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subtle, subtler, subtlest.adjectives
also spelt.subtile
so slight as to be difficult to detect or analyze; very faint; fine; delicate; elusive; obscure; crafty; shrewd; sly; hard to pin down as to cause and/or motive; not immediately.obvious; abstruse; perceptive, refined
subtleness.or.subtileness.noun.(normally used without being pluralized)
he subtly suggested by steering their minds with hints to go to a better choice of restaurant
the quality or state of being subtle; one's subtle body; something subtle, especially a nicety of thought or a fine distinction

the outer or the topmost boundary of an object; a material.layer.constituting such a boundary
relating to, on or at a surface (surface algae in the water); superficial; seemingly having greater depth
surface, surfaced, surfacing, surfaces.verbs
transitive verb use.to form the surface of (we used asphalt to surface over the driveway); to apply a surface to (surface a road); to provide with a surface
intransitive verb use.to rise to the surface; to emerge after concealment
on the surface.idiom
to all intents and purposes; to all outward appearances (a politician who on the surface appeared to be honest)
surface tension.noun,.plural.surface tensions
the way the molecules in the surface of a liquid stick together so that the surface is held together
Mathematics:.the boundary of a three-dimensional figure; the so-called two-dimensional locus of points located in three-dimensional (length, breadth, depth) space; a portion of space having length and breadth but no thickness

supple, suppler, supplest.adjectives
easy and fluent without stiffness or awkwardness; lissome

assuming that (supposing we're right, what should we do?)
suppose, supposed, supposing, supposes.transitive verbs
to assume to be true; to believe to be; presume; to involve the assumption of
presumed to be true or real without conclusive evidence; intended (medication that is supposed to relieve pain); required (he is supposed to go to the store); permitted (we are supposed to smoke here, but not over there); firmly believed; expected (you're supposed to be my friend); to consider as a suggestion (suppose we dine together); presuppose; to believe, especially on uncertain or tentative.grounds (scientists supposed that large dinosaurs lived in swamps)
intransitive verb use.to imagine; conjecture

something that is supposed; hypothesis; the act of supposing; assumption; conjecture

supposititious.adjective.(pronounced 'suh pos ah tish us')
substituted with fraudulent.intent; spurious; hypothetical; supposed
supposititiousness.noun.(normally used without being pluralized)

a quick overview; a condensed.statement or outline (as of a narrative or treatise)
synoptic.also synoptical.adjective
of.or.relating.to the first three Gospels.(Matthew, Mark, Luke) of the New Testament; affording a general.view of a whole; a synopsis; manifesting or characterized by comprehensiveness or breadth of view; presenting or taking the same or common view; relating to or displaying conditions, as of the atmosphere or weather as they exist simultaneously over a broad area (the weather synopsis for the following week is generally a warming trend)

a cause of widespread or great affliction (wars are scourges in Earth's history); a whip, especially one used to inflict pain or punishment (Deuteronomy 25:3), such as a particular.kind of whip called a scorpion; a means of inflicting severe suffering, vengeance or punishment; a whip used to inflict punishment
scourge, scourged, scourging, scourges.transitive verbs
to afflict with severe or widespread suffering and devastation; ravage; to severely chastise; excoriate; to flog; to whip, often with a particular.kind of whip called a scorpion, which would tear the flesh off

a shrewd man or woman is able to comprehend and judge a situation.quickly and to use this knowledge to their own advantage and often to another or others.disadvantage; marked by clever.discerning.awareness and hardheaded acumen (shrewd commonsense); given to wily and artful ways or dealing (a shrewd operator)

a woman with a violent, scolding or nagging.temperament; a scold; any of various small, chiefly insectivorous mammals of the family Soricidae, resembling a mouse but having a long, pointed snout and small eyes and ears; also called shrewmouse
ill-tempered; nagging; harpy

sparse, sparser, sparsest.adjectives
of few and scattered elements; especially; not thickly grown or settled; meager; spartan

spartan conditions or ways of living are simple, that is, without many comforts (spartan accommodation; a spartan existence)
date 1600-1700; origin 'of Sparta' from Sparta a city in ancient Greece (map) whose people lived simply

having the ring of truth or plausibility but actually fallacious.(a specious argument); having a false look of truth or genuineness; sophistic
speciousness.noun.(normally used without being pluralized)

surpassing all others; supreme; of very high quality
superlativeness.noun.(normally used without being pluralized)
Grammar:.of, relating to or being; the extreme.degree of comparison of an adjective or adverb, as in 'best' or 'brightest'

schizophrenia.noun.called also.dementia praecox
contradictory or antagonistic.qualities or attitudes, such as exemplified by leaders in Emmanuel's time on Earth and after, example 1, 2; schizophrenia is a psychotic disorder characterized by loss of contact with the environment, by noticeable deterioration in the level of functioning in everyday life and by disintegration of one's individuality expressed as disorder of feeling, thought as in hallucinations and delusions.and conduct, poignantly showed in the true story movie.A Beautiful Mind, 2002

of or relating to the worldly or temporal (secular concerns)

a group of individuals or things of the same general.character; a kind; character or nature (books of all sorts); type
sort, sorted, sorting, sorts.transitive verbs
to arrange according to class, kind or size; classify; arrange; to separate from others (sort out the wheat from the chaff); to clarify by going over mentally (she tried to sort out a jigsaw puzzle)
of sorts.or.of a sort.idiom
in some respects but not entirely or truly (went on a vacation of sorts); of a mediocre or inferior.kind; of one kind or another (knew many folktales of sorts)
after a sort, of a sort.idioms
in a haphazard or imperfect way (managed to paint the chair after a sort)
sort of.idiom
if you talk about a particular 'sort of' something, you are talking about a class of things that have particular features in common and that belong to a larger group of related things (what sort of upbringing did you experience?; there are over 100 sorts of apples available; she has a happy sort of smile all the time; the kids are in the back yard playing some sort of game in the sandbox); kind of (she's kinda like her mother in some ways); somewhat; rather; to some small extent (it was rather {sort of} cold; the party was rather {sort of} nice; the knife is rather {sort of} dull; I rather {sort of} regret that I cannot attend; He's rather {sort of} good at playing the cello; he is kind of {sort of} shy); fairly; kind of; moderately; more or less; pretty (she was pretty {sort of} upset over the mess left over after the party; Einstein was sort of smart; though good at heart, some people today are just sort of spiritual:.2Timothy 3:5)
after a sort.idiom
of a mediocre or inferior kind (a constitutional government of a sort); in a haphazard or imperfect way (managed to paint the chair after a sort) of sorts or of a sort; of one kind or another (knew many folktales of sorts)

out of sorts.idiom
slightly ill; irritable; cross (the teacher is out of sorts this morning)

seem, seemed, seeming, seems.intransitive verbs
appears to be a certain way; to give the impression of being; appear (the weather seems to be holding for a while, but the farmers are concerned); as it appears to be in one's own opinion or mind (for some reason the news can't seem to get the stories straight); to appear to be true, probable or evident (it seems they are averse to solving issues; it seems like good weather is on the way; he seems to be good at sales); the central meaning shared by these verbs is 'to present the appearance of being' (seems happy; appears to be hesitant; looks happy)

apparent; ostensible; 'it looks like'; having an often deceptive or delusive appearance on superficial examination (their wealth gave them a seeming security; on the surface it would appear as if she was wealthy)
if something is seemingly the case, you mean that it appears to be the case, even though it may not really be so (a seemingly endless line of trucks waits in vain to load up; Alice was standing in the street, seemingly oblivious to the rain); apparently; you use seemingly when you want to say that something seems to be true (he has moved to the countryside, seemingly to enjoy a slower style of life)
seeming, seemingness.nouns
outward appearance; semblance

seemly, seemlier, seemliest.adjectives
conforming to standards of conduct and good taste; suitable (seemly behavior); of pleasing appearance; handsome
in a seemly manner; suitably
seemliness.noun.(many words ending in 'ess' are usually without pluralization - adding an 'es' making '...esses' can make the word be clumsy)

a line of junction.formed by sewing.together two pieces of material along their margins; a similar line, ridge or groove made by fitting, joining or lapping.together two sectionsalong their edges; a suture; a scar; a line across a surface, as a crack or fissure; a thin layer or stratum, as of coal or rock
seam, seamed, seaming, seams.verbs
transitive verb use.to put together with or as if with a seam; to mark with a groove, wrinkle, scar or other seamlike line
intransitive verb use.to become fissured or furrowed; crack open
you use seamless to describe something that has no breaks or gaps in it or which continues without stopping

containing or contributing the seeds of later development; creative; original (a seminal book) (one of the most seminal of the great poets); of, relating.to.or.consisting of seed or semen

sub.is used at the beginning of.words.that have 'below', 'beside', alongside,, 'beneath', 'under' as part of their meaning (the waters were rising round about the rock and would soon 'submerge' it; a nuclear-powered 'submarine'; 'subsoil'); secondary; at a lower point in a hierarchy (a subcommittee; a subcorporation; a subplot)
sub.is added to the beginning of.nouns.in order to form other nouns that refer to things that are part of a larger thing (a 'subcommittee' on family values and individual rights;  the 'subdivision' of land in order to build dwellings on)
sub.is added to the beginning of.adjectives.in order to form other adjectives that describe someone or something as inferior, for example inferior to normal people or to normal things (the cold has made already 'substandard' living conditions even worse); 'subordinate'; secondary (there was a 'subplot' to the movie); subdivision; 'subregion'; 'subspecies'; less than completely or normally; nearly; almost

a subdivision of a larger unit

a substitute
sub, subbed, subbing, subs.intransitive verbs
to act as a substitute

of, affected or produced by an individual mind (some thought it was funny but with others, it just passed over their heads); resulting from feeling; particular to a given individual (the subjective experience of laughing at a joke no one else caught the humor of; particular to the one presently experiencing it); not overt; expressing or bringing into prominence the individuality of the artist or author; relating to the real nature of something; a subjective experience is seeing a movie, where the individual you are with gets something different out of it than you did
subjectivity is judgment based on individual impressions and feelings and opinions.whether or not they are supported by external.facts
Grammar meaning of subject
compare objective

the quality of being subjective; the theory that individual conscience is the only valid.standard of moral judgment; the doctrine that all knowledge is restricted to the conscious self and its sensory.states; a theory or doctrine that emphasizes the subjective elements in experience; this theory is cousin to philosophical naturalism

subjection to someone involves being completely controlled by them (the worst forms of economic subjection and drudgery are often when an adult or adults are controlled by government or by someone, who are abusers:.1Corinthians 7:31); the word subjection is a Greek military term meaning "to arrange troop divisions in a military fashion under the command of a leader", but in non military use, it was "a voluntary attitude of giving in, cooperating, assuming responsibility and carrying a burden" and this ties in with the word subjection in the Bible, which is an aligning with

a subject is an area of knowledge or study; it is also the conversation or talk one gives on some particular area of knowledge (what is the subject of your thesis going to be?; in school we had a wide variety of subjects to learn a few things about, besides the main ones of reading, writing and arithmetic); the subject of something such as a conversation, letter or book is the thing that is being discussed or written about (she based her talk on the subject of dating); a course or area of study (math is her best subject; was interested in the subject the speech was to be on); a basis for action; a cause; one who is under the rule of another or others, especially one who owes allegiance to a government or ruler such as those living in feudalistic situations; one that experiences or is subjected to something (politicians are supposed to be subject to the will of the people; they made him the subject of ridicule); one that is the object of study (the experiment involved 12 subjects); one who is under surveillance (the subject was observed leaving the scene of the murder)
subject, subjected, subjecting, subjects.transitive verbs
to expose to something (the patients on that ward were subjected to so many sounds, they couldn't sleep); to cause to experience (the campers were subjected to extreme weather}; to subjugate; subdue; to modify (metal on vehicles is subjected to a coating for protection from rusting for a few short years)
being in a position or in circumstances that place one under the power or authority of another or others (people in subjection to the whims of the ruling masters, where such are corrupt as this person was); prone; disposed-(a government which is subject to the will of the people); contingent or dependent (politicians being subject to the changing demographics)
subject to.phrasal verb
conditional on; dependent on; contingent on (subject to satisfactory repair, our car should be ready for travel on the weekend); susceptible to; liable to; prone to; vulnerable to; predisposed to (Titus 3:1); at risk of (horses are subject to coughs); bound by; constrained by; accountable to (being bound by my word to spend the weekend with the family, I said no to going fishing with the guys at work)
Grammar:.tin grammar, the subject is he noun, noun phrase or pronoun in a sentence or clause that denotes the doer of the action or what is described by the predicate and that in some languages, such as English, can be identified by its characteristic position in simple sentences and in other languages, such as Latin, by inflectional endings; the mind or thinking part as distinguished from the object of thought

sever, severed, severing, severs.verbs
transitive verb use.to set or keep apart; divide or separate; to remove (a part) from a whole; dissolve; separate
intransitive verb use.to become cut or broken apart; to become separated or divided from each other; break
capable of being severed or separated; separable into legallydistinct.rights or obligations, as a contract
Law: in law, separable or capable of being treated as separate from a whole legal right or obligation

severe, severer, severest.adjectives
unsparing or harsh, as in treatment of others; strict; marked by or requiring strict adherence to rigorous standards; austere or dour; forbidding (spoke in a severe voice); extremely plain in substance or style (a severe black dress); causing sharp discomfort or distress; extremely violent or intense (a severe regulation that hurt the freedom of the country); evil; serious; lacking light heartedness and kindness; stern; conformingstrictly to a rule, method, standard, etc.; grave or grievous (severely duped)
severity, severeness.nouns

the act or process of severing; the condition of being severed; separation; partition

being of a number more than two or three but not many (several miles away)
(the word 'severally' as in use in the American Constitution); separately