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bluster, blustered, blustering, blusters.verbs
intransitive verb use.to blow in loud, violent gusts, as the wind during a storm; to speak in a loudly arrogant or bullying.manner; to brag or make loud, empty threats
transitive verb use.to force or bully with swaggering threats bluster.noun,.plural.blusters
a violent, gusty wind; turbulence or noisy confusion; forcefularrogant speech, lacking.substance, depth of thought and meaning

the water in which meat, fish or vegetables have been boiled; stock; a thin, clear soup based on stock, to which rice, barley, meat or vegetables may be added

bemoan, bemoaned, bemoaning, bemoans.transitive verbs
to mourn over; lament; to express.pity or grief for; if you bemoan something, you express sorrow or dissatisfaction about it (she was bemoaning her lack of funds)

in nautical.terms, the front section of a ship or boat; the oar or the person wielding the oar closest to the bow

bow, bowed, bowing, bows.verbs
intransitive verb use.to bend or curve downward; stoop; to incline the body or head or bend the knee in greeting, consent, courtesy, acknowledgment, submission or veneration
transitive verb use.to bend the head, knee or body to express greeting, consent, courtesy, acknowledgment, submission or veneration; to convey greeting for example, by bending the body
an inclination of the head or body, as in greeting, consent, courtesy, acknowledgment, submission or veneration
bow out.phrasal verb
to remove oneself; withdraw (he had to bow out of the race due to a sore foot)

a bent, curved or arched object; a weapon consisting of a curved, flexible strip of material, especially wood, strung taut from end to end and used to launch arrows (a bow and arrow device); in music, a rod having horsehair drawn tightly between its two raised ends, used in playing instruments of the violin and viol families; a stroke made by this rod; a knot usually having two loops and two ends; a bowknot; the part of an eyeglass frame passing over the ear; a rainbow; an oxbow
bow, bowed, bowing, bows.verbs
transitive verb use.to bend something into the shape of a bow; in music, to play a stringed instrument with a bow
intransitive verb use.to bend into a curve or bow

a two-masted sailing ship, square-rigged on both masts, carrying two or more headsails and a quadrilateral gaff sail or spanker aft of the mizzenmast; a jail or prison on board a U.S. Navy or Coast Guard vessel; a jail or guardhouse, especially on the premises of a U.S. military installation

broadcast, broadcasting, broadcasts.verbs
transitive verb use.to transmit a radio or television program; to make known over a wide area; announce; to sow over a wide area, especially by hand, such as planting with seeds
intransitive verb use.to transmit a radio or television program for public or general use; to be 'on the air (the station broadcasts news all day; to send a transmission or signal
transmission of a radio or television program or signal for public use; a radio or television program (watched the morning news broadcast); the act of scattering seed
communicated.by means of television or radio; of.or.relating.to television or radio communications (broadcast journalism; the print and broadcast media); widely known; scattered over a wide area
in a scattered manner

a mollusk, such as an oyster or a clam, that has a shell consisting of two hinged valves
having a shell consisting of two hinged valves; consisting of two similar.separable parts

double; in chemistry called divalent; in biology, consisting of a pair of homologous, synapsed.chromosomes, as occurs.during.meiosis
bivalence or bivalency.noun

one that slaughters and dresses animals for food or market; one that sells meats; a butcher is a shopkeeper who cuts up and sells meat; some butchers also kill animals for meat and make foods such as sausages and meat pies; a butcher or a butcher's is a shop where meat is sold; to butcher an animal means to kill it and cut it up for meat (pigs were butchered, hams were hung to dry from the ceiling)
butcher, butchered, butchering, butchers.transitive verbs
to slaughter or prepare animals for market; to botch; bungle (butcher a project by poor decisions; butchered the language by speaking without understanding the meaning of words he was using)

a barb is a sharp curved point near the end of an arrow or fish-hook which makes it difficult to pull out; a sharp point projecting in reverse direction to the main point of a weapon or tool, as on an arrow or fishhook; a barb is also an unkind remark meant as a criticism of someone or something; a cutting remark; in zoology, one of the parallel.filaments projecting from the main shaft of a feather
barb, barbed, barbing, barbs.transitive verbs
to provide or furnish with a barb
barbed wire.noun,.plural.barbed wires
twisted.strands of fence wire with barbs at regular.intervals; barbed wire is strong wire with sharp points sticking out of it and is used to make fences (the factory was surrounded by barbed wire in the form of a barbed-wire fence)

branches of a tree are the parts that grow out from its trunk and have leaves, flowers or fruit growing on them; a branch of a business or other organization is one of the offices, shops or groups which belong to it and which are located in different places; a secondary woody stem or limb growing from the trunk or main stem of a tree or shrub or from another secondary limb; something that resembles a branch of a tree, as in form or function; in anatomy, an offshoot or a division of the main portion of a structure, especially that of a nerve, blood vessel or lymphatic.vessel; a ramus; a limited.part of a larger or more complex.unit or system, especially an area of specialized.skill or knowledge, especially academic or vocational, that is related to but separate from other areas (the judicial branch of government; a branch of holistic wellness such as yoga); a division of a family, categorized by descent from a particular.ancestor; a tributary of a river
branch, branched, branching, branches.verbs
intransitive verb use.to put forth a branch or branches; spread by dividing; to come forth as a branch or subdivision; develop or diverge from (an unpaved road that branches from the main road; a theory that branches from an older system of ideas); to enlarge the scope of one's interests, business or activities (he branched out into other fields to widen his outlook in life)
transitive verb use.to separate something into or as if into branches

bounce, bounced, bouncing, bounces.verbs
intransitive verb use.to rebound after having struck an object or a surface (the basketball bounced off the ground and he caught it in his hands; the car bounced over the potholes; to recover quickly, as from a setback (home cooking by his mother enabled him to bounce back to good health); to bound (children skipping and bouncing into the room); to be sent back by a bank as valueless (a check that bounced)
intransitive verb use.to cause to strike an object or a surface and rebound (bounce a ball on the sidewalk)
a rebound; a sudden bound, spring or leap; the capacity to rebound; spring (a ball having good bounce); spirit; liveliness

the hole in a cask, keg or barrel.through which liquid is poured in or drained out