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an extremely agile goat antelope (Rupicapra rupicapra) of mountainous regions of Europe, having upright horns with backward-hooked tips

a soft leather made from the hide of this the chamois or other animals such as deer or sheep; a moderate to grayish yellow colored piece of such leather or a cotton fabric made to resemble it, used as a polishing cloth or in shirts

past tense and a past participle of cleave
divided; split
a crack, crevice or split; a split or indentation between two parts, as a dimple of the chin
cleave, cleft.or.cleaved.or.cloven, cleaving, cleaves.verbs
transitive verb use.to split with or as if with a sharp instrument; tear; to make or accomplish by or as if by cutting (cleave a path through the ice); to pierce or penetrate
intransitive verb use.to split or separate, especially along a natural line of division; to make one's way
past tense of cleave

you can refer to the general shape or outline of an object as its contours (the design of the new automobiles have soft flowing contours; the chair follows the contour of the body); the outline of a figure, body or mass; a line that represents such an outline; a form; an outline; a surface of a curving form; a contour line
contour, contoured, contouring, contours.transitive verbs
to make or shape the outline of; represent in contour; to build a road for example to follow the contour of the land
following the contour lines of uneven terrain to limit erosion of topsoil (contour plowing); shaped to fit the outline or form of something (underwear is designed to follow body contours)

Chippewa.noun,.plural.Chippewa or Chippewas
see Ojibwa

a coffer is a large strong chest used for storing valuable objects such as money or gold and silver; the coffers of an organization consist of the money that it has to spend, imagined as being collected together in one place (the proceeds from the lottery go towards sports and recreation, as well as swelling the coffers of the government); a strongbox; financial resources; funds; a treasury (the money from the union coffers; government coffers; I'll have to check my coffers before going on another trip)
in architecture, a decorative sunken panel in a ceiling, dome, soffit or vault; the chamber formed by a canal lock; a floating dock
coffer, coffered, coffering, coffers.transitive verbs
to put in a coffer; in architecture, to supply a ceiling, for example with decorative sunken panels

a temporary watertight enclosure that is pumped dry to expose the bottom of a body of water so that construction, as of piers, may be undertaken; a watertight chamber attached to the side of a ship to facilitate repairs below the water line

a horizontal molded projection that crowns or completes a building or wall; the uppermost part of an entablature; the molding at the top of the walls of a room, between the walls and ceiling; an ornamental horizontal molding or frame used to conceal rods, picture hooks or other devices
cornice, corniced, cornicing, cornices.transitive verbs
to supply, decorate or finish with or as if with a cornice

a buffoon or jester who entertains by jokes, antics and tricks in a circus, play or other presentation; one who jokes and plays tricks; a coarse, rude, vulgar person; a boor
clown, clowned, clowning, clowns.intransitive verbs
to behave like a buffoon or jester; to perform as a buffoon or jester

a frivolous.escapade or prank
caper, capered, capering, capers.intransitive verbs

a usually spiny Mediterranean shrub (Capparis spinosa) having white to pale lilac flowers and dehiscent fruits with reddish pulp; a pickled flower bud of this plant, used as a pungent.condiment in sauces, relishes and various other dishes

pertinent or common to the whole world (an issue of cosmopolitan import); having constituent.elements from all over the world or from many different parts of the world (the ancient and cosmopolitan societies of Syria and Egypt); so sophisticated as to be at home in all parts of the world or conversant with many spheres of interest (a cosmopolitan traveler); in ecology, growing or occurring in many parts of the world; widely distributed) cosmopolitan.noun,.plural.cosmopolitans
a cosmopolitan person or organism; a cosmopolite

compile, compiled, compiling, compiles.transitive verbs
to put together (compiled the pages into a single book); to put together or compose from materials gathered from several sources (compile an encyclopedia)
Computers:.to translate a program into machine language
the act of compiling; something, such as a set of data, a report, or an anthology, that is compiled
one that compiles (a compiler of anthologies)
Computers:.a program that translates another program written in a high-level language into machine language so that it can be executed

a photosynthetic.bacterium of the class Coccogoneae or Hormogoneae, generally blue-green in color and in some species capable of nitrogen fixation; cyanobacteria were once thought to be algae, also called blue-green algae

the act or process of compressing; the state of being compressed; the process by which the working substance, such as gasoline, diesel fuel, coal, wood or steam in a heat engine, such as the vapor mixture in the cylinder of an internal combustion engine in a vehicle, is compressed; the engine cycle during which this process occurs (a compression test to check the vapor holding capacity of each cylinger in a vehicle)
compress, compressed, compressing, compresses.transitive verbs
to press together (compressed her lips; compressed the luggage into the luggage bag); to make more compact by or as if by pressing; contract
a machine for compressing material (compress the cardboard so it's easier to ship away for recycling)
serving to or able to compress
something or someone that compresses, especially a machine used to compress gases (he has a compressor in his garage to inflate the car's tires when they get low from the colder temperatures)

a soft pad of gauze or other material applied with pressure to a part of the body to control hemorrhage or to supply heat, cold, moisture or medication to alleviate pain or reduce infection

a small wheeled vehicle.typically pushed by hand (a shopping cart; a pastry cart); a two-wheeled vehicle drawn by an animal and used in farm work and for transporting goods; an open two-wheeled carriage; a light in weight motorized vehicle (a golf cart)
cart, carted, carting, carts.transitive verbs
to convey in a cart or truck (cart away garbage); to convey laboriously or unceremoniously; lug (carted the whole gang off to hockey practice)

a sleeved outer garment.extending from the shoulders to the waist or below; a garment extending to just below the waist and usually forming the top part of a suit; a natural outer covering, such as the fur of an animal; a layer of material covering something else
coat, coated, coating, coats.transitive verbs
to provide or cover with a coat;

a coating (a second coat of paint)
coat, coated, coating, coats.transitive verbs
to cover with a layer, as of paint
a layer of a substance spread over a surface for protection or decoration; a covering layer; cloth for making coats

fabric or material.formed by weaving, knitting, pressing or felting natural or synthetic.fibers; a piece of fabric or material used for a specific.purpose, such as a tablecloth

clothe, clothed.or.clad, clothing, clothes.transitive verbs
to put clothes on; dress; to provide clothes for; to cover as if with clothing; clad
clad.verb.past tense and a past participle of clothe

clad, cladding, clads.transitive verbs
to sheath or cover a metal with a metal; to cover with a protective or insulating layer of other material; clad is also to provide.clothes for; to cover as if with clothing