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to pass one by who has paid the fees; to look the other way (register your vehicle, which means you give it to us, pay the fee and we allow you to drive it on our roads, which you paid for and we give you a license for your vehicle, also for a fee, if you also have paid for another license in order to to drive the vehicle - a total scam of corrupt govenments); to wave on (waver of prosecution; if you pay the corrupt police some money, they'll wave you on and you can go through the gate without hesitation)
waver, wavered, wavering, wavers.intransitive verbs
to move unsteadily back and forth; to exhibit irresolution or indecision; vacillate.(wavered over buying a house); to become unsteady or unsure; falter (his resolve began to waver); to tremble or quaver in sound, as of the voice or a musical note; to flicker or glimmer, as light
synonyms.swing, hesitate, vacillate

wave, waved, waving, waves.verbs
intransitive verb use.to move freely back and forth or up and down in the air, as branches in the wind; to make a signal with an up-and-down or back-and-forth movement of the hand or an object held in the hand (waved as she drove by); to have an undulating or wavy form; curve or curl (her hair waves naturally) transitive verb use.to cause to move back and forth or up and down, either once or repeatedly (she waved at her boyfriend when she saw him arrive); to move or swing as in giving a signal; to signal or express by waving the hand or an object held in the hand (we waved when we saw them drive up to the house); to signal a person to move in a specified direction (the police officer waved the motorist into the right lane); to arrange into curves, curls or undulations (wave one's hair)
a ridge or swell moving through or along the surface of a large body of water; a small ridge or swell moving across the interface of two fluids and dependent on surface tension; the sea (saw some whales amongst the waves); something that suggests the form and motion of a wave in the sea; a moving curve or succession of curves in or on a surface; an undulation (waves of wheat wafting in the wind); a curve or succession of curves, as in the hair; a curved shape, outline or pattern; a movement up and down or back and forth (a wave of the hand); a surge or rush, as of sensation (a wave of nausea; a wave of indignation); one of a succession of mass movements (the first wave of settlers to North America); a maneuver in which fans at a sports event simulate an ocean wave by rising quickly in sequence with arms upraised and then quickly sitting down again in a continuous rolling motion; a widespread, persistent.meteorological.condition, especially of temperature (a heat wave)

the distance between one wave's motion, being the peak or crest of a wave of light, heat, water or other energy and the next corresponding peak or crest, its frequency, the number of crests that move past a point in one second

while at the same time; it being the fact that; inasmuch as; while on the contrary; as a result of the fact that; because, as, considering, seeing that, since
an introductory statement to a formal.document; a preamble; a conditional statement

in accordance with which; by or through which; a system or action whereby something happens is one that makes that thing happen (a system whereby people choose those whom they wish to represent them regarding.matters affecting them)

for this purpose or cause; for what purpose or reason; why; therefore
a purpose or cause (wanted to know all the whys and wherefores)

in what way; how (wherein have we missed the mark?)
in which location; where (the country wherein those people live); during which; in what way; how (showed them wherein they will need a direction change)

of what (I know whereof I speak); of which (ancient pottery whereof many examples are lost); of whom
whereof adverb

the thing or things with which; with what; with or by means of which ("...wherewith it be salted"....Matthew 5:13; tools for gardening wherewith to plant seeds)
by means of which
with what or which

writhe, writhed, writhing, writhes.verbs
intransitive verb use.to twist, as in pain, struggle or embarrassment; to move with a twisting or contorted.motion
transitive verb use.to cause to twist or squirm; contort
the act or an instance of writhing; a contortion

a clear, colorless, odorless and tasteless liquid, h2o, essential for most plant and animal life and the most widely used of all solvents which comes in three forms. Freezing point 0°C (32°F); boiling point 100°C (212°F); specific gravity (4°C) 1.0000; weight per gallon (15°C) 8.337 pounds (3.772 kilograms); but why is it the way it is?
diminished in force or effect
keep one's head above water.idiom
to stay out of financial difficulties

a water-soluble substance is solid but becomes liquid when mixed with water

a natural or artificial.channel.through.which water flows; a stream or river is a watercourse

winnow, winnowed, winnowing, winnows.transitive verbs
to separate the chaff from grain by means of a current of air; to rid of undesirable parts; to blow chaff off or away; to blow away; scatter; to blow on; fan (a breeze winnowing the tall grass)

authorization, sanction or warrant; justification or valid grounds for an act or a course of action; an insured's guarantee that the facts are as stated in reference to an insurance risk or that specified conditions will be fulfilled to keep the contract effective; a judicial.writ; a warrant; a guarantee given to the purchaser by a company stating that a product is reliable and free from known defects and that the seller will, without charge, repair or replace defective parts within a given time limit and under certain conditions

authorization or certification; sanction, as given by a superior; justification for an action or a belief; grounds; something that provides assurance or confirmation; a guarantee or proof
Law:.a judicial writ authorizing an officer to make a search, a seizure or an arrest or to execute a judgment; a warrant officer

warrant officer.noun,.plural.warrant officers
a warrant officer is a person in the army, the air force or the marines who is above the rank of sergeant and below the rank of lieutenant; an officer in the armed forces holding rank by virtue of a warrant and ranking above a noncommissioned officer and below a commissioned officer; in the United States Navy, a warrant officer is above the rank of petty officer and below the rank of ensign

warrant, warranted, warranting, warrants.transitive verbs
to be necessary (the judge's actions were not warranted, in fact completely unwarranted); to guarantee or attest to the quality, accuracy or condition of, to the character or reliability of; vouch for; to guarantee a product or performance; to guarantee a purchaser indemnification against damage or loss; see also guarantee
warrantable, warrantless.adjectives

a miserable, unfortunate or unhappy person; a person regarded as base, mean or despicable; Middle English 'wrecche' from Old English 'wrecca' meaning 'exile, 'deserving exile'

wretched.(pronounced retch id), wretcheder, wretchedest.adjectives
in a deplorable state of distress or misfortune; miserable (the wretched prisoners huddling in the stinking cages); characterized by or attended with misery or woe (a wretched life); of a poor or mean character; dismal (a wretched building); contemptible; despicable.(wretched treatment of the patients); of very inferior quality (wretched prose)

wean, weaned, weaning, weans.transitive verbs
to accustom (the young of a mammal) to take nourishment other than by suckling; to detach from that to which one is strongly habituated or devoted (she weaned herself from too much white bread sugary foods)

ward, warded, warding, wards.transitive verbs
to guard; protect
ward off.phrasal verb to turn aside; parry-(ward off an opponent's blows); to try to prevent; avert (took vitamins to ward off head colds)

wild-goose chase.noun.plural.wild-goose chases
a futile pursuit or search

very large; a whopper; huge (a walloping fish); very fine; impressive (a walloping success)
used as an intensive.(a walloping huge lie)
a sound thrashing or defeat
walloped, walloping, wallops.transitive verbs
to beat soundly; thrash; to strike with a hard blow; to defeat thoroughly
intransitive use.to move in a rolling, clumsy manner; waddle; to boil noisily
a hard or severe blow; the ability to strike a powerful blow (the building came down with a wallop); the capacity to create a forceful effect (the movie packed a powerful emotional wallop)

warp, warped, warping, warps.verbs
transitive verb use.to turn or twist wood, for example, out of shape; to turn from a correct or proper course; deflect; to affect unfavorably, unfairly or wrongly; bias; to arrange strands of yarn or thread so that they run lengthwise in weaving
the state of being twisted or bent out of shape; a distortion or twist, especially in a piece of wood; a mental or moral twist, aberration or deviation

if you wonder about something, you think about it, either because it interests you and you want to know more about it or because you are concerned about it (I wonder if they'll come and visit us this year); the emotion.aroused.by.somethingconspicuousness that is awe.inspiring, astounding or marvelous and creates astonishment, surprise or admiration (gazed with wonder at the northern lights)
wonder, wondered, wondering, wonders.verbs
intransitive verb use.to have a feeling of awe or admiration; to have a feeling of surprise; to be filled with curiosity
transitive verb use.to feel curiosity about (wondered what was going on)
arousing awe or admiration; wonderful; far superior to anything formerly.recognized or foreseen
remarkable or extraordinary; wonderful
to a wonderful or remarkable extent

capable of eliciting wonder; astonishing ("The whale is one of the most wonderful animals in the world."....Charles Darwin); admirable; excellent

astonishment, awe or surprise; something that produces wonder; a marvel; puzzlement or curiosity

one who wastes, especially one who wastes money; a profligate; an idler or a loafer

wispy.adjective,.comparative and superlative forms.wispier; wispiest
very thin and light (high wispy clouds; she wore a dress made from some wispy material); not thick or full (her hair was wispy; she had soft wispy bangs, the wispy beginnings of a beard);
very soft and quiet (her voice was wispy {barely audible} to me)
a small bunch or bundle, as of straw, hair or grass; one that is thin, frail or slight (she was a tiny wisp of a person); a thin or faint.streak or fragment, as of smoke or clouds; a fleeting.trace or indication; a hint (a wisp of a smile); a flock of birds, especially snipe
wisp, wisped, wisping, wisps.verbs
transitive verb use.to twist into wisps or a wisp
intransitive verb use.to drift in wisps (smoke wisping from chimneys)

well, well up, wells up welled, welling, wells.verbs
intransitive verb use.to rise to the surface, ready to flow, as of feelings and thoughts (tears welled in my eyes; smoke swelled from it); to rise or surge from an inner source (the answer I sought from God just welled up in my mind one day; of a liquid rising up to the surface and spilling or be about to spill)
transitive use.to pour forth

better, best; in a good or proper manner (behaved well); skillfully or proficiently (dances well); satisfactorily or sufficiently (slept well); successfully or effectively (gets along well with people); in a comfortable or affluent manner (lived well); in a manner affording benefit or gain; advantageously (married well); with reason or propriety; reasonably (can't very well say no); in all likelihood; indeed (you may well need your umbrella); in a prudent or sensible manner (you would do well to keep your mouth shut); in a close or familiar manner (knew them well); in a favorable or approving manner (spoke well of them); thoroughly; completely (well cooked; cooked well); perfectly; clearly (I well understand your intentions); to a suitable or appropriate degree (well pleased); to a considerable extent or degree (well over the estimate); with care or attention (listened well); entirely; fully (well worth seeing)
well enough.adverb
done in a way that is at least.appropriate.though could have been done better; done to an adequate.degree of acceptance
well founded.adjective
based on sound judgment, reasoning, evidence and/or on proof positive; valid; sensible; well grounded
well meaning.adjective
well intentioned
well-nigh also well nigh.adverb
well-nigh means almost, but not completely or exactly (finding a rug that's just the color, size and price you want can be well-nigh impossible)
prosperous; affluent
better, best; in a satisfactory condition; right or proper (all is well; right well, if that be the case I should then head out before the storm comes); not ailing, infirm or diseased; healthy; advisable; prudent (it would be well not to ask); fortunate; good (it is well that you stayed)
the word 'well' can be used as:
...satisfactorily.as in a successful or satisfactory way (did you sleep well?; James reads quite well for his age; the team played very well today; Sally doesn't work well under pressure; the party was very well organized; the school concert went very well; all's well that ends well)
...throughly.as in a thorough way (mix the flour and butter well; I know the city quite well; )
...a lot.or to a great degree (well before, well after, well above, well below, etc (stand well back from the bonfire; it was well after 12 o'clock when they arrived; the country of Holland is well below sea level; the south of Spain is well worth a visit; the boss is not well aware of the problems involved;
...do well.is to be successful, especially in work or business (he's doing very well at college; she's done well for herself since she moved to the south of Spain; he is doing well becoming healthy once again after the fall)
...as well.means in addition to something or someone else; also (why don't you come along as well?; they own a house in France as well as a villa in Spain; the church gives help and support to people in need, as well as raising money for some local charities.
...may well, may as well, might well, might as well.is used to say that something is likely to happen or is likely to be true (what you say may well be true; you could try the drugstore, but it might well be closed by now); I suppose we may as well get started; the taxi was so slow we might just as well have gone on the bus.
...can't very well.is used to say that you cannot do something because it would be unacceptable (I can't very well tell them to go and purchase presents as they just landed and will be tired)
-emphasizing something.(well, I think it's a good idea; well, I've had enough late night for this week; she doesn't want to come to the cinema with us; well then, let's go on our own)
-pausing.(well, let's see now, I could meet you on Thursday
-accepting a situation.(well, I did my best and can't do any more than that; oh well, the snow means we'll just have to cancel the trip to the mountains till another day)
-showing annoyance.(well, she could at least have phoned to say she wasn't coming!)
-showing surprise.(well, he's finally going to visit his parents overseas; well, well, well, I didn't think I'd see you here)
-final remark.(well, that's all for today; well, the last one's done)
-expressing doubt.(well, it depends if he shows up before or after we start the meal)
...More.(she has always spoken well of you; you have done so well in life; well said!; if we can get the help to build the house on the farm that they promised, we'll be well away)
Usage note: used as an adjective applied to people, well usually refers to a state of health, whereas good has a much wider range of senses. The word 'good' is an adjective (example, a good attempt and in, her English is very good)
  The word 'good' is not used as an adverb in standard English. Instead use 'well' as in, she speaks English extremely well. 
  The comparative form of both 'good' and 'well' is the word 'better', as an adjective (his first book was better) and as an adverb (we'll play better next time)
  The superlative form of both 'good' and 'well' is the word 'best'; adjective (who is the best singer?) and as an adverb (you can use maple syrup or honey, but maple syrup works best in that recipe).
   It has always been a first principle of grammatical criticism that there should be no difference without a distinction and perhaps for this reason, some critics have insisted that the expression 'feel good' cannot be used in reference to health. It is true that there is a distinction between 'feel well' and 'feel good', but both can be applied to a state of health, thus a patient suffering from a chronic disease might appropriately say to a doctor 'I feel good today', which implies a relative lack of physical discomfort. By contrast 'I feel well today' would be appropriate if the patient believes that the ailment has disappeared. See Usage note at good; See Usage note at best. See more Usage notes.
used to introduce a remark, resume a narrative or fill a pause during conversation; used to express surprise (well, what's next?)
as well.idiom
in addition; also (mentioned other matters as well); with equal effect (I might as well come and see you)
in well with.idiom
in a position to influence or be favored by (he's in well with her family)
right well, well then.idiom
very.well (right well, having considered what we have to do to get the vehicle in shape, well then, let's get at it)

a deep hole or shaft sunk into the Earth to obtain water, oil, gas or brine; a container or reservoir for a liquid, such as ink; a place where water issues from the Earth; a spring or fountain; a mineral spring; a watering place; an abundant source (a well of information); a cistern with a perforated bottom in the hold of a fishing vessel for keeping fish alive; an enclosed space for receiving and holding something, such as the wheels of an airplane when retracted

all the good things, health, happiness, safety, goodness, well-being, prosperity, love, good fortune, well-being, freedom from oppression; providing of social assistance to the needy; welfare.attributive.often used to modify another noun (a welfare hotel; welfare families)
on welfare.idiom receiving regular assistance because of need from someone helping, such as could also be a government or private agency

whiskey also whisky.noun,.plural.whiskeys also whiskies
an alcoholic liquor distilled from grain, such as corn, rye or barley and containing approximately 40 to 50 percent ethyl alcohol by volume; a drink of such liquor