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-incense:.Comprised from the Concise Bible Dictionary
Precise instructions were given as to how the sweet incense was to be made that was burnt in the ancient tabernacle. It was a compound of sweet spices: stacte, onycha, galbanum and pure frankincense, an equal weight of each. It was to be compounded after the art of the apothecary, tempered together (or salted), pure and holy. 

No one was to make any like it for their private use. Any one who did so was to be cut off from God's people:.Exodus 30:34-38

This incense was to be burnt on the golden altar morning and evening."a perpetual incense before the Lord":.Exodus 30:7,8

The incense was also to be put on burning coals in a censer and carried by the high priest into the most holy place on the Day of Atonement, that the cloud of incense might cover the Mercy Seat that was upon the testimony, 'that he die not.' It typified the personal perfection of Him who carried in the blood of atonement:.Leviticus 16:12,13.

We find that while the high places remained, incense was burnt there as well as sacrifices offered.

The burning of incense to Baal and other false Gods is also often spoken of.(Jeremiah 1:16; 7:8-10).and of course was not to be a part of the ancient people of the Creator.

Science can be called blind science when it too must leave off intuition for years of research, during which time perhaps many die. This is intellectual obscenity

Science has all too often rejected that which does not meet criteria established by those who feel observation and experimentation provide the paradigm for discovery. Once numerous studies provide verification of the efficacy of some new drug, then it is released, but alas, leaving off intuition, all too often what happens is that obviously enough research wasn't evidenced when unexpected side effects surface.

Some people are characterless evidenced by how they gain courage for life through drugs, excesses in alcohol, perverted sex, etc.; things that temporarily fill the gnawing emptiness the lack of intuition generates.

They lack the fire necessary to locate answers for themselves and to share those helpful answers with others.(like Stephen Wolfram has decided to do), instead relying instead upon the opinions of others, allowing others control over them. In effect, important concerns of living have been handed to others. In this state there is little they can contribute to the benefit of others. They are fodder for manipulation by those considering themselves their superiors.

-intuition:.intuition is the little brother to clairvoyance and is a characteristic.unique to humanity and two animals, where the heart sees what is often invisible to the eyes. Intuition is insight, a knowing about what's in someone's mind that he or she wants information on.

Many people, without thinking, assume intuition is trusting in your heart: Proverbs 3:5,6; 14:12; 28:26; Jeremiah 17:9.

Intuition is a knowing inside.(why inside?), a 'seeing' of the invisible world, such as the memories and attitudes of others, where one's first impression, his or her one 'gut feeling', is always correct, when connected to God. Why?

"Major discoveries in science are not made through rational thought but through intuitive insights, which are quantum leaps in thinking. Intuition is a heightened sense of awareness. It is non algorithmic, is contextual, relational, wise, nourishing and is beyond linear cause effect relationships. Intuition is not a thought, it's the non local cosmic field of information that whispers to you in the silence between your thoughts and that expresses itself as a message of comfort or discomfort in your physical body."....Deepak Chopra.

Intuition is a gift, one of the spiritual.faculties, this one enabling vibrations of information to be sensed and understood. Such information comes from what is called the Akashic Record. For example, it's your intuition that alerts you to someone unseen watching you and your attention is interrupted. You sense something different.

It's your intuition or God in you that let's you know something is true, something often that others you may explain it to just don't comprehend. To effectively use your intuition, ask questions to yourself of what has been brought to your mind and you'll know more.

Intuition comes in the 'package' of what's called the Holy Spirit, with other spiritual faculties, such as perception, will, imagination, reason and along with these, memory much higher than that of animals, where very complex information not only can be recalled, rearranged and using imagination, create new ideas.

This Envisioning information from gene Decode is immensely helpful. It IS the key to changing the world. It's what you can do, along with praise for what God is actually doing for us all! Why praise? Where does prayer fit in? Click on the word and find out.
From imagination, we can envision a new world, a world the way it should be, happy, productive, kind, healthful, prosperous, safe, tropical and semi-tropical. Winter gone. Envision the evil ones looking at their soul. Most evil ones have at least a tiny bit of a soul. Some evil ones may awake to what they are and that's to their advantage, but for those who don't, what's their fate? God, through good people in the worldwide militaries, is cleaning up ALL the evil, never to show its ugly appearance ever again anywhere, here or out there anywhere in the multiverse. God's kingdom will be a clean kingdom and will stay that way:.Isaiah 30:20,21.

All the good is there in God. God has given us all things. This was part of God's works to be for man, even before man was physically created:.Hebrews 4:3 "...the works were finished from the foundation of the world."

All these were made ready, finished and for us before we came here. How to get them is to be thankful for what you want, as it's already there in the invisible, being thankful for it is the answer to the why and how of it, bringing it out of the invisble realm of God to you. One way to be thankful is to give a bit of your time for God. How?.Psalms 46:10,11.

To ask is to claim what's already there and specifically what it is you want now:.Hebrews 11:1. Being thankful is being in joy, happy for all God has provided, because then we bring into manifestation, into the physical, into our lives, those things God has provided. They are all there. All we have to do is be thankful for them. That's how you might say, we 'ask' for them. Have particularly in mind what specific thing you want for self, your family and/or another or others at the time such a concern may be in your mind.

How God uses you if you are willing. You change the world by seeing how you want it to be. That's how you use the power:.Ephesians 6:11. It creates a timeline for you to be on and joins with others feeling similarly. It's God in you and all of us, that is the hope of glory:.Colossians 1:27 "...Christ in you, the hope of glory."

God has given you this power. Use it. The power is all around and in each of us. All you have to do is select the thoughts and the pictures that go with it to hold in mind. Problem is, we select them, decide that is what we want in this reality in which we live on Earth, but then sneaks come in to rob you. You start to get other thoughts away from the ideal you have chosen. And you begin to think on them, as if God isn't powerful enough to produce your original selection. 

You start to say to yourself 'Where is any evidence that what I want is coming?.Hebrews 11:1-3. Formulate the idea of what you want. The more you think about it, you may come to a conclusion that you really don't want it, instead wanting your life to continually unfold according to the contract made with God before being physical, a contract that can only be hinted at by considering what you love to do, often called 'one's dream' for his or her life. Within dream, living the dream, are the pathways to others along the way to meet that have made similar contracts. These will be your friends.

Fake news is the cabal's arm to get you to think as they want and they want you fearful and hopeless. They do not want you to use your mind and imagination for good things. These evil ones have no soul. They are not at all human and have come from other worlds which they destroyed and then came here to destroy ours. That's what turns them on. Death, destruction and all harmful negative things are their.only.pathway. As gene Decode says."they have no reverse gear".

Gravitate to the hopeful. Get to the meat of life. Use the power of God by seeing how you want the world to be. That's how you use the power. It's God in you, the hope of your glory and the hope toward that glory:.Titus 1:2

God has given you this power that was hidden from the ancients.(1Corinthians 2:7).because they cared not to look into the things of God. So, God took his secrets.(Deuteronomy 29:29).and went into hiding.

Use the power that is all around each of us and awaits use by us. It's your mind that determines how to use it. How to use it involves faith, which is His faith in you. See it. Accept it. Use it. God gives you that power to use. Through that power God changes the world. Through you it happens, just as it does through the military God uses. God never overrides one's mind. Don't throw away the opportunity. Avoid discounting it. It's more precious than gold to you:.1Peter 1:7

Learn about envisioning. It's very powerful. See the world for everyone as you would like it to be for good for you. It's one of the things you can do toward your reward.(*).

Many of us believe in a better world, a safe, healthy and prosperous world based on love. We have this laudatory.principle hanging around us. Make it productive by doing what's called envisioning. That takes it above the wish and hope level and puts it into a level where it can really become something. Something that you envision using your imagination brings it into the reality of daily life. Matter is formed according to what's in the mind. Crap thoughts equals a crap life. Choose your thoughts using wisdom.

Such skills as these are of the nature of wholeness of the Creator given to you to use to do some good. Do some good!

The insights provided through intuition and clairvoyance leads one to what is called the promises. Promises are sure happenings available to all being aligned in this precisely designed creation, here talking of the frequencies which produce according to one's attitude. Have an attitude that prosuces good thoughts.

Intuition enables one to know his or her feelings.(so what then do we look for?).and one's feelings are important in knowing what is good and what is not.

All intuition, the impulses we have that well up to the attention and our intentions.(we have an idea but feel we need more info on it, so we wait for guidance to come to mind), involve the intellect and emotions.

Good to be pensive at times as I was when 13. When you put attention on yourself you are using intuition. Here we look at frequencies of our existence. Know that all is frequencies and these ones are about us and are us. From this looking internally, we get information and get to know the real being that we are, as opposed to only seeing us in the light of what we have done and are doing. Here we see the invisible meanings:.Hebrews 11:27 "...as seeing the invisible."

Intuition comes if we care to be alert to any thought that comes to mind and when we really do want answers or more information on something of concern. Ask Suby can be of help in this.

"Genius is a man who has discovered how to increase the intensity of thought to the point where he can freely communicate with sources of knowledge not available through the ordinary state of thought.(and instead through meditation, clairvoyance and intuition)."....Napoleon Hill, American Author. 

All is frequencies, varying according to attitude, wherein is intention, which is attention focused upon desire:.Hebrews 4:12.

Intuition tells you exactly what is right when nothing else can. Intuition provides special insight. Intuition is the thing that deals with variation, will, desire, beauty, truth, love, etc.; all depends on intuition. Intuition allows you to follow your dream, find a fit for a partner. Intuition develops from silence. It comes the more in unconditional love we unfold from within ourselves. John 16:13 is a verse which personifies the welling up of guidance that comes from the Creator to you.

"When you look at yourself you are using intuition. That consciousness you are using is the same consciousness that's behind the whole multiverse."....Deepak Chopra.

True intuition is only possible with present attention. Intuition and clairvoyance only rises when your attention is in the present.."Creativity is an extension of intuition."....Deepak Chopra.

Intuition, common sense and visualization have been bypassed for mathematical explanations of things, such as in quantum physics. Mathematics is a further down the path verification of what could have been found earlier through intuition, common sense and visualization, had our ancestors developed their intuitive abilities as those who wrote the ancient Vedic scriptures had done. Mathematics verifies intuition.

"Intuition comes very close to clairvoyance.(sensing objects or events that cannot be perceived by the senses; deep inner seeing); it appears to be the extrasensory perception of reality."....Alexis Carrel

Intuition is often from experience, a sort of a 'yes' or a 'no' from beyond the mind which may be absorbed with all it is dealing with at any present time. Learn to reach beyond your mind and into the soul's wisdom.

Allowing thoughts of the past and worries over the future to dominate your attention kills the mind's attention from being on the present:.Psalms 118:24.

Attention is an expression of the soul. The soul is eternal, always and only in the present.

In eternity there is no time; all is present instantly. We draw from this using memory, but it's all there instantly; no past, no future. What is, just is.

It's our frequency of being that allows and disallows what it is we experience. Poor health is a result of very low frequency functioning of the entire bodily system. That's also why some prayers and praises are answered and other prayers and praises go seemingly unanswered, but really are answered, just in a different way, as was Paul's:.2Corinthians 12:7-10; as also was David's:.2Samuel 12:16-20; Moses:.Deuteronomy 3:23-27; Job's: Job 30:20,21,26; Jeremiah's: Lamentations 3:6-8.

It's a mathematical universe. To get what you want, you have to be in line with what it is that allows it to become your experience. The universe is no respecter of persons. All is energy. Energy in motion is frequencies. We have cold. We have heat. Both are sensed by our frequency sensors, our body. Spiritual things are invisible frequencies. They have effect. The overall master frequency of the universe is love, under which are many sisters. Proper frequency functioning is important if one is to be physically and mentally and in good health.

The same principles work either for all and work against all those whose minds deal in discordant frequencies.(*).common at ego level existence.

It is only on this human plane that we have what is called time, necessary for this specific human experience:.2Corinthians 6:2 "...now is the day of salvation.".The way the spirit can make you sure of something is when it is active, and it's active only in the present. Keep your mind in the present and you will get guidance.

Intuition is fired up by love, the most powerful force in the universe, verified by Ph.D. quantum physicists including Dr. John Hagelin in his video on peace.

Intuition can be blocked by the ego controlling one's heart, such as allowing the past to produce thoughts of negativity in your present, or by worrying over the future. Intuition demands you live in the present moment. This moment is where your passion is. What are you excited about?

Intuition leads a person to have the important quality of vision:.Proverbs 29:18 "Where there is no vision, the people perish.....". Vision is a component of wisdom.

"Intuitive insights are quantum leaps in thinking and creativity.(this is where creative ideas come from).is an extension of intuition."....Deepak Chopra

Real intuition is sensing what the Infinite's Spirit, which is His nature of love is doing in you and how it is giving you guidance: Ephesians 3:5. Intuition is God's mind edging in when the ego mind we mostly use is having a coffee break.

But how can you be 100% sure the intuition prompt is accurate?

The only signals the multiversal intelligence gives you is ease, that being a sense of goodness and uneasiness.(a sense of slight nausea and apprehension, noticed in your stomach area).over what you may be considering. Look into your body at the time of consideration of anything for signs of comfort or discomfort.

Intuition reveals to the mind what next to think. It is also part of the Creator bringing you together with others, if you can 'feel the wind' of their presence:.John 3:6-8.

Without intuition, millions and billions of dollars and effort are wasted on useless pursuits, usually hurtful to people, such as genetic manipulation of food being but one and the continued reliance on so-called fossil fuels when non-polluting opposites are far more practical and available., but have been suppressed by the greedy cabal until now, that is, now that the cabal is finished.

Others include squander in ridiculous corporate and governmental.(it's obvious it has been only the mental who have been mostly governing).expenditures, hiring of personnel which don't pan out as expected for the majority of people, etc.

Many on life's journey have not yet learned how to distinguish what's good for them and others and what isn't, because they fail at trusting in something that would give them intuition.

Without possessing intuition and following it, one can easily end up down an unforseen path. To develop intuition, meditate.

Intuition is that which gives you that 'touch' for things, like a golfer. Listen to Deepak Chopra's Golf for Enlightenment CD, available at libraries or from his site. Sometimes you have the touch in life and sometimes you don't. Find out why. Sometimes you can write and other times it just 'doesn't come'. Sometimes you're hot and other times not.

Exercise time: Close eyes, go through every room in your house, see all that is there. This helps align you with your subtle senses. Visualization gets you in touch with the internal you.

Test yourself with lost keys next time this happens to you. Ask self.(your self is the soul).where they are and remain detached from any anxiety over them being found. Go do something else where your mind is off the problem with the lost keys. The location will pop into your mind when you aren't expecting it to. One important tip from Deepak's CD is to imagine the whole game first and in detail as you would like the outcome to develop.

Winning behavior comes from being in the present, being presently minded. Allowing your ego to bring in the past or worries over the future, hinders being in the moment. Learn some things.

Eternity, the Soul level, is only in the moment. Meditation helps greatly with this. As Deepak has said."winning is passion with detachment". Have a passion for what you do but not to be anxious over the outcome. The Soul of you doesn't come and go. It is always present. It's just that like the Sun hidden by the clouds, the Soul qualities are hidden by attention to ego things.

Intuition comes by attaining.mental balance and can be increased by gaining wisdom

If you notice someone who is weak and ready to die, they have virtually no intuition. Their ability to reach out has dissipated. Their caring for others has ceased.

Many people in daily life sort of walk around in a similar kind of daze. You can always recognize such individuals once you talk to them, example: someone tells you they have some illness. You have knowledge which would help them, knowledge based upon your personal experience or perhaps first hand knowledge of how another got over the same illness.

Perhaps you suggest something, maybe some product or change of eating habits. The 'mentally dead' closed-minded.individuals on their stubborn pathway toward death will often, with various inane comments, reject information that may be of benefit for them. Having their minds pumped from the dark side, they may fractionally hear your words but beneficial information for them seems as a 747 in the air, way above their heads. 

These individuals are in the grasp of delusion, proving this scripture true:.Revelation 12:9. In such individuals, much programming affecting the low consciousness ego level of relating to life, has stifled the mental processes regarding intuition. Intuition would have given them hope, a fire for searching for answers to find out what's truly helpful:.Acts 17:11.

More on intuition:.Brian Tracy's daily emails...

The voices in my head my not be real, but they do have some good ideas! Ha ha!
Hey, let's hear it for women's so-called 'intuition'.
They keep on deciding to go with the same type of abusive fringy guy
again and again; like, hello, anybody home in that head, duh!
Perhaps she was a result of the 'dumb ass' parent group, but even
if so, it can be turned around, once one knows how to
use the law of attraction and achieves a higher
state of consciousness. How?