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a pile of Earth, gravel, sand, rocks or debris.heaped for protection or concealment; a natural.elevation, such as a small hill; a raised mass, as of hay; a heap; in archaeology, a large pile of Earth or stones marking a burial site; in baseball, the slightly elevated pitcher's area in the center of the diamond
mound, mounded, mounding, mounds.transitive verbs
to fortify or conceal with a mound; to heap into a raised mass

the unlawful killing of one human being by another without express or implied.intent to do any injury (he drove his car wildly down the road without regard for anything but gaining attention for his hungry ego, then hit a child who ran into the road to fetch the ball she had, killing her); manslaughter is classified as 3rd degree.murder; 2nd degree murder is murder out of negative emotions at the time, such as anger; 1st degree murder is premeditated, cold-hearted and uncaring, the kind of murder satanists in the pharmaceutical / medical / chemical and other businesses perpetrate upon We the People; the laws in the Old Testament part of the Bible concerning this:.Exodus 21:12-17; 22:2,3; Numbers 35:11-25; Deuteronomy 19:2-10
the unlawful killing of one human being by another, such as from an attitude of premeditated.malice
murder, murdered, murdering, murders.verbs
transitive verb use.to kill another human being usually from an attitude of hate and without remorse
intransitive verb use.to commit murder
capable of, guilty of or intending murder; characteristic of or giving rise to murder or bloodshed
murderousness.noun.(normally used without being pluralized)

based or acting on error; misled (well-intentioned but misguided efforts in trying to help but prolonging the work; misguided attempts such as genetically modifying food, used to try improving on that which already works well, like how do you improve on an apple by tinkering with manipulation of genes?)
misguide, misguided, misguiding, misguides.transitive verbs
to lead or guide in the wrong direction; lead astray


a feeling of doubt, distrust and apprehension; qualm
misgive, misgave, misgiven, misgiving, misgives.verbs
transitive verb use.to arouse.suspicion or apprehension in one's mind or heart
intransitive verb use.to be suspicious, apprehensive or doubtful

covered with or made from mats; tangled in a denss.mass (tried to push through the matted undergrowth)
a flat piece of coarse fabric or other material used for wiping one's shoes or feet or in various other forms as a floor covering;  a small, flat piece of decorated material placed under a lamp, dish of food or other object; a densely woven or thickly tangled mass (a mat of hair); the solid part of a lace design; a decorative border placed around a picture to serve as a frame or provide contrast between the picture and the frame; a dull, often rough finish, as of paint, glass, metal or paper (the lamp has a matt brass finish); a heavy woven net of rope or wire cable placed over a blasting site to keep debris from scattering
mat, matted, matting, mats.verbs
transitive verb use.to cover, protect or decorate with mats or a mat; to pack or interweave into a thick mass (high winds matted the leaves against the base of the fence); to put a mat around a picture; to produce a dull finish on
intransitive verb use.to be packed or interwoven into a thick mass; become entangled
having a dull finish

one that is exactly like another in whole or in specified.qualities; a counterpart; having harmonizing.features (the napkins were a nice match for the tablecloth; the paint colors were a close match); in sports, a game or contest in which two or more persons, animals or teams oppose and compete with each other (a soccer match); a narrow piece, usually of wood or cardboard, coated on one end with a compound that ignites when scratched against a rough.surface
match, matched, matching, matches.verbs
transitive verb use.to be exactly like; correspond exactly; to be like with respect to specified qualities; to resemble or harmonize with (the coat matches the dress); cause to correspond (matching deeds to beliefs)
intransitive verb use.to be a close counterpart; correspond

mismatch, mismatched, mismatching, mismatches.transitive verbs
to match unsuitably or inaccurately

mustard plaster.noun
a plaster made with a pastelike mixture of powdered black mustard, flour and water and put between small sheets of cheesecloth or other cloth, then applied to the skin as as a counterirritant or rubefacient; a poultice made with mustard to relieve such things as bronchitis

any of various.fungi that form a superficial, usually whitish growth on plants and various organic.materials; a superficial coating or discoloration of organic materials, such as cloth, paper or leather, caused by fungi, especially under damp.conditions; a growing plant's disease caused by such fungi; see also mold
mildew, mildewed, mildewing, mildews.intransitive.and.transitive verbs
to affect or become affected with mildew

a colorless, toxic, flammable liquid, CH3OH, used as an antifreeze, a general solvent, a fuel and a denaturant for ethyl alcohol; also called carbinol, methyl alcohol, wood alcohol, wood spirits; poisonous types of alcohols

a misdeed
Law:.in law, an.offense.less.serious.than a felony

a wrong.deed; a wrongdoing

in memory of.adverb
in memoriam; intended to remind people of

memories are the things you remember; the mental.faculty of retaining and recalling past experience; the act or an instance of remembering; recollection (spent the afternoon looking down at the sea, lost in memory); one's memory is all that a person can remember (it hasn't happened in my memory); something remembered (pleasant childhood memories); the fact of being remembered; remembrance (dedicated to their grandparents' memory)
Computers:.a unit of a computer that preserves.data for retrieval; capacity for storing.information (two million bytes of memory; in statistics, the set of past events affecting a given event in a stochastic.process; the capacity of a material, such as plastic or metal, to return to a previous shape after deformation
memorize, memorized, memorizing, memorizes.transitive verbs
to commit to memory, that is, to learn and be able to recall
able to be memorized

a major city, such as the chief city of a country or region (Chicago, the metropolis of the American Midwest); a city or an urban area regarded as the center of a specific.activity (a great cultural metropolis as was Zidon in ancient times)
of, relating.to.or.characteristic of a major city (crowded metropolitan streets; a metropolitan newspaper); of or constituting a large city or urbanized area, including adjacent.suburbs and towns (the Dallas-Fort Worth metropolitan area; a metropolitan county)

a mother of dignity, mature age and established.social.position; a woman who acts as a supervisor or monitor in a public institution, such as a school, hospital, nursing home or in a residence of nurses

capable of or subject to change or alteration; prone to frequent change; inconstant (mutable weather patterns)