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a handle or hilt, suach as the handle of a tool or weapon
haft, hafted, hafting, hafts.transitive verbs
to fit into or equip with a hilt or handle

the handle of a weapon or tool
to the hilt.idiom
to the limit; completely (played the role to the hilt)

causing.injury or suffering; damaging (if you see someone hurting, do your best to help them)
hurt, hurting, hurts.verbs
transitive verb use.to cause physical damage or pain to; injure; to cause mental or emotional.suffering to; distress; to damage or impair; if a part of your body hurts, you feel pain there; if you are hurt, you have been injured; if you hurt someone, you cause them to feel pain, physically and/or emotionally
intransitive verb use.to have or produce a feeling of physical pain or discomfort (this arm hurts from Sunburn); to cause distress or damage (parental neglect hurts children); to have an adverse effect
something that hurts; a pain, an injury or a wound; mental suffering; anguish (getting over the hurt of reading the letter); a wrong; harm (you haven't hurt their feelings, have you?)

hum, hummed, humming, hums.verbs
intransitive verb use.to emit a continuous low droning sound like that of the speech sound 'm' when prolonged; to produce a tune without opening the lips or forming words; to emit the continuous droning sound of a bee.on the wing; buzz; to give forth a low, continuous drone blended of many sounds (the avenue hummed with traffic); to be in a state of busy.activity
transitive verb use.to sing a tune without opening the lips or forming words
the sound produced by humming; the act of hummin
the sound 'hum' used to indicate.hesitation, surprise or displeasure
some songs can be easily hummed

any of various chiefly tropical shrubs or trees of the genus Hibiscus, having large, showy, variously colored flowers with numerous stamens united into a tube surrounding the style

angry; vehement; impassioned (a heated argument
(they heatedly began to argue again)

characterized by or causing great merriment
great merriment; mirth

in what.manner or way; by what means (how does this machine work?); in what state or condition (how is the machine working today?); to what extent, amount or degree (how high is the ionosphere?)
the manner or way in which (forgot how it was done); in whatever way or manner; however (cook it how you please;
manners or methods of doing something (learning the hows and the whys of things comes from experience in living to be learning; "The how of research is generated by the why of the world"....Frederick Turner)
and how.idiom
most certainly; you bet (she's a good dancer and how); wow!
how about.idiom
what is your thought, feeling or desire regarding (How about a cup of tea? How about that storm last night?)
how about that.idiom
used in expressing surprise or wonder at or approval for something
how come.idiom
how is it that; why (how come you're so late?)
how so?.idiom
how is it so? (you say the answer is wrong. How so?)
how much?.idiom
used to ask the price of something (How much are the tickets? Can you tell me how much the repairs will cost?)
to whatever.degree or extent; in whatever manner; by whatever means

heavy metal.noun,.plural.heavy metals
a metal with a specific gravity greater than about 5.0, especially one that is poisonous, such as lead or mercury, often used in combination with aluminum in harmful vaccinations such as the flu shot or with other doctored ingredients used in various 'health' and 'food' items to purposely poison people 

heavy, heavier, heaviest.adjective
having relatively great weight (a heavy load); having relatively high density; having a high specific gravity; large, as in number or quantity (a heavy turnout); large in yield or output (heavy rainfall); of great intensity (heavy activity with all schools participating); having considerable thickness (a heavy coat); dense; broad or coarse (drew the face with heavy lines); thick (a heavy fog); too dense or rich to digest easily (a heavy dessert); insufficiently.leavened (heavy bread); full of clay and readily.saturated (heavy soil); weighed down; burdened (trees heavy with plums); emotionally weighed down; despondent (a heavy heart); hard to do or accomplish; arduous (heavy going; heavy reading); violent; rough; not easily borne; oppressive (heavy taxes); sharply inclined; steep (a heavy grade); having a large capacity or designed for rough work (a heavy truck); of, relating.to.orinvolving the large-scale production of basic products, such as steel (heavy industry); in physics, of or relating to an isotope with an atomic.mass greater than the average mass of that element; loud; sonorous (a heavy sound; heavy breathing)
in a burdened.manner (heavily laden); slowly and with difficulty; laboriously (walking heavily through the snow); greatly or severely (it's too bad they had to go so heavily into debt to buy a house on their limited income)

stubbornly.prejudiced, narrowminded or inflexible; having abnormally dry, stiff skin that adheres closely to the underlying flesh, used of domestic animals such as cattle

head, headed, heading, heads.verbs
transitive verb use.to be in charge of; lead (that horse is considered to be the head horse in the group); to be in the first or foremost position of (the Carina Nebula, located 7500 light years away in the southern constellation of Carina heads the list of amazing views in space); to aim, point or turn in a certain direction (headed the team of horses up the hill)
intransitive verb use.to proceed or go in a certain direction (head for town); to form a head, as a head of lettuce or cabbage; to originate, as a stream or river; rise
get one's head together
to begin to function in a skillful or efficient.manner; to put one's life, thoughts or emotions in order
head off.phrasal verb
to block the progress or completion of; intercept (try to head him off before he gets home)
head and shoulders above.idiom
far.superior.to.(head and shoulders above her colleagues in analytical.capability)
head over heels.idiom
rolling in or as if in a somersault; very much; completely; deeply (head over heels in love); tripped and fell head over heels
keep one's head.idiom
to remain.calm; remain in control of oneself
lose one's head.idiom
to lose one's poise or self-control
put heads together.idiom
to consult and plan together (let's put our heads together and solve this problem); word 'head' is from Middle English and that from 1771 A.D..Old English 'heafod'
heads up.interjection
be aware of; be alert about; be smart.toward; know what's going on and what could happen, so you'll be as ready as need be if and when it crosses your path; used as a advisory to have knowledge about what one perhaps lacks and may need; a warning to watch out for a potential source of danger, such as at a construction site 

Heimlich maneuver.proper noun
an emergency technique used to eject an object, such as food, from the trachea of a choking person; the technique employs a firm upward thrust just below the rib cage to force air up the windpipe from the lungs, dislocating any obstruction

a group of things placed or thrown, one on top of the other (a heap of dirty rags lying in the corner); a great deal; a lot (we have heaps of homework tonight); an old or run-down car (a heap of junk)
heap, heaped, heaping, heaps.transitive verbs
to put or throw in a pile; to fill completely or to overflowing (heap a plate with vegetables and mashed potatoes); to bestow in abundance or lavishly (heaped praise on the rescuers)

exhibiting or feeling little interest, enthusiasm or heart; uninspired (a halfhearted attempt at writing a novel) halfheartedly.adverb

Physics:.in physics, the time required for half the nuclei in a sample of a specific.isotopic.species.to.undergo.radioactive decay; the half-life of a radioactive substance is the amount of time that it takes to lose half its radioactivity; the time required for the radioactivity of material taken in by a living organism to be reduced to half its initial.value by a combination of biological elimination processes, such as the body cleaning itself and radioactive decay

one of two equal parts that together constitute a whole; one part approximately equal to the remaining part

a gangster; a thug; a tough, often aggressive or violent young man

in house.adjective
conducted within, coming from or being within a group or some.organization (an in-house computer system; governments and their in house decisions away from the public who often find themselves adversely affected by them; an in-house newsletter)
in house.adverb

hoary, hoarier, hoariest.adjectives
grey or white with or as if with age (coming in from the cold and snow, he was covered with hoar frost)l covered with greyish hair (hoary leaves)
frozen dew that forms a white coating on a surface

Mathematics:.the side of a right triangle opposite the right angle

Hellenize, Hellenized, Hellenizing, Hellenizes.verbs
intransitive verb use.to adopt.Greek ways and speech; become Greek
transitive verb use.to make Greek in character, culture or civilization

Hellenic is used to describe the people, language and culture of ancient Greece; of or relating to the ancient Hellenes, their language or their Greek history 
the branch of the Indo-European language family that consists only of Greek
of.or.relating.to the Hellenists; of.or.relating.to.postclassical Greek history and culture from the death of Alexander the Great to the accession of Augustus; relating to or in the style of the Greek art or architecture of this period
one in Hellenistic times who adopted the Greek language and culture, especially a Jew of the Diaspora; a devotee or student of Greek civilization, language or literature
Hellenistic Age
In the eastern Mediterranean and Middle East, the Hellenistic Age was the period between the death of Alexander the Great in B.C.E. 323 to the conquest of Egypt by Rome in B.C.E. 30. For some purposes the period is extended for a further three and a half centuries, to the move by the cabal criminal Constantine the Great of his capital to Constantinople (Byzantine) in 330 A.D. From the breakup of Alexander's empire there arose numerous realms, including the Macedonia, the Seleucid and the Ptolemy, that served as the framework for the spread of Greek (Hellenic) culture, the mixture of Greek with other populations and the fusion of Greek and Oriental elements....comprised with information from Encyclopedia Britannica.

hot, hotter, hottest.adjectives
having or giving off heat capable of burning; being at a high temperature; being at or exhibiting a temperature that is higher than normal or desirable (a hot forehead); causing a burning sensation, as in the mouth; spicy (hot peppers; a hot curry); charged or energized with electricity (a hot wire); radioactive, to a dangerous.degree; marked by intensity of emotion; ardent or fiery (a hot temper); having or displaying great enthusiasm; eager (hot for travel); arousing intense interest, excitement or excitement (a hot new website; a hot topic); sexually excited or exciting
hot, hotly.adverbs
in a hot manner; hotly; while hot (foods that are best eaten hot); in an intense or fiery way
hot, hotted, hotting, hots.transitive verbs
to cause to increase in intensity or excitement
hotness.noun.(normally used without being pluralized)
hot potato.noun,.plural.hot potatoes
a situation for those handling it that risks unpleasant consequences; a subject or problem that no one wants to deal with because it is difficult and hurtful and makes one angry