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pucker, puckered, puckering, puckers.verbs
transitive verb use.to gather into small wrinkles or folds
intransitive verb use.to become gathered, contracted and wrinkled
a wrinkle or wrinkled part, as in tightly.stitched.cloth

the important main.character in a drama or other literary work (the protagonist of J. D. Salinger's novel.The Catcher in the Rye); in ancient Greek drama, the first actor to engage in dialogue with others in the play; a leading or principal.figure; the leader of a cause; a champion; a proponent; an advocate; someone who is a protagonist of an idea or movement is a supporter of it (the protagonists wanted prosperity and health for all, the antagonists wanted prosperity and health too, but just for them)

the act or process of giving birth; childbirth

a sudden, overpowering.terror, often affecting many people at once; fear
of, relating.to.or.resulting from sudden, overwhelming terror
panic, panicked, panicking, panics.intransitive and transitive verbs
to affect or be affected with panic; frighten
panic is a very strong feeling of anxiety or fear, which can make one act without thinking carefully; panic or a panic is a situation in which people are affected by a strong feeling of anxiety (I'm in a panic about getting everything done in time for Christmas); if you panic or if someone panics you, you suddenly feel anxious or afraid and act quickly usually without careful thinking (she refused to be panicked into a hasty marriage

acting to defend against or prevent something, especially disease; protective
a prophylactic agent, device or measure, such as the herbs.asafetida, oregano and many others are things used to take precautions against something; a contraceptive.device, especially a condom

lacking nothing essential to the whole; not having any mistakes, faults or damage; satisfying all requirements; completely suited for a particular.purpose or situation
in a perfect manner or to a perfect degree; to a complete or full degree or extent; wholly (the diners were perfectly satisfied with the meal)
the perfect tense; a verb or verb form in the perfect tense
perfect, perfected, perfecting, perfects.transitive verbs
to bring to perfection or completion
the quality.or.condition of being perfect; the act or process of perfecting (perfection of the invention took years; a person or thing considered to be perfect; n instance of excellence
the state of perfection
a propensity for being displeased with anything that is not perfect or does not meet extremely high standards; a belief that moral or spiritual perfection can be achieved by people in this life

a tall, aquatic, Mediterranean sedge (Cyperus papyrus, a grasslike plant) having numerous drooping rays; also called Egyptian paper rush, paper plant; papyrus was material on which to write and was made from the pith or the stems of this sedge, used especially by the ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Romans; a document written on this material

a soft, silver-white, highly or explosively reactive.metallic element that occurs in nature only in compounds; it is obtained by electrolysis of its common hydroxide and found in or converted to a wide variety of salts used especially in fertilizers and soaps; symbol K, atomic number 19, atomic weight 39.102, melting point 63.65°C, boiling point 774°C, specific gravity 0.862, valence; potassium was first obtained from potash

potassium hydroxide.noun
a caustic white solid, KOH, used as a bleach and in the manufacture of soaps, dyes, alkaline batteries and many potassium compounds; also called caustic potash, lye, potash

potassium iodide.noun
a crystalline salt in organic synthesis and in making iodized table salt; potassium iodide reduces inflammation in the body and enables chlorine dioxide to have increased health effects

any of several.compounds containing potassium, especially soluble compounds such as potassium oxide, potassium chloride, and various potassium sulfates, used chiefly in fertilizers; potash was originally obtained by leaching wood ashes and evaporating the leach in a pot; see potassium hydroxide

there are two kinds of pride, one type is the quality or state of being proud, which is a sense of one's own proper.dignity or value, also called  self-respect and the other type being an arrogant or disdainful.conduct or treatment, as of.haughtiness

purl, purled, purling, purls.intransitive verbs
to flow or ripple with a murmuring sound
the sound made by rippling water

purl, purled, purling, purls.verbs
transitive verb use.to knit yarn with a purl stitch, such as in edging or finishing with lace or embroidery, a handkerchief, for example
intransitive verb use.to do knitting with a purl stitch; to edge or finish with lace or embroidery
inversion of a knit stitch; a purl stitch is an inverted knitting stitch, often alternated with the knit stitch to produce a ribbed.effect
purl stitch.noun,.plural.purl stitches
an inverted knitting stitch, often alternated with the knit stitch to produce a ribbed effect; a knitting stitch usually made with the yarn at the front of the work by inserting the right needle into the front of a loop on the left needle from the right, catching the yarn with the right needle and bringing it through to form a new loop; compare knit stitch

the cutting blade of a plow

a farm.implement.consisting of a heavy blade at the end of a beam, usually.hitched to a draft.team or motor.vehicle and used for breaking up soil and cutting furrows in preparation for sowing; an implement of similar.function, such as a snowplow
plowed.also.ploughed, plowing.also.ploughing, plows.also.ploughs.verbs
transitive verb use.to break the Earth and turn it over using a plow; to form a furrow, for example, with a plow; to form furrows in with or as if with a plow (plow a field); to make or form with driving force (she plowed her way through the crowd); to cut through water (plow the high seas; whales plowing the ocean)
intransitive verb use.to break and turn up Earth with a plow; to admit of plowing (rocky Earth plows poorly); plod (plowed through the backlog of work)
plow under.phrasal verb
to cause to vanish under something piled up; to overwhelm, as with burdens; from Middle English 'plough' and 'plouw', from Old English 'plow', 'plowland'

dazzling.style; flamboyance; flair; vigorous.spirit; energy or excitement

a hollow.cylinder or tube.used to conduct a liquid, gas or finely.divided.solid; a device made of wood, clay or other material with a small bowl at one end, used by those who smoke that way; the passages of the human respiratory system; a tubular wind instrument, such as a flute; any of the tubes in an organ; a bagpipe; the vocal cords are also called pipes, as is the voice when used in singing
Geology:.in geology, a vertical, cylindrical vein of ore; also in geology, an eruptive.passageway opening into the crater of a volcano
pipe, piped, piping, pipes.verbs
transitive verb use.to convey.liquid.or.gas.by means of pipes; to transmit by wire or cable (piped music into the store); to provide with pipes or connect with pipes; to receive aboard or mark the departure of by sounding a pipe (they piped all the passengers to now board the cruise ship); to furnish a garment or fabric with piping; to force through a pastry tube, as frosting onto a cake
intransitive verb use.to play on a pipe
pipe down.phrasal verb
to stop talking; be quiet (pipe down, you're too loud)
pipe up.phrasal verb
to speak up (pipe up a bit, I can't hear you)