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a sudden.thrust or pass, as with a sword; a sudden forward movement or plunge
lunge, lunged, lunging, lunges.verbs
intransitive verb use.to make a sudden thrust or pass (some Australian snakes will lunge at you just for walking by them); to move with a sudden thrust
transitive verb use.to cause someone to lunge

a public library is a building where things such as books, newspapers, videos and music are kept for people to read, use or borrow
Computers: a collection of instructions programs on the computer use as related to a specific.application

the front area from the waist to the knees of a seated person; an area of responsibility, interest or control (an opportunity for travel that dropped in his lap)
the lap of luxury.idiom
conditions of great affluence or material.comfort (an heiress living in the lap of luxury)

lap, lapped, lapping, laps.verbs
transitive verb use.to place or lay something so as to overlap another (roof tiles that were lapped so that water will run off); b. to lie partly over or on (each shingle lapping the next; shadows that lapped the wall); to fold.something over onto itself (a cloth edge that had been lapped and sewn to make a hem)
intransitive verb use.to lie partly on or over something; overlap; to form a lap or fold; to wind around or enfold something (he lapped the cord around the drill)
a part that overlaps; the amount by which one part overlaps another; one complete round or circuit, especially of a racetrack; one complete length of a straight course, as of a swimming pool;  a segment or stage, as of a trip; a length, as of rope, required to make one complete turn around something

lap, lapped, lapping, laps.verbs
transitive verb use.to take in a liquid or food by lifting it with the tongue; when an animal laps a drink, it uses short quick movements of its tongue to take liquid up into its mouth (the cat lapped water from a dish); to wash or slap against with soft liquid sounds (waves lapping the side of the boat)
intransitive verb use.to take in a liquid or food with the tongue; to wash against something with soft liquid sounds
the act or an instance of lapping (it was lap time for the cats); the amount taken in by lapping; the sound of lapping

a region of extreme northern Europe including northern Norway, Sweden and Finland and the Kola Peninsula of northwest Russia, largely within the Arctic Circle

angry; furious.(his face color changed with his anger); discolored, as from a bruise; black-and-blue; something that is livid is an unpleasant dark purple or red colour (the scarred side of his face was a livid red) 
lividness.noun.(words ending in 'ess' are usually without pluralization - adding an 'es' making '...esses' is clumsy)

a way of life or style of living that reflects the attitudes and values of a person or group

a human being animated by his soul; what is life if not the property or quality that distinguishes living organisms from dead organisms and inanimate matter, manifested in functions such as metabolism, growth, reproduction and response to stimuli?; the characteristic.state or condition of a living organism; living organisms considered as a group (plant life; marine life) 
true to life.idiom
conforming to reality

live, lived, living, lives.verbs
intransitive verb use.to be alive; exist; to continue to be alive; subsist (living on rice and fish; lives on a small inheritance); to reside; dwell (lives on a farm); to conduct one's life in a particular.manner (lived frugally); to enjoy life; to remain in human memory (childhood years are lived again and again whenever we think of them)
intransitive verb use.to go through; experience (he lived to a great age; cows live on grass; the barbeque had live coals burning and others are still hot and red); to spend or pass one's life (he lived most of his life in Canada); to live one's beliefs; to be
to have life (live animals); not yet exploded but capable of being (live ammunition); in electricity, carrying an electric current or energized with electricity; broadcast while actually being performed; not taped, filmed or recorded (a live television program such as the local news programs usually are)
at, during or from the time of actual occurrence or performance (NASA records many live happenings in space)
a dweller; an inhabitant; one who is living; one who lives in a specified manner (a high liver)
live down.phrasal verb
to live something down is to deal with it (misdeeds are dealt with in quiet times by spiraling back)

a disorderly.accumulation of objects; a pile of debris; b. carelessly.discarded.refuse, such as wastepaper (the litter in the streets after a parade); the offspring produced at one birth by a multiparous.mammal (a litter of kittens); a flock; an absorbent material, such as granulated.clay, for covering the floor of an animal's cage or excretory box (a box with kitty litter)
litter, littered, littering, litters.verbs
transitive verb use.to give birth to a litter; to make untidy by discarding rubbish carelessly (selfish picnickers litter the beach with food wrappers); to scatter about (littered towels all over the bathroom); to supply animals with litter for bedding or floor covering
intransitive verb use.to give birth to a litter; to scatter litter

liter.noun,.plural.liters.also litre litres
a metric.unit.of.volume equal to approximately 1.056 liquid quarts, 0.908 dry quart or 0.264 gallon; see WEIGHTS and MEASURES

any of numerous.reptiles, such as crocodiles and dinosaurs or other closely related reptiles, characteristically having a scaly.elongated body, movable eyelids, four legs and a tapering tail; lizard leather is made from the skin of one of these reptiles

thread made from fibers of the flax plant; the name of cloth.woven from this thread; articles or garments made from linen or a similar cloth, such as cotton; linen also refers to bed sheets and tablecloths
made of flax or linen; resembling linen

late, later, latest.adjectives
after expected time; coming, occurring or remaining after the correct, usual or expected time; delayed (the bus is late; a late breakfast; a late meeting); having begun or occurred just previous to the present time; recent (a late development); contemporary; up-to-date (the latest fashion); having recently occupied a position or place (the company's late president gave the address); dead, especially if only recently deceased (in memory of the late explorer we'll mount his picture in the lobby)
late, later, latest.adverbs
after the expected, usual or proper time (a train that arrived late; woke late and had to skip breakfast); at or until an advanced time (talked late into the evening; a project undertaken late in her career)
of late.idiom
in the period shortly or immediately preceding; recently; lately (of late have been feeling the need for a trip into nature)

any of numerous.reptiles.characteristically.having a scaly elongated body, movable eyelids, four legs and a tapering tail; leather made from the skin of one of these reptiles; the Komodo dragon is a lizard

the liquid.obtained.by.leaching wood ashes; see potassium hydroxide; see sodium hydroxide

lead, led, leading, leads.verbs
transitive verb use.to show the way to by going in advance; to guide or direct in a course (lead a horse); to serve as a route for; take (the path led them to a river); to guide the behavior or opinion of; induce (led us to believe evolution was more than a stupid.theory); to direct the performance or activities of (lead an orchestra); to play a principal or guiding role in (lead a discussion; led the way through the mountain pass); to go or be at the head of (her name led the list); to be ahead of (led the others in describing design in the universe); to be foremost in or among (led the field in free energy research); to pass or go through; live (lead an independent life); to guide a partner in dancing
intransitive verb use.to be first; be ahead; to go first as a guide; to afford a passage, course or route (a road that leads over the mountains; a door leading to the washroom); to tend toward a certain.goal.or.result (a remark that led to further discussion; policies that led in circles); to guide a dance partner
the first or foremost position; tne occupying such a position (he's the lead dog of the group); a leader; an indication of potential.opportunity; a tip (a good lead for a job); the principal role in a new movie; the person playing such a role; the introductory.portion of a news story; in games, the first play; the prerogative or turn to make the first play (the lead passes to the player on the left); in geology, a deposit of gold ore in an old riverbed (we found the lode in rock close to the river); in electronics, a conductor by which one circuit.element is electrically connected to another
lead off.phrasal verb
to begin; start; in baseball, to be the first batter in an inning
lead on.phrasal verb
to keep in a state of expectation or hope; entice; to mislead; deceive

symbolPb; a soft, malleable, ductile, bluish-white, dense.metallic.element, extracted chiefly from galena and used in containers and pipes for corrosives, solder and metal called type used in printing, bullets, radiation.shielding, paints and antiknock compounds, formerly added to gasoline engines, but now no longer allowed due to health reasons; Atomic number 82; atomic weight 207.19; melting point 327.5°C; boiling point 1,744°C; specific gravity 11.35; valence 2, 4. 2;
lead, leaded, leading, leads.transitive verbs
to cover, line, weight or fill with lead; in printing, to provide space between lines of type with leads; to secure window glass with leads; to use lead or a lead compound, such as used to be used in leaded gasoline and leaded paint