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elements are things that are used to make or that already constitute something (the kids used sand at the beach to make a sand castle; the elements of a successful dinner meal always include love); a fundamental, essential.or.irreducible.constituent of a composite.entity (the elements of water are hydrogen and oxygen); an element is a basic.irreducible part of anything (the elements of life providing security and stability); a substance that can't be split into simpler substances, yet however can be converted and also created new; elements are the basic assumptions or principles of a subject; elements are the forces that constitute the weather, especially severe or inclement weather (outside paint that had been damaged by the elements); an environment naturally suited.to or associated with an individual (he is in his element when traveling, the business world is her element); a distinct group within a larger community (the dissident element on campus)
synonyms.component, constituent, factor, ingredient (the grammatical elements of a sentence; jealousy is a component of her present character; melody and harmony are two of the constituents of a musical composition; ambition is a key factor in her success; humor is an effective ingredient of a speech).

Presently are known 114 kinds of substances that constitute all matter at and above the level of atoms, which are the smallest units of any matter called an element. There are other tinier bits of matter. Some are called neutrinos, leptons, gluons
quarks and there are others.

All atoms of an element are identical in nuclear charge (number of protons) and number of electrons (see atomic number), but their mass (atomic weight) may differ if they have different numbers of neutrons (see isotope). Each element has a one-or two-letter chemical symbol. Elements combine to form a wide variety of compounds. All elements with atomic numbers greater than 83 (bismuth), and some isotopes of lighter elements, are unstable and radioactive (see radioactivity). The transuranium elements, with atomic numbers greater than 92, artificially created by bombardment of other elements with neutrons or other particles, were discovered beginning in 1940. The most common elements, by weight, in Earth's crust are oxygen, 49%; silicon, 26%; aluminum, 8% and iron, 5%. Of the known elements, 11 (hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, fluorine {can be combined with other element[s] to produce the dangerous to human health, fluoride}, chlorine and the six noble gases), are gases under ordinary conditions, two of them, bromine and mercury, are liquids and two more, cesium and gallium, melt at about or just above room temperature and the rest are solids. See also periodic table just below. 

Electronic Configuration of the Elements

"Russian chemist Dmitry Mendeleyev.(1834-1907).proposed the periodic table of elements, which grouped elements in rows and columns by shared chemical properties. Each element received an atomic number corresponding to its atomic weight. Many elements were unknown in the middle of the 19th century when Mendeleyev made the configuration; subsequent discoveries have led to the completion of the table."....Microsoft® Encarta® Encyclopedia 99. © 1993-1998 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved..Nassim Haramein has created an updated Table of Elements that takes into consideration the discoveries of today.

Chemistry and Physics:.any substance that cannot be separated into different substances except by nuclear.disintegration. Elements in the Periodic Table.(see 'Periodic Table of the Elements' in an encyclopedia and under 'element' in a dictionary, see the Chemical Element Table in an encyclopedia for a list of these elements).are ranked by atomic number, as determined by the specific number of protons an element may have. Any more than 100 protons and their combined repulsive forces would disintegrate the atom. The elements exhibit designed structure

A single element can exist as several isotopes. Each element has a specific number of protons. Russian born physicist George Gamow believes that all elements came into existence at the same time the multiverse did. Cosmologist Fred Hoyle at Cambridge University, believes to the contrary that the elements became synthesized in stars, but the fact that there is far too much deuterium in the multiiverse we know of, tends to dispute that part of Hoyle's theory
Mathematics: 1) a member of a set; 2) a point, line or plane; 3) a part of a geometric configuration, such as an angle in a triangle 4) the generatrix of a geometric figure 5) any of the terms in the rectangular array of terms that constitute a matrix or determinant; a substance composed of atoms having an identical number of protons in each nucleus. Elements cannot be reduced to simpler substances by normal chemical means; one of four substances, Earth, air, fire or water, formerly regarded as a fundamental constituent of the universe
Electricity: an element is rhe resistance wire in an electrical appliance such as a heater or an oven

elementary particle.noun,.plural.elementary particles
a particle consisting of one chemical element (hydrogen, helium) without magnitude.(measurable importance or influence, more on magnitude) though having inertia.(a tendency to remain in a fixed condition without change, be it movement or rest) and the force of attraction; not a compound, but a string of subatomic matter.(see 'anti particle'; 'Standard Model'); we know they exist because they leave trails behind; interestingly, particles only come into existence by the existence of the attention of the 
observer, all of material creation is nothing but the self experiencing itself through different qualities of its own attention to itself; the arrangement of particles makes the difference in what we see as animal, vegetable or mineral

basic and powerful; simple; rudimentary
of, relating.to.or.being an element; fundamental or essential; basic; elementary
of, relating to or constituting the basic, essential or fundamental part (an elementary need for love and nurturing); of, relating to or involving the fundamental or simplest aspects of a subject (an elementary problem is one that is easily solved); of or relating to an elementary school or elementary education (the elementary grades; elementary teachers)
elementariness.noun.(words ending in 'ess' are usually without pluralization - adding an 'es' making '...esses' is clumsy)

elicit, elicited, eliciting, elicits.transitive verbs
to draw forth or bring out (something latent or potential) (hypnotism elicited his hidden fears); to call forth or draw out (as information or a response) (her performance elicited wild applause) 

the choice part; the cream (the elite of the entertainment world; politicians and those who control them who think they are the elite of the world and you are disposable.scum {*}); those who feel they are the socially superior part of society:.Revelation 3:17; Lamentations 4:5. Often called 'the elite' are those of a group of individuals who by virtue, not necessarily of ability, but often of position and type of education, exercise power or influence (members of the ruling elite, who have been proven to mostly be of evil
the state of believing that one, by comparison, is superior in some way; the effect upon one's personality motivated by an overtone of superiority; leadership or rule by an elite; the things of elitism; consciousness of being or belonging to an elite

a plane curve, especially a conic.section (shaped like a cone) whose plane is not parallel to the axis, base or generatrix of the intersected cone; an oval; the locus of points for which the sum of the distances from each point to two fixed points is equal; an ellipse is an oval shape similar to a circle but longer and flatter (the Earth orbits in a spiraling.sort of an ellipse and so do planets around the Sun as they all appear in the hologram to race through space, but they don't actually move; the Sun itself has its own peculiar pattern)
of, relating.to.or.having.the shape of an ellipse; containing or characterized by ellipsis; the elliptic is the path along which the Sun seems to move, also called the analemma
a geometric.surface, all of whose plane.sections are either ellipses or circles
deviation from perfect circular or spherical form toward elliptic or ellipsoidal form; the degree of this deviation

the partial or complete obscuring, relative to a designated.observer, of one celestial.body by another; the duration of time during which such an obscuration occurs
eclipse, eclipsed, eclipsing, eclipses.transitive verbs
to cause an eclipse of; to obscure; darken; to surpass; outshine (an outstanding performance that eclipsed the previous one); from Greek 'ekleipein' meaning 'to fail to appear', where 'ek' is 'out' and 'leipein' means 'to leave'

the path along which the Sun seems to move; of or relating to the ecliptic or an eclipse; the great circle that is the apparent path of the Sun among the constellations in the course of a year; from another viewpoint, the projection on the celestial sphere of the orbit of Earth around the Sun, which intersects the plane of the celestial equator at the vernal and autumnal equinoxes; date 1300-1400

means to 'leave out', to 'fall short'; in linguistics, ellipsis means leaving out words rather than repeating them unnecessarily, for example, saying 'I want to go but I can't' instead of 'I want to go but I can't go'; an ellipsis is the omission of a word or phrase necessary for a complete syntactical construction but not necessary for understanding; an example of such omission; a mark or series of marks such as ... used in writing or printing to indicate an omission, especially of letters or words

elude, eluded, eluding, eludes.transitive verbs
to escape detection; evade

baffling; evasive; escape detection (The Snow Leopard is elusive and seldom seen)

emanate, emanated, emanating, emanates.transitive and intransitive use
to come from a source or sent forth from a source (light that emanated from a cloud; a stove that emanated a steady heat); emit

the act or an instance of emanating; something that issues from a source; an emission
Chemistry:-any of several radioactive gases that are isotopes of radon and are products of radioactive decay

embed (or, imbed), embedded, embedding, embeds.verbs
transitive verb use.to cause to be an integral part of a surrounding whole; to set or fix firmly in a surrounding mass (the knife was embedded in the wood; embed a post in concrete; fossils embedded in shale)
intransitive verb use.to become embedded (the harpoon struck but did not embed) 

the human organism in the first three months (trimester) after conception; thereafter called a fetus; an animal in the earliest stages of its development in the uterus; a rudimentary or beginning stage; in botany, the minute, rudimentary plant contained within a seed, the division of which, follows predefined mathematical patterns; embryos exhibit definite mathematical structure throughout their development
of, relating.to.or.being an embryo; rudimentary; incipient: an embryonic nation, not yet governing itself

emerge, emerged, emerging, emerges.intransitive verbs
to come from; to come forth into view; to become visible, apparent or known
coming into view, existence or notice (emergent spring shoots; an emergent political leader); emerging (emergent nations; rising above a surrounding medium, especially a fluid; demanding prompt action; urgent; occurring as a consequence); resultant

retired but retaining an honorary title corresponding to that held immediately before retirement

emit, emitted, emitting, emits.transitive verbs
to send out; give forth; to give or send out matter or energy (isotopes that emit radioactive.particles; a stove emitting heat); to give out as sound; utter (the dog emitted some gas); to voice; express (emit an opinion) 
the one emitting
something emitted

from 'emouvoir' meaning 'to stir up', 'to move' 
Deepak Chopra has said."an emotion is a thought coupled to a physical sensation"; Joe Dispenza has said."emotions are the end product of past experiences"; an emotion is the affective.aspect of consciousness; a feeling and often a state of feeling; a reaction (as pleasurable excitement, anger or fear) subjectively experienced as strong feeling and physiologically involving changes that prepare the body for immediate vigorous action 
emotional means.concerned with emotions and feelings (she needed this man's love and the emotional support he was giving her); an emotional situation or issue is one that causes people to have strong feelings (an emotional issue it was dealing with those advocating selling the ivory from elephants); if someone is or becomes emotional, they show their feelings openly); of.or.relating.to.emotion.(emotionally moved by the music; emotional over the birth of her son); readily affected with or stirred by emotion; arousing or intended to arouse the emotions (an emotional appeal to help the less fortunate); marked by or exhibiting emotion (an emotional farewell)
emotionalize, emotionalized, emotionalizing, emotionalizes.transitive verbs
to impart an emotional quality to

of.or.relating.to.emotion (the emotive aspect of symbols); characterized by, expressing or exciting emotion (an emotive trial lawyer; the emotive issues of vaccinations, genetically modified foods and 'cides')

endure, endured, enduring, endures.verbs
transitive verb use.to carry on through, despite hardships; having strength to continue on; if something endures, it continues to exist without any loss in quality or importance.(the Holy Bible continues being the world's best selling book); to undergo (endured an Arctic winter); bear
intransitive verb use.to continue in existence; last (buildings that have endured for centuries (books that are classics such as the world's second best seller uo to the 20th century, Fox's Book of Martyrs); to suffer patiently without yielding
lasting; continuing; durable (a movie of enduring interest); long-suffering; patient

the act, quality or power of withstanding hardship or stress (life tests the endurance of he who lives); the state or fact of persevering (it was his endurance and patience that made him what he is today), we will complete this project

exert, exerted, exerting, exerts.transitive verbs
to put to use or effect; put forth (exerted all her strength to move the box; the people of the town exerted their rights); exercise (exert influence); to put oneself to strenuous effort (exerted ourselves during the summer games)
effort; the act or an instance of exerting, especially a strenuously

at an equal distance from two places (we are flying to Hawaii from Vancouver and have reached half way or the middle point since starting over the Pacific Ocean)

the act or practice of spying or of using spies to obtain secret information, as about another government or a business competitor
