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D o e s  G o d  E x i s t ?
p a g e  4 b

When we hear speech, all components of the various words that we may encounter need to be at equal loudness. They need to be equally loud so that all word components can be known for what they are. The hearing mechanism has been designed so that this properly occurs. It's so amazing that the ear can detect different loudnesses for each frequency within its programmed spectrum.

Present audiologic hearing measurement techniques bypass crucial measurements at the normal Most Comfortable Listening levels for each frequency, focusing inanely upon how an ear functions at threshold levels, where sound is first detected. Like hello? Do people normally speak at the lowest possible volume where the ear behaves very differently than at the loudness level where we normally hear others speak? For reestablishing proper hearing of speech, measurements at the initiation levels for sounds, are useless. Learn about how the ear really functions.

When one looks at the errors rife in audiology, one can easily detect that those providing training are off track, refusing to adapt to mathematical methods proven to provide greater benefits to those with hearing deficiencies. This is what happens when even though allegedly we live in a free society, groups are controlled by the few at the top collecting fees from members and restricting information to the hurt of the many they claim to serve, thus, available technologies providing greater benefit are circumvented. Audiology is just part of the crap 'education' students can choose from among the other 'non thinking' programs perpetuated by a deficient educational system. Example.

Many, many other errors are presently made with current testing methodology that are inconsistent with the way the entire process of hearing actually occurs.

Otometry.('oto' is ear, 'meter' to do with measuring).is the science of hearing, whereas audiology refers to knowledge of sound used in determining ear pathology. Once a negative pathology has been determined by some tests an audiologist might use, an individual is then ready for scientific hearing measurement.(called Otometry).to restore loudness deficiencies at each frequency of any and all word components.

It's plain to see how a whole 'profession', that of audiology, by failing in comprehension of how the complete process of speech occurs involving the brain and mind, focuses instead upon a physical approach toward threshold sound detection. Unfortunately Otologists rely upon these error prone measurements.

The scientific mathematically provable method of otometry is available, but hidden from public view, which is typical of what the cabal has done with some 6000 other devices having technologies helpful to humanity. They are all now being released, but it'll take a while to trickle down because of the entrenched lies society is based on in so many areas.

Until that time, those with deficiency in hearing will have to put up with the present inadequate system, producing far less than optimum hearing possible. Hearing devices today are set using error prone systems of measurement.

Any hearing correction procedures should provide for restoration of normal hearing, at least as optimally as possible with modern electronics playing their part. It would be an under evaluation to say that results from current hearing testing procedures are little more than a joke perpetuated by non scientific individuals.....back to information on the ear

This is all in line with so many other tolerated errors; nutritional misinformation for one. Remember Beta and VHS and which most people bought. What computer operating system became the most popular? A better TV system available for decades in Europe and for years thereafter, not available in North America till decades later. European picture quality was much higher, with many more lines per inch providing an amazing picture.

The better quality food that is not genetically modified, that most people don't buy because they would rather put gas in their BMW than better food into their bodies. And, on and on in every area of concern, poor and uninformed choices predominate.

People choose drugs because they are unaware of how to make their immune systems more powerful by natural organic means. And are so-called health professionals making information other than the typical deficient medical angles available?

People choose the wrong mates based upon the plethora of misinformation through many books available on getting together.

All these insufficient in scope low consciousness way of death choices provide little to no hope for those seeking help with their problems:.2Corinthians 6:17. 
