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being of mind that is not persuasible (no matter what truth you may tell some people, they remain inpersuasible)

impetigo.noun,.plural.impetigos.pronounced 'im pet eggo'
a contagious.bacterial skin infection, usually of children and somewhat similar to erysipelas, that is characterized by the eruption of superficial.pustules and the formation of thick yellow crusts, commonly on the face; from Middle English, from Latin 'impetigo' and from 'impetere', meaning 'to attack'; akin to.impetus

changing or varying, especially often and without discernible pattern or reason; fickle

one who has innerstanding of something or someone, comprehends how it actually is and functions and how they are the individual they are; an innerstanding connotes.inner assessment; the condition of one who innerstands; if you innerstand someone, you know what they truly.mean; if you understand someone, you 'stand under' them, that is, you consent to what they are saying and/or asking you and that usually without fully comprehending the what of their meaning; a state of rapport; an inner awareness of another's true intent; to develop an innerstanding toward full comprehension all that can be gained about what the attention currently may be on; innerstanding is to perceive and comprehend the nature and significance of, while one is on the road to overstanding; innerstanding is a beginning point where some confidence is gained in order to progress further, whereas overstanding is that which one arrives at by progressing in comprehension; to grasp as best one can at this time; to apprehend; to be on the pathway toward knowing thoroughly; coming to knowledge of by close contact or long experience with (that teacher innerstands children, it's part of her); to grasp or comprehend the meaning intended or expressed (they have trouble with English, but I can comprehend them as I have an innerstanding; to know and be tolerant or sympathetic toward (from as much as I can figure, I can innerstand your point of view even though I disagree somewhat with it); to learn indirectly, as by hearsay
intransitive verb use.to have innerstanding, knowledge or comprehension; to have sympathy or tolerance; to learn something indirectly or secondhand; to gather information on (she is coming to innerstand the subject)
characterized by or having comprehension, good sense or discernment; compassionate; sympathetic
innerstand, innerstood, innerstanding, innerstands.verbs
transitive verb use.to stand staunchly with the principles of one's character; implies.acceptance of information one adheres to in life; to perceive and comprehend the nature and significance of;
intransitive verb use.to have innerstanding, knowledge or comprehension (he intuitively arrived at innerstanding of its workings)

insulin is a substance that most people produce naturally in their body and which allows the body to produce the energy needed to live; insulin controls the level of sugar in blood (all foods, in order to be used by the body, are converted into sugars, but don't confuse this with poisonous white sugar, flour and white processed rice, which too, are converted into sugars but they have been debased by satanically.influenced people to harm you in ways that show up many years later, unless the satanists are out to harm you quickly, such as by getting into you the covid jab with its very harmful ingredients; in diabetes the body produces insufficient insulin, but many have corrected this condition permanently by doing this...

upset and angry (ancient.king Saul became upset with jealously and anger at who he was jealous of)
irateness.noun.(normally used without being pluralized)

is the third entity.singular of the present tense of be; the word 'is' is often added to other words and shortened to 's, as in, he's, she's, etc.

the act or ritual of interring or burying
inter, interred, interring, inters.transitive verbs
to place in a grave or tomb; bury; from Middle English 'enteren' which is from Old French 'enterrer' which comes from Medieval Latin 'interrare' tracing back to Latin 'in' and Latin 'terra' meaning 'Earth'

Computers: in computing, interoperability is the ability to exchange and use information in a large heterogeneous.network made up of several local area networks); the ability of software and hardware on multiple machines from multiple vendors to communicate

iridium.proper noun
symbol Ir; a very hard and brittle, exceptionally corrosion resistant, whitish-yellow metallic element occurring in platinum ores and used principally to harden platinum and in high-temperature materials, electrical contacts and wear-resistant bearings. Atomic number 77; atomic weight 192.2; melting point 2,410°C; boiling point 4,130°C; specific gravity 22.42 (at 17°C); valence 3, 4.

into preposition
into the inside or interior of (the puppy went into the house)
into the ground.adverb
beyond what is necessary or tolerable (the dad ran the business profitably but when he passed on, the kids who never liked the business, ran it into the ground); to the condition, state or form of; to exhaustion

not to be avoided or escaped; inevitable (Natural Law are the rights God gave to humanity and are never to be abridged or abrogated)

corporate and individual activities, such as 1, 2, that are doing things apart from being in accordance with the laws of God, the laid down accepted standards for humanity of what is right and good for all:.Matthew 22:35-40

interdict, interdicted, interdicting, interdicts.transitive verbs
to prohibit; to sanction; to forbid; to confront and halt the activities, advance or entry of
a prohibition such as set forth by court order

impossible to estimate (inestimable flexibility of quantum computing); virtually.incalculable; of near immeasurable.value or worth

difficult or impossible to retrieve or recover (when her diamond fell into the lake, it was virtually irretrievable)
irretrievableness or irretrievability.nouns
irretrievablenesses or irretrievabilities.plurals

lacking.intellectual.inquisitiveness or curiosity; uninterested; indifferent
incuriousness.noun.(normally used without being pluralized)

to make some progress towards achieving something difficult (made inroads into his goal of learning physics); an intended harmful advance, especially at another's expense; an encroachment

a contract.binding one party into the service of another for a specified.term; an indentation
indenture, indentures, indentured, indenturing.transitive verbs
to bind into the service of another by indenture