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one who frequents drinking.establishments to get more than half way drunk

in circa.B.C.E. 328-130 Bactria was an ancient country of southwest Asia and an eastern province of the Persian Empire. It is no longer existent

Boreal forest.noun,.plural.Boreal forests
Boreal means 'northern'; Boreal forest regions cover over 15 percent of the Earth's land surface in the Northern Hemisphere. They have coniferous trees of spruce, pine, fir and some poplar and birch trees. In Boreal regions the plants and animals experience long days of temperatures from cool to warm. Winters are long, cold and days are short because the hours of sunshine are few. Siberia in Russia is an area typical of a Boreal forest, as are the highlands of Scotland and also in Yukon and Alaska

concave on both sides or surfaces (a biconcave lens)

convex on both sides or surfaces (a biconvex disk)

general.discomfort, dissatisfaction or depression, often from a feeling of unwellness; worthless.nonsense; drivel
dull and uninteresting; low in spirit or health; down (mostly sat around all day feeling blah)

a person regarded as stupid; a dolt; a loggerhead

blindside, blindsided, blindsiding, blindsides.transitive verbs
to catch unawares, often with harmful consequences; to hit on or from the side where the attacked person's view is obstructed

blind date.noun,.plural.blind dates
a blind date is an arrangement made by a mutual.acquaintance, for you to spend a romantic evening with someone you have never before met; either of the persons participating in such a social engagement can be considered a blind date

buy, bought, buying, buys.verbs
transitive verb use.to acquire in exchange for money or its equivalent; to purchase; if you buy something, you obtain it by paying money for it (they could now afford to buy a house; she bought herself a mountain bike); if you buy an idea or a theory, you believe and accept it; to be capable of purchasing (wanted to buy love with gifts); to accept the truth or feasibility of (the officer didn't buy her lame.excuse for speeding)
intransitive verb use.to purchase goods; act as a purchaser; to believe in a person or movement or subscribe to an idea or theory (couldn't buy into that brand of politics)
something bought or for sale; a purchase; something that is underpriced; a bargain (she got a great buy on the dress she wanted)
bought off.or.buy off.phrasal verb
to bribe.in order to.proceed without interference or be exempted from an obligation or from prosecution (the corporation had the money to buy off politicians so they now could proceed with poisonous vaccinations, part of the dark side plan to eliminate humanity)
buyout.or.buy out.phrasal verb
to purchase the entire stock, business.rights or interests of
buy into.phrasal verb
if you buy into something, you've accepted it (he bought into the lie that income tax was needed to run the country; most politicians support corrupt banking and governmental policies that run the country into the ground
buy up.phrasal verb
to purchase all that is available of
buy time.idiom
to increase the time available for a specific.purpose

a British.nobleman of the lowest rank, also the title is used in Europe and Japan; a feudal tenant holding his rights and title directly from a king or another feudal superior

also called cattail; a tall plant with long narrow leaves and a long brown head of flowers, that grows in or near wet locations, including ponds, marshes and lakes, their stems are often used to weave strong mats, baskets and chair seats; they act as a filter, absorbing poisonous metals and toxic microorganisms, thus helping to reduce water pollution

bauxite is a soft clay like substance from which aluminum is obtained

bellow, bellowed, bellowing, bellows.verbs
intransitive verb use.to make the deep roaring sound characteristic of a bull; to shout in a deep voice (what's he in his back yard bellowing about)
transitive verb use.to utter in a loud, powerful voice
the roar of a large animal, such as a bull; a very loud utterance or other sound (he bellowed out of the megaphone to keep to the right)

the flat edged cutting part of a sharpened weapon or tool; the blade of a knife, axe or saw is the edge, which is used for cutting (many of these tools have sharp blades, so be careful not to cut yourself); the blades of a propeller are the long, flat parts that turn round (the propeller of a small airplane's engine); the blade of a food processor; the blade of an oar is the thin flat part that you put into the water; a blade of grass is a single piece of grass; the metal runner of an ice skate is also called a blade; a sword is also known as a blade; the flat upper surface of the tongue just behind the tip

a backward.flowof water, as from the action of oars, also called backrush; a backward flow of air, as from the propeller of an aircraft; a result of an event; an aftermath

water held or pushed back by or as if by a dam or current; a body of water thus formed by the current's action; a place or situation.regarded as isolated, stagnant or backward; a rowing or paddling stroke in which the oar or paddle is pushed forward, used to check a boat's forward motion or move it backward

baptize, baptized, baptizing, baptizes.verbs
transitive verb use.the act of baptism; when someone is baptized, water is put on their heads or they are covered with water as a sign recognizing that they come from God; to christen
intransitive verb use.to administer baptism
baptism is a sacrament, as also is the Eucharist; what is now advised in the Bible about baptism?

a boat is something in which people can travel across water (one of the best ways to see the area is in a small boat; the island may be reached by boat from the mainland; you can refer to a passenger ship as a boat; a relatively small, usually open craft of a size that might be carried aboard a ship, such as a lifeboat
boat, boated, boating, boats.verbs
intransitive verb use.to travel by boat; to ride a boat for pleasure
transitive verb use.to transport by boat; to place in a boat
missing the boat (biology and medicine lack knowledge necessary for them to no longer miss the boat)

a breeze is a gentle wind (a cool summer breeze); a light current of air; winds with speeds of from 4 to 31 miles (6 to 50 kilometers) per hour, according to the Beaufort scale; something, such as a task, that is easy to do (it looked like it would be difficult to do, but it turned out to be a breeze)
breeze, breezed, breezing, breezes.intransitive verbs
to blow lightly; to progress.swiftly and effortlessly (we breezed along the bike pathways); if you breeze through something such as a game or test, you cope with it easily
shoot the breeze.idiom
to engage in idle.conversation

Beaufort scale.noun
a scale on which successive ranges of wind velocities are assigned code numbers from 0 (calm) to 12 (hurricane), corresponding to wind speeds of from less than 1 mile per hour (0-1 kilometer per hour) to over 74 miles per hour (over 117 kilometers per hour); named after Sir Francis Beaufort, British naval officer, 1774-1857

Balkan States include (map) Albania, Bulgaria, continental Greece, southeast Romania, European Turkey and most of Yugoslavia. Formerly part of the Roman and Byzantine empires (map), the region fell to the Ottoman Turks by 1500
of.or.relating.to the Baltic Sea, the Baltic States or a Baltic-speaking people; of or relating to the branch of the Indo-European language family that contains Latvian, Lithuanian and Old Prussian