tablet, ?? Ex.3:18, s10,
-tachyon, tachyons, tachyonic
-tacit, tacitly
-taciturn, taciturnly, taciturity
-tack, tacks
-tackle, tackles, tackled, tackling, tackler, tacklers
-tacky (sticky), tackier, tackiest, tackily, tackiness
-tacky (tawdry), tackier, tackiest, tackily, tackiness
-tact, tactful, tactfully, tactfulness,tactless, tactlessly, tactlessness
-tactic, tactics, tactical, tactically
-tactile, tactilely, tactility
-tad, ?? Potpourri H,
-taffy, taffies
-tag, ?? t13, c35,
-tail, tails, tailing, tailed, tailess, tail wagging the dog, tailfin, tailfins
-tailing, tailings
-tailor, tailors, tailored, tailoring
-taint, taints, tainted, tainting, taintless, taintlessly, taintlessness
-take, takes, took, took me aback, taken, taking, take for granted, take in, taken in, take into account, taken aback by, took me aback, take notice of or take note, take off
-talc, talcs, talced, talcing, talcose, talcum powder, talcum powders
-tale, tales, folktale, folktales
-talent (ability), talents, talented, talentless, talentlessness
-talent (as to weight), talents
-talent (Jewish money), talents
-talisman, talismans
-tallage, tallages
-tallow, tallows, tallowed, tallowing, tallowy
-tally, tallies, tallied, tallying
-talk, talkative, ??, v2,
-talus (bone), tali
-talus (sloping rock), taluses
-tamale, tamales
-tambourine, tambourines
-tame, tames, tamer, tamest, tamed, taming, tamely, tamable, tameable, tameness, tamer, tamers
-tamper, tampers, tampered, tampering, tamperer
-tan, tans, tanned, tanning, tanner, tannest
-tanager, tanagers
-tang, tangs, tanged, tanging, tanginess, tangy
-tangent, tangents, tangential also tangental, tangentiality, tangentialities, tangentially
-tangible, tangibility, tangibleness, tangibly
-tangle, tangles, tangled, tangling, tangly
-tangy, ??
-tank, tanks, tanked, tanking, tank up, tankless
-tannic acid, tannin, tannins
-tantra, tantric
-tantrum, tantrums
-tap (gentle hit), taps, tapped, tapping
-tap (spigot), taps, tapped, tapping, on tap
-tape, ?? r20
-taper, tapers, tapered, tapering, taperingly, taper off
-tar, tars, tarred, tarring
-tardy, tardier, tardiest, tardily, tardiness
-tare (weeds), tares
-tare (weight), tares, tared, taring
-target, targets, targeted, targeting, on target
-Targum, Targums
-tariff, tariffs, tariffed, tariffing
-tarnish, tarnishes, tarnished, tarnishing, tarnishable
-tarpaulin, tarpaulins, tarp, tarps
-tarry, tarries, tarried, tarrying, tarrier, tarriers
-tart (small pie), tarts
-tart (taste), tarts, tarter, tartest, tartly, tartness, tarted, tarting
-tartan, ??,
-tartar, ??, c36
-Tartar, ??
-Tartary, ??, ,
-tartrazine, ??,
-task, tasks, tasked, tasking, take to task, call to task, bring to task
-taste, tastes, tasted, tasting, tastable, tasteless, tastelessly, tastelessness, good taste
-tatter,tatters, tattered, tattering
-tattoo, ?? Lev.19:27,28,
-taunt, taunts, taunted, taunting, tauntingly, taunter, taunters
-tauon, tauons
-taut, tauter, tautest, tautly, tautness
-tautology, tautologies, tautological or tautologic, tautologically
-tavern, taverns, ??, i21,
-tawdry, tawdrier, tawdriest, tawdrily, tawdriness
-tawny, tawniness
-tax, taxes, taxed, taxing, taxer, taxers, taxation
-taxonomy, taxonomies, taxonomist, taxonomicalso taxonomical, taxonomically, taxon, taxa
-teach, teaches, taught, teaching
-team, teams, teamed, teaming
-tear (cry), tears, teared, tearing, tearful, tearfully, tearfulness
-tear (pull apart), tears, tore, torn, tearing, tear around, tear away, tear down, teardown, tearer, tearers
-tease, teases, teased, teasing, teasingly
-technical, technicals, technically, technicalness, technicality, technicalities
-technique, techniques
-technology,technologies, technological, technologically
-tectonics, ?? p29
-tedious, tediously, tediousness, tedium, tediums
-teem, teems, teemed, teeming, teemingly, teemer, teemers
-teenybopper, teenyboppers, teener, teeners
-teeter, teeters, teetered, teetering
-Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre
-telecommunication, telecommunications
-telegenic, telegenically
-telegram, ??, p44,
-telekinesis, telekinetic, telekinetically
-tell, told, telling, tells, tellable d15,
-telomere, telomeres
-teleology, teleological
-telepathy, telepathic, telepathically, telepathist, telepathists
-teleport, teleports, teleported, teleporting, teleportation, teleportations
-telescope, ??, b25, e22,
-temerity, temerities
-temper (adjust), tempers, tempered, tempering, temperability, temperer, temperers, temperable
-temper (character), tempers, temperament, tempered, tempering, temperability, temperer, temperable, temperamental, temperamentally, ill-tempered, bad-tempered
-temper (hardness), tempers, tempered, tempering, temperable, temperability, temperer
-temperance,temperate, temperately, temperateness
-temperature, temperatures
-tempest, tempests, tempested, tempesting, tempest in a teacup, tempest in a teapot, tempestuous, tempestuously, tempestuousness
-template (also spelt templet), templates
-temple (building), temples
-temple (device), temples
-temple (forehead), temples
-tempo, tempos, tempi
-temporary, temporaries, temporarily, temporariness, temporal, temporally, temporality, temporalities
-temporal lobe (B3, under 'brain')
-tempt, tempts, tempted, tempting, temptable, tempter, tempters, temptation, temptations
-tenable, tenability or tenableness, tenably
-tenacity, tenacious, tenaciously, tenaciousness
-tenement, ??,
-tenancy, tenancies, tenant, tenants, tenanted, tenanting
-tend, tends, tended, tending
-tendency, tendencies, tendentious also tendencious, tendentiously, tendentiousness
-tender (offer), tenders, tendered, tendering
-tender (affection), tenderer, tendered, tendering, tenderly, tenderness
-tender (chewable), tenders, tendered, tendering
-tenderize, tenderizes, tenderized, tenderizing, tenderization, tenderizer, tenderizers
-tenderhearted, tenderheartedly, tenderheartedness
-tenderloin, ??
-tendon, tendons
-tendril, ??, s47,
-tenement, tenements, tenemental, tenementary
-tenet, tenets
-tenon, tenons, tenoned, tenoning
-tense, tenses, tenser, tensest, tensed, tensing, tensely
-tense (grammar), tenses
-tensile, tensility, tensilities
-tension, tensions, tensioned, tensioning, tensional
-tentacle, tentacles, tentacled
-tentative, tentatively, tentativeness
-tenter, tenters, tentered, tentering, tenterhook, tenterhooks
-tenuous, tenuously, tenuousness
-tenure, tenurial, tenurially
-tepid, ??
-teratogenic, teratogenicity, teratogenicities
-tergiversate, tergiversates, tergiversated, tergiversating, tergiversation, tergiversations, tergiversator, tergiversators
-term, terms, termed, come to terms, terming, terminology, terminologies, terminological, terminologically, terminologist, terminologists
-termagant, termagants
-terminal, terminals, terminally, terminus, terminuses, termini
-terminate, terminates, terminated, terminating, termination, terminations, terminational, terminative, terminatively, terminator, terminators, terminational
-terminology, terminologies, terminological, terminologically, terminologist, terminologists
-ternary, ternaries
-terpene, terpenes, terpenic, terpenoid, terpenoids
-terracotta, terracottas
-terrain, ?? r16, b6, b26, g14,
-terrestrial, terrestrials, terrestrially, terrestrialness
-terrible, terribly, terribleness
-territory, territories, territorial, territorially, territoriality, territorialities
-terror, terrors, terrorize, terrorizes, terrorized, terrorizing, terrorization, terrorizations, terrorizer, terrorizers, terrorism, terrorist, terrorists, terroristic, terrify, terrifies, terrified, terrifying, terrific (terror), terrifically
-terrific (good), terrifically
-terse, terser, tersest, tersely, terseness
-tertiary, tertiaries
-Tesla, Nikola
-tessellate, tessellates, tessellated, tessellating, tessellation, tessellations
-tesseract, tesseracts
-test, tests, tested, testing, testability, testable, testy, testier, testiest, testily, testiness
-testament, testaments, testamentary
-testator, testators
-testes, ?? p30,
-testify, testifies, testified, testifying, testification, testifications, testifier, testifiers, testimony, testimonies, testimonial, testimonials
-tetanus, tetanal
-tether, tethers, tethered, tethering
-tetrarch, tetrarchs, tetrarchic, tethrarchy
-tetrahedron, tetrahedrons
-tetramer, tetramers, tetrameric
-tetrapod, tetrapods
-Teutonic, ??, p41,
-text, texts, ?? p10,
-textile, textiles
-texture, textures, textured, texturing, texturally, texturize, texturizes, texturized, texturizing. texturizer, texturizers
-thalamus, thalami, thalamically
-thankful,thankfully, thankfulness, Thanksgiving Day, thank, thanks, thanked, thanking, no thanks to, thankworthy, thankworthier, thankworthiest, thankless, thanklessly, thanklessness
-that, that (as conjunction), those, at that, that is
-thatch, thatches, thatched, thatching, thatchy, thatcher, thatchers
-theater, theatrical ?? t13, p7, w8, s32, o1, r18, a36, b25,
-Thebes, Theban
-theft, thefts, thievery, thieveries,-thief, thieve, thieves, thieved, thieving, thievingly, thieving, thievish
-theism, theist, theists, theistic, theistical, theistically
-them, themselves, themself, theirself, theirselves
-theme, themes, themeless
-then, ??, s1,
-thence, thenceforth
-theodolite, theodolites, theodolitic
-theology, theologies, theologian,theologians, theological, theologic, theologically, theocracy, theocracies, theocratic, theocratical, theocratically
-theoretical also theoretic, theoretically
-theory, theories, theorize, theorizes, theorized, theorizing, theorization, theorizations, theorizer, theorizers, theorem, theorems
-theory of everything
-theories of relativity
-therapeutic, therapeutics, therapeutical, therapeutically, therapeutist, therapeutists
-therapist, therapists
-therapy, therapies
-there, there'd, there'll, there's
-therefore, therefor
-thermal, thermals, thermally
-thermionic, ??, f3,
-thermite, ??,
-thermogram, thermograms
-thesaurus, ??,
-thesis, theses
-theta wave, theta waves
-they, their, them, they'd, they'll, they're, they've
-thick, thicker, thickest, thickly, thick and thin, thickish
-thicket, thickets
-thin, thinner, ??, c9, g11,
-thing, things, of all things
-think, thinks, thinking, thinking, thinker, thinkers
-third form (grammar; also called third entity or third person, third person singular)
-thirst, ??, d30,
-thistle, thistles
-Thomas Jefferson
-Thomas Paine
-thong, thongs
-thorax, thoraxes or thoraces, thoracic, thoracically
-Thoreau, Henry David
-thorn, thorns, thornless
-thorough, thoroughly, thoroughness, thoroughgoing
-thoroughfare, thoroughfares
-though, as though
-thought, thoughts, thoughtful, thoughtfully, thoughtfulness, thought-provoking
-thoughtless, thoughtlessly, thoughtlessness
-thrall, thralls, thralled, thralling, thralldom, thralldoms
-thrash, thrashes, thrashed, thrashing, thrasher, thrashers
-thread, threads, threaded, threading, threader, threaders
-threat, threats, threated, threating, threaten, threatened, threatening, threateningly, threatens, threateningly, threatener, threateners
-three-dimensional, three-dimensions
-thresh, threshes, threshed, threshing
-threshold, thresholds
-thrift, thrifty, triftier, triftiest, thriftily, thriftiness
-thrill, ??, c19, Mating Rate a Mate
-thrive, thrives, thrived, thriven, thriving, thriver, thrivers
-throb, throbs, throbbed, throbbing, throbbingly
-throne, thrones, throned, throning
-throng, throngs, thronged, thronging
-through, through and through, throughout
-throw, throws,threw, thrown, throwing, throw you under the bus
-thrust, thrusts, thrusted, thrusting, thruster, thrusters, thrustful
-thud, thuds, thudded, thudding
-thug, thugs, thuggery, thuggeries, thuggish
-thumb, thumbs, thumbed, thumbing, all thumbs, thumbing your nose
-thump, thumps, thumped, thumping, thumper, thumpers
-Thurber, James
-thus, thusly
-thwart, thwarts, thwarted, thwarting, thwartly, thwarter, thwarters
-thyroid, ??, m12,
-tiara, ??
-Tiananmen Square
-Tiberius, Tiberian
-tic, tics, ticced, ticcing
-ticket, tickets, ticketed, ticketing
-ticks, ticks, ticked, ticking, tick off, ticked off
-tidbit, ??,
-tide, tides, tided, tiding, tidal, tidally, tide over
-tiding, tidings
-tidy, tidier, tidiest, tidied, tidying, tidies, tidily, tidiness
-tie, ties, tied, tying, tie in, tie into, tie up
-tie, ??,
-tier, ??,
-tiff, tiffs, tiffed, tiffing
-tight, tighter, tightest, tightly, tightness, tighten, tightens, tightened, tightening, tightener, tighteners
-till, tills, tilled, tilling, tillable
-tiller (land), tillers
-tiller (nautical), tillers
-tiller (sprout), tillers, tillered, tillering
-tilt, tilts, tilted, tilting, at full tilt, tilter
-timber, timbers, timbered, timbering, timberline (also called tree line), timberlines
-timbre, timbres
-timbrel, timbrels
-time, times, timed, timing, against time, at the time, at this time, for the time being, from time to time, high time, in good time, in no time, in time, real-time (as fast as), real time (uncountably fast), time after time, time and again, time of my life, time on my hands, time was, behind the times, ill-timed, Geologic Time Scale
-timeline, timelines
-timid, timider, timidest, timidity, timidness, timidly, timorous, timorously, timorousness
-tin, tins, tinpot
-Tiananmen Square
-tincture, tinctures, tinctured, tincturing
-tinder, tinders
-tine, ??,
-tinge, tinges, tinged, tinging or tingeing
-tingle, tingles, tingled, tingling, tingly, tingler, tinglers
-tinker, tinkers, tinkered, tinkering, tinkerer, tinkerers
-tinkle, tinkles, tinkled, tinkling, tinkly
-tinsel, ??, f20,
-tint, tints, tinted, tinting, tinter, tinters
-tiny, tinier, tiniest, tininess
-tip, ??, L14,
-tirade, tirades
-tire, tiring, ?? s38, a26, m23,
-tissue, tissues, tissuey, tissular, connective tissue, connective tissues
-tit for tat
-titch, titches
-titer, titers
-tithe, tithes, tithed, tithing
-title, titles, titled, titling, land title
-titrate, titration, ??,
-titter, titters, tittered, tittering, titterer, titterers, titteringly
-titillate, titillates, titillated, titillating, titillater, titillation, titillations, titillatingly, titillative
-tittle-tattle, ??,
-titular, titulars
-tizzy, tizzies
-to, to and fro, too, two
-toady, toadies, toadied, toadying
-toast(bread), toasts, toasted, toasting
-toast (honor), toasts, toasted, toasting
-toboggan, toboggans, tobogganed, tobogganing, tobogganer, tobogganers, tobogganist, tobogganists
-toddler, toddlers, toddle, toddles, toddled, toddling
-together, togetherness, get it all together
-toil, toils, toiled, toiling, toiler, toilers
-token, tokens, tokened, tokening, by the same token, in token of
-tolerate, tolerates, tolerated, tolerating, tolerative, tolerator, tolerators, tolerance, tolerant, tolerantly, tolerable, tolerability, tolerableness, tolerably
-toll, tolls, tolled, tolling, taking its toll
-Tolstoy, Leo or Tolstoi, Tolstoyan or Tolstoian
-tomahawk, tomahawks, tomahawked, tomahawking
-tomb, tombs, tombstone, tombstones
-tome, ??
-ton, tons, tonne, tonnes
-tone, tones, toned, toning, tone down, tone up
-tongue, tongues, tongued, tonguing, on the tip of the tongue, tongue-in-cheek, hold your tongue, slip of the tongue
-tongue and groove
-tonic, ??, s47,
-tonsil, ??,
-too, to, two
-tool, tools, tooled, tooling
-topic, topical, topically
-topology, topologies, topologic, topological, topologically, topologist, topologists
-topography, topographies, topograph, topographs, topographic, topographical, topographically
-topple, topples, toppled, toppling
-torch, torches, torched, torching
-tore, tare
-torment, torments, tormented, tormenting, tormentingly
-torpid, torpidly
-torpor, torporific
-torque, torques, torqued, torquing, torquer, torquers, torquey
-torrent, ??,
-torrid, torrider, torridest, torridity, torridness, torridly
-torsion, torsions, torsional, torsionally
-torso, torsos, torsi
-tor, ??,
-tort, ??,
-torture, torturing, torturous, ??, p43
-torus, toroid, ??
-toss, tosses, tossed, tossing, tosser, tossers
-total, totals, totaled or totalled, totaling or totalling, totality, totalities, totally
-totalitarian, totalitarians, totalitarianism
-totter, totters, tottered, tottering, totterer, tottery
-touch, touches, touched, touching, touch down, touchable, touchableness, toucher, touchers, touch on, touch upon, touch base, touch bases
-touchy, touchier, touchiest, touchily, touchiness
-tough, tougher, toughest, toughly, toughness, toughen, toughens, toughened, toughening, toughener, tougheners
-tour,tours, toured, touring, tourings, tourer, tourers, tourism, tourisms, tourist, tourists, touristic, touristy, tourist class, tourist classes, tourist trap, tourist traps
-tousle, tousles, tousled, tousling
-tout, touts, touted, touting, touter, touters
-tout de suite
-tow, ??,
-tow (fiber), ??
-toward, towardly, towardliness, usward or us-ward
-tower, towers, towered, towering, toweringly
-town, towns, township, townships
-toxic, toxically, toxicity, toxicities, toxin, toxins, toxemia, toxemic, toxoid, toxoids, toxicology, toxicologies, toxicological or toxicologic, toxicologically, toxicologist, toxicologists
-toy, toys, toyed, toying
-Arnold Joseph Toynbee
-trace (follow), traces, traced, tracing, traceability, traceableness, traceable, traceable, tracer, tracers
-trace (small amount), traces
-trachea, tracheas, tracheal, tracheotomy, tracheotomies
-track, tracks, tracked, tracking, trackable, tracker, trackers, on track
-tract (anatomy), tracts
-tract (land), tracts
-tract(pamphlet), tracts
-tractable, tractably, tractability, tractableness
-traction, tractional
-trade,trades, traded, trading, trade down, trade in, trade up, tradable, trade wind, trade winds
-trademark, trademarks, trademarked, trademarking (???, in AskSuby dict, T3, L1, )
-tradition, traditions, traditional, traditionally
-traditor, traditores
-traffic, trafficking, ??, n10, (traffick in Bible add to Genesis 42:34 & in Civilization'sNeeds)
-tragedy, ??, g10, s49,
-tragic, ??,
-trail, ?? d23, t24, s27,
-train, trains, trained, training, trainable, trainability
-traipse, traipses, traipsed, traipsing
-trait, traits
-traitor, traitors, traitorous,traitorously, traitorousness
-trajectory, trajectories
-tram, trams, trammed, tramming, trammel, trammels, trammeled, trammeling, trammeler, trammelers
-tramp, tramps, tramped, tramping, tramper, trampers, trampish, trampy, tramp steamer, tramp steamers
-trampoline, ??, f3,
-trample, tramples, trampled, trampling, trampler, tramplers
-trance, trances, tranced, trancing, trance-like
-tranche, ??,
-tranquil, tranquilly, tranquilness, tranquility, tranquility, tranquilize, tranquilizes, tranquilized, tranquilizing, tranquilization
-transaction, transactions, transactional, transact, transacts, transacted, transacting, transactor, transactors, transactional analysis
-transcend, transcends, transcended, transcending, transcendence, transcendental, transcendency, transcendently, transcendentalism, transcendentalist, transcendentalists
-transcendental meditation
-transcribe, transcribes, transcribed, transcribing, transcribable, transcribables, transcriber, transcribers
-transcript, transcripts
-transcriptase (see reverse transcriptase)
-transduce, transduces, transduced, transducing, transducer, transducers
-transected, ?
-transfer,transfers, transferred, transferring, transferal, transferability, transferential, transferrer, transferrers, transferable or transferrable, transference (note the on purpose spelling of some of the words having 'rr', a typical cabal screw up just to mess you up)
-transfigure, transfigures, transfigured, transfiguring, transfigurement, transfigurements, transfiguration, transfigurations
-transfix, transfixes, transfixed, transfixing, transfixion, transfixions
-transform, transforms, transformed, transforming, transformable, transformation, transformations, transformational, transformative, transformer, transformers
-transfuse, transfuses, transfused, transfusing, transfuser, transfusible, transfusable, transfusive
-transgender, transgenders, transgendered, transgenderism
-transgress, transgresses, transgression, difference transgression & sin; transgressions, transgressed, transgressing, transgressible, transgressive, transgressively, transgressor
-transhuman, transhumans
-transient, transiently, transience, transiences
-transistor, transistors, ??, d33,
-transition, transitional, transitionally, transit, transits, transited, transiting
-transitory, transitorily, transitoriness
-transitive verb
-translate, translates, translated, translating, translation, translations, translation (biochemical meaning), translational, translatability, translatableness, translatable, translator, translators, translatorial
-transliterate, transliterates, transliterated, transliterating, transliteration, transliterations
-translucent, translucence, translucency, translucencies, translucently
-transmit, transmits, transmitted, transmitting, transmittable, transmission, transmissions, transmissive, transmitter, transmitters
-transmogrify, transmogrifies, transmogrified, transmogrifying, transmogrification
-transmutation, transmutational, transmutative, transmutability
-transmute, transmutes, transmuted, transmuting, transmutability, transmutableness, transmutable, transmutably, transmuter
-transparent, transparence, transparency, transparencies, transparently, transparentness
-transpire, transpires, transpired, transpiring
-transplant, transplants, transplanted, transplanting, transplantable, transplantation, transplantations, transplanter, transplanters
-transponder, ??.
-transport, transports, transported, transporting, transportability, transportabilities, transportable, transporter, transporters, transportive, transportation, transportations
-transpose, transposes, transposed, transposing, transposable
-transposon, transposons
-transsexual, transsexuals, transsexualism
-transubstantiation, transubstantiationalist, transubstantiationalists
-transuranic, transuranium
-transvalue, transvalues, transvalued, transvaluing
-transverse, transversely, transverseness
-transvestite, transvestites, transvestism
-trapping (clothing accessories), trappings
-trap (catch), traps, trapped, trapping
-trap (contrivance), traps
-trapezium, trapeziums or trapezia, trapezoid, trapezoids, trapezoid or trapezoidal
-trash, trashes, trashed, trashing, trashy, trashier, trashiest, trashily, trashiness, trashinesses
-trauma, traumas or traumata, traumatic, traumatically, traumatize, traumatizes, traumatized, traumatizing, traumatism, traumatisms, traumatology, traumatological, traumatologist, traumatologists
-travail, travails, travailed, travailing
-travel, travels, traveled, traveling, traveler, travelers
-traverse, traverses, traversed, traversing, traversal, traverser, traversable
-travesty, travesties, travesties, travestied, travestying
-treachery, treacheries, treacherous, treacherously, treacherousness
-treacly, ?? treacly dross)
-tread, treads, trod, trodden or trod, treading, treadless, tread water
-treason, high treason, treasonous, treasonously, treasonable, treasonableness, treasonably
-treasure, treasures, treasured, treasuring, treasurer, treasurers, treasure trove, treasure troves
-treat, treats, treated, treating, treater, treaters, treatment, treatments
-treatise, treatises
-treaty, treaties
-Treaty of  Union
-Treaty of Washington
-trek, treks, trekked, trekking, trekker, trekkers
-trellis, trellises, trellised, trellising
-treble, trebles, trebled, trebling, trebleness, treblenesses
-tremble, trembles, trembled, trembling, tremblingly, trembly, trembler, tremblers, tremulous, tremulously, tremulousness
-tremendous, tremendously, tremendousness
-tremor, tremors, ?? p29
-trench, trenches, trenched, trenching
-trenchant, trenchantly
-trend, trends, trended, trending, trendy, trendier, trendies, trendiest, trendily, trendiness
-trespass, trespasses, trespassed, trespassing, trespasser, trespassers
-trestle, trestles
-triad, triads, triadic
-triage, triages, triaged, triaging
-trial, trials, on trial, trial by fire
-triangle, triangles, triangular, triangularity, triangularly, right triangle, right triangles
-tribe, tribes
-tribulation, tribulations
-tribunal, tribunals
-tribunal of arbitration
-tribute, tributary, tributaries
-trick, tricks, tricked, tricking, tricker, trickers, trickery, trickeries, not miss a trick, do the trick, trickster, tricksters, tricky, trickier, trickiest, trickily, trickiness
-trickle, trickles, trickled, trickling
-trifle, trifles, trifled, trifling, triflingly, trifler, triflers
-trigger, triggers, triggered, triggering
-trigonometry, trigonometric, trigonometrical, trigonometrically
-trill, trills, trilled, trilling
-trillion, trillions
-trilobite, trilobites
-trim, trims, trimmed, trimming, trimmer, trimmers, trimmest, trimly, trimness
-trimester, ??, e3,
-trine, trines
-trinity, trinities
-trinket, trinkets
-triple, triples, tripled, tripling
-trireme, triremes
-trite, tritely, triteness
-triumph, triumphs, triumphed, triumphing, triumphant, triumphantly
-triune, triunes
-trivalent, trivalence or trivalency
-trivia, trivial, trivially, triviality, trivialities, trivialize, trivializes, trivialized, trivializing, trivialization
-trivium, trivia (liberal arts)
-troll, trolls, trawl, trawls, trawled, trawling
-trolley, trolleys, trolly, trollies, trolleyed, trollied, trolleying, trollying
-trollop, ???
-troop, troops, trooped, trooping
-trope, ??
-trophy, trophies
-tropic, tropics, tropical, tropicals, tropically
-troposphere (Creation1, text)
-trot, trotted, ?? f14
-troth, troths, trothed, trothing
-trouble, troubles, troubled, troubling, troublingly, troubler, troublers, troublesome, troublesomely, troublesomeness
-trough, troughs, eaves trough
-troupe, troupes, trouped, trouping
-trouser, trousers
-trove, troves
-trowel, trowels, troweled, troweling, troweler, trowelers
-troy (weight)
-truce, truces, truced, trucing
-truckle, truckles, truckler, trucklers, truckle, truckled, truckling
-trudge, trudges, trudged, trudging, trudger, trudgers
-true, truer, truest, trueness, truth, truths, truly, truthful, truthfully, truthfullness
-trump, trumps, trumped, trumping, trump up, trumped up
-truncheon, truncheons
-trunk, trunks
-truant, ?
-trumpet, ??,
-truss, trusses, trussed, trussing
-trust, trusts, trusted, trusting, in trust, truster, trusters, trustable, trustless, trustworthy, trustworthier, trustworthiest, trustworthily, trustworthiness
-trustee, trustees, trusteed, trusteeing
-truth, truths, in truth, truthful, truthfully, truthfulness
-try, tries, tried, trying, tried and true, try on, try out, try one's hand
-trypsin, trypsins. tryptic
-tryst, ??
-tsunami, tsunamis, tsunamic
-tube, tubes, tubed, tubing, down the tube(s), tubular, tubularly, tubularity, tubularities
-tuber, tubers, tubercle, tubercles
-tubular, ?? f10
-tuck, tucked, ??, f22,
-Tudor, Tudor architecture
-tuft, tufts, tufted, tufting, tufty, tufter, tufters
-tug, tugs, tugged, tugging, tugger, tuggers, tugboat, tugboats, also called towboat
-tuition, tuitions, tuitional or tuitionary
-tumble, tumbles, tumbled, tumbling, tumbledown
-tumbler, ??, b3,
-tumescence, tumescences, tumefy, tumefies, tumefied, tumefying, tumefaction, tumefactions, tumefactive
-tumid, tumidity or tumidness, tumidly
-tumor, tumors, tumorous
-tumult, tumults, tumultuous, tumultuously, tumultuousness
-tune, tunes, tuned, tuning, tuneful, tunefully, tunefulness,tune in, tune out, tune-up (an engine adjustment), tune-ups, tune up (to adjust), to the tune of, tuneless, tunelessly, tunelessness, tuner, tuners, tunesmith, tunesmiths, in tune, out of tune
-tunic, tunics
-tunnel, ?? m15, t21, s23,
-turban, ??
-turbid, turbidly, turbidness, turbidity
-turbine, turbines
-turbulent, turbulently, turbulence, turbulent flow
-turf, turfs, turfed, turfing, turfy
-turgid, turgidity, turgidness, turgidly
-turkey, turkeys, talk turkey, Turkey (the country)
-turmeric, ??
-turn, turns, turned, turning, turn in, out of turn, turning a blind eye away
-turnstile, turnstiles
-turpentine, turpentines, turpentined, turpentining, turpentinic or turpentinous
-turpitude, ??,
-turret, turrets
-turtledove, ??,
-tusk, tusks
-tussle, tussles, tussling, tussled
-tutelary, ??
-tutor, tutors, tutored, tutoring, tutelage, tutelages
-twaddle, ??,
-Twain, Mark
-twang, ??,
-tweak, tweaks, tweaked, tweaking, tweaky
-tweed, ??, s65,
-twelve, twelfth, ??,
-twiddle, ??,
-twig, twigs
-twilight, twilights, twilight zone
-twill, twilled ?? w6, p10
-twin, twins, ?? a1
-twine, twines, twined, twining, twiner, twiners
-twinkle, ??, s45,
-twirl, twirls, twirled, twirling, twirler, twirlers
-twist, twists, twisted, twisting, twistability, twistable, twisty, twistingly, twister, twisters
-twitching, ?? DGE4,
-two, in two, too, to, twice, twain, two-bit,two-bits, two-way street, two-way streets
-Tyndale, William
-type, types, typed, typing
-typecast, typecasts, typecasting, typecaster, typecasters
-typify, typifies, typified, typifying, typification, typifier, typifiers, typic, typical, typically, typicalness, typicality
-typography, typographies, typographical or typographic, typographically
-tyrant, tyrants, tyranny, tyrannies, tyrannical also tyrannic, tyrannically, tyrannicalness, tyrannize, tyrannizes, tyrannized, tyrannizing, tyrannizer, tyrannizers, tyrannizingly
-Tyrol, Tyrollean, Tyrolese
-ubiquitous, ubiquitously, ubiquitousness
-udder, udders
-ugly, uglies, uglier, ugliest, uglily, ugliness
-ulcer, ulcers, ulcerous, ulcerously, ulcerousness, ulcerate, ulcerates, ulcerated, ulcerating, ulcerative, ulceration, ulcerations, ulcerogenic
-ulna, ??
-ulterior, ulteriorly
-ultimate, ultimately
-ultimatum, ??
-ultra, ultra vires
-ultrasonic, ultrasonically
-umbel, umbels
-umbilical, ??, CreationNotes9,
-umbrella, umbrellas, umbrellaless
-umpire, umpires, umpired, umpiring
-umpteen, umpteenth
-unabashed, unabashedly
-unabated, unabatedly
-unabraded, ?? (see also abrade)
-unacceptable, unacceptability, unacceptably
-unaccounted, unaccounted for, unaccountable, unaccountability, unaccountableness, unaccountably
-unaccustomed, unaccustomedly, unaccustomedness
-unaffected, unaffectedly, unaffectedness
-unalloyed, unalloyedly
-unaltered, unalterable, unalterably, unalterability, unalterableness
-unambiguous, unambiguously
-unanimous, unanimously, unanimousness, unanimity
-unanticipated, unanticipatedly
-unappealing, unappealingly
-unappetizing, ??, s21,
-unappreciated, unappreciative, unappreciatively
-unashamed,unashamedly, unashamedness
-unassailable, unassailability or unassailableness, unassailably
-unassuming, unassumingly, unassumingness
-unavailable, ??
-unavoidable, unavoidability, unavoidablenes, unavoidably
-unaware, unawares, unawarely, unawareness
-unbalance, unbalances, unbalanced, unbalancing, unbalanceable
-unbearable, ??
-unbecoming, unbecomingly, unbecomingness
-unbefitting, ?? b14
-unbeknownst, unbeknown
-unbelievable, unbelievably, unbelieving, unbelievingly, unbelievingness, unbelief, unbeliever, unbelievers
-unbend, unbends, unbent, unbending, unbendable
-unbiased, unbiasedly, unbiasedness
-unblinded, ??, Paul3,
-unbounded, unboundedly, unboundedness
-unbridle, unbridles, unbridled, unbridling, unbridledly
-unbridgeable, ??,
-unbroken, unbrokenly, unbrokenness
-uncaring, uncaringly, uncaringness, uncaringnesses
-unceremonious, unceremoniously, unceremoniousness, unceremoniousnesses
-uncertain, uncertainly, uncertainness, uncertainnesses, uncertainty, uncertainties
-uncertainty principle
-unchaste, unchaster, unchastest, unchastely, unchasteness, unchastity, unchastened
-uncivil, uncivilly, uncivilness, uncivilnesses, uncivilized, uncivilizedly, uncivilizedness, uncivilizednesses
-uncle, uncles, uncleless
-unclean, uncleaner, uncleanest, uncleanness, uncleannesses
-unclear, unclearly, unclearer, unclearest, unclearness, unclearnesses
-uncomfortable, uncomfortably, uncomfortableness, uncomfortablenesses
-uncommon, uncommoner, uncommonest, uncommonly, uncommonness, uncommonnesses
-uncompassionate, ??, u12,
-uncompromising, uncompromisingly
-unconcern, unconcerns, unconcerned, unconcernedly, unconcernedness, unconcernednesses
-unconditional, unconditionally, unconditionality, unconditionalness, unconditioned, unconditionedness, unconditioned response, unconditioned responses, unconditioned stimulus, unconditioned stimuli
-unconformable, unconformability, unconformableness, unconformably
-uncongenial, uncongeniality
-unconnected, unconnectedly, unconnectedness, unconnectednesses
-unconscionable, unconscionably, unconscionableness, unconsciousnesses
-unconscious, unconsciously, unconsciousness,
-unconstitutional, ??, f23,
-uncontaminated, ??
-uncontrollable, uncontrollability, uncontrollableness, uncontrollably, uncontrolled, uncontrolledness, uncontrollednesses
-unconventional, unconventionality, unconventionally
-uncooperative, ??, r4,
-uncouth, uncouthly, uncouthness
-uncover, uncovers, uncovered, uncovering
-uncritically, ??, i7,
-unction, unctions, unctuous, unctuously, unctuousness, unctuousnesses, unctuosity, unctuosities
-undebatable, ??
-undeceive, undeceives, undeceived, undeceiving, undeceivable, undeceivably
-undecided, undecideds, undecidedly, undecidedness,
-undeniable, undeniably, undeniableness, undeniablenesses
-undependable, undependablity
-under, underway, out from under
-undercarriage, ??, m18,
-undercurrent, undercurrents
-underdeveloped, underdevelopment, underdevelopments
-underdog, underdogs
-underestimate, underestimates, underestimated, underestimating, underestimation, underestimations
-undergird, undergirds, undergirded or undergirt, undergirding
-undergo, undergoes, underwent, undergone, undergoing
-undergraduate, undergraduates
-underhand, underhanded, underhand, underhandedness, underhandedly
-underling, underlings
-underlie, underlies, underlay, underlain, underlying
-undermine, undermines, undermined, undermining
-underpin, underpins
-underrate, underrates, underrated, underrating
-underserve, underserves underserved, underserving
-underside, ?? u5
-understand, understands, understood, understanding, understandability, understandable, understandably, understandingly
-understate, understates, understated, understating, understatement, understatements
-understudy, ??,
-undertake, undertakes, undertook, undertaken, undertaking
-undertone, undertones
-underwear, ??,
-underworld, ??,
-undeserved, undeservedly, undeserving, undeservingly
-undesirable, undesirably, undesirability, undesired
-undeviating, undeviatingly
-undivulged, ??
-undo, undoes, undid, undone, undoing, undoer, undoers
-undoubted, undoubtedly
-undue, unduly
-undulate, undulates, undulated, undulating, undulatory, undulation, undulations
-undurable, ??
-uneasy, uneasier, uneasiest, unease, uneasiness, uneasily
-unending, ??,
-unequal, unequaled, unequally
-unequivocal, unequivocally
-unerring, unerringly
-unexpected, unexpectedly, unexpectedness
-uneven, unevener, unevenest, unevenly, unevenness, unevennesses
-uneventful, uneventfully, uneventfulness
-unfair, unfairer, unfairest, unfairly, unfairness
-unfaithful, unfaithfully, unfaithfulness
-unfaltering, unfalteringly
-unfamiliar, unfamiliarly, unfamiliarity
-unfasten, unfastens, unfastened, unfastening
-unfavorable, unfavorably, unfavorableness
-unfeeling, unfeelingly, unfeelingness
-unfeigned, unfeignedly
-unfermented, ??
-unfetter, unfetters, unfettered, unfettering
-unfit, unfits, unfitted, unfitting, unfitly, unfitness
-unfold, ?? Holy Spirit,
-unfollowed, ?? u7
-unforgivable, unforgivably, unforgiving
-unfortunate, unfortunately, unfortunateness
-unfounded, unfoundedly, unfoundedness
-unfriendly, unfriendlier, unfriendliest, unfriendliness
-unfruitful, ??, s56,
-unfurl, ??
-ungainly, ungainlier, ungainliest, ungainliness
-ungovernable, ??, p4,
-ungrateful, ungratefully, ungratefulness
-unguent, unguents, unguentary
-unhappy, unhappiness, ??, w4, s58, L16,
-unhealable, ??, Index d3,
-unhesitating, unhesitatingly
-unholy, ??,
-unhurried, ??
-unicellular, unicellularity
-uniform, uniforms, uniformed, uniforming, uniformity, uniformness, uniformly
-uniformitarian, uniformitarianism
-unify, unifies, unified, unified field, unified field theory, unifying, unifiable, unification, unifier, unifiers, unite, unites, united, uniting, unity, unities, union, unions
-unilateral, unilaterally, unilateralism, unilateralisms, unilateralist, unilateralists
-unimaginable, unimaginably
-unimpeachable, unimpeachably
-unimportant, unimportance
-uninhibited, uninhibitedly, uninhibitedness
-uninjured u6, ??
-uninspired, uninspiring
-unintelligent, unintelligence, unintelligently, unintelligible, unintelligibility, unintelligibleness, unintelligibly
-unintended, unintentional, unintentionally
-uninteresting, uninterested, ??, t27,
-uninterrupted, uninterruptedly
-uninvited,uninviting, uninvitingly
-union (see 'unify')
-unique, uniquely, uniqueness
-unit, units
-unite, unites, united, uniting, unity, unities
-United Kingdom (Britain, England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales; British, Scottish, Irish, Welsh)
-United States constitution
-univalent, univalents
-universal, universally, universalness
-Universe, Universes
-university, universities
-unjust, unjustly, unjustness, unjustifiable, unjustifiably, unjustified
-unkind, unkinder, unkindest, unkindly, unkindlier, unkindlies, unkindly, unkindliness
-unknowing, unknowingly, unknown, unknowns, unknowable. unknowability, unknowableness, unknowably, unknowable
-unlawful, unlawfully,unlawfulness
-unlearn, unlearns, unlearnedalso unlearnt, unlearnedly, unlearning
-unlike, unlikely, unlikelier, unlikeliest, unlikeliness unlikeness, unlikelihood
-unmanageable, ??, r4,
-unmannerly, unmannerliness
-unmerciful, ??, I16, u12,
-unmindful, unmindfully, unmindfulness, unmindfulnesses
-unmissable, ??,
-unmistakable, ??, c43,
-unmoor, unmoors, unmoored, unmooring
-unnatural, unnaturally, unnaturalness
-unnecessary, unnecessarily
-unnerve, unnerves, unnerved, unnerving, unnervingly
-unnoticed, ?? u7
-unobserved, unobserving, unobservable
-unobtrusive, unobtrusiveness, unobtrusively
-unoffensive or inoffensive
-unorganized, ??,
-unorthodox, unorthodoxly, unorthodoxy
-unostentatious, unostentatiously, unostentatiousness
-unpartitioned, ??, l5,
-unpleasant, unpleasantly
-unpleasing, ??, u12,
-unprecedented, unprecedentedly
-unpredictable, unpredictability, unpredictably
-unpremeditated, unpremeditatedly
-unprepared, ??, g10,
-unpretentious, unpretentiously, unpretentiousness
-unprincipled, unprincipledness
-unproductive, unproductively, unproductiveness
-unprofitable, unprofitably, unprofitability, unprofitabilities, unprofitableness, unprofitablenesses
-unprovable, unproved
-unqualified, unqualifiedly
-unquenchable, unquenchably
-unquestionable, unquestionability or unquestionableness, unquestionably, unquestioning, unquestioningly
-unquiet, unquieter, unquietest, unquietly, unquietness
-unravel, unravels, unraveled, unraveling
-unrealized, unrealizable
-unreasonable, unreasonably, unreasonableness, unreasoning, unreasoningly
-unrebuked, unrebukeable
-unregenerate, ??,
-unrelenting, unrelentingly
-unreliable, unreliability, unreliableness, unreliably
-unremitting, unremittingly, unremittingness
-unrepentant, unrepentantly
-unreproved, unreprovable
-unrequited, unrequitedly
-unresolvable, unresolved
-unresisted, unresisting, unresistingly
-unresponsive, unresponsively, unresponsiveness
-unrestrained, unrestrainedly, unrestrainedness
-unrestricted, ??, c9, u5,
-unreserved, unreservedly, unreservedness
-unrighteous, unrighteously, unrighteousness, unrighteousnesses
-unruly, unrulier, unruliest, unruliness
-unsatisfactory, unsatisfactorily, unsatisfactoriness, unsatisfying, unsatisfied
-unscientific, unscientifically
-unscrupulous, unscrupulously, unscrupulousness
-unseat, unseats, unseated, unseating
-unseemly, unseemlier, unseemliest, unseemliness
-unselfish, unselfishly, unselfishness
-unsettle, unsettles, unsettled, unsettling, unsettlingly, unsettlement
-unsightly, unsightlier, unsightliest, unsightliness
-unskillful, unskillfully, unskillfulnes, unskilled
-unsophisticated, unsophisticatedly, unsophisticatedness, unsophistication, unsophistications
-unsound, unsoundest, unsounder, unsoundly, unsoundness
-unspeakable, ??, U13,
-unspeculative, ?? p22
-unspoiled, unspoilt
-unstable, unstabler, unstablest, unstableness, unstably
-unsteady, unsteadier, unsteadiest, unsteadied, unsteadying, unsteadies, unsteadily, unsteadiness
-unsticking, ??
-unstinting, unstintingly
-unstoppable, unstoppably
-unsubstantial, unsubstantiality, unsubstantially, unsubstantiated
-unsuitable, unsuitability, unsuitableness, unsuitably, unsuited
-unsure, unsurely, unsureness, unsurenesses
-unsuspecting, unsuspectingly
-unswerving, unswervingly
-unsworn, ?? d15,
-unsympathetic, unsympathetically
-untaken, ?? u7
-untamed, untamable also untameable
-untarnished, ?? i6
-untenable, untenability, untenableness, untenably
-unthinking, unthinkingly, unthinkingness, unthink, unthinks, unthought
-untidy, untidier, untidiest, untidily, untidiness
-untimely, untimelier, untimeliest, untimeliness
-unto, ??,
-untreated, ??, m1,
-untrue, ?? d3, devilnotes,
-unusual, unusually, unusualness
-unutterable, unutterably, unutterableness
-unvalued, ??,
-unvarnished, ??,
-unvarying, unvariable, unvaried
-unveil, ??,
-unverified, unverifiable
-unwarranted, unwarrantable, unwarrantably
-unwary, unwarier, unwariest, unwarily, unwariness
-unwavering, unwaveringly
-unwed, ??, c46,
-unwell, unwellness
-unwholesome, ??, m25, s10,
-unwieldy, unwieldier, unwieldiest, unwieldily, unwieldiness
-unwilling, unwillingly, unwillingness
-unwind, unwinds, unwound, unwinding
-unwise, ?? unwisely, f7, i24, Paul2,
-unwitting, unwittingly
-unwonted, unwontedly, unwontedness
-unworldly, unworldlier, unworldliest, unworldliness
-unworthy, unworthier, unworthiest, unworthily, unworthiness
-unwrap, ??, u13,
-unyielding, unyieldingly, unyieldingness
-up, ups, upped, upping, on the up and up, up against, up to, up to par
-Upanishad, Upanishadic
-upbeat, upbeats
-upbraid, upbraids, upbraided, upbraiding, upbraider, upbraiders, upbraidingly
-upbringing, upbringings
-upend, upends, upended, upending
-upgrade, upgrades, upgraded, upgrading, on the upgrade
-upheave, upheaves, upheaved, upheaving, upheaval, upheavals
-uphold, upholds, upheld, upholding, upholder, upholders
-upholster, upholsters, upholstered, upholstering, upholsterer, upholsterers, upholstery, upholsteries
-uplift, uplifts, uplifted, uplifting
-upper hand
-upright, uprightly, uprightness
-uproar, uproars, uproarious, uproariously, uproariousness
-uproot, ??, t26,
-upset, upsets, upsetting, upsettingly, upsetter, upsetters
-upstanding, upstandingness
-upward, ??, u11, h16,
-upwell, upwells, upwelled, upwelling
-uranium (uranium 23, uranium 235, uranium 238), uraninite
-urbane, urbaner, urbanes, urbanely
-urchin, urchins, sea urchins
-urethra, urethras, urethral
-urge, urges, urged, urging, urgent,urgently, urgency, urgencies
-uric acid
-urinate, urinates, urinated, urinating, urination, urinations, urinative, urinator, urinators, urine, urines
-URL (Uniform Resource Locator)
-urn, ??,
-urus, uruses
-use, uses, used, using, usage, usages, used to, use up, useful, usefully, usefulness, usable or useable, usability, usableness, usably, useless, uselessly, uselessness
-usher (individual), ushers, ushered, ushering
-usher (introduce), ushers, ushered, ushering
-usual, as usual, usually, usualness
-usurp, usurps, usurped, usurping, ursurpingly, usurper, usurpers, usurpation, usurpations
-usury, usuries, usurious, usuriously, usuriousness, usuriousnesses
-usward or us-ward
-utensil, utensils
-uterus, uteri or uteruses, uterine, in utero
-utility, utilities
-utilitarian, utilitarianism
-utilize, utilizes, utilizing, utilized, utilization, utilizations, utilizable, utilizer, utilizers
-utmost, uttermost
-utter, utters, uttered, uttering, utterable, utterer, utterers, utterly, utterance, utterances
-vacant, vacantly, vacantness, vacancy, vacancies
-vacate, vacates, vacated, vacating
-vacation, vacations, vacationed, vacationing, vacationer, vacationers, vacationist, vacationists, vacationless
-vacillate, vacillates, vacillated, vacillating, vaccillation, vacillations, vacillator, vacillators, vacillatingly
-vaccine, vaccines, vaccination, vaccinations, vaccinate
-vacule, vacules, vacular or vacuolar, vaculation(s) or vacuolation(s)
-vacuum, vacuums or vacua, vacuumed, vacuuming, vacuumes, vacuous, vacuously, vacuousness, vacuum tube, vacuum tubes
-vagabond, vagabonds, vagabonded, vagabonding, vagabondage, vagabondages, vagabondism, vagabondisms
-vagary, vagaries
-vagina, ??, v9, d32,
-vagrant, vagrants, vagrantly, vagrancy, vagrancies
-vague, vaguer, vaguest, vaguely,vagueness, vaguenesses
-vail, vails
-vain, vainer, vainest, vainness, vainly, in vain, vainglory, vainglories
-valedictorian, valedictory, ??
-valence or valency, valances or vallencies
-valley, valleys, ??, g13, OrigWordNotes XYZ,
-valiant, valiantly, valiancy or valiance or valiantness, valiantnesses
-valise, valises
-valid, validity or validness, validate, validates, validated, validating, validation, validations
-valor also spelt valour, valorous, valorously, valorousness
-value, values, valued, valuing, valuation, valuations, valuer, valuers, valuable, valuables, valuableness, valuably, face value, valueless, valuelessness
-valve, valves, valved, valving, valveless
-vamoose, ??
-Van Allen belt
-vandalism, vandalisms, vandalistic, vandalize, vandalizes, vandalized, vandalizing, vandalization, vandalizations, vandal, vandals (also here 'Vandals') vandalic
-vane, vanes
-vanguard, vanguards, vanguardism, vanguardist, vanguardists
-vanish, vanishes, vanished, vanishing, vanishingly, vanishment, vanishments, vanisher, vanishers
-vanity, vanities
-vanquish, vanquishes, vanquished, vanquishing, vanquishable, vanquisher, vanquishers, vanquishment, vanquishments
-vapid, vapidity, vapidness, vapidly
-vapor, vapors, vapored, vaporing, vaporer, vaporers, vaporize, vaporizes, vaporized, vaporizing, vaporizable, vaporization, vaporizations, vaporizer, vaporizers
-vary, varies, varied, varying, varyingly, variable, variables, variably, variableness, variant, variation, variations, variational, unvarying, unvariable
-variance, variances, at variance
-variegate, variegates, variegated, variegating, variegator, variegators
-variety, varieties
-various, variously, variousness, variousnesses
-varnish, varnishes, varnished, varnishing, varnisher, varnishers, varnish tree, varnish trees
-vase, vases
-vasoconstriction, vasoconstrictions, vasoconstrictive, vasoconstrictor, vasoconstrictors, vasodilation, vasodilations also vasodilatatio, vasodilator, vasodilators
-vassal, vassals, vassalage, vassalages
-vast, vaster, vastest, vastness, vastly
-vat,vats, vatted, vatting
-vault, vaults, vaulted, vaulting, vaulter, vaulters
-vaunt, vaunts, vaunted, vaunting, vaunter, vaunters, vauntingly
-veal, vealer
-vector, vectors, vectored, vectoring, vectorial, vectorially
-Veda, Vedas, Vedic
-Vedanta, Vedantic, Vedantism, Vedantist
-veer, veers, veered, veering, veeringly
-vegan, vegans, veganism, veganisms
-vegetable, vegetables
-vegetarian, vegetarians, vegetarianism
-vegetate, vegetates, vegetated, vegetating, vegetative or vegitive
-vegetation, vegetations, vegetational
-vehement, vehemence, vehemency, vehemently
-vehicle, vehicles, vehicular
-veil, veils, veiled, veiling
-vein, veins, veined, veining, veinal, venous, venously, venousness, in the vein
-velar, velum, vela
-Velikovsky, Immanuel
-velocity, velocities
-velvet, ??,
-venal, venally
-veneer, veneers, veneered, veneering, veneerer, veneerers
-venerable, ??,
-venerate, venerates, venerated, venerating, venerator, venerators, veneration, venerations, venerational
-vender or vendor, venders or vendors, vend, vends, vended, vending
-vendue, ??,
-Venetian blind, Venetian blinds
-vengeance, with a vengeance, vengeful, vengefully, vengefulness
-venom, venoms, venomous, venomously, venomousness
-vent, vents, vented, venting, venter, ventilate, ventilates, ventilated, ventilating, ventilation, ventilations
-ventral, ventrally
-ventrical, ventricals
-ventriloquism, ventriloquisms, ventriloquist, ventriloquists, ventriloquistic, ventriloquize, ventriloquizes, ventriloquized, ventriloquizing
-venture, ventures, ventured, venturing, venturer, venturers
-venue, venues
-Venus flytrap, ??,
-veracity, veracious
-veranda or verandah, verandas or verandahs
-verb, verb group, verb groups, adverb, auxiliary verb, intransitive verb, transitive verb, phrasal verb
-verbal, verbally, verbalism, verbalisms, verbalist, verbalists
-verbose, verbosely, verboseness or verbosity, verbosenesses or verbosities
-verdant, verdancy, verdantly, verdure, verdurous, verdurousness
-verdict, verdicts
-verge, verges, verged, verging, on the verge
-verify, verifies, verified, verifying, verifier, verifiable, verificative, verification, verifications
-veritable, veritableness, veritably, verity, verities
-vermilion, ??,
-vernal, vernally
-verse, verses, versed, versing, versify, versifies, versified, versifying, versification, versifications, well-versed
-version, versions, versional
-verso, versos
-vertebra, vertebrae or vertebras, vertebrate, vertebrates
-vertex, vertices orvertexes
-vertical, vertically, verticalness, verticality
-vertigo, vertigos, vertiginous, vertiginously, vertiginousness, vertiginousnesses
-very, very well, verier, veriest
-vesicle, vesicles
-vessel, vessels
-vest, vests, vested, vesting, vestment, vestments, vestmental
-vest (garment), vests
-vestige, vestiges, vestigial, vestigially
-vesture, vestures, vestured, vesturing
-vet (approve), vets, vetting, vetted
-veteran, veterans, vet,vets
-veterinarian, veterinarians, vet, vets, veterinary, veterinaries
-veto, vetoes, vetoed, vetoing, vetoer, vetoers
-vex, vexes, vexed, vexing, vexedly, vexingly, vexedly, vexer, vexers, vexation, vexations, vexatious
-viable, viability, viability, viably
-vial, vials, vialed, vialing
-vibrant, vibrancy, vibrance, vibrantly
-vibrate, vibrates, vibrated, vibrating, vibration, vibrations, vibrational, vibratory, vibrative, vibrato, vibratos
-vicar, vicars
-vicarious, vicariously, vicariousness, vicariousnesses
-vice, vices
-vice versa
-vice regent, vice regents, vice-regentcy, vice-regentcies
-viceroy, viceroys
-vicegerent, vicegerents, vicegeral
-vicinity, vicinities
-vicious,viciously, viciousness, viciousnesses
-vicissitude, vicissitudes
-victim, victims, victimhood, victimize, victimizes, victimized, victimizing, victimization, victimizations, victimizer, victimizers
-Victor Frankl
-victor, victors, victorious, victoriously, victoriousness, victory, victories
-victual, victuals, victualed, victualing, victualer, victualers
-vie, vies, vied, vying
-view, views, viewed, viewing, in view of, on view, viewable, point of view,points of view
-viewpoint, ??
-vigil, vigils
-vigilant, vigilantly
-vigilante, ??,
-vignette, ??,
-vigor or vigour, vigorous, vigorously, vigorousness, vigorousnesses
-vile, viler, vilest, vilely, vileness
-village, ??, t18, c43, c25,
-villain (free man), villains
-villian (rogue), villians, villainously, villainousness, villainy, villainies
-vilify, vilifies, vilified, vilifying, vilification, vililications, vilifier, vilifiers
-vindicate, vindicates, vindicated, vindicating, vindicator, vindicators, vindication, vindications, vindictive, vindictively, vindictiveness
-vine, vines, vined, vining, vineyard, vineyards
-vintage, vintages
-vinyl, vinyls, vinylic
-violate, violates, violated, violating, violative, violation, violations, violator, violators
-violent, violently, violence, gratuitous violence
-violet, violets, shrinking violet, shrinking violets
-viper, vipers
-viral, gone viral, virally
-virgin,virgins, virginal, virginity, virginities
-virile, virility
-virology, virologies, virological or virologic, virologist, virologists
-virtual, virtually, virtuality
-virtue, virtues, virtuous, virtuously, virtuousness, in virtue of, by virtue of
-virtuosity, virtuosities, virtuoso, virtuosos or virtuosi, virtuosic, virtuosically
-virulent, virulence, virulency, virulently
-virus, viruses
-visage, visages
-viscid, viscidity, viscidness, viscidly
-viscosity, viscosities
-viscount, viscounts, viscountess, viscountesses
-viscous, viscously, viscousness, viscid
-viscus, viscera, visceral, viscerally
-vise, vises, vised, vising
-visible, visibly,visibility, visibilities, visibleness
-vision, visions, visioned, visioning, visional, visionally
-visionary, visionaries, visionariness
-visit, visits, visited, visiting, visitation, visitations, visitational
-vista, vistas
-visual, visuals, visually, visualness or visuality
-visualize, visualizes, visualized, visualizing, visualization
-vital, vitals, vitally, vitalness, vitally, vitality, vitalities, vitalize, vitalizes, vitalized, vitalizing, vitalization, vitalizations, vitalizer, vitalizers
-vitamin, vitamins, vitaminic
-vitiate, vitiates, vitiated, vitiating, vitiable, vitiation, vitiations, vitiator, vitiators
-vitreous, vitreosity, vitreousness, vitreous humour
-vitriol, vitriols, vitrioled, vitrioling, vitriolic
-vituperate, vituperates, vituperated, vituperating, vituperation, vituperativeness, vituperator, vituperators, vituperative, vituperatively
-vivacious, vivaciously, vivaciousness, vivacity
-vivid, vivider, vividest, vividly, vividness
-vivify, vivifies, vivified, vivifying, vivification, vivifier, vivifiers
-vixen, ??, h7,
-vizier, viziers, vizierial
-Vladimir Putin
-vocabulary, vocabularies
-vocal, vocally, vocalness
-vocation, vocations, vocational, vocationally
-voice (grammar), voices
-voice (sound), voices, ??,
-vociferous, vociferously, vociferousness
-vogue, in vogue
-void, null and void, voids, voided, voiding, voider, voiders
-voila, voilà
-volcano, volcanos, volcanic, volcanically, volcanism, volcanisms
-volition, volitional
-volley, ??
-volt, volts, voltage, voltages
-voluble, volubility or volubleness, volubly
-volume, volumes, voluminous, voluminosity, voluminousness, voluminously
-voluntary, voluntaries, voluntarily, voluntariness, voluntarism, voluntarist, voluntaristic, volunteer, volunteers, volunteered, volunteering
-voluptuous, voluptuously, voluptuousness
-vomit, vomits, vomited, vomiting, vomiter, vomiters
-voodoo, ??,
-voracious, voraciously, voracity, voraciousness
-vortex, vortexes or vortices
-votary, votaries
-vote, voting, voter, voters ?? c10, e11, m14,
-vouch, vouches, vouched, vouching, voucher, vouchers, vouchered, vouchering
-vow, vows, vowed, vowing, vower, vowers
-vowel, vowels
-voyage, ??,  m15,
-vulcanism, ??
-vulcanize, vulcanizes, vulcanized, vulcanizing, vulcanizable, vulcanization, vulcanizations, vulcanizer, vulcanizers
-vulgar, vulgarly, vulgarness, vulgarity, vulgarities, Vulgar Latin
-vulnerable, vulnerability, vulnerableness, vulnerably
-vulture, ??
-vulva, vulvae, vulval, vulvate, vulviform
-W boson
-wacky, wackier, wackiest, wackily, wackiness, wacko or whacko, wackos, out of whack, have a whack at, take a whack at, whacked out, whack, whacks, whacked, whacking
-waddle, ??, w2,
-wade, wades, waded, wading, wader, waders, wade in, wade into
-wady, wadies
-wafer, wafers, wafered, wafering
-waffle (evasive), waffles. waffled, waffling, waffler, wafflers, wafflingly, waffly
-waffle (food), waffles
-waft, wafts, wafted, wafting, wafter, wafters
-wage, wages, waged, waging, wager, wagers, wagered, wagerer, wagerers
-wail, wails, wailed, wailing, wailingly, wailer
-wainscot, wainscots, wainscoted, wainscoting
-waist, waists
-wait, waits, waited, waiting, wait on or wait upon, wait out, wait up
-wake(from sleep), wakes, woke or waked or woken, woke (believing a designed history), waking, waken, wakens, wakened, wakening, wakener, wakeners
-wake (visible track), wakes, in the wake of
-wake(watch), wakes, waker, wakers
-wall, off the wall
-wallet, ??, b23,
-wallop, wallops, walloped, walloping, walloper
-wallow, wallows, wallowed, wallowing, wallower, wallowers
-Wampanoag, Wampanoags
-wan,wans, wanner, wannest, wanned, wanning, wanly, wanness
-wander, wanders, wandered, wandering, wanderings, wanderer, wanderers, wanderingly
-wane, wanes, waned, waning
-wannabe, wannabes,
-want, wants, wanted, wanting, want in, want out, wantless, wanter, wantlessness
-wanton, wantons, wantoned, wantoning, wantonly, wantonness
-war,wars, warred, warring
-warble (sound), warbles, warbled, warbling
-warble (swelling), warbles
-warbler, warblers, prothonotary warbler
-ward, wards, warded, warding, ward off
-wardrobe, wardrobes
-ware, wares, warehouse, warehouses, warehoused, warehousing, warehouser, warehousers
-warlock, warlocks
-warn, warns, warned, warning, warner, warners
-warp, warps, warped, warping, warper
-warrant, warrants, warranted, warranting, warrantability, warrantable, warrantably, warranty, warranties, warrantless, warrantably, chief warrant officer, chief warrant officers, warrant officer,warrant officers
-warren, ??,
-wary, warier, wariest, warily, wariness
-wart, warts, warted, warty
-warthog, warthogs
-waste, wastes, wasted, wasting, wasteful, wastefully, wastefulness, waste my breath
-watch, watches, watched, watching, watchful, watchfully, watchfulness, watch out, watch over, watch it
-watcher, watchers
-watchman, watchmen
-water (and see in R-ZTargets), water-soluble, watered-down, keep one's head above water
-watercourse, watercourses
-watercraft, watercrafts
-watercress, ??,
-waterproofing, ??, b23
-watt, ??,
-wattle, wattles, wattled, wattling
-wave, waves, waved, waving, waver, wavers, wavelength, wavelengths
-waver, wavers, wavered, wavering, waverer, waveringly
-wax (increase), waxes, waxed, waxing, waxen
-wax (as of a candle), waxes, waxed, waxing, waxy, waxier, waxiest
-way, ways, by way of, go out of the way, in a way, in the way, on the way, on one's way
-waybill, waybills
-wayfarer, wayfarers, wayfaring, wayfarings
-waylay, waylays, waylaid, waylaying, waylayer, waylayers
-wayside, fall by the wayside, gone by the wayside
-wayward, waywardness, waywardly
-weak, weaken, ??, f9, s58,
-weaker and strong force
-wealth, ??, p29, a14, o12,
-wean, weans, weaned, weaning
-weapon, weapons, weaponize, weaponizes, weaponizing, weaponized, weaponization, weaponizations, weaponry, weaponries
-wear, wears, wore, worn, wearing, wearer, wearers, wear down, worn down, wear off, worn off, wear out, worn out, wear away, worn away,
wear your boots, wear thin
-weary, wearies, wearier, weariest, wearily, wearied, wearying, weariness, wearisome, wearisomely, wearisomeness
-weather, weathers, weathered, weathering, under the weather
-weave, weaves, wove, woven,weaved, weaving, weaver, weavers
-wed, weds, wedded, wed or wedded, wedding
-wedge, wedges, wedged, wedging
-wee, weer, weest
-weep, weeps, wept, weeping
-weevil, ??
-weft, wefts
-weigh, weighs, weighed, weighing, weigh down, weigh anchor, weigher, weighers
-weight, weights, weighted, weighting, by weight, gross weight, gross weights, net weight, net weights
-weird, weirder, weirdest, weirdly, weirdness
-welcome, welcomes, welcomed, welcoming, welcomely, welcomeness, welcomenesses, welcomer, welcomers
-weld, welder, ??
-welfare, on welfare
-well (better), as well, well meaning, meant well, in well with, well founded, well-grounded, well-versed, well-nigh or well nigh, well enough, well-to-do, well-off
-well (rise up), well up, wells, wells up, welled, welling
-well (water hole), wells
-well adjusted, well adapted, well balanced also well-adjusted, well-adapted, well-balanced
-well then
-welt, welts, welted, welting
-wench, wenches
-were, we're, was
-Wesley, John
-West Point
-Western Hemisphere
-wet, wets, wetter, wettest, wet or wetted, wetting, all wet, wet behind the ears, wet one's whistle
-wetland, wetlands
-wet nurse
-whack, Whack-A-Mole
-wham, whams, whammed, whamming, whammy, whammies, whammo
-wharf, wharfs or wharves, wharfed, wharfing
-what, what for?, what have you?, what if?, what's up?, what's what?, what with?, with what?, no matter what, no matter what happens, what it takes
-whatever, what ever
-wheedle, wheedles, wheedled, wheedling, wheedler, wheedlingly
-wheeze, ??,
-whelp, whelps, whelped, whelping
-when, whenever also when ever
-whereabouts, ??,
-wherefore, wherefores
-wherever, where ever
-whet, whets, whetted, whetting
-whether, whether or not
-whey, wheyey
-which(see also 'that')
-whicker, whickers, whickered, whickering
-whiff, whiffs, whiffed, whiffing, whiffer, whiffers
-while, whiles, whiled, whiling
-whim, whims, whimsy, whimsies, whimsical, whimsically
-whine, whines, whined, whining, whiner, whiners, whiningly, whiny or whiney
-whinny, whinnies, whinnied, whinnying
-whip,whips, whipped(also spelt 'whipt'), whipping, whip up, whipper, whippers, whiplash, whiplashes
-whippersnapper, whippersnappers
-whir, whirring, ??, b19
-whirl, whirls, whirled, whirling, whirler, whirlers
-whirlwind, whirlwinds
-whisk, ??, Notes 2b,
-whiskey also whisky, whiskeys also whiskies
-whistle, whistling, ??, n8,
-white dwarf
-white noise
-whither, whithers, whithered, withering, whither away
-who, who'd, whom, whoever, whomever, whose
-whole, whole number, whole numbers, wholeness, as a whole, whole hog, on the whole, wholly
-wholesale, wholesales, wholesaled, wholesaling, wholesaler, wholesalers
-wholehearted, wholeheartedly, wholeheartedness, wholeheartednesses
-whopper, ??
-whore, whores, whored, whoring, whorish, whorishly, whorishness, whoreishnesses, whoredom, whoredoms
-whorl, whorled
-why, ?? r3
-wick, ??, Mt. 25,
-wicked, wickeder, wickedest, wickedly, wickedness, wickednesses
-wicker, wickers, wickerwork, wickerworks
-wide, wider, widest, widely, wideness, widenesses, widespread
-widow, ??, d32, OT6, m26, Lk2:36-38,
-wield, wields, wielded, wielding, wieldable, wielder, wielders
-wiener,wieners, wienerwurst, wienerwursts
-wife, wives, wifehood, wifehoods
-wiggle, wiggles, wiggled, wiggling, wiggly
-Wilde, Oscar
-wile, wiles, wiled, wiling, wily, wilier, wiliest, wilily, wiliness, wilinesses
-will (mental process), wills, willed, willing
-will (decide), wills, willed, willing, willingly, willingness, at will, free will, free wills, won't
-will (document), wills
-will (wanting something to happen)
-willful, willfully, willfulness, willfulnesses, self-will self-willed, will, wills, willed, willing, at will
-William Tyndale
-willow, willows, ??, s56,
-wilson, woodrow
-wilt, wilts, wilted, wilting
-wimp, wimps, wimpy, wimpish
-win, ?? b15, c41,
-wince, winces, winced, wincing, wincer, wincers
-wind (air), winds, winded, winding, windy, windier, windiest, windily, windiness
-wind (encircle, wrap), winds, wound, winding, wind down, wind up
-wine, ??, b25, f9,
-wing, wings, winged, winging, in the wings, on the wing, under one's wing, wing it
-winnow, winnows, winnowed, winnowing, winnower, winnowers
-winter, wintry, ?? i15
-wire, wires, wired, wiring, wirable, get your wires crossed, go/come/be down to the wire
-wise, wiser, wisest, wisely, wiseness, no wise, wise up
-wish, wishes, wished, wishing, wisher, wishers
-wishy-washy, wishy-washier, wishy-washiest, wishy-washiness, wishy-washinesses
-whisper, ??, b21,
-wispy, wispier, wispiest, wisp, wisps, wisped, wisping, wispily, wispiness
-wistful, wistfully, wistfulness
-wit (intelligence), wits, witted, witting, wittedness, witty, wittier, wittiest, wittily, wittiness, witticism, witticisms, at my wits' end, keep your wits about you, have my wits about me
-wit (learn, to know), wist, witting, wot, to wit
-witch, witches, witchcraft
-with, with what, what with
-withdraw, withdraws, withdrew, withdrawn, withdrawing, withdrawer, withdrawers
-wither, withers, withered, withering, witheringly
-withheld, ?? r10,
-without, without doubt, without end, without prejudice, without questioning, without reasoning
-withstand, withstands, withstood, withstanding, withstander, withstanders
-witless, witlessly, witlessness, witlessnesses
-witness, witnesses, witnessed, witnessing, witnesser, witnessers
-wizard, wizards, wizardry
-wizen, wizens, wizened, wizening
-wobble, wobbles, wobbled, wobbling, wobble, wobblers
-woe, woes, woeful also woful, woefully, woefulness
-wolf, wolves, wolfs, wolfed, wolfing, keep the wolf from the door, wolf at the door, wolf in sheep's clothing
-womb, wombed
-wonder, wonders, wondered, wondering, wonderer, wonderment, wonderful, wonderfully, wondrous, wondrously, wondrousness
-wont, wonts, wonted, wonting
-woo, woos, wooed, wooing, wooer, wooers
-Woodrow Wilson
-woof (bark, dog), woofs, woofed, woofing
-woof (threads), woofs
-wool, wools, woolen, woolens
-woozy, ??,
-word, words, worded, wording, wordy, wordier, wordiest, wordily, wordiness, ??, v2,
-work, works, worked also wrought, working, work in
-workaholic, workaholics, workaholism
-world, worlds, for all the world, in the world, out of this world, the world over, world without end
-World Wide Web
-worm, worms, wormed, worming, can of worms, wormed your way
-worry, worries, worried, worrying, worrisome, worrisomely, worriedly
-worse, for better or for worse, for the worse, worst, worsts, worsted, worsting, at the worst, if worst comes to the worst, in the worst way
-worship, worships, worshiped, worshiping, worshiper, worshipers
-worth, worths, worthed, worthing, worthwhile, worthy, worthies, worthier, worthiest, worthily, worthiness, worthless, worthlessly, worthlessness
-wound (injury), wounds, wounded, wounding, woundedly, woundingly
-wound (wind up)
-would, would-be
-wow, wows, wowed, wowing
-wow (slowdown), wows
-wrack, wracks, wracked, wracking
-wrangle, wrangles, wrangled, wrangling
-wrap, wraps, wrapped, wrapping, wrap up, wrapper, wrappers, wrapped up in
-wrath, wroth, wrathful, wrathfully, wrathfulness
-wreak, wreaks, wreaked, wreaking
-wreath, wreaths, wreathy, wreathe, wreathes, wreathed, wreathing, wreathen
-wreck, wrecks, wrecked, wrecking, wreckage, wreckages
-wrench, wrenches, wrenched, wrenching, wrenchingly
-wrest, wrests, wrested, wresting, wrester, wresters
-wretch, wretches, wretched, wretcheder, wretchedest, wretchedly, wretchedness, wretchednesses
-wriggle, wriggles, wriggled, wriggling, wriggly
-wring, wrings, wrung, wringing, wring out
-wrinkle, wrinkles, wrinkling, wrinkled
-writ, writs
-write, wrote, writing, writings
-writhe, writhes, writhed, writhing, writher, writhers
-wrong, wrongs, wronged, wronging, wronger, wrongers, wrongness, wrongly, wrongdoer, wrongdoers, wrongdoing, wrongdoings, do someone wrong, go wrong
-wrought, wrought iron
-wry, ??
-wuss, wusses, wussy, wussies
-xenophobe,xenophobes, xenophobic, xenophobian, xenophobians
-x-ray, x-rays (and in text)
-x-ray crystallography
-XRP and XLM
-yacht, yachts, yachted, yachting
-yak, yack, ??,
-yank, yanks, yanked, yanking, Yank, Yanks, Yankee, Yankees
-yap, yaps, yapped, yapping, yapper, yappers
-yard, yards, yarded, yarding
-yarn (cloth), yarns, yarned, yarning
-yarn (tale), yarns, yarned, yarning
-yawn, yawns,yawned, yawning, yawningly, yawner, yawners
-yearn, yearns, yearned, yearning, yearner, yearners, yearningly
-yeast, ?? r20, f13, a30,
-yell, ?? h10
-yelp, ??, xyz2,
-yet, as yet
-Yiddish, Yiddishism
-yield, yields, yielded, yielding, yielder, yielders
-yo-yo, yo-yos
-yoga, yogic, yogi, yogis
-yoke, yokes, yoked, yoking
-yokel, ??
-yon, yonder
-you, ye, you'd
-youth, ?? s25, s55,
-yowl, ??,
-yucca, ??,
-Z boson
-zeal, zealous, zealot, zealots, zealously, zealousness
-zigzag, ??
-zero, ??
-zest, zests, zested, zesting, zestful, zestfully, zestfulness
-zigzag, ?? cre94
-Zionist, Zionists
-zip, zips, zippy, zippier, zippiest, zipped, zipping
-zip code, postal code, zip codes, postal codes
-zodiac, zodiacal
-zombie, zombies, zombify, zombified, zombification
-zone, zones, zoned, zoning
-zoology, zoologies, zoologist, zoologists, zoological, zoologic, zoologically, zoonotic, zoonosis, zoonoses