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propel, propelled, propelling, propels.transitive verbs
to cause to move forward or onward
a propeller is a device with blades which is attached to a boat or aircraft and here the boat or aircraft engine makes the propeller spin round and causing the boat or aircraft to move; a propeller is a machine for propelling an aircraft or a boat and consists of a shaft which rotates because of power generated by its engine; a propeller has blades that are placed so as to thrust air or water in a desired direction when spinning

something, such as an explosive charge or a rocket fuel, that propels by providing.enough.thrust to move an object; a compressed.inert.gas, such as a fluorocarbon, that acts as a vehicle for discharging the contents of an aerosol.container
serving to propel; propelling

the carrying of boats and supplies overland between two waterways or around an obstacle to navigation (First Nation tribes often still do carry their canoes from one river over land to reach more navigable water) the act or an instance of carrying
portage, portaged, portaging, portages.transitive and intransitive verbs
to transport or travel by portage (canoed and portaged the goods; portaging around the rapids)

an area with definite or indefinite.boundaries; a portion of space (make a place in your closet for additional clothes); room or space, especially adequate space (at the back of the room there is a place for everyone not finding a chair for sitting); an area set aside for a purpose (a place to meditate; visited many places); a dwelling; a house (bought a place on the lake); a setting for one person at a table; a position regarded as belonging to someone or something else; stead (he was chosen in her place); a particular point that one has reached, as in a book (I have lost my place); a particular spot (where in the yard did you place it?); proper or customary position or order (these books are out of place; the large chesterfield looks out of place in that small room); a suitable setting or occasion (not the place to speak loudly); a particular situation or circumstance (put yourself in my place; found a place in the company)
place, placed, placing, places.verbs
transitive verb use.to put in or as if in a particular place or position; set; to put in a specified.relation or order: (place the words in alphabetical order); to offer for consideration (accepted the suggestion to improve services); to arrange for the publication or display of (place an advertisement in the newspaper); to appoint to a post (placed her in a key position); to rank in an order or a sequence (I'd place him first); to estimate (placed the distance at 100 feet); to identify or classify in a particular context (could not place that person's face); to give an order for (place a bet); to apply or arrange for (place an order)
intransitive verb use.in sports, to arrive among the first three finishers in a race, especially to finish second
in place.idiom
in position; in the appropriate or usual position or order (with everything in place, she started the video); in the same spot; without moving forwards or backwards (while marching in place, the band played a popular tune)
in place of.idiom
instead of
keep one's place.or.know one's place
to recognize one's social position and act.according to traditional.decorum
take place.or.takes place.verb
to come to pass (the meeting took place on time)
the act of placing or arranging; the state of being placed or arranged; the finding of suitable.accommodation or employment for applicants; assignment of students to appropriate classes or programs; in football, the setting of the ball in position for a place kick

a position of the body or of body parts (a sitting posture); an attitude; a pose (assumed a posture of classic.integrity); a particularly.characteristic way of bearing one's body; carriage: stood with good posture (look at her, her head and shoulders are not slouched down, they're erect and in line with her back)  relative.placement or arrangement (the posture of the buildings on the land)
posture, postured, posturing, postures.verbs
intransitive verb use.to assume an exaggerated or unnatural pose or mental attitude; a
transitive verb use.to put into a specific posture; pose

a place or location; the right or appropriate place (the bands were in position for the start of the parade); the way in which something is placed (the position of the hands on the clock); the arrangement of body parts; posture (a standing position); an advantageous place or location (the best position for viewing the lake is from up here); a situation as it relates to the surrounding circumstances (the shopkeeper was in a position to bargain); the act or process of positing; a principle or proposition posited.
position, positioned, positioning, positions.transitive verbs
to put in place or position; to determine the position of; locate

unreasonably irritable or ill-tempered; peevish; contemptuous in speech or behavior

plump, plumper, plumpest.adjectives
well-rounded and full in form; chubby; fat; abundant; ample (a plump reward)
plump, plumped, plumping, plumps.verbs
transitive verb use.to make well-rounded or full in form (plumped up the pillows); to throw down or drop something abruptly or heavily (plumped the books onto the table)
intransitive verb use.to become well-rounded, chubby or full in form; to drop abruptly or heavily (plumped into the easy chair)
plump, plumply.adverbs
with a heavy or abrupt drop (we dropped the rock plump into the water; straight down (the anchor fell plump into the sea)
a heavy or abrupt fall; the sound of a heavy fall

either of the two points representing (imaginary points) the north and south ends of the axis about which the Earth rotates; either.extremity of an axis through a sphere; in geography, either of the regions.contiguous to the extremities of the Earth's rotational axis, the North Pole or the South Pole; a magnetic pole; either of two oppositely charged terminals, as in an electric cell or battery; the point on a nerve cell where a process originates, such as the synaptic regarding an axon or dendron; a long, relatively slender, generally rounded piece of wood or other material; the long, tapering wooden shaft extending up from the front axle of a vehicle, such as a horse drawn buggy, to the collars of the animals drawing it; a tongue; a rod, being a unit of area equal to a square rod
pole, poled, poling, poles.verbs
transitive verb use.nautically maning to propel with a pole: boatmen poling barges up a placid river; to propel oneself or make one's way by the use of ski poles; to support plants with a pole; to strike, poke or stir with a pole
intransitive verb use.to propel a boat or raft with a pole; to use ski poles to maintain or gain speed
a native or inhabitant of the country of Poland; a person of Polish descent

a piece of lumber cut thicker than a board; such pieces of lumber considered as a group
planks considered as a group; an object or a structure made of planks; a foundation; a support
plank, planked, planking, planks.transitive verbs
to furnish or cover with planks (plank a muddy pathway); to bake or broil and serve fish or meat on a plank; to put or set down emphatically or with force

any of several.pigmented.cytoplasmic.organelles found in plant cells and other organisms, having various.physiological.functions, such as the synthesis and storage of food

a liquid dose, especially one of medicinal, magic or poisonous content

any of a group of proteins, such as casein, containing chemically.bound.phosphoric acid

relating to, characterized by or.composed of pictures; represented as if in a picture (pictorial prose); illustrated by pictures (a short pictorial history)
an illustrated periodical

psalm, psalmed, psalming, psalms.transitive verbs
to sing words celebrating in these compositions having musical accompaniment as in the 150 songs in the Book of Psalms in the Bible