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Wolf, Dr. Fred Allen
Wolf spider
Wolfram, Stephen
Wolves in sheep's clothing
Woman/Women.(the oceans of emotions God created)
...all how you look at it.(is this a young woman or an old hag?)
...at their best
...bad boys, why they often tend to go for them
...brought to a man
...create new human beings
...Creator highly respects
...easily influenced
...equal to men?
...fallacy of so called 'women's intuition'
...favored very greatly by God
...learning about women
...looking for a man
...men to look for and men to avoid
...silly and foolish women
...special consideration by angels
...stupid ones
...'stuck' at home or 'out there baby'
...what they are basically like
...what they really want
...woman metaphorically refers to what?
...women men should avoid and men women should avoid
...women influencing men wrongly
...women to seek
...women's ways
...women with a smile are like...
...evil corrupt bitches & bad moms.(see also evil & good kings); pagan women turn ancient king Saul's heart away from God
other evil women: Athaliah, Delilah, Hamutal, Hephzibah, Herodias, Hillary Rodham Clinton, et al, Jezebel, Maachah, Meshullemeth, Mother Teresa, Nancy Pelosi, Nehushta, Queen Elizabeth II (Elizabeth Windsor), Queen Mary 1, Theresa Tam, Zaresh and so many more bad bitches like the one lying about Jacob
...good spiritual women & moms:.(see also 'women at their best', Wild at Heart and how man limits himself by his views on women; maybe also see good & evil kings and God respects women.
...the good women:
Abi; Abigail; Anna (a prophetess); daughters of Zelophehad.(Mahlah, Noah, Hoglah, Milcah, Tirzah); Deborah (a prophetess); Esther; Eunice; Hannah; Huldah (a prophetess); Jecholiah; Jehoaddan; Jerusha; Lois; Mary; Miriam (a prophetess); Naomi; queen of Sheba; Rachel; Rahab; Rebekah; Ruth; Salome; Samson's mom:.Judges 13:22,23; Sarah; Tabitha; Tamar; Phillip's daughters; their qualities; Stasi's story.
...a widow woman who helped all she was able to:.Mark 12:42-44;
...the generous woman with ointment in an alabaster box:.Luke 7:37-50. Other women of like heart:.Mark 14:3-6.
...many women in the past were matriarchs, they ran societies extremely well and were over their large families
Wonders.(many signs & wonders done by the apostles)
Wood, Lin.(Christian attorney in the Trump administration, speaks of what's really going on in the world)
Wood.(ancient Phoenicians, aka, Sidonians, had a great reputaion for hewing wood)
Wood.(moon wood is cutting trees during the waning moon so it has special properties)
Wood.(thyine wood)
Woodrow Wilson
...Christ, the Word
...careful with your words
...keeping our.(words bind our soul)
...list of English words and their Bible original meanings
...of God.(their importance, their listings, using them)
...of men
...screwin' with words.(a cabal specialty)
...son, grandson, etc.
...where are they from?
...words & their grammar
...words.(Greek words for love)
...words.(original word meanings and some words are figurative)
...words.(their power)
...words.(why did they use these Old English words like 'thou', 'ye', 'buildeth', etc.?)
...of God
...your own salvation
...and faith
...finished from the beginning
...of God
...of our own righteousness
...of the flesh
...of the spirit
...works and works
...4 world ruling kingdoms
...450 more worlds to clean up
...a new one coming
...an illusion
...closing period of
...come out of its evil
...course of the world
...end of?
...foundation of
...getting worse?
...invisible spirit world
...is loved
...kosmos (Greek words for 'ages' & 'world')
...made for man
...meanings of the word
...not world of the devil anymore
...of different frequencies
...of ordinary consciousness
...of the world
...peace.(David Lynch.on what world peace encompasses)
...peace.(John Hagelin.on key to world peace)
...population.(are there really too many people?)
...stage.(world a stage for us)
...what about the evils in worlds beyond Earth?
...what is?
...world.(Greek words for 'ages' & 'world')
Worldwide telescope.(a gift)
Worm.(man's power in comparison to God's)
Worm dies not?
Worms.(the Diet of Worms)
...when to worry
...why worry?
...worry is a negative prayer; how so?
...first day of the week?
...Sabbath day.(being the seventh day of the week)?
...what is it?
...of God
Wreck.(Earth's a stage, can't wreck the universe you are in)
Writers of the Bible.(why they wrote as they did; why some books are not there)
Writing.(history of)
Wrongs we've done.(though forgiven by God, wrongs often remembered by those who knew about them)
Wycliffe, John.(instrumental with his writings which led to the 16th century Reformation)