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H e a r t 
p a g e  1 A

...continued from our heart

Event after negative event can undermine us as it did Job, if we get our focus off of the spiritual realities and on to the 'ways of the world', which are all the negatives of life, the worries, the wonderings, doubts, etc. Be careful you don't add to them.

When dart after dart of poisonous circumstances strikes us and we begin to feel that we have been abandoned by God, a soul forgotten, know that God is always there.(Hebrews 13:5 "...for he has said, I will never leave you. nor forsake you."), if you ask.

Genesis 28:16 "... Surely the Lord is in this place and I knew it not."

Deuteronomy 31:6 "Be strong and of a good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them, for the Lord your God, he it is that does go with you. He will not fail you, nor forsake you."

2Samuel 22:29 "For uou are my lamp, O Lord and the Lord will lighten my darkness."

2Chronicles 19:11 "Deal courageously knowing the Lord is with the good."

Psalms 4:4 "...commune with your own heart upon your bed and be still..."

Psalms 27:14 "Wait on the Lord. Be of good courage and he shall strengthen your heart. Wait, I say, on the Lord."

Psalms 31:24 "Be of good courage and he shall strengthen your heart, all you that hope in the Lord."

Psalms 40:17 "But I am poor and needy, yet the Lord thinks upon me. You are my help and my deliverer. Make no tarrying, O my God."

Psalms 46:1,10 "...God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble...Be still and know God...."

Psalms 119:105 "Your word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path."

Psalms 119:114 "You are my hiding place and my shield. I hope in thy word."

Isaiah 35:4 "Say to them that are of a fearful heart, Be strong, fear not. Behold, your God will come with vengeance, even God with a recompence. He will come and save you."

Isaiah 41:6 "They helped every one his neighbour and every one said to his brother, Be of good courage."

Hebrews 13:5 "...For he has said,.I will never leave you, nor forsake you."

The inner divine fire of the joy of life can come back if you never give up hope.."There is.no incurable disease. Trust and believe that Divine power helps and heals.. The incurables are the ones who did not believe.(*).and those who lost their belief in God."....Bruno Gröning.

How does one lose their belief?.Psalms 34:4-11. And, what if I leave God and come back later?

Even the pastors of churches fail to deeply understand us, because they need more knowledge of the ego and how the joy of God takes man away from the low consciousness of the ego and into the higher consciousness of the Creator.

Unable to bring to us the exciting truth of God, they dump blame in subtle ways back upon the one seeking answers toward solutions to life's problems. 

We seek an overstanding of life happening to us. Often, there is little to be found apart from maybe some slight.spiritual glimpses while on the way to full overstanding. 

Little by little we can be weakened. Sometimes we feel pin pricked to death. Our strength wanes. Revealing our grand self seems obstacle.prone. We cannot seem to 'get the music out', cannot seem to get up the vigor to pursue a dream or to help another with theirs. We find it easier to slip into the evil things. Often we may seem in some kind of a mental fight when we decide to pursue being a good example; examples of this, 1, 2. One of the things that helps us shine in a dark world is to 'get the music out'. That brightens us and encourages all exposed to it. 

All kinds of strange things can happen to thwart good decisions. And you weaken. Being confused, you end up doing all kinds of things at first, like little dark things. It seems like all may be against you. See.Lord Of The Rings.below

We relegate ourselves to mediocrity, give in to temporal security, lose the fire, stop hearing the music.

Subjugating.enthusiasm instead of enlivening it toward an interesting and exciting lifestyle.(I didn't say 'dangerous'; some things are just too risky to attempt; use wisdom and keep yourself alive), we then fail to forge ahead, instead refraining from standing up for what is of benefit to ourselves and others, preferring to keep the self on the sidelines of living, relegating ourselves to watch other lives unfold.(soap operas anyone), rather than develop our own.

Losing courage and seeking to preserve what we have, we come out of the world and then go nowhere:.Matthew 10:39; 16:25.26; Mark 8:35,36

Afraid of taking a risk, prizing security for the self above all else, we exchange the opportunity for new adventure in life for mediocrity. We fail to love without first being loved. We lack the courage to take control of our lives so that others benefit. We expect immediate results from any acts of kindness we may do, as though they are done for our own selfish satisfaction.(Matthew 6:1-4), rather than acts of kindness because that is.just the way we are. Our reserve precludes unbounded enthusiasm and exuberance needed as an example for children. We have surrendered to the demon of inhibition.

"A human being is happiest and most successful when dedicated to a cause outside his own individual, selfish satisfaction." ...Benjamin Spock, pediatrician, author.."Happiness is your ability to love."....Leo Tolstoy.

"A human being is part of the whole called by us 'universe'.(or 'multiverse'), a part limited in time and space.(why?). We experience ourselves, our thoughts and feelings as something separate from the rest.(but we are not separate). It's a kind of optical delusion of consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from the prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty. The true value of a human being is determined by the measure and the sense in which they have obtained liberation from the self.(the ego's grasp; the movie.The Grand Self.is immensely helpful in this regard of liberation from the self's selfish hold on us).We shall require a substantially new manner of thinking.(see the video on world peace).if humanity is to survive. The significant problems we have cannot be solved at the same level of thinking with which we created them."....Albert Einstein.

Many people are not like a rushing river that encounters boulders on its journey, taking time then to find ways around them and carrying forward with strength after getting good advice:.Matthew 11:12.

Hesitating at negatives, worrying over securities we've gained might be lost, striving to conform to everything everybody expects of us, we carry on pricking our soul to death.

We ask "How can I go ahead", forgetting that our dreams are fired by presenting ourselves 'out there'.(but, again, beware of dangerous pursuits and wolves in sheep's clothing). Decisions to forge ahead are often held back from being made because we must 'first have all the answers'. 

Instead of launching our dreams in full confidence God is with us win or lose and with the knowledge that we are fully capable of learning as we go along, we set them on the shelf until we forget about them, until some other interest comes along and takes precedence. We look for answers to all the questions, not realizing that they come once the journey is embarked upon. The art is in the chase. The craftmanship is not in the book. We look for the 'sure thing', instead of being sure God is with us. If you're not sure God is with you, don't step out until you are. We hamper our lives by nursing negatives instead of contemplating positives. But we need help here. Here's help.

We lack knowledge of a personal God, perhaps having 'made Him' into a doctrine we feel we must live by. We regulate our life by rules, instead of allowing love to be our guide in an ongoing adventure:.Romans 13:8,10; 1John 2:10.

We know not the Warrior that stands with us.(Hebrews 13:5 "...I will never leave you, nor forsake you.".Jeremiah 42:11; Haggai 1:13; 2:4; Matthew 28:20; Acts 18:9,10).and we resultantly miscarry ourselves along life's course. We live life as if we were sitting for a portrait. We relegate ourselves to ongoing conformity. We have agreed to allow personal adventure to be bypassed by vicarious entertainment.

Stretching forward is out of character for most of us. Why? Because we do not know how powerful God is and that He uses His power for good in our individual journeys through life, but like any journey, a first step must be taken. But some say, How do I know if this direction is Creator's will for me? Look! You are never out of the will of God if you understand this...

You are continually aligned with your Creator's heart if you choose higher consciousness principles for actions as often as you can remember to do so as you live your life's journey, which is the distance, the road, the pathway of your experiences.

Choose what's good, avoid the bad. What's bad? Choose alignment with the true God, our Father in heaven. How?.Isaiah 57:15; 66:2.

Ancient Abraham believed God. Because of his believing, he was God's friend:.James 2:23. It's the same today for us.

It's not that you have to work to be aligned, as that then would be a work you did. Simply decide how to live on the good side. Spiritual disciplines are done out of love of growing spiritually and that which is done out of love is really not work, not struggling against something, but a more of accepting that which you are convinced is for the best:.Matthew 11:28

All you have to do is discover the fact that you are aligned and this by awakening to the choice of higher consciousness instead of living at the level of lower consciousness:.Job 5:6-27. The level of low consciousness is where there are problems. It's the level you must rise up and away from. It's the level that misses the mark of what you are on Earth for.

Our Creator's heart is for good for us. What's good mean? This comes not by our own ways.(Proverbs 14:12), but by being aligned with the real ways of good which reflect the mind and heart of the Creator:.Psalms 11:7.."The Creator is exactly the Creator who created you and His love is infinite. His simplicity is trusting and He is as simple and transparent as you have imagined, as you thought about Him before. And He is as kind and constructive as you knew it before. He is your Creator and He gives you the way. Go along His way since His way is your way. When one's development is in alignment with the Creator's purpose of love, you are in harmony and then each element possesses universal reserve ability, because the Creator is unending and you are in alignment with His attributes. This universal reserve ability means that any object can create any other object."....Grigori Grabovoi.

Love is the epitome of the highest consciousness one can have, because love does not hurt anyone at any time:.Romans 13:10 "(closer to the original).Love works no ill to his neighbour therefore love is fulness of establishing anything.(or, 'love is what establishes for all time', that which is good in one's heart).".And loving yourself is the first step to a magical life.long ago predicted in the Bible by Isaiah.

Often we ask: How can I? We are deficient in the faith that leads to the decisions we have to make in order to make an adventure out of living. We want to live by answers to the 'how' questions, the answers which often preclude action.

Women do not know how to be seductive. Men do not get it mentally how to be warriors anymore. We have lost our wild adventurous side. Many have shrunk within, remaining aloof from integration with others, preferring to safely exist with fears keeping them in a prison.

We would rather control our circumstances, get a secure job, than live with adventure. In all this we set ourselves outside of how to be in line with the multiiverse. Step out of the ordinary and into the extraordinary! Fire up your learning and enthusiasm grows. 

The entire multiverse is light, happy, carefree, yet responsible. Contrast us. Our ego tends to be seriousness and focuses on problems in life we may have, always security minded. We often fail in being lighthearted and we get what we sow. And, most have sown fear, seriousness, worry and hesitancy. No wonder happiness is elusive. No wonder we get more of the same. Learn to meditate. Change it!

We often reject anything that we do not see a way to control. We fail to see the way ahead is invisible and not being spiritually minded we miss the opportunity:.Hebrews 11:1; Proverbs 11:28. What makes you go wild? What is your passion? Ain't livin' it? Then yer a dyin'! You either take the secure road of life or the road less traveled. If you are not 'a little crazy', then you are too staid. It has been said that in some areas of our individual lives we are all a little nuts! That relieves me! I thought it was just me. Whew!

A friend of mine was regional director of a federal government department. After years of wasting taxpayer's money on frivolous trips in his structured sheltered job where little if anything groundbreaking ever was accomplished except for an occasional break in the daily boredom of mostly sending emails back and forth with jokes on them and bantering about with other minor matters, all holding on to their secure high paying positions, he decided to make a break. He left 8 months before qualifying for a large pension. He told me that he was dying inside and just could not and would not take it anymore:.Mark 8:36

Take the personal step forward toward your dream, then eliminate risks to the project as you encounter them. So, eliminate risks to the project as you come across them, but push yourself to go ahead with the direction you desire.

Insurance companies got rich by risking to set themselves up, then eliminating risks along the way. That is why they are so fussy about who their policyholders may be and how they act. They are concerned about risk affecting their present position, but they do risk venturing into new territory to gain ground. So wisdom is needed. How do you get it?

Something seems stopping us. We know we are better, are greater than the little others may think of us. We know we are grander and once were. We are sure of this. It comes from so very long ago. We know inside somewhere there down deep that the good part of us is wanted and needed, but when, where we do not know.
   What is needed?

Daniel had a quest to deepen his comprehension. In his case at that time it was regarding a dream he had.

He set his heart to do this. Set the intention of what you want, and want to become and then leave it with God.

The movies of.Lord Of The Rings.trilogy shows the interactions and battles that go on invisibly.(Daniel 10:12,13).behind the scenes of the daily lives of every one of us. 

Behind the scenes is the invisible but so very real.(more 'real' than the physical world in which we humans exist).world of angels, both good and bad, for us and against us; against us to sap our faith, our confidence.

Subtle ways are used by those in the invisible world surrounding us, ways we can discern as other humans either encourage us or tear at us, ways we can sense are happening as things we hope for go amiss, things that often go astray even when everything seems to indicate that they should not.
   Daniel had knowledge of this strong invisible world.

Deciding toward understanding is the first step towards comprehension. The angels see what you want, report to God and action is taken:.Isaiah 49:24,25 "The prey is taken from the mighty and the lawful captive delivered. But thus says the Lord, Even the captives of the mighty are taken away and the prey of the terrible is delivered, for I will contend with him that contends with you and I will save your children.".(*)

Exodus 14:13 "...Fear you not, stand still and see the salvation of the Lord, which he shows to you to day.".God back then acted from without as His nature was not in them, as His nature can be in us today, moving in us, prompting us, guiding us. We take the action today and it is God, right with us.

Job 37:14 "...stand still, and consider the wondrous works of God." Deuteronomy 2:24 Rise you up, take your journey...begin to possess it.(your dreams, your hopes), .....and contend in battle." Isaiah 50:7,8 "For the Lord God will help me; therefore I will not be confounded, therefore have I set my face like a flint and I know that I will not be ashamed. He is near that justifieth me; who will contend with me? Let us stand together. Who is mine adversary? Let him come near to me." 1Peter 5:12 "...this is the true grace of God wherein you stand." Nehemiah 8:10 "...for this day is holy unto our Lord; neither be you sorry.(why?), for the joy of the Lord is your strength." Isaiah 50:9; 2Thessalonians 2:15,16; Hebrews 4:16; 13:6; 1John 5:5; Jude 1:3; Ephesians 6:11-14; 1Corinthians 16:13; Philippians 4:1;.2Corinthians 9:8 "And God is able to make all grace abound toward you; that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may abound to every good work."
   Your battle will be won. Go through it, resting in Him! And, some knowledge helps

The trick of the dark side is to make you feel that your heart is bad, even after you have given yourself to God.(*). In this, religion, sadly, plays a murderous part.

We threaten to give up on all those things we have always wanted, those things we feel we need to make us complete

You do know the Creator is there, that He is fully able to rectifyall negative things in your life, and you feel 'Hey God! I am here. Where are you? You alive out there? Day after day I get shaken to bits and You seem to just sit there indifferent, cold hearted to my plight while my heart tears and my stomach is turning inside out.'

Sometimes it seems like the battle is never ending, relentless; onslaught after onslaught is aimed at slaughtering your heart:.Proverbs 4:23 "Keep thy heart with all diligence, for out of it are the issues of life."

David had this attitude, this assurance of the unseen being on his side:.1Samuel 17:26,36.

A sharper focus will lift you above all the crap bothering you today and thinking of scriptures such as the above and those connecting, will keep the devil's onslaughts at bay. God.will.look after the physical:.Numbers 23:19 "God is not a man, that he should lie, neither the son of man, that he should repent. Has he said and shall he not do it? or has he spoken and shall he not make it good?".Matthew 6:24-34; Luke 12:20-31.

The Infinite One has a will of love for all. He wants you to have life, real happy living. What's that all about?

It is not that you have inescapably done something wrong that has precluded the good life for you. It is just that His life which is His nature in you is your destiny.(1John 5:11,12), and you may not have fully obviated the void compressed by years of living the battle of life; a losing battle we have all experienced before we became spiritually minded and knowing of God reality and prevalence, a losing battle with the invisible dark side whose purpose is to increasingly impose negativity upon your heart. 

Emmanuel in talking to the Pharisees way back then, said to them that life, real living, joyful daily experiences, quenching the thirsts of life, was in Him:.John 5:38-40.

Religion is concerned with how to deal with sin, wrongdoing and getting a person on the road to purification. Conversely, true spirituality, which was called Christianity in the early days after Emmanuel left Earth to go back into the spirit realm, waters the deep thirsts of the soul for the reality of what a person really is:.Psalms 42nd chapter; Psalms 63rd chapter.

It is important to realize that sin is no longer a problem with God and His relationship with the individual.

The Pharisees were scholars regarding the scriptures extant at that time.(the Old Testament), and knew them very well including all the fine points.(and many more they erroneously added themselves), but fathomed nothing of the real living available in Emmanuel.(what does 'Emmanuel's mean):.John 4:11-34; Isaiah 55:1-3.....back to our heart


"The two most powerful warriors are patience and time."
...Leo Tolstoy, author

"If you wait for inspiration you'll be standing on the corner
after the parade is a mile down the street. Get out and involved in something
and the inspiration will come."
...Ben Nicholas
