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C r e a t i o n  I n d e x
C r e a t i o n
p a g e  9 2
Nature's Ways:.Patterns in nature describe elegance and economy, whether from the nano world or in macro existence.

The pattern pursuing science of mathematics reveals a world you may never have imagined existed; the world serving as a medium.conveying the thinking the great invisible Infinite Intelligence had so very long ago, according to what we think is time and space...

By comprehending the thinking of the Great Designer of the multiverse and all in it, we can build wonderful things, like quantum computers, new clear sound in home theaters, high security innovations for home and industry and new strong glues, for just three examples. Lacking knowledge of the Creator's thinking equates to lack of creativity.

Lack of creativity is typical of a low consciousness ego level of existence, which is a basic level of subsisting with life at a basic level which avoids the maxim 'When you know better, you do better'. Low consciousness can produce only copies, perversions of what may already be there, not true new breakthough inventions, such as Tesla provided. How did Tesla get such a mind as to produce over 700 patented inventions that were helpful to humanity?

He wasn't on the satanic side, the side of the things of a low consciousness. He knew there was only one way up.

Neil Gershenfeld director Center for Bits and Atoms at MIT."We're surrounded by computation.".Breakthroughs may happen, he says."if you ask nature how it solves a problem...."....Popular Science.(popsci.com), June, 2002. The answers are always in the spiritual, below the atom.

Natural Law comes first. Natural Law is the supreme law, as it comes automatically with everyone born a sentient being, whether on Earth or beyond and cannot be superseded by any other so-called laws, such as the cabal created Maritime/Admiralty/Civil law. Natural Law is by right of your birth, where your body belongs to you, owned by no one and no one can own it. That's what sovereignty is.

Natural Law needs no approval, is ultimate truth and stands alone, towering above all others. Natural Law in its simplicity is of the greatest possible effect.(an example,.Romans 13:10).or significance and cannot be abrogated by anyone or anything.

Common Law, on the other hand, is based on Natural Law to a low or higher extent depending on those in agreement with what they want written down. Constitutional Law, basically other words for Common Law, is based on Natural Law and is always approved by We The People, which are laws the people may want codified, depending on their general consciousness, although not really necessary if they thoroughly comprehend the principles of Natural Law:.Matthew 22:36-40..All they need is Natural Law. If they would only think of the beauty of its simplicity, how it applies to all things, none else is needed. Anything else would be a result of tinkering with it.

Natural Law provides the greatest potential for each individual and so any constitution based on it will never have anything in it to detract from that.

Common Law has been tinkered with to become a derivative of cabal controlled law. But that tinkering can be removed by We the People if they have a brain in their head to do so and then return to the constitution closest to Natural Law, such as would be the American 1776 Declaration of Independence which became their constitution, was usurped by the cabal with their constitution of 1871. And so democracy began to creep in on purpose to edge the republic of the United States out, taking away rights of We the People in the process.

"Jean-Jacques Rousseau first wrote about the term "social contract" in the 18th century. It is recognized generally as the sine qua non.(an essential element or condition).of democratic governance. People agree to live peacefully with each other:."My freedom ends where yours begins." "One for all and all for one." "Unity in diversity." "Self-determination of peoples." These and similar understandings define and clarify the social contract.

Thomas Paine's.Common Sense, the document that fired the American revolution, complements Rousseau's credo:."Society is produced by our wants and government by our wickedness; the former promotes our happiness positively by uniting our affections, the latter negatively by restraining our vices.".The very fact of the Internet, a concrete evidence of our society's wants, permits a global social contract to manifest itself....without overt government!"

Natural Law is simple and comprise the laws of God for humanity:.Matthew 22:36-40. These Natural Laws, by virtue of them being of God, naturally.take precedence over any other laws humanity may devise, although other laws such as mentioned are often based on them.

The Nuremberg Code is a strengthening of other laws regarding protection of those who would override God and people approved laws to selfish advantage. And that's happened muchly.

"Everything that happens in nature happens by virtue of the functioning of natural law.(such as {"Natural law is the uniform and orderly method of the omnipotent God."....The Science of Getting Rich}). Technology for example applies the principles of nature to produce.(*). Modern science identifies the universal laws regulating such things and realizes alignment with nature's laws upholds all in the multiiverse, governing such things as motion, molecular dynamics, astronomy, botany, planetary science, cosmology, chemistry, digestion, relationships, etc. Life not aligned with natural law produces an unsuccessful life.(see the movie that explains why an unsuccessful life), things an individual didn't want.(*)."....Dr John Hagelin.

Helps if you're dealing with a corrupt government, court and police system and/or healthcrat system.

Strong mathematical patterns are readily evident in the living world of organisms, be they plant, animal, bacteria, a protist.(cells), or fungus. Therefore patterns must have mathematical causes. The precision of mathematics indicates a prescriber. The patterns are in the creation. Therefore intelligence is revealed in the design.

Balance of Design:."If the fraction of rest mass converted to energy when hydrogen atoms fuse to form helium was slightly different, there would be no elements complex enough to form life...and if the ratio of the strength of gravity to the strength of electromagnetism were not the very small number it happens to be, then the gravitationally bound objects that make up the Universe would not be the galaxies, stars and planets that make life possible. The careful balance of these two qualities determines the scale at which gravity takes over, which in turn sets the scale for astronomical bodies...our Universe seems to be remarkably fine tuned."....Just Six Numbers, Martin Rees, Britain's Astronomer Royal, Weidenfeld and Nicolson, ISBN 0297842978.

The Creator knew what to put where in the formation of the Earth. Coal appears many places on Earth, but not in Antarctica. Strange, scientists say, as during the warm Cretaceous period much vegetation should have been there. Clearly the world is not as has been assumed to be.

The Creator and His group knew exactly how to design internal organs for utmost efficiency.

Since we are learning from the designs.(we can recognize intelligent design).of nature, the intelligence must be both older than man and considerably more intelligent, for even after discovering such patterns, we have great difficulty reproducing them. Clearly, an intelligence far beyond our is at work. 

An example is just below on molecular machines. Another is the body's quantum computers. Another is photosynthesis. Another example of learning from nature's.(the things the Great Infinite One has designed).incredible designs.

Another is: Marc Kirshner, Harvard University cell biologist says that a better understanding of signals in cell division is needed."we've just got to figure out how to imitate that process.".We learn from the designs made of God. More are...

Nature invariably seeks the way to accomplish the most with the least, using the tightest fit, the shortest path, the least energy expended, the most efficient design 1) 2) 3), while avoiding all negative factors.

We do the same as we continue improving mechanical and electronic things, such as increasing a jet engine's efficiency, the aerodynamical design of newer jet planes, the new dryer that uses less electricity, a more efficient hull design for a boat, etc., showing us the subtle lesson that as increasing success comes, the more understanding we must.(even unknowingly).have gained about the mind of Creator-God. Although some 'professions' still are rummagingaround using error filled concepts.

Biological molecular machines are now being examined to solve the problems of nanotechnology, however the quest to develop a self-assemblymachine.as Creator-God has done in the cells, is presently light years beyond any information present gains in nanotechnology draw forth.

20 questions?.(creationscience.com/onlinebook)

Books and Links: 

-The Face of Evolution.by Hank Hanegraaff, 1998, Word Publishing, Nashville, Tennessee. Hank is known as the Bible Answer Man. Subscribe to Hank's Daily e-Truth for in depth learning of the Bible.at equip.org
-What Do the Fossils Say? by Dr. David N. Menton, Ph.D..(gennet.org)
-Refuting Evolution.by Dr. Jonathan D. Sarfati, B.Sc. (Hons.), Ph.D..(search for the document at answersingenesis.org)
-Evidence Which Demands a Verdict, by Josh McDowell
-The Bible as History.by Werner Keller.(an archaeological book of importance)
-The Scientific Case for Creation.includes: Astronomy; Earth Sciences; Hydroplate; Life Sciences; Liquefaction; Mammoths.(creationscience.com)

The dark side keeps trying to harm in any way it can. The dark side will turn anything it can into a new dark direction.
