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a mathematical rule used to make something function the same way each time it is used; a set of instructions; procedures formulated with mathematical rules providing instructions for step by step analysis toward problem solving; a mathematical (what's mathematics? what's arithmetic?) set of instructions; a sequence of instructions that may be followed in order to achieve a particular purpose; a precise mathematical series of actions or measures taken to achieve a goal, like solving a computational problem where the programer has set instructions where one proposition leads to another and to another and so on; where if you know theorem one, that leads to knowing theorem 2 and two leads to theorem 3 and so on; Euclidian geometry is algorithmic for example; a non algorthimic system is where you go from 1,2,3,4,5,6 and then leap ahead to say 132 with nothing in between, yet Gödel's theorem states that if you have a sufficiently elaborate system of propositions in a mathematical system, then you find within that system a proposition that is not supported by the system and this makes intuitive sense to most scientists but can't be explained by mathematical logic; see if Gödel's theorem makes intuitive sense to you; compare logarithm

pertaining to chance or luck; depending on an uncertain event or contingency

align, aligned, aligning, aligns.verbs
to bring into a straight line; to bring into agreement, close cooperation, etc. (aligned with God)
arrangement or position in a straight line or in parallel lines; the act of aligning or the condition of being aligned; the process of adjusting parts so that they are in proper relative position (a set of gears needs periodic alignment; getting a vehicle's wheels aligned so the all track straightly and will wear evenly); the condition of having parts so adjusted (binocular lenses that are out of alignment will yield a double image); to produce a proper relationship or orientation; to ally oneself, for example, with one side of an argument or cause (aligned themselves with the free traders)
transitive verb use.to arrange in a line or so as to be parallel (align the tops of a row of pictures; aligned the car with the curb); to adjust (parts of a mechanism, for example) 
intransitive verb use.to fall into line

allay, allayed, allaying, allays.transitive verbs
to reduce the intensity of; relieve

allege, alleged, alleging, alleges.transitive verbs
to assert to be true; to assert without or before proof; an alleged fact has been stated but has not been proved to be true; to affirm (alleging his innocence of the charge); to produce as evidence, but evidence is not proof positive
according to allegation
that can be alleged
something alleged; assertion without proof positive

an allegory is that in which the events and characters represent ideas, teach a moral lesson or recommend a course of action; a literary, dramatic or pictorial.device in which characters and events stand for abstract ideas or principles, so that the literal.sense has or suggests a parallel, deeper symbolic sense, such as the blindfolded figure with scales is an allegory of uncorrupted justice, open to hear all sides of an argument; an allegory is a story, poem or painting in which the characters and events are symbols of something else and are often moral or religious/spiritual; a parable; an allegory is the use of characters and events in a story, poem or painting to represent other things; an allegory is a story, painting etc. in which the events and characters represent ideas or teach a moral lesson (the Bible's Old Testament is allegorical to the New Testament); the expression by means of symbolic fictional figures or actions of truths or generalizations about human existence; also, an instance, as in a story or painting, of such expression; a symbolic representation; an emblem
allegorical also allegoric.adjective
of, characteristic of or containing allegory (an allegorical painting of Victory leading an army)
allegorize, allegorized, allegorizing, allegorizes.verbs
transitive verb use.to express as or in the form of an allegory (a story of barnyard animals that allegorizes the fate of Soviet socialism); to interpret allegorically (allegorize the quest for the Holy Grail as an inner spiritual search)
intransitive verb use.to use or make allegory (sculptors who rendered the moral world by allegorizing)

treating disease with so-called remedies involving the typical cut, poison and burn methods doctors trained in corrupt Rockefeller medical schools.utilize which produce often severe side effects different from those of the disease and the 'treatment' applied; from German 'allopathie' which is from the Greek 'allos' meaning 'other' and 'patheia' meaning 'suffering'

the secretion (exudation) by plants of chemicals that inhibit the growth or reproduction of other plant species

alleviate, alleviated, alleviating, alleviates.transitive verbs
to make less hard to bear; lighten or relieve

at a distance; distant in interest (she wasn't at all interested in  traveling.overseas); someone who is aloof is not friendly and kind and does not like spending time with others they deem to be below them in class, intelligence and manner (the wealthy have few if any true friends as their so-called friends are mostly interested in money and the control of life including others, that money, they believe, would provide); if someone stays aloof, they do not become involved; distant physically or emotionally; reserved and remote; offish; a snob (being snubbed by the snobs who were in positions above her showed they were jealous of her capabilities)
aloof, aloofly.adverb
at a distance but within view; apart
aloofness.noun.(many words ending in 'ess' are usually without pluralization - adding an 'es' making '...esses' can make the word be clumsy)

allot, allotted, allotting, allots.transitive verbs
to distribute by or as if by lot.(allot seats to the press reporting on the concert); apportion; to distribute by lot or shares 
the act of allotting (the allotment of per capita currency); something allotted (the sailors drank their daily allotment of rum); a portion of military pay that is regularly deducted and set aside, as for the payee's dependents or for insurance

allude, alluded, alluding, alludes.intransitive verbs
to refer to.indirectly (the candidate alluded to the recent economic upturn by saying "we've all made sacrifices to get here"); allude is matching with some other reference; pointing at; reflecting from; to mention, especially in a casual way; to make an indirect reference (the chef alluded to the meal when he said that we all miss the mark at times)
the act of alluding; indirect.reference (without naming names, the candidate criticized the national leaders by allusion); an instance of indirect reference (an allusion to classical mythology in a poem)

allure, allured, alluring, allures.transitive verbs
to entice by charm or attraction 
allure.when functioning as a noun
power of attraction or fascination; charm; attract

the first letter of the Greek alphabet; the first one; the beginning
first in order of importance

alpha wave.noun,.plural.alpha waves
a pattern of smooth, regular electrical oscillations in the human brain that occur when an individual is awake and relaxed; alpha waves have a frequency of 8 to 13 Hertz; also called alpha rhythm

alpha particles.plural noun
alpha decay.noun,.plural.alpha decays
alpha particles act as one particle because two protons and two neutrons behave as a single particle such as helium; when alpha particles are emitted from an unstable radioactive.nucleus, the atom is transmutation alters it and it becomes a different element; alpha particles are a mode of decay that consists of the emission of alpha particles, with the emission known as alpha radiation; alpha particles typically come from massive nuclei, which emit this smaller combination of nucleons, where the nuclide 'son' has 2 fewer-protons and 2 fewer neutrons than the parent nuclide; alpha particle radiation is 2 protons and 2 neutrons being emitted from a nucleus, causing the atomic number to decrease by two to form a new nucleus; example, a Uranium isotope.atom with a mass of 238, on emitting an alpha particle, becomes a new element, an atom of Thorium, mass 234

having or showing shrewdness and discernment, especially with respect to one's own concerns

a flow to or toward an area; to flow to

Archimedes, B.C.E. 287?-212, Greek mathematician, engineer and physicist. Among the most important intellectual.figures of antiquity, he discovered formulas for the area and volume of various.geometric.shapes (such as the spiral), applied geometry to hydrostatics and mechanics, devised.numerous.ingenious mechanisms, such as the Archimedean screw and discovered the principle of buoyancy

Archimedean screw.noun,.plural.Archimedean screws
an ancient apparatus for raising water, consisting of either a spiral tube around an inclined axis or an inclined tube containing a tight-fitting, broad-threaded screw. Also called Archimedes' screw; a machine for raising water, allegedly invented by the ancient Greek scientist Archimedes for removing water from the hold of a large ship; one form of the machine consists of a circular pipe enclosing a helix and inclined at an angle of about 45 degrees to the horizontal with its lower end dipped in the water; rotation of the device causes the water to rise in the pipe. Other forms consist of a helix revolving in a fixed cylinder or a helical tube wound around a shaft. Modern screw pumps, consisting of helices rotating in open inclined troughs, are effective for pumping sewage in wastewater treatment plants. The open troughs and the design of the screws permit the passage of debris without clogging.

hostility or open enmity; ill will (carries with her an attitude of antagonism and resentment)
one's basic attitude or governing spirit, which by default springs from ego; a disposition that is usually prejudiced.in favor of.negative; a feeling of animosity toward life and self; enmity; dislike or having a strong aversion toward; in Jungian.psychology it is believed that the masculine inner personality is also present in women (if so, then does vice-versa apply as well?)

afflict, afflicted, afflicting, afflicts.transitive verbs
to inflict grievous physical or mental suffering on (people have been discounted, abused and harmed for centuries by those relentlessly.taking advantage of them); to be occupied with and be busied with negative.issues on, one must deal with; downcast; humbled

known or innerstood by only a few (arcane economic theories); mysterious

regarded by some to be of questionable authorship or authenticity; erroneous; fictitious; of or having to do with the Apocrypha

arouse, aroused, arousing, arouses.verbs
transitive verb use.to awaken from or as if from sleep; to stir up; excite (the odd sight aroused our curiosity; real lovers are aroused at the thought of each other); provoke
intransitive verb use.to be or become aroused; stir

an inherent ability, as for learning; a talent; ability; quickness in learning and understanding; intelligence

a plentiful supply of material goods; wealth; a great quantity; an abundance; flowing to or toward a point; afflux
generously supplied with money, property or possessions; prosperous or rich; plentiful; abundant; copious
a person who is well-off financially; from Old French 'affluere' meaning 'to abound in'

surrounded by; in the middle of

cheerful willingness; eagerness; speed or quickness; celerity

giving care or attention; watchful (attentive to detail; consciousness; meticulous); marked by or offering devoted and assiduous attention to the pleasure or comfort of others; thoughtful; expressing affectionate interest through close observation and gallant.gestures (he played the attentive suitor, complete with roses and bonbons)

attention is deep listening; attention is having the mind on what is important and/or interesting; if you give someone or something your attention, you look at it/them, listen to or think about it carefully; if you bring something to someone's attention or draw their attention to it, you tell them about it or make them notice it; a close or careful observing or listening; the ability or power to concentrate mentally; notice (your suggestion has come to our attention); concentration of the mental powers upon an object; consideration or courtesy (attention to others' feelings); attentions (acts of courtesy, consideration were attentions made); a military posture, with the body erect, eyes to the front, arms at the sides and heels together
used as a command to assume an erect military posture
draw attention.phrasal verb
if you draw attention to something, you tell someone about it so they will notice it

any of various chiefly aquatic, eukaryotic, photosynthetic organisms, ranging in size from single celled forms to the giant kelp; algae were once considered to be plants but are now classified separately because they lack true roots, stems, leaves and embryos; algae recycle