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Physics: the intrinsic property of matter responsible for all electric phenomena, in particular for the force of the electromagnetic interaction, occurring in two forms designated.negative and positive; flow of electric current; an RF (radio frequency, erroneously called 'electricity' why erroneous?) causing formation of a net electric charge on or in a conductor, for example; to energize a storage battery such as in a vehicle by passing current through it in the direction opposite to discharge

charge, charged, charging, charges.verbs
transitive verbs use.to impose a duty (charged for the use of her services); to set or ask a given amount as a price (charges three dollars for a haircut); responsibility or obligation on (charged him with the task of watching the young swimmers); to postpone payment on a purchase by recording as a debt, thus becoming a debtor (paid cash for the stockings but charged the new coat); to load to capacity; to fill up; energize (charge up a cell phone battery with electricity; carbonated the mineral water to make it sparkling and fizzy); to saturate; impregnate (the atmosphere was charged with tension); to instruct or urge; command (charged her not to reveal the source of information); to attack violently (he charged into his new work with a fervor); to excite; rouse (a speaker who knows how to charge up a crowd)
Law:.to instruct a jury about the law, its application and the weighing of evidence; to make a claim of wrongdoing against; accuse or blame (the police charged him with a crime); to put the blame for; attribute or impute (charged the accident to the driver's inexperience); 
intransitive verb use.to rush forward in or as if in a violent attack (dogs trained to charge at intruders; children charging through the house); to demand or ask payment (did not charge for the second cup of coffee); to postpone payment for a purchase
expense; cost; the price asked for something (no charge for window-shopping); a weight or burden; a load (a freighter relieved of its charge of cargo); a quantity of explosive to be set off at one time; an assigned.duty or task; a responsibility (he was charged with maintaining security); one that is entrusted to another's care or management (the baby sitter's three young charges); supervision; management (the scientist who had overall charge of the research project); a claim of wrongdoing; an accusation (dismissed the charge of a crime; pleaded not guilty to the charges); a rushing, forceful attack (the kids running up from the beach to the lunch prepared almost knocked me over; the charge of a herd of elephants; a debt or an entry in an account recording a debt (are you paying cash or is this a charge?); a feeling of pleasant excitement; a thrill (got a real charge out of the funny movie)
in charge, in charge of.idiom
in a position of leadership or supervision (the security agent in charge at the airport); having control over or responsibility for (you're in charge of making the salad)

console, consoled, consoling, consoles.transitive verbs
to allay the sorrow or grief of; comfort
consolable, consolatory.adjectives
the act or an instance of consoling; the state of being consoled; one that consoles; a comfort (your kindness was a consolation to me in my grief)

a cabinet for a radio, television set or phonograph, designed to stand on the floor; a small, freestanding storage cabinet; a central control panel for a mechanical, electrical or electronic system; an instrument panel; the portion of a computer or peripheral that houses the apparatus used to operate the machine manually and provides a means of communication between the computer operator and the central processing unit, often in the form of a keyboard; a small storage compartment mounted between bucket seats in an automobile
Music:.the desklike part of an organ that contains the keyboard, stops and pedals

a gradual change in a character or feature across the distributional range of a species or population, usually correlated with an environmental or a geographic transition

collocate, collocated, collocating, collocates.transitive verbs
to place together or in proper order; arrange side by side

collate, collated, collating, collates.transitive verbs
to assemble in proper numerical or logical.sequence; to examine and compare carefully in order to note points of disagreement
Printing:.to examine (gathered sheets) in order to arrange them in proper sequence before binding

the act or process of collating; a light meal permitted on fast days; a light meal

chide, chided or chid, chidden, chiding, chides.verbs
transitive verb use.to scold mildly so as to correct or improve; reprimand.(chided the boy for his sloppiness)
intransitive verb use.to express disapproval

the act or right of guarding, especially such a right granted by a court (an adult who was given custody of the child); care, supervision and control exerted by one in charge; the state of being detained or held under guard, by the police (took the robbery suspect into custody) or under guard through imprisonment
one that has charge of something; a caretaker (the custodian of an estate; the custodian of an absentee landlord's property); a janitor (worked nights as custodian of a high school)

Grammar: a punctuation mark ( : ) used after a word introducing a quotation, an explanation, an example or a series and often after the salutation of a business letter; the sign ( : ) used between numbers or groups of numbers in expressions of time (2:30 A.M.) and ratios

colon.noun,.plural.colons or cola
the section of the large intestine extending from the cecum (the beginning of the large intestine) to the rectum (the terminal portion of the large intestine)

a thorough.enema used to clean out impacted waste matter from the colon used annually by many to maintain optimum health

colon.noun,.plural.colons or colones
a basic unit of currency in Costa Rica and El Salvador

an expression of strong disapproval or harsh.criticism (if a person feels that ideas of other people must be censored, then they are admitting to everyone that their own ideas cannot stand up to scrutiny:.Psalms 119:165)
censure, censured, censuring, censures.transitive verbs
to severely.criticize; blame
tending to censure; highly critical; expressing censure

a person who examines books, films or other material and determines to remove or suppress what is considered.morally, politically or otherwise.objectionable; one of two officials in ancient Rome responsible for taking the public census and supervising public behavior and morals
censor, censored, censoring, censors.transitive verbs
to examine and expurgate; removing to suppress information proven helful; one that condemns or censures; if someone such as the media censors information they cut out, twist or otherwise obfuscate information they don't want others to know (media that has been bought-off shows its owners are corrupt in that they don't care if the public has truthful information or not)
the act, process or practice of censoring; the office of a Roman censor

a vessel in which burning coals were carried, over which incense was dropped to provide fragrance in the room or area

a member of a confederacy; someone who helps someone else do something; an accomplice; an ally; a partner
united in a confederacy; allied
confederate, confederated, confederating, confederates.transitive and intransitive verbs
to form into or become part of a confederacy
a confederacy is a union of states or people who are trying to achieve the same thing; a union of persons, parties or states; a league or compact for mutual support or common action; an alliance; a combination of persons for unlawful purposes, wherein it then would be a conspiracy

the act of forming into or becoming part of a confederacy; the state of being confederated; a group of confederates united for a common purpose; a league
confederationism, confederationist.nouns

a state of dismay; fear; alarm; anxiety; apprehension; bewildermen; confusion; distress; dread; fear; fright; panic; trepidation
consternate, consternated, consternating, consternates.transitive verbs
to cause consternation in; an unexpected worry that hinders or throws one into confusion (oh no! I had him vaccinated to protect him and it did the opposite and now he's no longer the same boy, not responding to me as before and sinking quickly into some other world, banging his head into the wall and screaming out, as was shown in the documentary VAXXED II, on Brighteon.com, that I didn't take to heart; what can I now do? What you can now do is contact Dr. Rashid Buttar; he's gotten children over autism caused by what's in vaccinations: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h6XDWF4UkUg&feature=youtu.be

consume, consumed, consuming, consumes.verbs
transitive verb use.to eat or drink up; ingest; to expend; use up (engines that consume less fuel was a project that consumed most of my time and energy); to purchase goods or services for direct use or ownership; to destroy totally; ravage: flames that consumed the house (a consumer; a body consumed by garbage food); to absorb; engross (consumed with jealousy); monopolize
intransitive verb use.to be destroyed, expended or wasted; to purchase economic goods and services (a society that consumes what it produces)

the act or process of consuming; the state of being consumed; consumption is also any disease that wastes one away one's body tissues
Economics:.the using up of goods and services by consumer purchasing or in the production of other goods

one that consumes, especially one that acquires goods or services for direct use or ownership rather than for resale or use in production and manufacturing

consummate, consummated, consummating, consummates.transitive verbs
to bring to completion or fruition; conclude.(consummate an evening meal with a glass of Scotch); to realize or achieve; fulfil (a dream that was finally consummated with the publication of the first book); to complete a relationship with the first sexual act leading to a child from the body of the female creator)
the act of consummating; a fulfilment; an ultimate goal or end
complete or perfect in every respect (a consummate meal)

a tough, protective, semitransparent substance, primarily a nitrogen containing polysaccharide, forming the principal component of arthropod exoskeletons and the cell walls of certain fungi

a critical review or commentary, especially one dealing with works of art or literature; a critical discussion of a specified topic; the art of criticism
critique, critiqued, critiquing, critiques.transitive verbs
to review or discuss critically

means the same as ability; the quality of being capable; a talent or ability that has potential for development or use (a student of great capabilities); the capacity to be used, treated or developed for a specific purpose (practical capability)
having capacity or ability; efficient and able; having the ability required for a specific task or accomplishment; qualified
capableness.noun.(normally used without being pluralized)

confront, confronted, confronting, confronts.verbs
transitive verb use.to come face to face with, such as with defiance or hostility; to be face to face with; to come up against; to encounter
intransitive verb use.to engage in confrontation
confronter, confrontment.nouns
the act of confronting.or the state of being confronted, especially a meeting face to face; discord or a clash of opinions and ideas
confrontational, confrontative.adjectives