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the vitreous mass left as a residue by the smelting of metallic ore; scoria
slag, slagged, slagging, slags.transitive and intransitive verbs
to change into slag or form slag

smelt, smelted, smelting, smelts.verbs
transitive verb use.to melt or fuse.ores in order to separate the metallic constituents
intransitive verb use.to melt or fuse; used of ores
an apparatus for smelting; an establishment for smelting; one who is engaged in the smelting industry

porous cinderlike fragments of dark lava; also called cinders, slag; the refuse of a smelted metal or ore

word 'sin' comes from both the original Hebrew and Greek in the Holy Bible and means a negative as it connotes 'missing the mark' (missing the mark of what?)
sin, sinned, sinning, sins.intransitive verbs
to transgress
known for being sinful; wicked; if you describe someone or something as sinful, you mean that they are wicked or immoral

secure, securer, securest.adjectives
free from fear, anxiety, doubt, risk of loss and danger; safe (her jewels were secure in the vault); free from the risk of being intercepted or listened to by unauthorized persons (only one telephone line in the embassy was secure); not likely to fail or give way; stable (a secure stepladder); firmly.fastened (a secure lock); reliable; dependable (real estate is mostly a secure investment); assured; certain (with three goals in the first period they had a secure victory, but somehow they lost)
secure, secured, securing, secures.transitive verbs
to guard from danger or risk of loss (the area of the bridge was secured before anyone was allowed to return on it); to make firm or tight; fasten; to make certain; ensure (after several good jokes, he secured the goodwill of the audience); to get possession of; acquire (secured a job for the summer break); to bring about; effect (secured the windows with new latches)
securement, secureness, securer.nouns

freedom from risk or danger; safety; freedom from doubt, anxiety or fear; confidence; something that gives or assures safety (call building security if the need arises); something deposited or given as assurance of the fulfilment of an obligation; a pledge; one who undertakes to fulfil the obligation of another; a surety; a document.indicating ownership or creditorship; a stock.certificate or bond
securitize, securitized, securitizing, securitizes.transitive verbs
to buy loans, such as mortgages, from lenders, arrange them in groups and issue bonds on the groups

safe, safer, safest.adjectives
secure from danger, harm or evil; free from danger or injury; unhurt (safe and sound); free from risk; sure (a safe bet); affording.protection (a safe place); in baseball, having reached a base without being put out, as a batter or base runner
a metal container usually having a lock, used for storing valuables; a condom
the condition of being safe; freedom from danger, risk or injury; a device designed to prevent accidents, as a lock on a firearm preventing accidental firing; in football, a play in which a member of the offensive team downs the ball, willingly or unwillingly, behind his own goal line, resulting in two points for the defensive team

to safeguard something or someone means to protect them from being harmed, lost or badly treated; a safeguard is a law, rule or measure.intended to prevent someone or something from being harmed; one that serves as protection or a guard; a mechanical.device designed to prevent accidents; a safe-conduct (the plane has various safeguards in place to ensure a safe trip); a protective.stipulation, as in a contract; a precautionary.measure
safeguard, safeguarded, safeguarding, safeguards.transitive verbs
to ensure the safety of; protect; defend

a position from which things are considered or judged; a point of view

a past tense and a past participle of shine
shine, shone.or.shined, shining, shines.verbs
intransitive verb use.to emit light; to reflect light; glint or glisten; to distinguish oneself in an activity or a field; excel; to be immediately apparent (delight shone in her eyes)
transitive verb use.to aim or cast the beam or glow of(a light); past tense and past participle shined; to make glossy or bright by polishing
brightness from a source of light; radiance; brightness from reflected light; luster; a shoeshine; fair weather (rain or shine)
take a shine to.idiom
to like spontaneously

a signal is a gesture, sound or action which is intended to give a particular message to the individual who sees or hears it;  a signal is a series of radio waves, light waves or changes in electrical current which may carry information (we are too far out of range to bring in the signals from that radio station, so for the same type of music on this trip we'll have to use the CD's we brought); a signal is an indicator, such as a gesture or colored light, that serves as a means of communication; a message communicated by such means; something that incites action (the fireworks was the signal for the end of the celebrations)l in electronics, an impulse or a fluctuating electric quantity, such as voltage, current or electric.field strength, whose variationsrepresent coded.information; the sound, image or message transmitted or received by use of electrical or electronic means such as in telegraphy, telephony, radio, television or radar
notably out of the ordinary: a signal feat; noticeable
signal, signaled.or.signalled, signaling.or.signalling, signals.verbs
transitive verb use.to make a signal to (he signaled the driver to proceed); to relate or make known by signals (they have signaled their willingness to help out)
intransitive verb use.to make a signal or signals
to a conspicuous.degree; notably
signalize, signalized, signalizing, signalizes.transitive verbs
to make remarkable or conspicuous (a life signalized by helpful accomplishments); to point out particularly

a detailed description of a person's appearance, as for police files

bound by signed agreement (the signatory parties to a contract) signatory.noun,.plural.signatories
a signer with another or others to a document; one that has signed a treaty or other document

a seal, used to mark documents; the impression made with such a seal (he had his own seal ring made so he could dip it in hot wax and press it on the letter by his signature, this extra step for verification of who the letter would be coming from he felt necessary, along with also sealing the envelope in the same way)
signet, signeted, signeting, signets.transitive verbs
to mark or endorse with a signet
signet ring.noun,.plural.signet rings
a finger ring bearing an engraved signet; also called seal ring

stride, strode, stridden, striding, strides.verbs
intransitive verb use.to walk with long steps, especially in a hasty or vigorous way (look at her stridding along on her walk); to take a single long step, as in passing over an obstruction; to stand or sit astride; straddle
transitive verb use.to walk with long steps on, along or over: striding the stage to step over or across (stride a brook); to be astride of; straddle
the act of striding; a single long step; the distance traveled in such a step; a single coordinated movement of the four legs of a horse or other animal, completed when the legs return to their initial.relative.position; the distance traveled in such a movement; a step of progress; an advance (making great strides in their studies)
hit one's stride.idiom
to achieve a steady, effective.pace; to attain a maximum level of competence
take in one's stride.idiom
to cope with calmly, without interrupting one's normal.routine: taking their newfound wealth in stride

straddle, straddled, straddling, straddles.verbs
transitive verb use.to stand or sit with a leg on each side of; bestride (straddle a horse); to be on both sides of; extend over or across (a car straddling the centerline); to appear to favor both sides of an issue
intransitive verb use.to walk, stand or sit with the legs wide apart, especially to sit astride; to appear to favor both sides of an issue
the act or posture of sitting astride; an equivocal or a noncommittal position; the option to buy or sell a specific asset, such as a block of stock, at a predetermined price before a certain date
straddle the fence.idiom
to be undecided or uncommitted

a filthy and wretched.condition or quality

of or relating to ancient Sumer or its people, language or culture; a native of Sumer; ancient discovered Sumeroan tablet, written in hieroglyphics, of which there are about 230,000 of them; toward the end of B.C.E. the 3rd millennium (3000 years before Christ came in the form of Emmanuel), Sumer and Akkad together were a kingdom of empire proportions ruled by a Sumerian dynasty known as the 3rd Dynasty of Ur. After a century or two, hordes of Semitic.nomads, the Amurru, the biblical Amorites (Genesis 15:16), who had migrated from the Arabian desert lands to the west, made themselves masters of some of the more important cities such as Isin, Larsa, Babylon and Eshnunna, now 'Tell Asmar'. About B.C.E. 2000, the last ruler of the 3rd Dynasty of Ur was carried off into captivity by the Elamites and the kingdom of Sumer and Akkad disintegrated.....comprised with Microsoft® Encarta® Encyclopedia 99. © 1993-1998 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
a member of an ancient people of Babylonia, probably of non-Semitic origin, who established a nation of city-states in Sumer in the fourth millennium B.C.E. (some 4000 years before Christ) that is one of the earliest known historic civilizations; earlier during B.C.E. the 5th millennium, a people known as the Ubaidians established settlements in the region known later as Sumer; these settlements gradually developed into the chief Sumerian cities, namely Adab, Eridu, Isin, Kish, Kullab, Lagash, Larsa, Nippur and Ur, the city Abraham was born in

The Chaldeans were the inhabitants of the country of which Babylon was the capital.

Several centuries later, as the Ubaidian settlers prospered, Semites from Syrian and Arabian deserts began to infiltrate, both as peaceful immigrants and as raiders in quest of booty. After about B.C.E. 3250, another people migrated from its homeland, located probably northeast of Mesopotamia and began to intermarry with the native population; the newcomers, who became known as Sumerians, spoke a language apparently unrelated to any other known linguistic.affiliation; the Sumerian language was written in cuneiform script; Sumer was the birthplace of the first known civilization in the world, forming around the region where the Tigris and Euphrates rivers flow in relatively parallel courses toward the Persian Gulf; was Sumerian the language of Adam? Sumer was later absorbed by the Babylonian civilization; the region is also part of what is known as the Fertile Crescent, so named because the people who developed in this crescent-shaped area developed rich, irrigated farmlands....comprised with Microsoft® Encarta® Encyclopedia 99. © 1993-1998 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
