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Merriam-Webster's Collegiate® Dictionary (m-w.com)
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a museum is a building where a large number of interesting and valuable objects, such as works of art or historical items, are kept, studied and displayed to the public (museum exhibits; museum tours); one of over half a million spectacular artworks from the amazing.British Museum of Natural History

the motor in a machine, vehicle or boat is the part that uses.electricity or fuel to produce.movement, so that the machine, vehicle or boat can work (she got in and started the motor); something, such as a machine or an engine, that produces or imparts.motion; a device that converts any form of energy into mechanical energy, such as an internal-combustion engine or an arrangement of coils and magnets that converts electrical current into mechanical power
causing or producing motion (motor power); driven by or having a motor; of or for motors or motor vehicles (motor oil); of, relating.to.or.designating.nerves that carry.impulses from the nerve centers to the muscles; involving or relating to movements of the muscles (motor coordination; a motor reflex)
motor, motored, motoring, motors.verbs
intransitive verb use.to drive or travel in a motor vehicle
transitive verb use.to carry by motor vehicle

march, marched, marching, marches.verbs
intransitive verb use.to walk steadily and rhythmically forward in step with othersl to begin to move in such a manner; to proceed directly and purposefully (marched in to see the teacher); to progress.steadily.onward; advance (time marches on); to participate in an walk, as for a public cause
transitive verb use.to cause to move or otherwise progress in a steady, rhythmical manner
the act of marching; a long tiring journey on foot; steady forward movement or progression (the march of time)
the third month of the year in the Gregorian calenda

an area of soft, wet, low-lying land, characterized by grassy vegetation and often forming a transition.zone between water and land
marshy, marshier, marshiest.adjectives
of, resembling or characterized by a marsh or marshes; boggy;  growing in marshes
a marshy tract of land

the practice of diagnosing and treating aimed at restoring health and/or preventing disease while hopefully mitigating any damage to the body or mind by doing so by attempting the use of encompassing.methods.such as drugs and other means apart from surgery; the word is often used in combination, such as in medicine cabinet, medicine bottles, etc.; medicine is a concoction, usually of various chemicals approved for treatment after hopefully exhaustive testing, that one can preferably drink or swallow in order to.alleviate discomfort or illness

purposeful.distortion or faulty.formation; distortion of information to hide true intent; misinformation; abnormal or anomalous.formation or structure; deformity in something such as information twisted to appear not as originally intended (the covid fraud); deformity.caused by drugs and/or vaccines that were lyingly.'declared safe'; the cabal criminals always lie about their poisoning and planned harms they want to affect you, such as the drugs thalidomide and vioxx just for 2 examples, saying that they are 'safe and effective' and stupid doctors parrot the same malformations; see also disinformation
information formed incorrectly, usually in order to.deceive

an army composed of We the People of eligible age who uphold high principles in protecting the freeness of their peers and who have available for use the same armaments as their military

of, relating.to.or.characteristic of full time members of the armed forces (military attire); performed or supported by the armed forces (military service; military operations; armed forces)

an object or a weapon that is fired, thrown, dropped or otherwise projected at a target; a projectile; a guided missile; a ballistic missle

the muzzle of an animal such as a dog is its nose and mouth, the snout; a muzzle is also an object that is put over a dog's nose and mouth so that it cannot bite people or make a noise; the muzzle of a gun is the end where the bullets come out when it is fired; if you say that someone is muzzled, you are complaining that they are prevented from expressing their views freely; 
the forward, projecting part of the head of certain animals, such as dogs, including the mouth, nose and jaw
muzzle, muzzled, muzzling, muzzles.transitive verbs
to put a muzzle on an animal; to restrain from expression (tried to muzzle others so they wouldn't speak against him); to shut up

marry, married, marrying, marries.verbs
transitive verb use.to joinas spouses by exchanging.vows; to unite in a close.relationship, such as in marriage as husband and wife
intransitive verb use.to take a husband or wife; wed; to combine or blend.agreeably (let the flavors in the soup marry overnight)
a marriage is a wedding together, the relationship between a man and a woman, often called a husband and a wife
marital is used to describe things relating to marriage (she was keen to make her marital home in the country)

a mistaken.thought, idea or notion; a misunderstanding 

misunderstand, misunderstood, misunderstanding, misunderstands.transitive verbs
to not quite get another's meaning in what they say or in what their actions connote; to misinterpret; to perceive incorrectly
a failure to comprehend or interpret correctly; a disagreement or quarrel

producing many or more than one at a birth; giving birth to more than one offspring at a time; also, having given birth two or more times

dissatisfied with existing conditions
a chronically dissatisfied person; one who has reasons to be against any good he or she finds in life, an example of which is the ancient Pharisees in the time of Emmanuel on Earth:.Matthew 12:22-25 "...and he healed him, insomuch that the blind and dumb both spake and saw. And all the people were amazed...But when the Pharisees heard it, they said, This fellow does not cast out devils, but by Beelzebub the prince of the devils."

the act or an instance of moving; a change in place or position; a  particular.manner of moving (the little girl always moved with a skip and a jump as she happily walked along with her dad); a series of actions and events taking place over a period of time and working to foster a principle or policy (a movement toward world peace by meditation, such as outlined in the video Invincible Defense); a movement is also an organized.effort by supporters of a common.goal (the peace movement; the labor movement); a tendency or trend (a movement toward larger kitchens); a bowel movement (evacuation of the bowels); the matter so evacuated; in music, a self-contained section of a composition; a mechanism, such as the works of a watch, that produces or transmits.motion
Music:.one of the main parts into which a piece of music is divided, especially a symphony
move, moved, moving, moves.verbs
intransitive verb use.to change in position from one point to another (moved toward the sunshine; a story that moves slowly); to follow a specified course (Earth only appears to move around the Sun); to go from one location to another; relocate; to stir the emotions (words that have the power to move); to make a motion in parliamentary.procedure (move for an adjournment)
transitive verb use.to change the place or position of (moved her office from the basement to the new room on top of the garage; could easily move his arm)
the act or an instance of moving; a participant's turn to make a play (it's your turn to shuffle the cards)

possible to move (a movable stove; a movable rock); of or relating to personal.property that can be moved
something, such as a piece of furniture, that can be moved

the word monster is from 1200-1300 A.D. and is from the French word monere meaning to warn; in stories a monster is an imaginary or ancient.creature that is large, ugly and frightening
(a prehistoric monster; the search for Scotland's Loch Ness Monster); a cruel person; a small child who is behaving.badly; something large such as an animal that is unusually large (did you see the fish Dad caught? It was a monster!)
unusually large, giant (a monster cat; the song was a monster hit); a very large animal, plant or object
from the Old French word monstruos; shockingly.hideous; outrageous; exceptionally large; enormous (a monstrous tidal wave); abnormal
one that is monstrous; the quality or character of being monstrous