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a person who has not experienced sexual intercourse; a chaste or  woman uncommitted and unattached to a man; a maiden
of, relating.to.or.being a virgin; chaste; being in a pure or natural state; unsullied (virgin snow); unused, uncultivated or unexplored (lots of raw land in this virgin territory); existing in native or raw form; not processed or refined; happening for the first time; initial; obtained.directly from the first pressing (extra virgin olive oil)
relating to, characteristic of or befitting a virgin; chaste; remaining in a state of virginity; untouched or unsullied;(the land over the hill is virginal); fresh
the quality or condition of being a virgin; the state of being pure, unsullied or untouched

green with vegetation; covered with green growth; green in hue
the lush greenness of flourishing vegetation; vigorous greenery; a fresh or flourishing condition (the verdure of childhood)

the state of being near in space or relationship; proximity (two restaurants in close vicinity); a nearby, surrounding or adjoining.region; a neighborhood; an approximate.degree or amount (houses priced in the vicinity of $50,000)

in a high degree; extremely (very happy; very much admired); truly; veritably; absolutely (the very best advice; attended the very same schools)
very well.adverb
up to the extent as would be expected (the children were taught the knowledge, but lacked a teacher to show applications of it); also 'very well' is used to express.agreement.or.acceptance; comprehension (she didn't think it would be a better place to move to, but said to him, Very well it's your choice)
very, verier, veriest.adjectives
complete; absolute (at the very end of this street is the restaurant I told you about; the very opposite of black is the color white); being the identical one; selfsame (that was the very question she asked yesterday); same; being.particularly.suitable.or.appropriate (the very item needed to increase customer satisfaction); being precisely as stated (the town meeting hall is in the very center of town); mere (the very thought is exciting)
Usage note: in general usage 'very' is not used alone to modify a past participle, thus we may say of a book for example, that it has been 'very much praised', 'very much criticized', 'very much applauded' or whatever, but not that it has been 'very praised', 'very criticized' or 'very applauded', however, many past participle forms do double duty as adjectives, in which case modification by a 'very' or by analogous adverbs such as 'quite' is acceptable, such as, there can be no objection to phrases such as 'a very creased handkerchief', 'a very celebrated singer' or 'a very polished performance'; when in doubt, the use of 'very much' is generally a safe alternative

in anatomy, a membranous.structure in a hollow.organ or passage, as in an artery or a vein, that folds or closes to prevent the return flow of the body fluid passing through it; any of various devices that regulate the flow of gases, liquids or loose materials through piping or through apertures by opening, closing or obstructing ports or passageways; the movable control element of such a device; in music, a device in a brass wind instrument that permits change in pitch by a rapid.varying of the air column in a tube; in biology, one of the paired, hinged shells of certain mollusks and of brachiopods; the entire, one-piece shell of a snail and certain other mollusks; in botany, one of the sections into which the wall of a seedpod or other dehiscent fruit splits
valve, valved, valving, valves.transitive verbs
to provide with a valve; to control by means of a valve

a device for transporting persons or things; a conveyance (a space vehicle; a land vehicle such as the one for seeing the Columbia Ice Fields); a self-propelled conveyance that runs on tires; a motor vehicle; a truck; a medium through which something is transmitted, expressed or accomplished (the news in many countries is increasingly a vehicle for corporate and/or government propaganda); a play, role or piece of music used to display the special talents of one performer or company
of, relating.to.or.intended for vehicles, especially motor vehicles; serving as a vehicle (a vehicular contrivance)

the flesh of a deer used as food

food fit for human consumption; food supplies; provisions
victual, victualed, victualing, victuals.verbs
transitive verb use.to provide with food
intransitive verb use.to lay in food supplies; to eat
a supplier of victuals

devoted to or indulging in sensual.pleasures; giving, characterized by or suggesting.ample or excessive.unrestrainedpleasure to the senses (voluptuous sculptural forms; a voluptuous ripe fruit; a full, voluptuous figure); directed toward or anticipating sensual pleasure (voluptuous thoughts); arising from or contributing to the satisfaction of sensuous or sensual.desires

vacate, vacated, vacating, vacates.verbs
transitive verb use.to cease to occupy or hold; give up; to empty of occupants; in law, to make void or annul

empty; containing nothing; empty (a vacant position; a vacant home); not occupied or put to use (a vacant lot); lacking.expression; blank (a vacant stare)
the condition of being vacant or unoccupied

a period of time devoted to pleasure, rest or relaxation; a holiday
vacation, vacationed, vacationing, vacations.intransitive verbs
to take or spend time vacationing
one who is on vacation
without a vacation

a hollow.utensil, such as a cup, vase or pitcher, used as a container, such as for liquids; in nautical.terms, a craft, especially one larger than a rowboat, designed to navigate on water; an airship; in anatomy, a duct, canal or other tube that contains or conveys a body fluid (a blood vessel); a person seen as the agent or embodiment, as of a quality (a vessel of mercy)

vaunt, vaunted, vaunting, vaunts.verbs
transitive verb use.to speak boastfully of; brag about
intransitive verb use.to speak boastfully; brag
a boastful remark; speech of extravagant self-praise

a paint containing a solvent and an oxidizing or evaporating.binder, used to coat a surface with a hard, glossy, transparent film; the smooth coating or gloss resulting from the application of this paint; something.suggestive of or resembling varnish;  deceptively.attractive.external.appearance; an outward show
varnish, varnished, varnishing, varnishes.transitive verbs
to cover with varnish (he made the wood table, then varnished it to protect it from staining); to give a smooth and glossy finish to; to give a deceptively attractive appearance to; gloss over
varnish tree.noun,.plural.varnish trees
any of several trees having milky juice used to make varnish

one that sells or vends (a street vender; vendors of cheap merchandise); a vending machine

vend, vended, vending, vends.verbs
transitive verb use.to sell by means of a vending machine; to sell, especially by peddling; to offer an idea for example, for public consideration
intransitive verb use.to engage in selling

willful or malicious destruction of property (silly ones upset with their own lives scratching the paint on a new vehicle in the driveway, not realizing the harm they are bringing back on themselves later in some way)
vandalize, vandalized, vandalizing, vandalizes.transitive verbs
to deface or destroy.property.willfully or maliciously
one who willfully or maliciously defaces or destroys property;

a member of an ancient.Germanic people that overran Gaul, Spain and northern Africa in the fourth and fifth centuries A.D. and building upon the Goths, who earlier sacked Rome in 455-456, the Vandals ended what was known of the Roman Empire in 476