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breech birth.noun,.plural.breech births
delivery from a woman's birth canal of a baby with the buttocks or feet appearing first, when usually the head first comes out; see also 'breach'
breeches.plural noun
trousers extending to or just below the knee; the part of a firearm behind the barrel; the lower part of a pulley block

blossom is the flowers that appear on a tree before the fruit (the blossoms of plants, shrubs and trees, for example cherry, peach and crabapple blossoms seen in the spring); if someone or something blossoms, they develop good, attractive or successful qualities (why do some people take longer than others to blossom?); a period or condition of maximum development; bloom
blossom, blossomed, blossoming, blossoms.intransitive verbs
to come into flower; bloom; to develop; flourish (the child blossomed into a beauty)

the flower of a plant; something resembling the flower of a plant; the condition of being in flower (a rose in full bloom); a condition or time of vigor, freshness and beauty; prime; a fresh, rosy complexion; a waxy or powdery whitish to bluish coating sometimes occurring on the surface of plant parts, such as on the fruits of certain plums; a visible, colored area on the surface of bodies of water caused by excessive planktonic growth
bloom, bloomed, blooming, blooms.verbs
intransitive verb use.to bear a flower or flowers; to support plant life in abundance (rains that made the yard bloom); to shine; to glow; to grow or flourish with youth and vigor; to appear or expand suddenly (white vapor bloomed from the side of the rocket's fuel tank
transitive verb use.to cause to flourish

symbol 'Bi', a white, crystalline, brittle, highly diamagnetic metallic element used in alloys to form sharp castings for objects sensitive to high temperatures and in various low-melting alloys for fire-safety devices; atomic number 83; atomic weight 208.980; melting point 271.3°C; boiling point 1,560°C; specific gravity 9.747; valence 3, 5