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D o e s  G o d  E x i s t ?  N o t e s
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-neutrinos: means 'little neutral object', here meaning subatomic.particles that are in a neutral.state and are about as close as something can be to nothing, yet they permeate the multiverse, to an astonishing degree being energetic particles.

Neutrinos are formed by cosmic rays and nuclear reaction of the Sun. There are muon neutrinos and tao neutrinos have now been confirmed.

Neutrinos are force carriers. Neutrinos are energy lost during radioactive decay, such as occurs when stars and the Sun expend energy. Neutrinos travel in straight lines. A neutrino is smaller than an atom and has no electrical charge.

Neutrinos are a class of elementary particles which are electrically neutral.(uncharged particles, that is, doesn't have a positive or negative charge and won't carry one, like wood won't carry a charge either).particles coming from the Sun and stars and are also created by supernovae

They are a group of stable elementary particles with zero electric charge and near zero rest mass, which travel at the speed of light and occupy the cosmos in the amount of 1,800 per cubic inch.

They fly fast and unnoticed through our bodies and all matter. 10 trillion of them bombard Earth passing through any surface the size of your hand every second. They can pass through 40 million miles of solid steel. It would take a stack of lead hundreds of light years thick to stop one in its tracks. Do they play a part in gravity? No, but how then is gravity?

Scientists have been able to detect them when their attention is on them, by using 100,000 gallon tanks containing perchloroethylene.(dry cleaning fluid).and by using tanks filled with 50,000 tons of purified water. Here, when a neutrino bumps into a nucleus of chlorine, the chlorine turns into radioactive argon.

This is a most interesting particle. Search the Interweb.(aka Internet).for the 'two slit experiment' and you'll see how tiny particles are altered by one's observation of them or not. When not seen by an eye of some kind, like a camera or your own eyes, the particles are not there, only a wave, yet to become a particle when observed. A correlation here is between what you imagine and its coming into physical manifestation

Neutrinos were discovered when measurements of the mass of the final nucleus plus the energy emitted from the initial nucleus did not match according to Einstein's E=mc2.(c2 is speed of light in a vacuum; {2 is for squared, a number multiplied by itself}). The figures weren't equal. This meant that energy was missing. The resulting energy loss was quantified, satisfying the principle of energy conservation of beta decay. Neutrinos were discovered. There existence was proved at the Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico, by Clyde Cowan and Fred Reines in experiments detecting a chain of events involving subatomic particles that could only be accounted for by the events. 

Neutrinos, which are leptons, come in three flavors. 

Neutrinos respond exclusively to the so-called weak force.(beta decay). The neutrino carries exactly the amount of energy needed to balance the energy accounting for the reaction, the disintegration caused by the event.

-neutron:.one of the fundamental particles.(like the proton and photon it is a nucleon).of an atom. A neutron is a subatomic.particle with no charge, having a mass of 939.6 MeV/c2.(approximately the same mass as protons).and a spin of ½

A neutron is made up of 1 up and 2 down quarks.(udd = up, down, down). Compare 'proton'. 

Protons and neutrons interact with gluon exchange. Protons and neutrons are in the nucleus.(center).of the atom and surrounded by electrons. A neutron feels the strong force, which binds it with the protons and other neutrons in a proton, an electron and an electron anti neutrino, the positron.

-nuclear: Of, like, or forming a nucleus.

-nucleus.(nuclei plural): a thing or part forming the centre around which other parts or things are grouped or collected. The atomic nucleus is about 1/100,000 the size of the atom itself; an atom is 1/10,000 times the size of a bacteria. The so-called.Strong Force keeps the nucleus from flying apart. A very strange even much so-called 'stronger force' binds the quarks.(components of the atom).together.

-ohm: the unit of electrical resistance, equal to the resistance of a circuit, in which an electromotive force of one volt maintains a current of one ampere.
