If one is not seeking
to grow spiritually, the relationship is based on and will be kept together
for only a while, by physical needs and concerns. The 'honeymoon' wears
off all too quickly. Such a flimsy
basis endangers the relationship the more it encounters the vicissitudes
of living. The heart is made to be a 'spiritual
thing'. Trying to always please the heart with physical things.(vacations,
gifts, entertainment, the excitement of things, etc.).is
short lived, leaving one somewhat frustrated and empty.
Care and concern satisfy
the heart, because these are some of the higher consciousness values
of the Soul. The things of the spirit last, including
you. Satisfaction from the ego level
of living only pacifies
for only a short while. But the hunger for all things is of the spirit
in you, urging life on with its daily
prompts which most of us in ignorance obviate.
Only spiritual things truly satisfy continuously. Life needs to be satisfying
in the present. It's the present that is eternal. Think of that in the
Have your attention on what
what is now; be presently
you'll get fullness in every way, every day. Enjoy bliss.
in bliss! Bliss rides on the current of natural feeling. Be mindful,
full of awareness.in
the present.
The Infinite One told Abraham
to listen to Sarah:.Genesis
21:12. Sarah was a woman who fit in well with Abraham:.1Peter
3:6. The key to think about is: What makes a relationship.(for
example your relationship).work?
What does it take to make it last? Approaching a relationship from unbending
extreme and variant
points of view).viewpoints
does not contribute to building the rapport
necessary for a solid relationship:.Amos
Get a guy who loves you.(see
'and ladies' and look up the scriptures
mentioned at the link).
Obviously a guy who's beating
a woman up is not at all concerned with any kind of rapport
with a woman whatsoever. Get away quick while you are still breathing!
Learn about
Perhaps the woman also is
not really interested in rapport with someone, for some foolish
women just harp
and harp on things they deem
as unsatisfying:.Proverbs
26:17; 27:15. Other women
will 'sell' their soul for money. They marry the guy solely
to get what they secretly and selfishly desire. This can
be a trick of the dark side.
A guy who cannot handle
frustrations; a guy who does not smile at children and note if children
respond to him.(kids
are intuitive about peoples' hearts);
a guy who serves himself first; is not a guy you will grow spiritually
with. Some people, both guys and girls just go around putting
holes in others.
The rapport needed for a
decent relationship must be there if the relationship is to progress. Without
this, only fear will develop if you set yourself up with one of these."children
of the devil".(Ephesians
2:2,3 and again,
6:14 and Amos 3:3).
If you live with such a dolt,
you will have trouble in your home:.Proverbs
11:29. He may even go to church!
Does he love the spiritual
things of the true Infinite One and is he humble
enough to produce works of service and love to others?.If.he
is that way with others, he'll be that way with you too. Or is he the type
that if his pride is hurt, he will
take it out on you? Does he or she have that special attractiveness that
excites you? That's important. Look for things:.Galatians
5:19-26; Proverbs 10:18;
See the guy as he is, not as you wish and hope that he would become, but
get someone with whom you think the interest won't wane.
Also most important is background.
is the heritage? Are his mom and dad still together? Did they love
one another and him too? Did they show affection to each other and do things
together with and for one another? Try to find these things out, before
you let your heart get involved:.Proverbs
And look for a man who can
and wants to provide:.1Timothy
Guys and ladies: If an individual
is truly a spiritual, that is, of love, there will be kindness and consideration
coming forth from him or her; important qualities to be looking for. Avoid
those offensive in manner who retort.vituperatively
with answers that antagonize.
Avoid getting involved with
a demanding person. Demanding people tend to be cruel and uncaring. And
stay away from fragile relationships too. A fragile relationship is where
you have to 'tippy toe' around the other for fear of being offensive. In
such a relationship, there is no mutual unconditional acceptance of each
other's personality. You're headed for disaster.
The last thing you want is
strife in your relationship. Look for unselfish mates. Strife is born of
a selfish nature. Seek someone easy to be with, easy to talk with:.James
3:17,18. One cannot have much.(or
any).peace when
the other does not approve of you. Why waste your time?
The ability
to be intimate is knowing what the other feels and allowing the other
into every aspect
of who you are. An honest person hides nothing:.Romans
12:17 "...Provide things honest in the sight of all men."
should he or she even want to hide anything? If God knows all and God is
most important in his or her life, they will.want.to
be open. He or she each knows what they now are in God, so the past.should.not
matter. The past is for learning.
Obviously one is only open
with another they are sure that they can trust. Selfish
persons have great difficulty with being intimate.
Both men and women can be
very nice on the surface
for years. Such are they who may be in relationships of convenience. As
soon as intimacy deepens, the worst can come out. Many just can't handle
it. The insecurities and vulnerabilities of each can become difficult to
cope with.
Love covers, but many mates
would rather haul out all the garbage when upset and present it again to
the one they claim to 'love':.1Peter
13:10; Proverbs 10:12.
Love is responding positively
to what someone is, more than to what they say. Words of love are valueless
if not felt. Many you meet will be incapable of feeling your love. Don't
waste your time with them. Ask yourself if the other has good will toward
you. Be alert for a mate where
love dances in the freshness of the unknown.
Passion is intense longing
for union. Negativity
in a mate kills love's working, kills one's desire, kills one's passion,
in both. Love changes with the passage of time, but it never diminishes.
If you can't be happy with someone, you really can't be with them. The
most beautiful 'make up' a woman can wear is passion.