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castigate, castigated, castigating, castigates.transitive verbs
to severely.criticize; subject to severe punishment, reproof or criticism (Job was severely castigated by his friends who loved him and only wanted to help:.Job chapter 18)
synonyms.punish; reprimand; rebuke; censure

the causing or speeding up of a chemical reaction by the addition of some substance which itself undergoes no permanent chemical change thereby
an agent that provokes or speeds significant change or action, such as serving as the agent in catalysis; a catalyst does not modify the equilibrium constant (doesn't participate directly in the reaction), but operates to affect the activation energy of the reaction
of, involving or acting as a catalyst
catalyze, catalyzed, catalyzing, catalyzes.transitive verbs
to modify, especially to increase, the rate of (a chemical reaction) by catalysis; to bring about; initiate (the technology bred of science has catalyzed stupendous economic growth); to produce fundamental change in; transform (changes in student enrollment that have catalyzed the educational system)

a great, often sudden calamity; disaster; a complete.failure; a fiasco (he food was cold, the guests quarreled and the whole dinner was a catastrophe)
of, relating.to.or.involving a catastrophe; involving or resulting in substantial disaster (the hurricane rendered the area as a catastrophe)

any of several.fundamental and distinct classes to which entities or concepts belong; variety; kind; a division within a system of classification
categorize, categorized, categorizing, categorizes-transitive verbs
to put into a category or categories; classify

being without exception or qualification; absolute; explicit; of or relating to a category or categories; according to or using categories (a categorical arrangement of rock specimens) categorically.adverb

belonging to or relating to the sky; heavenly

convoke, convoked, convoking, convokes.verbs
to cause to assemble in a meeting; convene; call

proceeding or acting in a direction away from a center or axis; efferent 
centrifugal force.noun,.plural.centrifugal forces
the force that tends to impel a thing or parts of a thing outward from a center of rotation (a stone whirled on a string exerts centrifugal force on the string)

centriole.noun, plural.centrioles
one of two cylindrical cellular structures that are composed of nine triplet microtubules and form the asters during mitosis. A centriole has a cylindrical assembly of 27 microtubules, arranged in 9 sets of 3. By a process not presently understood, the centriole sparks the growth of new microtubules.

proceeding or acting in a direction toward a center or axis; afferent 
centripetal force.noun
the force that is necessary to keep an object moving in a circular path and that is directed inward toward the center of rotation (a string on the end of which a stone is whirled about exerts centripetal force on the stone)

a very important organelle in a small region of cytoplasm.adjacent to the nucleus that contains the centrioles (molecular machines) and serves to organize microtubules; it is important to the cytoskeleton and for mitosis-(cell division); when a cell is not dividing it has only one centrosome; a centrosome is a far more mathematically molecular structure in form than most parts of a cell

crazy, crazier, craziest.adjectives
affected with madness; insane or unsane; possessed with enthusiasm or excitement (the crowd at the game went crazy when the home team scored the first goal); immoderately.fond; infatuated (she was crazy about boys); intensely.involved or preoccupied (he is crazy about cars); foolish or impractical; senseless (a crazy scheme for making quick money); illogical (he was just one of those nut cases to stay away from)
one who is or appears insane
like crazy.idiom
to an exceeding.degree (they were running around like crazy; to get the crop in before the first frost farmers work like crazy from dawn to dusk)
(it was craziness at the mall with the sale all the shops put on)

craze, crazed, crazing, crazes.verbs
transitive verb use.to cause to become mentally deranged or obsessed (some people become obsessed with the latest fad); make insane; to produce a network of fine cracks in the surface or glaze of
intransitive verb use.to become mentally deranged or obsessed; go insane

cerebral cortex.noun
the extensive outer layer of gray matter of the cerebral hemispheres, largely responsible for higher brain functions, including sensation, voluntary muscle movement, thought, reasoning and memory

cerebrum.noun, plural.cerebrums.or.cerebra
the large, rounded structure of the brain occupying most of the cranial cavity, divided into two cerebral hemispheres that are joined at the bottom by the corpus callosum

cerebral hemisphere.noun,.plural.cerebral hemispheres
either of the two symmetrical halves of the cerebrum, as divided by the longitudinal cerebral fissure

corpus callosum.noun,.plural.corpora callosa
the arched bridge of nervous tissue that connects the two cerebral hemispheres, allowing communication between the right and left sides of the brain

a woman who makes teasing sexual or romantic overtures; a flirt

clever, cleverer, cleverest.adjectives
if one can bring information together and present it coherently, you can consider that person clever; you are considered clever when information you can use improves something; if one can bring necessary information from memory at the time needed to complete some task, he is considered clever; mentally agile; bright; nimble with the hands or body (her mom was a clever baker of organic.desserts); dexterous; exhibiting quick wittedness (a clever story)

personal magnetism or charm; a rare personal quality attributed to leaders who arouse fervent popular devotion and enthusiasm

fond of feasting, drinking and good company; sociable; merry; festive (a convivial atmosphere at the reunion)

commune, .(pronounced 'come une'), communed, communing, communes.transitive verbs
communicating; to be in a state of intimate, heightened sensitivity and receptivity, as with one's surroundings (hikers communing with nature); communion with nature or with an individual is the feeling that you are sharing thoughts or feelings with them; communion is also the name early Christian groups used to describle Emmanuel's episode with His disciples and the bread and wine at what's called the last supper:.Matthew 26:26-30.
commune,.noun,.plural.communes.(pronounced 'calm une')
a relatively small, often communistic rural community under state control, as set up in earlier in China by the tyrant.Mao Tsetung, whose members share (forced into) common interests, work and income and often 'own' property collectively, which means the state controls and owns it; a commune also refers to the people in such a community; in Europe a commune is the smallest local political division governed not by the people in it, but by a mayor and an overriding governing body called a municipal council; a commune is simple another form of slavery upon We the People
of.or.relating.to a commune; of or relating to a community; of, belonging to or shared by the people of a community; public; communal means relating to particular groups in a country or society; marked by collective ownership and control of goods and property; you use communal to describe something that is shared by a group of people (communal ownership; meals are taken communally in the dining room)

community is common.unity, a group of people living in the same locality according to principles they agree upon and have set up for themselves as a group follwoing Natural/Common Law and known as We the People.(*); the locality in which such a group lives; a group of people having common interests (the worldwide scientific community; the business community); similarity or identity (a community of interests such as the IT (Internet Technology) community; a group of people sharing, participating and enjoying.fellowship; in ecology, a group of plants and animals living and interacting with one another in a specific.region under relatively.similar environmental.conditions; from old French 'common'

the act of communicating; transmission; the exchange of thoughts, messages or information, as by speech, signals, writing or behavior; the art and technique of using words effectively and with grace in imparting one's ideas; something communicated; a message; a means of communicating, especially a system, such as mail, telephone or television, for sending and receiving messages; the technology employed in transmitting messages
communicate, communicated, communicating, communicates.verbs
transitive verb use.to convey information about; make known; impart (communicated the new data to other members); to spread to others; transmit: a carrier who communicated typhus
intransitive verb use.to have an interchange, as of ideas; to express oneself in such a way that one is readily and clearly understood
inclined to communicate readily; talkative; of.or.relating.to communication

transmittable between people or species; contagious (communicable diseases); readily.communicated (communicable ideas); talkative

craggy, craggier, craggiest.adjectives
having crags (craggy terrain); rugged and uneven (a craggy face) craggily.adverb

a steeply projecting mass of rock forming part of a rugged cliff or headland

conceive, conceived, conceiving, conceives.verbs
transitive verb use.to become pregnant with offspring; to form or develop in the mind; devise.(conceive a plan to increase employee satisfaction); to apprehend mentally; overstand (not having the experience at that young age, she couldn't conceive the meaning of that sentence); to be of the opinion that; think (didn't conceive such a wonderful thing could occur in her life)
intransitive verb use.to form or hold an idea (ancient peoples conceived of the Earth as flat); to become pregnant

conclude, concluded, concluding, concludes.transitive verbs
to bring to an end; close (concluded the speech with a joke); complete; to bring about (a final agreement or settlement; conclude an agreement); to reach a decision or form an opinion about; decide; to arrive at (a logical conclusion or end) by the process of reasoning; infer on the basis of convincing evidence (the jury concluded that the defendant was innocent)
intransitive use.to come to an end; close; to come to a decision or an agreement

the close or last part; the end or finish; the result or outcome of an act or process; a judgment or decision reached after deliberation; the proposition that must follow from the major and minor premises in a syllogism; the proposition concluded from one or more premises; a deduction

serving to put an end to doubt, question or uncertainty; decisive

comfort, comforted, comforting, comforts.transitive verbs
to soothe in time of affliction or distress; to ease physically; relieve
a condition or feeling of pleasurable ease, well-being and contentment; solace in time of grief or fear; help; assistance (gave comfort to the enemy); the capacity to give physical ease and well-being (enjoying the comfort of my favorite chair)
providing physical and/or emotional comfort (a comfortable chair; she was comforted by the good news); free from stress or anxiety; at ease (was comforting to hear no one was being left out); a message from the infinite intelligent energy
(they now are comfortably enjoying a well deserved holiday)

one of the most popular and intelligent dogs; the collie was originally bred as a sheepdog in Scotland; the dog may have been named after a Scottish black sheep, the colley

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