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M a t i n g
p a g e  6

The macho.hustler guys can often have a hard time handling the stresses and responsibilities of daily living. Ultra meekness in someone is better but can cloak.anger. Moses was like this:.Numbers 12:3.

"You can only build as high up as your foundation is deep."

The root meaning of meekness is 'a good student', one willing to learn the pathways of higher consciousness, one willing to face his dark side and know its place in his purpose here and how the light illuminates it for view. 

It doesn't mean what the common influence of the word is, that of a weak-kneed character that allows himself or herself to be abused, thinking he or she is gaining religious 'brownie' points.

Religion has perpetuated this concept from lack of knowing of such things as 'turn the other cheek' and do whatever any authority tells you to do:.Matthew 5:39-41. All this limited comprehension comes from the ego level and not from the soul level of higher consciousness.

Look for a man who is tolerant and won't become nit picking and bitter towards you:.Colossians 3:19. Many individuals have not been taught to relate to others in a loving manner. Look for a man who does not have all his vision wrapped up in the relationship. Otherwise he'll drive you nuts trying to get every detail in the relationship perfect and may lack any forgiveness needed to make the relationship smoothly work.

Many women pass over.(because they want the macho 'exciting' guy).the fellow who is a volunteer to the handicapped, the guy who has developed love for things other than himself.(albeit, in some cases, only for his computer so far eh! Ha!), the guy with a good upbringing.(the most important consideration regarding consideration of another as a life partner).who may not necessarily want to be in the main stream of the dating scene.

Even to meet these guys is difficult.(and they are by far the majority).as they are seldom in a bar, preferring instead to improve themselves and enjoy life in a more peaceful, patient, meaningful and inteligent way. They may or may not go to church. They will possess a good sense of humor, be lovers of good things.(Titus 1:8).and look at life from a positive point of view:.Philippians 4:8.

Perhaps you'll see them as they shop for groceries and clothing, perhaps in church, maybe at work. Ask God to guide you to him and look for unselfishness in him when you meet him. Look at the actions and notice what results another produces in you. Selfishness is deadly to a relationship. See the 'rate-a-mate'.

Silly women.gravitate to bad boys. They are immature, having much to learn beyond things of the moment that attract them.

And deceitfulness is something to watch for:.Jeremiah 3:20.(word 'treacherously' here, can also be translated 'deceitfully'):.Malachi 2:14-16.

We can love anyone we decide to. Decision is the key! But seek a man who makes you feel good about yourself; sexy and confident. If he can't make you feel like this, why are you with him?

Hey guys! Why let a woman choose you? You should probably move on from a lot of those kind. Know what you want.(talk to older people {an older woman can be most helpful} who have been through it).and do the choosing yourself if that's how you feel inside. If you don't feel that way, then wait.(wait for what?). Be bold enough to introduce yourself to a girl you are attracted to. If you're not, get some knowledge on it. Know what you want in the way of character in her. Drop 'em quick, if they are not the one. Concepts of conversation to help you.

If a woman is hot for God, she'll be sexy and if inclined toward you.(see 'commitment'), hot for you if you are also.(Proverbs 31:10-31, verse 30 here about a woman who 'fears the Lord' means a woman with whom a relationship with God is number 1 in her life; Amos 3:3).hot for God.

If you take attention, concern, patience, kindness, gentleness and understanding into the relationship, most women will respond with passion, if she has sufficiently overcome the hurts of her past.

One overcomes all negatives by knowing they have the righteousness of Emmanuel the Christ. Example.

If you treat her special, she will stay with you. Some of the best advice I ever heard to maintain a great relationship was to decide to spoil each other. That comes from Jim Richards of Impact Ministries.(impactministries.com). It has worked for him and his beautiful lady who has spoiled him for over twenty years. Jim needs spoiling and hey, don't we all? The way a woman likes to be treated is.often

Hey! You are on a journey through life; you might as well enjoy it as best you can! 

Ladies, avoid the guy who is violent and may not be gentle with you.(Malachi 2:14-16).or children. Some men and much more so than women, have a 'vandalism syndrome'; that is, once a relationship is good, they find some reason or excuse, to wreck it! Truly, the demons do have an 'in line' to many. Watch for early frustrations in men and consider that these frustrations some day may be directed towards you and/or various relationships.(children, friends, etc.).and/or, anything that seems permanently clean, good, wholesome and constructive.

Many women have been abused by their male partners. Some are so downhearted and confused they interpret a clinched fist as an expression of love or exercise and hang in there for more 'I don't need to go out and exercise. I can stay home and get it from fist dodging'.

When you are downhearted, you are sapped. This is why it's important to find out what the person is really like before you commit and it takes a good six months to get a guiding glimse with some men or women.

Many guys are predisposed to anger and fits of rage:.Psalms 37:8;.Proverbs 15:18 "A wrathful man stirs up strife but he that is slow to anger appeases strife."

It takes time and circumstances to find this out. Why respond to a man who treats you without gentleness and dignity? Where do you think you will ever go in life with this kind of person? Perhaps to the grave.

For men in the Calgary area who want help to overcome a tendency to be abusive, contact Men's Domestic Conflict Help Line at 403.266-4357. For women contact the Calgary Women's Emergency Shelter at 403.232-8717.

Get the RCMP.(Royal Canadian Mounted Police).video entitled Violence Against Women; call 1.800.445-5144. 

Some religions have taught women to 'submit'. In Ephesians 5:21 and verse 33, Paul tells us to be submitting.(original is 'aligning with').to each other.

We can't belong.to each other.(like a possession that one has control over), but if a relationship is improving as it goes along, it then has rapport and in a rapport filled relationship, we belong.with each other.(a sharing).

And why? If you are both seeking to grow spiritually.(1Thessalonians 4:1), you naturally would see which of you at any time would be ahead in this area:.Ephesians 5:33.

Women in Kuwait, used to walk behind their husbands.
It wasn't the feminist movement nor westernization that
changed all that. Husbands now walk behind their wives
because of land mines!
