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urinate, urinated, urinating, urinates.intransitive verbs
to excrete urine
the waste product secreted by the kidneys that in mammals is a yellow to amber colored, slightly acid fluid discharged from the body through the urethra

the canal through which urine is discharged from the bladder in most mammals and through which semen is discharged in the male

a lesion of the skin or a mucous membrane such as the one lining the stomach or duodenum that is accompanied by formation of pus and necrosis of surrounding tissue, usually resulting from inflammation or ischemia; a corrupting condition or influence
of the nature of ulcers or an ulcer; having ulcers or an ulcer ulcerously.adverb
ulcerate, ulcerated, ulcerating, ulcerates.verbs
intransitive verb use.to develop an ulcer; become ulcerous
transitive verb use.to cause ulceration of
development of an ulcer; an ulcer or an ulcerous condition
tending to cause an ulcer

not acceptable; unsatisfactory; something that is unacceptable is so wrong or bad that you think it should not be allowed (her attitude was totally unacceptable; unacceptable levels of pollution)
if you describe something as unacceptable, you strongly disapprove of it or object to it and feel that it should not be allowed to continue (it is totally unacceptable for children to swear; Joanna left her partner because of his unacceptable behavior)

without adornment or embellishment; simple or plain

if you say that something is unforgivable, you mean that it is very bad, cruel or socially unacceptable; inexcusable
(she had been deceived by her partner and that was unforgivable (the unforgivable sin of informing on your friends)
reluctant or refusing to forgive (an unforgiving creditor); providing little or no opportunity to forestall.undesired.results or mistakes ( an unforgiving computer program)

if you say that something or someone is unwanted, you mean that you do not want them or that nobody wants them (she felt unwanted; every year thousands of unwanted animals are abandoned)

not habitual or ordinary; unusual (his unwonted actions of bringing gifts for the children); not accustomed; unused 

not adhering to promises, obligations or allegiances; disloyal; faithless; not true or constant to one's sexual partner; not justly.representing or reflecting the original; inaccurate

a condition of noisy excitement and confusion; tumult; noise; a heated.controversy
causing or accompanied by an uproar (an uproarious New Year's celebration); loud; boisterous (uproarious laughter); causing hearty laughter; hilarious (uproarious stories)

not righteous; wicked; not right or fair; unjust
Romans 1:29-32; 1John 5:17 "All unrighteousness is sin..."

uninspired, uninspiring.adjectives
having no intellectual, emotional or spiritual.excitement; dull; if you describe.something or someone as uninspiring, you are disapproving of them because they have no special or exciting qualities and make you feel bored (the series of speeches on the economy was uninspiring and a rehash of old subjects; the house had a tiny kitchen with an uninspiring view)

receiving few or no travelers or visitors

not susceptible to or admitting of

not accepted or recognized (an unacknowledged inventor; an unacknowledged greeting)

optimistic (we had an upbeat mood once the Sun came out); happy; cheerful; positive minded
in music, an unaccented beat, especially the last beat of a measure

in or toward a higher position (looking up); in or to an upright position (sat up in bed); so as to detach or unEarth (pulling up weeds); above the horizon (the Sun came up); into view or existence (draw up a plan); into consideration (take up a new topic); in or toward a position conventionally.regarded as higher, as on a scale, chart or map (temperatures heading up; up in Canada); to or at a higher price (prices on goods are going up); so as to advance, increase or improve (our spirits went up when the warm Sun comes about); with or to a greater intensity, pitch, or volume (turn the sound up); into a state of excitement or turbulence (stir up; rouse up); completely; entirely (drink it all up, we have to go now; fastened up the coat; typed up a list); so as to approach; come near (came up to the entrance of the equestrian trail); to a stop (pull up over here and I'll get it from the trunk); apart; into pieces (tore it up the paper); in nautical.terms, to windward
being above a former position or level; higher (my grades are up); out of bed (was up by seven); erect; facing upward (two cards up, one down); standing (could you please stand up and get the tea pot down from the shelf behind the table?); the up side of a tossed coin; raised; lifted (a switch in the up position; moving or directed upward (an up elevator); marked by increased excitement; aroused (our spirits were up with the win); cheerful; optimistic; upbeat; being considered; under study (a contract up for renewal); having been finished; over (your time is up on the library computer); prepared; ready (getting good sleep gave us the edge in being up for the game); well informed; abreast(not up on sports); functioning or capable of functioning normally; operational (the computers are now up); being ahead of one's another (up two strokes in golf; up at bat in baseball)
from a lower to or toward a higher point on (up the hill); toward or at a point farther along (two miles up the road); in a direction toward the source of (up the Mississippi river)
up, upped, upping, ups.verbs
transitive verb use.to increase (upping our output; upped their fees); to raise to a higher level or position
intransitive verb use.to get up; rise

on the up and up.idiom
open and honest
up to par
good enough; up to the mark, satisfactory, acceptable, adequate, (she's now feeling up to par after having a couple of nights of long sleep)
up against.idiom
confronted with; facing (up against storms if you're going to climb in the mountains at this time of year)
up to.idiom
occupied with (what have you been up to lately?); able to do or deal with (felt up to a drive in the country on this sunny summer day); dependent on (success of families in life is up to each family member); as long as (allowed up to two hours to finish the test); as many as (seed that yields up to 300 bushels per acre)

upgrade, upgraded, upgrading, upgrades.verbs
transitive verb use.to raise to a higher grade or standard (upgrading their old porch); to improve the quality of
intransitive verb use.to exchange a possession for one of greater value or quality (she upgraded her winter tires to those that had increased.adherence to ice; trade up (he upgraded his vehicle by purchasing a newer model)
the act or instance of upgrading; something that upgrades; an upward incline
we plan to upgrade to a newer model

in, to or toward a higher place, level or position (flying upward); toward the head or upper parts (bare from the waist upward); toward a higher amount, degree or rank (prices soared upward); toward a later time or age (from adolescence upward)
directed toward a higher place or position (upward movement; upward and onward)
upward of.or.upwards of.idiom
more than; in excess of