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specific gravity.noun,.plural.specific gravities.Abbreviation sg, sp gr 
the ratio of the mass of a solid or liquid to the mass of an equal volume of distilled water at 4°C-(39°F) or of a gas to an equal volume of air or hydrogen under prescribed conditions of temperature and pressure

of, relating.to.or.containing.tin, especially with valence

in the Old Testament, statutes were rules or ordinances which were made by God and agreed to by the people agreeing to follow them (*); today, being a law specific to a corporation, statutes are legally (not necessarily 'lawfully' written contracts and in the case of a corporate government (pretty well all governments in the world), are often made without effective public input, these therefore being corporate.policies, where many are inimical to best interests of a populace; a statute used to be a rule or law made by and approved by the people and passed on to their elected representatives (who re presented those ideas to others designated to record and distribute them, letting all know this was what was best and safest) where such representatives write down the will of the public as a statute to be followed for the good governing of themselves, as has been determined by local involvement in formulating any statute; this is the beauty of Natural Law; in corporate law, also called Maritime, Admiralty, Civil, Statute law, now however, statutes are often determined simply by a committee put together at the behest of someone with an idea and who may be a politician or an unelected bureaucrat who sets the rules, example, for the covid con? or a crooked politician complicit with an unelected bureaucrat in some agency called health and putting forth policies of death on purpose and in line with the satanic ones controlling him in varous ways, such as blackmail, brainwashing and bribery; a statute is an idea or ideas the public may not even approve of and which ideas are often concocted and established as by such sneaky things in Canada, as Orders in Council and those being 'behind closed doors' out and away from public scrutiny and away from the public so they will know little of anything about what they are up to (this is non transparent corrupt government at their best; it must be the best they can do or they wouldn't be doing it, so we see they are not really too bright, but are very sneaky); a corporate rule is also a statute; a writ; a decree or an edict, often suggested by one thinking he may know what is best for others (the corporation made the decision that a decrease in price would be recovered by an increase in volume of sales; a corporate decision to extract more money on goods they sell to a tricked public by leaving a purchase price the same and reducing the volume and or quality)

statute law.noun,.plural.statute laws
a cabal created Maritime/Admiralty/Civil based law.established by legislative.enactment

of or relating to a statute; enacted, regulated or authorized by statute

a separation or division into factions; disunion; discord (evil people don't want unity, their raison d'etre is divide and conquer through destruction of some.sort)
of, relating.to.or.engaging in schism
one who promotes or engages in schism

imposing.rigorous standards of performance; severe (stringent safety measures); constricted; tight (operating under a stringent time limit); characterized by scarcity of money, credit restrictions or other financial strain (stringent economic policies)

sure, surer, surest.adjectives
impossible to doubt or dispute; factual; certain; not hesitating or wavering; firm; confident as of something awaited or expected (sure the Sun would come back after days of cloud); certain not to miss or err; steady (a sure hand on the canvas produces a carefully painted picture); free from or marked by freedom from doubt (sure of her friends); worthy of being trusted or depended on; reliable
sureness.noun,.plural.surenesses; also see assuredness
with confidence; without hesitation; undoubtedly; certainly.(you surely can't be serious); without fail (slowly but surely spring returns)
for sure.idiom
certainly; unquestionably (we'll be there for sure)
make sure.idiom
to establish something without doubt; make certain (make sure you write it down if it's important)
to be sure.idiom
indeed; certainly

a certainty; the condition of being sure; something beyond doubt; also means, one who has contracted to be responsible for another, such as one who assumes responsibilities or debts in the event of default; a pledge or formal.promise made to secure against loss, damage or default; a guarantee or security

swagger, swaggered, swaggering, swaggers.verbs
intransitive verb use.to walk or conduct oneself with an insolent or arrogant air; strut; to brag; boast
transitive verb use.to browbeat or bully
a swaggering movement or gait; boastful or conceited expression; braggadocio

snarl, snarled, snarling, snarls.verbs
intransitive verb use.to growl viciously while baring the teeth; to speak angrily or threateningly
transitive verb use.to utter with anger or hostility.(snarled a retort)
a vicious.growl

a tangled.mass, as of hair or yarn; a confused, complicated or tangled situation; a predicament
snarl, snarled, snarling, snarls.verbs
intransitive verb use.to become tangled or confused
transitive verb use.to tangle or knot (hair, for example)

called 'scripture' because it was script, recorded before the invention of moveable type, making possible the printing press by Gutenberg; scripture is a sacred writing or book taken as a whole (the.Holy Bible.{what does 'holy' mean?}; the verses in the.Holy Bible); a verse or passage (selection of verses in a context) from such a writing or book such as John 1:1; the word scripture is from the Greek 'graphe', meaning 'to write', to describe by writing'
of, relating.to.writing; written; of, relating to, based on or contained in the Scriptures (examples in the.Bible are for use today:.1Corinthians 10:11 "Now all these things happened unto them for ensamples and they are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come.")

handwriting; a style of writing with cursive.characters; a particular system of writing (cuneiform script); in printing, a style of type that imitates handwriting; the text of a play, broadcast or movie; a copy of a text used by a director or performer; in law, an original document
script, scripted, scripting, scripts.transitive verbs
to prepare a text for filming or broadcasting

a level, degree or period of time in the course of a process, especially a step in development (the toddler stage; three main stages in the instructions to build the little red wagon); a point in the course of an action or series of events (too early to predict a winner at this stage); one of two or more successive propulsion units of a rocket vehicle that fires after the preceding one has been jettisoned; a raised and level floor or platform; a raised platform on which theatrical performances are presented; the acting profession or the world of theater (the stage is her life); the scene of an event or a series of events; a platform on a microscope that supports a slide for viewing; the distance between stopping places on a journey; a leg (proceeded in easy stages); a stagecoach
in stages.adverb
a little bit at a time (we develop ourselves in piecemeal.fashion); little by little; bit by bit
stage, staged, staging, stages.verbs
transitive verb use.to exhibit or present on or as if on a stage (stage a play); to produce or direct (a theatrical performance); to arrange and carry out (stage a ceremony)
intransitive verb use.to be adaptable to or suitable for theatrical presentation; to stop at a designated place in the course of a journey

something added to complete a thing, make up for a deficiency, or extend or strengthen the whole; vitamin supplements to improve health
supplement, supplemented, supplementing, supplements.transitive verbs
to provide or form a supplement to; to complete
supplementarity, supplementation.nouns

suspect, suspected, suspecting, suspects.verbs
transitive verb use.to surmise to be true or probable; imagine: I suspect they are very disappointed; to have doubts about; distrust (motives were suspected); to think (a person) guilty without proof
intransitive verb use.to have suspicion
one who is suspected of doing what another considers inappropriate or wrong
open to or viewed with suspicion (a suspect policy which on the surface looked good; suspect motives)

arousing or apt to arouse suspicion; questionable (suspicious behavior); tending to suspect; distrustful (a suspicious nature);  expressing suspicion (a suspicious look)

the act of suspecting something, especially something wrong, on little evidence or without proof; the condition of being suspected, especially of wrongdoing (under suspicion of surreptitious dealings); state of uncertainty; doubt; a minute amount; trace
suspicion, suspicioned, suspicioning, suspicions.transitive verbs
to suspect

shameful acts as having been done by the criminal cabal; a painful emotion caused by a strong sense of guilt, embarrassment, unworthiness or disgrace; bringing dishonor, disgrace or condemnation; a condition of disgrace or dishonor; ignominy; if you shame someone into doing something, you force them to do it by making them feel ashamed not to (they tried to shame him into a dead end job, but overall the negativity, he knew he was being led to different horizons and so moved on from them); if you say that something is a shame, you are expressing your regret about it and indicating that you wish it had happened differently; a great disappointment (it's a shame the policies promised by politicians to better the country turn out against the men and women having elected them)
shame, shamed, shaming, shames.transitive verbs
to cause to feel shame; put to shame; to bring dishonor or disgrace on
causing shame; disgraceful; giving offense; indecent; if you describe a person's action or attitude as shameful, you think that it is so bad that the person ought to be ashamed (one of the most shameful episodes in US history is depicted in this movie)
shame on you!
you should be ashamed

feeling no shame; impervious to disgrace; marked by a lack of shame

sear, seared, searing, sears.verbs
transitive verb use.to char, scorch or burn the surface of with or as if with a hot instrument; to cause to dry up and wither; to allow something unpleasant to affect you because you believe it is good for you:.Proverbs 14:12 (he lived on the bad side and was eventually sucked in to crossing the line into severe evils:.1Timothy 4:2)
intransitive verb use.to become withered or dried up
a condition, such as a scar, produced by searing

a long flat bone in most vertebrates that is situated along the ventral midline of the thorax and articulates with the ribs; the manubrium of the sternum articulates with the clavicles in human beings and certain other vertebrates; also called breastbone

soar, soared, soaring, soars.intransitive verbs
to rise, fly or glide high and with little apparent effort; to glide in an aircraft while maintaining altitude; to ascend suddenly above the normal or usual level (our spirits soared with joy)
the act of soaring

sore, sorer, sorest.adjectives
painful to the touch; tender; feeling physical pain; hurting (sore all over after the long climb up the mountain); causing embarrassment or irritation (two sore subjects are vaccinations) and political patronage)
an open skin lesion, wound or ulcer; a source of pain, distress or irritation
sore, sored, soring, sores.transitive verbs
sore, sorely.adverbs
extremely; greatly (their skills were sorely needed); painfully; grievously