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marked means noticeable (has a marked limp; having one or moredistinguishing marks; she is a woman of marked intelligence, but at times belittles her femininity by being brash; she is marked by her joyful.attitude); a marked change or difference is one that is very obvious and easily noticed (there has been a marked decrease in criminal government as effects of meditation increase); clearly defined and evident; singled out
something that marks or serves as a mark, such as a bookmark; a grave marker, such as a tombstone; an implement, such as a felt-tipped pen, used for marking or writing; a person who marks objects, especially for industrial.purposes
a visible trace or impression, such as a line or spot (the carpenter marked the board where he was going to cut it); a written or printed symbol used for punctuation (a punctuation mark such as " or a period . or a question mark ? ; a number, letter or symbol used to indicate various grades of academic achievement (got a mark of 95 in my carpentry test); a distinctive.trait or property (good manners are the mark of a quality parents); a lasting effect (the experience of the opera had left its mark of inspiration
mark, marked, marking, marks.verbs
transitive verb use.to make a visible trace or impression on, as with a spot, line or dent; to form, make or depict by making a mark (marked a square on the board); take note of; to single out or indicate by or as if by a mark (marked the spot where the treasure was buried); to distinguish or characterize (the exuberance that marks her writings; marked the occasion with celebrations); to make conspicuous (a concert marking the composer's 60th birthday); to set off or separate by or as if by a line or boundary (marked off the limits of our property); to evaluate academic work according to a scale of letters and numbers; to give attention to; notice
intransitive verb use.to make a visible impression (this pen will mark under water); to determine academic grades (a teacher who marks strictly)
marks made by something or someone which often may be just scribble (the child scribbled some markings on a piece of paper that had some sort of meaning, especially to her)
marked by.phrasal verb
conspicuous; noticeable; prominent;
mark down.phrasal verb
to mark for sale at a lower price
mark up.phrasal verb
to deface by covering with marks (the baby marked up some pages of the book with crayons); to mark for sale at a higher price
mark time.phrasal verb
to move the feet alternately in the rhythm of a marching step without advancing; to suspend progress for the time being; wait in readiness

a woman in a position of authority, control or ownership, as the head of a household; a woman with ultimate control over something; a woman who has a continuing sexual relationship with a man from whom she receives material support, with the man already committed to another woman or women

you use many to indicate that you are talking about a large number of people or things; being one of a large, indefinite number; numerous (many a child picks up language by some sort of a miracle; many other days are coming; he has many friends)
many.plural noun
a large, indefinite number (the workers controlling.this company gave significant amounts of freedom to all); a greater number
a large number of individuals or things ("For many are called, but few are chosen"....Matthew 22:14)
as many.idiom
the same number of (she moved three times in as many years); greater in number (a hall seating more people); greater in size, amount, extent or degree (more land; more support); additional; extra (she needs some more time to finish what she's doing)

considered to be the comparative form of much and many
do not use more with the -er form of an adjective or adverb (use I'll be smarter than before, not I'll be more smarter than before); greater in number (a hall with more seats); greater in size, amount, extent or degree (more land; more support); additional; extra (she needs some more time)
more.plural noun
a greater or additional quantity, number, degree or amount (the more I see of you the more I like you)
used with a plural verb; a greater or additional number of individuals or things (I opened only two bottles but more were in the refrigerator)
a greater or additional number of individuals or things (he had two oranges but there were more were in the refrigerator)
to or in a greater extent or degree (loved him even more after checking him out; more kind; more softly); in addition (she phoned twice more); moreover; furthermore
more so.phrasal adverb
the more so because (she thinks he'll do well in the speech, the more so because of his many years speaking in public)
beyond what has been stated; besides; also; again
more and more.idiom
to a steadily.increasing extent or degree (getting more and more warmer as springtime approaches)
more or less.idiom
about; approximately (holds two tons, more or less); to an undetermined degree (we are more or less in agreement)

for the greatest part; mainly; generally; usually
superlative of many, much; greatest in number (had the most new chicks hatched in one day); greatest in amount, extent or degree (have the most compassion you can muster; Emmanuel said these women in each circumstance had the most concern of them all:.Luke 7:37-50; Mark 12:41-44); in the greatest number of instances (most fish have fins; after playing marbles with her brothers, she ended up winning the most marbles)
most.proper noun
superlative of many, much; the greatest amount or degree (she has the most to gain; the greatest, best or most exciting, used with the (that party was the most)
superlative of more, much; in or to the highest degree or extent (most honest; most kind); very (a most impressive piece of clothing she made herself; a most impressive voice); almost (most everyone agrees)
the greatest part or number (most of the people agreed, it was time for another road; most of the missing books were found)
for the greatest part; mainly; generally; usually
at the most.idiom
at the maximum (at the the most you'll only get a little more gas in that tank)
at the most.or.at most.idiom
at the maximum (we saw him for ten minutes at the most; she ran two miles at most)
for the most part.idiom

a large quantity or amount (much has been written); something great or remarkable (he's a great dog, however not much to look at)
to a great degree or extent (much smarter because of he can remember information well); just about; almost (her looks were much the same as in her teen years); frequently; often (doesn't get out much when it's really hot)
great in quantity, degree or extent (not much rain; much affection)
much as.conjunction
however much; even though
much less.idiom
and certainly not (the weather there was much less cold than we were expecting at that time of year); not to mention; 'much less' is used especially in negative.contexts to add to one item that another denotes.something.less.likely (he can hardly climb the mountain much less that hill without stopping to rest, that is, until he loses a lot of weight)
so much.adverb
by the amount indicated or suggested
too much.adjective
being excessive or unreasonable (it was a good meal but it was just way too much food for four people; the clothes she wears are a bit much, that is, she was overdressed for the informal party)
too much.adverb
more than necessary (she eats too much probably because she hasn't heard of the body mass index guidelines; let's not blame them overmuch); too.difficult or exhausting to tolerate
Usage notes:
When much is a quantifier, it is used mainly in questions and negative sentences, such as, Was there much mess? and I don't have much time. In sentences which are not questions or negative sentences, phrases like 'a lot of' and 'plenty of' are used instead, as in these examples, The Rocky Mountains have a lot of snow, NOT, The Rocky Mountains have much snow.

'I miss very much my family' is more accurate than 'I miss my family very much'.

Much can also be used after 'too', 'so' and 'as', such as We've wasted too much time and She laughed so much her head ached and Drink as much wine as you want, but don't get drunk.

Do not use  much  before countable nouns. Insteaad use 'many'  or 'a lot of', such as in the sentence, There are too many advertisements on television, NOT, There are too much advertisements on television.

When much is an adverb, it is mainly used before comparative adjectives, such as in He looks much older than 35 and Some people are much more fortunate than others.

Much can also be used before some adjectives in questions and negative questions, as in She doesn't look much different with her new hairstyle.

Do not use 'much'  before adjectives in sentences that are not questions or negative sentences. Instead use 'very' as in Tea and coffee taste very different, NOT, Tea and coffee taste much different. See more usage notes.

a dominant.theme or central.idea; a recurrent thematic element.in an artistic or literary work

martyred is being killed by someone who doesn't believe as you do and severely dislikes what you believe; one who chooses to suffer death rather than renounce principles of God He believes in (the persecutions of the martyrs); one who makes great sacrifices or suffers much in order to further a belief, cause or principle; one who endures great suffering and persecution
martyr, martyred, martyring, martyrs.transitive verbs
to make a martyr of, especially to put to death for devotion to beliefs; to inflict great pain on; torment
the state of being a martyr (martyrs of the Inquisition)

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superior quality or worth; excellence (a proposal of some merit; an ill advised plan without merit); a quality deserving praise or approval; virtue (a store having the merit of being open late); demonstrated ability or achievement (promotions based on merit alone); judging people according to their merits
merit, merited, meriting, merits.verbs
transitive verb use-to earn; deserve
intransitive verb use.to be worthy or deserving (pupils are rewarded or corrected, as they, the education system merits)
deserving reward or praise; having merit

muse, mused, musing, muses.verbs
intransitive verb use.to be absorbed in one's thoughts; engage in meditation; ponder
transitive verb use.to consider or say thoughtfully (mused that it might take longer to drive than walk)
a calm.lengthy.intent.consideration; contemplation; reflection; rumination
a state of meditation; a muse is a person alive or passed on, who gives someone a desire to create art, poetry or music and gives them ideas for it; in Greek mythology, there were nine Goddesses, daughters of the Gods, regarded as having special powers, such as, Zeus, king of the Gods and of Mnemosyne, the Goddess of memory; the Muses were believed to inspire all artists, especially poets, philosophers and musicians; by late Roman times (3rd century to 5th century), each Muse was believed to preside over a particular art: Calliope was the muse of epic poetry; Clio of history; Euterpe of lyric poetry sung to the accompaniment of the flute; Melpomene of tragedy; Terpsichore of choral songs and the dance; Erato of love poetry sung to the accompaniment of the lyre; Polyhymnia of sacred poetry; Urania of astronomy and Thalia of comedy. Muses were said to be the companions of the Graces and of Apollo, the God of music; Muses sat near the throne of Zeus and sang of his greatness and of the origin of the world and its inhabitants and the glorious deeds of the great heroes; the Muses were worshiped throughout ancient Greece, especially at Helicon in Boeotia and at Pieria in Macedonia; oh well, so much for ancient paganism....comprised with Microsoft® Encarta® Encyclopedia 99. © 1993-1998 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Geology:.the process by which rocks are altered in composition, texture or internal structure by extreme heat, pressure and the introduction of new chemical substances; of, relating.to.metamorphosis (rocks produced by metamorphism)
of, relating to or characterized by metamorphosis; in geology. a change in structure or composition as a result of metamorphism
metamorphose, metamorphosed, metamorphosing, metamorphoses.verbs
transitive verb use.to change into a wholly different form or appearance; transform; to subject to metamorphosis or metamorphism; a change in the form and often habits of an animal during normal development after the embryonic stage; metamorphosis in insects is the transformation of a maggot into an adult fly and a caterpillar into a butterfly and in amphibians, the changing of a tadpole into a frog; holometabolous is the complete form of metamorphosis in which an insect passes through four separate stages of growth, as embryo, larva, pupa and imago, where the larva typically undergoes complete transformation within a protective cocoon or hardened case
intransitive verb use.to be changed or transformed by or as if by metamorphosis or metamorphism; convert
a transformation; a marked change in appearance, character, condition or function
Biology:.a change in the form and often habits of an animal during normal development after the embryonic stage; metamorphosis includes, in insects, the transformation of a maggot into an adult fly and a caterpillar into a butterfly and, in amphibians, the changing of a tadpole into a frog

any of various small, insectivorous mammals of the family Talpidae, usually living underground and having thickset bodies with light brown to dark gray silky fur, rudimentary eyes, tough muzzles and strong forefeet for burrowing

a machine that bores through hard surfaces, used especially for tunneling through rock

a spicy sauce of Mexican origin, made with unsweetened chocolate and a variety of chilies and spices and usually served with meat or poultry

the amount of a substance that contains as many atoms, molecules, ions or other elementary units as the number of atoms in 0.012 kilogram of carbon 12; the number is 6.0225 × 1023 or Avogadro's number, also called gram molecule; the mass in grams of this amount of a substance, numerically equal to the molecular weight of the substance

a small congenital growth on the human skin, usually slightly raised and dark and sometimes hairy, especially a pigmented.nevus

a massive, usually stone wall constructed in the sea, used as a breakwater and built to enclose or protect an anchorage or a harbor; the anchorage or harbor enclosed by a mole

a spy who operates from within an organization, especially a double agent operating against his or her own government or company from within its intelligence.establishment

relating to or designating a solution that contains one mole of solute per liter of solution; containing one mole of a substance
Physics:.of or relating to a body of matter as a whole, perceived apart from molecular or atomic properties
Chemistry:.Abbreviation M

a tooth with a broad crown used to grind food, located behind the premolars
of or relating to the molars; capable of grinding

meaning has to do with what it is you are thinking and concerned about, what it is that's important for you and what choices are available for what you have feeling about (her choice to go to the mountains for the fresh air, sunshine and quietness had good meaning to her; getting together with her sisters were the meaningful times; what meant a lot to him was time he could make available being helpful to others); meaning is thoughts providing intent having implications; inner significance; something that is conveyed or signified; sense or significance; something that one wishes to convey especially by language (the writer's meaning was easily seen by his clear well written prose
full of meaning; expressive; having.intention; intended in a specified manner.(a well meaning fellow)

having meaning, function or purpose; fraught with meaning; meaningful intent involves serious.consideration; significant (a happy meaningful glance); expressive

having no meaning or significance; deficient; mindless; irrational; pointless; purposeless; senseless; having slight.or no meaning for the purpose intended (her holiday trip was interrupted by constant phone calls from the office and so it became meaningless as regards to a time of relaxation)

mean, meant, meaning, means.verbs
transitive verb use.is used to convey; denote; to act as a symbol of; signify or represent.(in this poem, the budding flower means youth); to intend to convey or indicate; to have as a purpose or an intention; intend (I meant to go running this morning, but I overslept); to design, intend or destine for a certain purpose or end (a building that was meant for storage; a student who was meant to be a scientist; though they castigated him, they meant well, that is they were well meaning in heart:.Job chapter 18)
by all means.or.by whatever means.idiom
without fail; certainly
by any means.idiom
in any way possible; in any case
by means of.idiom
with the use of or through the use of; because of; owing to (they succeeded the climb by means of patience and tenaciousness and strength; by means of wire and some glue they were able to fix the kid's kite)
by no means.idiom
in no sense; certainly not
by this means.adverb
doing it as shown will get it done properly

you can refer to the money that someone has as their means, their spendability; a method, a course of action or an instrument by which an act can be accomplished or an end achieved; a means of doing something is a method, instrument or process which can be used to do it (we have the means to send spaceships into outer space; we have the means to heal all diseases using 'med beds'); if you do something by means of a particular method, instrument or process, you do it using that method, instrument or process; something having a position, quality or condition.midway.between.extremes; a 'mean' is also the average.value, such as with a set of numbers; the golden mean is the course.between extremes; the arithmetic mean of the maximum and minimum distances of a body, such as a satellite or secondary star, from its primary (the mean position of the Sun); in mathematics, a number that typifies a set of numbers, such as a geometric mean or an arithmetic mean; 'means' is also ability, such as, if someone is living beyond their means, they are spending more money than they can afford; if someone is living within their means, they are not spending more money than they can afford; a medium; 'means' used with a plural verb, is money, property or other wealth (live within your means; a woman of means and ways)
the time between one occurrence and another; the interval
during a period of intervening time; meanwhile
the intervening time
during or in the intervening time (meanwhile, life goes on); at the same time (meanwhile, we must be patient)

mean, meaner, meanest.adjectives
selfish often but not always, in a petty way; unkind; cruel, spiteful or malicious; ignoble; base, low grade (a mean motive); stingy; inferior; low in value or amount; paltry; extremely unpleasant or disagreeable (the meanest storm in years); ill-tempered; difficult or troublesome (he throws a mean fast ball); excellent; skillful.(she plays a mean game of bridge)
an unkind somebody or effort often said by children regarding those who hurt them or others in someway; an uncaing and/or maliciously spiteful individual (example)
the quality or state of being selfish and stingy; a spitefuland malicious act (bullies are mean to others and hurt them in ways they think they can, but why are they like that?); meanness is also the state of being inferior in quality, character or value; commonness
mean spirited or mean-spirited.adjective
having or characterized by a malicious or petty.spirit

a small, representative system having analogies to a larger system in constitution, configuration or development (a drop of the ocean is its microcosm)

moderate.adjective.(pronounced 'mod er it')
being within reasonable limits; not excessive or extreme (a moderate price); not violent or subject to extremes; mild or calm; temperate.(a moderate climate); of medium or average quantity or extent
one who holds or champions moderate views or opinions

moderate, moderated, moderating, moderates.verbs.(pronounced 'mod er ate')
transitive verb use.to lessen the violence, severity or extremeness of; to preside over (she was chosen to moderate the convention)
intransitive verb use.to become less violent, severe or extreme; abate; to act as a moderator
restraining oneself in appetites and desires; if you say that someone's behavior shows moderation, you approve of them because they act in a way that you think is reasonable and not extreme; if you say that someone does something such as eat, drink or smoke in moderation, you mean that they do not eat, smoke or drink too much or more than is reasonable
one that moderates, as one that arbitrates or mediates; one who presides over a meeting, forum or debate; the officer who presides over a synod or general assembly of the Presbyterian Church
Physics:.a substance, such as water or graphite, that is used in a nuclear reactor to decrease the speed of fast neutrons and increase the likelihood of fission

an intricate, usually confusing network of interconnecting pathways, as in a garden; a labyrinth; something made up of many confused or conflicting elements; a tangle.(a maze of government regulations
maze, mazed, mazing, mazes.transitive verbs
to bewilder or astonish; to stupefy; daze

menace, menaced, menacing, menaces.verbs
transitive verb use.to utter threats against; to constitute a threat to; endanger
intransitive verb use.to make threats
possible danger; a threat; the act of threatening; a troublesome or annoying individual (a toddler who was a menace in a shop full of crystal)

merge, merged, merging, merges.verbs
transitive verb use.to cause to be absorbed, especially in gradual stages; combine or unite (merging two sets of data)
intransitive verb use.to blend.together, especially in gradual stages; to become combined or united; mix
the act or an instance of merging; union; the union of two or more commercial interests or corporations
