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veil.noun,.plural.veils; spelt 'vail' is a variant of 'veil'
a piece of light fabric hung to separate or conceal what is behind it; a curtain; something that conceals, separates or screens like a curtain (a veil of secrecy; the veil in the Old Testament tabernacle); a length of cloth worn by women over the head, shoulders and often the face; a length of netting attached to a woman's hat or headdress, worn for decoration or to protect the head and face
veil, veiled, veiling, veils.transitive verbs
to cover with or as if with a veil (dense fog veiled the bridge); to conceal or disguise; see also countervailing

the foremost position or leading position in a trend or movement; those occupying a foremost position (the head of the company was the forerunner for changes that kept us on the cutting edge of success)

visit, visited, visiting, visits.verbs
transitive verb use.to call on socially (visit friends); to go to see or spend time at a place with a certain.intent (visit a museum; visited nearby mountains); to go to see someone (visited the dentist; visit the sick); to ask for a visit (Psalms 106:4 "Remember me, O Lord, with the favour that you bear unto your people. Visit me with your salvation." James 1:27 "Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction...")
intransitive verb use.to visit is to draw near to someone for the purpose usually of conferring a favor; to make a visit; to converse or chat (stay and visit with me for awhile
the act or an instance of visiting a person, place or thing; a stay or sojourn as a guest
the act or an instance of visiting or an instance of being visited

of, relating.to.or.occurring in the spring of the year; characteristic of or resembling spring; fresh and young; youthful (though she was beginning to show her age, she had a vernal attitude)

vinyl is a strong plastic used for making things such as floor coverings and furniture (a modern vinyl floor covering; a reclining chair upholstered in shiny blue vinyl); you can use vinyl to refer to records, such as the LP's of the sixties, which are now coming back, in contrast to cassettes or compact discs

vitamins are substances that you need in order to remain healthy, which are found in food or can be eaten in the form of pills; being in the sunshine, butter and fish are all good sources of vitamin D; any of various fat soluble or water soluble organic substances essential in minute amounts for normal growth and activity of the body and obtained.naturally when unprocessed, from plant and animal foods

an open container, as of glass or porcelain, used for holding flowers or for ornamentation

a large vessel, such as a tub, cistern or barrel, used to hold or store liquids
vat, vatted, vatting, vats.transitive verbs
to put into or treat in a vat (the trucks pick up used cooking oil and grease from restaurtants and recycle it)

a person appointed by a ruler or head of state to act as an administrative.deputy; a vice regent

vice regent.noun,.plural.vice regents
one who acts as a regent's deputy

the meat of a calf; a calf raised to be slaughtered for food

a weathervane; any of several usually relatively thin, rigid, flat or sometimes curved surfaces radially mounted along an axis, as a blade in a turbine or a sail on a windmill, that is turned by or used to turn a fluid; the flattened, weblike part of a feather, consisting of a series of barbson either side of the shaft

of.or.relating.to a velum; concerning or using the soft palate; in linguistics, they say it's articulated with the back of the tongue touching or near the soft palate, as (g) in good and (k) in cup
a velar sound
in biology, a covering or partition of thin membranous.tissue, such as the veil of a mushroom or a membrane of the brain; in  anatomy, the soft palate

an individual without a permanent home who moves from place to place; a vagrant; a tramp; a wanderer; a rover
of, relating.to.or.characteristic of a wanderer; nomadic
vagabond, vagabonded, vagabonding, vagabonds.intransitive verbs
to lead the life of a vagabond; roam about

one who wanders from place to place without a permanent home or a means of livelihood; a wanderer; a rover; one who lives on the streets and constitutes a public nuisance
wandering from place to place lacking.permanency; dwelling; wayward
the state of being a vagrant; the conduct or mode of existence of a vagrant

the papal government residing within walls of their Vatican City in Italy, the world's smallest fully independent nation-state; the papacy; the word Vatican comes from Latin 'vaticanus' meaning 'Divine Serpent', from 'vatis' meaning 'diviner' and 'can' meaning 'serpent'

the act of prophesying; a prediction; a prophecy

the act or process of vegetating; the plants of an area or a region; plant life (the vegetation is lush on the Hawaiian Islands

vegetate, vegetated, vegetating, vegetates.intransitive verbs
to grow or sprout as a plant does; to exist in a state of physical or mental inactivity or insensibility (went to dad's place in the country to vegetate for awhile)
of, relating to or characteristic of plants or their growth; of, relating to or capable of growth

one who practices vegetarianism; an herbivore
opf or relating to vegetarianism or vegetarians; consisting.primarily or wholly of vegetables and vegetable products (a vegetarian diet)
the practice of subsisting on a diet composed primarily or wholly of vegetables, grains, fruits, nuts and seeds, with or without eggs and dairy products and no animal products

a vegetarian whose diet consists of plant products only; avoids animal products such as dairy (milk, cheese, ice cream, yogurt, etc.), eggs, animal meat (such as chickens, beef, pig and fish); avoids genetically modified products, processed products, products grown with manmade chemical fertilizers, products doctored with pesticides or any or many of the other '...cides'

a plant cultivated for an edible part, such as the root of the beet, the leaf of spinach or the flower buds of broccoli or cauliflower; the edible part of such a plant
of, relating.to.or.derived from plants or a plant; suggestive of or resembling a plant

the vintage of a good quality wine is the year and place that it was made before being stored to improve it; you can also use vintage to refer to the wine that was made in a certain year (this wine is from one of the two best vintages of the decade in this region); the yield of wine or grapes from a vineyard or district during one season; wine, usually of high quality, identified as to year and vineyard or district of origin; the year or place in which a wine is bottled; the harvesting of a grape crop (vintage time in the Middle East area of the world has vintage time all year, as the grapes are grown at different level and ripen accordingly); a year or period of origin (a car of 1942 vintage); age
vintage wine is good quality wine that has been stored for several years in order to improve its quality, but very old wine should not be drunk (if you can buy only one case at auction, it should be vintage port); vintage cars or aeroplanes are old but are admired because they are considered to be the best of their kind (the museum will have a permanent exhibition of 60 vintage cars; you can use vintage to describe something which is the best and most typical of its kind (Seinfeld is vintage comedy at its best); of or relating to a vintage; characterized by excellence, maturity and enduring.appeal; classic; old or outmoded