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pour forth; spreading out loosely
effuse, effused, effusing, effuses.verbs
transitive verb uses.to radiate; to pour out a liquid; diffuse
intransitive verb uses.to spread or flow out; to ooze forth; exude

unrestrained or excessive in emotional expression; gushy (an effusive manner); profuse; overflowing (effusive praise spoiled the speech)

engross, engrossed, engrossing, engrosses.transitive verbs
something that is engrossing is very interesting and holds your attention completely; to occupy exclusively; absorb (a great novel engrosses the reader); monopolize
occupying one's complete attention; wholly absorbing (listened to an engrossing symphony)

something that is exotic is unusual and interesting and somewhat.mysterious, usually because it comes from or is related to a distant country and/or to something we want more information on; intriguingly unusual or different; excitingly interesting or unusual (the woman he met was exotic enough and kind and caring enough to maintain his interest all the way to a solid and lasting relationship); hinting at unfamiliar territory (the lady hinted at exciting pleasures yet to be discovered); from another part of the world; foreign (exotic tropical plants in a greenhouse)
one that is exotic
exotica.plural noun
things that are curiously.unusual or excitingly.strange (such gustatory.exotica as killer bee honey and fresh catnip sauce)

evidence, evidenced, evidencing, evidences.transitive verbs
to indicate clearly; exemplify or appear to prove, because evidence is only indicative and not.proof positive, whereas proof positive is final or absolute proof of something (no question the cabal ones are guilty of Crimes Against Humanity); lack of proof positive has been shown by honest courts, through decisons, to be in error, but which decisions based upon evidence, nonetheless resulted in wrongful convictions; lack of proof positive has been shown by dishonest lying courts (having corrrupt judges, lawyers, police), using such things as precedent cases to base decisons on, which decisions are often purposely in error, but which decisions are based upon what they regard as evidence and non evidence, nonetheless resulted in wrongful decisions either for or against one accused
in evidence.idiom
plainly visible; to be seen (it was early and few pedestrians were in evidence on the city streets)
a thing or things helpful in forming a conclusion or judgment.(crumbs on the counter was evidence that some little hands were into the cookie jar)

easily seen or known; obvious; apparent; to see (it was early and few pedestrians were evident on the streets)
obviously; clearly
of evidence; evidential
in law, of, providing or constituting.evidence (evidential material) evidentially.adverb

emasculate, emasculated, emasculating, emasculates.transitive verbs
to deprive of strength or vigor; weaken
deprived of virility, strength or vigor
emasculative or emasculatory-adjectives

electromotive force.noun.Abbr. emf, EMF 
the energy per unit charge that is converted reversibly from chemical, mechanical or other forms of energy into electrical energy in a battery or dynamo

end run.noun,.plural.end runs
a maneuver in which impediments are bypassed, often by deceit or trickery (made an end run around the departmental finance officer in order to increase the budget)

the word literally means a bed-keeper or chamberlain:.2Kings 9:32; Esther 2:3; a castrated man employed as a harem attendant or as a functionary in certain Asian courts; a eunuch, of course, was ideally suited to guard the bedchamber of women; the word 'eunuch' goes back to the Greek word 'eunoukhos', meaning 'a castrated man employed to take charge of the women of a harem and act as chamberlain; eunuchs were common also among the Greeks and Romans; three classes of eunuchs are mentioned in Matthew 19:12

embark, embarked, embarking, embarks.verbs
transitive verb use.to cause to board a vessel or aircraft (stopped to embark passengers)
intransitive verb use.to start something new (Derek, like so many others who had hit bottom in life, was ready to embark on a better life path); to set out on a venture; commence (embark on a world tour); to go aboard a vessel or aircraft, as at the start of a journey

eschew, eschewed, eschewing, eschews.transitive verbs
to avoid; shun; keep away from; escape

the circumstances or conditions, both visible and invisible, that surround one; surroundings; the combination of external physical conditions that affect and influence the growth, development and survival of organisms; the complex of social and cultural conditions affecting the nature of an individual or a community
of, relating to or associated with the environment; relating to or being.concerned with the ecological.impact of altering the environment; environmental illness can be caused by poisoning from being in a sick building)
advocacy for or work toward protecting the natural environment from destruction or pollution

a surrounding area, especially of a city; surroundings; environment
environ, environed, environing, environs.transitive verbs
to encircle; surround

extirpate, extirpated, extirpating, extirpates.transitive verbs
to pull up by the roots; to destroy totally; exterminate; abolish
extirpation, extirpator.noun

enmesh.also.immesh, enmeshed, enmeshing, enmeshes.transitive verbs
to entangle, involve or catch in or as if in a mesh; catch

exalt, exalted, exalting, exalts.transitive verbs
to raise in rank, character or status; elevate (exalted the shepherd to a high rank); to glorify, praise or honor

extol, extolled,extolling, extols.transitive verbs
to praise highly; exalt; praise

the practices and forms prescribed by social convention; the normal ways to treat one another in being repectful and appreciative

an exposure or a revelation of something discreditable; exposition of facts

expose, exposed, exposing, exposes.transitive verbs
to subject or allow to be subjected to an action or an influence (they loved being in the park, exposed to all nature's wonders, but especially the flowers; exposed themselves to danger driving recklessly; exposed their children to classical.music); to show; reveal; open to see
the act or an instance of exposing, as an act of subjecting or an instance of being subjected to an action or an influence (their first exposure to big city life was a far cry from the peace of the country); appearance in public or in the mass media (an actor with much recent exposure); information made public (exposure of graft by government); the condition of being exposed, especially to severe weather or other forces of nature (treated himself for the effects of exposure); a position in relation to climatic or weather conditions or points of the compass (our house has a southern exposure); the act of exposing sensitized photographic film or plate; a photographic plate or a piece of film so exposed; the amount of radiant energy needed to expose a photographic film (set the exposure on the camera)

entwine.also.intwine, entwined, entwining, entwines.verbs
intransitive verb uses.to twine around or together (the ivy entwined the column); intertwined
transitive verb uses.to twine or twist together

entangle, entangled, entangling, entangles.transitive verbs
to twist together or entwine into a confusing mass; snarl; to complicate; confuse; to involve in or as if in a tangle; catch

endanger, endangered, endangering, endangers.transitive verbs
to expose to harm or danger; imperil

to an extent or degree deserving of special emphasis; particularly

beyond what is ordinary or usual (extraordinary achievements of humanity in this century); highly exceptional; remarkable.(an extraordinary achievement)

being outside the normal range or bounds of the senses

either of the leathery or chitinous forewings of a beetle or a related insect, serving to encase the thin, membranous hind wings used in flight

embrace, embraced, embracing, embraces.verbs
transitive verb uses.to take up willingly or eagerly (embrace a social.cause); to in confidence and joy, avail oneself of; to accept; to include; to surround; to clasp or hold close with the arms, usually as an expression of affection; enclose (we allowed the warm water to embrace us; the ancient.Etruscan.civilization once embraced all Italy from the Alps to the Tiber River)
intransitive verb uses.to join in an embrace
to clasp or hold close with the arms, usually as an expression of affection

an act of holding close with the arms, usually as an expression of affection; a hug; an enclosure or encirclement (caught in the jungle's embrace); eager acceptance (embraced the prospect of a better tomorrow for third world countries)

having qualities or characteristics associated with women; feminine
the quality or condition of being effeminate

a level of responsibility or authority in a hierarchy; a rank (a job in the higher echelon of a company)
echelon, echeloned, echeloning, echelons.transitive.and intransitive verbs
to arrange or take place in an echelon; a formation of troops, ships, aircraft or vehicles in parallel rows, as you see like in a marching band, for example