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the quality or state of being nice; an elegant, delicate or civilized.feature (enjoy the niceties of life); a fine point or distinction; subtlety (the niceties of table manners); careful attention to details; meticulous; delicate exactness; precision; delicacy of taste or feeling
nice, nicer, nicest.adjectives
pleasing and agreeable in nature (had a nice time; a nice sense of style; nice and warm); having a pleasant or attractive appearance (a nice dress; a nice face); showing courtesy and politeness (a nice gesture); of good character and reputation; respectable

naive.and with a dieresis,.naïve, naiver.or.naïver, naivest.or naïvest.adjectives
having.an.unaffected.simplicity; a sincere.personality without airs; honest; lacking in poise, glamor and grace; natural; ingenuous; deficient in worldly wisdom or informed judgment (not having much experience of how complicated life is, so that you trust people too quickly); credulous
artlessness.or.credulity; naiveté
the state.or.quality of being artless, credulous or uncritical; an artless, credulous or uncritical statement or act

neglect, neglected, neglecting, neglects.transitive verbs
to pay little or no attention to; fail to heed; disregard.(neglected warnings); to fail to care for or attend to properly (neglects her appearance); to fail to do or carry out, as through carelessness or oversight (neglected to return the call)
the act or an instance of neglecting something; the state of being neglected
characterized by neglect; heedless (neglectful of their responsibilities); negligent; deliberate.inattention; lazy toward (a society callously neglectful of the poor)
Law:.failure to exercise the degree of care considered reasonable under the circumstances, resulting in an unintended injury to another party

an insignificant or imperceptible amount; marked by or given to neglect especially habitually or culpably; not taking prudent care; marked by a carelessly easy manner or informality; careless ease; casual; negligent implies.inattention to one's duty or business (negligent about writing a note of thanks); habitual neglect
the state or quality of being negligent; a negligent act or a failure to act
synonyms.remiss, neglectful, lax, slack

a scatterbrained or stupid person; a dullard; a dimwit

a person having a neurosis, which is, excessive or abnormal anxieties.tending to disorganize the personality, which can lead to if left unchecked, a more serious and psychotic form, the beginning of which can be observed by lack of compassion toward one in need and can be characterized by over concern for the self as evidenced by chronic mental anxiety, compulsions, obsessions, phobias (fears), etc. See psychoanalysis
a person suffering from a neurosis; a person prone to excessive anxiety and emotional.upset
any of various mental or emotional disorders, such as hypochondria (a disease arising from the belief that one is unwell and therefor must be sick) arising from no apparent organic lesion (wound or injury) or change and involving symptoms such as insecurity, anxiety, depression and irrational.fears, all negative thinking

in spite of that; after all; in spite of everything to the contrary; everything else having been considered; ultimately; however; howbeit

nonetheless means the same as nevertheless (there was still a long way to go, nonetheless, progress had been made;
his face is serious but nonetheless very friendly; the region was extremely beautiful, nonetheless she could not imagine spending the rest of her life there)

nullify, nullified, nullifying, nullifies.transitive verbs
to have no effect; to bring to nothing by depriving of effectiveness; invalidate; neutralize; make void
not binding; of no value or effect
null and void.adjective
having no force, binding power or validity

nurture, nurtured, nurturing, nurtures.transitive verbs
to nourish; feed; to educate; train; to help grow or develop; cultivate (nurture a student's talent); share; support
anything that nourishes; the act or process of raising or promoting the development of; sustenance; instruction towards upbringing

not stopped by; regardless of; in spite of (they traveled on notwithstanding the storm; she remarried notwithstanding the death of her husband); despite
adverb-nevertheless-(they will do it notwithstanding)

Nietzsche, Friedrich, Wilhelm.1844-1900, German philosopher, poet and classical philologist, who became one of the most provocative and influential thinkers of the 19th century. Some of his quotes 1, 2, 3.

His father, a Lutheran minister, died when Nietzsche was five. One of Nietzsche's fundamental contentions was that traditional values (represented primarily by Christianity) had lost their power in the lives of individuals. He expressed this in his proclamation "God is dead". He was convinced that traditional values represented a 'slave morality', a morality created by weak and resentful individuals who encouraged such behavior as gentleness and kindness because the behavior served their interests..comprised from Microsoft® Encarta® Encyclopedia 99. © 1993-1998 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
   And, what Nietzsche said is often true of religion, but the truth of the good Creator-God.needs not any religion to be effective in people's lives.

extreme, utmost

lowest; farthest down

no one; not one; nobody (none wanted to do it); not.any (it was so hot none of the elephants got out of the water); no part; not any (she wanted none of their business to interfere with her time on vacation)
not at al (she is none too tall for the part in the movie); in no way (the jeans looked none the better for having been washed;
nevertheless; however; in spite of the fact that has just been mentioned (the region was extremely beautiful, but onetheless she could not imagine spending the rest of her life there; the paintings are complex, but have plenty of appeal nonetheless)

non means not; no

not adjacent; not next to

non sequitur.noun
a non sequitur is a statement or an action which does not seem to be connected in a reasonable or sensible way with what was said before; it does not follow (Edward Jenner the father of all vaccination crimes used reasoning devoid of intelligence; example of another non sequitur); a non sequitur is a statement, remark or conclusion that does not follow naturally or logically from what has just been said (had she missed something important or was this just a non sequitur?; a hypocrite is an example of a non sequitur); a conclusion or inference which does not follow from the premises or evidence upon which it is based

an idea; a mental image
small lightweight items for household use, such as needles, buttons and thread

a member of a group of people who have no fixed home and move according to the seasons from place to place in search of food, water and grazing land; an individual with no fixed residence who roams about; a wanderer, such as the Bedouin.Arabs

existing in or belonging to one by nature; innate.(native ability) being such by birth or origin (a native Scot, a native Canadian); being one's own because of the place or circumstances of one's birth (our native land); originating, growing or produced in a certain place or region; indigenous.(a plant native to Asia); of, belonging to or characteristic of the original inhabitants of a particular place; occurring in nature pure or uncombined with other substances (native copper); natural; unaffected (native beauty); closely related, as by birth or race
one born in or connected with a place by birth (a native of Scotland now living in Canada); one of the original inhabitants or lifelong residents of a place

negativity is the great demotivator as it saps good energy; the word negative indicates opposition or resistance and is a synonym for the word sin; negative is having no positive features and has with it such things as hostility and harmfulness; negatives are facts, situations or experiences that are unpleasant, depressing and/or harmful; being of negative mind is being unable to generate energy for good things for self or others; expressing, containing or consisting of a negation, refusal or denial (gave a negative answer to our request for funding; a big 'no'); if someone is negative or has a negative attitude, they consider only the bad aspects of a situation, rather than if there may be any good ones (when asked for your views about your current job, on no account must you be negative about it; was it from the media that people received information allowing them to adopt such a negative view?); if a person is negative and looks at his or her life, they will find the reason for the negativity:.Psalms 119:171.
a statement or an act indicating or expressing a contradiction, denial or refusal; a statement or an act that is highly critical of another or of others (campaign advertising that was based on negatives); something that lacks all positive, affirmative or encouraging features; an element that is the counterpoint of the positive; a feature or characteristic that is not deemed positive, affirmative or desirable; the side in a debate that contradicts or opposes the question being debated; an image in which the light areas of the object rendered appear dark and the dark areas appear light; a film, plate or other photographic material containing such an image
negative, negatived, negativing, negatives.transitive verbs
to refuse to approve of; to deny; contradict; to demonstrate to be false; disprove; to counteract or neutralize; to be against; veto 
the opposite or absence of something regarded as actual, positive or affirmative; the act or process of negating; a denial, contradiction or negative statement
this word has several significations, 1) it is used in contradistinction to giving assent; thus we say the president has put his negative upon such a bill. 2) it is also used in contradistinction to affirmative; as, a negative does not always admit of the simple and direct.proof of which an affirmative is capable; when a party affirms a negative in his pleadings and without the establishment of which, by evidence, he cannot recover or defend himself, the burden of the proof lies upon him and he must prove the negative; although as a general rule the affirmative of every issue must be proved, yet this rule ceases to operate the moment the presumption of lawis thrown into the other scale, such as when the issue is on the legitimacy of a child, therefore, it is incumbent on the party.asserting the illegitimacy to prove it
Law:.Negative Averment:
an averment in some of the pleadings in a case in which a negative is asserted is proof of that negative; it is a general rule, established for the purpose of shortening and facilitating.investigations, that the point in issue is to be proved by the party who asserts the affirmative but as this rule is not founded on any presumption of law in favor of the party, but is merely a rule of practice and convenience, it ceases in all cases when the presumption of law is thrown into the opposite scale, for example, when the issue is on the legitimacy of a child born in lawful wedlock, it is incumbent on the party asserting its illegitimacy to prove it; upon the same principle, when the negative averment involves a charge of criminal neglect of duty, whether official or otherwise, it must be proved, for the law presumes every man to perform the duties which it imposes

negative charge.noun
having a surplus of electrons; having a lower electric.potential
negative charge.adjective
a negative charge or current has the same electrical charge as an electron (stimulate the site of greatest pain with a small negative current, as these electrons are negatively charged they will attempt to repel each other)

a class of individuals distinguished by birth or rank and for placing common people into fiefdoms; in Great Britain the nobility included dukes (a nobleman with the highest hereditary rank) and duchesses, marquises (ranking below a duke and above an earl or a count) and marchionesses (a wife or widow of a marquis or a woman with the same rank as a marquis), earls (ranks above a viscount and below a marquis) and countesses, viscounts (ranking below an earl or a count and above a baron) and viscountesses and barons (a British nobleman of the lowest rank) and baronesses; nobility ranks are a cabal construct, that is, not created by We the People, instead were ranks of those thinking they were above others they slotted into ranks lower than insects; there are no titles of nobility granted by We the People, therefor they are illegal
a man who is noble
a woman who is noble
noble, nobler, noblest.adjectives
having or showing qualities of high moral character, such as courage, generosity or honor (a noble spirit in people was not in many medieval.so-called nobles categorized as being of nobility); proceeding from or indicative of such a character; showing magnanimity grand and stately in appearance; majestic
being of noble birth or condition; members of the nobility; from Middle English and Old French and from Latin 'nobilis'
a member of the nobility
nobleness.noun.(normally used without being pluralized)

if you describe an activity as nefarious, you mean that it is wicked and immoral (why impose.policies to affect others negatively if it was not to some nefarious purpose?); flagrantly wicked or impious; evil; vicious; an example surrounding the short life of Lady Jane Grey
nefariousness.noun.(many words ending in 'ess' are usually without pluralization - adding an 'es' making '...esses' is clumsy)

amounting to a large number; many
numerousness.noun.(words ending in 'ess' are usually without pluralization - adding an 'es' making '...esses' is clumsy)

a cloudy radiance said to surround a classical deity when on Earth; a radiant light that appears usually in the form of a circle or halo about or over the head in the representation of a God, demiGod, saint or sacred person; a splendid.atmosphere or aura, as of glamour, that surrounds an individual or thing; a rain cloud, especially a low dark layer of clouds such as a nimbostratus

in no way; not at all

used to express refusal, denial, disbelief, emphasis or disagreement (no, I'm not going; no, you're wrong; not at all; not by any degree; no better; no worse; no more; whether or not to go is the decision only you can make)
nope is sometimes used instead of 'no' as a negative response )is she supposed to work today? Nope, tomorrow; are you going going on holidays next week? Nope, the week after)
a negative response; a denial or refusal (the proposal produced only noes); not any; not one (no cookies are left); not at all; not close to being (she is no child); hardly any (got there in no time flat)
no holds barred.adverb
without rules or restrictions (Natural Law covers human interaction without need for a plethora of verbiage); with no restrictions on the kinds of holds that are used, such as in wrestling

in.no way; to no degree; used to express negation, denial, refusal or prohibition (she will not go; he may not have any); naught
not at all.adverb
'not all there' or 'not quite all there'
deficient in ways, such as, caring, comprehending, figuring out things, logical thinking, insight; humorously spoken of as 'his elevator doesn't go all the way to the top', he's three bricks short of a load', 'when brains became available, he waited until the good ones were gone', he's dropped a few vegetables along the way and never went back to find them', 'when the train left the station he wasn't on it'.

Usage note: Care should be taken with the placement of 'not' and other negatives in a sentence in order to avoid ambiguity ('all elephants are not friendly' could be taken to mean either 'all elephants are unfriendly' or 'not all elephants are friendly' where the true meaning is 'not all elephants are unfriendly').

The 'not only' construction of a sentence should be used in such a way that each of the elements in the sentence is followed by a similar construction type. Instead of 'she not only bought a new car but a new lawnmower', write 'she bought not only a new car but a new lawnmower'. See Usage Note at only. See more Usage notes.

nought.variant of naught.noun,.plural.noughts.variant of naughts
nonexistence; nothingness; the figure 0; a cipher; a zero; nothing (all the work to control others by past despots was for naught)
nonexistent; insignificant

not one or the other; nor; not either (neither shoe feels comfortable)
not either one; not the one or the other (neither of the twins is here; neither will do; neither of them is incorrect)
not either; not in either case; used with the correlative conjunction 'nor' (neither we nor they want it; she neither called nor wrote; she got neither the gift nor the card); also not (if he won't go, neither will she)
similarly not; also not (just as you would not, so neither would they)

neat, neater, neatest.adjectives
orderly and clean; tidy; orderly and precise in procedure; systematic; not diluted or mixed with other substances (neat whiskey is without the addition of water); wonderful; terrific (that was a neat party)
