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Bible books history index

B i b l e :  S h o r t  H i s t o r y  o f  E a c h  B o o k
G e n e s i s ,  E x o d u s

Comprised from Easton's Bible Dictionary and Smith's Bible Dictionary.
Is the Bible the inspired word of God?

The Bible.(means 'books').is a book about belief, a book about trusting the Creator, a book about the history and hope of belief, a belief in God and His Son.

G e n e s i s.(*):.The first book Moses wrote when he was about 80, but there's more to know about it.

Genesis was written about B.C.E. 1651 since the creation of the world for man.

Genesis isn't about all the Infinite One has done

Genesis is the book of beginnings: the beginning of creation, the beginning of man, the beginning of sin and the beginning of the implementation of the Creator's plan of sin and redemption. 

There are five principal persons brought in succession under our notice in this book and around these persons the history of the successive periods is grouped, viz., Adam.(Genesis chapters 1-3), Noah.(Genesis chapters 4-9), Abraham.(Genesis chapters 10-25:18), Isaac.(Genesis chapters 25:19-35:29) and Jacob:.Genesis chapters 36-50.


E x o d u s.(*):.The second book of Moses written by him was this book Exodus. This is based on lunar months of 29 days alternating with 30 days. An extra month is intercalated every 3 years, based on a cycle of 19 years.

Dates of the Jewish calendar are designated AM.(Latin anno mundi, "the year of the world").and BCE. Wisely, many don't say B.C. anymore which meant Before Christ, because He's eternal; B.C.E. is now used. They could have said 'BE'.(Before Emmanuel).the physical person who was Christ in the flesh.

Exodus means 'get out', 'exit'. The book is about the Israelites coming out of bondage from the Egyptians about B.C.E. 1490. 

This occurred four hundred and eighty years.(1Kings 6:1).before the building of Solomon's temple, the time between the death in Egypt of Joseph, the favorite son of the Hebrew patriarch.(family or clan ruler).Jacob and the erection by the Israelites of the Tabernacle.(place of worship).at Sinai. Israel had many encampments from the time of their leaving Egypt till they reached the Promised Land, mentioned in Exodus chapters 12:37-42; Numbers chapters 10-21; Numbers chapter 33; Deuteronomy chapters 1,2,10.

The first 15 chapters tell of the oppression of the Israelites by the Egyptians after Joseph's death, of the birth and preservation of Moses from slaughter, of the Creator's selection of Moses to lead the children of Israel out of Egypt, of the ten plagues inflicted on the Egyptians and of God's deliverance of the Israelites both from the land of Egypt and from the Egyptian army at the Red Sea.....Microsoft® Encarta® Encyclopedia 99)

Why is the word 'abbreviation' so long?