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of.or.relating.to Armenia or its people, language or culture; a native, an inhabitant of Armenia, anciently called Ellasar in the ancient days of Chedorlaomer:.Genesis 14:1; a person of Armenian ancestry; the Indo-European language of the Armenians

Armenia.proper noun
a region and former.kingdom of Asia Minor in present day northeast Turkey and northwest Iran, established in B.C.E. the eighth century with the name Armenia; in 303 A.D. it was probably the first state to adopt Christianity; Armenia is a landlocked republic in western Asia, bordered by Georgia on the north, Azerbaijan on the east and the Azerbaijani exclave Nakhichevan on the southwest, Iran on the south and Turkey on the west; population is about 4 million; Yerevan is the capital and largest city....comprised with Microsoft® Encarta® Encyclopedia 99. Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

any of various.organic.compounds normally with basic chemical properties and usually containing at least one nitrogen.atom in a heterocyclic ring, occurring chiefly in many vascular plants and some fungi; alkaloids such as nicotine, quinine, cocaine and morphine are known for their poisonous or medicinal attributes

a box made of alabaster is one in which unguents are preserved; alabaster is a white stone of gypsum that is used for making statues, vases and ornaments; alabaster is usually dense and translucent or white or tinted fine-grained; a variety of hard calcite, translucent and sometimes banded; the color of alabaster is pale yellowish pink to yellowish gray

side by side (ships docked two abreast); up to date with (keeping abreast of the latest developments in the world of science)

asthma is a lung condition; which causes sporadic difficulty in breathing, often arising from triggered.allergies; asthma is characterized by labored breathing, chest constriction and coughing; search the Internet and social media on how to get over asthma or just wait until the amazing 'med beds' are out and will do it permanently for you

abominable; declared unfit and so passed on by; willing to be cursed in life if in some way that would be benefit another (example); hateful (this accursed mud); believing one is under a curse; doomed

regarding; concerning (the question of origin of living organisms remains a vital.consideration anent to accurate education)

avoirdupois.noun.(pronounced 'av air do pwah')
weight or heaviness, especially of a man or woman (too many pizzas makes one avoirdupois); heavy; the system of weighing things that uses the standard measures of the ounce, pound and ton; also the metric system; see weights & measures

a book with blank pages for the insertion and preservation of collections, as of stamps, photographs or autographs; a set of phonograph records stored together in jackets under one binding;  the holder for such records; one or more 12-inch long-playing records in a slipcase; a phonograph record; a recording of different musical pieces; a printed collection of musical compositions, pictures or literary selections

a colorless, volatile, flammable liquid, C2H5OH, synthesized or obtained by fermentation of sugars and starches and widely used, either pure or denatured, as a solvent and in drugs, cleaning solutions, explosives and intoxicating.beverages; the kind of alcohol one can drink is also called ethyl alcohol and is the kind of alcohol made by fermentation of the sugar in grains, the fermentation being brought about by the enzymes in yeast, but do see 'Ethyl' in the below chart, because this is also synthesized; intoxicating liquor containing alcohol; any of a series of hydroxyl compounds, the simplest of which are derived from saturated hydrocarbons, have the general formula CnH2n+1OH and include ethanol and methanol
Word history: the 'al' in alcohol may alert some readers to the fact that this is a word of Arabic descent, as is the case with algebra and alkali, 'al' being the Arabic definite article corresponding to 'the' in English. The origin of 'cohol' is less obvious, however. Its Arabic ancestor was 'ku¡l', a fine powder most often made from antimony and used by women to darken their eyelids; in fact, 'ku¡l' has given us the word 'kohl' for such a preparation. Arabic chemists came to use 'al-ku¡l' to mean 'any fine powder produced in a number of ways, including the process of heating a substance to a gaseous state and then recooling it'. The English word alcohol, derived through Medieval.Latin from Arabic, is first recorded in 1543 A.D. in this sense. Arabic chemists also used 'al-ku¡l' to refer to other substances such as essences that were obtained by distillation, a sense first found for English alcohol in 1672. One of these distilled essences, known as 'alcohol of wine', is the constituent of fermented liquors that causes intoxication. This essence took over the term alcohol for itself, whence it has come to refer to the liquor that contains this essence as well as to a class of chemical compounds such as methanol.
related to or resulting from alcohol; containing or preserved in alcohol; suffering from alcoholism
alcoholic.noun,.plural.alcoholics person who drinks alcoholic substances habitually and to excess or who suffers from alcoholism
the compulsive.consumption of and psychophysiological.dependence on alcoholic beverages; a chronic, progressive.pathological.condition, mainly.affecting the nervous and digestive systems, caused by the excessive and habitual consumption of alcohol

Some types of alcohols.harmful and poisonous.to humans and other living organisms.

'Types of alcohol' chart, from Microsoft® Encarta® Encyclopedia 99. © 1993-1998 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

symbol Sb A metallic element having four allotropic forms, the most common of which is a hard, extremely brittle, lustrous, silver-white, crystalline.material. It is used in a wide variety of alloys, especially with lead in battery plates and in the manufacture of flame-proofing compounds, paint, semiconductor devices and ceramic products. Atomic number 51; atomic weight 121.75; melting point 630.5°C; boiling point 1,380°C; specific gravity 6.691; valence 3, 5.

Ayurvedic medicine.noun
traditional.system of medicine originating in India; its earliest conceptswere set out in a portion of the Vedas in B.C.E. 2nd millennium; the most important Ayurvedic texts are the Caraka samhita and Susruta samhita (added 1st–4th century A.D.; these texts analyze the human body in terms of Earth, water, fire, air and ether as well as the three bodily humors, wind, bile and phlegm; to prevent illness, Ayurvedic medicine emphasizes hygiene, exercise, herbal preparations and yoga; to cure ailments, it relies on herbal medicines, physiotherapy and diet; Ayurvedic medicine is still a popular form of health care in India, where it is taught in roughly 100 colleges and it has gained great attention in the West as a form of alternative medicine

agate is a very hard stone which is used to make jewelry; a fine-grained, fibrous.variety of chalcedony with colored bands or irregular clouding; in the game of marbles the marbles are made of agate or a glass imitation of them

the original writer of a literary work; one who writes as a profession; an originator or creator (the author of a new theory)
author, authored, authoring, authors.transitive verbs
God authored the universe and all in it:.Genesis 1:1); to assume.responsibilityfor the content of

the protein.component of an enzyme, to which the coenzyme attaches to form an active enzyme

over the length of (walked along the path); on a line or course parallel and close to; continuously.beside (rowed along the shore; the trees along the avenue); in accordance with (the committee split along lines over the issue)
forward; onward (we drove along, admiring the view; farther along, we passed a hitchhiker); when someone or something moves along, they keep moving in a particular direction (she skipped and danced along; the wide road was blocked solid with traffic that moved along sluggishly); as a companion (bring your friend along); in accompaniment or association; together (packed an atlas along with other books); with one; at hand (luckily, I had my camera along; our guests should be along soon); advanced to some degree (getting along in years)
along, near, at or to the side (stood alongside the waves lapping the shoreline; they drove up alongside us)
by the side of; side by side with

the height of a thing above a reference.level, such as above sea level or above the Earth's surface; elevation; in astronomy, the angular distance of a celestial.object above the horizon; the perpendicular distance from the base of a geometric figure to the opposite vertex, parallel side or parallel surface