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given to or marked by prudence and restraint in the use of material.resources; deficient or limited in quantity, fullness or extent; forbearing; lenient

spare, spared, sparing, spares.verbs
transitive verb use.to refrain from treating harshly; treat mercifully or leniently; to refrain from harming or destroying; to save or relieve from experiencing or doing something (spared herself the trouble of going); to hold back from; withhold or avoid (spared no expense for the celebration); to use with restraint (spare some of the mustard for the rest of the sandwiches); to give or grant out of one's resources; afford (can you spare ten minutes?)
intransitive verb use.to be frugal; to refrain from inflicting harm; be merciful or lenient
spare, sparer, sparest.adjectives
kept in reserve (a spare part; a spare pair of sneakers); being in excess of what is needed; extra; superfluous; free for other use; unoccupied (spare time)
a replacement (a tire, reserved for future need); in bowling, the act of knocking down all ten pins with two successive rolls of a bowling ball; the score so made
to spare.idiom
in addition to what is needed (we paid our bills and had money to spare)
spareness, sparer.nouns

being more than or in excess of what is needed or required (surplus grain); superfluous
an amount or a quantity in excess of what is needed; in accounting, the total assets (how much you have) minus the sum of all liabilities (what you owe)

a sample is an actual part of something larger, presented as evidence of the quality or nature of the whole (distributing samples of a new detergent; gave us a sample of her temper); a portion, piece or segment that is representative of a whole (have a sample to taste the orange); an entity that is representative of a class; a specimen; an example
sample, sampled, sampling, samples.transitive verbs
to take a sample of, especially to test or examine by a sample (he tried most of the sample at the farmers' market)
serving as a representative or an example (sample test questions; a sample piece of fabric) 

of this kind (a single parent, one of many such people in the neighborhood); of a kind specified or implied (a boy such as yourself); of a degree or quality.indicated (their anxiety was such that they could not sleep; of so extreme a degree or quality (never dreamed of such beauty as they found in New Brunswick)
to so extreme a degree; so (such beautiful flowers; such a funny character); very; especially (she has always been in such perfect health)
such a person or persons or thing or things (was the mayor and as such presided over the council; expected it all to go well and such occurred); itself alone or within itself (money as such will seldom bring deep and total happiness); someone or something implied or indicated (such are the confounded ways of so-called modern medicine); similar things or people; the like (pins, needles and such)
such as.idiom
for example

silly, sillier, silliest.adjectives
exhibiting a lack of wisdom or good sense; foolish; lacking seriousness or responsibleness; frivolous.(his continued thinking that the planets revolve around the Sun is silly and in the light of correct information, is foolish); weak in intellect by allowing thoughts to flirt around and stupid actions to follow

not domesticated or cultivated; wild (savage beasts of the jungle) not civilized; barbaric (a savage people were the Americans regarding the American Indians); ferocious; fierce (in a savage temper); vicious; brutal (savage attacks by the U.S. Army on Indians); cruel; lacking polish or manners; rude
a person regarded as primitive or uncivilized; a person regarded as brutal, fierce or vicious; a rude person; a boor
savage, savaged, savaging, savages.transitive verbs
to assault ferociously; to attack without restraint or pity (the critics savaged the new play)

the quality or condition of being savage; an act of violent cruelty; savage behavior or nature; barbarity

swell, swelled.or.swollen, swelling, swells.verbs
intransitive verb use.to increase in size or volume as a result of internal.pressure; expand; to increase in force, size, number or degree (membership in the club swelled); to grow in loudness or intensity; to bulge out, as a sail; to rise or extend above the surrounding level, as clouds; so rise in swells, as the sea; to be or become filled or puffed up, as with pride, arrogance or anger
transitive verb use.to cause to increase in volume, size, number, degree or intensity (increased vaccinations only swelled the number of injuries); to fill with emotion
the act or process of swelling; the condition of being swollen; a swollen part; a bulge or protuberance; a long wave on water that moves continuously without breaking; a rise in the land; a rounded elevation; in music, a crescendo followed by a gradual diminuendo; the sign indicating such a crescendo
swell, sweller, swellest.adjectives
fashionably elegant; stylish (she looks swell in that dress); excellent; wonderful (had a swell time)

support, supported, supporting, supports.transitive verbs
to bear the weight of, especially from below; to hold in position so as to keep from falling, sinking or slipping; to be capable of bearing; withstand; to keep from weakening or failing; strengthen; to provide for or maintain, by supplying with money or necessities; to furnish.corroborating.evidence for; to aid the cause, policy or interests of; to act in a secondary or subordinate.role to a leading.performer; uphold
something that supports, as a structural member of a building (the building's foundation was comprised of strong steel girders); one who promotes or advocates; an adherent (a supporter of disadvantaged children); the state of being supported; one that supports, such as maintenance, as of a family, with the necessities of life

furnishing support or assistance

bearable; endurable: supportable burdens

snug, snugger, snuggest.adjectives
comfortably sheltered; cozy; small but well arranged (a snug apartment; the snug quarters on the space stations); closely secured and well built; compact (a snug little sailboat; close-fitting (a snug jacket); seaworthy (the ship is snug and ready to sail); offering freedom from financial worry (a snug living); safe; secure (a snug hideout)
snug, snugged, snugging, snugs.verbs
transitive verb use.to make snug or secure
intransitive verb use.to nestle; snuggle
snug down.phrasal verb.
to prepare a vessel to weather a storm, as by taking in sail or securing movable gear

snuggle, snuggled, snuggling, snuggles.verbs
intransitive verb use.to lie or press close together; cuddle; to curl up closely or comfortably; nestle (snuggled happily under the covers)
transitive verb use.to draw close or hold closely, as for comfort or in affection; hug

smuggle, smuggled, smuggling, smuggles.verbs
intransitive verb use.to engage in smuggling; if someone smuggles things or people into a place or out of it, they take them there illegally or secretly
transitive verb use.to import or export without paying customs charges or duties; to bring in or take out illicitly or by stealth

shed, shedding, sheds.verbs
transitive verb use.to cause to pour forth (shed tears); to diffuse; send forth (shed light); to repel without allowing penetration (a duck's feathers shed water); when a tree sheds its leaves, its leaves fall off in the autumn; when an animal sheds hair or skin, some of its hair or skin drops off (some of the trees were already beginning to shed their leaves); to lose by natural process (a snake shedding its skin; humans shed constantly, that's why dogs can follow their trail); to rid oneself of something not wanted or needed (she shed 25 pounds as a result of cutting down on breads and regular sugar)
intransitive verb use.to lose a natural growth or covering by natural process; to pour forth, fall off or drop out (all the leaves have shed)
something that sheds, especially an elevation in the Earth's surface from which water flows in two directions; a watershed; something that has been shed

a small structure, either freestanding or attached to a larger structure, serving for storage or shelter; a shed is a small building that is used for storing things such as garden tools; a large low structure often open on all sides

one of the four natural divisions of the year, spring, summer, fall and winter, in the North and South Temperate zones; each season, beginning astronomically at an equinox or a solstice, is characterized by specific.meteorological or climatic conditions; the two divisions of the year, rainy and dry, in some tropical regions; a recurrent.period characterized by certain occurrences, occupations, festivities or crops (the holiday season; tomato season); a period of time (gone for a season)
(the seasonal changes in weather)
in accordance with the season
in keeping with the time or the season (apples picked in the fall season are fresh); occurring.or performed at the proper time; timely; opportune
(apples are available fresh when in season for picking)
of or dependent on a particular season
(what is the seasonality of weather where we will be traveling?)
in season.idiom
available or ready for eating or other use; ok to be caught or hunted during a specified period

season ticket.noun,.plural.season tickets
a ticket.valid for a specified.period of time, as for a series of performances or for transportation between designated points

seasonal affective disorder (SAD).noun
a mild form of depression.occurring at certain.seasons of the year, especially one recurring in winter that is characterized by loss of energy and sexual drive, restlessness and often a craving for carbohydrates

season, seasoned, seasoning, seasons.verbs
transitive verb use.to improve or enhance the flavor of food by adding salt, spices, herbs or other flavorings; to add zest, piquancy or interest to (seasoned the lecture with jokes); he was 86, well seasoned with life experiences to speak about his life's passion, the mind)
something, such as a spice or herb, used to flavor food; also called seasoner; the act or process by which something is seasoned
one that uses seasonings (the cook is a heavy seasoner)

season, seasoned, seasoning, seasons.verbs
transitive verb use.to treat or dry lumber, for example, until ready for use; cure

season, seasoned, seasoning, seasons.verbs
to render.competent.through the experiences of life (all people become seasoned by life as the years go by)
to accustom or inure; harden (soldiers seasoned by their experiences); to moderate; temper
intransitive verb use.to become usable, competent or tempered

Schwarzschild, Karl, 1873-1916, German astronomer, mathematician and physicist, born in Frankfurt, who predicted the existence of black holes. His first two papers on astronomy were published while still a schoolboy. After studying at the universities of Strasbourg and Munich, he was appointed Director of the Göttingen Observatory in 1901 and of the Astrophysical Observatory in Potsdam in 1909. He volunteered for military service at the start of World War I, but was invalided home in 1916 after contracting a rare skin disease, from which he died. His contributions were in the main theoretical and related to solar physics, relativity, stellar kinematics, photographic magnitudes, the study of rotating fluid masses and geometrical optics. In 1916 he postulated the Schwarzschild radius, on the basis of the general theory of relativity newly propounded by Albert Einstein. When a massive star explodes as a supernova, it may leave a remnant so compact that it lies wholly within this radius. Nothing, not even light, can escape from its intense gravitational field. Such objects are now known as black holes. ...Microsoft® Encarta® Encyclopedia 99. © 1993-1998 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.