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total destruction or disintegration, either physical, moral, social or economic; the remains of something destroyed, disintegrated or decayed (studied the ruins of ancient Greece)
ruin, ruined, ruining, ruins.verbs
transitive verb sense.to destroy completely; demolish
to harm irreparably; to reduce to poverty or bankruptcy
intransitive verb sense.to fall into ruin

rot, rotted, rotting, rots.verbs
intransitive verb use.to undergo decomposition, especially organic decomposition; decay; to become damaged, weakened or useless because of decay (the beams had rotted away); to disappear or fall by decaying (one could see the blackened areas where the branches had rotted off)
transitive verb use.to cause to decompose or decay (you can tell if a plant hasn't been chemicalized with 'cides', as it will rot back into the ground quickly; if something doesn't rot, it's dead and probably not the best for a person to eat)
the process of rotting or the condition of being rotten (the rot will eventually spread, rendering the bridge unsafe even for pedestrians)
rotten, rottener, rottenest.adjective
being in a state of putrefaction or decay; decomposed; having a foul.odor.resulting from or suggestive of decay; putrid; made weak or unsound by rot (rotten floorboards in the old barn); morally.corrupt.or.despicable (rotten to the core as these women were); very.bad (beyond bad to evil); wretched (rotten weather) rotten.adverb
to a very great degree (you won't spoil a child rotten if you take time to love them by spending time to be with them having fun and teaching them)

causing or apt to cause ruin; destructive; falling to ruin; dilapidated or decayed

having no compassion or pity; merciless (ruthless cruelty; ruthless opportunism)

dominated, harassed or obsessed by often used in combination (disease-ridden; worry-ridden)
ridden,.rode.verbs.past participles of ride
ride, ridden, riding, rides.verbs
intransitive verb sense.to be carried or conveyed, as in a vehicle or on horseback; to travel over a surface (this car rides well); to lie at anchor (battleships riding at the mouth of the estuary); to seem to float (the moon was riding among the clouds); to be contingent; depend (the final outcome rides on the results of the election); to continue without interference (let the matter ride); to work or move from the proper place, especially on the body (pants that ride up)
transitive verb sense.to sit on and move in a given direction (rode a bicycle to town; ride a horse to the village); to travel over, along or through (ride the highways); to be supported or carried on (a swimmer riding the waves); to take part in or do by riding (he rode his last race); to keep (a vessel) at anchor; to tease or ridicule; to harass with persistent carping and criticism; to keep partially engaged by slightly depressing a pedal with the foot (don't ride the clutch or the brakes)
the act or an instance of riding, as in a vehicle or on an animal; a device, such as one at an amusement park, that one rides for pleasure or excitement; a means of transportation (waiting for her ride to come)
ride out.phrasal verb
to survive or outlast (rode out the storm)
ride for a fall.idiom
to court danger or disaster
ride herd on.idiom
to keep watch or control over
ride high.idiom
to experience success
ride roughshod over.idiom
to take a course of action without regard for the feelings, opinions or welfare of others; marked by brutal force (Stalin's roughshod treatment of people)
to treat with brutal force (a manager who rode roughshod over all opposition); shod with horseshoes having projecting nails or points to prevent slipping
ride shotgun.idiom
to guard a person or thing while in transit
take for a ride.idiom
to deceive or swindle

riddle, riddled, riddling, riddles.transitive verb
to pierce with numerous holes; perforate.(riddle a target with bullets; to spread throughout (election campaigns have always been riddled with promises not later carried out); if something is riddled with undesirable qualities or features, it is full of them (they were the principal shareholders in a banking system riddled with corruption); damaged throughout by numerous perforations or holes (a sweater riddled with moth holes; cliffs riddled with caves); spread throughout (various levels of government riddled with corruption)
a coarse sieve, as for gravel

a question or statement requiring thought to answer or understand; a conundrum; one that is perplexing; an enigma, riddle, riddled, riddling, riddles.verbs
transitive verb use.to solve or explain
intransitive verb use.to propound or solve riddles; to speak in riddles

to take hold of again (a child considering doing foolish things needs to take hold of himself and sometimes to bring him back to sanity a spanking may be needed)

repeat, repeated, repeating, repeats.verbs
transitive verb use.to say again (repeat a question; to utter in duplication of another's utterance); to recite from memory; to tell to another; to do, experience or produce again (repeat past success); to express (oneself) in the same way or words (repeats himself often)
intransitive verb use.to do or say something again
an act of repeating; something repeated (a repeat of a television program)
of, relating to or being something that repeats or is repeated (a repeat restaurant customer; a repeat performance of the play)
more than once; again and again

revolve, revolved, revolving, revolves.verbs
intransitive verb use.to orbit a central point; to turn on an axis; rotate; to turn; to recur in cycles or at periodic.intervals; to be held in the mind and considered in turn; to be centered (their interests both revolve around kids and family)
transitive verb use.to cause to revolve; to ponder or reflect

rotate, rotated, rotating, rotates.verbs
intransitive verb use.to turn around on an axis or center; to proceed in sequence; take turns or alternate (interns will rotate through the various departments)
transitive verb use.to cause to turn on an axis or center;to turn; to plant or grow crops in a fixed order of succession; to cause to alternate or proceed in sequence (the coach rotates her players frequently near the end of the game)
rotate, rotatable.adjectives
of, relating.to.causing or characterized by rotation; occurring in alternation or succession
the act or process of turning around a center or an axis: the axial rotation of the Earth; a single complete.cycle of such motion; regular and uniform.variation in a sequence or series (crop rotation); an order of shooting balls in billiards in which the ball with the lowest number on the table is always pocketed first
of, relating.to, causing or characterized by rotation, especially axial rotation
a part or device that rotates around an axis; a traffic circle

the quality of being widely honored and acclaimed; fame
having renown; famous; noted
in a definite and conspicuous position; honored and acclaimed

an act of passing something along from one person, group or station to another (a relay race)
Electronics:.a device that responds to a small current or voltage change by activating switches or other devices in an electric circuit
relay, relayed, relaying, relays.transitive verbs
to pass along by or as if by relay (relayed the message to his brother)
Electronics:.to control or retransmit by means of a relay

dedicate.anew; to dedicate again (after a little argument they engaged in rededication time)

resign, resigned, resigning, resigns.verbs
transitive verb use.to submit (oneself) passively; accept as inevitable (I resigned myself to a long wait in line); to give up a position, for example, especially by formal notification; to relinquish (a privilege, right or claim)
intransitive verb use.to give up one's job or office; quit, especially by formal notification (resign from the school board)
the act or an instance of resigning; an oral or written statement that one is resigning a position or an office

unresisting.acceptance.of.something that seems inescapable; submission; patience

re-sign, re-signed, re-signing, re-signs.transitive verbs
to sign again (re-signed the lease)

a quantity measured with respect to another measured quantity (a rate of speed of 60 miles an hour); the cost per unit of a commodity or service (postal rates); a charge or payment calculated in relation to a particular sum or quantity (interest rates)
rate, rated, rating, rates.verbs
transitive verb use.to calculate the value of; appraise; estimate; to place in a particular.rank or grade; to regard or account (rated the movie excellent); to specify the performance limits of (a machine, for example; this fuse is rated at 50 amperes); to merit or deserve (people that rate special treatment)
intransitive verb use.to be ranked in a particular class

at any rate.idiom
whatever the case may be; at least

rate, rated, rating, rates.verbs
transitive verb use.to berate
intransitive verb use.to express reproof

reel, reeled, reeling, reels.verbs
intransitive verb use.to be thrown off balance or fall back (reeled from the sharp blow); to stagger, lurch or sway, as from drunkenness (reeled down the alley); to go round and round in a whirling motion (gulls reeling and diving); to feel dizzy (the accountant's head reeled with the facts and figures)
transitive verb use.to cause to reel
a staggering, swaying or whirling movement; a fast dance of Scottish.origin; the amazing dancing of the whirling dervishes) the music for one of these dances

a device, such as a cylinder, spool or frame, that turns on an axis and is used for winding and storing rope, tape, film or other flexible materials; a cylindrical device attached to a fishing rod to let out or wind up the line; the quantity of wire, film or other material wound on one reel; a set of curved lawn-mower blades that rotate around a bar parallel to the ground, cutting grass while moving against a stationary straight blade
reel, reeled, reeling, reels.transitive verbs
to wind on or let out from a reel; to recover by winding on a reel (reel in a large fish)
reel in.phrasal verb
if you reel in something.such as a fish, you pull it towards you by winding around a reel the wire or line that it is attached to
(Jim reeled in the first fish caught that day)
reel off, reeled off.phrasal verbs
to recite.fluently and usually at length (reeled off a long list of names and dates)