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emblazon, emblazoned, emblazoning, emblazons.transitive verbs to adorn a surface richly with prominent markings (emblazon a doorway with a coat of arms); to inscribe a prominent marking on a surface (emblazon a cross on a banner); to make resplendent with brilliant colors; to make illustrious; celebrate (emblazoning a heroine's deeds in song)
emblazoner, emblazonment.nouns

entertain, entertained, entertaining, entertains.verbs
transitive verb use.to hold the attention of with something amusing or diverting; amuse; to extend.hospitality toward: entertain friends at dinner; to consider; contemplate (entertain an idea); to hold in mind; harbor (entertained new concepts)
intransitive verb use.to show hospitality to guests; to provide entertainment
the act of entertaining; the art or field of entertaining; something that amuses, pleases or diverts, especially a performance or show; the pleasure.afforded by being entertained; amusement (the comedian performed for our entertainment)

the act or art of embroidering; ornamentation of fabric with needlework; a piece of embroidered fabric; embellishment with fanciful details
embroider, embroiders, embroidered, embroidering.verbs
transitive verb use.to ornament with needlework (embroider a pillow cover with fractal designs); to make by means of needlework (embroider a design on a bedspread); to add embellishments or fanciful details to (embroider the truth)
intransitive verb use.to make needlework; to add embellishments or fanciful details

embolden, emboldened, emboldening, emboldens.transitive verbs
to foster.boldness or courage in; encourage

exterminate, exterminated, exterminating, exterminates.transitive verbs
to get rid of by destroying completely; extirpate; abolish
exterminative or exterminatory.adjective

emigrate, emigrated, emigrating, emigrates.intransitive verbs
if you emigrate, you leave your own country to live in another country (she planned to emigrate to another country where she could go to a university that has a program specializing in environmental.engineering and once there she would be an immigrant); to settle in another country; compare immigrate
one that emigrates
of.or.relating.to emigrants or the act of emigrating
Usage note: the words emigrate and immigrate are used only of people and imply a permanent move, generally to a different country. Emigrate describes the move relative to the point of departure (after the Nazis came to power in Ukraine, many smart people emigrated (that is, left Ukraine). By contrast, immigrate describes the move relative to the destination (the promise of prosperity in Russia encouraged many people to immigrate (that is, move to Russia {map}). See more Usage notes

enshrine, enshrined, enshrining, enshrines.transitive verbs
to enclose in or as if in a shrine; to cherish as sacred

the upper section of a classical building, resting on the columns and constituting the architrave, frieze and cornice

an escarpment is a wide, steep slope on a hill or mountain

an escape; a means or way of escape; a mechanical device that regulates movement as in a watch

escape, escaped, escaping, escapes.verbs
intransitive verb use.to break loose from confinement; get free; to issue from confinement or an enclosure; leak or seepout (gas was escaping)
transitive verb use.to succeed in avoiding; to break loose from; get free of; to elude the memory or comprehension of (her name escapes me; the book's significance escaped him)
the act or an instance of escaping; a means of escaping (we can escape out the window; music is my escape from worry)

enforce, enforced, enforcing, enforces.transitive verbs
to enforce something is to make sure that a rule or law is obeyed, usually by punishing people who do not obey it; to enforce something means to force or cause it to be done or to happen; to compel observance of or obedience to (legislations inimical to best interests of people targeted must enforce compliance); to impose a kind of behavior, for example; compel (enforce discipline upon children (the child constantly wanted to open the door and get out and away, so I had to be disciplined enough to watch her until she grew old enough to behave properly for her own good)
enforceability, enforcement.nouns

engrave, engraved, engraving, engraves.transitive verbs
to carve, cut or etch into a material (engraved a name on the trophy); to carve, cut or etch a design or letters into (engraved the silver watch with my monogram); to carve, cut or etch into a block or surface used for printing; to impress deeply as if by carving or etching (the experience was engraved into his memory as one of the most pleasant ever had)

the act of evacuating or the condition of being evacuated; a discharge of waste.materials from the excretory passages of the body, especially from the bowels; the material so discharged
evacuate, evacuated, evacuating, evacuates.verbs
transitive verb use.to empty or remove the contents of; to create a vacuum in; to excrete or dischargewaste matter, especially from the bowels; to relinquish possession or evacuation of (the town was evacuated due to an oncoming hurricane); to withdraw or send away inhabitants from a threatened.area; to withdraw or depart from; vacate
intransitive verb use.to withdraw from or vacate a place or area, especially as a protective measure; to excrete waste matter from the body
(he was so clogged up from eating poor quality foods that the hospital staff implemented evacuative procedures to clean out his bowels)

eerie, eerier, eeriest.adjectives
rousing.inexplicable.fear, dread or uneasiness; strange and frightening; weird

the condition or property of being elastic (the different elasticities providing.various.strengths of rubber bands); flexibility; in physics the property of returning to an initial.form or state.following.deformation; the degree to which this property is exhibited
easily.resuming.original shape after being stretched or expanded; flexible; springy; rebounding; in physics, returning to or capable of returning to an initial form or state after deformation; quick to recover, as from disappointment (an elastic spirit {attitude}); capable of adapting to change or a variety of circumstances
a flexible, stretchable fabric made with interwoven.strands of rubber or an imitative.synthetic.fiber; an object made of this fabric; a rubber band
made with strands or inserts of elastic (slacks, underwear and other clothing with an elasticized waistband and socks with lightly elasticized tops to hold them up without marking the skin)