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ritual.noun, plural.rituals
the prescribed order of a religious.ceremony; the body of ceremonies or rites used in a place and sometimes in place of worship; the prescribed form of conducting a formal secular ceremony (the ritual of an inauguration; horrible.Satanic Ritual Abuse of mostly children); a ritual is a religious service or other ceremony which involves a series of actions performed in a fixed order; a ritual is a way of behaving or a series of actions which people regularly carry out in a particular situation, because it is their custom to do so

ritualism.noun, plural.ritualisms
the practice or observance of religious.ritual; insistence on or adherence to ritual

relating to ritual or ritualism; advocating or practicing ritual

rescind, rescinded, rescinding, rescinds.transitive verbs
to make void; repeal or annul
the act of recinding
of, relating.to.or having the power of rescission

the submission of a proposed public measure or actual statute to a direct popular vote; such a vote

moving or tending backward; a retrograde action is one that you think makes a situation.worse.rather than better (the Prime Minister described transferring education to central government funding as "a retrograde step"); opposite to the usual.order; contrary; inverted or reversed; reverting to an earlier or inferior.condition; in astronomy, of or relating to the orbital revolution or axial rotation of a planetary or other celestial body that moves clockwise from east to west, in the direction opposite to most celestial bodies; of.or.relating.to the brief, regularly occurring, apparently backward movement of a planetary body in its orbit as viewed against the fixed stars, caused by the differing orbital velocitiesof Earth and the body observed
retrograde, retrograded, retrograding, retrogrades.intransitive verbs
to move or seem to move backward; recede; to declineto an inferior state; degenerate

the act or process of deteriorating or declining; degeneration

retrogress, retrogressed, retrogressing, retrogresses.intransitive verbs
to return to an earlier, inferior or less complex.condition; to go or move backward; relapse

relish, relished, relishing, relishes.verbs
transitive verb use-to take keen or zestful pleasure in; like; to enjoy the flavor of (the bar-b-qued steak was delicious)
intransitive verb use-to have a pleasing or distinctive taste
an appetite for something; a spicy or savory condiment or appetizer, such as chutney or olives; a condiment of chopped sweet pickle

renounce, renounced, renouncing, renounces.verbs
transitive verb use.to give up (a title, for example), especially by formal announcement; relinquish; reject; disown
intransitive verb use.to revoke in cards
a revoke in playing cards

the act or an instance of renouncing.(the renunciation of all Earthly pleasures); a declaration in which something is renounced
renunciative or renunciatory.adjective

movement or variation characterized by the regular recurrence or alternation of different quantities or conditions (the rhythm of the tides)
Music:.a regular pattern formed by a series of notes of differing duration and stress; a specific kind of such a pattern (a waltz rhythm); a group of instruments supplying the rhythm in a band
of, relating to or having rhythm; recurring with measured regularity

rhyme.noun, plural.rhymes
if one word rhymes with another or if two words rhyme, they have a very similar sound; words that rhyme with each other are often used in poems (June always rhymes with moon in old love songs; the sort of people who give their children names that rhyme, such as Donnie, Ronnie, Connie; a singer rhyming 'eyes' with 'realise'; correspondence of sounds of words or of lines of verse; a poem or verse having a regular correspondence of sounds, especially at the ends of lines; poetry or verse of this kind; a word that corresponds with another in terminal sound, as behold and cold rhymed, rhyming, rhyme.verbs
intransitive verb use-to form a rhyme; to compose rhymes or verse; to make use of rhymes in composing verse
transitive verb use-to put into rhyme or compose with rhymes; to use a word or words as a rhyme

recourse.noun, plural.recourses
the act or an instance of turning or applying to a person or thing for aid or security (have recourse to the family; his only recourse was the divorce)
Law:.the right to demand payment from the endorser of a commercial paper when the first party liable fails to pay

free from coarseness or vulgarity; polite; free of impurities (refine crude oil to remove the impurities); purified; precise to a fine degree
refinery.noun, plural.refineries
an industrial.plant for purifying a crude.substance, such as petroleum or sugar

refine, refined, refining, refines.verbs
transitive verb use.to reduce to a pure state; purify; to remove by purifying; to free from coarse, unsuitable or immoral characteristics.(refined his manners; refined her speaking style)
intransitive verb use.to become free of impurities; to acquire.polish or elegance; to use precise.distinctions and subtlety in thought or speech
refiner.noun, plural.refiners
refinement.noun, plural.refinements
the act of refining; the result of refining; an improvement or elaboration; the state or quality of being refined; cultivation, as in manners or taste; culture; a keen or precisephrasing; a subtle distinction

resort, resorted, resorting, resorts.intransitive verbs
to have recourse.(she resorted to the tranquility of music she loved when she needed relief from stresses of living); he resorted to censorship of the TV to protect the kids from negative influences); one turned to for aid or relief (as a last resort I turned to friends for help); to go customarily or frequently
resort to, resorted to, resorting to.idiom
have recourse; fall back on; turn to; make use of, use; employ; avail oneself of; stoop to, descend to; turn to and adopt a course of action so as to resolve a difficult.situation
resort.noun, plural.resorts
a place frequented by people for relaxation or recreation (a hiking, fishing, boating and sightseeing resort in Banff, Alberta); one turned to for aid or relief (I'm the last resort she knows she can turn to for help)

reserve, reserved, reserving, reserves.transitive verbs
to keep back, as for future use or for a special purpose; to set or cause to be set apart for a particular person or use (reserve {book} a room); retain.(I reserve the right to select holidays); keep
reserve.noun, plural.reserves
something kept back or saved for future use or a special purpose; the act of reserving; restraint in expression; reticence; an amount of capital held back from investment in order to meet probable or possible demands; a reservation of land (a forest reserve); an amount of a mineral, fossil fuel or other resource known to exist in a particular location and to be exploitable: the discovery of large oil reserves, often reserves
held in abeyance or forming a reserve (a reserve supply of food).
in reserve.idiom
kept back, set aside or saved
reserver.noun, plural.reservers
reservation.noun, plural.reservations
the act of reserving; a keeping back or withholding (by making reservations at the restaurant we're.assured to have a table available for us at dinner); something that is kept back or withheld (they withheld a room overlooking the valley that is large enough to accommodate the six of us); an arrangement by which accommodations are secured.in advance, as in a hotel or on an airplane; the accommodations so secured; the record or promise of such an arrangement; a limiting.qualification, condition or exception (has reservations about heading toward that mountainous region in the winter)
reservationist.noun, plural.reservationists

reservation.noun, plural.reservations
a tract of land set apart by a federal government for a special purpose, especially one for the use of Native American people
reservationist.noun, plural.reservationists
one who lives on land set apart for them, called a reservation

restrict, restricted, restricting, restricts.transitive verbs
to keep or confine within limits; to limit; to restrict the movement or actions or something or someone means to prevent those actions from having predominance; if you restrict yourselffrom doing evil you won't do evil things (she had the disciple to keep herself from the wiles of the dark side); if you restrict yourself or something to one place, you won't go anywhere else or it is allowed only in that place
restriction.noun, plural.restrictions
the act of restricting; something that restricts; a regulation or limitation; the state of being restricted 
of or relating to restriction; tending or serving to restrict; limiting

restrain, restrained, restraining, restrains.transitive verbs
to hold back or keep in check; control (couldn't restrain the tears from her eyes); prevent (restrained them from going); to deprive of freedom or liberty; to limit or restrict
restraint.noun, plural.restraints
the act of restraining or the condition of being restrained; loss or abridgment of freedom; a limitation; an instrument or a means of restraining, such as handcuffs; control or repression of feelings; constraint

refer, referred, referring, refers.verbs
transitive verb use.to direct to a source for help or information (referred her to a good car dealer; referred me to his last employer for a recommendation); to attribute to; regard as originated by; to assign to or regard as belonging within a particular kind or class; to submit (a matter in dispute) to an authority for arbitration, decision or examination
intransitive verb use.to pertain; concern (questions referring to yesterday's lecture); to make mention or reference (let me refer to this information)

an act of referring (my careful writing results after many references to a dictionary)
reference, referenced, referencing, references.transitive verbs
to supply references to; to mention in a reference; refer to (she referenced her book in his speech); to allude to
referent.noun, plural.referents
something that refers; something referred to
referencer.noun, plural.referencers
re.meaning.with reference to.adverb
with regard to, regarding, with respect to, on the subject of, in relation to, relating to, in connection with; apropos
with regard to; in reference to or referring to; you use 're' in business letters, faxes or other documents to introduce a subject or item which you are going to discuss or refer to in detail (Dear Mrs Cox, Re Household Insurance. We note from our files that we have not yet received your renewal instructions)

one to whom something is referred, especially for settlement, decision or an opinion; in sports, an official.supervising the play; an umpire
referee, refereed, refereeing, referees.verbs
transitive verb use.to judge as referee
intransitive verb use.to act as referee

relate, related, relating, relates.verbs
transitive verb use.to narrate or tell; if you relate a story, you tell it; to give an account of; tell; describe; to bring into or link in logical or natural association; to establish or demonstrate a connection between; if you can relate to someone, you can understand how they feel or behave so that you are able to communicate with them or deal with them easily (he relates well to others because he really does care to know how they are doing in their lives)
intransitive verb use.to have connection, relation or reference.(the symbols relate to an earlier system); to have or establish a reciprocal relationship; interact.(she relates well to her peers)

a logical or natural association between two or more things; the connection of people by blood or marriage; kinship; a person connected to another by blood or marriage, such as a relative; relevance of one to another; connection (the relation between vaccinations and illness); the way in which one person or thing is connected with another (the relation of parent to child; the relations one has with others in daily life, such as the interactions at one's place of work)
relationship.noun, plural.relationships
the condition or fact of being related; connection or association (there are many types of relationships); connection by blood or agreement; kinship; a connection existing between people related to or having dealings with each other (has a close relationship with his siblings); a romantic or sexual.involvement
in relation to.and.in relation with.adjectives
in connection with; about; anent; apropos of; as for; as regards; as respects; with respect to; as to; concerning; in point of; in re; in reference to; with reference to; in regard to; regarding; of; on; pertaining to, pertinent to; referring to; relating to; relative to;  speaking of; touching; upon

of or arising from kinship; indicating or constituting.relation; Grammar:.of, relating.to.or.being a word or particle, such as a conjunction or preposition, that expresses a syntactic relation between elements in a phrase or sentence

recoil, recoiled, recoiling, recoils.intransitive verbs
to spring back, as upon firing a rifle; to shrink back, as in fear or repugnance; to fall back; return; shrink, flinch
the backward action of a firearm upon firing; the act or state of recoiling; reaction

if you are restive, you are impatient, bored.or dissatisfied
(the audience grew restive); uneasily impatient under negatives.such as.criticism or delay; resisting.control; difficult to control; refusing to move (used of a horse or other animal)
restiveness.noun.(normally used without being pluralized)
Usage note:.Restive is properly applied to the impatience or uneasiness induced by external coercion or restriction and is not a general.synonym for restless (governments have done little to ease restrictions and domestic manufacturers are growing restive, not restless; the atmosphere in the office was congenial, but after five years she began to grow restless not restive)