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cry, cried, crying, cries.verbs
intransitive verb use.to sob or shed tears because of grief, sorrow or pain; weep; to call loudly; shout (they forgot their cellphone so she ran out of the house and cried out to them, but the car's windows were up and they weren't looking); to utter a characteristic sound or call (at night they could hear the cries of different animals in the forest); to require.immediate.action or remedy; if you say that there is a crying need for something, you mean that there is a very great need for it (there is a crying need for clean oxygenated air)
transitive verb use.to utter loudly; call out; to proclaim or announce in public (crying their sales pitch to the passers by at the county fair); to bring into a particular.condition by weeping (cry oneself to sleep)
to demand.attention
a crying need for.idiom
a serious need for something (there is a crying need for honest people in all walks of life)
for crying out loud.idiom
used to express.annoyance or astonishment (for crying out loud, now we have another decision.averse to the best interests of people; for crying out loud we can't get going unless you do your part)
it's a crying shame.idiom
used to say that something is very sad or upsetting (it would be a crying shame if the village shop closed down)
a loud utterance of an emotion, such as fear, anger or despair; a shout or call; weeping (had a good long cry); an advertising of wares by calling out (vendors' cries at the fish market); the characteristic call or utterance of an animal; the baying of hounds.during the chase
cry one's eyes out.or.cry one's heart out.idiom
to weep inconsolably for a long time
cry on someone's shoulder.idiom
to tell one's problems to someone else in an attempt to gain sympathy or consolation
cry over spilled milk.idiom
to regret.in vain what cannot be undone or rectified
cry wolf.idiom
to raise a false.alarm

an ancient.region of southern Mesopotamia, settled circa.B.C.E. 1000. The captial of this region was Babylon. Ancient Abraham was born in Chaldea. Chaldea reached the height of its power under Nebuchadnezzar II. The Chaldean empire (map) was destroyed by Persians in B.C.E. 539.
Chaldean or Chaldee.adjective
of.or.relating.to Chaldea or its people, language or culture
Chaldean or Chaldee.noun,.plural.Chaldeans or Chaldees
a member of an ancient Semitic people who ruled in Babylonia; see Aramaic

one who communes with another; an advocate of the fascist.concepts of Karl Marx and Vladimer Lenin, puppets of the Khazarian.mafia which hides behind these front men, as it does today using the likes of 'nuttier than fruitcakes' Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, Biden, Trudeau, et al
relating to, characteristic of or held to resemble communism or communists; supporting, advocating or serving to further communism (communist propaganda)
of, characteristic of or inclined to communism
a totalitarian approach to control of people to their death; a theoretical.economic.system.characterized by the ownership and control of property and people by the government, utilizing the working class supposedly for the common.advantage of all people controlled by it, a nonsense deceitful satanic philosophy:.Revelation 12:9; communism is a system of government in which the state plans and controls the economy and a single, often authoritarian party member(s) holds power, claiming to make progress toward a higher social.order in which all goods are equally shared by the people, but often in such an economy, there lacks goods for all as promised and reduces population to reduce the threat to the controllers of uprisings against their deceitfully corrupt lying plans (John 8:44), one example being that of the Tiananmen Square.massacre of protesting students by the Marxist-Leninist.version of Communist doctrine that advocates the overthrow of other established systems of governing by fomenting.revolution of the proletariat

a chapter is one of the main divisions that a literary work such as a book is divided into, where each chapter has a number and usually a title, as in the Bible and such as John 1:2, which indicates that the book of John talked about here is chapter 1 and verse 2; a chapter is also a period in someone's life or in history during which a major event or series of related events takes place (steamboat travel opened a new chapter in the exploration of the West); a chapter is also a local branch of an organization, such as a club or fraternity (the Chicago chapter is admitting new members this year)

a series of connected spirals or concentric.rings.formed by gathering or winding (a coil of rope; long coils of hair); an individual spiral or ring within such a series; a spiral pipe or series of spiral pipes, as in a car's radiator; in electricity, a wound spiral of two or more turns of insulated wire, used to introduce inductance into a circuit; any of various.devices of which such a spiral is the major.component
coil, coiled, coiling, coils.verbs
transitive verb use.to wind in concentric rings or spirals; to wind into a shape resembling a coil
intransitive verb use.to form concentric rings or spirals; to move in a spiral course (black smoke coiling up into the sky)

passing through or lying on the same straight line; containing a common line; coaxial

clear, clearer, clearest.adjectives
free from clouds, mist or haze (a clear day); free from what dims, obscures or darkens; unclouded (clear water; bright, clear colors); free from flaw, blemish or impurity (a clear, perfect skin); free from impediment, obstruction or hindrance; open (a clear view); plain or evident to the mind; unmistakable (either it was her or an unmistakable likeness of her); easily.perceptible to the eye or ear; distinct; discerning or perceiving easily; keen (a clear mind)
distinctly; clearly (spoke loud enough to be clear); out of the way (stood clear of the doors); completely (slept clear through the night; read the book clear to the end)
clear, cleared, clearing, clears.verbs
transitive verb use.to make light, clear or bright; to rid of impurities, blemishes, muddiness or foreign matter (a good cleaning of the windows made them all clear again); to rid of objects or obstructions (cleared the table; clear the driveway of toys); to make a way or clearing by removing obstructions (clear a path through the forest; clear snow from the road); to pass by, under or over without contact (the boat cleared the overhead bridge); to secure the approval of (the bill missed clearing approval in the Senate because other items were slipped into it not related to the original bill)
intransitive verb use.to become clear (the sky cleared)
a clear or open space
clear out.phrasal verb
to leave a place, usually quickly
clear up.phrasal verb
to get appearances back to a normal.state (get the kids to clear up the mess they left)
clear the air.idiom
to dispel differences or emotional tensions
in the clear.idiom
free from burdens or dangers; not subject to suspicion or accusations of guilt
one who clears things up (where are the table clearers?)
something with clarity (her face radiated healthiness because of the clearness of her skin)

either of the two major.arteries, one on each side of the neck, that carry blood to the head
of.or.relating.to either of these arteries