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the act of delivering or the condition of being delivered; rescue from bondage or danger

the act of conveying or delivering; something delivered, as a shipment or package; the act of transferring an item to another person (he eloquently delivered the speech); the act or manner of speaking or singing (a folk singer's casual delivery); the act of giving birth
deliver, delivered, delivering, delivers.verbs
transitive verb use.to extricate from an undesirable situation: to free; to be saved; also means to bring or transport to the proper place or recipient; distribute (deliver groceries; deliver the mail); hand over (delivered to another to continue); to surrender someone or something to another; to express in words; declare or utter (deliver a talk to an audience); to give birth to (she delivered a baby boy this morning); to assist or aid in the birth of (he midwife delivered the baby); to give forth or produce (so-called free energy delivers continuously)
intransitive verb use.to produce or achieve what is desired or expected; make good (the son delivered on his promise to come and see us on our holiday); to give birth (she expects to deliver in late August)
(though damaged, the package was still deliverable)

lacking.loyalty; faithless
the quality of being disloyal; faithlessness; a disloyal act

discount, discounted, discounting, discounts.verbs
transitive verb use.to leave out of account as being unworthy except to take advantage of; they discounted such things by regarding them as conspiracy theories, that is, until they came to a realization that they were being lied to about a conspiracy so huge, at first it seemed unbelievable, but such are they not knowing the powers of the dark side:.Revelation 12:9); to deduct or subtract from a cost or price; to purchase or sell at a reduction; to sell or offer for sale at a reduced price; to lend money on (a commercial paper not immediately payable) after deducting the interest; disregard (discount a rumor); to reduce in quantity or value; minimize (took care not to discount her accomplishments)
disregard (to discount a rumor); to underestimate the significance or effectiveness of something; to minimize (took care not to discount his wife's accomplishments); to regard with doubt or disbelief
intransitive verb use.to lend money after deduction of interest discount.noun,.plural.discounts
a reduction from the full or standard.amount of a price or debt; the interest deducted prior to purchasing, selling or lending a commercial paper; the discount rate; the act or an instance of discounting a bill of exchange, note or other commercial paper discountable.adjective

a unit of weight in the U.S.A. Customary System equal to !/16 of an ounce or 27.34 grains or 1.77 grams); a unit of apothecary weight equal to !/8 of an ounce or 60 grains or 3.89 grams; a small draft (took a dram of scotch); a wee small amount; a bit

dregs of a liquid are the last drops left at the bottom of a container, together with any solid bits that have sunk to the bottom; the sediment in a liquid; lees; the basest or least desirable portion; a small amount; a residue

a dark, often underground chamber or holding cell used to confine prisoners, such as were the prisons in ancient castles; a castle keep was the place where prisoners were kept (Jeremiah 38:7-13)

tending to allay.suspicion or hostility (a disarming smile; a disarming tactic to gain advantage)
disarm, disarmed, disarming, disarms.verbs
transitive verb use.to divest of a weapon or weapons; to deprive of the means of attack or defense; render harmless; to overcome or allay the suspicion, hostility or antagonism of; to win the confidence of
intransitive verb use.to lay down arms; to reduce or abolish armed forces

oppressed; tyrannized; people who are downtrodden are treated very badly by people with power and do not have the ability or the energy to do anything about it (the owner is making huge profits at the expense of downtrodden peasants)

directed downward (a downcast glance); low in spirits; depressed; if you are downcast, you are feeling sad and without hope (Barbara looked increasingly downcast as she was losing her job); dejected; if your eyes are downcast, you are looking towards the ground, usually because you are feeling sad or embarrassed (she was silent, her eyes downcast)

discredit, discredited, discrediting, discredits.transitive verbs
to damage in reputation; disgrace; to cause to be doubted or distrusted; to refuse to beiieve
loss of or damage to one's reputation; lack or loss of trust or belief; doubt; something damaging to one's reputation or stature
harmful to one's reputation; blameworthy (discreditable behavior) discreditably.adverb

water droplets that are condensed from the air onto cooler surfaces, usually at night when the heat of the day dissipates (dry early in the evening, the grass was wet with dew in the morning)
dew, dewed, dewing, dews.transitive verbs
to wet with or as if with dew

an anachronism meaning Direct Energy Weapon, a destructive weapon used to create destruction such as in Lahaina, Maui, Hawaii, North Carolina, Los Angeles, etc.

deign, deigned, deigning, deigns.verbs
intransitive verb use.to think it appropriate to one's dignity; condescend; stoop (wouldn't deign to greet the servant who opened the door)
transitive verb use.to condescend to give or grant; vouchsafe ("Nor would we deign him burial of his men"....Shakespeare)

the living individual being an exact copy of his or her image in the invisible; a ghostly double of a living person

people who come from a particular nation or whose ancestors came from it, but who now live in many different parts of the world are sometimes referred to as the diaspora; the spreading of people from a national.group or culture to other areas; a dispersion of an originally.homogeneous.entity, such as the ancient dispersion of Jews outside of Israel from B.C.E. the sixth century
a white, pearly.hydrous.aluminum.oxide, AlO(OH), found in bauxite, corundum and dolomite and used as a refractory and abrasive; in botany a diaspore is also called a disseminule; diaspore is from the Greek 'diaspora' meaning 'dispersion', 'scattering'

thoroughgoing; unequivocal (a downright lie; even with the three of us lifting, it was a downright tough job); forthright; candid; you use downright to emphasize.unpleasant or bad.qualities or behavior (ideas that would have been downright dangerous if put into practice were simply.stupid)
thoroughly; absolutely

a child's usually small toy.representing a human being; a pretty looking child is often called a doll (she is such a doll in that outfit)
doll up.phrasal verb
to get dressed up pretty for a special.occasion
a child's doll; a hand truck or low mobile platform that rolls on casters, used for transporting heavy loads; such a platform as used by one working underneath a motor vehicle
dolly, dollied, dollying, dollies.intransitive verbs
to move the wheeled apparatus on which a movie or television camera is mounted toward or away from the scene of action

if someone tells you the do's and don'ts of a particular.situation, they advise you what you should and should not do in that situation (please advise me on the most suitable colour print film and some do's and don'ts to know about when using it); a 'do' is also a party, dinner party or other social.event; the word 'do' is used to form questions, by putting the subject after 'do' (where do the butterflies go?); 'do' is used with a negative to tell someone not to behave in a certain way (don't be silly; don't touch that, its hot!); 'do' is used to give emphasis to the main verb when there is no other auxiliary verb (Veronica, I'm beginning to get your meaning); 'do' is used as a polite way of inviting or trying to persuade someone to do something (do sit down; do help yourself to more chips and salsa); when you do something, you take some action or perform an activity or task; 'do' is often used.instead of a more specific verb, to talk about a common action involving a particular thing, for example 'do your teeth' instead of 'brush your teeth'; to perform or execute (do one's assigned task; do a series of vacation stops); to fulfil the requirements of (did my duty at all times); to carry out what was determined to be done; perhaps see also 'ado' and 'doeth'
Grammar: in grammar, a third person singular present tense of do
does, doing, did, done, doer, doers.verbs as various forms of 'do'; 'does' is the third person singular in the present tense of do