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a fissile rock composed of layers of claylike, fine-grained sediments
shale oil.noun,.plural.shale oils
a crude oil that is obtained from oil shale by heating and distillation

split, splitting, splits.verbs
transitive verb use.to divide from end to end or along the grain by or as if by a sharp.blow; tear; to break, burst or rip.apart with force; rend; to affect with force in a way that suggests tearing apart (a bolt of lightning split the dark night sky); to separate(people or groups, for example); to divide and share (split a dessert; split the project up into stages); to depart from; leave (they split frpm Miami when the hurricane was forecast)
intransitive verb use.to become separated into parts, especially to undergo lengthwise division; to become broken or ripped apart, especially from internal pressure; to become or admit of being divided (let's split up into two groups); to become divided or part company (50% of all marriages split up); to divide or share something with others; to depart; leave (all the older kids have split to go dancing)
the act of splitting or the result of it (here we have a split in opinion); something divided and portioned out; a share; a strip of flexible wood used for making baskets; a dessert of sliced fruit, ice cream and toppings (a banana split from Dairy Queen); an acrobatic.feat in which the legs are stretched out straight in opposite directions at right angles to the trunk; an arrangement of bowling pins left standing after a bowl, in which two or more pins remain standing with one or more pins between them knocked down
having been divided or separated; fissured.longitudinally; cleft
split hairs.idiom
to see or make trivial.distinctions; quibble
log splitters are needed for splitting up trees felled in the storm

requiring no proof or explanation

a scaffold or system of scaffolds; materials used in constructing scaffolds
a temporary platform, either supported from below or suspended from above on which workers sit or stand when performing tasks at heights above the ground; a raised wooden framework or platform
scaffold, scaffolded, scaffolding, scaffolds.transitive verbs
to provide or support with a raised framework or platform; to place on a raised framework or platform (scaffolded the bricks so they are ready for the bricklayers tomorrow)

cheerfully confident; optimistic; of the reddish color of blood; ruddy (a healthy sanguine complexion)
sanguinity or sanguineness.noun

slay, slew, slain, slaying, slays.transitive verbs
to kill violently; to overwhelm, as with laughter or love (those old jokes still slay me)

the killing of animals for food (North American natives, often called Indians, used to herd buffalo toward a buffalo jump in order to get their flesh for food); a massacre
slaughter, slaughtered, slaughtering, slaughters.transitive verbs
to kill animals for food; butcher; to kill people in large numbers; massacre; to kill in a violent or brutal.manner

one that is made to bear the blame of others; in the.Bible, a scapegoat was a live goat over whose head Aaron of the Old Testament, confessed all the sins of the children of Israel on this ancient Day of Atonement; the goat symbolically was to bear the sins of ancient Israel and was then sent into the wilderness; this symbolism was a looking forward to the time when Christ would eradicate all sin for all time, necessary only once, yet covering all people who have ever existed, covering their past, covering their present and covering their future
scapegoat, scapegoated, scapegoating, scapegoats.transitive verbs
to make a scapegoat of

an individual who is the issue of a parent, family or a creation of the dark side that looks human; the eggs of aquatic animals such as bivalve mollusks, fishes and amphibians; mycelia of mushrooms or other fungi grown in specially prepared organic matter for planting in beds
spawn, spawned, spawning, spawns.verbs
intransitive verb use.to deposit eggs; produce spawn; to produce offspring in large numbers; to clone
transitive verb use.to produce or deposit spawn; to produce in large numbers; to give rise to; engender (the invention of the wheel spawned vehicles); to cause to spawn; bring forth; produce (a family that had spawned a genius); to plant with mycelia grown in specially prepared organic matter

something that serves to entangle the unwary; if you describe a situation as a snare, you mean that it is a trap from which it is difficult to escape; a trapping device, often consisting of a noose, used for capturing birds and small mammals; if someone snares an animal, they catch it using a snare
snare, snared, snaring, snares.transitive verbs
to trap with or as if with a snare; to catch

in music, any of the wires or cords stretched across the lower skin of a snare drum to increase reverberation; a snare drum

shaky, shakier, shakiest.adjectives
trembling or quivering; tremulous (a shaky voice; a shaky gait); lacking.soundness or sturdiness, as of construction (a shaky table); not to be depended on; precarious (a shaky relationship); wavering in firmness; open to question or doubt (the roads at this time of year make driving a shaky endeavor)

shake, shook (past tense of shake), shaken (past tense of shake), shaking, shakes.verbs
transitive verb use.to cause to move to and fro with jerky movements (he was shivering from the cold wind); to cause to quiver, tremble, vibrate or rock back and forth; to cause to lose stability or waver (the Earthquake caused us to shake back and forth); to remove or dislodge by jerky movements (shook the dust from the cushions); to get rid of (couldn't shake the stray dog who was following us); to disturb or agitate; unnerve (the cats are shaken by loud thunder); to brandish or wave, especially in anger (shake one's fist); to clasp hands in greeting or leave taking or as a sign of agreement (we shook hands at the airport when he left); to rattle and mix dice before casting (games that require shaking the dice)
intransitive verb use.to move to and fro in short, irregular, often jerky movements; to tremble, as from cold; to move something vigorously up and down or from side to side so it gets mixed as in preparation for baking; a milk shake); to shake hands (let's shake on it)
the act of shaking; a trembling or quivering movement; a beverage in which the ingredients are mixed by shaking; a rough shingle used to cover rustic buildings, such as barns, used mostly to cover the roof protecting the building from rain (cedar shakes); uncontrollable trembling, as in a person who is cold, frightened or has a fever; a bargain or deal (getting a fair shake at the store since they lowered their prices)
shook off, shake off.phrasal verbs
to free oneself of; get rid of (it took us awhile but we shook off  the stray dog following us home)

solidify, solidified, solidifying, solidifies.verbs
transitive verb use.to make solid, compact or hard; to make (she put water in the ice cube tray and placed it in the freezer to solidify) strong or united
intransitive verb use.to become solid or united
the condition or property of being solid
solid, solider, solidest.adjectives
of definite shape and volume; not liquid or gaseous; firm or compact in substance; not hollowed out (a solid block of wood with no holes); having no gaps or breaks; continuous (a solid line of people for the concert); of good quality and substance (a solid foundation); substantial; hearty (a solid meal); sound; reliable (solid facts); upstanding and dependable (a solid man or woman in character); acting together; unanimous (the vote was solid on going to the mountains for the family holiday)
a substance having a definite shape and volume; one that is neither liquid nor gaseous; in mathematics, a geometric figure having three-dimensions
solidness.noun.(words ending in 'ess' are usually without pluralization - adding an 'es' making '...esses' is clumsy)

any of various.fusible.alloys, usually tin and lead, used to join metallic parts; something that joins or cements
solder, soldered, soldering, solders.verbs
transitive verb use.to serve as a bond between; join (she soldered the joint of the two electrical wires to make the kid's toy operational again)
intransitive verb use.to unite or repair things with solder; to be joined by or as if by solder

satisfied (the chef's meal was sufficiently suffonsifying)
suffonsify, suffonsified, suffonsifying, suffonsifies.transitive verbs
to make satisfied; gratify
suffonsifying, suffonsifyingly.adjectives
making satisfied (she prepared a suffonsifyingly delicious dish)
one who is satisfied
