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D e v i l ,  D e m o n s  –  E v i l  S p i r i t s
The crew of the dark side
(has 9 pages)
(companion subject 'Angels')

Deeds of evil.(devil).are self sabotaging thoughts.(we reap what we have sown, even if we didn't realize this).or 'the devil' to us, the bad god of the Creators who came into being as a result of the real Father of all

"What you don't believe exists, gives you no reason to resist:.James 4:7; Proverbs 14:12; Revelations 12:9.

See Paul Harvey's video on If I Were the Devil.(check here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4LWPcEo2gV0 or search for on the Internet), showing that what has been done by the cabal to subjugate people is of the devil, the dark side.

"He whom the demons would destroy they first make angry".is an ancient wise saying, akin to getting you swallowing their fear porn. The satanic way uses greed to perpetrate and greed and blackmail to perpetuate evil policies toward eradication of humanity.(*).

These dark side beings are continual.adversaries to all that is good. Be sure you stay on the good side, the side of light.

Whenever you notice a push in you, an overriding urge, a compulsion to do evil, you can be sure who's behind it and what side it's coming from. These pushes in you are there so you can choose a better way, the way of love. What's that?.Matthew 22:36-40.

Unrelenting evils are alive negative circumstances in our lives generated by the pandered.ego level; pandered to by actual beings that are, in essence, attitudes of evil, attitudes that hate humans, the attitudes of those of the dark side.(these dark side entities are subject today to those in higher consciousness and they greatly dislike it that these of humanity, the good people are headed toward eradication of evil:.Luke 10:17 "...Lord, even the devils are subject unto us through your name."), the dark side that triggers those same attitudes of evil in humans any time it senses an opening to do so. But, from where did these dark side beings come and here's what you can do about getting rid of them affecting your life?.2John 1:11.

The Devil, the master of the dark side.(Revelation 12:9).provides the pole of opposite meaning when it comes to the human experience. But why then are some people so evil? And, why evil, from where did evil come? Where did the Devil come from? 

What is the devil? An adversary:.1Peter 5:8. And a deceiver and accuser:.Revelation 12:9,10. And a murderer of humanity:.John 8:44.

Everything you see in the world that isn't good, has influence of the dark side behind the scenes. Everywhere in nature we see contrasts, but it's the human experience that's really important where this push/pull of our natures toward evil is the dark side working to lean us through bad and into the horrendously evil side. That's their job on this Earth being a stage for humanity's learning.

Just as was allowed and even brought to pass, the evils befalling ancient Israel in the Old Testament, so they would wake up and smell the spirituality, so it was also in the Inquisition. Important to learn from it. What's to learn?

Christ said that you are creators. And by looking at us, we can see both the ways toward evil and toward good, depending upon if the mind is on higher consciousness things or the things of the devil, the lower consciousness ego level

You are the switch, so its important to learn what is of high consciousness and what is of ordinary low consciousness, so you don't go through life easily influenced.

The devil and those dark ones who are the same, are an opposing force, an actual energy of negativity where they literally feed off frequencies of evil. So, you want to make sure your frequencies are of the kind, compassionate true God of all good creation, by being aware of what is what, of what is going on with you. One's thoughts can be of the true God or at the door of negativity, the door to the dark side influences.

What does this door look like? What to be aware of here? The dark side puts out their lunch of negativity. On the plate presented is, dejection and fear, feelings of being left out, alone and circumstances influenced by such feelings. The dark side wants their evil frequencies to be selected.

Frequencies that can niggle on the mind are such as these 'I'm not good enough', 'I don't know how and can't learn how', I've always been poor', 'I came from a family where I learned nothing', 'I'm stupid'. One's defense to these lies.(John 8:44).is the sure knowing that."Whether day or night, you're always in the light.(*).".Psalms 34:15,16.

Ecclesiastes 8:12 "Though a sinner does evil a hundred times and his days be prolonged, yet surely I know that it's good with them that fear God, which fear before him."

The dark side is always out.(1Peter 5:8,9).to get and keep humanity frm the things of love, the things of the one and only true God, our heavenly Father. The dark side ones oppose the higher consciousness attitudes with those things a lower consciousness can produce when an individual opens influence to them by agreeing with them. These are the things we have come to know as good and evil:.2Timothy 3:3.

The devil, also known as the adversary.(that's what the name Satan means).and the accuser; an accuser is your adversary. They are no longer are able to accuse you and be an active adversary, unless we first 'open the door'. And the dark side ones have many tricks to get one to succumb.

When you feel guilty you have self-accused yourself. You are against yourself. You are 'of the devil', of the devilish side of your nature, of the darker side of living. The is the devil side of your being. This is the side of what occurs when not 'on the top' with God. And what would that be then? And, how to deal with it.

Where did evil come from and would it be gone if this being called the devil was gone? No. The dark side beings are simply the amplifiers of the choices man makes toward evil. If one chooses good.(the things of love), all things that may come, turn out for the better:.Romans 8:28.

What God does is always only and/or toward good:.Genesis 1:27,31 "So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him, male and female created he them...And God saw every thing that he had made and behold, it was very good..." Genesis 2:9 "And out of the ground made the Lord God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight and good for food, the tree of life in the midst of the garden, the tree of knowledge of good and evil."

humanity came to comprehend that when his thoughts are on the evil, the selfish side, he was subject to the influence of the devil. We are instructed to be ever alert for the evil side of us arising:.1Peter 5:8. Again, it's what you choose. So, it's important to be on the qui vive so you are aware of every thought, however slight, that comes to your mind, so you can flick the switch hopefully only one way.

This devil or devilish side of any one of us, is easily tempted: Matthew 4:1. James explains this tempting as being of our own nature:.James 1:14. But it can be amplified by the dark side. In Revelation 20:2, the devil here is called an 'old serpent'. Today we call the evil nature side of humanity, the dark side.

And, from one unfulfilling dark side circumstance comes another. Such is the work of this dark side. It's an endless chain at the level of consciousness that can't seem to break out of its prison. But hey! We are what we are here on this Earth at where we may presently be. But hey! We can rise to a higher level of consciousness if we so choose.

What if you had no shadows? If you didn't know you were in the shadows how would you know the difference between them and the light? A shadow is dark energy within us that needs to experience light to dissipate. How

The devil, a real being of a spirit world few understand is the one in charge of the perpetuation of deeds of evil in the physical world we know.(Galatians 1:4), the one who knows what to throw at you when a door is opened by you reacting to your ego and who would have you hurt in every way possible till you're gone. That's his job! To 'take you down' is his purpose, down to the point where you may finally grasp what's needed for life now and forever:.1Timothy 6:19 "Laying up in store for themselves a good foundation against the time to come, that they may lay hold on eternal life."

The works of the dark side are pervasive:.1John 3:8 "...For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil."

The devil is not alone. He has others with him:.Matthew 12:26. Demons are what we call bodiless spirits:.Mark 5:1-19. Some demons are more vicious than others:.Matthew 12:43-45. They are actually negative energies looking to express, looking to flow into akin.attitudes causing increasingly negative circumstances in the physical world both personal and collective. In other words, their job is to ruin life for all affected.

The high consciousness of Emmanuel cleansed the attitudes of many who had slid down demons' paths of negativity:.Matthew 8:16; 9:32,33. Demons need bodies to work out their evil plan of destruction of all humanity, thus their work of thwarting the Creator's intention to have humanity equal with Him and far above the angelic world in might. But when in the high consciousness realm, one is out of the work of the dark side.

You have a direct connection to the 'devil' world through responses to your ego. Living by the ego leads one into self-sabotage. And that is exactly where the dark side wants you led to. Why?

The contrast of good and evil happening to you is so you can learn which is which and choose:.Isaiah 7:16; 66:3,4; Jeremiah 21:8; Deuteronomy 30:19. The Creator's way is never to override you, just to urge you onto a better pathway for yourself.

The entire world has been deceived.(Revelation 12:9).by our own easily influenced egos which produce a way that seems right to us:.Proverbs 14:12. The not thinking ego is influenced by what's in the mass mind, when a path from it finds affinity with one's attitude. Then, once that happens, amplification can occur by the dark side pumping the attitude.

The devil really is the energy of the mostly evil mass consciousness all humanity has contributed to constructing since humanity has been on the Earth. It's a structure.

The devil virtually is the same as the unbridled selfish acts coming daily from each person's ego. Learn about the ego.

From this basically evil mass consciousness.(it is now in the process of being changed to a good mass consciousness, how and how you can help?), our ego can pull information into us from the mass consciousness, simply by being aligned with it, even unknowingly aligned with it. And that is automatic, as we all have our egos and live from them to a lesser or greater degree every moment of our lives while we learn to grow out and away from its influences.

The benchmarks of this darker side of all of us are greed, hate, intolerance, selfishness, deceit, me first and you, never or hardly ever.

We have created these invisible energies which hang around us and they are just as real as if they were an actual personage.

We have been duped by our egos, mostly unwittingly, allowing ourselves to become severed from the true reality of good available.

We have allowed ego to rule. This cuts us off from the higher consciousness things of the Spirit.

The world has been organized by this evil dark side influenced humanity, so that unbelieving.(Ephesians 2:2).humanity.(humanity out of touch with the Spirit of all).is subject to the principles of force, greed, selfishness and evil pleasures in such a way as to easily keep most of humanity out of the spiritual realm of love, until more high consciousness prevails

Thank the Infinite One for His plan that defeats forever the ways of the dark side. The Creator is responsible for it, for a purpose. And you are a dark side being if you have been run by your ego, even unknowingly, that is, not knowing that a higher consciousness side exists and is available. Now you know!

The dark side is allowed to continue being of effect in order to show humanity a lesson to be remembered forever into the future; a lesson that there is only one way:.Ephesians 6:12. So, we have hardships for our learning, which are as a result of our own decisions in doing what we felt was the right thing to do at the time.(Proverbs 14:12), again, not knowing any better way. But we are here to find it. And it has been found!

And if the Infinite's nature of love is in you, thanks to what Emmanuel did in coming to show us the way to the Father. You make the consciousness of the Father effective.(Galatians 5:4; 2Peter 2:21).through prayer, Bible study, meditation and service to others and when engaged in that, the dark side is no problem for your life.

The evils that work constantly on the attitudes of humanity can only affect you.(examples of the 'devil's' influence).when you accept negative ideas like: "you are a failure", "you are no good", "no one likes you", "you will always be broke", "think how much fun and/or interesting it would be to try this.(not the good things, but the bad things, that is what the dark side wants you into, then degradation of your character will take care of itself)", etc. These ideas get into you through subtle unGodly based philosophies. All life is a battle to regain your mind, to regain your mind's connection with the Soul.

Trials and sufferings will continue until we enter into this higher consciousness while here on Earth. They are needed until you arrive at a higher way of thinking, a higher way of being. They are needed to show you the need for a better way, by showing you that things need fixing.

Other ideas implanted or drawn into man's mind through any warped attitudes lead him down ultimately negative paths. They always involve greed and selfishness.

Ever wonder why some people lash out at others, seemingly out of the blue? It's an outcrop of the bullying, control syndrome which leads to corrupt relationships and dictatorships, such as these.

One has no idea that when he or she attacks another in some way, what he or she has set up for their own life. Such was the horribly corrupt Queen Mary I of England.

We often may wonder why they are the way they are?

Ephesians 2:2,3 "Wherein in time past you walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air.(the subtle influences and whisperings from the dark side pervade the air and come upon us to the degree we are not on the qui vive), ......the spirit.(the attitude).that now works.in.the children of disobedience; Among whom also we all had our conversation.(word 'conversation' is an old English word for 'conduct', that is why we wonder sometimes why we have thought and acted how we did, when it's not normally our way).in times past in the lusts of our flesh.(the devil side of energies works on attitudes by pumping the susceptible minds of confused souls having excessive desires, desires which cloud out reasonable normality; such negative energies work in those predisposed to confusion and depression, those who may be disappointed with God, like Darwin was), fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind and were by nature.(our default nature).the children of wrath.(original does not mean 'God's wrath', but refers to those whose concerns revolve around selfish sensitivities to the point of not caring for others {example, what are your emotions regarding the passing of a wealthy family member and especially, how much money may have been left to be split up?}, even as others.(and who are these 'others')."

The Infinite has cleared the way to put us into a spiritual realm if we so choose, but most do not know a choice exists. That is why this website:.Hebrews 2:14 "...through death he destroyed him.(from enacting work upon those believing in Christ).that had the power of death, that is, the devil."

Christ came to set us free from being prisoners of our own downward ego perpetrated and perpetuated desires, that is, these wrong desires.(wrong because they hurt you and others).bring more into life of what may have been mentally and emotionally held by a person. And so, the person so inclined is taken downward to his own destruction.

Matthew 13:38,39 "The field is the world; the good seed are the children of the kingdom.(and how do they think that makes them thus); but the tares are the children of the wicked one, the enemy that sowed them is the devil.....".And the devil part of us is always open to lying spirits, attitudes used to manipulate circumstances for selfish advantage which causes later destruction in some way.

2Timothy 2:26 "And that they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil, who are taken captive by him at.(original for 'at' is 'into').his will."

Being in the snare of the devil is being unlike the higher consciousness way of the Infinite One. Most of us live on the dark side, simply because we have not been introduced to a better way, but we all will be introduced to it, the quicker the more good hearted people with wisdom introduce it to others. What is their work to do this? 

Because of the ego, we all had a 'deck stacked against us':.again, Matthew 13:38,39.

"Democracy is only an experiment in government."....William Ralph Inge. About governments.

"Democracy can be explained as 'two wolves and a lamb, voting on what to have for dinner' or 'A political system
calculated to make an intelligent minority subject to the
will of the stupid."...Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900)

"Americans should select and prefer Christians as their rulers."....John Jay, very first American Supreme Court Justice. And, for those of Christian principles this can be effectively done by simply following the original American Constitution, as it's based on principles of God and the true God is good.

Why Christians? Because they are of God if they are true Christians.

Democracy is a political or social unit that has such a government. Democracy is sold as being for the common people, considered as the primary source of political power. Here we find majority rule. Democracy, in principle, however does not often in fact live up to the name many believe demoncracy to be. Political corruption is rampant. Principles of social equality and respect for the individual within a country is circumvented by so-called democracies. 

Democracy, called by some people, 'demon racism', has also been called, a system of government where 51% of the people can enslave the other 49%, where elections are regularly rigged and where the preprogrammed brainwashed majority's decisions are later proven to have often been not the wisest.

Originally.purported or hijacked from republican concepts as a system of control of government, where.citizens in each state.(region, district, area).hold the supreme authority and are considered the primary source of political power and where, if the people so wish, decide which individuals in respective regions, districts and areas represent their ideas, collective will and any regulations they want as general governing fair principles and elect such individuals by well informed, intelligent supporters and where such elected officials, called representatives, are held accountable to those who elected them and can only apply regulations allowed within guidelines of their people's constitution and with the constrains developed and approved by it, which includes immediate removal if the will of We the People is not followed as monitored by a peoples' coalition.

The Constitution of the United States of America Inc. is an example of a constitution tricked upon its people in 1871, years after the original proper constitution of 1776. The phony one of 1871 to today, began with the foreign secret agent Benjamin Franklin.

World controller types, out only for themselves have mostly modeled their own constitutions in countries. Absolute control by the people is of course left out and absolute control by the framers of such documents has in many areas of governance been entrenched away from public knowledge. Corrupt.

Australia, Canada, South Africa, New Zealand, Irish Free Republic, Europe, etc., have constitutions with much governing hidden away from monitoring by the public, thanks to controlled news and hindering of investigative reporters regarding matters that affect the public adversely and affect the controllers advantageously.

Canada is yet to have a full and proper constitution, in spite of what people there have been led to believe. Good political leaders such as Brian Peckford have brought forth principles helpful towards We the People in control of their own country.

The original base for a lot of governments has been the 1776 American Constitution. Democracy is not founded on it. Democracy was founded by what we call the cabal. Democracy, submerges freedom for surreptitious communistic / totalitarian.methods of people control. Read the Communistic Manifesto and note communistic principles in countries you have been conditioned by controlled news and education to think are democratic. They are not.

Republic.(means 're people', 're public' or 'we the people')
The United States of America was originally a constitutional republic, although it has been called quite a few things over the years and is confusing to people. Confusion produced by corrupt world controllers is always used as a takeover of country tool and still is. A true republic.(compare 1776 with 1781, the original and the hijacked 'constitutional' replacement).is a nation that is represented by We the People putting into governing positions those decided upon NOT by world controllers to carry out.their.wishes.

Those individuals armed with their world controlling lies will be removed and replaced and worse. 

Those placed by We the People will not fail to do what they were put in place by We the People to do. If they even hint at something apart from the We the People constitution having now been put in place, they're outta there immediately. In a true republic neither the people in the form of groups or corporations, nor the government, can vote away the rights set down by men and women of a nation. Since Roman times this has been circumvented by those of what is called the cabal in order to subjugate others by controlling them and in ways We the People would never have approved of, but it was done gradually and surreptitiously so the people would not see the dangers. And the same goes on today, where we have many inconsistencies in governing. It's a higher consciousness heart that is needed to correct the evils of today and that's happening now. How?

Communism, Socialism, Marxism, Leninism
a totalitarian system of governing advocated by the educated idiocy of Karl Marx, Lenin, et al, who obviously believed in obscurantism and who adopted it from the Romans, where the populace, when right, are 'corrected' by.propaganda or force to the beliefs of those in positions of ruling.

According to a former U.S.A. government employee."Communism, Marxism, Leninism is the revolutionary materialistic ideology used by its adherents to justify their efforts by any and all means for the forcible establishment of a worldwide totalitarian social order."

Communism is totalitarianism presented in such a way that hopefully a majority of people will accept it, that is until it turns around and bites you, but then it's too late.

Wherever communism has been tried, the state does not wither away. It stays on to terrorize the people into submitting to the few who have seized control. No one but the governing body has any rights, although through propaganda delivered by a complict corrupt controlled media, people are led to believe that they have rights, when in reality, what they think are rights are simply some privileges allowed to keep people thinking they possess rights, while they get further enslaved. It's brainwashing. Such a system is devoid of transparency and honesty, hiding from the people to be affected by a governing set of arbitrary totalitarian edicts imposed upon them by making the people fearful; don't do this, don't do that, etc.

"A society that values its privileges above its freedoms will soon loose both."....Dwight D. Eisenhower.

Vladimir Lenin put it during Russia's infamous Bolshevik Revolution."The goal of socialism is communism", of course with a ruling group immune to supervision by men and women of their nation, that type of socialism, better called the capitalism of today, where corporations and governments hide behind laws they ensure are put through for their benefit, even though those laws may well be inimical to the best interests of people.(such as).or, to put it another way, their laws are of selfishness and not of love, being laws not of oneness, not of togetherness, not of God, but of separation and division:.Proverbs 25:18

Laws that are set up so one side gains advantage at the expense of the other side, are illegal laws according to the Creator's ways of love. Such laws are tolerated today as the dark side continues working on humans through those of mankind.who are susceptible to its ways, sucking both them and those of humanity into a vortex of selfishness and greed and appealing to them for their own gain at expense of others. In other words, the demons have been out to give us their mind.

Unfortunately though, many ordinary consciousness people need to have someone over them.(*).because, as shown by their actions, many seem unfit to even manage the important things of their lives, such as families and jobs and some can't even manage themselves. So when a people is like this, what does God do. Well, let's look at what God did:.Jeremiah 25:12.

God wanted them to have this kind of a heart, which would be good for their lives:.Deuteronomy 5:29;.Luke 16:10 "He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much and he that is unjust in the least is unjust also in much." Luke 19:17 "And he said unto him, Well, you good servant, because you have been faithful in a very little, have you authority over ten cities.".Judges 2:19.

Thank God some people are in control, such as the good militaries of the world or societies would be more chaotic than they are:.Lamentations 3:22 "It is of the Lord's mercies that we are not consumed...".And, who is behind those in positions of control for the better or the worse of humanity.


Full blown socialism is communism: a system allowing government to correct the majority of the peoples' wishes for surreptitious primary benefit to the few.(a step below communism).

a socialism offshoot, being a system of government where the government rules by parliamentary dictatorship.(look for examples where you live; you won't find them disseminated by a controlled media as there are almost no more investigative reporters in mainstream media; check the Internet for your query).and the people are propagandized to believe they are free and have it as good as it can get.

an opportunity for government to show who is correct.

what other way can they give you privileges while maintaining total control of you and all you may have?."The most successful tyranny is not the one that uses force to assure uniformity 
but the one that removes the awareness of other possibilities, 
that makes it seem inconceivable that other ways are viable
that removes the sense that there is an outside."....The Closing of the American Mind.(*), Allan Bloom.

originally intended to be an economic system which determines the current best way to accomplish serving the needs and wants of men and women, however, has evolved into a system capitalizing on the productive capacity of populations with corporate profit concentrations moving into as few hands as possible, effectively turning it into communism, because such a system is tinted with instituting communistic regulations under the umbrellas of capitalism, confusion, news control and propaganda, in order to deceive those affected thereby. This brings sophisticated slavery into vogue for increasing numbers of people where one can earn $34. an hour while having to exist within a $48. an hour environment; a kleptocratic system where competition inevitably leads to ruinous periodic crashes stranding vast numbers of workers and their families in substandard living conditions. It's a system where corporations would rather pay taxes which do nothing for the economy, but only reduce the dollars in circulation making it more difficult for the slaves affected thereby.(money for running the programs the country has, comes from issuance of bonds, not income tax collected)

Increase of an employee's income, who in turn would spend it into society. Such principles help in eliminating economic slavery. Have the dark side energies got ahold of the minds of corporate leaders or are they just normally dummer than a clump of mud and uninterested in and unattending to the needs of their employees or do they know exactly what and why they are doing any negatives they do, being part of the cabal control by means of corporations?

Capitalism has become corrupted from a means of production and distribution mostly owned/managed by those workers.(still is by Semco).dedicated to their company, where the development is proportionate to the accumulation and reinvestment of profits gained in a market that fairly serves others, to separation of workers from effective management and owners being those with interest not in daily company affairs, but bottom line reimbursements for arms length investment strategies, often by others living even in other countries, where their expected profits are paramount, company service to customers and employees is secondary and worse, not even being an effective concern at all with some companies.

an opportunity for government to make money on the distribution of goods and services

an excuse for the state to interfere with the freedom of individuals within it

-and, many other ISM's
